Waiting For Mommy

[ Fgg, bond, mild sm ]

by Quiller


Published: 1-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Mrs Miller glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost time for her to get the twins ready but she figured she would start early today as it was Friday.

Usually it took around half an hour to get the two little girls into their bondage but today's early start would give the woman that bit more time. Perhaps even let her get away that little earlier.

'Honeys! Karen... Sharon,' the woman called up the stairs. 'Time to get tied up!'

Almost at once the two six year olds appeared at the top of the stairs, both of them clutching their favorite dolls. 'Is it really time?' asked Kerry. 'We were jus' playing with our dolls.'

'Yes, honey, it's time,' said Mrs Miller, smiling up at the blonde twins. 'Plenty of time later when mommy gets home for you to play with your dolls. So come on, down you come. Let's get started.'

The two small girls propped their dolls up by the top of the stairs and hurried down, their little short dresses swirling up and giving the middle-aged woman a perfect view of their pants as they descended.

'Where we gonna be tied up today?' asked Karen as they arrived at the bottom. Arriving as so many small children do with a hop off the bottom stair rather than a normal step.

'Oh... let's see, it was dining room yesterday so how about the living room today?' The middle aged woman looked down at her two charges, standing shoulder to shoulder. They looked very sweet standing in front of her in their matching yellow and blue striped dresses.

The two children nodded up at her. 'Can I be on the sofa?' asked Sharon, her big blue eyes full of hope.

'No, me!' exclaimed her twin.

'We'll see,' said Mrs Miller firmly, curtailing any developing argument. As a babysitter she knew it was her duty to make sure the children were well-behaved and not falling out. The sofa was the most comfortable place to be bound, as both girls knew but Mrs Miller was determined not to have any squabbling.

Happily the twins accepted Mrs Miller's authority, so there wasn't much problem for her. They also accepted that as Mrs Miller left an hour before their mommy got home from work they would spend sixty minute or so bound and gagged, waiting for their mom to arrive home.

It was, as the children understood and the girl's mom had accepted - reluctantly at first - the safest way for them to be left. It wasn't, as Mrs Miller had pointed out, an especially long time and it did children good to have a spell of enforced quiet. Being bound and gagged was good for them.

Even the small girls had been taught that, so they understood and never complained. Well, hardly: just occasionally at the way they had been tied.

'Okay, who's first?' asked Mrs Miller brightly, holding up the rope she'd use on the kids today.

'Me, if I can be on the sofa,' said Karen, giving her sister a small pout.

'It's not fair,' wailed Sharon. 'I asked first!'

'Okay... okay,' soothed the woman. You both can be on the sofa. But no more arguing, okay?'

The two six year olds nodded and grinned, feeling they'd each won.

'But,' said Mrs Miller. 'Those pretty dresses of yours mustn't be creased. So please take them off and fold them nicely on the little table.'

The two girls showed sense, helping each other by tugging down the zip at each other's back - Sharon unzipping Karen first - and peeled the dresses off. Standing in their white vest and pale blue panties they folded their dresses as neatly as they could (Karen, noted Mrs Miller, was still better at folding her clothes) and put them on the coffee table.

'Do we have to take our vest and pants off?' asked Sharon.

'No, goodness me!' said Mrs Miller. 'You know there's only two rooms you don't wear clothes in.'

'Bare in bathroom 'n' bare in bedroom,' the two girls recited as one. Their little mantra reminding them where it was acceptable to be naked.

'So unless you want to be tied up in the bath the pants ands vests stay on,' said the woman.

Sharon and Karen snickered and looked at each other, tucking their arms in and shivering to show they knew what it was like to be naked and trussed in the bath. Given that Mrs Miller had only done it twice to them, both times as punishments when they had been very naughty, she was pleased they remembered.

'Tie me first,' said Sharon, putting her arms behind her and turning round. She was always that shade faster than her sister.

'Now who said anything about arms behind back?' chided Mrs Miller gently. Sharon looked back over her shoulder and looked a tad disappointed.

'But you usually tie us like that, Mrs M,' said Karen, using the name they always called their babysitter.

'I know, but today is a special treat. A new bondage position.'

'Cool,' the twins said as one. Their enthusiasm was usually mirrored in each other.

'It's called a frogtie,' said Mrs Miller.

'Hogtie?' asked Sharon. 'You did that yesterday.'

'Listen, honey. I said frog, not hog.'

'That's funny,' laughed Karen. 'Hogs get tied up, not frogs!'

'Well now you know they do,' smiled the woman. 'So, honeys, for this you both have to lie on your tummies on the sofa.'

'Which way do we lie?' asked Sharon as she almost threw herself on it, bouncing on her knees. A glare from Mrs Miller - the old "furniture isn't meant to be a trampoline" stare - stopped her. Karen spotted the look before she jumped too and climbed on more sedately.

'Okay, sweethearts, I want you both to lie on your tummies with heads almost touching.'

The twins did as they were told, kicking their feet against the arms at each end of the settee. 'Stop kicking, both of you,' sighed the woman as she began unraveling the ropes.

The girls giggled at each other.

'Mrs M,' laughed Karen, 'I can almost kiss Sharon here.' The two girls chuckled again.

'Well, I don't want you to. If you want to play kissy games you had time earlier.'

The two girls snickered, suggesting they had secretly. The house rule when Mrs Miller was around they had to ask and have the woman there to supervise. Mrs Miller suspected they had been sneaking little kisses while ostensibly playing with their dolls, but there wasn't time to confront them with that now.

'Wriggle away from each other,' ordered the woman. 'And kick your legs up to your butts - oh, and keep them still!'

The two girls were in a giggly mood but did what they were told.

'I'll tie Karen here first, then you Sharon. Now a frogtie is like a hogtie,' said the woman as she sat on the edge of the large sofa, at the side of Karen. 'The difference is that with a hogtie we have your hands together and your ankles crossed right?'

Both six year olds nodded and put their hands down their sides.

'But here we have left ankle to left wrist, and right wrist to right right ankle. Who can remember their right from their left?'

Sharon got it straight away, wriggling her right hand proudly to show she knew. Karen was a little slower and had to think for a moment.

'Good. Now Karen, lift your left hand up so it's next to your ankle. Good!' The child did as she was told, straining her shoulder back a little. Swiftly, Mrs M tied the girl's hand to her ankle, noting the girl gave a small groan as it was knotted off. 'Now the other hand to the other ankle,' and just as quickly the woman tied Karen's right hand to her right ankle.

She didn't have to work quickly, but she always liked to do it briskly. In her book, putting a small child into bondage was about being purposeful and quick, in case they started fidgeting. 'You okay, Karen?' asked the woman, and when the girl grunted a "yes" Mrs M patted the child's firm, cute butt. 'Good,' she said.

Mrs Miller moved to the other girl and soon had her tied like her sister, patting her butt as she had with Karen.

'I'm sure it feels okay but you're probably thinking that it isn't like a hogtie. Not as tight,' said the woman. She saw the twins nod.

'Well, I'm going to make it tighter.' She saw both girls smile and smiled herself. Taking more rope Mrs M tied Sharon's left wrist and ankle to her left thigh, running the rope tightly round the child's leg close by her crotch and securing to make one tight mass. The other wrist-ankle combination followed.

Then she did the same to Karen, noting with pleasure that their previously relaxed grins had a concerned edge to them. 'Can you move as much?' asked the woman.

Both girls tried but couldn't move as much as before. They shook their heads in unison.

'Okay, that's good,' said the woman. 'Now I'm going to tie your ankles and hands to the ends of the sofa.'

Mrs Miller proceeded to tie ropes to each child's bound wrists and ankles and run them back to their own end of the sofa, tying them off to the legs beneath it. That, she knew as she finished, would stop them trying to wriggle forward towards each other.

It would never do for their mom to discover them trying to kiss. She approved of the bondage but finding out her twin daughters had sex together, even if it was the junior (and so far innocent) kind of kisses and feelies, might prove too much.

'Heads up, sweethearts,' said the woman. 'As if you're trying to look up to the ceiling.'

Both girls groaned as they strained their heads up, but it was the perfect way for the babysitter to gag them. She had two child-sized ball gags but having added them and buckled them tight (and enjoying particularly Karen's stifled moans - she always got off on gags more than Sharon) took the precaution of sealing them in with white surgical tape.

She knew they could flop their heads forward - and would - so she took more rope and secured it to the back of each girl's head and ran that back to beneath the sofa at each end, forcing them to keep their heads up.

Both Karen and Sharon looked surprised at how stringent this was becoming. They "mmmphd" a couple of times, though they had been taught to do that: Mrs M loved enforcing silence but there was a certain pleasure in hearing them trying to speak. 'Hush now, sweethearts,' she said as she usually did.

What Mrs Miller most wanted to do was tie them in a sixty-nine position, tied tightly so their cute little noses pressed into each other's slits. But the girls' mother had complained about that the time she had done it once before, saying it wasn't the proper way small girls should be brought up (though Mrs M couldn't think of a better way, if truth be known). Moreover, little Karen had cried that Sharon, who was underneath her face, had done "poopie-smells" while Karen's head was bound down there and she had no choice but to to suck them in through her nose.

But then Karen had let a dribble of pee-pee out through her own panties and the helpless Sharon had the "pleasure" of having a urine soaked crotch against her face, so really it was six of one and half-a-dozen of the other. As it should be with twin girls.

The woman sighed at the memory of that happy day, patted the two girl's cute asses once more, slipping her hand a little down and back so her pats were on their panty-covered pussies. That elicited more stifled moans from the two girls. Mrs Miller had never fingered them - they were much too young for that - but it wasn't unknown for them to have their little cunnies patted or even rubbed through their panties.

'Good,' said the woman, standing up and lifting her skirt. It was time for her to have her end-of-working-day orgasm, and she soon had her hands inside her pants. The twins of course, from where they lay and the fact their heads were up, had a good view of the woman's actions, looking up into her skirt where it was lifted and seeing the woman's hand working away in her underwear.

They knew what their babysitter was doing, naturally, though they never understood why she groped the hard nipples of her large breasts with her free hand while she played with herself. The small girls didn't understand that: if they pinched each other's nipples it hurt. It wasn't sexy at all. Still, it's what adults did, they told themselves.

It didn't take long for Mrs M to cum as she looked at the two children, and when she finished she tidied herself up as the two tied girls watched her.

'Well, I have to go in a few minutes,' Mrs Miller said brightly. 'Just time to have your feet smacked.'

The woman produced a thin rod from her purse. 'Now, sweethearts. Today you were very good but you did have little kissy games, didn't you? Without telling me, right?'

Despite their awkward position and gags and taped up lower faces, the two girls managed to look suitably guilty. As best they could they nodded, not looking forward to having the soles of their feet beaten again as a punishment.

Karen tried to say something, probably along the lines of "She made me do it!" but Mrs M ignored the plaintive noises. Carefully she took off their casual shoes and put them down by the side of the sofa and peeled off their white socks. She couldn't resist sniffing them - always a strange perversion of hers but then she had looked after so many children over the years she always said you got a good idea of the child's health from feet odors. With a sigh she put the cute little socks down, tucking them inside the shoes.

The woman turned back to the children and grinned: twenty little toes wriggled at the woman in a mixture of excitement and fear. 'As you were a little naughty today it's only five smacks of the stick on each bare foot,' laughed the woman. 'You'll hardly notice it all!'

Holding back Karen's toes, the woman delivered five sharp raps to the sole of the child's bare left foot, then issued the same fate to Sharon's helpless right foot, back to Karen's right foot for its punishment and finished with five sharp raps on Sharon's left foot. While the two small girls blubbered and sobbed, tears and snot running down their faces and dripping from their chin, the woman gently sucked each child's toes.

Another little perversion of hers and one they normally liked. Just as a small comfort for their pain, as was the fact she took the opportunity to rub their little cunnies through the taut and slightly damp fabric of their pants as she sucked those little piggies as she called them.

When she had finished Mrs Miller stood as if to go but in fact had another idea, and one that amused her enormously as she'd never done this before. She took a candle from the dining table and lit it. For a moment the two bound six year olds looked puzzled, even a little anxious, but they soon understood. It wasn't a torture for them - well, not directly. Mrs Miller was dripping hot candle wax on to the knots of where the two girls were bound. Of course some drops of molten wax missed the knots and landed on bare, tender flesh and the two small girls squealed and howled into their gags at each wayward drop.

But Mrs Miller soothed them with hushing nosises, said she was sorry and they weren't to cry over little accidents. When she had finished waxing up all the knots she put the candle out and explained what she'd done to the still tearful twins. 'This, honeys, is just my way of slowing your mommy up when she comes to untie you. Picking my knots apart when they are waxed up will take her some time,' the middle-aged woman chuckled. 'I expect you'll be here some time longer... and just think, honeys, if mommy is a little held by traffic coming home well it will be quite a wait.'

The two girls sniffed back their tears and tried to nod. They understood it wasn't Mrs M's fault if the traffic was bad for mommy coming home.

'Fortunately, you are both safe and sound, tied up here so no harm can come to you.' The woman went back to sucking the children's toes and feeling little crotches for a minute or two and that at least stopped them sobbing so much.

'Okay, sweethearts,' said the woman as she finished sucking and rubbing, 'I have to go now. Mommy will be home as soon as she can be, so I expect you can have a nice rest until then. Bye Sharon and Karen - see you Monday!'

With that she was gone, with the two six-year old girls bound and gagged and hurting and incredibly aroused for their tender age.

But Mrs Miller would be back on Monday to look after them again and, as both Karen and Sharon knew, Monday was wearing dog collars and playing at little doggies all day with their tails stuck into their butt holes.

From hog tie to frog tie to dog tie, Mrs Miller planned to tell them. But they wouldn't be able to say anything about it as they'd be wearing their little puppy muzzles all day.

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tom W

lease,please continue that tale,it is wonderful Erotica. thanks for sharing your skill.

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