
[ FM, g, bond ]

by Quiller


Published: 20-Apr-2012

Word Count:

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Story Summary
Caution: Please note this story is purely fictional and intended solely for the entertainment of mature and responsible adults. In no way should the fantasy events detailed here be copied or imitated. Any resemblance in this story to any person, living or dead, is merely coincidental.

'I'm scared, mommy." Ten year old Beverly Dixon peered out from behind the bars of her cage at the back of the stage in the big hall. "I don't want to die."

"You're not going to die," said Carol Dixon from the other side of the bars, her voice calm and level as she addressed her naked daughter. "Your daddy and I wouldn't allow it."

"But I'm here! I'm in this cage... Then they're going to hang me!" Beverly, tears in her eyes, nodded past her mother towards the small platform in the center of the large hall where a noose dangled from the rafters. "That's for me!"

"It's only for show," soothed Carol. "All they are going to do is stand you on that platform, put the rope round your neck and then ask your daddy and me if we want to continue. Of course we'll say no, so they won't do anything more. They'll let you go."

Beverly looked doubtful and struggled a little with her cuffs, which held her hands behind her back. They weren't likely to come off so she stopped. "But all those people - they've come to see me hang." The child switched her gaze to the rows of chairs already filling up with the town's people. Men, women of all ages, and a fair few children as well. 'I saw the advertisment, with that picture of me on!"

"That's business," explained Carol. "Your daddy and me will get fifty thousand dollars for letting you be seen on the platform with a rope round your neck. The people who do this have to make money from admission and some video and photos they sell on the internet. They explained it all to us: they said it's like a circus, just an act. Theater, I guess. As soon as we say stop they will set you free."

"How do you know?"

"Oh sweetheart! You think Pop and me would let you hang?" Carol shook her head. "They showed us a video. It was a little girl like you on a platform. The mom and dad were watching and they said no, told the man doing it he had to stop. And he did at once. The little girl was uncuffed and helped down and went home with her mom and dad - who, incidentally, still got the full money."

Beverly still looked unsure. She looked at her mother, at how naked she was. "So why are you naked like me? Um, daddy too... he hasn't got any clothes on." A little self-consciously she shot a look at her naked father standing a little way off.

"That's the rules," Carol sighed. "We explained all this to you. We have to sit naked in front of you and watch to make sure you are okay. That's just how they do it, these people."

"And you said you'd be tied to the chairs."

"Yes, we have to agree to that. You see, sweetheart, they don't want us jumping up before you get on the platform. Apparently some moms and dads have done that and spoiled the fun. The poster for this said the rope goes around your neck, Beverley, and when some parents got upset they stopped it before they got that far. You can imagine that it was very disappointing for everyone who turned up and didn't even see what the poster said."

"There's the gags," pouted Beverley.

"Yes, but they take our gags out once you get on the platform. Your daddy and I have been through this very carefully with them. Honestly, there's nothing to worry about. The gag is just for show, just like them putting the rope round your neck. Once you get on the platform and the noose is round your neck they take our gags out. That's when we can say no."

"And you will say no, won't you?"

"Carol laughed. "Of course I will! Daddy will say no, and so will I." The woman's face grew serious. "I wish I could reassure you, sweetheart. You won't come to any harm."

Beverley considered this for a moment before she said: "Then why've you got your hands cuffed in back, like me?"

"Family thing," said Carol. "That means you have your hands fastened behind you and so do daddy and I. We are in this together, okay? Remember honey this is all for show, and once we have done this we can get dressed and go home with all that money. Then it's off to the mall for a big burger and that new dress you want!"

"Okay mommy." Beverly seemed a little more reassured but she shivered. "It's kind of cold here without any clothes on, mom. I wish I could hug you."

"Me too, angel. But I can give you a little kiss through the bars." Carol leaned forward and gave her daughter a little peck on the lips as the child pushed her pretty face up to the cage bars. "There. Now, no more worrying. I have to go and sit down and the show can begin. Soon have you out of here and home." The woman winked at her daughter, added a "Love you," and went to join her husband Ronnie on the chairs in front of the stage, right in front of the platform.

Carol was surprised just how many straps they used to fasten her and her husband to the chairs, and also the way their backsides hung out of the back of the chairs. It wasn't uncomfortable entirely but it was unusual. With their hands uncuffed their arms were quickly strapped to the side of the chairs (by two blonde women whose short black skirts showed off a little too much of their stocking tops, Carol thought, as well as the way their low-cut tops revealed a lot of bust) and more straps were added across their chests. But Carol reminded herself this was theater - it was part of the entertainment for the crowd to get enticing glimpses of panties and boobs and very long legs.

She even reassured herself it was like with a magician. The audience would be so looking at the females that they wouldn't notice any sleight of hand. Yes, there would probably some trickery going on, maybe even that it wouldn't be Beverly at all on the platform. Just some dummy, just to be really safe.

As her and Ronnie had their legs strapped wide apart at the front of the chairs, Carol felt herself grow flushed. It had been hard enough getting used to the idea that all three of them were naked, but she was glad that she and her husband were sat with their backs to the large part of the audience. The place, she realized as she sat down to be secured, was more than full: there were people crowding in to stand at the back. What was supposed to be a hall that held no more than 750 or so had twice that many pushing in.

Carol was also glad that Ronnie's surprisingly stiff cock was hidden from most of the audience too. Sure, they didn't live in this part of town but it wouldn't do for anyone to see how aroused Ronnie was at his bondage. Or perhaps at the way the blonde fastening him down was brushing up against him. But then so was the female strapping Carol down and she felt a different kind of heat in her as those full, heavy breasts pressed against her and how the smell of the blonde's strong perfume seemed to stimulate Carol. In spite of herself the woman felt her sex moisten and her nipples harden. That would be the cool air in here she tried to tell herself. But then it could be the closeness of this attractive, scantily dressed female...

The woman reminded herself not to be so foolish. She wasn't in the least gay, as she would prove when she got Ronnie in bed later that night. He would be wanting to fuck his wife hard, Carol smiled to herself. That would be fun, she decided. He could even have that special treat of doing it in her asshole, which was strictly rationed.

But then, while all this might be theater, was it really necessary to linger on such a lengthy binding of her and her husband? As more straps were tightened across their thighs pinning her even more to the odd chair, Carol looked at the cage where her daughter was watching them. Beverly seemed wide-eyed as she stared at her father and mother, though staring more at the way her dad's dick stood at attention. Still, she was a growing girl and you can't hide the facts of nature from young girls for too long.

There were film crews with cameras on herself, her husband and on Beverly too and the way the video camera's light was illuminating the cage she could clearly see from where she sat the small swellings of her daughter's emerging boobs. Carol could see them even more clearly on the large screen above the platform but the camera seemed to zoom in on those boobs far more than it was cut to her and her husband, though she gasped a little when her camera focussed on her open and glistening wet slit.

Carol gulped, feeling her face redden at the way her most secret place was being shown on wide-screen. There was even a ripple of applause as it zoomed in and all the intimate folds, slick with moisture, were on full view. There was a similar reaction when a camera showed her husband's erection in full color, the purple head and the bold veins in graphic detail.

The last strap was tightened and the two blondes stepped away with a flourish. A man who the couple had met before - the official MC and head honcho in this organization - stepped forward. With mic in hand he talked to the audience, explaining what they were about to see, what would happen. How the parents could say no to what was happening to their daughter and arrest the process.

We will say no, Carol whispered under her breath, but she fell quiet as small mics were fixed to the leather strap across her chest and Ronnie's, so - as the MC pointed out - everyone could hear the parents' words.

Then the man announced that Ronnie and his lovely wife Carol would be gagged for a short while, during which time Beverley would be brought out of her cage and walked round the stage.

It was obvious this was real theater now. The two blondes stepped out holding ball gags aloft as if they were some trophy: one red and the other black. The MC invited the audience to choose which color for which parent, and the chorus of calls eventually determined Carol would have red and Ronnie black. With a lot of show the man and woman were duly gagged by the two sluts - for that was how Carol regarded them now - and the straps tightened with a flourish.

Already with the rubber ball invading her mouth Carol was beginning to drool and her damned camera zoomed in to show a thin line of saliva falling from her well gagged mouth. She was aware the audience were cheering behind her at the sight of this on the big screen, a cheer redoubled when the two blondes approached the cage and little Beverly was gagged with a large pink rubber ball gag. It was a monstrous gag and seemed to distort the child's face terribly, and soon the child was drooling heavily.

Then the little girl was paraded round the stage for all to see and admire. One of the two sluts was driving her with a small thin cane, using it to tap the child's bottom as she walked. An encouragement, Carol hoped, not intended to hurt my little girl. She wished she could tell her daughter that but her gag was too good. Just like my darling daughter's, she thought.

Beverly was in fact paraded round the platform several times, and each pass the slut with the cane was hitting her harder. Already thin red weals were appearing on the child's bottom and she was crying at the pain. Carol moaned into her gag, partly in frustration and partly in arousal. She hated the fact she was always aroused by seeing children punished, and more so that it was her precious daughter. Already her cunt felt wet and she glanced across at her husband's cock, seeing it was harder and stiffer than she'd though possible.

Now, said the man controlling the event, it was time to get the child ready. Beverly, looking suitably tearful and shaking, was hustled to the platform under the noose, where her ankles and knees were tied together with wire and the noose lowered. Carefully one of the heavy-breasted women placed the noose round the child's neck and eased it closed so it was tight on the child's neck. Then someone adjusted the slack in the rope so it was taut and little Beverly strained upwards.

Carol wanted to shout stop then and there but she still had her gag in. As much as she told herself this was theater, that all this was for show, she began to have serious doubts. She hadn't expected her daughter to be caned and gagged, nor she conceded did she expect to be so aroused by it. Carol wanted to shout stop as much as to deny herself any more untoward thoughts and unwelcome excitements. All she could do was wriggle in her bonds as a sign they should cease at once, but no one was taking much notice.

Beverly wasn't quite dangling on the noose, but almost. Now, bizarrely, the platform was being rotated slowly, so the poor child was having to show all of herself: the cane marks on her pert little bottom, the way her hands were cuffed... and of course the rope and knot at her neck.

Carol's husband Ronnie was moaning and fighting his straps too, but equally ineffectively. But at least as soon as the gag came out he'd be hollering "Stop!" just as Carol would. But no one was coming to release their gags yet...

Suddenly several small naked children, no older than eight, were running across the stage to claps and cheers from the audience. There were four boys and four girls - the boys heading for the man and the girls for Carol. Each of the children had their hands fastened in back but didn't seem in any great distress - indeed as if well-trained they arranged themselves at each of the bound adults.

The boys on Ronnie knew exactly what to do, one taking his erect cock in his small mouth while another hurried behind him, knelt and instantly began tonguing his asshole. The other two boys began lustily sucking the man's hard nipples and at once Ronnie arched himself in his bonds and began moaning through his gag.

Carol had no time to reflect on this as the bound little girls did the same to her: one between her legs sucking expertly on her swollen cunt lips, tongue flicking up to her clit, and another behind her, worming her small, wet and hot tongue into her anus as if born to it. The other two girls lost no time in arrowing in on her hardened nipples, eagerly nibbling and biting and teasing.

If Carol hadn't been on the verge of a major orgasm then, she sure was now. The cameras were on her and Ronnie while the audience cheering. In front of her little Beverly seemed to be being stretched upwards more by her slim neck. But these kids were good: they knew (or sensed) how close the adults were to an orgasm and let their efforts subside at the critical moment. Carol was being born along on the crest of an orgasmic wave that hadn't broken and wouldn't yet. Just as Ronnie was being driven to the same, drawn out crest.

"Please!" Carol moaned into her gag, desperate for the children to continue on her, wriggling in her tight bonds in desperation to be allowed to cum. Brought to a huge, shattering orgasm.

By her and her husband - equally wriggling and crying into his gag - the MC was saying that all the parents had to do was shout "Stop" or "No" when their gags were removed and thus save the little girl from being hung. As soon as the parents shouted for a halt the little lapping children round them would stop too. But if no one stopped anything, the noose would tighten and the licking and sucking wouldn't stop.

The audience cheered and clapped and called advise: loud and lewd suggestions, and there was the distinct smell of male and female arousal in the air. The noose tightened another fraction. Beverly struggled weakly in her cuffs and wire bonds, drooling from her large gag. The children licked and nibbled and sucked expertly as before. Even the two busty sluts had their hands where they shouldn't.

Oh, they kept their promise, the organizers. They wouldn't do anything else. The two busty sluts let go of each other, stepped up and released the parents' gags. Just as Beverly's little toes left the platform.

Carol and Ronnie were free to shout.

But here's the question: did they shout "No! Stop", or was it: "Go on! Hang the little bitch!"

You decide what the parents shouted...

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Wow what a nicely depraved mind you have to have thought this one up! That said, I think you took the chicken's way out with your last two lines.

My guess; one said 'Oh fuckkkk' and one gasped 'stop'. YOU decide who said what, and in which order.


I don't think the parents shouted anything.. they were too busy enjoying the pleasure. I think they were mostly quiet and had their eyes closed.


No! Stop

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