Published: 24-Apr-2012
Word Count:
"You okay, honey?" Lillian Herd leaned over her eleven year old daughter Jessica, trying to ignore the wires that were taped her child's body, running to the equipment behind her.
"I'm scared mommy," said the naked pre-teen girl from where she lay on her back on the padded table, legs held wide apart by the straps at her ankles. Lying on what they called the Barber Table. The girl's hands were fastened up by her neck with similar straps with a broad one over her neck. Only her wrist and hips were free of restraint and that was all she could move.
Convenient, really, when she was fucked thought Lillian, but she didn't say anything to alarm her child any more. "Of course you're a teensy bit scared," said Lillian softly. She put her hand on her daughter to reassure the child, trying not to let her own wrist chain drag on the child's bare body. "But it will soon be over and then everything's fine. We get you cleaned up and off home."
The naked girl nodded, but didn't look too happy. "Chelsea said I get to have something in my mouth, when it happens."
"Uh-huh. That's a gag. It's just there to let you bite on something. Remember when I pulled that thorn out of your foot last summer and I said you could bite on that hankie, to help you? Well, it's just like that."
The news didn't console the child and her eyes widened. "There's gonna be a thorn?"
"No! " Lillian laughed gently. Her chains rattled. "It's just to help I guess. All that's going to happen is you are going to have a boy lying on you for a short while. But maybe you might want to talk of shout and he might not want it. So that thing is a gag." She shrugged, another tinkle from her chains.
Jessica nodded and tried to look brave. "Those things, mommy... why have you got them on?"
"What, these things?" Lillian gestured with them, making the chains clatter more noisily. "Just a silly rule. Mommies can be here, in the next room, provided we are are what they called restrained. I have to wait for you but all mommies have to wear these things while their little girls get made pregnant." She wished she wasn't but that was what the authorities insisted on. That and the gag, but then that might help her daughter. If she saw her mommy gagged, just like she would be herself, it would help her cope with it.
"What's it like, being pregnant mommy?" The child looked distinctly worried, wriggling her hips a little on the latex surface of the table.
"Oh, fun really. Just a swollen tummy getting bigger, little bit of not feeling so great for a few mornings, and then a lovely child. A beautiful baby girl." Lillian hoped that would do: she didn't want to get into the whole birth pain traumas. Not now. "Anyway, honey, you have seen girls at your school pregnant. Carrie Ann, and Melinda too. Oh, and Chelsea. They look cool."
"And it will be a girl, right?"
"Of course it will! That's why you're here. I told you, little girls make the best little girls." The mother glanced up at the clock on the wall and the dials next to it. Ten minutes before the boy was brought in, and the dials from what she could see were all showing positive and ready. The time was close for her daughter to be fucked.
"Listen, sweetheart, I have to go now. I will see you in about three hours, and I expect you'll sleep after the boy lies on you so the time will fly. That nice Dr Anderson has to check you're ready to go and then we leave. We will go to the mall and get that burger and those new dresses I promised!"
"Mommy.... What does the boy do, when he lies on me?"
"Oh, he has this bit of him he puts in you. We talked about it, with that model, remember? Penis and Vagina and all that Sperm stuff he makes? You know, in and out."
The child nodded, trying to think how a plastic model matched what she knew of herself and the little she had see of boy's thingies. Little Tommy next door was only four and it was so tiny, his pee-pee. She couldn't quite imagine how a 13 year old boy would differ. "Are you going to gag me mommy, before you go?"
"No angel. The nurse has to do that, she's the expert." She nodded at the woman standing close by, who was looking at the dials. Nurse Holmes turned and smiled at the mother and daughter. She was ready, and she put down her clipboard before she picked up two gags. The larger one for the mother.
"Love you tons and tons my super little angel," smiled the mommy as she gave a peck kiss to her daughter and then opened wide for Nurse Holmes to slip the gag in her mouth, buckle it tight (she really tried not to groan as it filled her mouth hard as she wanted to put on a good show) and then stood back as the nurse slipped the smaller ball gag into Jessica's mouth.
"Hold still please Jessica," said the nurse as she threaded the gag strap under Jessica's shaved head (Lillian still didn't understand why it was necessary to shave all hair of a pre-teen girl - her blonde locks had been so pretty before) and slipped the gag strap through the side buckle. She tightened it swiftly and patted the child's naked chest to show she had finished. Then she checked the small wires clipped to the eleven year old's nipples on her flat chest, making little Jessica moan a little, and stood up. "Time for you to go and wait, Mrs Herd," she smiled with that certain firmness of authority, indicating the door.
Jessica winked at her daughter, now lying still but looking close to tears with that large rubber ball in her mouth, and turned away, holding her chains carefully as she walked. The door opened softly and a man, Doctor Anderson himself, stepped through followed by a small naked boy, whose stiff and surprisingly long cock jutted out at 45 degrees. Well, they said they primed them before the fuck, Lillian thought, and admitted she shouldn't have been surprised. Nor at the tingle she felt in her sex at seeing such a young, long and very ready cock.
The woman gave a glance at the table behind her, seeing how the boy was being helped to climb up and take position over the naked, strapped down girl whose eyes were wide open as she stared at the boy's boner. The way the nurse was attaching the boy's wide collar with its short chain to her little girl's neck, so he wouldn't climb off before he was done. As if a boy ever would!
Even the thin metal rectal probe the doctor was holding, ready to slide up into the boy's asshole. Just small electric jolts to make sure he did the thing properly.
But that was all she saw. Jessica felt a tug on her chains as a guard indicated she should leave the BDF room. The Barber Diagnostic Fathering room as it was called officially. Or Bound Down Fucking room as most everyone referred to it.
The door to the BDF room closed behind her with a soft swish and the woman was led to a small room where her chains could be fastened to the wall. A place she could wait in silence. Left alone, and to her shame, the woman got to wondering if she could hear any noises through the wall. Lillian tried to reach her slit to at least bring herself off, but the chains stopped her. She felt guilty that she wanted to masturbate as her only daughter was fucked while strapped down and gagged, but her own self-relief would have to wait.
"He hurt me, mommy," said Jessica as they drove home. "When he did what he did."
"Oh well, some boys get a little over eager when they do it. Probably it was that rectal stimulator they put in him. Anyway, it's over and you are about to be a mommy. Like me!" Lillian reached over to where her daughter sat and patted the child's tummy. "Doctor Anderson said it was good coupling. He said that boy fucked you really well and you took it all beautifully. A success, he said. Nine out of ten. I am very proud of you, angel."
"My tummy isn't big yet," said the child, looking at a ten or eleven year old girl waddling along the sidewalk nearby, her big round belly sticking out, her ankle chains swinging as she walked. She was close to full term.
"Won't be yet, honey. Baby's got to grow inside you."
"Will I be able to walk, mommy, when it's big?"
"I expect so, why?"
Jessica sounded worried. "That girl Jayne at my school, she has to sit in a wheelchair thing. Her tummy's so big she can't walk."
"Oh honey, Jayne's having triplets. So she's really very big. I expect you will have a single little girl. Albany."
Jessica wasn't sure she liked the sound of the name. But they didn't have any choice. The papers were made out already: Albany Thomas Olmera Herd.
Thomas Olmera after the boy, Tommy, who did the fucking. Just as Jessica was Jessica Damon Isherwood Herd and Lillian was now Lillian Jack Grant Herd, after that 12 year old boy with the seven inch long cock, when Lillian had barely turned eleven. Jeez, where do they find these boys? In a way, the young woman thought, it spoils you for a man afterwards: most men don't seem to be able to make that length. Those damn meteors probably.
"Mom, do I have to wear ankle chains until Albany's born?"
"Sure sweetheart. It's to show people that you're special, that you have to be looked after. And they aren't heavy. Not like they used to be when I was your age."
"I thought," said the girl, fingering the deep, pink collar at her neck, "that's what this was for."
"Well its both, I guess." The woman blushed a little. She didn't want to tell lies to her daughter, but the real reason as she knew from her own experience was so the mom-to-be could be fastened up for inspections easily. There'd be plenty of those, fingers and needles and probes. Making sure the baby girl in the child was fine.
After all, the world couldn't afford any more loss of females. Not since the great meteor shower of 2019 that somehow rendered all women over 15 incapable of having female babies. Funny how in a world so self assured, so able to create technology to protect itself, something as innocent as a night sky full off shooting stars could do something so dramatic - and completely unexpected.
At the side of the highway there was a poster for a TV show, due that night. Another theory, another "Real reason why we have the female birth crisis." This one had the usual photo of the meteor storm behind the presenter (who looked like he was fully approved, like some religious case. Lillian groaned: they weren't pushing the "God was angry" bit again were they?) though it may be taking the line that it really wasn't the meteors that created the virus or whatever it was. It was something else, something like the dinosaurs had.
But while the dinosaurs might have had the meteors, they didn't have birthing facilities like the ones the human civilization had. But for all the science and technology there seemed no answer. It was just a miracle that as female births were non-existent it emerged that small girls could have female babies. The younger the mother the better. Better still some girls had twins and triplets at ten, if they were ready. Female births, but only if young boys were doing the fucking.
Young boys with surprisingly long and stiff cocks, mounting the little girls as they were strapped down and gagged.
A bus drew alongside Lillian, blocking her view of the poster. The banner on the side of it was another new TV show. 'Looking for Eve' it announced. The quest to find the one woman who could give birth not once, but twice. Or more.
Single or multiple each time, it didn't matter. A woman and not a girl, too, giving birth to females. Normality resumed, even if it was the great myth that everyone wanted to discover. The end of the longest Night.
Lillian pulled the car up at a stop light, and as she waited couldn't help going over things in her mind. Remembering how it had all changed since the Night. Changed her life, and that of every other female on the planet.
There aren't many days in the history of the world when there were clear skies just about everywhere on the planet - and any place that had rain or cloud cover lost it quick. Over 48 hours on the nights of October 7 and 8, 2019, the world saw the meteors in all their glory. Everyone saw the protracted celestial fireworks and though some said it was like "The Day of the Triffids" there were no major ill effects afterwards, no plants that uprooted themselves.
All that happened was women over 15 stopped having baby girls.
Lillian was ten and she had watched the meteors with her mom and dad, staying up late to see the spectacular shows, gasping with delight at the greatest free show ever. She had gone to bed both nights unable to sleep and wanting to get up and peek some more, but she did feel different. Her mom said at first it was just excitement, then that she was probably sickening for something but at school, where lessons were hopeless with the meteors visible in the mostly clear blue skies, other girls quietly complained about the same feeling. Like a pulling in their bellies.
Mass hysteria was the best answer, or something in the water. Maybe strained muscles from all that looking up. But no one was ill, just feeling a little weird.
The meteors faded and naturally there was video and film and photos galore. The images were put into paintings, on to coasters, as wallpaper, icons, carved into stone... it seemed that the meteors were the one image everyone loved. There were even TV shows with heroes called Meteor and kids were given that name too: Meteor for boys, Meteorite for girls.
Life got back to normal, or sort of.
Lillian's mom was expecting. The scans had shown it was a girl, but at the birth, eight weeks later, it was a boy. Happily, Lillian's parents weren't the kind given to wanting to sue, though some people did. That was when the news began to get out. So many screw ups by the medical people, so many wrong scans. Then people began to note there were only boys. No girls being born.
By early April 2020 a major world conference had to face the truth. There had been no females born since October 6, 2019. The mathematicians did some calculations: in fifty years the fertility of existing females would stop, give or take the odd case. In seventy or eighty years after that humankind would cease to exist.
The sociology experts weighed in. There would be huge social problems with an all male population. Unless being gay was about to be the majority preference (and there was no evidence the ratio had changed), the competition for female partners from hetero males would escalate. Grow in fact to the point of violence. There would be wars over women, big gangs would rein in any female they could, either for prostitution or sale. The police couldn't cope and law and order would break down.
Women would be a protected species, under armed guard. The whole thrust of lawmaking and consequent litigation would change. The accidental death of a female would be a tragedy the world couldn''t bear, so women would be banned from jobs where there was even the slightest risk of danger, they would be barred from flying or driving. They would be virtual prisoners, and in some countries special "camps" were set up where women could be incarcerated "for their own good."
Scientists worked furiously trying to find a solution. In the meantime some volunteer women were consigned to cryogenic deep freezes in the hope that when a cure was found they would be able to carry babies. When not enough women came forward, there was forced "deep freezing" of thousands of females, perhaps tens of thousands.
There were riots and swift repressions. Martial law was introduced everywhere. For once it wasn't political oppression, but sheer survival.
Mainstream religions went into overdrive, proclaiming all the ills of the world had finally come to rest on the human race, the charlatans sold vast amounts of unlikely potions and pills and snake-oil remedies. The fringe religions got crazier, claiming their members were exempt from this malaise because they held a piece of fabric, or bought books by a certain writer. But their women didn't have female babies either though some lied to pretend they had.
The religion that claimed they had the next messiah was born to them and she was a female was soon exposed as a fraud. Lynchings briefly became common.
Many scientists blamed men and the quest was on to find men with "pure sperm" as perfect fathers. Selective breeding programs were drawn up but despite all the efforts, all the treatments, nothing emerged. Boys could father girls, but not men (a disappointment, apparently, to millions of males who longed to fuck a small girl). In the meantime hundreds of books were written about pre-sex exercises, theories, astrological signs, abstinence until "the right moment" and a host of possible cures from pilgrimages to eating only a certain fruit under a meteor shower.
Then in the August of 2020, several female babies were born. Among the celebrations - the thanksgiving and the relief - it emerged that the mothers were not only below the age of consent, but the fathers were young males. Teenagers doing what teenagers weren't supposed to do.
The reaction was distorted, biased, inappropriate and hypocritical. The moral outcry did nothing to help. But despite all the research, all the isolation, all the intellectual and supposedly spiritual reasoning it remained that only girls below 15 could have female babies and only boys below 14 could be fathers. What was even more remarkable was that the babies born to these parents were all female. Young teenage and even pre-teen pregnancies never produced boys.
The future of the human race lay in underage boys fucking underage girls. Once people got over various degrees of shock and outrage, there was only one answer. Make them do it.
The kids were exempt from any kind of duties and pressures, including intensive education. They had school but in the case of the ones between nine and 14, it was lightweight schooling.
In all this the world was in cultural and social upheaval. Whole laws would be rewritten, cultural expectations and prejudices brought crashing down. Moral objections and ancient texts no longer counted. When parents didn't want their young daughters impregnated they were forced to accept that their daughters would be taken away, for the future of the human race. The needs of the race overrode the desires of the family.
There was a further mystery. It might have been acceptable for all this if a few young teens had been able to have more than one pregnancy. But mysteriously the normally natural function of female biology changed after the first pregnancy. Women could go on having babies but they would always be males. The birth of a girl was the one and only female they could have.
Some girls were taken away for multiple birth testing, but despite all sorts of experiments the rule held true. The only consolation was that these girls could give birth to twins or even triplets, otherwise the female population would remain static at best.
It took society however a long time to come to terms with what was happening, though fortunately some groups wouldn't wait to see. Realizing that the window of opportunity on existing young females was in danger of disappearing while politicians prevaricated and leaders of all sorts agonized over what to do, the military moved rapidly. Secretly hundreds of thousands, some say millions, of young teen and pre-teen females (and as a safety precaution, girls younger than eleven too) were rounded up by the army, taken away in locked vehicles, cuffed and gagged. Spirited away before it was too late.
Vast camps behind barbed wire, guarded zealously by well armed forces and little more than prisons, sprang up in remote areas.
Governments fell, not only in their indecision, but because the world wanted resolution to all this. They wanted their daughters back but they also wanted the peace of mind that their kind, the human kind, wasn't doomed.
That was how and why Lillian was taken one fall evening from her home, in cuffs and ankle chains, her mouth taped up and her head covered in a hood to a camp in the mountains a hundred miles from her home. A grim cold place where she was kept chained up with all the other young females, a place where one day she was strapped to a bench to be fucked by a young male.
That was how Jessica was born. And now it was the child's turn.
Girls were precious, more so than ever before. The penalties for abducting a female child was severe in the extreme. That was why a girl, when born, was immediately collared with a chip detection device built in. Removal of the collar was almost as bad a crime as taking a female child. But to mark the child, it wasn't just the collar they wore.
Perhaps as a legacy of when the young girls were whisked away in cuffs and chains and gags, chains were put on the girls when they became pregnant. Ankle chains admittedly, but still a restraint. It was, even before their small bellies swelled out, a mark of their future. Their role in society.
Jessica wore ankle chains. Not as heavy or clumsy as when Lillian was made pregnant, but a lightweight yet tough chain between her ankles with a longer chain connecting it to her collar, all secured with padlocks. Lillian knew her daughter would find it tough going in her chains with a swollen belly later on, find it tough giving birth with her hands chained up above her and legs strapped wide. But that was what society decreed.
However Lillian, as much as she had tried to study what was happening, what had happened since the Night, had never quite understood why the girls were shaved. The collars and the chains as well as later on their huge bellies, made it obvious who they were. The shaved heads made no sense to her.
"Security," said her friend Rosie one evening, not long after Jessica was impregnated. "And a tradition."
They were having dinner at Lillian's pleasant if small home (the nation provided all mothers of girl carrying girls with a free home, which was fortress-like against any incursion and fitted with alarms) and Jessica was in bed, her collar locked to the staple in the wall above her head so she couldn't be kidnapped in the night - even if anyone could get in.
Rosie was a female who couldn't have any children, which strangely made her even more precious. It happened every so often - one in fifty female births or so they said - and once science found out why, they wanted more. It seemed bizarre but true. Women like Rosie would breast feed the new babies, as their girl mothers couldn't to any great degree. As ten year olds could be impregnated the complete absence of teats meant other women had to be wet nurses. At first it was thought any lactating woman would do but these "super feeders" were giving more to the babies that anyone else could. It was as if their milk contained more nutrients.
Perhaps, it had been speculated, that the milk of these women somehow continued the incidence of IFBS - the so-called immature female birth syndrome - but no one knew if that was so and they couldn't take the risk.
A woman like Rosie was always in demand: she had huge tits that leaked milk constantly. That was one of the triumphs of all the research - non-child bearing females could be given huge breasts and travel round a district giving their rich and plentiful milk to many baby girls.
Rosie had been on duty for ten hours and was tired and a little sore from having had her nipples chomped and sucked so often, and it was a pleasant relief to sit with her friend Jessica, eating and talking. Rosie however also wore chains: it seemed in this new crazy world there was no excuse not to chain up females and put chip-loaded collars on them. Rosie though, like all wet nurses, had her chains running down the back of her from her collar and her elbows were chained across her back so her forearms were free to hold babies to her massive boobs. She also wore weighty ankle chains as she had to be accounted for every day, so there was no chance of running from her duties with such heavy manacles on her legs.
Just as whenever she visited, Rosie liked to get out of her regulation issue 48DD feeding bra and just let her big udders hang free. Fortunately Jessica didn't mind the sight, or the mess she dripped for that matter. Frequently she even suckled herself on them.
"The shaved head thing is all to do with security," continued Rosie. "When the first girls were fucked, there was a real fear that they could be abducted by others. Some nations were recruiting agents to infiltrate other countries and snatch the girls. It was felt that some things could be hidden, but a shaved head and no headwear would mean her condition was always visible." She smiled as she sipped her wine. "Though some people said it was to stop the girl being dragged off by her hair."
"That sounds very cave-man like," said Lillian.
"You know that anthropologists think this happened before, millions of years ago?"
Lillian nodded. "Something on TV, but there are always programs like that. So many theories. So little resolution."
"This theory may be right. Seems humankind got over it. Took a long time and, some say, that was what kept the population rise down for dozens of generations. Relying on twins to slowly lift the number of women until the breakthrough, whatever it was."
"Thank heavens for twins," said Lillian. "Seems they are increasing the female totals right now"
Rosie sighed. "Actually, official word - as much as you can ever trust these figures - is that twin births are down three per cent, but happily triplet births are up to more than make up for it. I suspect that we may be seeing an increase in quad births too. That would help but my tits are gonna be real sore then!"
"I wonder if Jessica will have more than one child."
"The scans, what did they show?"
"One, but I heard a story that a twelve year old was carrying twins, but one was hidden from the scan behind the other. Weird."
"These things happen, even if they are rare. But I wouldn't worry. Twins can be hard enough. I have seen a girl with quads in her and she is really struggling. Has to be tied into a special wheelchair all day. Her doctor thinks the child may have to be strapped to a bed in a secure place for the rest of her term."
On the TV screen in the corner of the room a picture of a shaved head girl appeared. It was the main news program, and they were leading with a story that a girl, seven months pregnant, had been kidnapped from her home. People were being urged to be on the lookout for the child. A reporter was anxiously recounting the state of the police investigation from where she stood outside the family's modest, though steel shuttered, house. She was saying something about a ransom note.
"Lot of those kidnapping happening right now," said Lillian, with a shudder. "I ought to go and check on Jessica, see if she's okay." The woman got up and disappeared upstairs, returning a few minutes later. "She's fine. Fast asleep. She sure has got used to being chained up at night."
"For her own good," said Rosie.
"Anything else on the news?" Lillian settled down at the table.
"New law over delivery suites, more chains and gags... And that war in the middle-east over those wandering girls. Seems about five countries claim the bedouin kids as theirs, just because they drift over borders in the desert and never know where they are. By the way, you got a cloth for me to wipe up the leak?" She indicated her large, naked breasts, dripping milk.
"I could use my mouth," said Lillian with a grin. "And I promise to be gentle with them."
"Okay," laughed Rosie, offering her breasts to her friend. "Both sides now, and excuse me while I finger myself. I sometimes get real horny when I'm being suckled. Well, when you do it."
"Good, though if you like I can do the fingering while I suck," grinned Lillian as she carefully put her mouth to one of her friend's large nipples and ran her fingertips over the government feeder regulation number branded into her friend's huge tits. Happy to help Rosie and happy that her pregnant daughter was chained up safe and sound.
For now, all was well with Lillian's world.
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