Adam And Eve Eden

[ gmM, bond, inc ]

by Quiller


Published: 22-Mar-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Eve Eden struggled against her ropes and tried - not for the first time that night - to scream. But the gag the man had pushed into her mouth was far too good. Nothing more than a faint whimper escaped, and as she was at the very top of the house no one could hear her.

Yet the twelve year old could faintly hear her Mom and Dad moving around downstairs. Even her brother Adam was there. They sounded as if they were laughing and talking as if nothing was wrong.

'Help!' howled Eve into her gag. 'Up here! Get me free! He-e-e-elp!'

Even to the girl, stretched out with ropes on the old iron bed it sounded nothing more than a distant moan.

Tears came to Eve's eyes. She had been like this for hours. She should have been at her friend Melanie's house, sleeping over. But she had left, saying she'd prefer to be at home when her parents got back from their trip.

That was when she was jumped on by the home invader. Somehow this man had got in and, disturbed by the girl coming home, dragged the struggling child up to the attic and bound her there.

Simple but stringent bondage. Complete with gag.

Eve couldn't move, couldn't get free and certainly couldn't raise any help.

Desperation set in for the teenager. She thrashed and fought against the unyielding ropes, hoping something would come free so she could get this gag off.

But she had tried so much before and was exhausted from struggling and crying. Her efforts had grown weaker, the length of time shorter each time she tried. She gave up and lay back, distressed and anxious.

Of course her family didn't know she was there. She was supposed to be over at Melanie's. It would be tomorrow before anyone realized that she wasn't where she should be. Then they'd start a search.

But then, why weren't her parents searching now? Or the police? After all, if someone had invaded their home there'd be things damaged, stuff missing or evidence of forced entry. But they were acting as if nothing was wrong.

Eve tried once more to rattle the old heavy bed, hoping it would sound below. But she knew her bedroom was immediately below and no one would be in there to hear.

Worse, the bed was so big and heavy it ignored her struggles. Try as she might Eve couldn't make a sound loud enough. She would, she thought, have to wait until morning when Melanie's family would report she hadn't stayed over after all. Then they'd find Eve's own bed would be unused.

How many hours was that? Eve tried not to cry.

The door to the attic opened softly, light flooding in. 'Here! Help!' yelled Eve into her gag. A figure was moving across the room. Adam, eyes wide as he stared at his older sister. Older by just fourteen months, but older.

'What the fuck-? began Adam as he stood and stared down at the bound and gagged girl. The teenage boy stood by the bed looking up and down the girl's figure. A girl dressed they way she had when she had gone out earlier: blue top, dark red miniskirt. It had ridden back a little and her yellow pants were visible.

One of the thin shoulder straps of Eve's top had slipped down and her white bra strap - her favorite new white bra - was showing.

Adam just stared. What most fascinated the fourteen year old was her the way her sister was tied and gagged. Ropes held the pre-teen out in a spread eagle position, a rope round her waist and the bed itself, another round the child's slim neck. It was clear from the way she was fastened down she couldn't move very far or get free on her own. More amazingly were the strips of adhesive surgical tape at Eve's wrists, ankles and round her throat.

The ropes clearly weren't meant to give Eve rope burns. Even Adam understood that.

And the gag... Something large had been pushed into the girl's mouth and fastened with a thin leather strap round her head. Tape had been added over the child's lower jaw, so there would be no chance of her pushing the gag out. There was even, Adam could see, a thin leather strap under his sister's chin as if that too would restrict her ability to speak clearly.

'Get me free!' demanded Eve, renewing her struggles. She knew that all that could be heard was a muffled moan but the urgency was plain enough.

'Who the hell did this?' asked Adam. He started to reach for the gag but stopped, withdrawing his hands. 'Um, you did this to yourself?'

'No!' shouted Eve.

'Somethin' weird goin' on here,' said Adam. He didn't move to remove the gag or even the ropes. If anything she stepped back a little.

'Please,' begged Eve.

'I can't tell what you're saying,' said Adam. 'Guess you should wait here.'

The boy stepped further back and to Eve's horror her brother fled the room without closing the door. A split second later, he reappeared at the open door, took another look at Eve and closed the door.

'No!' Yelped the bound girl. 'Don't leave me!' But she consoled herself that Adam would have gone to get her mom and dad. They'd free her. For the first time in ages she let herself relax.

Eve had no idea how long she lay, waiting. But she began to grow anxious. Surely it didn't take this long for her mother and father to rush up the stairs, did it? Even if they'd called the police surely they'd be up to see her. Eve lay still and listened. There was no sound of a police siren, no footsteps on the stairs. If anything, there was the sound of more laughter from downstairs, the TV set playing.

Eve's mind reeled in confusion. What was happening?

The door opened quietly. Eve tried to crane her head up as far as the neck rope allowed. To her dismay it wasn't an adult or a cop. It was Adam, carrying a glass of water. Eve stared at her brother as the boy approached and put the glass down by the side of the bed.

'I 'spect you want a drink. You've been crying,' said Adam.

'Where's mom and dad? Tell them about me!' demanded Eve. Muffled and indistinct to say the least.

'Oh, stop that noise. You know I can't tell what you're saying.' Adam chuckled a little. He went back to the door, turned on the only light in the attic and closed the door, making sure it was shut fully. Then he came back to his bound sister.

Eve's mind spun. What was Adam doing? Why wasn't he setting her free?

The fourteen year old studied his sister. 'I guess I have to take that gag out for you to have a drink.' He reached out and touched it, or more specifically the duct tape over Eve's jaw. Eve, in surprise, flinched.

'Lie still,' hissed Adam. 'You won't get a drink unless I can be sure you stay quiet.'

Eve's eyes widened.

Adam dropped to his knees by the bed and looked directly into his sister's eyes. 'Listen Eez.' It was his name for her sister. 'I don't know how this happened but I've been thinking. Maybe you like this kind of crazy stuff.' The teen gestured at the ropes and gag. 'Seems weird to me, but...' He shrugged. 'Wow, maybe Melanie did it for you and left you here.'

Urgently, Eve shook her head.

'Hey, that's good, Eez. You aren't tryin' to make that godawful noise,' smiled Adam. He did something that Eve never expected: he reached out and pushed some stray hair from his sister's face.

'You know, sis,' resumed Adam. 'I quite like this. You all quiet for once. Maybe I can get some attention round here now.'

'Adam, get me out of this!'

'Uh-oh, there's that funny noise again and I really don't like it. Okay, here's the deal. You learn to stay quiet and the gag comes out. Then you can speak - whisper - to me and I'll see what I can do. Okay with you, Eez?'

Eve almost made a noise but stopped. Adam was acting strange, but he had the power to get Eve free. The bound and gagged girl nodded.

'Great. But before any of that let me tell you the rules. One, you do what I say, no question. Two, you don't shout out when the gag's off. Three, you... oh, you do what I say. I know I said that already, but it's important.'

Eve nodded slowly, not taking her eyes off Adam.

'Great. I'm gonna peel the tape off and then I'll get these straps off your gag. But - no shouting. If you try I'll seal you up again and you get no drink.'

Eve gave the smallest nod, terrified that Adam was crazy. But she had no choice.

The gag came off, and Eve was aware that Adam had laid the tape down as if he might want it again. The large rubber thing that had filled Eve's mouth was also put down in reach.

But before it went down Adam laughed. 'Jeez! Looks like a man's dick, see?' Adam held the gag up close to Eve's face. She tried to pull her head back into the bed to focus on it. It was indeed shaped like the head of a male penis and it had been in her mouth for hours. Eve felt both sick and intrigued. Where did people get these things from?

Adam had the water up to Eve's face. 'Sip now,' said the boy.

Eve sipped gratefully. When she finished she asked, in a whisper: 'Adam, you gonna untie me?'

'Hmmm, Gotta think about that.'

For an instant Eve wanted to bawl at her older brother but she thought better of it. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the black rubber gag, glistening with her saliva. Adam would use it again, she knew. One thing she had learned over the years was that if Adam threatened something, he'd do it.

'I didn't do this to myself,' Eve whispered with as much urgency as she could get into her hushed voice. 'A man invaded our home. He did this to me. I came back from Melanie's early and he was here. You have to untie me now.'

'I don't have to do anything,' said Adam. 'I'm in charge now, and I like it.'

'Please Adam! You don't know what it's like, being tied up for so long. It hurts.'

'Tough. You shouldn't have been here. This invader guy, he found you here, right? But you were supposed to be at Melanie's. Far as I can see it' sall your fault.' The teenager paused. 'Anyhow, there's nothing broken or missing downstairs. No one's called the police. The guy who did this... he just like broke in to tie you up?'

Eve shook her head. 'I don't know who he was or why he did it.'

'And you want me to believe that this man went to all this trouble to get you tied up, right up here on a bed and you with that short skirt on and didn't try to do anything?'

'No...' Eve gulped, understanding the point. 'He didn't touch me.'

Adam pursed his lips. 'So he broke in here, tied you up, left you alone but didn't steal anything? Wow, that's one fucked up crazy guy.' He looked at his sister's slim body, stretched out and legs open. He moved his head to get a better view of his sister's pants. 'Yellow. Hmmm, like 'em,' he said.

Eve shivered. This wasn't much of a rescue. She also didn't appreciate her brother looking at her panties the way he was.

'So he didn't do anything to you? Shit, can't believe he didn't want to, y'know, explore you.' The boy sniggered and Eve shuddered again.

'I think maybe he heard something and got scared off, before he could...' Eve was scared to say the word.

'Yeah, rape you.' Another short laugh. 'But it's real weird.'

Eve could tell Adam didn't believe her. 'I don't know why he did all this. Listen Adam, I'll do anything for you. Just untie me. Please. I'll be good and not shout out.'

'Hmmm. I said I have to think about it.'

'What?' Eve's outburst was louder than a whisper.

Without a word of warning Adam scooped up the penis gag and wedged it into his sister's mouth. He didn't buckle it closed but stuck the duct tape over the girl's face to seal the thick shape in the teen's mouth. Only then did he fumble for the buckle and fasten it tight.

'I said for you to keep quiet, bitch,' snapped Adam.

Eve stared up, blinking in fear. Adam was like someone possessed. She'd never been called bitch before by her brother. But then she'd never been bound and gagged before.

To Eve's horror, Adam picked up the half-finished glass of water, lifted back the hem of sister's skirt and poured the cold water on her crotch.

'Oh look you've peed yourself, Eez,' smirked Adam.

The effect on a terrified Eve was too much. The cold water splashing on her crotch and the fact she had desperately being trying not to pee for so many hours caused her system to rebel. A stream of urine erupted from her, spraying through the taut crotch of her yellow pants and leaving a puddle on the mattress.

'Ugh, gross! You have really peed yourself now,' snorted Adam, his face wrinkled as he watched his sister wet herself. 'Still, that's your problem.'

With a laugh Adam turned to go. He stopped and looked back. 'I haven't decided what I'm going to do with you but I am going to have some fuckin' fun with you. I may come and release you later, so you'd better be good.'

Tears filled Eve's eyes as she nodded. She was hurt and humiliated and scared.

Adam left the room, closing the door behind him. There was even a click as the lock was turned. Eve groaned into her gag: the door had a lock and the key was always left in the door. Well, probably not now.

In the dark, Eve lay still and felt the wet on the bed and the top of her legs cooling. She shivered. She was tired and scared and no one knew where she was. And those that did know, didn't want to help her.


Somehow, Eve managed to doze and drop into a fitful sleep. Her back was hurting from being confined to one position but the bed, apart from the damp round her ass, wasn't too uncomfortable. She woke suddenly, feeling a hand on her.

'Mom! Dad!' She grunted. But it was neither. Adam was bending over her, silhouetted in a small amount of light from the open door.

'My, you look so pretty asleep I almost didn't want to wake you,' Adam was grinning. 'But I thought I'd stop by to tell you what I've decided.'

Eve groaned. This was, she knew, no rescue. She shook her head to clear the thickness in it.

'Okay, Eez. The plan is this.' Adam leaned close and was speaking quietly. 'You become my little bondage slave and don't tell anyone what we do or what I want and you get to be free.'

Eve blinked at her brother. What was he saying? That he'd keep her like this if she didn't?

'Oh yeah, and I've already done something for you. I told Mom and Dad you'd called from Melanie's and you were okay.'

'I'm not okay,' grumbled Eve.

'I kinda like the idea of a personal slave,' Adam chuckled, ignoring the strange sounds from his sister. 'You know, someone to do things for me, wash me, do the things I don't wanna do. Homework, dishes... I'm sure we can come to some agreement. Uh, well, I mean we agree you do what I want!'

The bound girl shook her head. Not in rejection but that her brother was being so casually cruel. That he had thought all this out.

'You sayin' no to me?' Adam's face hardened.

Eve shrugged, trying to show she wasn't in a position to refuse anything but she wasn't happy about anything to do with this.

'Eez, it's the middle of the night and I have to get your agreement,' sighed Adam. 'I guess I could leave you longer than tomorrow. I can always say you've decided to stay longer at Melanie's. There's no school and mom and pop won't care too much you're out at your friends. Oh, and I bribe Melanie to just say you were there all the time if anyone asks.'

Adam laughed gently at the look on his bound sister's face. 'Oh, not so much a bribe. Just a promise not to tell anyone what she and Tommy Forrester have been doing after school. You know Tommy, right? Seems he's been plying her with some dope and she's taken to it real well. Fucks for it, apparently.'

Eve's eyes opened in amazement. She didn't know her friend was smoking pot and screwing a boy three years older than her.

'Listen sis,' Adam laughed. 'You have no idea what some of your skanky friends get up to. So I got a hold on Melanie and she'll say whatever I want her to. In fact, she could be kinda useful.'

'No!' Eve made an urgent squeal.

Adam's reaction was to grab his sister's nose and pinch it closed. 'Be quiet,' he hissed. 'I could hold on here and you'd die from lack of air. Think of that before you make any loud noise again. Okay?'

Wide-eyed in terror, Eve managed to nod. Thankfully Adam let go and the bound girl sucked in air through her nose.

'You are mine, okay? You do what I want and it will be much better for you.' Adam paused and smiled slowly. 'And Melanie. Or even your friend Louise.'

Eve gave a strangled groan.

'Oh I know what you and she do. You think I don't know you been sneaking kisses in your room? Two little lezzies with hands up your shirts and skirts?' Suddenly Adam gave a laugh. 'Yeah, stupid of me not to realize... that's why you came home from Melanie's early. You were going to call Louise and get her to come over. No one in the house, right? Was she gonna have a sleepover here?'

Eve's eyes filled with tears. How could her brother know? They'd been so careful, her and Louise.

Adam was touching Eve's satin white bra strap. 'Such a lovely bra. Does Louise like it? Oh, sure, it's new. Tonight would've been the first night she got her hands inside it, right? Like this, huh?' Without warning Adam plunged his hand down inside her sister's top, down inside the lace cup of the bra, squeezing Eve's small but pert boob.

The bound girl squealed as her brother's hand closed over the soft flesh. Not in pain but in shock: it was one thing to invite cute girl like Louise to feel her up, quite another to be handled without warning by her brother.

'Oh you make such a fuss,' snorted Adam. 'Anyone'd think you haven't been felt before. Oh, yeah, and here too!' Another sudden movement by Adam caught Eve unaware. The boy's free hand shot down to Eve's sopping wet crotch and pawed at the wet fabric stretched over her pussy. 'Like me to finger you, Eez? Or is this reserved for sweet little Lou-Lou?'

Eve groaned. Lou-Lou was her secret name for Louise. How could Adam know that? The trussed girl glared up at her brother, who was laughing.

'You catch on real slow, sis. You thought just because I dated her a couple of times I'd stop seeing her. Maybe 'cos she a lezzie she wasn't interested in boys. Well, that idea's a no-no.' She was enjoying herself. 'A no-no for Lou-Lou!'

Slowly, Adam's hand snaked down inside Eve's pants. His fingers closed on Eve's mound, one stroking at her small but surprisingly hard clit. 'Yecchh! So cold and pissy in here. Really should control yourself Eez.' he laughed. 'But hey, this little clitty here sure seems hard to me. You getting off on bondage, sis?'

'No!' yelped Eve into her gag. She wriggled and twisted as far as the ropes would let her but Adam wasn't going to be put off. His fingers slid into her, working inside her.

'Cool. You feel so good, so slick, Eez. Gotta say I can see what Lou-Lou likes in here.' The boy's hands were working harder, one on his sister's breast, the other pushing up deeper into her. Did he know about the G-spot? Hell, if he didn't he had found it so easily.

Eve struggled, but her resistance was melting. That was what she was fighting against, not the way he was handling her but the way her brother was making her submit. She hated all this in one way but there was something so electrifying about what he was doing. Eve was ashamed and aroused.

She knew, in the fog of despair there was a bright fire of lust. Louise had been gentle and kind and slow and cautious. The girl was good, fingering Eve's cunny carefully. They'd only done it a few times but she'd looked forward to it. Yet this overshadowed all that. This was different. More urgent, more brutal.

Eve hated she was being turned on by her brother's rough, careless handling. She hated the sensation that was building so relentlessly in her. She loathed the fact that gentleness was fine, but brutality was better. She begged into her gag not to be aroused like this, not to be made to cum so easily. She fought as much as her bonds allowed. But she knew with a sinking feeling she was fighting to get her legs wider apart, so her brother could savage her hot, wet cavern. She was bucking her hips not to fend him off but to let him in.

'Fuck me,' Eve moaned into her gag. 'Fuck me hard.'

She was astonished she said that. She'd never been fucked, only fingered. And that by a girl.

'Be quiet,' growled Adam. If he understood her pleas he was ignoring them. But passionately, not dispassionately. The boy's cock was hard: Eve saw it as he suddenly let go of his sister and stood to reveal himself - his straight and hard cock waving above her. The light caught a drop of pre-cum at the tip of his dick.

Eve moaned, both in frustration at not being handled as she had been and in fear at what was to come. Fear and excitement, fused into one crazy emotion. She felt the crotch of her sopping pants being eased aside, the boy on top of her. Eve knew she was about to be fucked, and hoped it would be hard.

Adam's cock found its way into that slick, welcoming place. Oh sure, Eve struggled, but now she knew it was to excite the boy. He'd want to fuck the girl hard - harder - if she fought him. Eve understood that her brother would ride her and be thrilled to spear her as he did so. Drilling into her, making her submit.

'Fuck me more!' Eve screamed into her gag. Even though no intelligible sounds slipped out the boy clamped his hand over his sister's lower face, more to almost seal off her air supply. She fought and kicked harder and he dutifully fucked the girl harder. Eve was struggling for breath, electrified by this brutal sex.

Adam grunted triumphantly as he drove into the girl, until within moments he gasped, held himself rigid and Eve felt something change inside her. She knew the boy was cumming, filling her with his scalding semen.

'Don't stop,' the girl implored. But Adam had stopped.

'Fuck,' groaned the bound girl. So close to an orgasm.


Mr Apple, Melanie's father, examined the device he had provided Adam with so he could watch is sister from his room. Spy on the girl and what she got up, mostly watching her get dressed, undressed, play with herself. Or entertain Lou-Lou - which entertained Adam enormously.

'Enjoying this?' asked the man, with a smile. He gestured partly at at the small TV screen, knowing that from where Adam was lying he couldn't see it properly, and partly at the bound boy.

The boy made a strange sound, muffled his gag. He had enjoyed watching the TV images of his sister and her little lesbian lover - and really enjoyed fucking his tied up sister. But being tied like this, face down on his bed with a cushion under his hips to lift his butt so invitingly?

No, that wasn't as much fun. And would be less fun too when Mr Apple got going on him.

But that was part of the agreement and Adam understood the conditions. The spy camera and monitor in return for being assfucked.

His sister bound and gagged in return for allowing the man to pump his cum down the boy's throat.

And the man playing the part of the home invader and capturing Eve, in return for whipping Adam's cute, firm ass.

It was, as Mr Apple liked to say, a "win-win" situation. Everyone got to win.

The man slipped his hard cock out and stroked it, where Adam could see it. In a short time, they both knew, Mr Apple would mount the naked boy's rear and fuck him, then slip it out while still hard and having ripped the boy's tape gag off slide it into his mouth.

Adam would taste himself before the man jetted his cum down the boy's throat.

The man smiled at the prospect as he stroked faster, enjoying the boy's wide-eyed stare from where he lay helpless.

But that's what comes with having a bite of Mr Apple in Eden.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Please, 'Q', you're a better writer than this! I always wonder if I want to continue reading a story when the following type of error shows up. In your summary you state 'Teenager Adam and pre-teen Eve...', showing that he is OLDER than she is. Then you write, 'Adam, eyes wide as he stared at his older sister. Older by just fourteen months, but older.' So just who the hell is the older one?

Anyway, that's where I sit, stopped at that error and wondering if I should put in the time to finish reading or just move on. An author should want to make me crave to read more instead of quitting near the beginning.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.