Published: 25-Mar-2012
Word Count:
'Hi there, come on in,' smiled Mrs Benson as she opened the door of her large, sprawling home to the Courtney family. 'Welcome to our little bondage get together!'
Mr and Mrs Courtney smiled back at the woman of the house and ushered their ten year old son into the Benson home - though it looked more like a mansion.
'You must be the Courtney family,' said the woman as she gestured the two adults and their son inside.
'That's us,' replied the man.
'My, your son looks wonderful,' enthused Mrs Benson as she regarded the naked ten year old boy, standing between his parents. 'He looks so cute gagged like that with his cheeks all bulging out!'
'Why, thank you,' said Mrs Courtney proudly, hand on her son's shoulder. 'Jeff has got two pairs of my period soiled panties packed in his mouth and three strips of duct tape to keep them in.'
'Wonderful,' purred Mrs Benson. 'I always say they should get used to the real taste of women as soon as possible!'
'Say hello to Mrs Benson', said Jeff's father, prodding his son.
'Hmmf mmff bfffhff,' grunted the boy through his gag.
'How very polite', approved Mrs Benson. 'May I see how you've tied his arms?'
Mrs Courtney turned her naked son round, showing the woman how his hands had been tied in a reverse prayer position, hands well up between his shoulder blades. Thin white rope, cinched properly at his wrists, ran up over his shoulders and round his slim neck. 'He has to keep his hands up as best he can,' explained Mrs Courtney, 'or it pulls on his throat.'
'It looks wonderful. But have you thought about using the shoulder ropes as a kind of bra construction?' asked Mrs Benson.
'We do that sometimes,' said the man, adding with a grin: 'We have some red rope and black rope for that so we can say to Jeff he will be wearing a red bra or a black bra.'
All three adults laughed at the joke.
'Well, come on through and meet the others,' said Mrs Benson. 'I know the Sharp family are dying to meet you all.'
Mr and Mrs Sharp and their two pretty daughters were, they were told, in the living room with a plenty of other families. As it was the first time the Courtney family had been to their local ABC - Association of Bound Children - gathering they were naturally a little nervous as they entered the room.
The sight that greeted the new comers was awesome. The room seemed to be filled with boys and girls in some form of bondage, from light playful tie-ups to remarkably stringent restraint. The families who were already there all had at least two children and it was obvious as there were more than thirty children packed into the large living room.
Mr and Mrs Courtney stared and gasped audibly at the sight that greeted them: the room was a heaving mass of bound children and proud parents. It was a huge room, which opened out on to an adjoining room which was equally full. At first glance it was impossible to tell just how many adults and bound children there were.
If the Courtney family was about to ask how many there were Mrs benson leaned forward and answered. 'There are over fifty families here today.' The woman sounded very proud of the fact.
'Sure is a lot of folk,' said the man, admiringly.
'Indeed! We like to think we have one of the best ABC groups in the state right here in our wonderful town and membership - bringing more good folks like yourselves - keeps on growing. We also think there would have been a few more families here today but there is a Child Bondage Convention in Fordham and it simply clashed with our date.' The woman shrugged as if it happened all the time.
The Courtneys, including their tightly secured son, took the scene in.
On a table in the center of the room were three children - two young girls aged no more than ten and a boy almost as old, were standing back to back in a tight triangle with their arms threaded through each other and their slim wrists bound with rope across their young bellys. It was obvious despite the large ball gags they wore they were brothers and sisters (the Courtneys soon discovered they were looking at the Samson twins and their younger brother) but what was most striking was the way yards of rope had been wound round their bare chests so that only their small nipples peeked out from flat chests and a long black silk scarf was tied round their necks to ensure they stayed still.
The trio's knees and ankles had been bound together and it was also noticeable that their feet were further restrained by cords round their big toes, binding their feet together.
Suddenly Mr Courtney noticed that the children had been tied under a spotlight arrangement and though they weren't very tall, standing bound on the table put their heads close to the light - and heat. He whispered to his wife, pointing out that they were sweating profusely from the lamps close to their heads and unless someone turned the light off or freed them, they would continue to suffer.
Nearby was a girl, aged about thirteen with small but proud breasts, straining as she supported a smaller boy - a kid the Courtney's presumed was her brother. The naked girl was standing with an agonized look on her face because her brother - who was about five - was tied to her back, but upside down as if he as some backpack. The boy's legs were hooked over his sister's shoulder and each ankle was tied so the ropes ran down to the girl's crotch and disappeared between her legs to be retied to the upside-down boy's upper body. The boy was also helping support himself by having his arms bound round his older sister's belly, while her arms were bound round the boy's front. Both children were gagged but the boy wore a ring gag, and the positioning of his head made it obvious what his forced open mouth could be used for if so wished.
Mrs Courtney tugged excitedly at her husband's arm. On the far side of the room two children, two sweet looking girls no older than six (on was a black girl from the Bennett family and the other a white girl from the Smith family) were standing in the middle of several adults who were idly talking and sipping drinks. They were, as all children were at ABC, completely naked but while they tied fairly conventionally with arms tight behind their backs and knees and ankles secured they were facing each other so the thick leather belts (pulled painfully tight) they both wore was attached to a powerful spring that inexorably pulled them towards each other.
That alone would have been a strain but it was made worse by the fact that they wore leather belts pulled painfully tight and a pole was attached to the spring so it was slung between the children at crotch height. The sharp point at each end of the pole told its own story - fail to stay apart and the point would dig into the tender little pussy slits of the girls.
'Just one of the games we like children to play,' said Mrs Benson, noting their stares. With a wink she added, 'I give them ten minutes before they have to give in,' she smiled. 'Now, I guess you two would both like a drink, right?'
Mr and Mrs Courtney nodded and were astonished to see a boy aged no more than five pull a small wheeled trolley towards them. The boy seemed to be grinning despite the cleave gag he wore - or perhaps because of how it pulled his lips back - and the trolley attached to his tightly bound arms was full with drinks. 'Please help yourself,' said Mrs Benson. 'This by the way is Matthew, my youngest. He's six next week and we are having a special bondage party for him. You probably know that he can't be a full member of ABC until he is six so we're all looking forward to it. Now, please help yourself to any drinks you want. Holly will help you.' The woman gestured at a naked twelve year old girl of clearly asian origin who was following the trolley. Holly, who it turned out had been adopted by the Desalle family when they visited Laos to select the child when she was six months old, was there to serve drinks as little Matthew was hardly in a position to help.
Holly, who had delightful small breasts ringed and chained in gold to match the chains she wore at her wrists, throat and knees, bowed gracefully. 'How may I help you?' enquired the girl, looking first at Mrs Courtney.
'Shouldn't she be gagged?' asked Mrs Courtney having asked for a martini.
'Oh, she will be. Her guardians like to have her mouth free so she can talk but can you see here? (at this Mrs Benson pointed to a small box strapped to the inside leg of the girl) That is a small recording device. Every word she utters counts as a punishment point. When she has finished being helpful her words will counted up and punishments applied. Oh, and she will have to be gagged then. Holly, please show us your tongue.'
The asian girl pushed her pink tongue out to reveal a gold ring - exactly like the ones at her nipples. She kept her tongue out until Mrs Benson gestured she could withdraw it and get on with serving. 'That little ring will keep her sweet tongue pulled out while her punishments are applied. I have to say,' she lowered her voice as she addressed the Courtney adults, 'I think she will probably go well past the three thousand points she accumulated last time. I think she will be in for quite a punishment session if I know the Desalles!'
'May I have a rye whiskey, please Holly,' said Mr Courtney and was promptly dug in the ribs by his wife.
'You have to make her talk,' said Mrs Courtney crossly. 'How will she get her record points total that way?'
'Oops,' smiled the man. 'My bad... that drink isn't correct, Holly.'
The chained girl paused. 'How so, sir? Please tell me, what should your order be?'
'I'd like it with ice.' The man looked relieved he had found a way of adding to the child's punishment points total.
'I understand,' said Mrs Courtney as she sipped her drink, 'that children below six - like Matthew - can't be gagged. At least, until they are full ABC members.'
'A common misconception,' smiled Mrs Benson. 'You can gag a child in your own home or any private gathering at any age. It is in public the authorities frown on it. Matthew is of course in his own home so we take every advantage.'
Mr Courtney sipped his drink. 'I wish we'd known. We didn't gag Jeff until well after he was six!'
'Never mind,' smiled Mrs Benson. 'Now you are in the ABC you'll discover all sorts of useful things about tying up your child. I mean, did you know that you can have your child wear permanent chains when they are as young as ten?' The woman nodded at a pre-teen girl standing holding a large plate of sandwiches for some parents to choose from. The girl was wearing steel collars at her neck, wrists and ankles and lightweight but strong chains connected them. 'That's my eldest girl, Katy. Mr Benson and I put her in titanium permachains last year. It was our Christmas present to her.'
'Permanent?' Mrs Courtney's eyes widened as she studied the girl, patiently standing as she served. 'How does she put her school clothes on?' 'We have a complete selection of clothes for her that fasten at the shoulders, button at the font and back and of course at the crotch. A few zippers or buttons here and there makes anything possible for her to wear. Of course, getting dressed in the morning takes a little longer but she gets up that little earlier to dress herself.' The woman paused. 'And polish them. That takes a good half hour each day.'
'I heard you had three children,' said Mr Courtney. 'Where's the other one?'
Mrs Benson laughed and pointed upwards. All the Courtneys looked up and there, fastened spreadeagled to the ceiling was an eight year old boy. There were straps at his wrists, ankles and neck as well as his chest, waist and around his knees. Another strap at his forehead ensured he kept his head against the ceiling. He was staring wide eyed down at the people looking up.
'Meet Darren,' laughed Mrs Benson. 'We put him there sometimes as a decoration. The longest he's been there is seven hours but we think we can beat that today. He's already been up there for three hours and there's a lot of partying to do here.'
Mr Courtney shook his head, amazed and saddened. 'But he isn't gagged!'
'Hmm... you sure?' Mrs Benson grinned at the man.
'But there's no strap, no tape -' began Mrs Courtney.
'But his lips are glued together.' Mrs Benson was enjoying this. 'We have this special lip glue that seals them tight for up to ten hours. Of course we know that isn't enough so he has a rubber ball in his mouth. It also stops his drool falling like rain,' she laughed.
'It's wonderful,' said the man, admiring the immobilized child above them. 'He doesn't seem bothered at all. In fact, he doesn't seem to be blinking.'
'That's because we apply a little of the glue to his eyelids. It's quite harmless and keeps his eyes open as well as his lips shut.' The hostess said in a matter-of-fact way. 'Course, we have to put some special drops in his eyes to stop them becoming too dry but it's worth the effort.' Then she added, 'Oh by the way, in case you were wondering it does get noisy up there for him so Darren's ears are plugged with wax.'
Mrs Courtney was looking at the little boy's dick. 'And his pee-hole?' She enquired.
'Of course,' said Mrs Benson. 'We use the glue and wax for that. Much safer, especially when he has had a few big drinks before we hoist him up there! Now, that's enough about my family. Please do come and meet the Sharp family.'
The three adults and the bound boy moved through the crowded room, past bound boys and girls and admiring parents.
The Sharp family were a couple about the same age as the Courtneys, though they had two children, both girls who were bound in black rubber straps. The rubber straps also were applied over the girl's faces, across their mouths as a gag. One girl was slightly taller than the other but they were connected at their throats by collars and a short length of rod that kept the two girls a couple of feet apart.
Mrs Benson made the introductions and left the two families together.
'We're new here ourselves,' said Mrs Sharp. 'There's so much to take in.'
'I know,' agreed Mrs Courtney. 'We had heard it was fun but we had no idea. I guess it makes Matthew here look kind of ordinary, tied up the way he is.' She looked wistfully at her bound son.
'I wouldn't worry,' said Mr Sharp. 'I think they like people to come first of all with their kids in ordinary ropes and stuff. We thought we were pushing the boat out with Janice and Jenny here in their rubber webbing but Mr Benson assured us it was better we didn't show off too soon.'
'He said we are here to learn,' said Mrs Sharp, 'and I think he's right.'
'Your two girls look comfortable in their straps,' said Mr Courtney, admiring the two blonde girls. One was definitely older than the other and even had signs of rosebud breasts emerging. 'You must have worked hard to get their straps exactly the same.'
'Yes but we wanted to take it a step further. We made Jennie and Janie - she's the older one by exactly a year - like this so we can fasten the children together,' said Mrs Sharp, indicating the small buckles and straps at the sides of the bound girls. 'Face to face or back to back.'
'You must show us later,' said Mrs Courtney, admiringly. 'I just love young women tied face to face as if they're kissing.'
'If we take their gags out, they will do,' grinned Mr Sharp. 'In fact, we have to ball gag them to stop kissing, right honey?'
Mrs Sharp playfully flicked at her husband's arm. 'Oh, honey, you're such an old fashioned father! When I was there age I couldn't keep my tongue out of some girl's mouth.'
'Me neither,' confided Mrs Courtney. 'I sometimes think men miss out on so much fun when they're young.'
'Honey,' Mr Sharp said to his wife. 'Why don't you show these folks how well you can kiss an attractive lady like this good lady here. No objection, I hope?' the man glanced at the Courtneys.
'Not at all!' chorused the Courtneys. Mrs Courtney leant forward to exchange a tentative first kiss with Mrs Sharp - a gentle kiss that instantly dissolved into a long, french kiss. The two women parted slowly after a full minute and smiled as if they had not only enjoyed it but intended to repeat it again soon.
'Hold my drink, sweetheart,' said Mr Sharp, and as his wife took the whiskey in her free hand the man began to undo his wife's blouse buttons. 'Let's just see how horny you are.'
The woman blushed as her blouse came open but she didn't object. Her husband peeled the blouse away from her chest to reveal her silk smooth bra cups - and two prominent and very hard nipples. Long too, which made them even nicer to look at.
'Yep, she's excited alright,' grinned her husband. 'Go ahead. Just feel how hard they are!'
Both Mr and Mrs Sharp reached out and fondled Mrs Courtney's breasts, concentrating on pinching the hard nipples, taking one each. Standing helpless as she was felt up, the woman moaned as the man and woman's fingers pinched and teased the prominent nipples until they were even harder. When they let go, the woman was quite flushed.
At her husband's request, the excited woman lifted her skirt to show her thin satin pants were well soaked with her secretions.
'Oh my,' laughed Mrs Courtney. 'I do so love another woman's excitement. Mind if I feel?'
No one objected and Mrs Courtney put her hand on the other female's prominent mound, rubbing her fingers on the wet fabric and then taking her hand away and sucking her fingers. 'Tasty,' she grinned.
'If the kids weren't gagged we should give them a taste,' said the woman's husband. 'Good for their education.'
'I would have thought they didn't really like adults having fun themselves here,' said Mr Sharp as he took his drink from his wife's hands, 'but I see others like a little lesbian action.' He nodded over at a nearby couple, where a woman's husband was holding his wife's arms behind her back while another mother was exploring the restrained woman's large bust, squeezing and pinching hard to make the held woman moan excitedly. The scene was even more piquant as several small children, all naked as usual and all expertly bound and gagged, were watching wide eyed at what their parents were doing - and one of the watching boys was old enough to enjoy a sizable erection at what he saw. A girl almost as old was wriggling in an effort to rub her bound thighs together in a desperate attempt to achieve orgasm.
'I think that shouldn't be allowed,' said Mr Sharp with a sigh. 'Children getting off in public is so -'
'Really, honey. Just let them be!' Mrs Sharp grinned at her two daughters who gave small nods and blushed when the woman added: 'I expect our girls would like to get off on what Mrs Courtney and I were doing.' The eldest of the two trussed girls gave a low moaning sound into her gag, like a plea. All four adults laughed.
Mr Courtney grinned. 'Sure there should be women playing with each other. Well, we men have our moments. When my mom and dad tied me up as a kid I used to get a treat of something pushed up my ass. That's what we do with Jeff. At the moment he's got an anal vibrator up him.' He patted his son's head. 'It's set on low because we didn't want him too excited too soon today.'
'Good thinking. Trouble is batteries don't always last long enou-' Mr Sharp was interrupted by someone calling for everyone's attention.
It was the host, Mr Benson. 'Ladies and gentlemen and child bondagettes,' he began. 'It is my great pleasure to see you all here today and enjoying this ABC get together. As you know, my wife Laura has been the secretary of our little ABC group for several years and we have met many wonderful people and admired their bound children, watching them grow up so happy and healthy. In fact, we are honored today to have one of first ABC bondagettes back with us as a mom in her own right and, yes, Mrs Sanderson as she now is has brought her three year old daughter here today. Little Samantha, if you haven't already seen her, is chained in the playpen under the table right where the Samson family is standing. Please do go and take a look at the little girl - we've put some photos out of her mom when she was that age so you can compare them.' There was a ripple of applause and the man waited for it to subside.
He continued. 'As you all know, we like to interact with other branches of ABC, bringing some of them here, going over to meet them. Many of you will recall that fine picnic we had with the Marlburg ABC last June when there were seventy one children all bound in the open air.' More applause, louder than before. 'But today we have a special treat. We are delighted to have with us Mrs Mary Eleanor Wilkins with her four grandchildren, putting on a very special show in the gardens. Please make your way out to the back and make yourself comfortable for a quite remarkable display of bondage!'
The man paused, 'Oh, and if you don't want to take your sweet little prisoners into the fresh air, we have a number of hooks on the wall by the garden doors: you can fasten the children by their necks there and leave them inside.'
Several of the families were moving their children over to the hooks and Mrs Courtney said, 'Great idea. Jeff can go there for now.' She led her son to a spare hook and quickly attached collar and hook. The boy looked disappointed he wouldn't be going out with all the adults (and some of the children) to see what the excitement was all about.
The remaining guests and their bound children - at least the ones who weren't tied to something like a chair or being used as decoration - made their way into the large, bright garden. The Sharp family had decided to take their two girls out though with a mischievous grin Mrs Sharp blindfolded one of the girls, selecting the youngest. 'Just so one of them doesn't enjoy herself too much,' she laughed.
Mr and Mrs Benson were directing people to stand in a semi-circle around a marquee with bound children (if possible, depending on the nature of their bonds) kneeling on the front rank. One couple were hogtying their little boy with his head craning up to see the show.
In front of the the marquee was clearly closed off but once everyone was in position an elderly woman - but very elegantly dressed in a black leather skirt and gold silk blouse - stepped out from the entrance, letting it close behind her. This was clearly Mary Eleanor Wilkins, for several of the gathering spontaneously applauded at her appearance and a tremor of excitement ran through the assembly as if they knew this would be good.
'Hello everyone,' purred the elderly lady. 'It's good to see both so many familiar faces here and a good number of new ones. I am so happy child bondage has brought us all together.' She nodded at a couple of pre-teen girls tied face to face, arms round each other and cuffed behind the other's back and gagged - naturally - to prevent any sneak kisses, 'and I'm mighty glad it's brought some of our dear children together.'
Pleasant laughter blew like a breeze across the garden.
'Seriously though folks, many of you know me from days gone by - days when I don't need to tell some of you that child bondage was hard. Why, no ready made gags, no made-to-fit chains and none of this government advice either: a family had to improvise!' More laughs, from those who knew the woman and her hectoring style. 'Oh, we did it though, and that's why I'm here, to show you what I've learned.'
The old lady paused and looked round the assembly. 'As I said, we did it. I did it to my daughters, Karen and Laura and they did it to their kids. Still do, I'm pleased to say.' The woman gestured at the marquee behind her. 'They all agreed to come along and help me with my little show. Guess they still the respect the old whip hand!' Mrs Wilson waited for the fresh chuckles to subside. 'You know, I like putting on these little shows. Great uncle of mine always used to say - when he was sober - I ought to have gone into the circus, sort of showing bondage in among the clowns and the horses. Hey, he recognized the show-woman in me.
'So what we have here are two women in their thirties - or I should say two women in their underwear,' more laughs and a ripple of applause interrupted her 'and four naked kids. That will be Joey, the boy who's thirteen and getting as big as his father every day, his sister Lulu who was eleven last month - both Karen's kids and Laura's pair of sweethearts, the twins Jessica and Jennifer, who are nine. All sweet, all loveable and all bound.'
Once more the assembly enjoyed the humor of the woman, before she continued. 'Now I figured it would be good to get the menfolk involved in our little show. So I persuaded them to join in with whips of their own. You see, I wanted them to make the moms do something, but the womenfolk don't what they're doing is right.' The elderly woman scanned the puzzled looks in the crowd. 'Oh, I can see some of you think this old woman's off her head.' She laughed. 'But you'll see why in just a moment. Let me just say, what one mom thinks she's doing might not be for the benefit of the children.'
The woman gestured to the side and several children, naked and tied to a pair of guy ropes, hauled the marquee open. The sight that greeted the assembled parents and bound children brought open mouthed (and sealed mouth) cries of amazement.
The marquee fell back to reveal a large cross device vertically mounted on a central spindle with four naked children bound to the arms - their heads at the outermost ends of the X and their feet pointing in to the center. There was nothing remarkable about the bondage itself: the children were properly gagged and straps held the children's arms at their sides and legs were strapped together. The boy and his sister were at opposite ends of one arm, the twins looking delightful at opposite ends of the other arm.
Below them, set in the center underneath the spindle, was a large plastic tub of water. Cold clear water that it was obvious would cover a child's head as they were rotated through it. On either side of the cross were two underwear clad women - black bra and panties on Karen and white lingerie on Laura with matching garters and stockings - who were chained by their wrists to two long wooden poles on either side of the water tub. The women would have a part to play in this show, it was clear, and though they stood with their backs to the audience though it was obvious they were very well gagged. By the women's side were the two men, Jim - who was Karen's husband - clothed in white standing by the other man's wife and the black dressed Don, Karen's husband, by his sister-in-law.
Both men had sizable floggers with multiple strands and looked as if they wouldn't hesitate to use them.
'Now, here's the problem for my two daughters,' said the elderly woman after introducing the characters in her "little show" as she called it. 'They know that the efforts of one of them will rotate the wheel arrangement - oh, I've had technical advice from engineers about all this cogs and stuff so it does work - by pulling hard. Kinda like rowing. Trouble is, the other one is a brake, but neither knows which is which. So, Karen and Laura work their handles like a pump, up, down, up, down. One - maybe Karen, maybe Laura - makes the kids rotate on the cross and guess what, the sweethearts' little heads go through the water. So, providing the little ones take a deep breath as they approach the water, no problem.
'Only it may Karen or it may be Laura pumping her lever that makes the whole thing slow right down. Now, I imagine you think one them would look over to her sister and see what was happening and they'd work out which was which. Okay, except there's the machinery in the way so they can't see each other much and, yes, can't talk to each other as their gags are good. Their loving husbands are there to provide a little whipped encouragement not to stop. The men don't know which woman is doing what either but will figure it's best to keep their woman working, just in case it's the brake on their side.'
The assembly applauded loudly. 'Now, government advice,' Mrs Wilkins said with a nod when it died down. 'You know, well as I do, what the law says about unnatural tortures of kids. Bondage is fine, hurting them isn't. Now, as a loving mom and grandmom, I'd go right along with that. But two things: first, water ain't unnatural,' (laughter again) and second, I know the local ABC won't hear about this. After all, I am the local agent, right?'
The biggest peals of laughter yet roared round the garden. On the arms of the great wooden cross the kids blinked nervously, twitching silently in their bonds.
The elderly lady stilled the applause and laughter. 'Now, the children won't be subjected to endless suffering - if at all. After all, one of the mom's might get it right. But when they stop - when Karen and Laura can't take any more whippings I guess - the kids will be left to dry in the sun.'
The applause was long and loud, only dying down when the men started whipping and the women in their skimpy underwear started working their pole. The great cross began to rotate, sometimes fast, sometimes slow and one by one the children were rotated through the water - emerging spluttering into their gags from their time being hauled upside down through the water. The children were in distress but it was clear they only spent a few seconds, by and large, with head under water and a lot longer being rotated up and round.
The backs of the two mothers working the levers were quickly getting red. The whips had soft ends so that the skin didn't break and they could take repeated beatings, though even then there would be a limit. However that point hadn't been reached and the audience, enthralled by this spectacle, had hands grasping stiff cocks or fingers deep in cunts. Either their own or someone next to them. Even the bound kids allowed to watch were wriggling to try and get what elementary sexual release they could. The hogtied boy right at the front was rubbing his slim hips on the grass in a desperate (but probably successful) attempt to masturbate and come.
Mrs Wilkins stopped the show and a ripple of disappointment passed through the crowd. 'Don't worry,' the woman smiled. 'It's not over yet. I'm going to throw a reverse switch - except maybe it will change the brake and motion, or maybe not. I think the ladies can take a little more whipping while they find out, don't you?'
More prolonged applause as the woman went to the back of the device to adjust something and then all hands went back to erections and holes as the whipping resumed and the kids carried on rotating into and out of the water at the same stop-go pace as before.
They eventually stopped, after another switch over and more whippings, and most people had cum twice by then. The lawn was a mess of white semen and glistening cunt juices as the assembly moved back inside, leaving the four children to dry in the hot sun on the cross arrangement and the women to recover from their whippings, though their menfolk - quite exhausted by their whipping work - were amusing themselves by holding their respective sister-in-laws over the poles they were chained to and slipping their stiff cocks into the waiting assholes.
'That was some show,' said a flushed Mrs Sharp, once they were back inside. 'I was frigging so hard I think I wore my clit out!'
'Oh, me too,' laughed Mrs Courtney. 'I must have come three times, especially when those gorgeous twins were dunked. I swear one of them couldn't take it like her sister.'
'But which one?' asked Mr Courtney. 'They looked alike to me.'
'The one who had the most whip marks,' laughed his wife.
Mr Sharp sighed. 'That was some show,' he said. Then he winked at Mr Courtney. 'Maybe you women got off but we men really enjoyed it as we were helping each other out'.
'Sure takes another man to know how to get the best excitement out of a situation,' chuckled Mr Courtney.
'Men and their dicks!' laughed Mrs Sharp.
Both men nodded, looking pleased with themselves. Mr Sharp added: 'I know we are her for child bondage fun but the way those two underwear clad moms were being whipped just made me shoot gallons.'
The crowd near the two couples parted and Mrs Wilkins herself made her way through, nodding hellos and exchanging pleasantries with people. She dallied with one couple, taking advantage of the fact their pre-teen daughter had her legs held apart by a wide rod and easy access to her gaping cunny. The old woman had her hand inside the child in next to no time.
The couple's older son, who was secured the same way, had his asshole fingered by the old lady to show he wasn't being left out. The boy's slim dick stiffened and wept pre-cum but no one was going to bring him to the climax he clearly craved
Both the Courtneys and the Sharps watched with interest but were surprised when the old woman made a bee-line for them.
'Oh, hello,' said Mrs Wilkins, smiling at the two families. 'I just wanted to come over and say hi and welcome.'
'Thanks,' said Mr Sharp, blushing a little. 'Mrs Benson already welcomed us.'
'I know, but as the district supervisor for the ABC I feel it's good if you hear it from me too.' The old woman surveyed the bound children. 'Hmm, I thought there was another child with you.'
'There should be,' said Mrs Courtney. 'Our son, that's Jeff, is over by the wall. We hooked him up there before we went out. Guess we should go and collect him.'
'No, I'm sure he's fine. Some parents leave their kids over there all the time. Tell me, did you enjoy my little show out there today?'
The four adults chorused agreement.
'How do you do it?' asked Mrs Sharp. 'I heard about how much work you put in before we came but, I was amazed.'
'I've been doing it awhile now,' smiled the older woman. 'To be honest, some things get recycled. I like some of the things I do more, so I guess we go back to those a few times. But one thing that never ceases to amaze me is how popular they all are.'
'But the engineering,' protested Mr Courtney. 'You must know a lot about stresses and loads.'
'Sure. I worked as an engineer for years. It helps. That and a willing family.'
They all laughed.
'You planning on more shows like this?' It was Mrs Courtney asking.
'Oh, sure. The next one will be a Christmas event. Not quite baby in a manger but something close.' The older woman chuckled. 'You know it saves on buying Christmas cards. Just a photo of the rig and the kids and everyone knows who it's from!'
'You must have seen a lot of child bondage, if you've been involved for so many years,' said Mr Sharp.
'Oh lots, but never enough,' sighed the old woman. 'You know there are - even in this day and age - still some parents who think you shouldn't tie up children?'
Everyone shook their heads at the lack of intelligence some folks displayed.
'But I do my bit. I go round schools and clubs and show people what they're missing. I even run a rest home for children to be kept bound or chained up while their folks go off on vacation.'
'Hey that's great idea,' said Mrs Sharp. 'Our two could spend a week there while we go to Europe. Business, I'm afraid but we were wondering what to do with them.'
'Most people in the ABC will happily take other people's children in for a few days or even a couple of weeks of bondage, looking after them.'
'How about longer?' asked Mr Sharp.
'Oh, the law says that you can't keep another family's child in bondage for more'n a week!' Mrs Wilkins snorted. 'It's a stupid law and we are working to get it changed. I mean, the state itself keeps wayward kids tied up for up to two months and in chains for up to five years. We say what's the difference?'
The Sharps and the Courtneys nodded in agreement.
'Plus, a lot of schools want to have bondage-led classes and they say it wastes time having to re-tie a child every morning and unfasten them at night. How much easier to allow them to be chained or in straps all week. When they come to school they can simply be secured to a chair or a hook and then the school can get on with its primary job of teaching.'
'I was a teacher,' said Mrs Sharp,' until my daughters came along. I guess we felt that tying the students to their seats was so time consuming we wondered if it was doing any good.'
'It always does good to tie up a child,' said Mrs Wilkins. 'Especially in schools. Helps learning!'
'I agree,' said Mr Courtney. 'I work at the hospital as a senior male nurse and we find it so much easier to look after kids when they are fastened to their beds. We believe they get better much quicker that way.'
'That's right,' said the old woman. 'Now, down to ABC business. I have a special request. I'd like to borrow your son please, Mr and Mrs Courtney. I am entering a team at a boy-pony meeting over in Hartingford. I have some six or so other boys and I am trying to get them to form a team in chains. As it's human pony stuff and they'll be required to race against other pulling chariots. One of my sons will be there to act as charioteer.'
'I'd love to see that,' said Mrs Sharp. 'Will they be naked?'
'Of course. But I am afraid it's men only this one. I will be training them but I can't go and watch, though I believe a video will be made of the day.'
'But I can go and watch, right?' Mr Courtney seemed excited.
'Sure. I can get you an invite from the Hartingford Boy-Pony Society.' She nodded towards where Jeff was secured to the hook in the wall, and the way a small girl - no more than seven - was kneeling in front of him and using her mouth under the direction of her mother. 'He looks the perfect specimen for a pony. However, he will have to be pierced and ringed at his nipples and at his scrotum sack. It's for the guide straps to be fixed.'
'No problem,' said the Courtney adults as one.
'We were thinking he'd look good in nipple rings anyway,' added Mrs Courtney.
'We'll be adding them to our girls soon,' said Mrs Sharp. 'It's another way to keep them apart by putting a pole between them!'
The two bound girls rolled their eyes at the idea, but they knew they'd have no say in it all.
'Just make sure if you do you have them of the right thickness and weight, and put in deep enough.'
'I get it,' said the girls' father. 'That's so we can fasten them up and let them hang by them.'
'It's a great way of getting their tits to elongate,' said the old woman. 'A lot of people like their daughters to have large tits sooner rather than later.'
'And our son?' Mrs Courtney was licking her lips.
Mrs Wilkins laughed. 'Sure! Why not. You can even turn him into a boy-girl if you want. There's a special bondage event for boy-girls in Bridgeville with big prizes - big boy tits means big prizes! Even gets on National TV. I never miss the show.'
'Wow, this is great,' said Mr Courtney. 'Hell, I feel so excited at all this I want to cum.'
'Me too,' nodded Mr Sharp. 'Hey, let's use the two girls. They can kneel here and satisfy us. I'm sure no one would mind.'
The gags came out of Janie and Jennie and the two were made to kneel in front of the two men. Mr Sharp took his place in front of his eldest and Mr Courtney took the youngest, each sawing their thick hard cocks into the girl's mouths inside seconds. The women looked on approvingly, placing a wager which one would cum first.
As it happened it was Mr Courtney, pumping his semen down the youngest girl's throat. Mrs Sharp slipped the gag back into Janie's mouth as soon as the man's softening cock came free from the child's lips.
Mr Sharp came moments later and Mrs Courtney helped out by gagging Jennie at once. 'Don't want anything leaking out,' she laughed.
'I heard you putting a wager on us,' said Mr Courtney as he put his soft dick away. 'Who won?'
'Let's say I lost,' giggled Mrs Sharp. 'Just didn't think you'd keep it back, honey,' and winked at her husband.
'So what's the forfeit?' her husband asked.
'Pleasing me,' grinned Mrs Wilkins. 'As much as I love a child's tongue in my ass, sometimes I like the idea of an older female rimming me out. So, time to get sucking and tonguing, my dear,' said the old woman as she flipped her leather skirt offered her pantyless ass to Mrs Sharp.
The two girls, still kneeling, smirked behind their gags as they saw Mrs Sharp kneel like them and duck her head down to the offered rear of the old woman, tongue out. She tried not to screw up her face too much as she parted the old woman's wrinkled ass cheeks and her tongue met the puckered ass.
'Don't look too smug,' Mrs Wilkins warned the smirking girls. 'It's gonna be your turn real soon, kids. One in front and one in back. You just can't beat it for fun,' purred the old woman.
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