Published: 7-Apr-2012
Word Count:
The attractive woman sat next to me at the bar leaned forward and said quietly, 'You want to know about revenge? Real revenge? Let me tell you a story.' She paused and took a deliberate sip of her drink. 'A true and evil story' she added darkly, flicking the briefest look at the barkeep to make sure he was out of earshot.
I glanced too at where the man behind the bar stood, and indeed he couldn't hear anything that was said at this end of the bar. Not with his back to us and his attention on the ball game on the large screen along with a couple of other guys who were equally fixated by the game. There was no one else in the place, but it was pretty early even for a hotel like this.
'It involves something illegal,' the woman was saying and I turned back to her. She was looking at me now, looking for some reaction. I shrugged as if it didn't matter to me, and in truth it didn't. If anything it would make the story even more interesting.
'Okay,' I said, sipping my drink in an effort to show I was relaxed. 'Fire away.'
The woman I was with - whose name she had said was Rose - smiled at me. A pretty sexy smile, I had to say. But then Rose was one hell of a good looking woman. She was in her late twenties I figured and had long, chestnut colored hair and from what I could see had a good pair of boobs. Not the kind of woman a man like me would turn down. We had fallen into a conversation about life in general, and soon were talking about getting revenge on people who had wronged us. It had started out like so many casual conversations do between strangers in a bar as we shared a couple of drinks, but soon got round to me saying how I hated my boss and really wanted to get some kind of revenge for a bad review.
That was when Rose began to tell me her story, and as it unfolded I began to appreciate just how evil it was.
'When I was younger,' she began, 'I worked for a guy called Jim, being personal assistant. He worked in publishing - I won't say which publisher - but he gave me my first real job and though it was hard work with long hours, the pay was good. He was about ten years older than me and married with a couple of kids. I guess he didn't get on with his wife too well as he was soon looking for sex with me. It didn't take me too long to give in, especially as he told me keeping my job depended on it and frankly, straight out of college and in an unfamiliar city, I had way too many overheads.'
Rose sighed and toyed with her half-empty glass. 'I guess I was like a lot of young girls fresh into the business world. I was starry-eyed and gullible and eager to please. I should have told Jim to have sex with his wife or jerk off in the bathroom, but he made it clear that Darlene - his wife - wasn't the kind of woman he's want to have sex with unless he could help it.'
'Two kids,' I nodded. 'Guess he must have liked her once.'
'Sure,' Rose smiled. 'Two girls called Christy and Dani. The oldest, Christy, was six and Dani five - though Dani was adopted. Guess it was only one kid from their union. I figured maybe Jim and Darlene hadn't got it together much for a while as he told me his family all had lots of kids - four or five kids usually. So he was kind of out on a limb here with no prospect of having any more, he said. So one thing led to another and soon Jim was fucking me. Nothing I might make me think he appreciated me, just me bent over in the office while he quickly screwed me. There was one hotel for a few hours one night, just once, and one small gift of flowers but no way would I think this was romance. I was just some empty-headed office junior he liked to bang between meetings.' Rose paused and grinned, 'Unless he wanted me to blow him, just before meeting some high-power executive.'
I nodded, trying not to think too hard about those full, sexy lips on my dick. I imagined she would swallow and not spit, and I knew if I thought about it too much my own cock would burst out of my pants. If my excitement was showing Rose pretended not to notice. 'So one day, Jim called me into his office - not for the usual over his desk quickie, but for my review. Right then and there sacked me. He had been fucking me for six months and although he never praised me he also never complained, so you can imagine I was astonished at what he was telling me. Basically, turned out he had found a more attractive woman than me and wanted her as his personal helper. I was out and this woman, this blonde slut, was in.'
'I see. I guess you wanted revenge on this woman who took your place, right?'
Rose laughed. 'No, she was just plain stupid. No, I wanted revenge on him! I wanted the best kind of revenge, one served cold.' The woman next to me took another sip of her drink. 'So I started planning.'
'Planning?' I had to admit I was intrigued. 'How d'you do it?'
'Well, I got to look good.' She laughed at my incredulopus reaction. 'Oh, I wasn't this good looking back then. See?' Rose reached into her purse and pulled out a snap of her, taken a few years ago. She was good looking, but nothing like she was now. Her hair was short and untidy and she wore a plain sweater that hid her charms. I couldn't help glancing at her chest now, and heard her chuckle as she noticed. 'It's okay,' she grinned. 'I had a boob job too, as well as my nose shortened.'
Whatever she had paid for those uplifts and reshapes, it was money well spent.
'I also learned how to make myself up properly, had my hair done properly. Guess I became a totally different woman, especially when I learned to walk in high heels all day. I got new clothes too that showed off my figure. In short, I was became a very different Rose to the girl who left Jim's office in tears.
'For five years I worked on the new me. I got confident and tough, working out and learning how to look after myself. Even changed my name, too. I wasn't Rose back then. More a wilting flower,' she chuckled. 'I had men after me, sure, but I steered clear of them. I wanted to save myself for Jim and his downfall.' At this point Rose beckoned the barman over and ordered refills, and when the guy retreated back to the ball game she resumed her story. 'I worked out a plan that I would turn up in his life and get him where Darlene would find him, obviously in some strange and humiliating position. A position that would leave him helpless, to say the least, against the wrath of his wife.'
'But if it was him having, uh, sex she'd only divorce him and he'd be free to-' I began but Rose interrupted me with a shake of her head.
'No, apparently Darlene's deeply-held beliefs forbade divorce. His life I knew would simply become a living hell with a very angry wife. Hey, I'd even get to do this while she was out at church!' The woman next to me smirked at the delightful thought of this man being reduced in a way he couldn't imagine or endure easily.
I grinned. 'Sounds a great plan.... so you, um, did it?'
Rose laughed gently. 'Oh yes, I did something to him. But not as I'd planned. You see, my plan was pretty basic: get him thinking he was going to have kinky sex with me, so he'd be naked on the bed and stretched out - you know, a bit of bondage fun with his wrists and ankles cuffed to the corners of the bed - and then I'd leave him for Darlene to find. Of course, to make sure she got the maximum revulsion I was going to leave a couple of bondage mags - gay bondage magazines at that - next to him and a whip as if he liked being beaten. Now that part I was looking forward to, for I surely was going to beat him hard. I was also going to make him shoot his load over his own belly and perhaps get a pair of Darlene's worn panties out and pull them over his head so it looked like he was a panty-sniffer too. I had a Polaroid camera so I would take some photos too and scatter those on the bed as well. I figured by the time I left him all beaten and humiliated, it would all look a sorry mess. I'd even got an anal dildo and contemplated leaving it in his asshole if I could. It was a great plan.'
I frowned. 'Okay, you said "was"... I take it the plan didn't happen the way you thought?'
Rose sighed and shook her head. 'No, but it turned out better. You see...' Rose paused and looked at me intently. 'You said you were a salesman. You aren't a cop are you? Uh, or with the Feds or some government agency?'
I laughed. 'No way, honey! My only involvement with people like that is arguing with the IRS about my returns.'
'Good,' she smiled. 'Because what I am about to tell you breaks any number of laws.'
Despite being relaxed and clearly not in the employ of the law, I gasped. 'You... you murdered him?'
Rose laughed again and shook her head. 'Tempting I admit but no. I can assure you he is alive and physically unharmed. Leastways not by me. Though I can't speak for Darlene.' The woman next to me stopped laughing and pursed her lips. 'What happened required me to think quickly because it was so unexpected.' She looked back at me again, and then round the bar. It was beginning to fill up, people were sitting near us and the barkeep turning away from the game - though the scoreline suggested it was over anyway. 'We need to talk more in my room. Not here,' added Rose as she got off her bar stool.
I nodded and followed Rose out of the bar, noting a couple of smirks from single men who thought I had got lucky early. I can't help admitting that maybe I was hoping I was about to, but if nothing else I wanted to hear the end of this story.
In her room at the hotel she invited me to make my self comfortable in a chair and she perched on the edge of the bed. Knees together I might add, so I guessed I wasn't here for any sex.
Rose resumed her tale. 'I called Jim up and made various suggestions. As I figured he would remember me as the plain jane he used know, I invited him for lunch. I wore a low cut top - yeah, lower than this one,' she added without rancor, noticing me stare at her chest. 'And plenty of perfume and make-up. Inside two minutes he was panting for me, as I expected. I told him that, as I was living with someone - a lie I hasten to add - we couldn't have sex at my place and I knew he hated spending money on hotels, so I suggested we should go to his house. I added: "Isn't Darlene at church most of Sunday afternoon?"
'That was the thing that did the trick. If he wanted me, he'd figure it was worth the risk. And anyway, I knew he screwed quick so I would in theory be in there for no more twenty minutes, and I guess he thought that too. So we fixed a time and date and I left him with the promise that I had learned a few new tricks since I worked for him. Hell, he was almost cumming in his pants at that point,' grinned Rose.
She continued. 'So Sunday arrived and I had all my things in a black bag. He would probably think they were sex toys, and in a way they were. But I didn't get to use them the way I wanted.' A rueful look came over Rose's face. 'You see, something went wrong with the plan. I had figured that Darlene would take both girls with her to church - who were now aged eleven and ten. Pretty things too, judging by the big family portrait in the hallway. As soon as I got in the place I realized Jim was antsy. He whispered me that the youngest, Dani, was home ill but safely in bed. We could only have sex upstairs if he made me quiet as he didn't want her hearing anything. Then the bastard produced a gag for me to wear while he fucked me, just so I wouldn't shout out!'
'A gag? You mean a proper, you know, ball gag?' I asked incredulously and blushed. Was I supposed to know about things like that, I wondered? Rose though wasn't surprised I said it and merely nodded.
'Yep,' she said, 'a proper red rubber ball gag, loved by bondage fans everywhere. I even kicked myself for not thinking I should have got one of those for him, and here he was holding one out for me! I even wondered if he thought my "new tricks" would involve me being trussed up in some way. Suddenly the plan didn't look so good.' Rose sighed. 'I almost turned and walked out then and there but thought I couldn't get this far and pass this chance up. It could be my only one, and maybe I could still turn this thing round.'
'So you let Jim gag you?'
Rose nodded. 'Yeah, but only after I told him that if I wore it I wanted him to do something for me in turn, and he'd need it as I had a little game planned that would really amuse him. I have to say the plan almost unravelled then and there as he looked likely to say no, but I whispered that I'd really appreciate the gag when he screwed my asshole, and he'd need it when I rimmed his butthole. I guess that did it. The horny bastard thought for a moment, agreed, buckled the damn gag in my mouth and marched me upstairs. I just had time to grab my black bag.
'At the top of the stairs he indicated that one door, closed, was Dani's room and made a hush sign. Then he grinned and led me to the master bedroom. I have to say that what I saw astonished me: he'd obviously been planning this for some time because the bed had manacles at the corners. It was clearly going to be me who was stretched out. I forgot I had the gag in and started to say "no way" and all that came out was this mumble. Jim laughed and started to push me towards the bed, trying to twist my arm up my back. That was when I stopped thinking and swung my heavy little bag round and caught him hard in the balls. I must have hit him just right, judging by the way he crumpled into a heap.
'Of course he made some noise as he fell. A kind of bubbling scream and he hit the floor like a sack of bricks. That was bad, because whatever was wrong with Dani wasn't enough to keep her in bed. She must have been out of her room in a second, and was there at the door staring at the situation with her big saucer eyes. I guess it looked weird to her, seeing a strange woman in her mom and dad's bedroom wearing a red ball gag, her dear daddy in a huddle on the floor at my high heeled feet sobbing about his nuts. Oh yeah, and the bag had come open and cuffs and dildo were scattered on the floor.'
I stared at Rose, wondering how she got herself out of that one. Rose just smiled at me in an enigmatic way and continued. 'They say time stands still at moments like that. But all I can remember is leaping at Dani. I had her in a grip she wouldn't get out of and I hauled her into the bedroom. I was an auto pilot, and if I was thinking it was at another level. The kid was too surprised to scream out and I didn't give her much chance to get away. I grabbed a pair of my cuffs and had them on her, hands in back, and at once got another pair on her ankles with them threaded through her wrist cuffs to make a sort of hogtie, all within twenty seconds. Dani wasn't shouting, which puzzled me a bit. She was just saying: "Daddeee, daddeee" as if she was trying to wake him gently. He though wasn't taking much notice as he was still clutching his bruised balls, just like the wimp he is. Then she said something to her father along the lines of: "Is this a tying up game?"
Rose paused and shook her head slightly. 'I didn't know what she was saying but I was grateful she wasn't howling the house down. From between the man's clenched teeth he was saying, "Don't tell her, Dani!" I had no idea what it was I shouldn't be told but I didn't want too much noise. I couldn't take the risk of Jim shouting as the neighbors might be the nosy kind, so I dragged his hands behind him and cuffed them there and yanked the gag out of my mouth and wedged it straight into his mouth. I have to say forcing a saliva-slicked gag into his mouth gave me a degree of satisfaction - and it muffled his pathetic sobbing.
'So there I was, blouse torn open somehow, a man still curled up at my feet groaning into a ball gag and a very cute ten year old hogtied on the floor, wearing only a pair of pink and blue PJs, staring up at me all wide eyed but pretty calm, all things considered. Then she said: "Who are you? One of Daddy's friends?" I straightened my hair, tried to pull my blouse back closed and said: "Yeah, guess you could say that."
'That was when things really changed.
'This cute little girl just lay there on her tummy and said, calmly enough if a little puzzled: "Daddy said we weren't doing tie up games today. He said I wasn't well enough." I just gaped at her, and the best I could say was; "Excuse me?" She responded about not being well, like that made it all clear. So I told her I wasn't interested in her being tied up but this weird conversation was far from over. She wanted to know why I'd put her like that if I didn't want to tie her up. Then she said something about her daddy's friends did that to her. I shot a glance at Jim and he was groaning something into the gag. As I hadn't finished with him I hauled him up on the bed. I must admit, thanks to all my working out and a kind of energy born of a fight, I soon had his ankles fastened with the manacles. He was lying on his back, on his already cuffed hands, so he wasn't in a position to do much. Except glare up at me. I said to the small girl on the floor what she meant by her daddy's friends tying her up.
'Jim had got some life back and was struggling to get off the bed but apart from sitting up with an effort, he wasn't going far. He was grunting meaninglessly into his gag so I ignored it and turned my attention back to Dani. The way she was lying on the floor I figured she couldn't see her father too well, because the looks he was giving her could have killed. I squatted down next to Dani and perhaps I appeared pretty friendly as I stroked her blonde hair. I asked her to tell me all about it, and she did.'
Rose stopped talking and got up. I thought she was going to say that was the end of the story and I had to leave but she merely disappeared into the bathroom for a minute or two. She came back and sat down and resumed. 'Little Dani it seemed was her father's bondage toy. He would get these friends - who I think must have been business associates or clients - to stop by the house when the coast was clear and tie little Dani up. For some reason this little girl didn't seem to mind, she used words like "fun" and "tickles" and "spankies" and "special licks" and even said she sucked men's popsicles to get the cream out, so I figured a lot was going on with her trussed up.
'Halfway through this fascinating story Dani was telling me I glanced back at Jim. He had collapsed back on to the bed and was silently staring at the ceiling, so he wasn't a problem. Meanwhile Dani was telling me more, and it was only when she said "photos in the closet" that Jim tried to get animated again. Dani, still cuffed up in her hogtie remember, went on to say that her daddy took pictures of her tied up with these "friends" and I soon found them in a box, hidden at the back of the closet. Pretty revealing they were too: photos of Dani in different bondage positions, mostly naked, sometimes gagged and often having a man's cock in her mouth. Given that some of the cocks were black and different sizes I figured it was evidence enough that quite a few men had used Dani in bondage.
'Jim had gone back to being quiet but I decided it was time to put my revenge plan back into action. I unzipped his fly and got his cock out and rubbed it until it was hard. Then I rolled her PJ bottoms clear of the child's hips and lifted Dani up to the bed. She was pretty light so I positioned her over Jim's groin while supporting her with one arm and holding Jim's dick upright with my free hand. Slowly I lowered the girl until the man's hard dick slipped into his daughter's cunny. I don't know if he'd ever fucked his daughter before, but she made no objection to this and frankly, as the man had a fairly small cock, it soon disappeared into his daughter's snatch. I told Dani that she had to do what she did with other men in that position and she grinned and started wriggling and lifting herself up and sliding back down. With my camera I took a couple of dozen photos, some of which I kept and some of which I scattered round the bed, along with other photos from the closet. I figured when Darlene got home there would be quite an explosion.
'Just to make sure the agony would continue for Jim I took a couple of the really nasty photos of a well tied Dani being screwed by other men, slipping them into Darlene's underwear drawer for her to find another time. Maybe just when she thought she might be over the worst shock. Some of the other ones I kept I would mail to Darlene at different times in the weeks ahead. I have to admit I had left Dani on her father and she was happy, even cuffed as she was, to grind up and down until eventually she stopped - which I presume was because she felt her daddy squirt his cum into her. That was when I eased the kid off her daddy and thought as my work here was done, I would connect the child up to the unused manacles on the bed and leave them alone for Darlene to discover.'
Rose sighed. 'Well, that's what I should have done. What I did next was probably completely stupid... or maybe not.' She paused thoughtfully and I asked her to go on. She did. 'Just as I picked up one of the open manacles on the bed to attach Dani to it she said something that made me stop. She said, in the merest whisper, "Don't leave me here. He'll hit me later." I stopped and stared at the child. It was one thing for her to be fucked and bound up, maybe even spanked, but suddenly I understood: Darlene would sure take it out on Jim, no problem. But Jim, being the nasty shit he was, would undoubtedly get his revenge on the child. I wavered, in two minds what to do. Then she whispered, throwing a fearful look at her father, "He hits me if I don't make his friends happy."
'I figured he probably hits the child anyway, and for all that I had done over the last hour and all that I had seen in the photos, hitting children out of spite was just terrible. The little girl asked if I could take a look at the soles of her feet and I did, and I saw thee marks across them. "That's where he hits me," she said, bolder now. "It hurts but I can't tell anyone." I asked her if he beat her anyplace else, and she said sometimes on her cunny, just because he liked doing that.
'You have to understand that although I hated Jim before, I utterly detested him now. He was a bully in the office I remembered and now I knew he was a bully at home. I made my mind up on the spur of the moment I would take Dani away with me rather than leave her here and take Jim's wrath later. I had a few pictures left in my camera so I took several of the bruised soles of Dani's feet in case I needed evidence later and scooped her up and left. Well, we left after I grabbed all my things and we went into Dani's room and picked up some clothes for her.'
A silence descended on the room and I wondered where this was leading. I also wondered what the hell this woman had done with a cuffed child in her PJs. After a good couple of minutes, Rose said: 'I carried Dani out with me and dropped her in my car. In the trunk of all places! I told her to be quiet and she just looked up and nodded. But maybe I wasn't sure if she would, because I grabbed this old cloth lying in the trunk, tore into a couple of strips and tying a knot in the middle of one I gagged the child with it. The other one I used as blindfold. I knew she couldn't see anything inside the trunk but it made me feel better.'
'Rose,' I interrupted. 'Why in the trunk? Surely she would have been okay in the car?'
The woman laughed suddenly and sharply. 'For all my careful planning I had clean forgotten to take the keys to the handcuffs. I think at some point I thought it would be better to leave Jim cuffed on his bed without any quick way of releasing him, so Darlene would have to leave him there while she called someone to free him. But whatever I had thought I might do, I hadn't taken them with me, so little Dani had to stay cuffed up.'
I opened my mouth to say, "And then what?" when I saw a pair of pink and blue kid's PJs by the side of the bed. As a certain realization hit me the question that sprang to my lips was simple: 'When did all this happen?'
'Today's Wednesday,' smiled Rose. 'It happened on Sunday, 72 hours ago.' She stood up and went to the closet and opened the door. Standing in the closet, naked, was a sweet little ten year old girl, hands cuffed to the clothes rail above her head. There were cuffs on her ankles too, but she wasn't going far with her hands fastened the way they were. I guessed this was Dani because the gag in her mouth was a strip of cloth with a knot in her mouth, emerging between her stretched lips. 'Meet Dani,' said Rose.
It seems astonishing now that I took it all so calmly as the rest of the story unfolded. Once Rose explained that she had been on the run for three days, having left her apartment in a hurry where she grabbed some clothes and found the keys to Dani's cuffs, she had become increasingly nervous about kidnapping a child. Even to spare the kid untold agonies from her vengeful father didn't alter the fact she had taken the kid.
Rose was pretty sure Darlene would have lifted the roof of the house with her anger and she was equally convinced Jim was destined for a life of hell. But Dani was a kid, and tied and fucked and beaten she may have been, Rose was in danger of being a target for any cop. She had covered her tracks well but she knew any descriptions of a kidnapping would involve a woman and child. She needed to be on her own for a while and the prospect of smuggling a cuffed and gagged child in and out of hotels wasn't sitting comfortably with her.
So you see, that's how I got my very own child prisoner. Dani is with me now, quite happy to be tied up in the trunk of my car, moving with me from place to place. I keep her gagged mostly and the cuffs come in handy, but I still like old-fashioned rope and mostly Dani gets tied up properly. She seems content enough and I make sure she's fed and watered and has regular toilet breaks. When we get to some Motel, I usually allow Dani a couple of hours tied to a chair watching some old cartoon re-runs on TV. I enjoy hearing her chuckling behind her gag.
In case you are wondering, I never did get to have sex with Rose. I think maybe she would prefer women to men after the way Jim treated her, and I couldn't blame her. But I do have Dani with me and she sleeps with me most nights. She's quite eager for sex and sucks really, really good. Swallows, too I'm glad to say. She doesn't seem to mind being chained to the bed all night either, which is good as I'd do it anyways. Just for our safety and peace of mind.
I promised Rose I would never beat Dani and I won't. I think too much of them both. Anyway, rope marks are enough to excite me and Dani has some clothes that hide rope marks real neat. What i like about her is the way she expects to be bound and gagged, and we have some great restraints for her to wear. Well, I am in the leather business and getting a few contacts to make the odd harness or single sleeve is no problem.
As the days turned into weeks I still kept my eyes on the news but there was no story of a kidnapping, let alone a woman finding her husband chained to a bed and surrounded by porn involving their missing daughter. I sometimes wonder quite how he explained it all and I wonder too how long she took to free him. Maybe, I figure, Darlene was in no hurry and still has Jim chained up as a revenge.
But if she was planning real revenge, I was sure she would know it's best served up cold.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |