The being was tall and its one-piece pale blue plastic suit gave off a strange, if subdued, glow which lit the room up gently. This creature didn't have a space helmet on and as far as the girl could see from her bed, didn't have green or blue skin either, just something yellow on its head. In fact, it looked suspiciously like blonde hair.
Aliens with blonde hair? Lois checked herself. She had to remember that we don't know everything about people from other worlds. Her mom and dad always said that. Give the space people credit, they said: aliens probably come in all shapes and sizes and colors. We don't know which is why we have to keep watching.
The Alien with the blonde hair was looking round the girl's bedroom. It wasn't entirely like a normal teenager's bedroom. No pictures of the latest bands or TV heart-throbs. For a 13 year old girl's bedroom, it looked remarkably like a shrine to every space film made, dominated of course by a full size "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" poster on one wall. Along the top of a bookcase, there were models from films as diverse at "The Forbidden Planet" and "Star Wars" though the biggest model was one of ET himself.
The being had picked the model up and was looking at it. Maybe, Lois thought, he was wondering about phoning home as well. Well, all aliens did that didn't they? They couldn't come halfway across the galaxy and not miss home.
Lois, peering from underneath the covers, was a little puzzled. Partly by the fact that the alien had got into her bedroom without a flying saucer (or at least had hidden it where it couldn't be seen) and that Lois didn't call for her mom and dad to come running to witness this very exciting real close encounter for themselves. If she did, they would be famous and everyone would know there really are aliens and We Are Not Alone.
Of course, she'd tried to call out. As soon as she woke up she had screeched, or tried to. But nothing came out. Well, she thought slowly, this must be just a dream which is why I can't shout and move at all.
A really weird dream because this alien has boobs! There was no doubt about it, as it turned round it was all too obvious. Lois could see quite clearly that the alien had swellings on its chest, smooth shapes that looked for all the world like boobs. Bigger than her mom's too. Blonde hair and big tits (mustn't use that word, Lois thought guiltily... mommy doesn't like me saying that word), and a narrow waist.
Not at all like aliens should be, even in dreams. It was a woman, not an alien. She was bending over Lois, smiling, moving her long fingers up and carefully brushing some of the girl's chestnut hair from her face.
"Hi. You must be Lois," said the alien - a very female alien - in perfect English. A neural interpretation device, of course. All aliens must have them thought Lois. The alien was continiuing: "Nice room you got here. I hope you didn't mind me looking round, looking at your things."
Lois didn't mind but she couldn't say that. She couldn't say anything which puzzled her even more. Okay, a dream, and now I am supposed to wake up and find myself all alone.
But I can't move, she tried to say. Can't speak and can't move. Just lying here with my arms by my side and my legs together.
The alien had a name badge on. "Bet" it said. Pretty much an ordinary name like Betty or Bethany, Lois thought. Disappointing it wasn't "Zarkov" or "Obi wan" or something exotic.
"I'm called Freethia," said the alien with the soft touch and easy smile. Not Betty or Bethany at all, then. "Named after my state."
There is no state called Freethia, Lois told herself. She was good at geography studies and would have informed Bet or whoever she was if she could speak.
The female, who was about the same age as Lois' teacher, Mrs Garrett (and therefore pretty for someone as old as 26) had stopped stroking the teen's hair. She crouched down by the side of the bed and said: "I guess you'd like to know something about me, seeing how I invited myself in here."
Lois at least could nod, so she did.
"I have arrived with the Bondage Expedition Tour, see." The alien pointed to her name badge on one of her large, smooth, plastic covered breasts. So that was what Bet was, the child understood. "We go round, visiting little girls like you, so we can do bondage on them. It's fun for us, to step back and locate little girls. Pay them a visit and tie them up all nice and tight."
It clicked with Lois what this word bondage was. Kevin Snaith had used it in recess the other day, saying its what adults did for sex. Bondage and tying up. But Kevin Snaith always made things up, except maybe he was right on this one.
Lois tried to say something but as usual nothing came out. Freethia looked amused. "Oh, don't try to speak, Lois honey. I have sealed your mouth with tape. Special plastic tape we use to freeze the voice box and it numbs the lips a bit too, which is why you can't detect it. " She brought her hand up, a hand with long pink fingernails, and tapped on the plastic strip over Lois' mouth.
"And I took the liberty of sealing your arms and legs together." She eased the covers back and helped lift Lois's head so the child could see. Her body was naked - no Star Trek PJs at all - and covered with thin bands of plastic, trapping her hands to her sides and her legs tightly together. The woman continued: "I did that while you were asleep. You know, some people think you should only tie up little girls when they are asleep, but there's no fun in not letting them sleep through being bound and gagged, which is why I woke you up. So you can see."
Freethia grinned. "But now sweetheart I have to tie you properly. I only get an hour before recall and you need your sleep, right? Busy day at school tomorrow."
Lois was puzzled how this blonde woman knew about school, but perhaps they had it on their planet too. And funny too, that they have bondage as well. Well, as Lois's daddy said, the universe is a big place and there's gotta be lots we don't know out there.
I do now, thought Lois. She felt helpless and even a little scared being unable to move and talk, but there was a certain calmness about her. Perhaps it was the soft blue glow, or the fact the woman was nice. She watched the alien woman stand and take something from a pouch at her waist. It looked like thin cord, and apparently it was.
"Lois, I am going to remove your sealing straps and retie you with this rope. It won't take long to get you into a hogtie, but I will leave your gag in." She grinned. "Bondage is always about gags as much as tying up," she added. "Plus honey I don't want to disturb your mom and dad."
Freethia was unravelling the cord, and there seemed to be a lot of it. "Compression technology," she explained as she noticed the child staring at how much there was. "In my time in Freethia we use this all the time. Makes bulky things smaller."
Lois moaned, or tried to. She had been tied up by her cousin Angie last summer at her auntie's farm, and spent several hours bound to a post in the barn while Angie and her friend Molly played with her little boobs through her t-shirt and took down her jeans to spank her. Then they tied her up over the seat of the tractor and played with her little pussy where it was on show. It had been nice and scary and Lois wondered if the alien lady would do the same.
The bands of plastic came off quickly and the woman helped Lois, still gagged, to sit up. "Rub your arms honey and get some circulation back in them," Freethia said quietly and waited as the girl did what she was told. Then Lois was told to lie down on the bed, face down, while the alien set about tying her.
She did it quickly and efficiently, better than Angie had. Some ropes had been loose, others too tight, that day at the farm but there was no doubt these were uniformly tight. Of course, the thin cords bit into her flesh but not too much, yet as soon as Lois was tied with hands in back, elbows drawn together and wrists bound to her ankles where they were pulled up behind her, she understood she couldn't move.
"Good," said the alien as she stood. She checked the cords, added a few more round Lois's naked chest and then began touching the teen's little slit ("Just a little stroking," she promised. "No poking in there.) Lois felt wonderfully relaxed as Freethia's long pink nails danced over the small, slightly puffy lips of the girl's pussy. She wished she wasn't gagged, so that she could say how nice it was, how she wished Angie and Molly had been that careful last summer.
After a short while Freethia stopped. She leant in to Lois and whispered: "Now honey, I will take your gag out and replace it with an old fashioned one. It's called a ball gag and I brought one with me. Now your throat will still be numb and you won't be able to speak but I don't want you to try, okay?'
Lois nodded. Freethia removed the plastic, allowed the child to exercise her jaws (and yes, she still couldn't speak) and pushed the rubber ball into Lois' mouth before buckling the strap tight behind the child's head.
"You know, Lois, in my time everyone who does bondage uses plastic strips and freeze voice tape gags, which is why many of us come back to now to try some old-fashioned rope and ball-gag stuff. Cruder, but more fun. So much better, like the fact that women here still wear garters and high heels, right?" The woman sounded regretful that she was missing something good. "Oh, and corsets! I love the tight wrap of a corset with whalebones and stays. Guess I will have to see about getting on a trip to Victorian times for that, huh?"
The alien had started to play with Lois's pussy again and though the ropes were uncomfortable and the ball gag was hurting her jaw, Lois felt more happy than she ever had before, feeling the woman's tender touch on her still hairless, slightly wet slit.
It continued like that for some time, with the woman alternately stroking the tight ropes round the 13 year old and and diddling the child's sex. Then with a sigh the woman stopped. "Well, guess my time's up. Got to get you untied Lois, as I will be summoned back soon."
Carefully the woman set about untying Lois, finally removing her ball gag. "May I say angel you looked wonderful all tied up. I'll be frigging off over images of you all tied up for ages to come. Just hope my auto shoot camera hasn't malfunctioned."
The woman screwed the bondage items she had back into an incredibly small ball and dropped them in her pouch as Lois sat up watching her. Although she didn't have a gag in, the child's tongue, lips and throat still were numb, though the effect was wearing off.
"You'll be fine in the morning," said Freethia. "No after effects, no marks. This will have just been a weird dream for you. But a pleasant one," the alien laughed, her large tits shaking gently and her blonde hair shimmering. "Just wish we could do it again. Still, if I pay my fee to Bet on time, you never know."
She stood back from the bed, regarding the naked child. "Really sweet and very pretty all tied up," she said. The air round her crackled a brighter blue. "On time," she grinned, "and you be on time for school in the morning, okay?"
"Wait," croaked Lois, her voice coming back to her. But Freethia wasn't waiting, or couldn't. The air crackled brighter and she was fading, waving and smiling as she did so.
"No, Freethia, don't go..." Lois managed, as her voice was stronger. But the blue light had faded and so had the figure of the plastic covered blonde woman. The room was empty with just the faintest aroma of a silky perfume lingering.
In the street light from the window, Lois examined her arms and legs. There were small marks, but not too deep or red. She thought about rushing to tell her mom and dad what had happened, but they'd say it was a dream. There are no aliens in your bedroom, never were. Go back to sleep with the light on if you're worried.
Lois wasn't worried. Just sad, as she curled up in her bed, thinking of what it was like to be bound and gagged and played with. Wondering if that camera Freethia had really did work.
She hoped so. And that the lady would get to wear a tight corset one day.
Lois wasn't late for school the next day and though her voice felt a bit funny she was fine. No marks, no after effects as Freethia promised.
Miss Garrett was there as usual at the front of the class to welcome the kids in, blonde hair swept back in a severe pony tail, looking a little tired where she peered over her glasses. As if she'd been up all night. But didn't teachers have a lot of marking to do?
Lois wouldn't have given it another thought, but she couldn't help noticing her teacher's long fingers with the pink nail varnish. And a silky perfume about her if you got close.
"Miss Garret" said Lois slowly, when she got the woman alone at recess. "Please... Is there such a state as Freethia?"
Miss Garrett smiled gently. "What gives you that idea, Lois?" She said quietly.
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