Mothers And Daughters: Margie And Alison

[ FFgg, bdsm ]

by Quiller


Published: 12-Apr-2012

Word Count:

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As usual, this is fictional fantasy for adults only. The author does not condone any of these actions or ideas. None of it ever happened and never should.

Margie's daughter Alison was the taller of the two girls: thinner, dark haired and definitely a girl on the verge of womanhood. The other girl, whose name briefly escaped the woman, was a couple of tears younger judging by the flatness of her chest. She also had the slight puppy fat look associated with girls about to enter puberty. The child was also blonde, which always made it all the more delightful for some reason.

Blondes need bondage was how Margie always thought of it.

Jade. Ah yes, that was the kid's name. Margie would have to remember that over the weekend. It wasn't fair to just call the pre-teen by the name "girl" or "slave" or "whore" or yes, even "cunt." Even if it did give Margie a nice tingle between her legs to verbally abuse her guest in the foulest language possible.

Margie looked back at her own daughter and imagined her being called the same. There wasn't the same tingle now, just a feeling of helplessness and anxiety in the pit of her stomach instead of a healthy pulse in her sex. But that was what mothers like her experienced. A kind of heaven and hell all rolled into one. On the one hand you had someone else's child for you to treat badly and enjoy for a whole weekend, while on the other hand your own child was being treated the same elsewhere. It was a contradiction of feelings: the sheer terror of worrying what was happening to your own child, the overwhelming pleasure of hurting another child.

And Margie, like all the moms in the program, was free to do what she wanted to the child in her control. Tie the child up, whip her, hurt her, abuse her. Make the child beg from mercy and cry and howl. Forty-eight hours of suffering and pain and discomfort and humiliation. That was what each mother did in the exchange program. Xchange, they called it: making one girl suffer while your own child was away having heaven knows what done to them.

But it was heaven and hell, no doubt about it. There was no other glorious feeling like punishing a girl you didn't know or care about, no other despair so deep at imagining what your own child was going through. Elation and lust counterbalanced with fear and worry, pleasure and anxiety hand in hand for forty-eight hours. More than once Margie had resolved - been determined - that she wouldn't subject Alison to this ever again, but she couldn't stop. Perhaps have a few months off, let her daughter be safe at weekends. But then the desire would come back and Margie would pick up the phone to Xchange once again and make plans.

Margie shuddered at her own self. The woman had long since stopped agonizing over what she was, what she wanted. The woman had known for years, long before her daughter was born, that she liked the idea of girls being tied up. It took her a long time however to get used to the idea of her own child being tied up. The woman had fought the feelings of tying Alison up other than a few "play games" when the child was small and didn't know that every game didn't have to finish up with the child tied up. Cowboys and Indians, Pirates and Buccaneers all ended up with little Alison trussed up somehow. It was when Margie played Doctor and Nurses with her daughter and had the five-year old girl in her little nurses' outfit bound and gagged that Margie realized she would have to stop.

As gentle as Margie had been (the hogties on the pre-school girl weren't particularly stringent and the gags only simple cleave gags) there was no doubt that little Alison couldn't escape. But then wasn't that what bondage was about?

Yet although the actual tying up had to stop when Alison went off to school Margie didn't stop thinking about bondage, never stopped dreaming of having a child bound and gagged. How fortunate then that a few years later she discovered Xchange and knew she had finally found what she was looking for. A group of women nationwide devoted to punishing young females, trading their own in exchange for another to bind and punish. Even if it was at the price of being sick with worry about what was happening to your own.

'I guess we should be going,' the other mother - Diane - stood up, smoothing her skirt and grinning. 'Don't want to waste time when there's so much to do.'

Margie felt sick as she watched the woman take hold of the rope round Alison's neck and give it a tug to indicate it was time to move. Margie stood up too and took hold of the rope round Jade's chubbier neck, feeling it necessary to give that a tug too even though as they were in Margie's home there was no place immediately for the girl to go. Except the short walk down to the basement, of course, where everything was waiting. Margie wondered how long it would take this woman to drive to her home, how long Alison would be in the trunk of her car. She tried not to look at Alison, not wanting to feel guilty.

The girls were naked and bound identically, as per the instructions of Xchange. Alison and this Jade were tied the same: hobble rope at ankles (six inches, for short steps), wrists bound in back with waist rope and crotch rope cutting up into the cleft of their tender little pussies, ropes across the chest, above and below the emerging boobs and of course the neck rope with a long end and loop so the child could be led anyplace. All in all fairly simple bondage, but effective. Margie had taken her time getting her daughter's bondage right: she didn't want the other mom to complain to Xchange that Margie's standards were lax. The ropes were pinching Alison's skin slightly, though not as much as the heavier Jade girl. Margie wondered if Jade's mother had over-tightened her own daughter's ropes just to make the child suffer for some misdemeanor. It happened, Margie knew, that some mothers took the opportunity of tightly binding their own girls for an Xchange weekend because of the child doing something wrong in the week. Being rude, or not getting homework done perhaps.

And the gag. The standard penis-shaped gag that filled each child's mouth and was strapped round their heads and buckled under the chin with a leather patch that covered the lips. Only the color of the strap was different, depending on the child's experience of bondage. Up to ten Xchange weekends had the child wearing a white strap gag - virgins they called them - but between ten and 20 weekends the strap was red. More than 20 the child wore black. Alison had a red strap gag but this was the last weekend she would wear it. The new black one was on order for next time.

Jade however had a white gag strap. The rule was supposed to be that the virgins weren't punished hard but no one Margie knew ever took much notice of that rule. If you had a child for a whole weekend of bondage and punishment you weren't going to hold back. It could be Jade's first time though judging by the resigned look in the child's eyes and not some look of sheer terror Margie guessed she had done this before. There were no tears rolling down the blonde girl's face that suggested she didn't know what was going to happen.

But even if it was Jade's first time, it wouldn't make any difference. The feeling was that if your child was being punished someplace, you felt obliged to punish that woman's child hard too. A sort of revenge, Margie's friend Joan had called it. Joan and her daughter Sammie were in Xchange too but perhaps out of respect for their friendship they had never arranged to swap their girls. But Margie and Joan had talked about this a lot and yes, it was a kind of revenge. So Jade would be hurt whether she was used to it or not. It was the least Margie could do.

Diana was pulling Alison towards the door. 'Wait,' called Margie. 'The kiss.'

The woman taking Alison looked momentarily displeased. She clearly didn't subscribe to the ritual of the goodbye kiss on the daughter's gag, but Margie did. Margie stepped over to her daughter and planted a soft kiss on Alison's gagged mouth. Alison wouldn't feel it of course through the rubber and leather, but it was a gesture that Margie felt her daughter would appreciate.

'I won't bother, if you don't mind,' said the woman briskly as if she hadn't got time for such sloppy sentiments. 'We have to get going. Long drive.' Another sharp tug on Alison's neck rope and the child was stumbling after the woman. Already Margie was feeling a wedge of panic at seeing her daughter being literally dragged off, knowing what lay ahead for her was going to be hard and maybe brutal. No broken bones or scars, as per the rules, but she would come back with evidence of a beating or two at least.

But then that was exactly what this little Jade would get.

From the door Margie could see Alison being forced into the trunk of the woman's car. A small trunk, so Alison would be curled uncomfortably in the dark for a good while. They even said in Xchange that most women preferred compact cars for transporting bound girls as they had smaller trunks for greater discomfort. A rough sacking cloth too for the child to lie on would make the journey more uncomfortable, though some - like Margie - preferred mats with rubber dimples for extra discomfort when traveling. Maybe Alison would be lying on one of those, or something harsher. With a sigh Margie closed the door and turned back to her charge. 'Hi, shit. Welcome to hell,' she smiled and drove her balled fist into Jade's stomach. It wasn't as hard as it might have been but the shock of the blow caused the bound child to explode a muffled yelp into her gag and drop to her knees.

Margie hauled the neck rope and the pained child, tears rolling down her cheeks, struggled upright. 'That's just for starters,' said Margie, feeling the despair of seeing her own daughter going off already being replaced with that wonderful, wet glow of excitement deep in her sex. She picked up the long-handled wooden spoon from the table nearby. 'Now bend over cuntlet and let me welcome you properly with a good spanking.'


Jade didn't know the noose wasn't real, that if she fell off the small wooden block with it round her neck the rope would simply detach from the pulley above her head. There was no danger of her being strangled, but it pleased Margie that it added to the blonde girl's terror to think she might be hung if she slipped. 'I want you to stand quite still for two hours,' said Margie as she dropped the noose round Jade's neck. 'Very, very still for your own safety,' the woman added as she tightened the knot so it pressed against the child's neck.

Jade gave a small moan as she felt the rope close on her neck. Margie loved that sound, the suppressed panic of a bound girl, a noise muffled by a gag. Margie stepped back and admired the girl stood on the wooden block. She hadn't bothered to retie Jade and had brought her straight down to the basement and on to the wooden block as soon as the child had got over being soundly thrashed on her fat little butt cheeks. They still glowed bright pink and that pleased Margie. Giving her guest a warm welcome was how she put it.

For a moment Margie wondered if Alison was okay, trussed up in that car trunk, wondering what her welcome to Diana's home would be like, but she fought the anxiety down and shrugged the thought aside. Jade was here and it was time to punish her. 'I want you to look round the room, whore. I want you to spend the next couple of hours looking at all the punishment and torture devices. I want you to ponder whether you will like being hurt on them.' As she spoke Margie had flipped up her own short skirt and reached between her legs. Not having panties on she immediately busy fingering herself, rubbing her slicked wet clit as she did so. The smell of her arousal was already overpowering and her breathing altering as she approached her first orgasm of the weekend. The first of many, the woman knew. 'So, fat little fuckface, do you understand?'

Jade gurgled something in her gag. She had no option but to look at the various devices in the basement, no choice but to stand very still for fear of hanging herself. Margie didn't know if the girl understood what all the devices in the basement did, but she would find out over the weekend.

'In a moment, when... when I have finished here...' Margie's voice was little more than a gasp as she frigged harder, sending out a rich aroma of sexual arousal. 'I will add to your... ah, fun by flogging the back of your legs. Uh... and bite those stupid little fat nipples of yours.... I'm going to make you suffer, cunt and...' Margie sagged almost to her knees as she came hard. That first, golden cum, in front of a naked bound and gagged child was always the most wonderful of the weekend. It had been three long weeks since she had done this and her whole body was on fire with delight and pleasure. Reluctantly the woman took her glistening hand away from between her legs, sniffed it and wiped it on Jade's small, rosebud tits. Jade flinched but didn't fall. Margie grinned, leaned forward and began licking her own cum juices off the little girl's chest, pausing to run her tongue over those surprisingly hard little nipples. Then the woman bit them, gently at first and then harder so the tied girl was twisting as much as she dared, crying into her gag.

Sensing that despite the pain of having her nipples bitten the girl might gain some thrill and perhaps even have some kind of climax, Margie broke away. She grinned at the child, noting the look of fear and frustration etched into the child's face - or at least the part she could see above the white gag strap. 'You know, cunt, you might be fairly new to this but I guess you are beginning to find ways to enjoy it, right?'

Jade's face reddened a little and she made a small effort to shake her head and mmmph some sort of "no" sound. The woman merely laughed, as if she knew better. 'Now, my dear little shit, I am going to flog the back of your legs while you stand and look round. Only it won't be just any flogging. I am going to use these, can you see?' Margie held up a bouquet of green, leafy weeds in front of the child, her hand was protected by a lot of thick paper. 'Recognize these plants?'

The girl looked puzzled for a moment and then the light of recognition dawned. Eyes wide she grunted in terror. 'That's right,' chuckled Margie. 'Stinging nettles. Quite freshly collected too and I believe they are particularly nasty at this time of year.' Actually Margie had no idea but she wanted to add extra fear to the child. 'And just for starters, how does this feel?'

Margie let the nettles lightly brush one of the child's puffy nipples, the one she had been biting a few moments before. Jade screamed into her gag, sobbing and twisting as even that brief and gentle touch set her skin on fire with the nettle's poison. Margie nodded, pleased at the reaction. She hated little girls with a high pain threshold. So much better when they whimpered at something as ordinary and every day as this - the harder punishments would bring even better reactions from the little whore. 'Now for the other one. We don't want it feeling left out, do we?' laughed Margie, feeling her own sex juice up again as she flicked the edge of the nettles over the other nipple. Across the girl's chest there was an immediate white rash from the broken hairs of the nettle leafs but it was hard to see it as she twisted on her neck rope. 'Hold still, you fucking bitch!' snapped Margie, bringing a terrified look and immediate obedience from the girl as the harshness of the woman's command cut through her self-obsession with pain.

The girl even made a noise, a kind of muffled hissing that sounded like a gagged version of "sorry." Margie grunted, assuming it was an apology. 'You will be a lot more sorry when I have finished, fucklet. But I think you are beginning to understand that I want total obedience and submission. If I say stand still while I do something to you then you will do as I say.' Margie smirked in response to the girl's small, helpless nod. 'Now I want to rub the nettles against your little slit. Try to get your legs as wide apart on the block as you can, but carefully. I don't want you slipping off it.'

Despite her obvious fear Jade at once began to shuffle her feet apart towards the sides of the block. It wasn't very far and in any event the hobble rope on her ankles wouldn't allow more than six inches apart, but it would give access to the child's pussy and allow Margie to wipe the nettles up against the rope-divided nether lips. It would also mean that some nettle stings would appear on the inside of Jade's thighs, and experience had shown Margie that the inside of a child's thighs were especially sensitive. As soon as the child was as spread as she could be (and making a gurgling sound as her slightly reduced height meant the rope at her throat was a tad tighter) Margie prodded the nettles up to the exposed if rope-protected cunt in front of her. Whereas before the woman had brushed them lightly against the girl's nipples this time she simply pushed them up against Jade's soft inner thighs and her sex.

Margie's reward was a high-pitched shriek from the girl, but satisfyingly there was no great motion from Jade other than an obvious tremor through her helpless body. 'Good,' purred Margie as she wiped the nettles up and around, making sure every part of the child's sex and inner thighs were subjected to the stings. With a sigh of satisfaction Margie stood back from the understandably sobbing girl and moved behind her. Gently, almost lovingly, Margie began to swat the back of the girl's legs with the nettles. Of course they had lost some of their poison and stung far less but the child still flinched and cried into her gag, twitching at every new "lash" from the woman. The inevitable white rash was appearing rapidly on the reddening flesh in front of Margie and as her excitement grew at the sight she had to pause and masturbate herself to another orgasm. Jade, although she didn't know what was happening behind her, was grateful for the reprieve.

It was however a temporary respite. As soon as Margie had climaxed she resumed her beating of the child, and in acknowledgment of the decreasing stinging power of the leaves was now simply lashing the girls legs as if was some standard flogger. It didn't last long as the leaves were soon flying off the stems and littering the floor but that didn't worry Margie. She had developed a steady rhythm with the stalks and was enjoying lashing Jade's legs, seeing her body tremble and twitch, hearing her muffled cries. Margie could also see the child's abused cunny, bitten into by the crotch rope and speckled with white spots on the sore looking flesh. Between her own legs Margie could feel her climax building anew.

That was when she stopped, reluctantly, but she decided it was time for her to rest. She didn't care whether Jade rested or not, but she needed to sit down. Stepping away from the tortured child and allowing herself to sit on the only seat in the room. Her rest seat as she called it. She sat and opened her legs so she could play with herself as she looked at the tortured Jade, slowly bringing herself towards another orgasm. But she couldn't bring herself off, and she knew why.

Margie was worried about her daughter. She was far too worried about what was happening to Alison to bring herself to a peak. Anxiety always did that to the woman, and she was as always very concerned about what that woman Diana was doing to Alison, what she would do to her as soon as she could. What if the tortures and punishments were more than Alison could stand? What if they were more severe than anything Margie could inflict on Diana's daughter Jade? What if Jade here was having a pleasant vacation compared to some unspeakable, cruel tortures that would be heaped unrelentingly on Alison. The woman almost bent double where she sat, such was the knot of fear and anxiety in her stomach.

Margie's precious child Alison, hurt and helpless, suffering and begging into her gag for release... It was almost too much to bear thinking about. Angrily Margie jumped up and grabbed a conventional soft-thonged whip from where it hung on the wall by her side. If the mother couldn't help Alison right now the least she could do was make sure the child in her possession suffered as much as possible this weekend. It was the only thing that could be done to even it all out.

Jade would be tortured hard and unrelentingly. Yes, at least then there could be no doubt that it was fair. Alison may be hurting but this child would hurt more. Margie cracked the whip noisily and Jade twisted on her neck rope to turn her tear-streaked face to the woman, eyes wide in fear, a strangled moaning sound muffled by the gag.

And anyway, Margie thought grimly as she stepped towards Jade, this little whore deserved a good thrashing for not letting Marie cum just now. Still, a good whipping would put the woman in the best frame of mind for bringing herself off. Then she wouldn't have to think about what was happening to poor Alison at the hands of that no-good woman.

'Time to get started hurting you properly, cunt,' snapped Margie as she drew her arm back to aim a blow at Jade. 'After all we've only got 47 hours left and we really should make the most of them.'

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