Published: 14-Apr-2012
Word Count:
Jamie Frost cried long and hard after her mommy caned her. It was, as usual, just one sharp cut with the bamboo cane across the bottom of the seven year old - a single swipe from Linda with her daughter bent over, skirt flipped up to show her panties.
As usual too Jamie had her mommy's panties balled up in her little mouth, so she had something to bite on and help muffle the scream from the caning. It helped her and the child was grateful for the kindness. And as usual Linda consoled her daughter afterwards, nursing the child on her lap as she might with a baby, whispering comforting words as the child sobbed. After some ten minutes of her daughter crying Linda would say 'Hush now,' and ease the sodden mass of her panties from the little girl's mouth.
'Time to stop crying now,' smiled Linda. 'Mommy loves you sweetie and doesn't want you to cry.'
Jamie sniffed back the tears, making every effort to stop. 'Y-y-yes, M-mommy,' the child managed to say. 'S-sorry mommy.'
'I now you are angel,' beamed Linda, cuddling her daughter closer. 'I also know you are trying very hard to stop crying and that pleases mommy.'
'Y-yes mommy,' the girl tried smile back. 'Thankyou mommy.'
'That's okay. Now time to get back to work darling.' The woman eased her daughter upright on her lap and the girl winced as her very sore bottom made contact with her mother's skirted lap. Biting her lip so she didn't cry out, Jamie hopped up into a standing position and waited for her mother to stand.
It was "Thankyou kiss" time and as Linda stood, legs apart, Jamie dropped to her knees in front of the woman and ducked her head under her mommy's skirt. There was, as usual, that strong aroma of her mother's arousal - even if the girl didn't know that was what it was called. As far as she knew that was how mommy smelled between her legs after one of Jamie's punishments. In the dark confines of the skirt, the child instantly found the source of the rich aroma and closed her lips on the woman's pussy lips, pressing her young lips to the folds of the woman's sex and "kissing properly" as she had been taught with her wet, soft tongue stretched out and licking noisily.
The woman's shaved pussy made a wetness that tasted unpleasant to the child but at least in there, Jamie could cry a little more from her hurting and no one would see.
Above Jamie, Linda was gasping and soon was twitching her hips. Jamie knew the signs: today her mommy wanted a long Thankyou Kiss. Mommy would twitch and buck her hips and make more wetness as the long kiss continued until she would cry out in a strange scream and press her thighs in against her daughter's head, trying to clutch Jamie's hair through the fabric of the skirt.
Only when mommy had stopped jerking and moaning and gripping did Jamie ease herself down and climb out from under the skirt. 'Perfect, darling,' sighed Linda, smiling down at her daughter as she helped the child to her feet. 'You are a very good girl,' she added. 'Now you must go back to work. Lots of chores to be done.'
Jamie nodded. She didn't need to be told that, nor reminded to pick up her mother's discarded panties, wet from being in Jamie's mouth, and take them to be hand-washed. All her mommy's underwear had to be hand-washed and as Linda changed her panties at least three times a day there was always plenty for the child to do. 'Mommy,' said the girl, 'can I ask you a question?'
'Of course, sweetie,' Linda sat sat down on the couch and regarded her daughter. 'Though I hope you aren't wasting time by standing around talking too much. You had a rest during your punishment time, remember?'
Jamie nodded. She wanted to rub her eyes to get rid of the last of her tears and wipe some of her mommy's juices from her face but she kept her hands down. Mommy wouldn't appreciate it and might even think it was a gesture of ill-manners. 'Mommy,' asked Jamie, 'why was I punished again?'
'I told you sweetie. I punished you for breaking that cup when washing up.'
A small furrow creased the little girl's pretty face. 'But yesterday... that was when I broke it. You caned me then, mommy. For being clumsy.'
'I know sweetie,' sighed the woman. 'I guess that's why your bottom really hurt today. But you see, when I checked the sink this morning, you hadn't taken all the broken bits out. I found this tiny little piece you hadn't cleaned out. I mean, what if I had put my hand in there and cut myself on it?'
Jamie was puzzled. Her mommy never did the dishes or hand-washed anything so how would she cut herself? But then, her mommy was right. Not cleaning up properly was a punishment. Jamie nodded and said 'Yes Mommy.'
Linda must have been feeling relaxed and in a good mood, because she added some more to what she had been saying instead of waving her daughter away to get on with her chores. 'Sometimes honey you don't know you have done wrong. I know that's tough. Not like when you drop something or hey, the time you trod on the cat's tail and Mrs Catkins yelped. Remember that?' Linda smiled as her daughter nodded. 'We all knew you'd been clumsy then, right? But it's a little like when I have to check you have ironed my panties properly, or if you have polished my brass bedhead perfectly. Mommy has to see how you are doing, right? Now go and get on with with your work, sweetie. You have my panties to wash after you made them wet. Oh, and I will have coffee in exactly fifteen minutes.'
Jamie made to go and then stopped, before turning back. She was risking another punishment by wasting time talking, but she wanted to know something. 'Mommy... do I have to be caned every time I make a mistake?'
Linda looked questioningly at her child. 'Well, you have to be punished, Jamie. You know that. Heavens, what kind of a mommy would I be if I didn't punish you, sweetheart?'
'I know... Thankyou, mommy. But it's just I wondered if I could be punished some other way. It's just that m-my bottom really hurts,... Uh, I mean you caned me yesterday mommy, and the day before too.' Tears started to come to the child's eyes and she blinked them away, resisting the temptation to wipe the back of her hand across her eyes. She wasn't sure she could take another cut of the cane across her bottom for a few days and she nervously eyed the cane lying next to her mother on the couch. 'I w-wondered if you could p-punish me some other way.'
Linda sat forward and gave a slow smile. 'My oh my, it seems my little girl is growing up. You mean you want a choice of punishments. I wondered if this would happen.'
'Choice?' Jamie hadn't considered such a thing.
'You know what a choice is, don't you? Like when I let you choose which color panties you lay out for me in the morning, right?' Jamie nodded as she knew what choice was. 'So, you want to choose how you are punished,' continued the mother. 'Well, let me think about it. Now back to work sweetie, you are wasting time standing there and you know what that means.'
'Yes mommy, thankyou mommy' said the girl bobbing in a little curtsey before hurrying back to the kitchen.
'So this is your choice,' said Linda as she sipped her coffee later. 'I am not sure you will like it but hey, as I am your loving mommy the least I can do is offer you a choice, sweetie.'
Jamie was kneeling in front of her mommy, kneeling up so she didn't put the weight of her sore bottom on her ankles. The rough bristled mat she knelt on hurt her knees but that was better than sitting on her pained butt. The child was glad too that her mommy didn't insist she sat on the small stool as that would definitely hurt her rear.
'Okay Jamie,' said the girl's mother as she finished her coffee. 'This what you choice will be. Every time you do something wrong, or break something, or don't follow my orders you will have a choice. You can either have a swat of the cane - as you always have had before - or you can be tied up. No, don't look so eager Jamie,' admonished the woman as she saw the look of hope on the child's face. 'The way I will tie you up will hurt, and it will hurt for at least an hour. I haven't decided yet how long you will be tied up. But given that it will take me a while to tie you I guess an hour minimum would only work from the moment I declare you finished.'
Jamie nodded. She was always doing something wrong and the cane, if she was careless or inattentive enough, would be applied at least once a day. That made it hard to go to school, being unable to sit in her lessons. She had even - and her mother knew nothing of this - sometimes did something wrong so she would have to stand in the naughty corner for a while, just to get relief from having to sit at her desk hour after hour.
Linda continued. 'Now the advantage of the cane - and you still have that as your choice remember - is it is quick. That means you can soon get on with your chores round the house. Obviously if you are tied up you can't do anything. So guess what, sweetie: you will have to work faster and harder to catch up afterwards once I untie you. Oh yes, and you know how you have my panties in your mouth when I cane your little ass? Well, that will be replaced by a ring gag. You know what a ring gag is?'
Jamie thought she did but didn't want to risk getting the answer wrong, so she shook her head. 'No ma'am,' she said.
'I thought not,' sighed Linda. 'Well, a ring gag is like a big ring on a strap so it can be fastened in your mouth. That means that while it's in it will hold your mouth open wide and believe me you won't be able to speak. You will be able to grunt or make strange sounds but I would advise you to remain very quiet when gagged, understood?'
The child nodded glumly. She wasn't sure how wide her mouth would be held open but she presumed it would be very wide.
'Good,' said Linda. 'Now I will tie you up so you can see what it is like. If I think you aren't helping me by lying still while I tie you, or try to wriggle too much when tied up, I will take the choice away and it will be back to the cane.'
'I promise I won't try to escape, mommy,' said Jamie.
Linda laughed. 'Oh sweetypie, when you are tied by me you won't be able to escape, I can assure you of that. I just don't want you wasting energy trying or wriggling because you think it is fun. Once you are untied you will really have to get on with your jobs around the house.' She paused and grinned at her kneeling daughter. 'And in case you wondered, Jamie, you will be required to kiss Ms Pussy afterwards, just like you do after your caning.'
Jamie tried not to show her disappointment. She didn't really understand why kissing her mommy's private parts gave her mother so much pleasure, but it did. The girl had hoped that maybe she could be excused "kissies" but it seemed not. 'Okay mommy,' said the girl.
Whatever Jamie had thought tying up would be like, this was something completely different. Jamie might have thought that being tied up was just being kept in one place for a while. Maybe in a way so she could doze a little. But her mommy's idea of tying up was stringent - even if the seven year old didn't know what that word she certainly got the idea.
The child didn't even expect to be naked but her stripped off maid's black and white lace french maid's dress and matching lace panties were on the floor, along with her lace trim white socks.
The naked Jamie was lying on her tummy, on top of the coffee table. She was tied with wrists bound to ankles so that she was like a bow with her back arched and her shoulders wrenched back. Given that Jamie's hands were tied tight and her ankles crossed and bound further she felt pretty helpless. Plus her mom had tied her elbows together so they were virtually touching.
Then the mommy used rope to tie the child's hair bunches to her big toes, ensuring that her daughter's head had to stay up all the time. In fact Jamie was almost staring up at the ceiling.
Even as Linda had worked slowly and carefully on the exact positioning of the ropes and knots, Jamie had felt increasingly agonies from being confined to that one position. From where she was being tied the girl could see the big clock on the wall and understood that her hour-long "test" wouldn't start until the last knot was secured. Even then, it was a matter of her mom saying she was done, and she seemed in no hurry. Already Jamie was beginning to appreciate what her mother had meant when she said tying-up was a "difficult choice."
As she wasn't gagged Jamie was determined not to make a sound but already she making small groans from the slowly growing agony in her shoulders, arched back and tightly bound ankles. It was hurting so much the child was struggling not to let a tear escape her eyes. Finally Jamie was sure her mom had finished as Linda carefully slid a rubber coated ring gag into the child's wide open mouth and buckled the small leather strap behind the girl's head. Jamie groaned inwardly at how foul the rubber tasted and how it stretched her young jaw. Already she could feel the saliva start to build up in her mouth and she bravely tried to swallow, but despite her best efforts she felt some saliva run from her mouth.
'You will be cleaning that up later,' chuckled Linda as she noticed the string of saliva and the small puddle on the table top. 'Clean it properly, and polish the table top too.'
Jamie may have thought her mom had finished once the gag went in but she was wrong. First Linda tied rope round the child's waist to keep her secured to the smooth table top and then she brought something weird into the child's view. It was a long length of cord with a peculiar forked wire device at one end, where the two prongs bent inwards to make a hook, and a harsh-looking crocodile clip on the other. Also near the clip end was a small metal plate with two holes which the cord was threaded through twice. It reminded the girl of the play-tent she sometimes had in the garden, where the nylon ropes that held it's shape could be adjusted to keep them taut and stop the tent collapsing.
'Now this sweetypie, is the last piece of your bondage,' the woman explained as she dangled the hook thing in front of her daughter's gaze. 'That's what tying up is called, by the way. I hope you get used to calling it that because it's a so much grown up word than saying tying up. Okay? Let me show you how this works and how it will hurt you. You see, this strange looking end piece is a nose hook. You have a very pretty nose darling but this will hurt a lot, as I am sure you will soon discover.' Without hesitation, the woman slipped the dual-pronged hook into Jamie's nostrils and then gently tugged the cord up and back over Jamie's head.
At first there was only sufficient pressure on the cord to keep the hook lodged in Jamie's nostrils but it soon became clear it would increase as Linda ran the cord back between the child's hogtied-spread legs and under the coffee table. She swiftly brought it back up to her daughter's face and then told Jamie to push her tongue out through the ring gag as far as she could. Jamie did as she was told and without a word of warning her mom simply clipped the crocodile clip on to the child's protruding tongue. The pain exploded in Jamie's tongue and she gurgled desperately for mercy, tears rolling from her screwed up eyes to add to the puddle of the child's spit on the table top.
Linda ignored the outburst as she hadn't finished. The mother was never distracted by her daughter's whines or tears and she began to ease the small metal plate away from the clip with the result the cord shortened. Jamie squealed more as her nose was tugged up painfully into what she imagined - correctly - was a pig snout. More, she tried to stretch out her tongue in a vain bid to ease the pressure on her nose. But of course Linda merely slid the adjusting plate that little more to take up any slack.
When she was satisfied her daughter's nose was dragged up into a crumpled little snout and the child's tongue extended as far as it could go Linda smiled and sat back on her haunches. 'Okay, sweetness, you hour can begin now. But may I say you do look like a revolting little piglet like that and those squeals make you sound like it too.' Linda sighed. 'So now you see why bondage isn't as easy as being caned. Agreed?'
Somehow Jamie managed to grunt a 'ehh oh-eee' - the nearest she could get to "Yes Mommy" and tried to blink her tears away. She didn't know how she could stand this for an hour. Or at least another 59 minutes. Through her pain-clouded, tear filled eyes Jamie saw her mother stand. 'In an hour honey I will remove your tongue clip and let you lick my pussy - from the back, no less! And you will stay like that until I cum, so you had better work hard to bring me off. Understand?'
Jamie blinked away her tears and grunted out another tortured version of "Yes Mommy."
'And one thing more Jamie. Just in case you think that this bondage is far worse than being caned, I am going to give you a dilemma: you will, if you choose the cane, get two stripes across that sweet bottom of yours, not one.' The woman smirked. 'And if you find that manageable, I will increase it to three. Maybe then you won't know which punishment to choose. Okay?'
'Ehh oh-eee' agreed Jamie miserably.
Three stripes definitely hurt a lot more than one and two strokes of the cane and Jamie was in agony the rest of the day from her beating for forgetting to put the garbage out neatly. As she busied herself at the sink with the dishes, the child wondered what was best for her next infraction. She was sure to make a mistake, fail to do something correctly or be disrespectful to Mommy. Even if she tried her very best her mother would find something wrong. She always did, Jamie reflected.
But she couldn't bear another caning and the effects of the pig-and -crocodile bondage had worn off quite quickly, agony though it was at the time. An endless hour, it had seemed, plus the long pussy licking session afterwards. And then having to work very hard to make up for lost time.
It was so hard, making a choice. But at least Jamie had a choice. And she would have to choose soon, she knew. Jamie smiled to herself, checked her mommy was in hearing range and then let the cup slip from her fingers. It shattered on the sink top. 'Sorry Mommy,' sang the child as she saw her mother get up from her chair, looking annoyed.
'Mommy, can I choose the bondage again please,' the little girl asked as sweetly as she could.
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