
[ FFMg, bond, les ]

by Quiller


Published: 31-Mar-2012

Word Count:

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Caution: This is fantasy fiction for adults only, and should never take place.

Miss Hammond brought nine year old Lisa Ann from the classroom, holding the little girl's arm lightly as she walked down the empty hallway.

The child looked nervous, though she had every right to be. She knew she was going to be collected though she had no idea by who. Man, woman, couple, family - she'd only find out when she saw them in the Principal's office.

Miss Hammond detected the mood of worry about the child and sought to reassure the pupil. 'Don't worry, Lisa Ann, I'm sure these people will be nice to you.' The teacher couldn't be sure of that: children, once they were collected, could be subject to anything. A day, week, a month, maybe longer... Miss Hammond didn't know how long the collection would be and anything could happen in that time to the child. 'I'm sure you'll be looked after,' she added as reassuringly as she could.

Lisa Ann, a pretty little blonde girl with large appealing blue eyes merely nodded silently. She'd heard stories of being collected, tales of what happened to other children. Some of the stories were scary, but the teacher had always said people made stories up, so you never knew until you'd been there yourself. Not until you'd been collected yourself.

Outside the Principal's office they stopped. Miss Hammond gave Lisa Ann's arm a gentle friendly squeeze, not just for reassurance but to attract her attention. Lisa Ann looked up at the teacher, into her brown eyes, noticing how sad they looked.

'Lisa Ann... I shouldn't do this but I guess you won't tell.' Without another word the teacher ducked her head and kissed the child on her perfect little lips. Not a lingering or passionate kiss, as much as Miss Hammond wanted that, but a gentle little kiss. Just to show that the teacher thought the child was very pretty and really was sorry to see her go.

With a sigh Miss Hammond broke the kiss and took the rope from the hook by the Principal's door. Enough rope to bind the girl's arms and a little more. Quickly the teacher secured Lisa Ann's arms, elbows touching but not severely so, hands placed palm to palm and the rope cinched between the girl's wrists. The teacher had done this before and knew the school's approved method of binding children, a technique that left two long ends dangling from Lisa Ann's wrists.

Without a word from the teacher (but eliciting a small gasp from the otherwise silent child) the woman brought the two ends of the rope up between the girl's legs, bunching up her short dress and cutting up into the soft crease between Lisa Ann's legs, hauled the rope up and wound it round the girl's slim, pale neck. Miss Hammond tied it off with a regulation knot at the girl's throat. She patted the child's head, as reassuring as she could be.

'You look very sweet, Lisa Ann. Very pretty.' The woman crouched by the girl ran her hand down the front of the child, feeling the texture of the child's yellow dress, rubbing her fingers across Lisa Ann's flat chest (in truth, seeking to find her nipples, though they weren't hard. Sometimes, tying up a child for collection made them excited, even if it was partly through fear).

The teacher ran her hand over the child's front, dropping to that rope-separated slit visible through the child's pale blue panties. As she rubbed it gently, making the child gasp, the woman's other hand roamed over the child's bound arms, feeling the rope, the knots, the way the child's arms were tight together.

No surprise that Miss Hammond was excited herself: her own nipples had swollen and were all too obvious through her thin shirt. Between her legs she felt wet and yearned to put her fingers in herself, or better, push Lisa Ann's sweet little face to her sex and rub that cute button nose and cupid lips against her sopping wet slit. But the teacher knew she shouldn't and couldn't. Going into the Prinicipal's office with a smell of raw sex on the child (or even cum cream on the darling's face) would bring the school into disrepute. The school drew a lot of money from the collection fees and losing business would be bad.

But one day, Miss Hammond told herself as she straightened up, she would have enough money to collect a little girl as pretty as Lisa Ann. The 23 year old teacher smoothed down her skirt and hoped that she wasn't giving off too much scent of arousal and that her nipples didn't betray her desires, patted the child on her head again and knocked on the door before entering, guiding the bound girl ahead of her.

There was just an old woman in the office, along with the Principal, Mr Mathers. Mr Mathers was grinning as he always did when a child - boy or girl - was brought in for collection. Miss Hammond suspected he frigged himself furiously under the desk at times like this and imagined the floor would be covered with cum stains. However for now he had his hands on the desk, clasped together.

The old woman however took Miss Hammond's attention. She was clearly wealthy, and clearly in her sixties. Maybe older, if the face lifts had worked well.

'Miss Hammond, ah! This is Mrs Hadaway,' grinned Mathers. 'She's come to collect Lisa Ann.'

Mrs Joanna K Hadaway, Miss Hammond recalled as the woman sat in front of the desk turned her head towards the teacher and bound pupil, one of the wealthiest women in town. Probably the wealthiest. Strange that Miss Hammond had never figured old Joanna Hadaway as a collector, but then until they turned up to collect and pay, how would anyone know?

The old woman smiled as she surveyed Lisa Ann. 'My, oh my, what a lovely little girl,' the old woman smiled, her faintly yellowing teeth showing under her thin lips. The woman's gray coiffured head nodded, her expensive heavy earrings sparkled, the pearl necklace at her scrawny neck gleamed. Everything said wealth. She could afford a collection, and pay well at that. There would, Miss Hammond concluded, be a good size check for Lisa Ann. The teacher glanced at the Principal, or more specifically his grasped hands, and saw the edge of a check beneath his pudgy hands. The young woman understood that was why he had his hands on the desk. On the money for once and not on his dick.

'My, a very pretty little girl,' purred the old woman. She took her spectacles out of her purse and put them, in no great hurry. People with her amount of money could buy time as well as small girls. She put them on and returned her gaze to the child, indicating that Miss Hammond should turn the child round so she could see how Lisa Ann's arms were tied. 'Ah, yes, perfect,' she said, before indicating the girl should be turned back to face her.

The old woman beckoned the child to step towards her, a gesture echoed by Mathers. The teacher pushed Lisa Ann forward a couple of steps, to be in reach of the old woman. Mrs Hadaway sniffed, not unappreciatively, and ran her veined, thin hands over the child's chest. For some reason, though the child made no move as the long bony fingers of the woman slid over her chest and down to where her pants and restricted cunny were on show, Miss Hammond fought down a shudder.

Usually the collectors were younger than this, sometimes attractive. It never felt bad giving a tied up child to a couple who were probably the right age to be the boy or girl's parents, or even older siblings. But older people - people as old as this woman, who must have been eighty, the teacher concluded recalling something she'd read - made her feel bad.

Miss Hammond stood watching this handling, watched as the girl was turned so Mrs Hadaway could feel the tightness of the ropes pinning the child's arms behind her, and felt awkward. Usually the teacher delivered the bound child and then was waved away to return to their class. But no one had made such a gesture, so she stood, feeling her own sex moisten yet again in spite of her disgust at seeing a child pawed by a crone.

To her credit, Lisa Ann made no move to pull away and registered no horror at any of this. But she did, standing with her back to the Principal and Mrs Hadaway, blink as if trying to wink at Miss Hammond. The teacher suppressed a smile but gave a sly wink back. Lisa Ann gave the briefest smile as if all this was okay.

'There's to be a new arrangement, Miss Hammond -' began the Principal, sitting stiffly and watching the old woman feel up the child.

The old woman, still running her fingers over the child but now stroking the neck rope, interrupted. 'She must have a first name.'

'Yes, of course,' blushed the man behind the desk. 'Nina. Nina Hammond,' he added, unnecessarily. 'Nina... Mrs Hadaway will be taking two with her today. A double collection.'

Nina Hammond nodded, but wondered why there was only Lisa Ann here. Where was the other child, and why was she having to wait? Then it occurred to her: it would be some other child from her class. She should fetch a second child at once. 'Who shall I bring to your office, Principal? she asked, half turning towards the door. She thought, for no reason of Jessica Wycyk, probably every bit as pretty as Lisa Ann. True, the two kids weren't good friends but tied up together they'd have to learn to get on.

'No one,' said Mathers.

'No one?' Nina felt stupid repeating the Principal's words.

'No one,' confirmed Mrs Hadaway as she stopped handling the child and turned Lisa Ann back to face her so she could study her front again. She didn't look up. 'Could you please remove your underpants,' said the old woman. 'I want you to gag this adorable child.'

The teacher stood confused for a moment.

'Your pants, Miss Hammond,' growled Mathers. 'Take them off as Mrs Hadaway wants. Put them in the girls' mouth, if you please.'

At once the teacher obeyed, hoisting her knee-length black skirt and revealing her shapely legs, stocking tops and garters, which she was aware that were being eyed by the man behind the desk, and shucked off her panties. Black lace, to match her garter belt. Hastily she straightened her skirt as she let the slide down her legs and scooped them off her feet. They were very wet and exposed like this, there was the unmistakable aroma of excited cunt juices in the office.

Nina was aware that the old woman had unknotted an expensive silk scarf from her neck. 'Please use this,' intoned Mrs Hadaway, 'to seal them in her mouth.' She held it out.

Hastily, without thinking if Lisa Ann was ready, Nina pushed the ball of sodden black lace into the child's mouth, almost before she had it open. Working from the back, she couldn't see any look on Lisa Ann's face but hoped it wasn't one of too much alarm. The panties were packed in and even from the angle she was at, Nina could tell that the girl's cheeks were bulging nicely.

The teacher reached out and took the scarf, marveling at its expensive feel as she ran it through her fingers. Perhaps using it as a gag would ruin it, but then perhaps good quality material could stand this kind of use. Without hesitation, Nina pressed the balled-up pants deeper into the child's mouth as she wound the scarf round and tied it off behind the child's blonde head.

'Comfortable?' Mrs Hadaway had one eyebrow cocked as she looked at the child's face, examining the effect, tilting her head one way and then the other as she took in the view. She looked satisfied at what the teacher had done.

'Ummmph,' grunted Lisa Ann in response to the old woman's question. It sounded, Nina concluded, like a yes.

Nina was unsure what she was meant to do now, given that she desperately wanted get her skirt up and to rub her panty-free sex, and toy with her engorged clit. But no one seemed in any hurry. Mathers didn't move, Lisa Ann stood quite still. The old woman put her spectacles away carefully. She could buy patience from other people, too. But then, perhaps they were waiting for the arrival of the second child.

To Nina's surprise, the woman produced a pair of steel handcuffs from her purse. Plain, old fashioned steel cuffs. Nina wondered where they would go on the child and could only think of them on Lisa Ann's slim ankles as a hobble.

'Put those on yourself, my dear,' said the old woman. 'Hands in back, please.'

'But, I'm a teacher -' began Nina, only to be silenced by a glare from the Principal.

'You are the other person going with Mrs Hadaway,' explained Mathers. 'The good lady is collecting both of you.'

Nina was aware her mouth was sagging open. She heard the old woman say: 'The child needs someone nearer her own age. Someone she knows and trusts. A teacher, in fact.' She waved the handcuffs just a little irritably, as if she wasn't used to being kept waiting while people grasped the situation. The cuff chain clinked.

Nina took the cuffs, feeling their weight, their smoothness. She had been wrong: these weren't plain steel cuffs. They were silver. 'My God,' whispered the teacher. She had never worn anything so costly in all her life. She glanced at the principal, who was leering at her, and then caught Lisa Ann's eye. the child had half-turned to look at the teacher, watch what she was about to do. The girl looked even more beautiful with her gag, her eyes even more lovely than usual. She seemed to be nodding, as if she understood the good parts of this.

Nina gave one last try. 'My class need me to -'

'You class is fine. I have it covered,' said Mathers.

'And this child needs you to accompany her,' said Mrs Hadaway as if it was all quite obvious.

The gagged Lisa Ann said nothing but looked sexy and somehow pleased. Nina gulped and clicked one cuff round her left wrist, then put her hands in back and fumbled for a second to get hold of the second, open cuff and closed it with a gentle clicking sound round her own right wrist.

Under her skirt, Nina's cunt spasmed at her own helplessness, at seeing the beautiful bound and gagged Lisa Ann. 'Am I... am I to be gagged, too?' the young woman asked.

'But of course,' said the Principal irritably. 'Collected children always leave here gagged.'

Nina wanted to say she wasn't a child but perhaps that was how Mrs Hadaway saw her. Little more than a teenager, and in the old woman's day, there were only children and adults. Teenagers were nothing to do with her social strata. Nina saw the old woman take something else from her purse and it was clear at once it was a ball gag. Undoubtedly a good quality red rubber ball on a richly tooled black leather strap, perhaps from some exotic place where making bondage items was a craft and not an industry.

'Would you be so kind, Mr Mathers, and gag the young lady for me,' said the old woman.

The man stood, a little too eagerly with the hard lump at the front of his pants all too obvious, and took the offered gag. Nina turned and at once felt the rubber ball pulled between her teeth - hauled tight, so she gave a gasp. She gave another gasp as she felt the Principal's stiff cock press against her cuffed hands, a slight rub as he fastened the buckle. She could hear the man breathing in her ear, a rasp of excitement that suggested he would soon cum in his pants at this frottage. But she was saved from more of him using her as a masturbatory device as the old woman got up, slowly, and cleared her throat.

'I think we are done here, don't you, Mr Mathers?' said Mrs Hadaway, a note in her voice indicating that she was aware of what the man was doing and should desist.

'Uh, yes, Mrs Hadaway,' said the man, reluctantly stepping away from Nina's back.

'Come along, Lisa Ann and Nina, time for me to take you home.' The woman swept past the two secured and gagged females, clearly expecting them to follow. They did.

Mrs Hadaway's car was waiting at the bottom of the school steps. There was a no parking restriction but wealth buys the power to ignore such inconveniences. The Rolls Royce stood as close as it was possible to get to the school, engine purring almost inaudibly, as the chauffeur held the car door open. He nodded respectfully to the old woman as she climbed in and he shut the car door, barely giving the cuffed teacher and the bound girl any attention. The man, aged no more than thirty, gave no sign he was the least surprised to see them or their condition. He moved to the back of the car and threw open the trunk, merely indicating that the child should climb in.

The trunk was large and lined with fur. Somehow Lisa Ann half fell in, half clambered in, falling gently into the luxurious fur. Just for second she shot a look at Nina, as if wondering why the teacher wasn't getting in, but Nina hadn't been invited to. The chauffeur checked that nothing would stop the trunk lid closing and did so: the trunk lock clicking shut with the kind of gentle but crisp sound that suggested it wouldn't come open in a hurry.

Wondering what would happen now, the chauffeur took Nina's arm - much in the way the teacher had done bringing Lisa Ann out of the class earlier - and guided her round to the other side of the Rolls. He opened the door and firmly eased the cuffed and gagged teacher in, on the same rear seat that Mrs Hadaway was occupying.

The driver got in behind the wheel and the vehicle moved smoothly off. Nina simply sat and wondered what next as she saw familiar streets slip past, through tinted glass. She knew no one would see her and anyway, what was she going to do? Presently the old woman spoke to her.

'You are probably wondering why I collected you too, Nina.' The old woman didn't look across at the teacher as she spoke, looking herself out of her side of the car. 'But I'm getting too old I'm afraid for tying up small girls. Always a hobby of mine, and one I have spent many millions on pursuing over many years. Little Lisa Ann is quite one of the loveliest girls I have ever owned - and make no mistake, I have paid enough to own her - but she needs someone to help.'

Mrs Hadaway turned to finally look at the cuffed and ball-gagged teacher next to her, a pleasant smile on her old lips. 'You see, Nina, I also like young women in bondage. Oh don't misunderstand me; children, small innocent and quite adorable girls bound and gagged are my first love, but a young woman like yourself, barely out of childhood in so many ways... ah yes, I can enjoy you too.'

Nina gulped, both aware drool was falling from her ball gag down her shirt and feeling a sense of excited fear in her.

'You will,' continued the old woman, 'serve me. You will be chained and bound and gagged frequently. But you will also be the little girl's jailer. The jailer of several in fact: it should not surprise you I have three small girls already I have collected from elsewhere. They need a governess, as it were, someone to teach them and tie them. That is precisely what you will do, my dear.'

Nina nodded, her cunt on fire. She was sure among her duites, when not restrained, there would be moments to kiss Lisa Ann. Yes, maybe do more. Possibly - no probably - the other small girls the woman had collected would be equally delightful and maybe they would be ready for sex too. More drool fell from Nina's gagged mouth. She opened her legs slightly, to try to not rub her thighs together. She didn't want to signal too much how eager she was.

The movement brought a small laugh from the old woman. 'I see you are aroused, so let me help you, Nina.' Mrs Hadaway reached over and dragged the hem of the teacher's skirt back. 'I am glad to see you are sensible enough to wear stockings. My oh my, all this pantyhose stiff today - like some sexless mannequin, I'm afraid.'

In spite of the shock of being exposed like this, Nina wriggled a little to make it easier for the old woman's bony hand to expose the tops of her legs. She wasn't sure what the old woman would do exactly, but the prospect of seeing several girls bound like Lisa Ann, of playing with them, was sending her over the edge. She moaned into her gag as Mrs Hadaway's hand traced the shape of the garter on the leg nearest the old woman.

Nina moaned louder as the woman's veined, spotted hand stroked at the teacher's closely cropped pubic hair, glistening with the dew of her arousal. She couldn't help but open her legs wider.

As if by magic, a small TV screen mounted on the glass separating the back from the chauffeur came to life: a screen showing a video. On the screen, a small naked girl - dark skinned and jet black haired as if from central America and no older than twelve - was writhing in a complex hogtie arrangement. As she rolled on her side, Nina could see the child already had prominent tits, bearing in mind the preteen's arms were tied to her ankles and her shoulders pulled back enough to minimize her bust. The child's nipples were large and the aureola dark brown. The girl, needless to say, was gagged with a similar ball gag to the one Nina was wearing, and drool fell from the child's stretched mouth to what looked an expensive carpet.

There were distinctive red marks too, across the bound girl's chest and belly - marks from some chastisement. Possibly a whipping.

Nina was so absorbed, so excited by the video, she almost didn't notice the old woman's fingers slide into her hot, wet cunt. She moaned and wriggled, partly to eject them, partly to show she was aroused and wanted more.

On screen the image changed. There was a young blonde girl in a ruffled yellow dress, curled up bound and gagged on some expensive fur carpet. It took a second for Nina to realize it was Lisa Ann, trussed up in the trunk. A small camera and light source must have been in there, to record what the child was doing. With a strangled cry, Nina eased her legs as wide as she could, feeling Mrs Hadaway's hand working inside her.

Lisa Ann was wriggling just a little, and Nina knew why. The child was trying to get her crotch rope to bring her pleasure, rubbing into her panty-covered slit. A small girl being excited by the way her teacher had tied her up. Nina gave a deeper, more urgent cry and Mrs Hadaway laughed and fingered the young woman harder.

The nine year old was wriggling to be excited, her small face contorted as the rope knot at her throat pressed in. But she wouldn't stop. The prize of cumming in her bonds was worth it.

The Rolls sped silently through the streets, and the cuffed and gagged Nina - watching the wriggling bound and gagged child on the screen - felt her orgasm hurtle towards satisfaction.

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