Published: 30-Mar-2012
Word Count:
Mrs Garner marched into Miss Tide's classroom, her ten year old daughter Holly in tow. A quiet and empty room, apart from the young teacher at her desk checking some books.
'I would like to have a word with you, Miss Tide,' snapped the mother.
'Mrs Garner,' said Evelyn Tide pleasantly, looking up from the open book in front of her. 'And Holly too. Hello, Holly.' She smiled gently at the ten year old who blushed and retreated a step behind the skirts of her mother. Though the woman with the girl was clearly agitated, the teacher was the model of calmness. 'How can I help you, Mrs Garner?'
The woman - a not unattractive 32 year old though nowhere near as good looking as the 24 year old teacher - took a deep breath. 'It's about you and Holly...' She hesitated as if unsure how to express what she was planning to say. 'You... you've been doing things to her!'
'Doing things?' The teacher rasied her eyebrow but didn't change position. 'Like what, exactly?'
Diane Garner looked uncomfortable. 'It's that you... you've been, um, telling her stuff.'
'Of course I have. I'm a teacher.'
'No,' said the mother hotly. 'More than that. Uh, other things.'
'Hmm? Such as?'
The woman hesitated, her annoyance subdued suddenly. 'Um... Kissing. That's it okay for girls to kiss.'
'Perhaps.' A pause. 'If they want to. It's hardly illegal.'
'But, Holly says... she says you show them.'
'Show them?'
'Yes, you kiss the children. Girls.'
Evelyn Tide gave a small shake of her head, still not looking upset at the accusation. 'I don't know why you think that, Mrs Garner. I don't do that.'
'But you do... Holly said that... uh, once a week, you...' Mrs Garner's anger, or her lack of information, was stopping her making a clear case.
'You know Mrs Garner it's ridiculous, accusing me of that. I wouldn't kiss children.'
Mrs Garner glared at the teacher, who responded by keeping her eyes calmly on the woman for almost a minute, waiting for her to say something important. When she didn't Evelyn looked back at the book in front of her, making it clear she was unwilling to prolong a pointless argument.
'Holly says you do!' The mother exploded. 'And before I go to the police and get you sacked I want to know why!'
Evelyn looked up with a sigh. 'Mrs Garner, the police aren't in a position to sack me, whatever I've done. That's a matter for the school and the education board. As a citizen though you have every right to go to the police, but I would be sure of your story first.' Another beat. 'And very sure of your position.'
'I - I am.' The woman however sounded less than sure.
Evelyn pursed her lips. 'I don't know what Holly's said to you, but to help clear this confusion up should I ask her?'
Holly looked sheepishly from round her mom, her pretty little face tinged red with embarrassment over this whole business. She had that "oops" look about her that in an odd way made her look even more appealing.
Evelyn smiled at the child. 'Holly, step out please so we can see you properly.'
The child shuffled out from behind her mother with her blonde head down, hands behind back.
'Holly, tell me and your mom the truth. Your mom thinks I kiss children. Tell me, do I kiss them?' Evelyn's voice was gentle, her tone kind.
'Um, I don't know...' the girl didn't lift her head as she spoke.
'What do you mean? You must know!' Mrs Garner glared at the child by her side and felt another surge of anger. Anger that her daughter wasn't being honest about what she had told her mom earlier.
'Please, Mrs Garner, let me ask the question, okay?' Evelyn looked from the woman to her daughter and leaned forward, putting herself more at Holly's level. 'You know it's important, Holly, that you tell the truth. We talk about that in class, don't we?'
'Yes ma'am,' whispered the child, her face brighter red now.
'So, tell the truth. Do I kiss children?'
'Um... no ma'am.'
'Holly! You lied! You said tha-' began Mrs Garner until Holly interrupted.
'Mrs Garner I can see you may be upset, but calling Holly a liar won't help. She's probably just a little confused.'
'It was the other girls... they said it,' blurted out the girl, her face screwed up at what was happening - the fear of being found out as a liar and the trouble she was heading for.
'Which girls?' demanded the mother.
'I-I don't know,' sniffed Holly, tears in her eyes. 'Can't remember!'
'Holly Garner,' snapped the child's mother. 'You tell me just who is say-'
'Mrs Garner,' interrupted Evelyn. 'Let me deal with this, in my time, in school. Holly doesn't need this right now: we can see she's upset.' For the first time Miss Tide stood up and Mrs Garner gave a small gasp as the teacher straightened. 'Something wrong, Mrs Garner?'
'No... well yes...' The mother gulped loudly. 'It's... your clothes. Your skirt!'
'It's just a skirt,' said Evelyn, gesturing at the tight fitting and very short black plastic skirt she wore. It creaked slightly as she moved and caught the light seductively.
'It's obscene,' said Mrs Garner, her face reddening. 'Teachers shouldn't wear clothes like that. I-I mean, not at school.'
'How do you want me to dress?' asked Evelyn, calmly as if she'd heard all these comments before.
'Appropriately,' said the woman, swallowing hard. 'And your shirt is... well, that's tight, too. I can see yo-' She stopped herself saying "nipples", but there was no doubt that under the thin shirt they were prominent. Through the fabric the outline of the teacher's black lace cup bra was obvious as well.
'I'm judged on my performance as a teacher, not my dress sense,' said Evelyn, a faint smile on her lips. She dropped her voice slightly: 'Don't you like what you see?'
Mrs Garner blushed bright red, aware she was staring at the young woman's bust. She tore her eyes away from the large orbs and their prominent nipples and started to hustle her daughter to the door.
'Don't be embarrassed for Holly,' said Evelyn. 'She sees me like this all day, along with the other children. You could ask her if she's bothered by it.'
Mrs Garner didn't know whether this was a dig at her or her daughter. But it was a dig. She turned back, trying not to look at Miss Tide's ample bust or her narrow waist and rounded hips with that tight, short skirt above those long, tanned legs. Her heart was thumping hard as if there was the first awakening of some primitive urge inside her. The stirring of deep, forbidden feelings.
'M-miss T-tide,' the woman stammered, eyes locked on the teacher's calm young face and jet black cropped hair. 'I-I know you get g-good reports and the children have good grades but... I, um...'
'But what, Mrs Garner?' Evelyn was enjoying this. She smoothed the front of her short plastic skirt, as if patting her perfectly shaped belly, or inviting the woman to look at it. At the place below where her sex was. 'Or would you mind me calling you Diane?'
Diane Garner blushed even more, if that was possible. Of course the teacher would knew her name, but it had a certain sexual power the way the young woman said it. Di-Ane, with the merest pause as if it was a sensuous, wanton name. Like you would say: 'I want.'
'Wait outside, in the hallway,' said the mother, suddenly shepherding her still tearful daughter out the door. 'I need to speak to Miss Tide alone.'
'U-uh, Mom...!' began the child but she was pushed out and the door closed on her.
'What do you want to ask me?' asked Evelyn, her dark eyes sparkling. She licked her full, red lips to make them glisten more in the afternoon light.
'I don't want to ask you anything,' said the woman with a gulp, taking a couple of steps away from the door. 'I want you to tell me why.'
'Why what, Diane?' Evelyn looked amused.
'Why you've set this up like...' she couldn't think. Not clearly, not with her mind racing over sex and passion and tight, short skirts.
'Or is it why you didn't return my calls, why you didn't want to talk to me?' Evelyn sounded so assured. Ice cool, which added to her charisma.
'I couldn't,' snapped Diane defensively. 'I'm married!'
'I know. We talked about it, in your car.' A pause. 'When I fucked you with the dildo, remember? I seem to remember you were just as married then as now.'
The woman didn't answer, biting her lip instead.
'Remember how you moaned and asked me to rim you?' Evelyn took a step forward, one hand on her large breasts. Stroking herself.
'Don't!' said Diane in alarm, noticing that the teacher's nipples were even more prominent now. 'I shouldn't have done that with you that night. It was stupid.' Diane Garner shifted her weight uneasily from foot to foot, not wanting to look but compelled to stare.
'I'm glad you did. Oh, and it wasn't stupid: it was wonderful fun.'
'And you've had a lot of fun with other mothers, too, right?' Diane suddenly looked angry. Not angry like she was when she brought Holly in earlier. But angry for herself at being used, at being replaced.
'I wouldn't say that.'
'I know you have!' Diane looked hurt. 'Gina Wallis' mom. Karen, isn't it? You've been playing with her.'
'Karen Wallis? Hmmm, remind me of how she looks.' Another step forward, Evelyn's fingers undoing the topmost button on her thin shirt, revealing her cleavage.
'Don't, it's not fair,' said Diane weakly. 'My daughter's right outside, waiting.'
'So am I,' laughed the teacher, closer still, wet lips slightly open.
'No, you can't just toy with me. Please, Evelyn, I have to think of Holly.'
'Then we can bring her in, let her see us.' Miss Tide was almost up to Mrs Garner, the second button undone, the cleavage gaping. The edge of the lack lace bra and those smooth, perfect tits that Diane dreamed of when she played with herself in the dead of night. Lying so still next to her snoring husband, not wanting to wake him while she climaxed with her mind dancing to dreams of a seductive Evelyn naked next to her.
'No,' gasped Diane, tears in her eyes, panic filling her. She turned and fled without looking back, not seeing Evelyn's hand start to lift the hem of that tight black plastic skirt.
''S for you mommeee!' called Lois after she had raced to the phone and grabbed it before anyone else. 'Mommeeeee!'
'Hush sweetheart,' said Diane as she hurried to the phone. 'You don't have to shout. I'm here.'
'Okay.' The girl's voice was back to its normal pitch and volume. 'It's teacher for you.'
'Oh,' said the woman, taking the phone, watching her daughter race back to the family room and her farm animals book.
'Hi. Do you want to talk?' It was Evelyn Tide.
Diane shot a look at her husband in the next room, watching some old re-run on TV, Holly laid out on the floor, coloring in a picture with crayons scattered round her. Her younger sister Lois had grabbed her book and sat herself next to her father, wriggling to get up close to him the way kids do and threatening to interrupt him watching the show.
'The family,' she breathed. 'Phil and the girls. They're in the next room. I can't...' she struggled for the words. 'I can't say much.'
'But you can say something,' said the teacher. 'You had plenty to say earlier.'
'Yes. Just not here... uh, you know.'
'Just you can't talk about sex, and what I was wearing,' laughed Evelyn lightly. 'What I might be wearing now.'
'Oh!' Diane, taken by surprise, shot another look at her family and turned her back on them, cradling the phone so her voice wouldn't carry. 'You shouldn't dress so...' she struggled for the word.
'Provocatively?' Evelyn snickered.
'Yes,' whispered Diane.
'You'll have to speak up, angel. I can't hear you,' said Evelyn. 'Or should I come and visit with you?'
'No!' Diane's voice was sharp and loud. She was aware her husband had heard her and was looking at her.
'Who is it honey?' the man called.
'Marj,' said Diane, over her shoulder. 'Just having an argument about dresses.'
The man returned to the TV, disinterested. But Lois gave a sly grin at her mother before returning to her book.
'Oh I'm your friend Marj now, am I?' chuckled Evelyn. 'Isn't she the one with the big butt and small tits?'
'I wouldn't say that,' said Diane, striving to talk normally, anxious her husband didn't take any more interest.
'I would - or do you want to have her like you had me?'
'No, not really my shade,' said Diane as if they were discussing fabrics and colors.
'Not really as you prefer me or not really as in she's hot and eager.'
'Not at all Marj. Nothing like that.'
On the other end of the line Evelyn became serious. 'I'm disappointed in you, Diane. You came to see me with your daughter, all fired up over her story. So, did you come because you really think I kiss girls or because you wanted to see me?'
Diane was floored. 'Um, I don't know.'
'You must know. Is it me in my tight little skirt or because Holly claims I get the girls to kiss?'
'Maybe... both.'
'In that case, you ought to come and see me. Now. You get to see what I've got on and I can tell you what really happens.'
Diane gasped. 'You mean, there is something?'
'No smoke without fire. But you deserve to hear it from me. One hour, on the south road. Usual place.'
The phone clicked off. Diane, her mind swimming with possibilities and dangers and excitement, carried on for a full minute talking into the dead phone as if Marj was still there and then said goodbye.
'Phil,' said Diane as she came back into the room. 'Marj has a problem. I have to go and see her.'
'Guess that means I have to chase the kids to bed,' he grumbled.
'Thanks, honey,' said the woman giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Evelyn's car was parked under the large trees on the south road. Diane Garner drew up behind it, flashed her lights twice and got out. She looked round, unsure why as there would be no one else out here at that time of night she guessed. Later, sure, when the kids came out of the movies they might come up here for some petting, but it was too early for them.
Diane eased herself into Evelyn's car, heart beating hard. In the gloom she could make out the young woman sat behind the wheel - a female who had given respectable Mrs Garner the thrill of her life when they had sex, under these self-same trees four months ago.
'You're late,' said Evelyn, not looking at the women.
'I was delayed. Lois was suddenly sick. I didn't think I could come out. Phil wasn't pleased, getting both of the children to bed.'
'But you made him feel good.'
'What do you mean?' Diane's eyes were adjusting to the light - or rather, lack of it - and she was beginning to make out Evelyn. And what she was wearing. Something that caught what little light there was.
'You probably promised to suck his dick when you got back, or bend over and take it in the ass,' sighed the teacher.
'No!' exclaimed Diane, blushing and hoping the dark would obscure her red face. She had promised exactly that, being ass-fucked by her husband when the kids were asleep. She hated doing it with Phil but she could get what she wanted if she offered to bend over the chair in the bedroom later.
'You sure?' asked Evelyn, sensing the woman's embarrassment at lying. 'I mean, angel, when you've got an open ass or know how to deep throat it's so easy to manipulate a man, isn't it?'
Diane started to object but stopped. Evelyn was no fool: she knew what went on in marriages even though she wasn't married herself. Instead of objecting however, Diane gasped at what she could now make out: the teacher was in a see-through plastic dress, the light gleaming on the folds and ridges where she sat.
'You're naked - well, as good as,' said Diane. She realized she had started to reach out and touch the plastic but stopped herself. She couldn't afford to start anything here and now: she had barely an hour before she had to get back. At home Phil would be champing at the bit, desperate to sink his cock into his wife's asshole.
'Not quite naked,' laughed Evelyn. 'I do have pants on.'
Diane gulped. She knew what kind of pants the teacher wore: thin, lacy thongs - little more than three straps sewn together at the waist - usually in black or red. Hardly enough to cover the young woman's shaved pussy, Diane remembered with a shiver of delight. It would be so easy to slip her hand up the see-through dress and work her fingers inside the ridiculously skimpy panties and feel that soft, hot center and -
Diane stopped the train of thought. She wasn't sure what all this was about. The dress was to tease her, no doubt about it. Unless Evelyn was going to meet some other woman. Perhaps Karen Wallis... Again, the woman stopped the thoughts and tried to let the attendant twinge of jealousy go. I'm happily married, Diane told herself. Well, married at least. The woman took a breath and forced herself to concentrate. 'So why did you call me?'
'You know how dangerous it is to keep me waiting like this?' asked Evelyn, ignoring Diane's question. 'Someone might stop by and play with me. Some young woman who likes to feel my dildo thrust up in her. I keep it in the car you know. Just in case.'
'Evelyn, you shouldn't be trying to make me want you. I asked you...' Diane Garner hesitated.
'Why I wanted to meet you?' Evelyn chuckled. 'To show you what you're missing, and to tell you the truth about what dear sweet Holly said - or maybe she's told you?'
Diane felt herself flush. She hadn't asked Holly because she didn't want to know. It had been better to sweep it under the carpet, put it down to a child's imagination. But she also knew it would, in days and weeks ahead, gnaw at her. Better to get it out now.
'For your information I don't kiss little girls,' said Evelyn, fixing her clear, cold gaze on the older woman next to her.
Diane shuddered slightly. The teacher was young and beautiful and had, in her arsenal of charms and emotional skills, a powerful, detached and very cold stare. Almost as if ice water was in her veins. 'I didn't think you did,' said the older woman.
A smile flickered on Evelyn's face. 'Perhaps not. But I do get them to kiss each other.'
Despite herself, Diane started. 'What?'
'You heard. They kiss. When they're neatly tied up.'
The older woman shook her head slightly as if there was something wrong with her hearing. 'Excuse me... I thought you said you got them to kiss each other when they're tied up.'
'That's what I said. I get the children - just the girls, naturally - to kiss each other. Better when they're bound together.'
'Wha-?' Diane's jaw dropped.
'Holly heard about the club. You see, I have this little after school club I run' said Evelyn, still smiling. 'Once a week, usually Tuesday afternoons, I get several of the girls to practice kissing. Only for an hour but it's fun. Of course, they're tied up so they don't get carried away. You know, the way hands can roam when lips meet.' Even in the dark, Diane could tell the teacher's eyes were sparkling as she said that.
'You're crazy!' Diane exclaimed, feeling her heart thundering in her chest. 'That's... that's wrong! Teachers shouldn't do that to the kids.'
'I might agree, if I did something to them. But I don't do anything to them,' responded Evelyn. 'I merely give them the opportunity to learn what close contact between females is all about. Tenderness.' The teacher added the last word huskily.
'The tying up,' gasped the older woman, her heart pounding and her throat dry. 'That's wrong, you shouldn't!'
'It's not wrong. They like it. They understand. They don't get hurt, if that's worrying you. And kisses are better when you can't move.'
'P-please... You can't,' cried Diane. She recoiled as Evelyn's long fingers touched her leg, just above her knee as if searching for the hem of her skirt.
Diane flung open the door and half stumbled, half fell out. She ran to her own car and fumbled the ignition, her mind a churning morass of feelings and shock. She didn't know what to think as she slammed the vehicle in gear and shot away from beneath the trees.
She didn't even check her mirror to see if Evelyn was still sitting there.
Phil was anxious to claim his prize, his reward, for tending to his two daughters. Like most men he enjoyed pushing his hard dick into a woman's asshole, feeling the tightness round his prick head as he lunged in and out. A touch of raw and urgent brutality that men like Phil always enjoyed.
Despite his cock-centric feelings he noticed, when Diane got back, that she was very distracted. The woman was both angry about something and obviously confused. Phil, as most men do, put it down to her impending time of month. Still that wouldn't matter if he could fuck his wife's big, round butt.
She wouldn't even be facing him, would she? Yeah, he liked to have his wife face the mirror, so he could see her face screw up with the pain of his dick drilling into her dry, but if she was going to look sour he could turn the chair so she had to face the wall.
Phil liked the idea of seeing her suffer when he poked her in the ass but hey, a man can enjoy a bit of variety right? Hell, he might even tie her hands behind her back so she looked as if she didn't want it at all and he was forcing her.
The man's dick got real hard when he thought of Diane tied up and being butt-fucked. Perhaps even a gag, so she wouldn't scream and wake the kids, he decided.
For Diane, having her hands bound behind her back and the fact that her husband had fished out one of her scarves to gag her with in the bedroom told her everything she needed to know: this was going to be a dry ass fuck.
She sighed as Phil tied her hands, gagged her with a knot in her mouth and hoisted up her skirt before bending her over the chair. It wasn't even facing the mirror, either. She felt her panties dragged down her legs and then her legs were forced apart.
Oh sure, it hurt being buttfucked and yes, she screamed though not as loudly as she wanted. Like her husband, she didn't want to wake the children. She bit down on the gag, glad it was there to help her. There to help stifle her howls.
It wouldn't be long, she thought: he usually came quickly. But as her grunting husband sawed in and out of her, Diane felt herself get warm between her legs.
No, it wasn't any pleasure Phil was giving her: it was the thought of Evelyn in her plastic outfit, her thong pants and - much to Diane's surprise - the thought that the teacher had got the girls in her class to kiss each other.
The warmth in her sex was turning rapidly to a hot wetness as she thought of the ten year old girls - Holly among them - all busying themselves in the Tuesday club after school, all practicing their kissing skills on each other.
But there was more, something that both excited the woman and filled her with horror. What if the little sweeties were tied while they kissed. Maybe like her, just hands behind backs so they could only kiss. Maybe, like the woman was now, made to bend over so only their lips met. Not touching or anything. Only kissing.
The power of the erotic ideas made her cry out. Phil, behind her, thought his wife was enjoying what he was doing so he thrust harder.
Diane moaned in her confusion. The thought wouldn't go away. It was wrong, she told herself. The mother bit harder on the gag and tried to dismiss the sickening thoughts aside. Telling herself women don't that to their own kids. They wouldn't allow anyone else to do it, would they?
But the kids were kissing. Evelyn said so. Tied up and kissing. Helpless little bodies with their arms bound behind them and knees bound together, tied together with ropes to keep them locked as one, lips melted into each other...
The evil and perverted and erotic thoughts rammed into her, just as her husband was doing. Except this was nicer and she knew she was was going to climax. Not through him and his clumsy efforts, but the sheer power of her own lust-filled erotic thoughts.
'No!' she gasped into her gag, one last attempt to dislodge the powerful erotic images in her head. Phil heard his wife say something but didn't care.
The thoughts stayed. The kids could be tied in several ways, not just hands in back. Tied to chairs, bound kneeling, maybe standing against a post... and all watched over by Evelyn in her clear plastic dress. The exciting thoughts and the visions tumbled through the woman's mind. Not intense enough to block out the pain of the anal abuse but good enough to make her start to cum. She thrust herself backward at her husband - not to get him more up her rear but to get some stimulation where his heavy balls banged against her cunt.
'Enjoying this?' grunted her husband, so absorbed in his selfish screwing he thought he was the sole cause of her pleasure.
'Mmmmth!' cried Diane biting on her gag as she finally climaxed, her bound hands clenching as the sublime orgasm burned through her, a clear picture of Holly and some other girl - maybe pretty little Dorothy Hampton, or that pouting Karen Delaney - hands and arms bound, with their lips mashed together in a passionate kiss.
'We ought to do this again,' mumbled Phil as he finally pumped his semen into his wife's bowels.
'Uhh hhth,' groaned Diane, slumped over the chair from the exertions. She felt his soft cock slip out her, his cum dribbling out of her sore asshole. She felt good in a way she knew he'd never understand. Not from his animal urges but from thinking far more about Evelyn and Holly and children all tied up.
It worried Diane what had happened to her. She was supposed to be a respectable, happily married mom and homemaker - well, respectable enough if you forgot about her night of lesbian sex with her daughter's teacher. It was only one night - a simple mistake anyone could make with such an attractive young woman.
But that night, lying awake next to her snoring, insensitive husband, Diane allowed herself to dream of this bizarre kissing club with bondage introduced. She found herself playing with her clit, sliding her fingers up into her wet cunt. She came twice, heart hammering in her as she locked on images of Evelyn tying the girls' hands behind them and telling them they could start kissing as soon as the last knot was tied.
Phil snored on, to her relief. She didn't want him to know what she was doing to her own pussy, making it hot and sore. And she certainly didn't want to have to tell him what she was thinking. She lapsed, eventually, into a fitful sleep.
In the cold light of morning she lay, waiting for the alarm to go off, wondering what it all meant.
The images in her head were as strong as ever. The feelings of guilt and revulsion and self-loathing had faded away. She knew she simply couldn't deny who she was, what she wanted.
But there was a dilemma: by rights, she should confront Holly and demand the truth. Tell her daughter firmly that ten year old girls shouldn't kiss other girls, even if the teacher approved.
Even if the teacher was a sexy and as desirable as Evelyn Tide. A teacher who dressed in plastic and had the most delicious cunt in the world and who would -
With a shock Diane realized her hand was between her legs again, teasing her sex. Next to her Phil was starting to wake.
Diane shook herself and got out of bed, ahead of the alarm.
She slipped a robe and headed for downstairs, pausing at her eldest daughter's door and listening. Wondering if Holly was awake, wondering if this was the right time to ask the questions about this kissing club. Trouble was it was the weekend - Diane didn't want 48 hours of torment with everyone's emotions, and maybe secrets tumbling out with all the unwanted consequences.
But Holly wasn't making any noise and anyway, how could Diane ask questions without issuing some ultimatum or demanding it stop? How could she make a scene without involving Phil? If he got involved then maybe Diane's sapphic adventure with the teacher would be exposed. The truth about her deepest feelings dragged out into light.
Diane went downstairs knowing she had to find another course of action. She made a pot of coffee and frigged herself gently, facing the sink, while she thought about what Evelyn would say.
'Evelyn' said Diane, talking to the answer machine. 'It's Diane. I have to talk to you about, well, lots of things. Mostly about the... you know, that after school club. Please call me.' She paused wondering what to say to round it off. Then: 'I'm ready for whatever.'
Diane hung up and suddenly worried. What if Evelyn didn't understand the message? Or maybe she was there with another lover and they were laughing over it. Two women in each other's arms amused there was this stupid housewife who had been tempted and fallen and was regretting it. Or eager to please by debasing herself, as a crazy thankyou.
Or maybe they'd invite Diane over and then abuse her, make her kneel and lick them and -
'Oh God,' moaned Diane, her hand between her legs. She snapped out of her reverie, suddenly feeling guilty and withdrew her hand quickly. With a determined effort she told herself she had to stop thinking about this. That she mustn't think about what she wanted.
But try as she may she couldn't stop thinking about young girls kissing. Diane couldn't stop thinking about how they'd hold each other, lips locked together and tongues probing, hands straying to each other's pert little bottoms. How some hands would stray round to the front, sliding down the front of cute panties - if they were allowed to wear them - or moving up to seek out those small but perfect nipples, pinching and teasing them.
If their eager little hands weren't tied behind them.
But whatever position they were in, whatever they wore, the girls weren't going to break the kiss.
Then there were the thoughts of girls in plastic clothes, like Evelyn wore. See-through pants so one little girl could lie back, legs apart, and allow the other children to see her hairless little slit though the plastic. Or they'd wear clear latex bras, even if they didn't have much to need support, just so those wonderful nipples would be tantalizingly visible but out of bounds.
And maybe the kids wouldn't be out of bounds. Maybe one of them would be tied up so the others could admire her - excite the helpless, immobile child - simply by kissing each other and not the prisoner. Watch and learn, Evelyn would say, laughing.
But who'd kiss Evelyn while she was in her plastic clothes? Me, Diane admitted to herself as she brought herself to yet another shattering climax, fingers pumping in and out of her hot, wet sex. I'd do it. Oh, I'd do it!
The phone didn't ring - at least, when it did it wasn't from Evelyn.
Diane was almost frantic by the time Holly got home from school. Frantic because she began to fear something had happened to the teacher - as the day had worn on Diane had begun to persuade herself that something bizarre had happened. Weird thoughts - like this after school club had been discovered. Or worse, that Evelyn's lover had been jealous of the message from Diane and in a fit of rage murdered the teacher.
'How's Miss Tide?' blurted a very tense Diane the moment Holly walked through the door.
'Um, she's okay,' said the girl, slightly confused at the directness and nature of the question. Usually it was "How are you, honey?" or "How was school today?".
'Your teacher. She's not hurt is she?'
Holly's puzzled look increased. 'No, she's okay. Not hurt.' The girl looked at her mom but indicated the door behind her. 'You can ask her yourself. She's outside, waiting in her car. She brought me home.'
Diane's jaw dropped open. 'What? Here? Oh Heavens - and look at me!' She snatched her apron off and ran her fingers through her hair, trying to straighten it.
'Mom,' said an even more puzzled Holly, not sure if she'd ever seen her mother act this way before. 'It's okay. She said she'd wait until you were ready.'
'Oh, sure. Umm, good,' burbled Diane, smiling.
'I thought you were mad at her, over that kissing stuff.' The child blushed at this point, recalling what she'd claimed earlier.
'Oh no - just a misunderstanding.'
Holly nodded and then looked at her mom, eyes wide. 'Your skirt mom. It's like Miss Tide's. Y'know, short.'
It was Diane's turn to blush. She had put her shortest skirt on and covered it up with the apron. A short skirt so she could get her hand up quickly and play with herself more easily. Especially as she wasn't wearing panties. 'Uh...uh, just a change, honey. Now go up to your room and wait quietly like a good girl.'
'But mom... Miss Tide said I was to come out to her car, with you, and we have to be wearing these.' The child reached into her school bag and pulled out something clear and plastic.
Diane almost fainted at what her daughter was holding up: it was two pairs of plastic see-through panties. One pair child sized, the other pair Diane's size.
They sat in Miss Tide's car, together on the back seat - mother and daughter with their clear plastic pants on. Legs apart, of course, so the teacher could see what she liked to see when she turned round. The car was parked under the shelter of a large tree but they were at the side of a road that was used. Every so often a vehicle would rumble past and Diane felt a sense of alarm that they would be seen.
Diane had her short skirt on, and the one Holly was wearing was even shorter. So short they ridden right back, so much that they needn't have bothered to wear them at all. The woman was convinced she could be seen from a truck that slowed up and looked.
Probably not at Evelyn though: she was wearing a surprisingly sensible (at least for her) black leather skirt and plain white top. Tight, but not too revealing.
For all her misgivings Diane was silent, which should be expected with a pair of her old, dull cotton pants filling her mouth. Holly however wasn't. She was smirking up at her mom before she said to Miss Tide: 'Please ma'am, are my legs wide enough apart?'
'Just perfect Holly,' smiled Evelyn, winking at the girl.
Diane groaned, trying to force her legs a little more apart without having to ask. But then, she couldn't. Not with the gag.
It seemed so unfair, being gagged. But then, perhaps she wasn't allowed to kiss anyone. Not yet. The thought was so erotic it sent a bolt of pleasure arrowing through her cunt. The woman moaned, which amused both her daughter and the teacher. They said so.
'Mom's all hot,' giggled the child.
'Hot and desperate,' laughed Evelyn. The teacher reached back and patted the inside on one of the woman's spread legs. Not a slap as such, just an affectionate - if sharp - pat. 'I guess there's something you should know. Perhaps,' said Evelyn with a sigh, letting her fingers trail over the inside of the mother's thigh, tracing imaginary lines towards the sex on show but never getting close to what Diane wanted. Never getting near the center of her lust, leaking inside the clear plastic.
'Tell her, ma'am,' said Holly.
'Tell me,' moaned Diane, wishing her words weren't being swallowed by the gag.
'I don't know,' teased Evelyn, her fingers just for a micro-second pinching part of the bound woman's thigh, her long nails scraping over the sensitive flesh.
Diane moaned in frustration.
'Oh, oookay...' said the teacher slowly. 'If you think she'll be good. You think your mommy can be good, Holly?'
'I am,' said the child brightly.
'I know sweetie,' smiled Evelyn. She pinched some flesh again on the woman's thigh, making her snort in her gag. 'But I was thinking. If I tell her, she might want to join in.'
'Oh!' mmmphd Diane, both in frustration and pain as the teacher's fingernails pinched hard.
'I don't mind if she does,' said Holly. 'But can she be tied like me?'
'Of course Holly,' said Evelyn with a smile. 'It wouldn't do for mommy not to be part of the real After School Tying and Kissing club, would it?'
'No,' both the child and the helpless mother said as one, even if the mother's efforts were muffled.
'You know, Evelyn, when you came to see me all fired up about my little after school club,' said the teacher, now proceeding the woman's spread thighs a series of small, stinging slaps, making Diane moan and gasp into her gag, 'I really wasn't lying to you. I don't kiss girls. But I do kiss a girl.'
Next to Diane, Holly gurgled with delight. 'I only kiss one at a time, so,' the teacher continued, pausing to deliver a particularly hard slap to Diane's exposed inner leg, 'I guess it's a matter of being pedantic. Kiss girl, yes. Kiss girls...' another pause while the heaviest slap yet was delivered. 'Definitely no. Just one at a time. You'll see that when you come to our next club meeting, after school on Tuesday.'
Holly was laughing out loud now, enjoying all this. But her face fell when her teacher flickered her eyes towards the child. 'It will be a special meeting, as little Holly here gets to be tied up and whipped for telling tales.'
'No!' protested the girl, suddenly alarmed. 'Please... I didn't -'
'Be quiet,' said Evelyn sharply. 'You alerted your mother to what we were doing. It could have been bad for us all. So,' at this the young woman's voice slipped back to its usual smooth tones, 'you get to be punished.'
'W-will I be p-punished like, um, Sylvia?' The little girl seemed on the edge of tears.
'Ah yes, little Sylvia Vickers. Such a sweet child, and so naughty!'
In both confusion and excitement Diane made a strange mewling sound into her gag. Sylvia Vickers? Yes, she knew her, but what had she done wrong? And how many of these children were there, all trussed up on Tuesday after school?
'I think that would be the ideal punishment for you, don't you, sweetie?'
'Um, yes ma'am,' gulped Holly.
'So tell sweet mommy here what happened to Sylvia the other week.'
'Oh!' groaned Holly, but she knew she had no choice. 'Sylvia was whipped by... by her mom...' A tear slid down the child's cheek, followed by another. 'S-she was naughty...'
'Hrrf mmmff!' gasped Diane in shock. Sylvia Vickers' mom, Juliette, was the leading lawyer in the town. Wealthy, attractive, well dressed. Yet Diane could only picture the woman stripped of her power business suit, her crisp white shirt. A woman in the same clear, see-through plastic pants that she and her daughter were wearing now. Diane even got more aroused when she thought of Sylvia wearing plastic pants, too.
'Keep your legs spread,' barked Evelyn, recognizing that the excited woman on the back seat was wriggling and about to close her spread wide legs in some desperate urge to bring herself off. Diane blinked but obeyed.
'But all this punishment is next week. For now, we can have some fun.' Evelyn was back to her calm, quiet but firm manner. 'Would you like to be introduced to what we do at the club, Diane?'
'Yttthh!' The mother almost yelped.
'Good, then sit forward and let me remove your gag. Then you can start your initiation by kissing your daughter. Full french kiss, with tongues.'
Diane made a peculiar but aroused whimpering noise, but she sat forward, head bowed so Evelyn could remove the gag.
'However,' said the teacher as the gag came free and the sodden ball of panties fell to the floor in the back of the car, 'you do not talk to her while you kiss - or after. Leastwise until I say so. That's one of the main rules of the club: when gags come out and you are allowed to kiss then you have to stay quiet. Or...' The teacher looked at Holly for her to finish.
'Or you have to wear a bigger gag and no kissing,' intoned the child dutifully, 'for a week.'
Without even a signal from her teacher, Holly turned her face to her mom, lips slightly parted, head angled. With a small gulp, Diane did the same and their lips met. It was for the woman, as every mother who has ever passionately kissed their attractive young daughter knows, like a surge of electricity through her whole being. Most of all, her slicked cunt, trapped so exquisitely in its plastic prison, buzzed and ached like she'd never known before.
Diane Garner had no idea how long she french kissed her daughter, just as she was unaware she was being watched closely by her lover - if the young woman in the front could be called that after their one session. Whatever inhibitions the mother may have had about what she was doing had long since disappeared and she kissed the child eagerly and deeply. She didn't even think about the danger of being seen, maybe by a slowing truck on the highway. Some redneck hooting in delight at seeing a woman and a child kissing so wantonly.
It was only when Evelyn barked: 'That's enough, you two,' that Diane came back to earth. The two sets of lips separated, drool between their mouths. For Diane it was the most erotic experience of her life, and her lips felt wonderfully bruised. Every taboo that dwelt in her had been shattered, and she was deliriously happy.
There was a silence in the vehicle. A heavy, lust laden silence. Diane was desperate to talk but remembered the rules, so she sat for a what seemed an age, pressing her lips together to remind herself to be quiet.
'Okay, can talk now.' A smack on the inside of her spread legs brought Diane back and she found herself staring into the young women's eyes. 'Okay, Mommy dearest, now you know what we do you can look forward to next Tuesday.' The teacher turned away and started the engine.
'Wh-where are you taking us,' asked Diane.
'You'll see,' said Holly, picking up the wet ball of panties from the floor by her mother's feet. 'Ma'am will want you to be quiet,' snickered the child as she unceremoniously wedged the gag back into her mom's mouth and began tying the gag back in place.
Diane simply groaned and felt her sex pulse with heat inside her clear, plastic pants.
At first glance the old farm house looked as if it was deserted but on closer examination the decay was superficial. Indeed, it was obvious close up that the white paintwork was fresh but more an off-white and deliberately streaked with black and brown to suggest neglect.
Even the shutters were solid enough despite the odd missing slat and the sense of lack of use emphasized by a front yard that had in fact been carefully cultivated with a number weeds and straggly grass.
'My other home,' smiled Evelyn as she drew the car up to the front. 'Far enough from town but near enough for a visit whenever I feel the need.'
Diane wanted to ask what need but gagged, she had to make do with what information came her way. Like when her daughter leant closer and said: 'I've only been here twice before.'
Twice? Diane stared at her ten year old child. She didn't even know Holly had been here ever.
Guided by her daughter, who held Diane's restrained arms, the mother followed the teacher in a zig zag course across the front yard. 'Wired for alarms,' said Evelyn with a smile over her shoulder. 'If you didn't know a single wrong step would set the dogs loose.' The woman nodded to a gate at the side, and Diane saw the eyes of a pair of big dogs staring through a gap in the wood. One of the dogs barked threateningly and the bound and gagged woman shivered.
'I have to be careful,' said the teacher at the door of the farm house as the three gathered on the porch. 'So I spent a lot of money protecting this place. More'n I earn a year as a teacher, but then I do have other resources.'
Despite her stuffed up mouth, Diane tried to ask what this place was, even what other resources. No one though took any notice of her grunts and she watched as Evelyn produce several keys and unlock various locks. 'Steel door, not wood' said the young woman as the door swung open smoothly.
Holly pushed her mother forward and she stepped into a brightly lit hallway. Beyond it was a large room - once no doubt the living room - and Diane could see at least three girls standing by a wall, arms and legs stretched out.
All naked, save for plastic pants, all chained to the wall at wrists and ankles, all gagged and none older than twelve.
'Welcome to my living gallery of child slaves,' said Evelyn, proudly.
'So you see, I had to bring Holly here for the weekend, now that you know about the club.'
Diane stared at her daughter now, like the other three girls, stood at the wall. Chained and gagged like the others. Naked, except for her plastic pants, just like the other three. 'But why?' she whispered.
Diane hadn't been sure if she was allowed to talk once the gag came out, especially as her wrists were still bound behind her, but Evelyn didn't seem mad. Or as authoritative as before.
'It's because now you have sampled kissing your daughter, you'd probably do nothing else this weekend.' There was a twinkle in the teacher's eyes. 'I know I would want my tongue in her sweet little mouth every other minute of the weekend if I was in your shoes.'
Diane was confused. 'But you said girl's can kiss if they want to -' she began.
'Girls can kiss. And do.' Evelyn paused and surveyed the line of similarly secured girls. The youngest was nine, the oldest not quite a teen, judging by their pubic hair and breast development. 'Except here of course, which is why they're secured like they are. But mothers have that granted as a privilege. They aren't allowed to kiss their daughters as often as they might like. Being on hand all the time as it were they would be too tempted. That's why Holly will be spending the next couple of days here. It is the best way you and Holly will be safe from indulging in a little over-excited kissing and I am sure some petting at home.'
Diane nodded as if beginning to understand. Suddenly she remembered Phil, back at home. He'd be wanting a meal, annoyed he was having to look after the youngest. 'My husband,' she gasped. 'What about him?'
'He stays at home,' smirked the teacher.
'No... I mean, he will want to know where Holly is all weekend.'
'Holly has friends. A sleep-over or party or whatever. Men don't care so long as they get their sex.' Once again Evelyn looked as if she was enjoying this.
Diane blushed a little. 'But what about Holly here? Who's going to look after her?'
'I have a couple of friends who stop by, feed them, exercise them. Make sure they're okay.'
Diane glanced at her daughter and the rest of the girls. They looked calm enough behind their gags, not struggling against the chains attached to their soft leather cuffs. The room was warm, pleasant but sparsely furnished though a TV was on in the corner of the room so they could all see it. Suddenly the woman understood, or thought she did. 'These friends are... moms whose children aren't here. And the gags... so that the children can't be kissed. And the plastic pants, so they can't be...' At this the mother blushed. 'Um, fingered.'
'Right, mostly,' chuckled Evelyn. 'The woman who will check in soon is Mrs Donahue, as her daughter's not here. But you can see at the end is a girl called Mandy: her mom isn't allowed here. Like you after this visit, unless Holly is at home and you graduate to helping. You're right about the no-kiss gags. Very important. But the panties are, well, just for my pleasure. I like seeing young females in plastic and latex and even leather.' She indicated her own skirt. 'But that's reserved for special thrills.'
Diane felt a mixture of mounting excitement and fear for Holly. 'B-but then, the panties... anyone can finger them.' Despite her best efforts she blushed at her directness.
'Of course. If you were on helping duty, and your hands weren't tied like now, I guess no one would know if you stroked a little pussy or two.'
'Oh grief,' groaned Diane as a new spasm of pleasure tingled her sex and her body trembled in anticipation of lust. 'That would be... uh, wonderful.'
'But,' and Evelyn looked serious now, 'you have to earn the right. No talking, no revealing secrets, no calls to the press or whoever. No telling excitable husbands... or school governors, may I add.'
Diane nodded. That made sense to her. Then she asked, her voice dropping to a whisper: 'About Holly - you said she would be punished.'
'She will be. Not here and now. She's just a stopover guest. Though there is a punishment room upstairs we don't use it for the girls.' Another twinkle in the young woman's perfect eyes.
'You mean... punishment for um, mothers? Mother's like me?'
Evelyn laughed and nodded.
Phil wasn't happy that he had been kept waiting for his meal, wasn't happy that he had to look after little Lois while his wife was out - wherever she was - though he was calmed a little when a strangely Diane told him that they would a little more time together this weekend as Holly was staying over at friends.
'No one told me about it,' the man grumbled. 'But I guess if it means we can get Lois off to bed early then maybe I can get a little of that ass action you allowed me the other night.'
'Sure, sweetheart,' smiled Diane, if a little thinly. 'I'd love you to um, stuff yourself up my ass.'
'Great,' smiled the man. 'We'll do it tomorrow night.'
'Tomorrow?' asked the woman, both relieved it wouldn't be this evening and alarmed as she didn't know what the reason was.
'Sure. Didn't I tell you that I'm going over to Charlie's for an all night poker game?' The man chuckled. 'Can't turn that down.'
'No,' agreed Diane. 'Not at all.'
Once Phil had gone to play poker and Lois had been tucked into bed, Diane had nothing to do but think of Holly. In fact, she hadn't been able to do much else but think of her daughter - but once she had time alone, she began to indulge herself. She was deeply aroused by what had happened and, as she was still wearing the plastic see-through pants provided by Evelyn, she enjoyed sitting back and stroking herself through the smooth, taut plastic.
It would have been easier to slide her fingers down into her sex inside the pants but this was better in a bizarre way: she could pretend she as being made to do this by Evelyn and the gentle pressure on her "packed pussy" (as she called it) was a delight.
But she wondered if Holly was okay and tried to call Evelyn, though there was no reply - and no point in leaving a message. Diane also tried to call Kim Donahue's mom on some vague excuse, just to see if she was really at home or was out. Hopefully at the farmhouse where Holly was kept.
Mr Donahue said his wife was out for the evening and didn't know where she was, which made Diane feel better.
Back stroking herself, Diane couldn't resist easing the plastic pants down and freeing her delightfully sopping wet cunt. Although it had been a tantalizing pleasure to play with herself through the pants it was even better to finger herself eagerly while remembering everything that had happened.
And even to think of what punishment Holly would receive. But Diane hadn't gone very far when she heard Lois coming down the stairs.
'Can't sleep mommy,' mumbled the child in her favorite teddy bear nightdress. She was clutching her favorite soft toy, Mr Panda. 'Can I stay down here with you?'
Hastily Diane straightened herself and tugged her skirt down. 'Okay, honey,' said the woman, masking her disappointment at almost reaching orgasm but being denied it. 'Uh, I guess as your father's out for the night no one'll mind.'
'Daddy's gone playing cards an' losing,' said the six year old as if it was what she expected. The small child had a way with words that sometimes amused Diane.
'Yeah, gone losing money I guess,' said the woman.
Lois nodded and wrinkled her nose. 'I can smell somethin' nice,' she said, standing in the center of the room.
'Really?' Diane tried not to blush. She felt a little embarrassed at what was a distinctive aroma in the living room. 'Oh, I guess it's the perfume in the furniture polish I used earlier.'
'Smells like pussy to me,' said the little girl as she moved close to her mother on the sofa.
'Lois!' exclaimed Diane. 'Who told you that word?'
'Holly taught me,' said the little girl innocently, clambering up on the sofa next to her mother and propping Mr Panda up to one side. 'She says playing with pussies makes that smell.'
'And how do you know that?'
'Coz she plays with mine,' said Lois. She seemed a lot more awake now.
'What?' Diane felt faint.
'When she shows me what they do at her school.' Lois didn't seem the slightest fazed by what she was saying. 'This club thing she's in. She says they have to kiss. An' sometimes that means kissin' pussies.'
'Uh-' croaked Diane, words failing her.
''S'okay to kiss girls isn't it mommy?' asked Lois, eyes clearly wide open and a long way from sleep now. 'Holly says they do it at school because Miss Tide lets them.'
'I guess,' said the mother, her head swimming.
'Have you kissed Holly, mommy?' The small girl looked up innocently at her mother.
'Uh... I...' This was all too sudden for Diane. She was struggling to think of suitable, parent-like answers.
''S'okay of you have,' said Lois in her child-like comforting way. 'I have. Lots of times. Holly says she has to practice for school, so Miss Tide isn't mad at her.'
'Honey, girls kissing is...' Diane was struggling even more now. 'What I mean is.... girls should... shouldn't....'
'Mommy! You're all blushing,' snickered the child. 'I bet you kissed Holly. Lots!'
'Well of course. I'm her mommy.' The woman's face was hot and she tried not to look directly at her youngest daughter.
'Like a real, open mouth kiss. Tongues 'n' all?'
'Lois!' Diane understood her flushed look wasn't just embarrassment.
'You wanna kiss me mommy? Holly says I'm good at it.' The small girl had hopped up on to her knees next to her mother, face close to Diane's. She had a cute innocence that was a delight. Almost a seductive delight.
Diane thought her heart would explode with excitement. Especially as the child had puckered her lips up. Almost comic-like but still appealingly. She managed to say: 'Lois...'
'Oh I forgot,' giggled the small girl. 'I can't be kissed. My hands aren't tied.' Without a second's hesitation the child bounced off the sofa and rushed to the stairs. 'I'll get my rope. It's in my room.'
'Wait Lois,' called Diane but her youngest daughter had already skipped up the stairs, only to reappear a few seconds later waving a length of thin cord.
'This is my rope,' said Lois proudly and she raced back to the sofa. 'Holly uses it on me. But don't worry mommy, only when we kiss.'
'Lois, I don't know...' Diane wasn't sure what she was supposed to know. Her daughter was beside her and pushed the rope into the woman's hands, and then turned so her back was towards Diane with her wrists crossed behind her back, looking over her shoulder like she expected to be tied.
'Nice 'n' tight, please mommy. Go on!'
Diane hesitated. This wasn't right, was it? But then, it hadn't been right kissing Holly earlier, but she'd done it.
'Mommy! Hurry!'
'Hurry? Why?'
'So we can have lots of kisses, silly!'
Diane wanted to say no, but couldn't. Without a word she bound Lois's hands as the child wanted. She even tried to make it tight, and Lois chuckled with pleasure.
'Now kisses,' said the child, wriggling round, her teddy bear nightie riding up over her thin legs. She puckered her lips and leant forward and then stopped. 'But no open mouth on first kiss. Holly says it's the rule.'
'Sure,' breathed Diane. Heart pounding and her own "packed pussy" throbbing with anticipation, she leaned forward and gave her youngest daughter a gentle kiss.
'No! Proper kiss, mommy,' said the little girl crossly.
Diane gulped and did it again. Softer, with more feeling. She felt herself melt, felt her small child against her. Light and warm and sensuous.
The kiss broke, but was resumed. Open mouthed this time, tongues probing: Lois's little tongue darting mischievously into her mother's mouth, Diane's longer, stronger tongue licking inside her daughter's perfect little mouth.
Diane hauled her daughter across her, up on to her lap. Lois spread her legs so she sat straddling her mother, their kisses hardly halted. By now Diane was in seventh heaven. She couldn't resist pulling Lois closer to her, feeling the six-year old's body against her chest, against her tits. She felt she was crushing Lois but didn't care - and the child wasn't complaining. If anything she was kissing harder herself, more eagerly.
'Mommy,' breathed Lois as they broke briefly. 'Can I sleep I your bed tonight?'
'Oh yes, sweetheart,' gasped Diane and pulled her bound daughter back to her lips. 'You can be tied up all night.'
The mother and her small daughter slept fitfully and Lois even complained about being uncomfortable tied as she was, until silenced by more french kisses. Or being required to suck and lick the woman's erect nipples ('And no biting', she had to insist) or get the child to press her little mouth and face against Diane's spread legs, up against the "packed pussy", which was enough to make Diane orgasm.
Lois had laughed when she saw her mother undress and saw she had what she called "Holly's pants" on. 'Mommy!' the child chuckled. 'Your cunny's all squidged in.'
'I know,' Diane had said. 'I keep them on, because...' She couldn't think why she had kept them on.
'Coz it's the rule, right?'
Diane had smiled. 'Yeah, honey. I guess it's the rule. And I have to keep them on all night.'
In the light of the morning Diane came to, finding herself lying with one arm across her still sleeping child. There was that moment of surfacing when she was disorientated, unsure where she was. For a moment she thought it was a normal day and her arm was over her husband and the kids would be waking, wanting breakfast...
But the person in bed with her, breathing gently, wasn't her snoring husband. With a start she realized, and remembered, her night of passion with the child. An instant later she remembered she was still wearing plastic pants and that little Lois was tied. Plus, Holly wasn't at home: she was tied or chained to a wall in a remote farmhouse.
'Oh my God!' Diane sat up, panic exploding from her.
'Mom... 's' okay,' said a sleepy voice next to her. Lois was stirring, a small grin on her face and one eye open.
'Oh Lois! Are you alright?'
The child, hands still tied behind her, wriggled round to face her mother. Her eyes were fully open now. 'Course I am. Can I have a kiss?'
'You kissed me last night. Lots,' chuckled the child. 'I like it when I kissed your squidged pussy. You want me to kiss it now?'
Lois...' The woman gathered her thoughts rapidly. 'This isn't...' A tremor passed through her at what she'd done. Not revulsion, but an erotic pulse. Here she was with her two daughters in various states of bondage (she assumed Holly would be well secured still) having had a sapphic session with her six year old. And if that wasn't enough, she was still wearing those tight, see-through plastic pants.
'Do your hands hurt?' she found herself asking looking down at Lois, who had revealed more of her nakedness by shrugging the sheet off her.
'No!' Then the child shrugged. 'Uh, a little I guess.'
Diane reached for the knot but the child tried to slide away. 'No, mommy. I like it.'
'Honey, you can't stay like that!'
'Um, like what?'
'Tied up all day!'
'Why not?' A strange smile spread over the girl's cute face. 'You can tie me diff'rent. Then you can feed me, like I was a baby again. We still got that old high chair. 'Spect I can fit into it.'
A fresh surge of lewd desire swept through the woman as she stared at her daughter. Diane felt her cunt growing hotter, wetter. 'B-but... Daddy will be home sometime. He can't see you like that!'
A look of disappointment crossed the girl's face. 'Um... Can't you hide me someplace? I promise I won't call out or anything. Um... I can have one of those things in my mouth.'
'Uh... a gag?'
'Yes!' grinned the child.
'Honey, this is is weird,' said Diane as she put her hand to her head.
'Sure. But I love you mommy. I know you won't hurt me.'
'You know what you're saying, sweetheart? You want me to tie you up more and put you in a high chair and I don't know what!'
'I know what,' giggled the child. 'You didn't mention kissin' your squidged up cunny.'
Lois, just, managed to fit into the old high seat. She found it ticklish being wedged into it and Diane told her youngest daughter to stop wriggling still if she wanted her breakfast. There wasn't however much room to wriggle and the dinner tray pressed into the naked child's stomach.
'Goo goo,' laughed the child, and repeated it when Diane took the length of rope that had bound Lois' wrists earlier to retie the child's hands behind her and to the frame of the high chair. When she kicked her legs and wouldn't sit still Diane reacted by picking up an old towel, tearing it into strips and tying the girl's ankles to the chair, taking the opportunity to peek at Lois' hairless slit as her legs were tied apart.
When Lois kept gurgling her baby talk Diane grabbed a remaining strip of the torn towel and without warning tied it into her daughter's mouth as a makeshift - and surprisingly effective - gag. Particularly as the knot went into the girl's mouth and filled it perfectly.
For her part Lois, who may have been tied before by her sister but not like this, simply stared in disbelief at her mother. When she tried to move her hands to pull the gag out she discovered that her mother hadn't been playing at tying up either. The six year old was silenced and immobilized and she stared pleadingly at her mother.
'So, Lois, not so noisy now, huh?' The woman smirked. 'I should have done that when you were small. We would have had a lot more peace round the place.'
'Ummmff!' responded Lois.
'Okay, so you just sit there pumpkin while I get something for you to eat. No wriggling now.'
Lois made a whimpering noise but by and large sat still while Diane prepared some cereal.
'You going to behave while I feed you?' asked the woman. When Lois nodded the mother put the dish on the plastic tray in front of her daughter. The gag came out and carefully Diane spooned the cereal into the girl's mouth. 'Chew properly,' warned the mother.
Lois chewed properly and even managed not to spill any. 'Well done!' exclaimed Diane when the child had swallowed the last of her breakfast. 'So, gag back in and you can sit and watch me tidy up.'
Lois had been tied and gagged, and left in the old highchair in the kitchen, for almost an hour when the phone rang. Diane thought it might be her husband calling to say he'd be home around noon, as he usually was after too much to drink and playing poker most of the night, but it was Evelyn.
'I just thought I'd update you on Holly,' said the teacher.
'Oh yes, um... thanks.' It struck Diane that she had for the past hour so much enjoyed playing with Lois she had let her eldest daughter slip from her mind. 'I was wondering about her,' she said hoping it sounded like the truth.
'She's fine. I called in this morning and she spent a fairly comfortable night, all things considered.'
'So how are things at home?' Evelyn had a certain tone to her voice that unsettled Diane.
'Oh, you know. Just doing housework.' She shot a glance at her youngest daughter, sat quietly tied in her chair. 'Lois is just, uh, sat around. Doing nothing.'
'Lois? Your youngest?' The tone edged towards curiosity. 'Why mention her? You haven't ever whenever I called before.'
'Oh I'm sure I must! I mean, what with Holly being, um, away for the weekend I guess Lois is getting all my attention right now.'
A brief silence. Then: 'But she's just sat round. You said she was doing nothing. If so, why not let your dear husband look after her and you come out and play?'
'What?' Alarm was in Diane's voice. 'I-I can't!'
'Why not?'
'Uh... Phil's out. I mean, the car... uh, playing golf. So I have to make sure Lois... Um, you know, is okay.'
'Why do I get the impression, Diane, that you're very nervous about something?'
'Me?' A forced laugh. 'No!'
'Okay.' Evelyn paused. 'Then let me say hi to Lois.'
'Your daughter,' said Evelyn patiently. 'Just bring her to the phone so I can say hello to her.'
'Uh... she doesn't know you... she doesn't like talking on the phone.'
'Funny. Last time I called she answered fine.'
'Oh you know how kids are -'
'No, I don't. I can only assume you're playing a game with her, right? Perhaps a tying up game?'
Panic seized Evelyn. 'Don't be silly. Why would I do that?'
'Because I know your kind,' said the teacher evenly. 'You saw Holly all chained up and you got to kiss her. You got aroused. Oh, and your dear husband couldn't fill your passion.'
'Course he could!'
'Diane, don't lie to me. What is it he's doing? Drugs? Another woman?'
'It's just a goddamn game of all-night poker!' Diane was flustered but stopped herself, not wanting to commit herself further.
'So just you and little Lois in the house, all alone. Must have been lonely.'
Diane gulped.
'I think I should call round, what do you say?'
'Evelyn, please! There's nothing going on here.'
'Then you won't mind me stopping by. Shall we say in ten minutes?'
'Um, okay. I just have to tidy the house a little and -'
'Or how about ten seconds? I mean, I'm right outside your house now. On my cell phone. In fact, I'm knocking on your door now.'
Behind Diane there was a sharp, insistent knock.
'Well, what a sight we have here.' Evelyn stood in the kitchen door, hands on hips and surveyed the six-year old bound and gagged in the highchair.
Lois, for her part, stared at the woman who had just marched into the house. The child made an plaintive, vaguely recognizable "mmom-mmeee!" into her gag and struggled against the ropes and bindings holding her in the highchair. With legs invitingly apart.
'Evelyn... you... you're...,' said Diane, weakly, barely able to take her eyes off the teacher. She was wearing a red plastic bustier and short black rubber skirt under her long black leather coat, but she was happy to hold it open so everyone could see what she was wearing to go with her black six inch pumps. But it was who was following the teacher that made Diane stare more.
It was a man in similar coat to Evelyn's, but a man with his hands bound behind him and a rubber hood over his head. He was, Diane could tell, gagged under it and only his eyes showed through the small holes. Moreover he was being led by the younger woman, and the leash disappeared into the front of his fastened coat at about crotch level. Diane had no trouble guessing it was attached to the submissive man's cock and balls.
As if to demonstrate it was, the teacher gave a sharp tug on the leash a couple of times and the gagged, hooded man whimpered.
'Who is he?' whispered the mother, eyes on this strange apparition.
'A man. Well, a wimp. Someone I like to punish and torture for my amusement.' She shrugged as if it was unimportant.
'But why have you brought him here?'
'Because I can, smiled Evelyn. 'In case you haven't noticed I'm somewhat of a dominant lesbian, but that means I'm dominant with men as well. Hmm, perhaps even more so. A pretty woman has nice tits and a delightful cunt but men just don't have those things.'
'Uh, this is... wrong,' Diane gasped.
'As wrong as what you've done with a six year old girl?'
'No! We were just playing a game.'
'I can see you were playing,' laughed Evelyn. 'Well, we should leave her like that. Doesn't look too uncomfortable for her and she isn't going anyplace.'
'We have business upstairs, you and me.' Evelyn took Diane's arm and started to steer her towards the stairs.
'But...' The mother managed to wrench her arm away. 'I can't leave Lois like that. Phil will be home soon.' She looked apprehensively at the man. 'What about him?'
'No - that man!'
'Oh, you're right. I should untie his hands and let him amuse himself with the kid.'
'No!' Diane almost screamed.
'Yes,' snapped Evelyn, her eyes glowing with a power Diane hadn't seen before. 'He won't harm her, I can assure you.'
'Evelyn, please. What if Phil comes home and a man is...' she gulped and swallowed hard, '... doing things to his daughter?'
'We are quite safe. I said he won't harm Lois. And we won't be disturbed.'
'I can't allow it.' Diane suddenly darted towards her bound child.
'Okay, then see this,' said Evelyn. Without another word she tore the rubber hood off the man so the older woman could see.
'My God,' gasped Diane, frozen as she reached for her daughter. Lois, for her part, made a distant noise that was a gagged outburst of shock.
The unhooded man was her husband. Gagged, disheveled and sheepish looking maybe, but her husband nonetheless.
'There was no poker game last night,' said Evelyn as she set about untying his hands. 'He is a male slave of mine. Has been for a while. Those all-night games he went to weren't what you thought they were.'
Diane's voice was little more than a strangled cry. 'But... I didn't know.'
'Of course you didn't. But I figured it was time for you to find out.' The ropes were off the man's wrists and she ordered him to undo his coat. When he did, Diane could see he was naked and his cock and balls were all bound up. More accurately, encased in a metal cage with a padlock hanging between his legs. He stood looking as an exposed male slave should, head down and suitably cowed.
'I have the key to his chastity device,' said Evelyn as she flicked at the padlock playfully. 'He doesn't get erect without permission. So he can hardly hurt your little one.'
Confusion and shock ebbed and flowed in Diane. 'But why... why Phil?'
'Why is he a slave?' The woman in the plastic clothes laughed. 'Because he wants it. Just as you want to tie up your children and kiss them. It's human nature. He's been serving me a few months on odd occasions. Oh don't look so worried. He didn't fuck me if that what's worrying you. You think I'd let him into me?' The teacher paused and grinned devilishly. 'No, I go into him. I have quite an impressive array of strap on dildoes just perfect for quelling the beast in a man.' At that she hoisted up her skirt and a black, polished rubber artificial cock sprang forward, jutting out stiffly.
'Allow me to show you,' smiled the woman. She indicated the slave should go and bend just in front of the highchair, head down and legs apart. But Phil wasn't quite looking down: he was staring up at Lois' spread legs and her little hairless cunny not so far in front of him. In shock, the girl was trying to close her legs but her mom's bondage was too good to allow her that.
'You're going to f-fuck him?' Diane stared at the rump of her husband and the way he was holding his butt cheeks apart as if inviting the dildo.
'Me? no! You are. See it as revenge for him taking advantage of your ass the other day. Yeah, he told me.'
The mother shrank back, watching the teacher take the strap on off and hold it out to her. 'Evelyn... I can't!'
'Can't what? Can't accept he is a submissive around a strong woman? Or can't make him suffer?'
'I can't do that... I might hurt him.'
'Oh and tying little Lois up for a while isn't hurting her?' Evelyn nodded. 'But I can see your problem, Diane: you think he'll be mad at you later. Well, he won't. Now he knows you know, if you can follow this, he'll be nice and docile. That right, shit?' With her free hand the woman smacked the back of the man's thigh hard, making him grunt. He nodded slowly.
'Here, let me help you get this on,' purred Evelyn, stepping behind the older woman. 'Better still, honey, lift your skirt. Makes it more fun to have it on your hips properly.'
'Wait -' began Diane as the other woman used her free hand and began to lift her skirt hem.
'Why? Oh, I see,' laughed Evelyn as the woman's plastic pants came exposed. 'You've kept my gift on. How delicious!'
'Evelyn,' whispered Diane but didn't complete the point. She simply stood as the woman started to buckle the strap on round her hips, but found herself holding her own skirt up to allow the teacher to do it easily.
'Feel nice?' Smirked Evelyn as she fastened the last strap - the one between Diane's slightly open legs.
'Yeah,' breathed Diane, a tremble going through her at the tightness (and placing) of the straps, the weight on her hips and above all the way the black rubber leapt forward from her. Threatening and powerful.
'So fuck away.' Evelyn gestured at the bending man, at the puckered entrance to his ass easily visible by the way he dutifully pulling his buttocks apart. 'He's been done twice this morning so it should still be fairly slick in there.'
Diane couldn't believe what she was doing, but she moved up closer to her husband, heard him give a strangled gasp into his gag as the black head nuzzled his anus and then a muffled scream as it slid in. Fascinated Diane watched as its black length disappeared into Phil, enthralled by a man being fucked. She could see, for a moment, how she must have looked to him when he used her ass, but the difference was she had smooth, hairless cheeks for him to look down on and he hadn't got something as exciting as a black rubber shaft.
The mother gasped as she began to saw in and out of him, marveling at how easily she had adopted the thrusting action, how much she wanted to hear him moan and cry. Her pace picked up: she was thrusting harder, faster. Diane looked at her daughter, bound and gagged in the highchair.
Lois was staring, wide eyed and fascinated. She could see a little of the dong sliding in and out of her father and of course could hear him moan. Best of all, she could see his face, gagged and drooling and screwed up in some discomfort if not actual pain. Of course he was looking at the child's slit but Lois, for all her tender years, understood that it would be another torture for him. She didn't quite use that terminology but the idea came to her that if she strained her legs further open, rather than trying to close them, he'd be suffering more in some mysterious way.
'Good girl,' purred Evelyn as she saw what Lois was doing.
'Uh, yes,' repeated Diane almost mindlessly, her breathing heavy with the exertion of such a hard fuck. 'Good girl.'
'And you,' laughed the teacher as she stood behind the mother and slid her hand down inside the back of Diane's tight plastic pants. But her finger wasn't searching to get underneath, to the throbbing squidged-up clit and pussy, but into Diane's surprisingly aching rear hole. As Evelyn's finger wormed in Diane thrust harder at the man and rocked back to allow the digit more access.
'Oh! Evelyn. It's. Wonderful,' she gasped, one word at each thrust, each wiggle of the finger. 'Don't. Stop. Do. Me.'
'I am, sweetie,' whispered the teacher, working Diane's ear with ear tongue.
'Yes. I. Want. To. Come,' gasped the woman.
'Then we leave him and go to bed. But you keep the strap on. For me.'
'Lois!' breathed Diane.
'Will be fine. Wimp here won't harm her. He'll just tie her up some more.'
Lois heard that and made a whimpering noise. So did Phil.
Lying in bed, having fucked Evelyn several times in a variety of positions, Diane was quite exhausted. She lay back, head on the pillow, staring up at the ceiling. 'Now I know how Phil feels.'
'He's that good?' asked Evelyn, idly massaging one of Diane's breasts.
'He's... well. Phil's a man. He does what he wants.'
Evelyn leaned across and planted a soft kiss on the older woman's lips. 'And I do what I want, which is why in a few minutes I'll get up on my hands and knees and you can screw me from the back.'
'Again?' Diane looked alarmed. 'I was hoping we could go downstairs.'
'Oh, you want me over the coffee table?'
'Uh, no.' Diane blushed. 'I was just worried about Lois and Phil. What he's doing to her.'
'Phil's been told he can tie Lois up some. So he'll be busy and happy. For a man,' chuckled Evelyn.
Diane nodded. 'Evelyn... can I get out of my plastic pants?'
'No. That would mean you taking your dick off. And even for a moment that's a no-no.'
'From now on, you wear the dick in this house.'
'I don't understand. H-how can I wear -'
'Easily. You keep it in your pants, under your skirt. If you feel the need get your husband bent over, flip it out and ream his ass with it. Or get him to suck it as if it was real cock. You'd be surprised how many men enjoy that humiliation. They just look up at you with big cow eyes, looking as if they're pleading for you to tell them they are doing a good job.'
'That's perfect,' smiled Evelyn. 'Come on. On your knees while I get my tush up.'
'No wait.' Diane sat up but didn't kneel up. 'How did you get Phil like this. You dominating him?'
'Easy. Holly told him what I wanted. of course, she also had to tell him what she does on Tuesdays at school, but hey, it was no big deal. Once he got to see the fun the girls have he was real happy.'
'He saw? When?'
'Few weeks ago. But don't worry. He didn't take part,' Evelyn grinned. 'Male slaves don't. They just kneel all tied up and watch the girls get kissing. Makes them all aroused but they have their cock holders on.'
'You said slaves? There's more than one?'
'That's what the plural means. We have four male slaves, and one female slave. I don't approve but one woman wanted to be there to watch all tied up too. I plugged her cunt so she didn't feel she was missing out on the chastity thing.'
Diane's jaw hung open. 'But who is it?'
'Secret. They don't know each other, just as Phil doesn't know and they don't know him. All slaves wear rubber hoods, and gags. Sure they may suspect who the others are but as slaves don't speak and they can't move, then they never know. Control, you see. It's what I do best.'
Diane found herself nodding. She blushed at her reaction. Then: 'Okay, but what if I wanted to see it. This Tuesday club?'
'Then you take part as a female. A watching mom.' Evelyn shrugged. 'No problem.'
'And how will I be? Hooded and gagged and plugged?'
'Only if you want to. Most women just watch. In their plastic pants.' The teacher suddenly laughed. 'You should see the look on your face, honey. it's a picture.'
Diane wiped her hand over her face. 'But how do I get, you know, to be excited?'
'You rub yourself through your pants. Like the others do. They sit in a row, watching and rubbing.'
'Do the girls know who we are?'
'Sure. They have to say hello and greet every woman with a little curtsy. The ones who aren't gagged can say hello, anyway.'
'Oh for goodness sake, Diane! It's a tying up and kissing club. So we do both.' The younger woman paused as if slightly exasperated by so many questions. 'Tying up involves gagging. You know that from the farmhouse - and even with sweet little Lois. Right?'
Diane nodded. She understood perfectly as she looked down at the strap-on dildo she was wearing. She ruled this house now. And rulers have their way.
Without warning, she leapt off the bed, grabbed the rope her husband used on her when he wanted to play bondage games and without any excuse or apology she simply seized Evelyn's hands and bound them together behind her. The young teacher merely smiled and didn't resist.
She didn't resist too when Diane fucked her like that, bent over on the bed. All the teacher said was, as Diane picked up a discarded pair of her panties just before stuffing them in her mouth, was 'Now, honey, you're learning what sex power is all abo-'
Makeshift perhaps, but the gag proved remarkably effective. With a great sense of power flooding through her Diane fucked the silenced Evelyn's proffered ass.
The meal was a strange affair. Six year old Lois, still tied (and gagged) in her high chair waiting to be fed, Phil eating off the floor as if he was enjoying all this degradation, Evelyn and Diane sat side by side perched on the same chair, feeding each other between kisses.
'Holly,' Diane said after a while, pausing between chewing and kissing. 'What about her... Holly I mean? Where does she fit in to all this?'
'Ah, you remembered her,' smiled Evelyn. 'You recall you have a daughter chained up someplace.'
Diane grinned. 'One chained and one tied,' she nodded at her youngest daughter sat motionless as if having given up on struggling against her all too efficient bonds.
Evelyn nodded. 'You've come a long way, Diane. But as I said earlier remember this is a tying and kissing club. We mustn't neglect the kissing.' The younger woman got up, moved to Lois and peeled the gag out of the child's mouth. Without a word she plunged her full lips to the child's, devouring the little one in a wanton kiss.
Lois moaned as she was kissed. Six year olds don't do that usually, but the small child was excited by what had happened and what was happening. And what was going to happen, not just to her but her sister Holly and her parents and everyone she knew.
'Good girl,' smiled Evelyn Tide. She pinched one of the child's nipples and then re-sealed the girl's mouth with the gag.
Diane, watching, idly played with herself. She was happier than she'd ever known, now that her husband was going to be a slave, her daughters would be bound and gagged and played with and Evelyn would be around a lot more too.
But there was still the matter of the After School Tying Up and Kissing Club, and Diane couldn't wait for that. She didn't know yet what her role would be: one of those bound and made to watch, or allowed to sit and play with herself as she observed the girls being tied up and made to kiss.
Whatever happened, she'd be there. And then they could continue the Garner family's own tying up and kissing club at home, every day.
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