Eve, Part 3

[ FFg, bond, sci-fi, preg ]

by Quiller


Published: 24-Apr-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
Note: This is fictional sci-fi fantasy dealing with various taboo subjects, intended for the entertainment of mature adults only. Don't try any of this any place. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. Or anyone yet to be born, for that matter.

Lillian made her way to the visiting room as quickly as the ankle chains she was wearing would allow. She had spent much of the previous three weeks locked in her cell, apart from the mandatory two hour daily walk round the exercise yard and one hour "free association" with other mothers of pregnant girls who, given they were gagged just like she was, proved frustrating. However she did see the mother of one of Jessica's school friends, a female by the name of Desiree Nguba, so Lillian felt oddly reassured that she wasn't entirely alone in this place, even if the two naked women could only stare at each in their gags and chains.

But today was special. Today for the first time since arriving at 'Born Free' Lillian was going to talk to her daughter, and she couldn't wait. She had been permitted to see her twice, albeit at a distance, watching from Mrs South's office while Jessica had been "exercised" in a line of gagged and cuffed pregnant girls, walking round under the watchful eyes of several men and women guards armed with those prods that proved so painful.

She had even seen a couple of the girls prodded, and watched them collapse in a heap clearly crying and forcing the line of girls, all chained by their necks and all blindfolded, to stop exercising while the unfortunate child recovered. Fortunately none of them had been Jessica and though it wasn't clear what the youngsters had done to deserve their punishment, Mrs South - standing watching alongside Lillian - had said it was for some small transgression.

"Discipline is so important, so vital to their long term safety. But secretly I hate it when a young girl misbehaves and we have to do something as brutal as that," sighed Mrs South as they saw a heavily pregnant young black girl (who looked a lot like Desiree Nguba's daughter Melodia) collapse to her knees under the prod.

Lillian, had she not been gagged herself, would have asked what transgression could it possibly be as they were walking in a line, gagged and blindfolded with hands cuffed in back.

"You may think," said Mrs South, just before she closed the blinds to her office window, "that the jolts you have received from a prod while you are here, Lillian, are what we give the children to ensure cooperation and well-being. Please be assured that the jolts they get are less intense. We would do nothing to put the babies at risk. Having said that, there are times we must be strict. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but... I am sure you know how naughty children, even pregnant girls, can be."

With the blinds closed and the lecture over about how freedom relies on strictness and control, Lillian had been returned to her cell and chained up. She had sat and wept with joy that she had seen Jessica, and weep with fear for her child's future.

Now she felt like crying with joy again as she hurried to the visiting room. The chance to talk to her daughter filled her with happiness.

It was then something of a shock to see Jessica already there, standing tied up with wide latex straps pinning her arms to her body and more holding her legs tightly together as well as a huge ball gag in the child's mouth. As Lillian herself was gagged she gave a small moan of despair. She was pushed in to place in front of Jessica (who clearly had a considerably more swollen belly now) and a collar fixed on her to match the one already on Jessica's neck. A long steel rod was fastened to both collars so they had to stand five feet apart.

Jessica's belly was so much bigger, almost obscenely so, but between the latex straps on the child's chest Lillian could see two distinct bumps of growing breasts. She felt proud her daughter was moving to motherhood and delighted she was maturing, however dismayed she was at seeing her child so well bound and gagged.

The guards disappeared and left them alone, unable to speak and unable to move closer (or for that matter further away) from each other, standing in an otherwise empty room. With her own hands cuffed behind her Lillian could do nothing about removing the collars or steel rod.

After a few minutes Mrs South came in. She was dressed, as she always did for "A day at the office" in a blue skirt suit and expensive white blouse. She approached the immobile pair, high heels clicking on the polished floor, and addressed both mother and daughter.

"We want you to say a few words to each other in due course, but not just yet," said the middle-aged woman. "First of all I want to tell you both that we are moving you. I am sorry to say we think our secure place here has been infiltrated. Someone we have brought here - recently - is getting some sort of coded signal out and we are going to have to split up into smaller groups to ensure we can continue. I regret that the trials we have been doing on you both will have to be adjusted." The woman caught Lillian's look. "Oh, don't look so surprised, Lillian! Of course we have been testing you. The gags you have been wearing have a sensor built in, transmitting information from your saliva. We need to know how your so-called lover Rosie's enhanced milk has affected you. We are seeing, shall we say, some interesting patterns but we need to study more and longer. I am afraid you will be our little investigation for considerably longer, Lillian. Especially as Rosie herself, has, well... Proved a disappointment.

"Anyway, you aren't here to hear me talk. I will leave you alone in a moment but first I need to attach something to you both." Mrs South reached into her jacket pocket and brought a mass of fine chains with what appeared to be crocodile clips on the ends. "These are for your nipples," she said. "The neck rod keeps you apart but this will help make you feel intimately connected, as well as safeguarding all of us."

Lillian gurgled something about this being outrageous but the gags at this place were designed to keep people quiet. Even her yelp as the clips closed on her nipples was little more than a muffled groan. Little Jessica did the same as the other end of the chains were clipped to her nipples. Mrs South grinned and tapped the chains, setting them swinging painfully. "This seems like sheer cruelty, but it has a purpose. Trust me." She reached into her other pocket and brought out a small silver and black device, which she hung on the chains in the middle, bringing fresh groans from mother and daughter. "This is a most ingenious device, sadly not made in this country but in Japan. So clever with small gadgets, wouldn't you agree? You see, once I set this device going its tiny microphones pick up what you will say. It is programmed to react to banned words. If either of you mentions certain words to do with escape or rebellion or tries to discuss ways to cheat the system here, it glows red and sends a small but strong electrical pulse out along the chains to your nipples. A sort of electronic slap on the wrists, or pinch on the nipples." The middle aged woman laughed at her own joke. "And it works! Normally we would have to have a guard here to overhear your conversation but with this device - called Watch It - we can get on with other things, knowing that you won't be discussing prohibited subjects. Let me demonstrate how good it is."

Mrs South turned the device on and as it glowed green she said: "My name is Mrs South, and I am the head of this center." She paused. "See? Nothing happens, does it? They were safe words." The woman smiled. "But when I say the word escape," she chuckled as the device glowed red and both Lillian and Jessica gave little jerks as an electrical current zapped down each chain to their nipples.

"You see? Now if I say it again, the great thing is the next jolt is more painful. Escape." Both connected females jerked again as a stronger zap of power hit them. "It goes on increasing with each bad word. Oh, true you don't yet now what the bad words are but I think you may find out."

The woman went behind the child and removed her gag, leaving it round her neck for later, and then went to the mother. "I advise you not to abuse me as I remove your gag," she said quietly.

Lillian couldn't help herself. "Bitch," she said and instantly both she and her daughter gave a small scream as a fresh and more powerful surge of current hit their pained chests.

"One of the banned words, I'm afraid," laughed the woman. "Anyway, just be careful and enjoy your chat."

She left them alone to talk, not knowing or caring that they managed to avoid all but three banned words: pain, guards and free. The last one really hurt and left them both sobbing for a good minute before the guards came back to regag them. Visiting time was over for now.


"Are you okay, honey?" Lillian asked Jessica as they moved through the enclosed exercise area.

"I'm okay mom. These straps are tight though. I wish I could move some." The child was strapped to a trolley like arrangement, virtually a hospital gurney angled so her feet were near the ground and the girl immobilized with arms fastened down by her sides. Her large belly made it look as if she was nine months pregnant when she was still six weeks from delivery, and her definite shaped small tits looked appealing where they peeped between two chest straps.

"I know, sweetheart, but at least you aren't gagged." The mother, who was pushing the trolley arrangement, smiled down at her daughter. "I got to think that I'd never get to hear you speak again without that damned Watch It device on our nipple chains."

"I'm just glad we haven't got it on now. The last time, when you said that word," the child hesitated, even though they weren't clipped together now, "I almost fainted."

Lillian nodded. She couldn't quite believe that at their last meeting they had ended up howling on their knees because of the word 'Torture' and the fierce pain it caused them. Some words, it seemed were more banned than others. She could say it now yet there was a fear still there, that somehow a Watch It device was attached to the gurney and they would both suffer, if only because of the way Lillian's hands were cuffed to the gurney frame. As usual, they would both suffer but at least they were together. Mother and daughter and little girl to be.

They talked as pleasantly as they could as Lillian pushed the trolley, accompanied by several other women whose pregnant daughters were strapped to similar devices, each of the mothers with their ankles heavily chained so they could only take short steps and with thin rubber shoes on their feet that did little to protect the adults from the sharp stones and gravel on the exercise yard ground.

"I guess we're lucky they let us out like this," said Jessica. "Then she added, in no more than a faint whisper. "Mom, have you seen anything of aunt Rosie?" The child always called the feeder that.

"No sweetheart, not since that day we came." She looked round to see if anyone might be overhearing their conversation but they were safe.

"Did you, you know, love her?"

"What do you mean honey?"

"Mom... I know you and she kissed."

Lillian stopped pushing the gurney in shock. A voice boomed out from a loudspeaker high on the wall nearby: "Keep moving!" The voice ordered, so Lillian resumed pushing the trolley.

"How do you know, Jessica? You were in bed when she called most nights. I'd fastened you up."

"Um, not before I was pregnant mom... I came down one night and you were both on the sofa with her, kissing and, you know..."

Lillian had got over her shock and there was no point in denying it. "Yeah, I know. Sucking her breasts. You saw that, huh?"

Jessica nodded. "Mom, I don't mind. I like aunt Rosie. She's nice."

"Me too. I liked her a lot."

"Did she really want to get you into trouble, like Mrs South said?"

"I don't know sweetheart. Sometimes I think she did, sometimes not. Sometimes I'm just plain confused." Lillian laughed lightly and then winced as she stepped on a particularly sharp stone.

"I'm worried, mom," said the child from where she lay, looking up at the blue sky dotted with white clouds drifting overhead.

"Don't be. I'll be there when you give birth, and that's all that matters."

Jessica switched her attention to her mother as best she could, craning her head back. "How will you be there?"

"I asked Mrs South, and she thought providing I was restrained well and gagged I could be with you when it's your time."

"Mom. Please don't be angry but... They said I am having twins."

Despite the prospect of the warnings from loudspeakers and the possible intervention of guards, Lillian stopped pushing. "W-what?" she asked.

"Twins mom... The scans I had before were wrong, they said. I'll have two girls. Albany and Zoe. That's what I have to call them."

The loudspeaker bellowed, twice and threateningly, before a shocked Lillian resumed her pushing. "Fuck," she said quietly not knowing what to say. They walked in silence for a minute. "Honey, I'm really pleased," said Lillian eventually. "I hope you are too."

"I am, I guess. Just a little scared."

"Don't be. It will be fine, and I will be there too, remember? I'm looking forward to seeing little Albany and her sister Zoe."

They wouldn't have much longer on the exercise walk, but Lillian was happy just to be in the fresh air with her daughter, without either of them being gagged or tortured by that fiendish device in the visiting room.

"Mom," said Jessica. "In the clouds... I can see these small things."

"Small things? Birds I imagine." She didn't look up, but a mother had stopped ahead of her and was staring up, pointing.

"Not birds," said Jessica. "Those flying things. Lots of them."

Lillian could hear faintly the steady thrum-thrum-thrum of engines and looked up. Those flying things were helicopters, rapidly getting lower and louder. Someone was shouting for the exercise yard to be cleared. A gun shot rang in the air, mothers began moving their trolleys with pregnant daughters strapped down to one side, clearing the center. Heading for the relative protection of the high walls.

The guards were shouting, but they sounded confused, even scared. The loudspeaker was issuing some order. Code red, it screamed. No one seemed to be doing anything though but there were another couple of gun shots.

The noises got louder, the downdraft from the helicopters sending dust swirling. Lillian made it to the wall and wished she could hug Jessica. Wished they could be safe, even chained up in a cell away from all this.

Figures were sliding down ropes from the helicopters, men and women in black uniforms with the letters US on the back, guns at the ready. More shouts, more shots, a scream or two. Smoke and explosions. A lot of confusion and noise and panic.


"You were lucky," said the man standing in front of Jessica and her mother. "We got you out in one piece, which we are pleased about."

Lillian was still rubbing her wrists, where the cuffs had been for weeks. The same thing that Jessica, sat next to her, was doing. "So, we're free?" The mother asked not quite able to believe they weren't chained or strapped down or gagged or even tied up. Some of the guards at the other place (as she now called the prison, now she was clear of it) used to amuse themselves by coming to her cell and tying Lillian up. Hogties mostly, entertaining themselves by beating her exposed soles of her bare feet. So it wouldn't show, they said. But there was none of that here.

"Free in as much as you can be in these times." The man, gray haired and tall, dressed in a plain blue suit with a dark red tie, nodded. "We'd like to do some checks of course, mostly to make sure Jessica here is fine. She looks it to me but then I am not a fully fledged doctor."

Lillian stopped rubbing her wrists and drew her robe round her. It was strange to be allowed to dress after so long, too. "With respect," she said. "This freedom business. We had that with those 'Born Free' people."

"I'm sure you did," said the man, gently. "I can understand you being suspicious."

"So you will just open the door and let us go?"

"If you wish, but... well, Jessica here is nearing term and we are a long way from medical help. Our medical facilities would be better than having to find a hospital or clinic at this time."

"But what about the gangs out there."

"There are no gangs," said the man carefully. "Only, shall we say, just some organized people doing bad things."

"And you're not?" Lillian was puzzled. Since their rescue they had been allowed to be together, her and her daughter, and had their chains removed. Allowed to dress, albeit in simple robes. It was the first time in months one of them hadn't been fettered or bound or silenced in some way.

"You have to judge that. You might say I was biased."

"Are we staying here, mommy?" asked Jessica, sat next to Lillian.

"I don't know sweetheart. Guess I don't really know what's best at the moment."

"If I may say so, what's best is looking after Jessica. I believe she is carrying twins." The man smiled as he looked at the girl. "She looks it, I have to say. She also looks as if she is coping very well with a lot of change."

"So how do we know we can trust you?" Asked Lillian.

"The standard movie answer to that is, you don't. I regret to say I can do no better than to echo that response." The man moved to a large sofa opposite the one Lillian and her daughter were sat. It was a cool, well lit office. No desk, just a telephone and computer monitor on a small table by the side of the sofa the man was sitting on. The window, Lillian had been relieved to see, didn't look out over an exercise yard surrounded by a high wall. Only open grounds, with large lawns and trees around the edge. They might have hidden a wall, but it wasn't obvious.

"So we stay and Jessica has the babies and then we go. That would be okay?"

"It would be okay," said the man. "Providing you were both healthy and the babies were too. We are not going to chain you up like those 'Born Bound' people."

"Born Free," corrected Lillian, and then blushed. Of course they'd lied to her. "You're the Born Free, I take it."

"No, whoever they are they aren't anything to do with us."

"And you are?"

"We are just us. US it says on our troops' uniforms. Looks like United States maybe but 'us' is as far as it goes."

Lillian swallowed. "Troops? Are you saying you are military?"

"A branch of, which is why we have access to some of the best helicopters in the country, but we really don't have an identity. Identities can be manipulated and some people like pretending."

"Like Mrs South," chimed in Jessica, drawing a surprise look from her mother.

The man laughed pleasantly. "Ah yes, you met him of course. Adam Joshua South. Interesting man, if strange."

"No, this was a woman-" began Lillian. "Oh, I see. Deception again."

"And a very good deception we understand. The former Mr South was a prominent scientist, did a lot of work into regeneration of wombs after birth, got to know female anatomy a little too well, some say. I shudder to think what is - or isn't - underneath his female clothes. But we aren't too worried by him. More about the people who fund him and that place."

"So how many did you rescue?" Lillian felt uncomfortable saying it. She and her daughter had been whisked away before they knew what was happening, unable to see what was happening with smoke grenades and gunfire around them.

"A few," said the man.

"How many?" Lillian insisted.

"Four in all," responded the man.

"Four mothers and daughters?" Lillian thought that wasn't many, and suddenly felt she wasn't going to like the next answer.

"One mother and daughter. Plus two others."

Lillian felt a sense of despair. Did this mission go wrong? Had others died so only she and her daughter could get away? People dead, female babies lost maybe. It seemed so pointless. She gulped: "So, uh, you failed?"

The man gave a small smile. "Far from it. The mission was a complete success. We got what we wanted. You and Jessica."

"And the other people," said the child.

The man nodded. "Yes. Though that was the hard part. You two were out in their exercise yard. The others we had to dig deep for."

Lillian felt her heart pounding hard in her. She hardly dare say what was on her mind in case it was wrong. "The others... I know who one of them is," she said, aware the room seemed to be swimming round her.

"I should hope so," said Rosie from behind them.


"They said you were lost, gone," Lillian stared at her friend as they walked hand-in-hand through the gardens outside the large, neo-Victorian house.

"I expect they did. I really thought I was lost at more than one point." Rosie sighed. "When they were prodding me or giving me electric shocks or trying to stick things in my tits. The bastards," she said.

"They said you were, well, on the government side. Against me and Jessica." The woman looked over to where Jessica was sat on a bench in the sun, with a female nurse, examining some flowers together and laughing. No chains, no gags. Just a kindly-looking woman and a pregnant girl, enjoying themselves in the warmth.

"I was on a certain side. I was on the side of us. But I expect Jon Barber told you that in his office."

"You know, he never told us his name," said Lillian. "But maybe he could have pretended to be anybody. Deception, like he said: it's goddamn everywhere. And anyway the name doesn't mean anything to me-" Lillian stopped and looked at her friend. "Would he be the Barber who invented the Barber Table, for the girl to be fucked on? The one with all those straps?"

"Pretty much so, except his original didn't have all the straps. Other people added those. Jon fell out with the system some time ago. Made him unwelcome, you could say, in certain places."

"Rosie, I don't get all this. I have been hurt and chained and beaten and I have no idea what the hell's going on. I don't know who are the good guys and who is on the bad side. I'm not sure after all this whose side I'm supposed to be on."

"Your own and Jessica's and the twins?" Ventured Rosie.

"Look... I was a mother at 12, I'm going to be a grandmother at 23 and maybe a great grandmother at 34 for all I know. I could end up being a great-great-great grandma before I'm 60."

"Or a mother again, of a baby girl. You're not too old for that."

"Yeah, riii-ght. And then I have to look after the educa- What did you say?" Lillian stared blankly at her friend. She suddenly felt dizzy. "Can we sit down here a moment?"

They sat on a bench, Rosie still holding Lillian's hand. Tightly. "You okay in there?"

"I'm not sure. I had the crazy feeling you said be a mother of a baby girl. Well I could be the mother of a boy, of course I could, if I found the right man which is unlikely. Being the mother of a boy isn't what the world needs right now. It's more baby girls and... Shit, Rosie, what did you say?"

"Mother of a baby girl." The huge breasted woman grinned. "Why the hell do you think I was giving you all that milk? Why do you think they wanted me at 'Born Bound' or whatever they were pretending it was? Not for the quality of the milk, good though it is. Which reminds me, it's a good few weeks since you suckled me." The woman's eyes twinkled as she watched her friend's face go through various expressions

"Be serious Rosie, for God's sake!"

"I am being serious, Lillian. For humankind's sake." Rosie leaned in and kissed Lillian, not passionately but more than just a friendly kiss. "I was an experiment, that was why they wanted me. My milk was adjusted, but it was also something in me. The plan was for me to breast-feed as many little girls as I could, so they could have multiple female births when they got older. But the bad guys started getting close. "

"I don't believe this," Lillian said weakly. "It isn't possible."

"It is. But I had to take a decision to feed you my milk, in the hope that it would trigger something in you. Sorry, lover, but you have to get pregnant again, to see if it works."

"Works?" Lillian's voice was strained.

"Works as in having babies. Female babies."

"I can't! Everyone knows women can't! Not since those fucking meteors came-"

"We don't know that yet with you," interjected Rosie. "But we have to find out."

Lillian' face mirrored her thoughts: a jumble of contradictions, worries and fears. And a little hope. Then she said, weakly, "You used me." After a beat she added: "Used me for fuck's sake."

"You could say that, but in reality for all our sakes," said Rosie gently. "But also because I loved you. Still do, even though I have lately been rather out of things - filled up with drugs, poked, probed, had pins in my tits as they sought to find out what made me tick."

Lillian sat silent for a long time, more shadows on her face. "If... if it's true then... I'm going to be Eve," she said.

"Yes. The rebirth of the human race. Well, the chance to have female babies more than once."

"But it might be a boy," said Lillian, tears in her eyes.

"Not when I've finished fucking you," said Rosie and leaned in for a proper open mouthed kiss this time.


Lillian lay on her back on the bed. Not a Barber Table she was relieved to see, and looked at Rosie who was strapping on the artificial cock. A big cock, Lillian noted with a grin.

"You sure, angel, that you don't want another fill of my milk before I climb on you?"

"Hell, Rosie, I don't think I can take any more. Even the prospect of making them lighter so they don't crush me..." Lillian laughed. "Fuck, darling. I've missed being with you. And now that Jessica's safe and well, guess I can really open up wide." Slowly Lillian opened her legs, showing her slit to the woman, lifting her knees a little. "Do I look good?"

"Perfect." Rosie had seen it before of course, but it was a welcome sight. "If I didn't have to fuck you, I'd be between your legs licking away," she said.

"Tell me, are we being watched by Barber's people while we do this?"

"No. One of my conditions. We are quite alone. They said I could be the one to make you pregnant with this thing," she stroked the fat, long strap-on. "Even if they couldn't get one my color. I'm not white and I'm not black in the way sex toy makers imagine. So this was the best they could do."

"And how exactly does that get me pregnant? Not that I'm trying to stop you, but I'm curious."

"It's complex. But my milk in you and what I put in the balls of this thing - and hey, it squirts out like the real thing when I'm ready to let it go - should do the trick."

"What is in the balls?" Lillian lifted her head to look at the huge cock, not matching her lover's flesh colors, seeing how the pendulous latex balls hung down.

"Adam's semen," said Rosie.

"I don't know any Adam," said Lillian and then she gasped loudly, sitting up. "You don't mean that... That South guy?"

"One and the same." Rosie grinned. "Oh he's still a man under all those female clothes. Likes white lingerie with a lot of lace. I found that out during one of his experiments when he had me tied me down so he could fuck me. But, I seem to have kept some if it in me. Kept it alive too. As I might have said before, Lillian, I am not completely normal. But then, neither is our Adam. Between us we would have made bad parents."

"But he said you were," Lillian hesitated. "A disappointment."

"I take that to mean he didn't make me pregnant. He thought, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that I was Eve. He was looking for the wrong things."

"And, you aren't Eve? You sure?"

"No way, lady. No way. I make the milk, I hold the seed but I don't give birth. Being Eve is your job. I have enough to do."

Lillian nodded. "So are there any more like you at home?"

"Good question. We have to find that out. But for now it's baby-making time." Rosie clambered on to bed, gently pushing Lillian back down, inserting herself in position between her open legs.

"Fuck me good," smiled Lillian. "I don't care if it hurts."

"Oh it probably will and rest assured I will fuck you good. Believe me, I will," the big breasted woman said as she slid the realistic rubber cock into her lover in one easy thrust, her full breasts pressing on Lillian's slender body.

"Oh," moaned Lillian in deep delight, gasping as Rosie began a steady, deep fucking rhythm, feeling the huge breasts leaking milk as they slid over her own smaller tits. "If it's a girl she can be... called after you."

"I was thinking Apple," breathed Rosie as she stepped up the pace. "It's the one thing missing here."

"Uh... ah... and the serpent."

"No, we have that. I'm wearing that particular monster," chortled the big woman as she began fucking her lover harder still.


There were crowds lining the wide avenue outside the White House, the media out in force for the woman who saved humankind. Three separate female births, and as she was only 27 the doctors expected her to try for at least two more baby girls. Maybe three. Or four.

"Rosie," said Lillian as they waved to the crowds, like visiting heads of state from the back of the armored limousine that swept them towards the gates. "How come you always have semen for making me pregnant?"

"I keep a lot of stuff in me," she said.

"Hmmm, I was thinking the other day, it was funny how you never let me go into the basement."

"So? That's because it's a mess down there, lover. You really don't want to see it. Hell, I don't."

"Sure. You know I was also thinking about what happened to the bound free, or born bound or whatever South called his people." Lillian waved at some people waving at them, her wrist chains tinkling. Lightweight, looking like they were more for effect than real restraint, but they did the job too.

"Best not to mention that here," said Rosie. "The President has enough to worry about. Guess they just all faded away when there wasn't any need for them. Some things you have to let go."

"But there are still pregnant girls in chains. There are some in the crowd, look... there." The pregnant woman pointed at a child, waving at the car, the child's polished chains glinting in the sunlight, her mother's hand on the child's shoulders. "And there, too... another one. And she's gagged too!"

Rosie shrugged. "Yeah, but they looked happy. Especially as they are clutching those cute if chained up Good Luck Eve dolls. Quite the toy to have for little girls, I hear." The car was slowing up as they approached the gates of the White House. "Buta sfor fastening up the kids... well, perhaps old habits die hard. People still think they have to protect their girls. I expect it'll take a while for people to accept women can have female babies normally - even if boys may have to do the fucking - and there's a way to go for that, when your kids grow up. And their kids. Years to go yet."

"But people, the pregnant girls, are supposed to be free now. They don't have to be all chained up for their own protection. Isn't that what's been stopped?"

"Some things you have to let go," sighed Rosie. "Some things people don't want to let go." She nodded at the chains Lillian was wearing. "Even Eve herself has to be restrained."

"Isn't that because I'm valuable, for now? Until other women get like me?"

"Maybe honey it's also because I like you all fastened down." Rosie smiled. "Like I say old habits die hard."

"But you never had me in chains until I got pregnant!"

"And then I found I liked it." Rosie paused as the limo passed through the gates, waved on by security guards, driving up the wide curving avenue to the White House itself. "Also I'd seen a lot of girls all locked up, put in chains and straps and all sorts or restraints. I got to quite like the sight. Swollen belly, chains at wrists and neck and ankles. Heavy collars. Makes my tits leak milk to see it. Oh yes, and a gag."

"You wouldn't gag me!"

"I was thinking maybe later. I've got one in my purse."


The car was coming to a halt, the motorcycle cops peeling away. "I was thinking," said Rosie. "When the next one's born - Tiffany - we should think about keeping her in chains too. Lightweight, of course. She won't notice them as she grows up."

"You're hopeless," sighed Lillian. "It's a good job I love you."

"Likewise," grinned the dark-skinned woman. One of the White House staff was holding the car door open for them to get out. Rosie made a move, but Lillian caught her arm. "By the way, lover. I know about the white lingerie. You've been buying a lot lately, having it sent to the house. But there's none in any of the closets."

"Oh that's just, shall we say, temptation." Rosie grinned as gave her lover a kiss on the cheek.

"Pity its not for me," said Lillian.

"It is, in a way," laughed Rosie. "But don't tell anyone or they'll all want some." She clambered out, with the heavily pregnant Lillian following her and smiling, lightweight chains rattling pleasantly. The woman everyone now called Eve.

Yes, thought Lillian as the President and the First Lady waited to greet her and Rosie, most females would want some of this. Maybe even little girls too, growing up in their chains and gags, being free and fettered all at the same time. Just like Eve herself.

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