Jessica Though The Fence, Part 2

[ M/g/g/g, bdsm ]

by Quiller


Published: 3-Apr-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

'Mr Sweeper,' said the familiar small voice through the fence a few days later. Her face pressed up to a gap in the fence slats.

'Hi Jessica. What is it?' I looked back at her, glad to see her around and trying not to smirk. She had come back for more I decided.

'Uh... When you tied me... Last week... um,' Jessica understandably was cautious. 'You said... told me I had to be quiet.'

'And you were. Apart from a little crying. So?'

Jessica shifted slightly, looking at the yard floor on my side. 'If I was sat on by an elephant and I tried to scream for help it'd put it's trunk in my mouth. So I couldn't.' She flickered her eyes up to me. The light of hope in them. 'I jus' couldn't say a word, could I?"

I understood. She wanted to know what it was like not to be able to call out for help. A gag, no less. I decided to roleplay the sensible adult, tease her a bit more and pretend to be slightly disapproving. 'Listen, Jessica. Being squashed - well, tied up tight and not being able to tell anyone you're all helpless - isn't good for little girls.' It was good for me, I knew. My sore cock from all my masturbating was testimony to that.

Her pretty little face fell.

'Jessica,' I said soothingly. 'I don't want to hurt you.' It was a lie and she probably suspected it was, but I had to be sure she knew where all this was leading. Sometimes with bondage games there's no going back.

The pre-teen looked doubtful about what I said. 'But... but you said you wanted to plug my mouth with something. Last week - when you tied me to the fence.'

I couldn't deny it. She had remembered that halfway through my little game with her I had said it would be better if her mouth was plugged. A weakness of mine, I admit, to fantasize about small girls being gagged when they're helpless. My cock responded to the thought once more. But I pressed on with being sensible. 'Sure, but I haven't got an elephant with a trunk, have I?'

'What have you got?' She looked up at me, a look of distant excitement in her eyes.

'Um... let me see.' I stroked my chin in mock thoughtfulness. I already had what I wanted to use in the garage: an old penis gag I'd used a girlfriend of mine a few years back. She'd gone but I'd kept the gag; you just never know when you're going to need one. I'd spent time earlier in the week putting extra holes in the strap so I might one day use it on Jessica. It looked as if the opportunity had come quicker than I might have expected. 'I think I have something like an elephant's trunk, but you have to stay here while I get it.'

'Y-you gonna tie my hands to the tree again, while you get it?' There was no denying the strange mix of excitement and trepidation in her voice.

'The rope's in the garage,' I said, making a mental note to keep rope by the fence in future for events like this. 'You'll just have to wait standing still.'

'I've got some string,' said the girl, diving one of her hands into her jeans pocket. She hauled it out. Not much of it, but enough to bind her hands on my side of the fence.

'Clever girl, you thought ahead,' I said, taking the cord from her as she put her hands back through, wrists crossed. Deftly I tied her wrists together - simple but effective. True she wasn't pulled up against the fence like last week but this was just a temporary affair while I got the gag. 'Now wait and not a word while I get your gag,' I instructed.

I'd left the gag in a drawer in my kitchen, or at least I thought I had but must have moved it. Looking for it took a few minutes, but when I located it I hurried back to where I'd left Jessica tied. To my horror there was her kid sister Kayleigh, standing right next to Jessica. Not knowing what was happening I dropped the penis gag into a bush before the smaller child noticed I was carrying anything. More importantly, Jessica had managed to hide her hands by pulling them back into the fence slat, so the wood obscured her hands and her sister couldn't see them. Still, Kayleigh was too close for comfort. 'Hi, Kayleigh,' I said as lightly as I could. Deep down I wanted to tell her to get the fuck out of here so I could get on and gag Jessica.

The smaller child frowned at me. Where Jessica was open and friendly, the little one wasn't. In fact, I'd never talked to her much and if I did I usually got a scowl, like now.

'I'm just waiting here,' said Jessica to her sister crossly, as if she didn't want to be bothered. I'd clearly come back in the middle of Kayleigh asking what Jess'ca was doing. Maybe asking why she wouldn't play. I noticed that the eight year old had her hand on her sister's t-shirt and was tugging it, as persuading her to move from the fence. Kayleigh of course didn't know her sister's hands were tied and couldn't. I slid up, as relaxed as I could be, aiming to untie the knot on the girl's wrist cord.

'I'l tell mom you won't play,' snorted the younger girl, tugging her sister's top harder.

'Go ahead,' said Jessica defiantly. 'See if I care.' I saw the older girl stick her tongue out at her sister - usually the one thing that would get the small one scurrying to her mom wailing.

Not this time. Kayleigh swayed as if she was going to leave and let go of her older sister's tee-shirt, but stayed put. 'Why'd you want me to tell mom?' The child had never known her sister not plead that their mom shouldn't be involved. She was curious and so I was worried. I stepped up to the fence to block what little view the younger girl had. Behind me, I heard Kayleigh ask: 'What's he doin'?'

I always figured I was good at tying knots but to my dismay I found the knot had tightened. I couldn't get my fingers into the tight cord to free it. I heard Kayleigh repeat her question, anxiety in her voice as if she sensed something was wrong. The knot wouldn't budge and I knew I'd have to go and get some scissors or a knife. But would Kayleigh rush to the house, screaming for mommy to come and look what's going on?

Suddenly the knot came free. As I snatched the cord from Jessica's wrists the pre-teen drew them back through the fence. I heard her tell Kayleigh she was sick and tired of her pulling at her when she didn't want to play. I took the chance to slip away and leave them to it.


I didn't see Jessica for a few days, even though I kept an eye open on the area behind the bushes where we'd had our meetings. I wondered if all this with Kayleigh had put her off, but it did make me think about restraints more. If the kid came back, looking to be squashed up or gagged, I'd have to be ready - and the restraints had to be ones I could get off quickly. No more thin cord where the knot would tighten up too easy and be hard to unfasten.

So at least the incident with the small kid had given me a warning. I used my time to make sure I had enough lengths of rope and practiced my knots. I also made sure the gag was okay, and put the ropes and the penis gag in a waterproof bag by the fence hung on a nail.

Waterproof was a good idea: the weather worsened and I resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn't get to see Jessica in a rainstorm. I could see where Jessica's "safe area" was from my house and I sat and watched it with the rain falling steadily, not thinking she'd ever be there until the bad weather cleared up later in the week.

I was wrong as it turned out. Suddenly I saw a raincoated and floppy plastic hatted figure appear by the fence, just standing there. Not putting her hands through but as if waiting. Heart thumping, I grabbed my waterproof jacket and hurried down to the fence. The child had her head down, hands pushed in pockets and didn't look up as I approached. I was already thinking how I could tie Jessica up in this and how long she'd stay out as I reached for my bag of bondage goodies when the girl lifted her head.

It was Kayleigh, not Jessica.

I stood and gaped. I hadn't noticed in my haste that the figure was smaller than Jessica, though the plastic raincoat she wore and the hat made her look bigger. Anyway, Kayleigh lifted her head and stared at me, curiosity written all over her young face.

'Oh, hi,' I said, blushing, but trying not to feel self-conscious at rushing out in the rain. 'Where is... uh, what are you doing out in this?'

'Checking what you did with Jess'ca. She told me she and you had a game, through the fence. Jus' you 'n' her.' Kayleigh, for all her tender years, had a sterness in her voice that surprised me. 'A weird game,' she repeated

'It's nothing,' I said. 'A kind of... you know, word game. Not weird game... you must have misheard.' I thought as quickly as I could. 'Uh, you know... I say a word and she says what she thinks of first. Um, like I say Cat and she says... uh, Kitten.' I sounded as lame as hell but I pressed on. 'You ever play that?'

Kayleigh nodded slowly. I couldn't tell from her eyes, partly in shadow under the brim of her rain hat, whether she bought this or not. ''Kay, let's play,' said the girl.

'Kayleigh, it's raining,' I objected, gesturing at the dull, gray sky.

'But you came out to see Jess'ca.' The child paused, a slow smile on her little face. 'You came out to play it in this, right?'

'No, I was just on my way to...' I trailed off. There was nowhere at the end of my yard, but I waved my hand to it as if that explained everything.

'The game,' said Kayliegh. 'Go on, say a word.'

'Uhh, I really... Well, I say... dog.' The rain had gotten harder, but Kayleigh for all her tender years didn't seem to mind.

'Bitch,' said Kayleigh at once.

I couldn't help but give a sharp intake of breath. The child said the word with harshness and I was a little taken aback. 'Yeah... Great... Now let's go and -'

'My turn. I say a word now,' the child insisted. 'It's only fair.'

I nodded and gave a "go ahead" shrug. Cold rain water had run down my neck and I wanted to shiver.

Kayleigh nodded and grinned up at me. 'Rope,' she said.

I gave what was more than a mere flinch. Not just at the word but because there was a deliberate, calculating air about the child. I could see her eyes clearly now and they were intense. Darker than her sister's, and she had a look of knowing more than I'd like. I said: 'This game isn't good right now, Kayeligh and-'

To one side, in the bushes on the girl's side of the fence, something caught my eye. I stopped myself speaking. For a second I thought it was a creature of some kind. But I could see it was girl.

Jessica, and she didn't have a raincoat on.

The ten year old in fact didn't have anything on, but a small pair of pants that were probably light blue before the rain soaked them and turned them dark blue. That and her favorite elephant tee-shirt. She had her hands behind her, and her head down. She looked cold and soaked and thoroughly miserable. I wondered just how long long Jessica had been standing there, half hidden in the foliage, waiting for me to notice.

'Jessica!' I gasped.

'She's okay,' said Kayleigh. 'She don't mind standin' there.'

'She's... she's soaked,' I said, looking back at Kayleigh, who was grinning like it was her birthday and Christmas rolled into one.

'Sure she is,' snickered the eight year old. 'Rainin'' she added as if I had failed to notice.

I adopted my concerned and responsible adult voice. 'I think she should go in at once. You too, Kayleigh. Jessica will catch -'

Once more I stopped short. I don't know if it was some pre-arranged signal, or just Jessica obeying some instructions, but the older girl turned to show me her back. Her hands were tied together and her elbows had been fastened so they were drawn together. Rain was running down her bare arms, running over the knots and cords that bound her.

'That's the game, isn't it Mr Sweeper,' Kayleigh chortled, her eyes on me. 'You tied my sis up and played with her.'

'Nonsense,' I managed to say, despite swallowing hard at the sight. It was, thinking back, one of the most erotic things I had ever seen.

'You get all hard in your pants don't you?'

I tore my eyes from the tied Jessica and stared at Kayleigh, suddenly blushing as I realized that my cock had sprung up hard in my pants. Then I understood that the eight year old couldn't see it under my waterproof coat. She was guessing - accurately as it happened - but this was no time to admit it. 'I don't know what you mean, Kayleigh,' I snapped.

'You do, you do,' insisted the child. 'Jess'ca told me, when I said I'd seen what you did to her.'

'I don't know what you-'

'I was in the bushes, watching,' said the younger girl darkly. 'And I've seen my dada playing with his thingy. He's got magazines in the garage and he looks at them and plays with it, making it bigger.' Kayleigh wrinkled her nose as if she slightly disapproved. 'Makes it spit out white stuff.'

I gulped. Kayleigh was clearly good at sneaking round watching other people do what they did.

'Anyway, I made Jessica tell me everything,' said the small girl with a note of triumph. 'I tied her up and spanked her until she cried. She said you'd done something to her. You put this hot stuff on her arms, when you tied her up.' A brief pause. 'Bet it came from your dick, like daddy does.'

Kayleigh was way too much ahead of me here. I was floundering trying to think of ways of denying it.

'Jessica says you stop her breathing. Squashing her up.' Kayleigh knew she had me. I wouldn't have expected a small girl to think so quick and be so sure of herself, but here she was making me squirm.

'C'mere, sis,' snickered Kayleigh.

I looked back at Jessica, wondering what exactly I could say. And as much as I was struggling here, I was about to struggle more. Jessica turned back towards me and stepped forward out of the gloom of the bushes. I saw her clearly for the first time. Where she had been standing her face had been in some shadow. Now I could see her mouth was taped up.

Nothing elaborate, just a simple piece of flesh colored band-aid over her lips. But I imagined good enough to keep the child quiet.

'She's got an old pair of pants in her mouth,' giggled Kayleigh as she followed my stare through the fence. 'I put them in there then taped her mouth up. Cool huh?'

I finally gave in. 'Yeah, cool,' I said.

'Got the idea from those magazines of my dad's. There're pictures of women all tied up and gagged in them.' Kayleigh took hold of her sister's sopping wet tee-shirt and pulled her closer to her and the fence. 'Wanna feel her boobs,' smirked Kayleigh.

I swallowed hard. Jessica lifted her eyes to me and looked resigned as well as cold and wet. Her hair was matted flat with the rain and her eyes looked red from crying. Either that or the cold and humiliation.

'What do you want, Kayleigh?' I asked.

'Mmmm, dunno,' said the eight year old.

'You want me to give you something to stay quiet about this?'

Kayleigh gurgled a laugh. 'Nah... I want you to do things.'

'Like what?'

'Um... I know. You hurt Jess'ca.'

My cock was at full erection and I am surprised I didn't shoot my load in my pants then and there. I wanted to hurt Jessica too.

'You want me to squash her, against the fence,' I said. 'Like I did to her before.'

I suddenly realized it had stopped raining. The sun was trying to show.

'Yeah, cool,' said Kayleigh.

'I reached through a gap in the fence and put my fingers on Jessica's almost flat chest, where the small mounds of her breasts were showing up through the near transparent tee-shirt. I didn't care that Kayleigh was watching, or that in a way she was in charge. Jessica flinched a little as I closed my fingers on one of her barely prominent nipples. I squeezed and the ten year old girl made a gurgling noise in her sealed mouth.

'Hurt her,' said Kayleigh with barely concealed delight. 'I want you to make her cry.'

'Okay,' I said. I squeezed harder, digging my fingernails through Jessica's thin wet tee-shirt. The one with the elephant on the front.

So that was how I started to make Jessica cry that afternoon, with a little help from Kayleigh.

Maybe it was those magazines of her father's, but Kayleigh wasn't short of ideas what we could do to her sister. She had found some rope and pulled it from her raincoat pocket, saying I should use it to squeeze her sister's neck.

Kayleigh positioned Jessica with her back to the fence and let me tie this cord round the fence and Jessica's neck. Not too tight, but Kayleigh had the best view on her side of her sister's agonized, tortured face as I tugged on the neck cord from my side.

'Jessica's going blue,' said Kayleigh after a few minutes, so I stopped tugging.

Then I showed Kayleigh the ropes and the gag I had ready for Jessica, and the small girl agreed we could try them out. Of course, I didn't get to see as much as Kayleigh did but she told me how good her sister looked, squashed against the fence tight with the penis gag in the ten year old's mouth and ropes criss-crossing her little body.

I can't be sure, but I think Kayleigh felt her sister's tender young boobs too. But then, I didn't have the same view as the little one. All I could hear were well muffled screams.

Kayleigh let me come as well. She positioned her sister on her knees so I could put my "elephant's trunk" between the slats of the fence and into Jessica's gag free mouth. The younger sister kindly held her older sister's head so she couldn't pull back as I emptied my balls down the child's throat.

We spent more than an hour torturing and tying Jessica, before the girls had to go in. I came once more before they went, that time on Jessica's face so Kayleigh could see what it "looked like close up" as she said. She did say it was disgusting but said it was okay for me to use Jessica like that.


I wondered later if all hell would break loose, but it didn't. There were no outraged parents, no threats. No blackmail.

I saw Jessica and Kayleigh often by the fence. Never Jessica on her own though. Her little sister was dominating Jessica now all the time and never let her out of her sight. I frequently got to tie Jessica up, squashing her against the fence with the chest board, the neck rope, got to use the penis gag, got to fill the girl's mouth with my cum.

I guess Kayleigh was dominating me too. I never did anything without her say so though she was open to ideas. But the best ideas seemed to come from the depths of the eight year-old's mind. One of her favorite ideas was the chest board with nails in it, just breaking the surface on the part that pressed against Jessica.

Jessica howled at that one, or would have done had it not been for the very good gag she wore.

And we had a severe crotch rope arrangement, wire bound round the older girl's emerging tits, a hood affair so Jessica was "kept in the dark", a way Jessica could be tied so I could whip her front as I reached through the fence, a way to tie the girl so she faced the fence and Kayleigh could whip her sister's back.

I also didn't get to hear Jessica speak much any more. Her mouth was often filled with some sort of gag, or my "trunk" as Kayleigh called it.

I guess we did everything we could think of to secure and squash and hurt Jessica that year. In all that time they never came on my side of the fence, I never went on theirs other than reach through to play with Jessica or do something to her.

I even got to put my cock in every one of Jessica's holes, too. Just like we saw in Kayleigh's daddy's magazines. I even took photos through the fence and said the Kayleigh one day they'd be published some place.

'A magazine for men to make that white stuff with,' chuckled Kayleigh.

It was perfect and fun and exciting. And then one day the family moved away.


I guess that should have been the end of it all. My new neighbors had kids but they were older, more stupid, less fun. They never reached through the fence and I never reached for them. Anyway, they were boys and while I get off on images of little boys bound and gagged they were never as cute as Jessica and Kayleigh.

That I figured was that, but at least I had memories of the two girls and a few photographs. In time I moved away from the house and (no surprise here) chose a new house with a big fence, though it was solid. No slats at all. Just one gap where the slat had broken away and though I fixed it it broke again in a storm and I never got round to fixing it again for some reason.

A couple of years after that - it had been twenty years since I had my year of fun with Jessica and Kayleigh - I got new neighbors. A couple with a child I gathered, but I had no contact with them.

I was working in my yard a few weeks after the neighbors moved in and I heard a voice calling me through the fence - a voice I distantly remembered. 'Mr Sweeper,' said the voice I recognized. Older but still the same in so many ways.

It was Jessica, much older of course: a mature woman now and still good looking.

I have to admit I gasped at seeing her again, seeing how the ten year old girl was now a fully grown woman. I guess too I marveled at how fate had brought her to the next house to me.

I marveled too that she was holding the hand of a cute seven year old girl. 'This is Katie,' said Jessica, pushing her daughter towards the gap in the fence so i could see her clearly.

'Hi Katie,' I said and the small girl smiled back, a winsome gap in her teeth.

'Katie here likes elephants' said Jessica and I could see the child was wearing a tee shirt like her mom used to have. One with an elephant on the front. Trunk upraised.

I guess I knew what was coming next, because my dick began to harden.

'Katie likes being squashed,' said Jessica. 'Don't you honey?'

The small girl grinned and nodded enthusiastically. She showed me her gappy teeth again and I wondered what size gag would fit the kid.

'I was hoping you could show her what it was like to be properly squashed,' the mother continued. 'If you still have some things.'

I smiled and reached through the fence and patted Katie's head, letting my hand slip down to stroke her chubby cheek and down to the elephant on the little girl's front. I ran my fingers across the child's chest. 'I guess I can find the right things to squash her real good,' I said, noting the child had put her hands behind her back as if following some instructions.

'I hope so,' said Jessica, watching me feel her daughter's body. 'Because I've asked Kayleigh to come over and bring her six year old daughter Beccy. She likes elephants too.'

'Perfect,' I said, and pinched one of Katie's little nipples as her mother put her hand over Katie's mouth so her daughter wouldn't squeal too loudly.

With her free hand Jessica produced a length of thin rope from her pocket and handed it to me. 'Will this do for now?'

I smiled as the mother turned the child round so I could reach through the fence - it was a little bigger gap than I was used to, which helped - and I tied little Katie's arms behind her. Tight, elbows together. Just like I used to do with her mother all those years ago. The child gave a small gasp but didn't struggle.

'I told you it would be good, didn't I, sweetie?' asked the mother.

'Yes, mommy,' said Katie, muffled through the hand gag.

I reached down and flipped up the little girl's short skirt while Jessica held her daughter still, one hand clamped over the child's face. I smiled as I tugged at the little white panties Katie wore.

I knew I was going to have some real fun through this fence.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


So - is this a small tip of the hat to White Rabbit, author of two of my favorite stories? And what a sly little wrinkle substituting a fence for a looking glass. I don't normally care for B&D LG stories much, but something made me read part 2. My hat is off to you for this one.


I keep saying, a masterpiece. My only objection is that the last bit, however brilliant a turn it is, seems less plausible, less believable, than the rest of the story. I say this because I probably expected Jessica to either come up with some revenge on her sister and the ex-neighbour, or to rather protect her little girl. Still, it might turn out the way it does, but I would have needed some more elaboration on it to be satisfied, i.e. a full part three of twenty years on. I take it you just wanted to round off the story proper, and yes, I laughed, I held my breath, I got sad, all sorts of emotions, while enjoying every word. Hats off indeed!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.