Escape To Punishment

[ F, gg, bdsm ]

by Quiller


Published: 26-Mar-2012

Word Count:

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Warning: Pure fantasy for adults only. Don't try this at home.

The Controllers were getting close. Geri could tell by the distant shouts of women drifting across the small hills close to the beach.

'They're coming,' said Paige, anxiously, crouched by Geri's side. She was nervously gripping her wrist chains as she looked round, nervously running the smooth polished links through her small fingers.

'Of course they are coming,' growled Geri trying to play down her own panic. She shivered in the cold air of the early morning as she tried to make out if there were figures on the skyline. 'But they haven't caught us yet. How much further?' The twelve year old girl shot a look at the naked girl at her side, noticing she was shivering too.

Paige, two years younger than Geri but looking considerably younger, jabbed her finger towards the beach and a low cliff overhanging it. The cliffs looked dark and forebidding in the light and the dawn sky behind the sharp rocks was tinged an angry red. 'Over there,' added Paige. 'That was where the boat was, among those rocks.'

'It had better still be there,' muttered the pre-teen. She started forward, running in a crouch, hoping that their pursuers weren't close enough to spot two naked girls in this increasing light, two figures among the small bushes that littered the exposed ground close to the shoreline.

'Wait for me!' cried the younger girl, running after Geri as best she could with the ankle chains she wore, making them clatter and rattle.

'Shit! Keep down,' snapped Geri. 'They'll see you like that. Run like I do. We don't want -'

The ground gave way under Geri's foot. The girl felt the loose soil start to slide and grabbed for anything she could to stop her fall, even though her reach was restricted by the wrist chains she was wearing. Her hand closed round little more than a twig but it offered no help: it came away in her hand as she tumbled twenty feet down a steep slope, landing her in a heap among some small bushes.

'You... you okay?' asked an anxious voice above her. Paige was peering down, her young round face crumpled in fear and worry.

'Fuck, yeah,' grunted Geri, extracting herself carefully from the bush. she didn't think she'd broken anything but she noticed she'd cut her arm in the fall. A thin trickle of bright red blood was running down her left arm to her wrist cuff. She'd cut her knee too. 'Fuck,' she said again and got to her feet shakily. Her small, pointed breasts felt sore too, as if she scraped them in the fall. She examined them as best she could: there was a bright red mark running across them, almost as if she'd been whipped. But she was relieved there was no blood.

Paige was looking round, looking for a better way down to join Geri. She disappeared for a few seconds and then reappeared further along the edge of what was virtually a small cliff. She seemed to have found a slightly easier way down but she still slithered awkwardly down it, giving a yelp as something caught her bare feet as she came to a halt at the bottom of the slope. 'I think I've hurt my foot,' the youngster gasped as she tried to stand, tears in her eyes.

'You'll be okay,' said Geri, not sure if her companion would be. She watched the younger girl limp as she moved towards the older girl. At that moment Geri wished she hadn't brought her along, but Paige said there was a boat hidden in the rocks and Geri needed the younger girl for the escape. It had been difficult enough escaping from the House on her own without having to look out for a kid like Paige, but she had no choice.

It had also proved a lot harder to run in their ankle chains than she'd reckoned, and their short wrist chains didn't help either. They'd both stumbled and fallen a few times, hampered by their chains, but this was the worst fall. Geri hoped it wouldn't get any harder.

Under the shelter of the small cliff she couldn't hear the Controllers looking for them but she had no doubt they hadn't given up their search. Even though the two girls couldn't go far on the island, the women who ran the House, the Controllers, wouldn't stop looking until they found the runaways.

One way or another they didn't have much time to find the boat. Geri just hoped that once they'd launched it they could somehow row the boat across to the mainland, that they wouldn't get swamped by any waves on the way. With these chains at their wrists and ankles rowing wouldn't be easy and they certainly wouldn't be able to swim. She had hoped they would have enough time at the rocks by ther boat to try and smash the manacles off with some large stones. She'd sheard it could be done but had never actually met anyone among all the other kids at the house who'd ever done it. Geri wasn't even sure quite how you smashed a steel manacle off without breaking your wrist or ankle in the process.

Now they had less time than she'd like. The Controllers had clearly discovered the two girls had gone missing sooner than she wanted. Of course, they didn't know where the kids would be heading, couldn't know there was a boat wasshed up among the rocks that would aid their escape.

That, Geri hoped, would give them some advantage.

'My foot hurts,' wailed Paige, breaking into Geri's thoughts.

'Just hang on,' said the twelve year old, starting forward. 'We'll soon be gone. They won't catch us. Come on.'

She glanced back over her shoulder, dismayed to see the younger girl moving slower, her limp virtually reducing her to a shuffle. It was like she had shorter, punishment chains on. Exactly like those three link chains that made you shuffle along when you were being whip-walked. Geri shuddered. She hated being whipped while she walked to a punishment room, moving so slowly that she had to endure a severe beating. But if they could escape, then it wouldn't happen ever again...

No, if she could escape, Geri reminded herself. If Paige was a burden, she'd have to stay behind. Maybe if they found the younger girl she could tell the Controllers that Geri had gone in the other direction, to the east of the island. That might buy her enough time to escape.

But Paige knew where the boat was. Geri turned back to the younger girl, who was sobbing as she tried to walk. 'I'll help,' she said, taking hold of the the young girl's arm. 'Come on, try and walk.'

Paige sniffed back the tears and struggled on. It wasn't easy in these chains, having them snag on branches and roots, feeling the rough grass and stones under their bare feet, but they were making progress. Best of all, there was no sound of pursuit. Maybe, just maybe, the Controllers had gone in the other direction.

The ground was getting sandy as the two girls approached the beach. Geri could hear the sound of the waves quite clearly now and the rocks where the boat was hidden were looming larger. The day was brightening but Geri figured it didn't matter. It was slow progress but soon they would be among the rocks and no one would see them easily then.

Suddenly, Paige pulled up. 'Ow! I can't do this...' she sobbed. 'My foot's getting worse.'

'No, we're nearly there. Come on!' urged Geri, tugging at the stationary girl.

'I can't. My foot hurts,' objected Paige. she pulled away from Geri and sat down on the sand hunched despairingly. She had her thin legs open and Geri couldn't help herself as she looked at the younger girl's sex, noting how the small, puffy lips of her cunny looked red. Geri wondered if the girl hadn't recovered from the cunt beating she'd been given when she arrived a few days ago at the House. Perhaps it had been particularly savage, the older girl told herself. She felt a little tingle in her own sex, as she always did when she looked at another girl's cunt and thought about what abuse it had received. But all the slave girls did that, no matter what they pretended: they all looked at each other's sex, between each other's legs, to see how they were marked, if they were ringed, whether they'd been beaten there recently. They looked to see whether as a punishment they had their little slits sewn up, or labia rings padlocked together. Cunts and tits and asses, Geri thought: that's how we know each other. The slavegirls knew each other by the things that had been done to each other's bodies, especially their sex. The were aware it was what they thought about all the time, what they talked about when they weren't gagged or hooded. What they examined when their hands were free.

They always looked at each other's tits as well, to measure what had been done to them, to see whether they had been enlarged or injected, whipped or tortured, ringed or pinned, maybe even tattooed. Even the young girls like Paige, seeing what had been done to their smooth, flat chests and little swollen nipples. They looked at each other's butts too, to see if they had been caned or whipped or burnt, whether they had been made to sit on a spiked seat recently, or if they had something forced up them. But the slavegirls, the Subjects as they were called, did more than look. They touched too, though it was forbidden and a punishable offense. Secretly they looked and examined each other, touched and discussed, sharing the detail, the horror, the pain. But it all gave Geri a little frisson of excitement as it did for so many of them. After all, they were trained to be punished, to be used, fashioned to pleasure others. Sex was at the heart of their lives. Sex and punishment and it was, despite everything they might say, exciting. It was often pleasurable and the older girls would admit, however grudgingly, that between the cut of the whip, the jolt of pain, that they came close to orgasm. Even if it was part of their torture to almost be allowed to cum, they felt the thrill of a climax building. Cumming.

Cumming. The great thing the Subjects were denied. They couldn't cum, unless the Mistresses allowed it. They couldn't cum themselves. Not openly. Geri gulped at the thought, seeing little Paige's cunt, so open, so sore, made her want to touch herself. Out here, away from the cameras and spies and guards and traitorous girls who would report anything and everything, she could. She could finger herself and no one would stop her. She started to move her hand towards her own slit, aware it was wet and aching. She didn't care if Paige saw her.

But Geri stopped herself, fingers almost touching her cunt lips. She bit her lower lip in frustration. She had to escape. Once she was free it would be different. Then she could cum as often as she wanted.

In front of Geri the younger girl was sobbing, clutching her right foot. It looked swollen, Geri thought. 'It's really hurting,' complained the child. 'Look, you go on. The boat's in the rocks, next to that big round rock, see? The one that looks like a punishment gag.' Geri looked and saw a rock that looked just like the type of gag they wore for punishment. She felt sick at the thought. If they were caught they'd wear one of those at maximum stretch and a lot worse.

Geri sighed and nodded. It was pointless taking the younger girl any further now. She hated to leave her, given the connection between them, but she needed to get away. 'Listen, Paige. When they find you, tell them I made you run away. They won't be hard on you then.'

Paige sniffed back the tears and nodded. They would be hard on her anyway. Every escape or attempted escape was dealt with harshly. They both knew it. 'Go on, find the boat,' mumbled Paige. 'I'll be okay.'

Geri nodded, bent forward and kissed the girl on her cute little lips. She turned and without a glance back struggled as fast as she could in her chains over the sand. She was among the rocks in a few minutes, climbing and slithering over them towards the punishment gag rock.

Behind one large rock she took the opportunity of catching her breath, trying to calm her thumping heart. She listened: there was no sound of pursuit, no shouts of Controllers locating their prey. Only the sea, washing on the sand and rocks. She scrambled on, and there it was, hidden behind several rocks. Ahead of her she could see what she had come for. The boat.

The boat was nothing special but it looked wonderful. A simple dingy, wedged at an angle in between two rocks. There was only one oar but as Geri scrambled towards it, she guessed it would do. She was elated and freedom called after four years as a sex slave, servicing the lusts of rich women, older women, who liked to bind and chain and torture little girls. Make them lick their sex, suck their breasts, tongue their assholes. Women who laughed as the little girls screamead and begged for mercy, women who wanted to humiliate and degrade girls like Geri and Paige. Women who wanted to make them all suffer.

Geri reached the boat. She feared it would have a hole in it from being washed up, but it was whole. The dingy had water in it from recent rain and no doubt from the sea that had washed it up here, but that meant there was no leak, no hole. The twelve year old grabbed the edge of the boat and began to haul it towards the lapping sea a few feet away. She felt, momentarily, a surge of triumph: she would be free soon, out on the open sea.

The boat grated across the rocks and suddenly stopped. For a moment Geri felt confused and tugged harder, thinking it had caught on something. Then her heart sank - a heavy, rusting chain was securing the boat to what looked like an anchor, wedged between two large rocks, preventing it from going any further. The girl stepped away the boat and tried to free the anchor. It wasn't an anchor: the chain was permanently cemented in.

This boat was never intended to be moved.

In desperation, Geri grabbed a stone and tried to hit the chain, where it stretched over a rock. It made a loud noise: too loud she feared, but she had to break the chain. The chain was old and rusty but it was thick. She knew within a few moments she wouldn't be able to snap it or damage a link enough to free it.

Then the realization hit her. This boat was a decoy. A trap set up by the Controllers. How many others had fallen for this, thinking they could escape the island, run from their sexual slavery? Tears of frustration and panic welled in her eyes. She dropped the rock and looked round. Above her, on the rocks, were at least five Controllers standing in their black plastic uniforms, stun prods and whiprods in hand, grinning down at the naked girl. They'd been waiting for her, waiting for her to fall into the trap. Just behind them, another Controller was hauling up the figure of a small girl. Despite the hood over the child's head, Geri knew it was Paige. There were three bright red weals across the little girl's flat chest and belly where the Controller had taken the opportunity already to whip her captive. There would be more to follow.

Geri sat on the edge of the boat, shoulders slumped in defeat, waiting for the Controllers to close in. Especially the one holding the hood and gag like the one Paige was wearing, along with the heavier, shorter chains that they both would be wearing. Then there'd be the whip and prod pain filled slow, torturous journey back to the House and the inevitable punishments.


'You were stupid,' said the woman behind the large desk in the spacious office.

The woman in the white latex uniform - the Guardian of the House as she was known - sat back in her black leather chair and regarded the bound twelve year old standing stiffly in front of her, arms bound with wire behind her back, elbows touching, wire pinning her arms to her tortured body with wire so tight she could barely breathe. The girl made a striking sight with her slim pre-teen legs wound round with yards of wire and neatly cinched between each leg. Even her big toes were carefully wired together, just as her thumbs and fingers were behind her back.

A wire round the girl's waist disappeared down between her legs, fastened to the wires around her wrists, making her tug her own arms back and down to avoid it cutting up into her tender, recently beaten cunny. It made her chest stick out more, making it harder for her to breathe.

The woman repeated her point. 'You were very stupid, weren't you?'

Geri couldn't speak, not with the punishment gag in her mouth extended to almost the maximum. Already it was hurting like crazy and she knew that it would only take a small turn of the screw that stuck out at the front of the gag to increase the pressure on her already agonised jaws and make it unbearable. Geri felt as her jaw was being split apart and feared it could - no would - get worse. She was drooling from the gag and she could feel her saliva running down her chest and belly, between her small tits, each bound round with wire and making them bulge outwards invitingly. But no one would want them for pleasure: they were wired like this for punishment and pain. A target for the whip, or easier to drive pins through the nipples.

'Answer me!' the woman demanded coldly.

Geri made a gurgling noise into her gag. She tried to nod but the wire hooks in her nostrils that already pulled her nose up into a little pig snout, secured by a wire running over her head and down to her bound elbows, made the task impossible. the woman behind the desk recognized the struggle. 'Nod harder, slave!' she commanded.

Geri groaned and tried to nod more. The pain on her nose was intense and tears once more welled in her eyes. Eyes held wide open by small clips attached to her eyelids, making her stare manically, stopping her from blinking. They were hurting a lot as the dryness was affecting her eyeballs.

The Guardian of the House got up and walked round to the front of the desk. She was aged about forty, Geri had guessed before all this, but she looked stunning in her white plastic uniform: skirt just above her knees, her large breasts pressing against the smooth white plastic across her chest. She had high heeled boots on, thin six inch heels that no doubt at some point would stamp down on the bound girl. All the woman had to do was push the girl over and walk up and down her helpless, pained body, crushing the girl's ribs under the weight of her.

All she had to do was lift her foot and press the thin spike of her heel into some part of the bound child. All she had to do was... Geri stopped herself. She had learned that many things happened to a slave girl and it never paid to dwell on what might happen. There were so many punishments and tortures that you never knew what was coming. It was better not to speculate, or fear. It would happen in some way and that was all the Subject needed to know.

But the Guardian of the House, Mistress Chambers if Geri remembered correctly, didn't lift her foot. She simply regarded the wire bound twelve year old as if she was a curiosity.

'No doubt you will want to know about your friend, your fellow escape artist.' She snickered at her little joke. 'She's been punished of course, publicly whipped to show the others what happens when they try to escape, even as you found, there is no place to go on this island and you can't get off it. You'd expect us to do that to her. However she hasn't taken her punishment well, even for a ten year old. I really don't think they are as tough as they used to be. Oh well, her foot was broken in the escape bid and we really can't be doing with trying to nurse self-inflicted wounds and injuries so we are making alternative arrangements.'

A chill gripped Geri's heart. There were always rumors about these so called alternative arrangements, whisperings of dark deeds - torture, medical experiments, even death. But no one knew for sure though that never stopped the whisperings. Only those who disappeared, like this Paige was about to disappear, would know quite what that meant and they never came back to tell. Geri also thought, panic rising in her, this was her fate too.

In despair, the bound twelve year old gurgled into her gag, her already wide open eyes widening more in horror.

'I am so pleased you approve,' laughed the woman at Geri's helpless reaction.

Geri shook her head. It was almost as painful as nodding, given the way her pierced ear lobes had been attached by wire to her breast wires.

'Well, no matter what you think, Paige Holman is being dealt with. Which leaves you.'

The woman paused and eased her skirt up a little more. It was almost now as if she was showing off her crotch, as if she wanted Geri to see what sort of panties she was wearing. Then the woman said carefully: 'Have you ever thought why I am angry?' Geri stared at her through her fastened open eyes, unable to quite believe The Guardian was angry. With her open leg pose and relaxed attitude it didn't seem that way at all.

Geri dutifully, painfully, tried to gurgle a no and give the merest shake of her head.

'I'm angry because every time there is an escape attempt I have papers to complete, files to submit. I get the whole of the Chirps Department on my ass and that isn't a thing I want.' The middle aged woman paused and then turned, perching herself on the edge of her desk facing the wire bound girl. She spread her legs quite a way, both to make herself comfortable and also demonstrate - as if it was needed - that she could move her legs. The prisoner of course couldn't, not with all that wire round her. The woman allowed Geri to see how free her legs were, even hitching her skirt up her muscular thighs to emphasise the point, before she continued slowly as if to stretch out the girl's agony even more. 'Worse, there's two this time. You and that little cunt we caught with you.' The woman snorted in derision. 'You wouldn't have got far with her, would you? Even if the boat had been able to sail I doubt she would have been much use.'

Geri wanted to say: it was the other girl's idea, she knew where the boat was. But that was pointless. Even if she wasn't gagged this woman would take no notice of anything she said. Plus, there was an unwritten rule here on the island: the older child is held responsible.

'You know what Chirps is, don't you?'

Geri gurgled an affirmative answer. Of course she knew. Everyone did: officially it was Children's Redevelopment Plan Service, but some said it always stood for Child Restriction Prison Slaves.

The woman toyed with something on her desk. It was a paperweight in the shape of a kneeling figure, hands behind back and head bowed. Flat chested, the figurine could have been a boy or a pre-teen girl. It didn't matter, as Chirps had both girls and boys under their control. They just didn't have them in the same place. This island was the girl's prison and had been for before Geri was born, ever since the Codes were implemented as the over-riding law.

Geri and Paige and the others were here because of Code Six. Geri had never read it but she had talked to fellow prisoners, usually older girls, who said they'd seen it. They always told her how Code Six made it clear that children could be disciplined by the proper authority, not parents. That was why they were sent here. Gei and the other fifty or so girls in this place, and in the hundred or so other places like this on islands, in distant mountains, deep in deserts. Places the prisoners couldn't escape from easily.

'Chirps is an important part of the social fabric of our great country,' said the Guardian after a few moments. 'It was created to allow the law abiding citizens to live without fear of gangs of young troublemakers, the scum who were out to ruin everything.'

Geri protested into her gag. She'd never been scum, never been a hooligan. She wasn't in a gang or had been a thug. She'd been sent here by mistake. It was all a mistake. You have to listen, she yelled into her gag.

The Guardian sighed, ignoring the grunts and groans from the girl. Without waiting for her to finish, she said: 'Being a government body Chirps has to account for everything. Income, expenditure, benefits, plans, property, equipment, staff, plus of course you educationees (Geri always hated the way the girls were called that).' Another pause, deliberately slowing this down, eking out the agony. 'Consequently you have to go in my report and I have to answer a lot of questions. Given that I am angry and do not want to see this happen again, I have decided you have to be re-classified.'

Geri's hurting eyes widened a little more in horror. No, she screamed. You can't re-classify me. I've been good!

The woman on the edge of the desk got up and moved to the window. She stood for a few minutes looking out at the exercise yard, watching the naked prisoners - the educationees - marching round, connected by neck chains, their hands cuffed behind them. The smaller girls, the younger ones, led the way and were being subjected to the worst of the beatings from the Guards, their electroprods occasionally coming into use to goad the tearful children on.

At the back, several of the older girls were no doubt being assaulted by guards in a different way - hands between the girls' legs, hands on their budding breasts - or a finger up their assholes, making them walk on tiptoes to avoid the probing middle finger. There would even the odd kiss being forced on them if they weren't gagged. There would also be whispered threats or promises or lascivious suggestions, maybe even descriptions of some sex act between a guard and a willing prisoner. Geri didn't need to see it to know it went on. As a twelve year old it had never been done to her: only the sixteen year olds got that treatment from the Guards. The law was strict, the rules enforced. The sixteen and seventeen year old girls were however of legal age and could be treated as willing adults . That meant they agreed, often without being asked of course, to sexual acts.

The woman at the window eventually turned back to Geri.

'You could be out there, exercising with the others,' said the woman flatly. She looked down at her desk and picked up a sheet of paper.

'Tell me, what did you want with this Paige Holman?' She didn't look up but sat carefully. 'Perhaps you have affection for her. Was she your little lover, your little comfort? Was that why you wanted to escape with her? Take her away some place and fuck her cute ass? A little hideaway while her tongue slips up your wet snatch?'

Geri, tears running down her face from the effort, shook her head. The tears ran down her distorted face, over her tight gag strap, dripping off her chin on to her small, bulging out tits. Surely the Guardian knew it was her cousin. They had been brought here together, four years ago. She wouldn't do it with Paige, wouldn't put her tongue in her little slit. Geri groaned. 'She's my cousin. I wouldn't!'

The woman in white ignored the meaningless grunts from the bound child.

'My agents - spies I think you'd call them - tell me there is quite a little hotbed of would-be escapers here. A gang intent on trying to defeat justice and escape. But while they won't succeed they do however cause me trouble. A lot of trouble. I have to file reports on events like today, writing pages about scum like you.' The woman sneered at Geri. 'Of course, there's something else: every gang has a leader, right? My agents report that the one who leads most of the trouble is very much like you. So perhaps you are the leader of this gang!' The woman banged her fist on the table, hard.

'Nnnthh!' screamed Geri into her gag.

'You know, cunt, I'm beginning to get a little tired of your weird noises.' The middle-aged woman stood up and reached out for the adjustment screw on Geri's gag. 'Perhaps we need to make the gag a little bigger, huh?' Geri tried to shake her head, fear in her widened eyes. The woman's fingers closed on the screw and slowly she turned it a little forcing a strange, agonised gasp from the bound child's throat. Fresh tears suddenly poured from Geri's wide open eyes, down her face. 'There,' smiled Mistress Chambers. 'That's better. I am sure you will be quieter now.'

The woman turned away, checking some papers on her desk, ignoring the wire bound Geri behind her. After a short while, she rang a small bell on her desk and a Collector came in, a rather plump woman in a black plastic uniform. Geri couldn't see the woman at first but as she stepped up to the desk, she recognized her and felt sick with fear. It was the one called Holvik, a guard who was very adept at punishing the Subjects. All the girls knew she was one of the most cruel.

'Prepare her,' said Mistress Chambers without looking up. 'For my car.'

Her car? Geri felt confused. She'd never heard of this as a punishment. She couldn't be sure either, but this guard looked confused too.

'Your car, Guardian?' questioned guard Holvik.

'Yes. I'm going to take this one home and punish her there.'

Geri's jaw, had it not been restrained and sealed the way it was, would have fallen. Even Mistress Holvik gasped. 'B-but Mistress,' began the guard. 'It's against regulations to take any pris-'

'Mistress Holvik!' snapped the woman behind the desk, curtly silencing the objection. 'I make the rules here. I know full well what the organization says, but they're not here. I need to punish this one privately. As Guardian of this House it is my privilege.'

Guard Holvik looked confused. She thought she knew the rules. But she certainly did know what the Guardian of the House said was law and she had no option but to do what she was told. 'You want this one in, um, a box?'

'Of course I do. A small box. How else am I to get this slut home? And hurry: I don't want to wait around.'

Holvik nodded. She was a strong woman and swept the twelve year old up in her arms, cradling her effortlessly. 'With respect Guardian,' she said, 'it will take an hour to prepare any paperwork, as well as securing this one properly.'

'Forget the paperwork. I'll complete it later,' said the woman behind the desk. 'Just concentrate on packing her.'

Holvik nodded and carried the silent, painfully bound child out of the room.


There was no wire on Geri when the Guardian unscrewed the top of the small box, but the girl was more than efficiently bound. The naked twelve year old was lying on her back in the small box, staring up with fear in her eyes.

The girl was secured with thin but strong chains which acted like ropes, forcing the girl into a fetal position. Her forearms had been fastened together with chains between her elbows and wrists and her wrists, up under her chin, were fastened to a chain that ran round her neck.

It was hard to see her arms however as they were almost entirely hidden by the way her knees had been drawn up to her chin and her legs bound with more chains to her torso. The effect was to make her an amazingly small bundle - a helpless bundle too that couldn't move a muscle, let alone a limb.

Hands were up by the side of her face, no doubt ideally placed to ease out the gag that kept her silent. But the system didn't allow for inefficient or removable gags. This one was a standard issue silencer: a penis shaped insert (scientists had discovered this suppressed both the tongue and even the desire to speak, obliging the restrained child to concentrate on breathing rather than screaming as it pressed on the back of the throat) and her lips were covered over with a waterproof rubber seal which itself was buckled and padlocked behind the child's head.

Indeed there were plenty of padlocks all over the girl. Small but strong padlocks that kept the chains drawn tight.

Moreover, to ensure the child didn't move she was chained into the box. Lugs and brackets placed strategically on the sides allowed more chains to pin her firmly in place.

'Just checking you are okay,' laughed the Guardian, admiring the way the girl was kept rigid and her drawn up legs showing her hairless pussy beneath her heels. The woman even noticed that the girls big toes had been secured together with a pair of small, tight toe-cuffs. One of those little touches that really does render a bound child even more immobile. 'Anything to tell me?' the Guardian asked lightly.

'Hmmmph!' said a barely audible Geri, her plaintive voice lost in the rubber that filled her mouth. Her big eyes fluttered in panic. Just about the only part of her she could move. She added: 'Urrth mmmth!'

'As I thought - nothing to say of any importance. Now, I'm going to seal you in here for another few hours while I rest. So, sleep well, prisoner.' With a chuckle the Guardian replaced the box lid and methodically began screwing it down.


It had taken nearly half an hour to get all the padlocks off Geri and she emerged from the box, weak and shaking. The gag remained but her hands had been re-chained behind her high up her back in a reverse prayer position, the thin steel chain cutting into her tender throat and making her strain to keep her hands held high to reduce the pressure.

It wasn't the Guardian however who had released Geri from the box and re-secured her in such a painful position. It was a girl in a black and white latex maid's uniform - a girl just a little older than Geri. A girl with a mop of pale red hair and light chains at her wrists and ankles - a prisoner just as Geri was.

What was noticeable though was that the girl, probably thirteen but definitely no older than fourteen, had a low scoop front to her uniform so her budding bust was entirely visible and through each nipple was a small brass ring. A short steel chain swung between them, looking as if it was permanently fixed.

A similar chain descended from under her short flared skirt - not reaching anything in particular but where it hung just below her knees it finished in a large brass ring. There were no other signs of bonds on her, save for a wide and close-fitting red leather band round each wrist, ankle and at her neck. Each one appeared to be locked in place and a small brass ring was attached to each band.

Geri had no doubt they were so the girl could be fastened to something at very short notice. She also imagined that the chain that swing between the girl's knees could - via the brass ring - also be fastened to something to stop the maid going very far.

To complete the outfit the maid was wearing a pair of highly polished black high heels. Heels, Geri noted, that were locked on to her feet with small brass padlocks on a wide ankle strap that disappeared under the red leather bands she wore at her ankles.

'My name is Giselle,' said the girl in an unmistakably foreign accent, eying the naked child who had emerged from the box. She wasn't however just looking at the newcomer: she was staring at the small points of Geri's emerging tits. Or lack of them, given the way Geri's arms were wrenched behind her.

On emerging Geri had made some noise that might have been a greeting, or a plea for help, or just plain thanks for getting me out of there. Either way it wasn't important: Giselle didn't look as if she was going to take the gag out. Geri soon found out that the maid may have shown some kindness in easing her pain-wracked body out of the box but any considerations stopped there as Giselle had swiftly chained the younger girl's arms up behind her back, making her gasp into her gag.

It was all done without a word and then the girl in the maid's dress ducked down and began looping some of the thin chain round Geri's ankles, leaving a short length between her ankles. The padlocks clicked shut and the maid smiled as she stood.

'I am Madam Lena's maid,' said Giselle, and then seeing the puzzled look on Geri's face laughed aloud. 'Oh, you probably don't know who she is. But you're from the House, that's where she's Guardian. But she is Madam to me.' The girl in the latex dress leant forward as if conveying a secret. 'I was there once, but she rescued me.'

Geri shook her head. How could this be a rescue? Wasn't she still a prisoner, all in chains?

Giselle detected the look of confusion on the gagged girl's face. 'You look so puzzled! Just relax, Geri. You will see what this rescue is!'

Geri stared at the girl, wondering how she knew her name. But then it was obvious: the Guardian, this Madam Lena, must have told her maid all about the bound child who had been brought here. But what happened next astonished her more.

It also occurred to Geri that this Giselle was from some European country. French probably.

The maid leaned forward and planted a kiss on Geri's gag and at the same time brought one hand up and lightly - but obviously - brushed and stroked the girl's virtually non-existent boobs. 'Soon,' whispered the maid in an excited tone, 'You can be having your nipples pierced and ringed and chained together like mine. It helps when you are punished.'

With a chuckle the maid stood back and flipped up her short, flared skirts. Under it she wasn't wearing pants but her smooth, hair-free mound and little slit betrayed how the chain between her legs was fastened: Giselle wore large gold-colored rings in her labia lips and the chain was not only attached to them but appeared to seal them together.

'You can see?' asked the maid. 'You will be cunt-ringed and chained here like me.' She shook her hips so the dangling chain swung, like it was some prize to be treasured. 'I think Madam would like our cunts chained together so we will work together. Soon. That will be fun, no?'

Geri groaned and shook her head, terror in her eyes.

The gesture made Giselle laugh more. 'You are very funny,' she chuckled. Then her face went serious. 'You belong to Madam, like me. You have no choice. If she wants to seal you, lock your pussy, you will have it done.'

The maid walked off without saying anything more. For a second Geri wondered what was happening, but she didn't know where she was or what to do so she hurried as fast as her ankle chain would allow, waddling after the maid and making urgent noises begging the French girl to slow down.

Giselle led the way down a long corridor and though she didn't look back, the maid seemed to be aware that Geri was struggling to keep up and didn't go too fast. For her part, Geri wondered quite where they were going, until they arrived at a plain door.

'This,' said Giselle in her seductive French accent, making the "i" sounds into "ee", 'is your room.'

Geri blinked. A room? She'd never had that at the House. There she shared a dormitory with seven other girls, and the luxury of a private room was unbelievable.

The room, when unlocked, turned out to be a disappointment. It was in fact a bare cell with a few old blankets thrown into the corner. Several rings were set into the walls and rusty chains with open manacles hung from them. Bizarrely, Geri couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy that this maid had a uniform and polished, clean chains. She doubted Giselle would be chained up in a place like this.

It didn't help that set high up on one wall was a small barred window. The thick glass was dirty and consequently an air of desolate gloom filled the cell. There appeared to be no other light source.

'This is where you will spend your time, mon ami,' said the maid. 'At least, until you learn to behave. There will be no escape from this room.' The maid reached out and tapped the door. It looked like wood but gave a different sound. 'It is hard, as steel,' Giselle smiled as if enjoying the newcomer's discomfort.

A new wave of fear filled Geri. She hadn't even remotely considered escaping from this place, but now she acknowledged that she had already thought Giselle or the Madam would show her some kindness. That despite everything things would be better here than in the House.

But she was wrong, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

'Do not cry, Geri,' said the maid, making her name sound like "Sherree". 'You will be used to it soon. And the pain, even though you will cry at that.'

Geri's wet eyes widened. Pain? Was she here to be punished and tortured? She made some urgent pleading noises into her gag but Giselle was taking no notice. She was selecting one of the chains at the wall. 'Please come here, mon ami. I must chain you up for the night.'

The silenced girl couldn't ask why and she couldn't resist. She shuffled to the wall, trying not to cry. An open manacle was waiting for her. It was closed round her neck, feeling rough and heavy at once. Another manacle was attached to her ankle.

'There,' said the maid, pleased with herself. 'Now you cannot stray far. You will find it cold tonight so try to get the blankets around you.'

Geri moaned in desperation. How could she get the blankets to herself, chained like she was?

Giselle nodded as if understanding the younger girl's problem as she retreated to the door. 'Sleep well,' she chuckled and slammed the door. The lock clicked shut, followed by another heavier locking noise.

Geri felt fresh tears falling. Already the room seemed cold, the light fading. The girl realized that the best she could do was drop to her knees: the neck chain allowed that at least. She could also kneel on the blankets, which was something. Plus, she could somehow prop herself against the corner.

It took a few minutes to work out but she understood it was possible to wedge herself in such a way that she could support her weight. True, her knees were hurting already but she could nothing about it. She closed her eyes and hoped this misery would be over soon.


Geri didn't know if she'd slept at all in the night. Her knees were screaming in agony, her shoulders and arms numbed. Her whole body racked with pain and discomfort. She was cold like she'd never been before and part of her refused to believe she had somehow survived for so long like this.

There had been one interruption in the interminable night: at some point the door had opened and Giselle had re-entered, carrying what looked like a bamboo cane. Geri wasn't sure what was happening. Maybe she was dozing, or hallucinating. The girl who entered had said nothing but delivered six hard slashes with the cane across the chained and helpless Geri's almost flat chest, making her scream and beg for mercy into her gag. Making her writhe on the end of the neck chain.

Then Giselle had gone, slamming the door. The lock clicked shut with a heavy clunk.


Somehow, Geri survived the night with her body on fire with the pain of the unexpected and savage beating.

There was a hint of light at the dirty window. The promise of a new day. Had it really been just 24 hours ago that she had thought she was on the verge of escaping? She remembered being on the beach, ready to drag the boat out. Ready to row to safety.

Then the guards, and the Guardian. The box and the maid... Geri wept gently.

But she had come through it and suddenly she was aware of the door being opened and a figure entering.

'Good morning,' said a soft and familiar voice. It was, Geri's befuddled mind allowed her to remember, the Guardian. Madam Lena. Not Giselle wielding a thin rod. Just the Guardian, dressed not in white rubber but in a thin, lace-trimmed black silk gown.

A gown that even in this subdued light was clearly very thin. And although Geri couldn't quite believe it, the woman's well shaped body was visible through the fine fabric. Her mature breasts with their prominent nipples, her mound with a fine mass of pale hair.

'I hope you got some rest, Geri.' The woman's voice was in contrast to yesterday. Caring, gentle. 'I hope Giselle wasn't too harsh in the night. You see, I hated to do it. I hated to give her the order she should beat you so badly.'

Geri flinched as the woman brought her hand up to the child's tear-streaked cheek and stroked it. The chained girl tried to shrink into the corner.

'Please don't pull away from me,' Madam Lena insisted softly. 'I don't want to see you hurt.'

Geri's mind swam. What did this woman want? Why was she like this? Geri wanted to scream: But you did this. You said you ordered it! Yet equally she was scared to upset the woman, fearing her reaction. The woman's hand fell, stroking the girl's naked chest. Not her tiny boobs but the red cane marks visible even in this poor light.

'I am going to punish Giselle for being so cruel to you,' whispered the woman, her delicate but pervasive perfume overwhelming Geri's senses. 'I never said so hard, so many. Please try to rest. I will bring you food later.'

Madam Lena sighed, withdrew her hand and went to the door. She took one long look at Geri and gently closed the door. There was no click, no lock engaged.

Geri was alone again. And even more confused.


The confusion didn't get any better when Giselle arrived an hour or so later. The maid opened the door of the cell, carrying a silver tray. There was food - toast and jelly - and drink. A pitcher of fresh orange juice and a glass.

But the look of the maid astonished Geri. If she wasn't awake properly before, she was now. Where before the maid had been dressed as exactly a fetish maid would be, she was naked now. Her slim body was a mass of bruises and cuts - recent raw red and purple marks from what must have been a terrible thrashing. Indeed, it looked as if no part of her body had been spared: the French girl's small tits, her ass, her legs, her belly were criss-crossed with brutal welts. Even her arms.

It only needed a cursory glance to indicate there were something like thirty to forty slash marks on the child. More, her face was flushed from crying and her eyes red. Her face may have been contorted with pain but it was hard to see most of it - a large rubber wedge gag filled her mouth and distorted her face.

It may have only needed a glance to see the French girl's condition but Geri stared. Especially at the chain between the maid's small, well marked tits: it now had a weight attached - a weight heavy enough to distend and stretch the child's emerging bust and one with sharp spikes that as the weight swung the points scraped and cut the child's belly. Raw scratches gleamed in the light.

More, there was similar weight dangling on the chain between the girl's legs and here the cruel, sharp spikes were causing Giselle to walk with legs apart in a vain attempt to spare her pain and prevent her inner thighs from being scraped. The thin scratches showed she was not as successful as she would have liked.

The food was left and Geri fed herself, wondering what all this was about. She only found out when Madam Lena told her, taking Geri to her bed later on. And Geri only had her hands cuffed behind her.

'It may surprise you,' said the woman as she kissed and stroked the naked girl, 'that I want you to be my lover. Giselle is just a serving girl, but you and I can be something more.' The woman smiled as she embraced Geri.

'But... I'm a Subject,' said Geri. 'My hands are cuffed too.'

'Only a subject of mine,' said Lena. 'Mine to use and play with. I just like to play with you when you are tied up or chained in some way.'

'And Giselle?' Geri asked, feeling the woman's hand on her warm, wet cunny.

'My maid. Our maid,' said the woman. 'And you can punish her too, if you so want.'

Geri couldn't help smiling as the woman's fingers slid into her. 'I want,' she said, and kissed Lena.

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Interesting idea and you are a great writer. I hope you will continue this story.

sex writer521

Very nice, you have an interesting style of writing. write more


When Velocity's site disappeared I was afraid we lost one of the most imaginative writers on this topic. Glad to see you are back.


I always love your writing. I hope you write more about what goes on in the prison.


That ended at a terrible point, the story was so good and it would have been better if we had read about Geri's sex life or maybe even her learning how to punish Giselle.

As it was the ending was far to abrupt, even lazy, and ruined an otherwise fantastic story. Please consider a sequel, it would be a very good story.

All in all, very nice up until the end

The reviewing period for this story has ended.