Jessica Though The Fence, Part 1

[ M/g, bdsm ]

by Quiller


Published: 3-Apr-2012

Word Count:

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Note: This is sheer fantasy fiction for adults with a mature outlook and healthy sense of right and wrong. The author does not condone treating anyone like this and none of the people or places in this story ever existed.

Jessica and her sister Kayleigh lived on the other side of the fence in my backyard. They were both pretty little girls with Jessica the older by two years, each with long blonde hair and a winning smile.

Jessica was ten and Kayleigh eight and they played in their backyard all day and everyday, especially close to the fence between my house and theirs - a high fence (I like 'em that way - I subscribe to the basis that good fences make good neighbors) made up of thick vertical slats but with a gap between them.

A gap big enough for a child to put her arms or legs through. Or me to put mine through.

More than halfway along the fence line there are some big healthy bushes on their side - and one on mine, so much so that if one of the girls behind it they were hidden from the house. I guess that was why they liked to play there - as much as they loved their mom and felt reassured she was within yelling distance they preferred their own small, private corner to play in and not be seen.

All this however was just a fence and two backyards until one spring day. Jessica was playing on her side of the fence. I was sweeping up some neglected leaves on my side when she called through to me. I saw Jessica straight off, but no sign of her sister. But then I'd heard Kayleigh scamper into her house when I came out earlier. Not because of me but because she was always running back into the house, usually complaining "Jess'ca won't play my game, mommeeee!"

'Hey mister sweeper,' Jess'ca called. She never knew my real name - or if she did, never used it - so she figured what I was doing was my name.

History's full of it: Archer and Skinner and Smith and Taylor. So now I was Mr Sweeper.

I looked up and there she was, face pressed between the slats of the fence, looking at me. Almost as if she was trying to get her head through the gap. That was what I said to her: 'Hey, Jessica. Don't get your head stuck or I'll have to cut it free.'

The ten year old grinned. 'That'd be cool,' she said. 'Like my head's in a vise.'

'That'll hurt,' I said, privately thinking that's be cool too. I wondered if her dad had a vise in his basement, so I asked her.

'Nah,' she smirked. 'If he did I could be squeezed in it.'

I stood with the broom in my hand, feeling this was a slightly odd conversation. I'd always taken Jessica to be a bright kid but she looked so, well, everyday. Nothing weird about her. Just a blonde girl in a blue t-shirt with a pink elephant on the front. 'You like things tight?' I asked, straight off the top.

'Yeah, don't you?' She eased herself back slightly from the fence and pointed to the elephant. 'See this elephant... if he sat on me it'd be tight, then I couldn't move.'

I felt something stir in my groin area. I had no wish to see a kid sat on by an elephant but, well, I guess the kid being unable to move was sweet.

'I'd jus' lie there,' continued the girl, 'shouting "help, help" until the elephant stopped me.'

'How would the elephant stop you, apart from squashing you flat?' I shifted slightly to hide the swelling at my crotch. The idea was getting to me. I don't know if a kid of Jessica's age knew what happened in men's pants when a girl like her made suggestive conversations, but I didn't want her to see.

'Well, the elephant'd reach his trunk down and put it in my mouth. Then I'd just go "mmmpph! mmmphhh!!"'

I couldn't help myself saying: 'Like tying up games.'

The kid looked at me quizzically, but with a sort of twinkle in her eyes. 'Tying up games?'

'You know,' I asaid. 'Just being all tied up and gagged.'

As soon as I said it I felt embarrassed. Grown men shouldn't say things like that to small girls, even good neighbors through a fence. At once I said. 'I mean, all squeezed down and quiet.'

'What's gagged?' the girl asked, pushing her face back into the gap between the slats again.

I was embarrassed. 'Um, gagged is... wearing a gag. Keeps people quiet.'

'Could I be gagged?' she asked, all innocently, face tight between the wooden slats.

I blushed. Yes, she could. I had already thought that myself. I was aware my cock was harder than I would have liked and tried to change the subject. 'You like any other animals?'

She looked at me as if I was dumb, which I guess I was. She dismissed the question by talking on about being gagged. 'Is a gag like an elephant's trunk?'

'I don't know,' I said. But it was a lie: I knew full well what a good gag was, though the nearest thing I could think of was a penis gag. I was aware of her looking at me curiously through the fence. I just hoped she couldn't read minds as at that precise moment I was picturing her with a penis gag strapped round her pretty head and the cock end forcing her jaws apart and holding her tongue down.

'A trunk'd go in mouth so I couldn't speak,' Jessica said. 'So a gag'd have to do that too. Like this.' She opened her mouth but grunted as if it was filled with something and she couldn't speak properly. 'Unhhh ommmhh!' she sounded out, several times.

'Jessica,' I said, feeling uncomfortable with my mounting excitement. 'I have to finish up here and go in.'

''Kay, but don't you want to know about me being all tight?'

'Uh... excuse me?' I was genuinely surprised at what she had said.

'I like being squashed up.' Without warning she pushed her arms - her right arm - through the fence, wrist uppermost and small fist clenched. 'Take hold of me,' Jessica said. 'Try to pull me through.'

'I'll hurt you.' I said that in shock, even glancing towards her house to see if were being watched. We weren't, as we couldn't be seen because of the bushes, but I still closed my hand anyway round her thin, pale wrist.

Jessica grinned at me, face turned slightly to one side. I could see her cheek on one side, where it had been pressed against the sharp edge of the fence wood. A bright red mark ran vertically down her face, mostly from her eye down to her chin. She said: 'Now I can't move. I'm all squashed up to the fence. You captured me, Mr Sweeper!'

'Call me Jeff. That's my name.' I said. My cock was harder than before, seeing the child trapped like this. Jessica flicked her long eye lashes at what I said.

'Jeff,' said Jessica, uncertainty in her voice. 'You're hurting me.'

I let go of the girl's wrist in shock.

'No!' The girl offered her arm back through the fence, looking displeased. 'I didn't say let go! I liked it.'

I took the offered hand again, and this time tugged, pulling the child into the gap between the slats as if trying to pull her through. I couldn't, as she was despite her slim little figure, too big to fit through such a small gap. The girl made an "ouch" sound but didn't flinch.

'Jessica, this is crazy,' I said, my voice a little husky from the excitement. 'Your mom will think I'm hurting you.'

'I won't tell her.' A pause for a deep breath, a look of pain edging on to her face. 'Jus' don't let go.'

I wasn't sure where this was going, even though I was aroused. I held tight, determined not to let go. Then without warning I tugged her a little harder, feeling her arm extend a fraction as joints opened up. I imagined I could pull her shoulder out from its socket if I really tried. Then I had an idea. If she wanted to be kept like this I'd need rope. I had some in the garage. Lots of it.

'You wanna be kept here longer, like you're squashed up tight to the fence?' I asked her with a tremble of anticipation.

'Uh-huh,' she nodded. She looked at me appealingly.

'Listen,' I said without letting go of her arm. 'I can keep you here easier if I use some rope. I have to go and get it. You won't go away will you?'

She looked disappointed that I was about to let go of her, but nodded again.

'This'll help,' I added as with my free hand I pushed my broom handle up to her trapped hand. 'Hold my brush tight. You mustn't let go, understood?'

When she did, gripping it firmly, I ran to the garage, found the rope and hurried back. True to her word, she was still standing in the same place. Only now she had both arms through the fence, her body pressed up to one slat so she could put her arms through - one in the gap either side of the wood she was leaning against. To my delight she had gripped the broom handle with both hands so her wrists together in front of herself. Wrists together on my side of the fence.

'I'm gonna make you all tight, by tying you up. You been tied up before?' I asked, breathless from both my hurrying and my excitement.

'Um... no. Kayleigh won't play tying up games.' She didn't move as I wound a double strand round her slim little wrists. She watched curiously as I wound several strands round them. 'You tied little girls up before, Mr Sweeper?'

I thought about reminding her my name was Jeff but I didn't bother. Mr Tying Up would be a better name for me. I carried on winding the rope round Jessica's wrists, noting how fascinated she looked at what I was doing, how her wrists - crossed, left above right - were disappearing under multiple strands of rope. Slightly gray rope against her pale, creamy colored skin.

I began to cinch the rope - not easy as the girl hadn't let go of the broom and I had to feed it down between her tightly restrained hands - but that was vital if I was to tug her towards the tree nearby. I also had the idea of wrapping rope round her fingers and the broom handle, trapping her fingers. As I did so, she made an 'Aaah!' sound that seemed like a gasp of pleasure. Satisfied I had bound her wrists and trapped her hands I ran the length of the rope ends to the tree, winding the rope round the trunk so I could haul on it.

Jessica gave another "Aaah!" sound, but deeper, more urgent. Less comfortable and way more erotic for me.

She made the sound again, deeper, as I hauled on the rope. Her hands were out in front of her, the broom lifted a few inches off the ground so I could see how far I had hauled the rope, how much I'd pulled her up to the fence. The fence even creaked a little as I did it.

Jessica was pulled so tight against the fence her head was turned to the right, but she attempted to peer round the slat that she was hauled against, her face a mixture of delight and discomfort. I tied the rope off round the tree and went back to her. 'That feel tight?' I asked. I tapped the taut rope as I asked, making her wince at the vibrations.

'Ah... yes,' she gasped in response. If I'd tied it properly, she would hardly be able to breathe. But I wanted to make sure. I picked up some more rope and reached through the fence, looping the rope across her slim little back, round through the gaps and across the front of the slat she was pressed to. It tied that off, causing her upper body even more constriction. I looked at her face, noticing the tears in her eyes. I was reveling in this and my cock was rock hard at what I'd done, listening to the shallow breathing rasp in the child's throat. When I looked at her hands, where they showed through the rope holding the broom to her hands, I could see they were turning blue. By contrast, her stretched arms seemed paler than before.

'Now you know what it's like to be sat on by an elephant,' I said barely above a whisper, my face close to hers. 'You can't breathe and you can't escape. Like it, Jessica?'

Somehow, the ten year old managed to say yes.

'Five more minutes,' I smiled, tapping the rope again. I almost added: 'Five more minutes of agony.'

'Uhh...,' she gasped, eyes closed and tears running down her flushed cheeks.

Did I say five? It was more like ten before I released her.


I didn't expect to see Jessica again for a while. Maybe not for a long, long time. I figured her brutal introduction to being "squashed" as she called it up against the fence had taught her a lesson.

I was wrong. A week later I was out in the backyard again and I heard her talking to me through the fence. 'Hey Mr Sweeper,' she called. Like before she had her face pushed to a gap in the fence.

This time I wasn't using the brush, and I sauntered over to her. 'Hi Jessica. How're the hands?' They'd been a pretty severe shade of purple by the time I'd released them and I'd spent a good fifteen minutes massaging them back to life while she sobbed on her side of the fence. I also didn't want any real evidence when she went into her house. Given that her mom hadn't come storming over to my front door, I guess I did a good enough job.

And Jessica had kept her word it was our little secret.

''Kay,' she answered my question. I noticed she didn't have her elephant t-shirt on and commented on it. This one had a flower on it.

'I didn't want the elephant on today,' she said.

'Where's your sister?'

'Kayleigh's in the house. Mom said she had to stay in for now.'

I studied the child. She looked less perky than week ago, when I'd tied her to the fence and the tree. I figured she really didn't want to talk about it much as she'd been cured of that. Still, it had been fun. I'd whacked off several times in the meantime thinking about her crying and struggling to breathe. Cruel, maybe, but cool. 'I have to be going,' I said, more as a test to see her reaction to me and what we did.

'Wait,' said the girl. She had put her hands through the gap either side of a wooden slat and crossed them at the wrist. Inviting, you could say.

I looked at what she was doing, my dick springing to life at various immediate thoughts of what I could do. But I wanted to tease her more - and be sure about her. 'No,' I said with a shake of my head, noting the flicker of disappointment on her face as if I was about to reject her. I wasn't, but it was fun to play. 'That's not right, is it?'

A small look of panic crossed her cute face.

I continued, holding back my grin of pleasure. 'You have to turn round and put your hands in the back, through the fence.'

Jessica looked momentarily puzzled, and then understood. She'd be reaching behind her, back to me and facing her own yard. Then she looked doubtful. 'But... but how do I get squashed?'

'Easy. I tie your hands and put ropes round you. I tie them real tight so you feel squashed.'

'My back, not my front,' the girl said. 'It won't be the same.'

'Wait until I've finished, then see how it feels. Hey, I'm good at this, right?'

Jessica nodded, turned and put her hands through the fence from the back. She crossed them as best she could and waited patiently while I got the rope. Make that ropes plural because I was going to have fun.

It didn't take me long to tie her hands, cinching them as I'd done before. She tried to watch, craning her head as best she could but the way the wooden slats were, the way she was stood, ensured she could see very little. Several times she asked how I was doing, probably because I was taking my time and really covering her forearms as well as her wrists with the ropes, leaving plenty for the tree.

I could see her slender upper arms biting into the slightly rough edge of the slat and imagined her arms would be like her face last time when I finally released her.

Now I got some more rope and reached round the child's chest and waist. I'd been thinking about this so I knew where I was going to put them. But I also knew that with her hands tied in back, on my side, I could cop a feel of her very small, very slightly puffy, emerging tits. More than a feel, I positively enjoyed myself rubbing her chest (to make her ready for squashing, I lied to her) and only when my cock threatened to burst out of my pants did I stop. Mind you, I also rubbed my dick on her bound wrists: I don't know if she could feel what I was doing much but it was wonderful to rub myself up and down its evenly tied ridges of rope while I pawed her tiny tits. Fuck, I could even feel her little heart beating fast as I did so.

It beat even harder I swear when I pinched her nipples through the thin fabric of her top. 'Just squeezing them tight,' I told the child, who was gasping at both the tightness of the ropes and what I was doing to her tender young boobs. 'Is it nice?' I asked, pinching harder.

'Yes,' she breathed, clearly in some discomfort. That was good, I told myself, because it was what she wanted. So I pinched and squeezed harder, until she gasped in pain and I felt a tear drop or two on my hands.

'Enjoy that?' I asked as I rubbed her chest gently now, and rubbed my erect cock against the ropes on her arms.

Somehow the child grunted a "Yes."

'You are doing very well, Jessica,' I said softly, wondering if she knew what I was doing to her but not caring. 'But you want to stop playing now? It's gonna get a lot more tough on you.'

There was probably no more than a couple of seconds before she answered, but it seemed like an age as she considered it. 'Okay, go on,' she said in a husky whisper. 'I want to be squashed and squeezed.'

'Right, wait here,' I said, as if she had any choice.

I hurried to my garage, found a length of flat wood - a three foot long plank in effect - and went back to where jessica was tied to the fence. 'This will squash you a lot,' I grinned as I passed the wood through the fence from my side and placed it against her chest and belly and upper legs. Then I took some rope and tied it round the wood and in the back on my side at several places. The result of this being I could easily draw it tight and put pressure on Jessica's front.

I heard the child give a deep, pained gurgle as I tightened the ropes across her upper body, squashing her upper body in a vise of wood. A child trapped between fence and plank, unable to move and barely able to breathe.

'Hurt?' I asked.

'Uhhh, yeah,' was as much as I could make out. I tightened the ropes a little more, listening to her breathless gasps from the other side of the fence. Sadly I couldn't see her pretty little face but I imagined it was contorted in pain. At least, I hope so as that was what I was trying to do to the little angel. I imagined the tears rolling down her cheeks, all hot and flushed.

Satisfied she was well and truly squashed like she had never imagined, I listened to her breathless sobs. Happy I had done what she desired, delighted I had fulfilled her fantasy of being squashed, I took my cock out of my pants and rubbed it against her slim, tightly bound wrists until I came on her pale forearms.

I swear she moaned as my jism hit her skin, but maybe I imagined it. Either way, I was more than happy too.

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Good story so far, will there be more?


Wow, outstanding!


a masterpiece

Philip Spencer

This is an odd fetish, but you've piqued my curiousity. I'm going to read part 2.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.