Published: 28-Jan-2012
Word Count:
There was no choice, when it was explained to the little girl's parents. Child Restraint meant just what it said.
It would be embarrassing, painful, humiliating and more. But that couldn't be helped. It was the law of the island: the sentence for a child caught stealing. The alternative was three months in a child correction hostel on a small island.
For a family on vacation seeing their daughter locked up for so long was out of the question, so it was better to get this over and done with and go home.
Mr and Mrs Davison, for all their outrage and shock at the court's verdict, simply had to accept their ten year old daughter had to be paraded naked and restrained until the plane took them home.
The flight was on Thursday, three days away. Three long days of Georgette having to wear chains and a gag, her thin body with its budding breasts, prominent little nipples and deep, dark cleft at the vee of her legs, parading round the island for all to see.
Unable to put her hands over her slit, not with her hands cuffed behind her.
Unable to run away, not with her short ankle chain.
Unable to complain that people were staring at her, not with the ball gag strapped in her mouth.
Unable to do anything but be seen helpless and admired or taunted, consoled or abused.
Ten year old Georgette Davison had stolen, or been caught in the act of stealing, a gold bracelet from a store near the family's hotel. She admitted it though the evidence was there even if she denied it. No question of her guilt.
Therefore the verdict, said the judge, was a set of bracelets for the child. Steel bracelets at wrists and ankles with a steel collar at her slim neck. With a chain dangling from the collar so her parents could lead the child round the main town of Port Gunning for three days.
It was the law and all the protestations of the girl's mother and father could not stop justice being done - and being seen to be done, said the judge. It didn't even matter they had only been on the island for their vacation for just two days before Georgette tried to steal the bracelet.
It certainly didn't matter that they didn't know the law relating to children could be so strict, even if the judge called it "an act of contrition" rather than punishment.
Jeff and Charlene Davison had been left standing in the courtroom while their daughter, sobbing, was taken away by the female police officer charged with the child's welfare and restraint. Taken by Officer Jessica Stovell into another room and undressed, told to be still while her light summer dress was unbuttoned, the child's pure white panties slid down her legs, her white ankle socks and sandals removed.
The naked ten year old was crying, saying she was sorry, she wouldn't do it again.
'I know, honey,' soothed the big woman police officer. 'Now stand here and I'll get yo' chained up real nice.'
It wasn't cold in the room. It never was at this time of year on the Caribbean island. But Georgette had stood shivering while Officer Stovell slipped the one wrist cuff on the child, pulling her thin arms behind her and closing the lock on the other cuff with that clear, sharp click.
'Oh!' gasped Georgette as the cold steel encircled her wrists. Of course she tried to pull them off: she'd never been chained or tied before. A natural reaction, and officer Stovell waited patiently for the child to realize she couldn't get them off.
'Please,' said the girl as she twisted her cuffed wrists behind her, 'they hurt.'
'Only if yo' go an' fight them, child,' said the woman. 'Jus' be still and they won't.'
Georgette Davison cried and tried harder to get them off, sniffing back the tears when she eventually stopped fighting them. Then a different ploy: 'Please ma'am, take them off... I need to scratch my nose.'
The police officer smiled but shook her head. It was part of the contrition, she knew. All those little itches that need scratched - the sort of thing you do twenty times a day and never notice - would just be there now to torment the girl. Unless of course her parents knew and would do it for her, but how could she tell them when she had the gag in?
'Now yo' legs,' said the big woman. She was holding cuffs, like the ones on Georgette's wrists. The girl looked at them warily but didn't kick or struggle as the Sergeant snapped the two locks closed, leaving eight inches of steel chain swinging between the girl's ankles. 'Don't try to run, honeychild,' the woman advised. 'Eight inches don't allow yo' to even walk proper.'
The woman was right. Georgette was allowed to test them, see how fast she could walk round the room. At once the child half-stumbled, unable to believe how short her stride was. She staggered on, gradually accepting that her progress would be slow and awkward. There was an art to walking with ankle chains on, a kind of exaggerated side and forward swing of each leg. You couldn't hesitate - you had to develop a rhythm. Georgette hadn't learned that yet but the officer knew she would by the time three days was up.
The Sergeant showed the girl the collar. Steel, of course, but lined with leather. 'So it won't chafe that pretty little neck of yo's,' smiled the woman holding it open, the small padlock at the back and a ring set into the front.
Georgette had never been collared before. She gulped loudly as it was closed round her neck. It was heavier than it looked and pressed own on to her young shoulders, cold and sharp edged. 'Take it off, please,' she wailed. 'I can't breathe!'
'Nonsense. You're panicking, that's all child. See, it's loose. Can you feel my finger here?' The officer ran her forefinger inside the collar, demonstrating how it didn't quite touch the girl's neck. Large enough not to press on the child's throat but too small for anyone to get it over her head. 'Jus' be calm and it will be fine. It's only for three days.'
Three days! Georgette gave a cry of despair. If Sergeant Stovell didn't have to do this as a job she might just have felt a twinge of sorrow for the child. But this girl - this rich little spoilt white girl who thought she could simply take what didn't belong to her - was a criminal. A young criminal perhaps but if you didn't punish them young they would get worse, stealing more, lying more.
Prevention was better than cure. Restraint better than regret.
But there was something else: like so many people on the island Sergeant Stovell liked seeing girls naked and chained. Boys too when they got into trouble. And, if she could admit it, there was something satisfying about a naked white girl exposed to the hot sun as well as the public gaze.
Sergeant Stovell wasn't cruel but she did feel a swell of sexual excitement whenever she did this to a child. It was even better when they were as pretty as Georgette Davison and looked especially helpless and tearful. Sergeant Stovell felt her cunt get hotter and wetter as she regarded the sniveling child, hands fastened behind her and ankle chain taut. She would have to do something soon about that volcano bubbling in her pants.
In some cases the officer might have felt there was enough chains on the child. She'd simply gag her and let her go back to her parents and out into the island. But Sergeant Stovell was feeling especially dutiful with this one. It was the restraining officer's task to make the decision on how many chains, what weight, how long the ankle chains should be. Well, the ankle chain was shorter than usual for a ten year old, the collar slightly heavier. Now she felt that her duty wasn't done until she connected the child's collar to her ankles with a length of chain that would, if the exact right length, pull the eight inch ankle chain up a little. Georgette would have to take even smaller steps, the woman grinned to herself.
The child was shivering still as she was told to stand still in front of the woman, back to her. The selected chain was attached to the padlock at the back of the collar and dropped to the ankle chain. 'Move your feet closer together, child,' ordered the woman and Georgette reluctantly did so. The officer tugged her ankle chain up so it met the last link in the descending chain and threaded a small padlock through both chains.
Georgette, not surprisingly, gurgled as the chain immediately tugged her collar backwards, making the front lift and press into her throat. 'Oh, p-please,' she sobbed. 'It really does hurt now!'
'I can do something to help,' said the woman. For a moment hope flickered in the girl that the woman would take pity on her and release the chains. It was a brief hope soon extinguished. Sergeant Stovell took another small padlock and threaded it through a link between the ten year old's shoulder blades and lifted the girl's cuffed wrists high so she could slip it through the center link in the cuffs. In a second, Georgette knew it helped in a worse way. Her hands were dragged high up her back, pushing her naked chest out and making her elbows jut out on either side. Like a lil' chick, laughed the police woman.
'Ow. Ow!' Georgette wailed, fresh tears rolling down her flushed cheeks.
'That don't hurt none,' snorted the officer. 'An' it will help if you relax. I did this so you can take the pressing off yo' neck, see?' To demonstrate the sergeant took hold of one of the girl's wrists and moved it up a half inch. The chain to the ankles tightened but the chain to the collar slackened. The steel band no longer pressed into Georgette's neck.
'See?' continued the officer. 'If you will jus' hold up your hands it's easier on the neck. No pullin' down.'
'B-but,' objected the distressed girl, already starting to feel the pressure on her shoulders and upper arms. 'I can't keep my hands up here all the time!'
'You'll get used to it, honeychile. Jus' relax and from time to time simply let your hands drop. Yo' neck can take a little tuggin' for a while.'
The woman came to front of the chained girl. She had a tissue out and wiped the tears of the girl's wet cheeks. 'Don' go upsettin' you'self,' smiled Sergeant Stovell. 'It ain't too bad. I chained lots of girls like yo', all sweet and pretty in their bracelets.' She smirked at this. Caught trying to steal gold bracelets from the jewelry store near the hotel was a common source of tourist child restraint.
'Please, ma'am,' blubbered the girl, rattling the chains with a little gesture. 'Not these... I will be good. I promise.'
'Oh sure, yo'll be good. That's why yo' got your chains on.' She paused and wiped away another little flood of tears, wiped away the snot that ran from Georgette's cute snub nose. 'Try to smile when yo' get out there. In Port Gunning we like our kiddies to look real happy!'
The ten year old felt far from being happy. Her gloom deepened when the Sergeant said: 'An' honeychild, I gotta gag you soon.'
'Uh, a gag?' If terror wasn't in the girl's voice before it certainly was now.
'That's right. Yo' know what that is.' The big police officer reached over to a table by her side and picked up a black rubber ball on a leather strap, a small padlock at the back. 'This is a real beauty. Goes right in that pretty little mouth of yo's. All tight an' snuggly. Surely, no one can take it out unless they come to me for the key.'
'Y-you mustn't! I -I can't wear that.' Georgette gulped as the rubber ball dangled before her wide open eyes.
'Will in a few minutes.' The woman glanced at the clock on the wall, dropping the ball back on the table. 'I jus' got time to enjoy you.'
Sergeant Stovell grinned and began to unfasten her police uniform shirt, slowly revealing her huge bust, her full boobs straining the surprisingly lacy bra that held them in. Georgette stared open mouthed as the woman peeled the shirt back and then undid the hook between her breasts that kept the bra in place. The two stretched white lace cups fell away to expose her large, round breasts with saucer-like red-brown nipples already hard with excitement.
Without a word the officer pulled the girl to her, pressing the girl's still open mouth hard on to the woman's left breast, nipple into Georgette's mouth. She would have objected but for the sheer volume of tit in her mouth, the large nipple on her tongue.
Above the girl Sergeant Stovell sighed. 'Yo' know, honeychild, this here's the best gag I ever did know. A mouthful of this momma's boobs and the lil' girls jus' don't cry out.' Big fat arms round the girl, she pulled Georgette even closer if that was possible, mashing the child's still snot-dripping nose into the massive mammary too.
Georgette panicked, splurting out snot to try and get her breath. The woman's grip was like iron.
The officer said: 'Now sweetie, jus' go and suck and lick, like yo' were my baby. Then yo' can breathe some.'
Georgette, tears filling her eyes, her heart pounding in desperation and mucus running down the big tit, began to suck and lick. The woman released her grip, Georgette gulped in air and then the embrace re-tightened. More licking and sucking, another all too brief release.
And so it went on for ten minutes until the woman sighed: 'That's sure enough on that one. Now ma other baby.' The child was pushed across and another ten minutes of breath control sucking took place. Suddenly, the woman - who had forgotten the girl needed to breathe causing Georgette to suck even more frantically - gave a loud shout and trembled into a series of little jerks and cries.
Air came back to the girl with a rush. Released, Georgette staggered back, gulping oxygen. She was shaking and scared but glad to be alive - and she had clean forgotten how her body felt crushed and her arms hurt in all this.
'Aaah,' said the woman as she recovered from her orgasm. 'Ma big tits sho' make the best gags of all. If I had my way, you'd be strapped to my chest all day!' She laughed at the idea, and then picked up the real gag.
'No, Please! I'll suck again if you don't ga-' Georgette managed to gasp before the ball gag went in.
'There now,' laughed Sergeant Stovell, closing the padlock.
'Ummth! Mmmth!' was the clearest thing the girl could say.
Silence fell. Georgette stood sobbing as best she could but utterly beaten. The final chain was added: a two foot long chain that hung from the collar ring down her naked front. 'This is yo' leash,' said the police woman giving it a tug that made the girl almost fall over. 'I know yo' mommy will be leading you round on this.' She grinned as showed the girl the padlock on the dangling end. 'This goes locked on yo' mammy's wrist, so she stays close to her sweet kiddie all the time.'
Georgette stood and watched the police woman get dressed, simply standing helpless and humiliated. Not fighting her chains, not protesting into her gag.
It would be hard to imagine a more surprised looking set of parents in the courtroom, waiting for their daughter to return. The court and the attorney might have explained the girl would be chained but neither Jeff Davison or his wife Charlene even remotely considered how much their daughter would be chained.
The two adults simply stared, open mouthed and dumbstruck as Georgette was led back in by Sergeant Stovell, holding the leash chain.
They were allowed to recover their voices in their own time, and it was Jeff who found his first. 'You can't do this,' he croaked, looking at his daughter standing like some little chick in her chains before them, gag distending her jaws, eyes red from crying. More than that, her hair-free slit and little but obvious breast bumps with their hard nipples on full show. But he didn't say anything more and half turned away with face burning, not in shame but to cover the sudden erection that threatened to tear his shorts aside.
'We can do this and have,' said the white-haired old judge. 'It is the law and you agreed to this contrition rather than three months of confinement for your daughter at the youth correction center on Seamen's Island.'
Charlene finally found her voice at full volume. 'You fucking bastard! You lying, cheating no good pile of shit!' she screeched at the judge. 'This isn't what I wanted! How can you do this after what I went through!'
The judge sighed. Tourists were so important to the island but they could be so loud, so ungrateful. This one wasn't even making sense. 'Sergeant Stovell,' he intoned, 'I find the child's mother in contempt of court and she will be lock gagged for the duration of her stay.'
Sergeant Stovell must have been expecting this. She was carrying a second ball gag with padlock attached and stepped forward smartly. She was stronger than Charlene and soon had the gag in the struggling mother's mouth, instantly cutting off the stream of filthy language and crude statements about the judge's sexuality.
Jeff, ashamed at his arousal at seeing his only daughter bared and restrained, half turned to watch his wife being gagged. Wisely, he said nothing but he did think that Charlene was always too goddamn loudmouthed.
The gag was bigger than Georgette's, designed to stop a mature woman screaming. There was a series of muffled noises from Charlene, who tried briefly to tear the gag away. But she was, mostly, a sensible woman and gave up clawing at the strap when she understood it wouldn't come out.
'You will wear that gag for the time you remain on the island,' said the judge to the subdued woman. 'Now, Sergeant, please attach the child's leash chain to the mother's wrist.'
Charlene blinked back the tears as she held her hand out, allowing the officer to close the lock on the end of her child's leash chain on her wrist.
Jeff colored up as he felt his cock surge again. His wife gagged and his daughter chained and gagged and naked, and better still they were attached by a chain. It was so wonderfully erotic he thought he would explode in his pants then and there.
'Mr Davison,' said the judge sternly, trying not to look at the man's eyes and not his bulging shorts. It was, after all, a common reaction but he wished to move on and there was no need to humiliate the man. 'You will see that your wife leads your daughter at all times. Where your wife goes, bathroom or restaurant or beach or bed, Georgette must follow. Embarrassing perhaps but necessary. Your child cannot attend to her bodily needs easily so requires assistance. Alas, your good wife's outburst has earned her several days silence for contempt. This will make communication difficult but not impossible.' He paused. 'The gags come out only at meal time and only I regret one at a time. You must seek out Sergeant Stovell for the keys.'
'Uh, what happens when we leave on Thursday, your honor,' Jeff managed to say, knowing everyone else was staring at the woodie in his pants, most of them amused. Only Charlene and his daughter looked horrified.
'At the airport, one hour before departure, the Sergeant will remove all chains and gags and allow your daughter to dress and leave. In the meantime you and your wife must parade your chained, silenced and naked daughter on the island as a warning to all others. You may not leave the island before your flight home.' He stood to leave. 'Good day sir, and good luck to you and your family.'
Georgette found it hard, walking with the chain round her ankles, down the steps of the island's courthouse. The girl was shivering and not because she was cold - the midday temperature in this part of the world suggested more people would like to go naked if they could. But understandably Georgette was nervous and more than a little scared. It wasn't just that she'd never been chained or even bound before but the weight of the chains, the way they swung as she walked slowly made the girl feel strange inside.
It was feeling she'd never had before and she didn't understand it. And of course, she couldn't ask.
There were people ahead, at the bottom of the stone steps, gathering and looking and pointing. The girl was sure they could see everything!
She wished her hands had been manacled in front of her rather than behind so she might hide her nakedness a little. Her bare front was completely exposed and she felt everyone could see into her whole being. She even imagined that her deepest secret, that she had this crush on her grade teacher, Miss Donovan, would be revealed for everyone to see.
So many people looking! They'd know that the girl really wished when she grew up that somehow she could marry Miss Donovan. That Miss Donovan might secretly have this special cock-cunny and make Georgette have babies. The girl wasn't quite sure how that would happen, but she dreamt of it most nights. As she thought of it now, the sensation she didn't understand twitching in her little warm slit.
Maybe Miss Donovan would suddenly appear before her, on vacation in Port Gunning, seeing Georgette like this and smiling at her. Smiling as if she wanted to marry her student right here and now and not take her gag out except so Georgette could say 'I do and I will'. Not remove the chains until Georgette was very pregnant.
And Georgette would grow these big boobs, like Sergeant Stovell and -
The spasm instantly got stronger. Georgette blushed. Her mom and dad, despite being consumed by their own shame, may have noticed and thought their daughter was ashamed too. They wouldn't know it was because she was thinking something crazy-but-nice, not just having her hairless slit and budding boob chest on full view to anyone who cared to look.
Even the thought of her own mom standing in the church, gagged and cuffed to her daughter like she was now while the child was saying her vows, looking up at Miss Donovan with love in her eyes, made the twitch become a jolt. She stopped walking at this new feeling, so delicious and hot.
A tug from the leash chain made Georgette walk on, her legs shaky. Ahead, among the faces of all colors, she tried to see if Miss Donovan was somehow there, maybe dressed in a skimpy bikini top and tight shorts, smiling up at the chained girl.
Or a rescue! That was it - Miss Donovan would dash through the crowd, carrying Georgette off over her shoulder. She'd have a key for the gag so she could give the child the best kiss ever and say 'I love you, little chick'. Georgette trembled with pleasure at the thought and walked down the steps behind her mom towards the crowd.
For Jeff the walk down the steps was embarrassing. Not because of his wife and daughter as they were - he liked how they looked and he could guarantee the crowds waiting for them liked it too, but his cock was so hard. He held his hand loosely in front of himself hoping to hide his erection a little, hoping that everyone's eyes would be on his naked daughter. Or even on his gagged wife rather than his crotch.
Yet again he glanced at his naked daughter, at the way her small titted chest pushed forward, the way her chains rattled as she struggled to walk. His cock was ready to shoot and he licked his lips. Was it against the law here to just jerk off on the stone steps? Wasn't that what half the men ahead of them were doing already?
Jeff couldn't believe his dick had stayed so hard for so long. But he'd never seen anything like this. Sure, he'd surfed the internet for porn, especially for bound and gagged young females. It was hard finding the ones of little girls trussed up. So he made do with the photos of young women, dressed in flared little pink and white dresses with lace trim, hair in bunches, who looked like busty fourteen year olds. They weren't, as he knew, any younger than 18. Probably older, many of them. But he liked the little girl look. The freckle faced innocence. The big pleading eyes and the ropes wrapped tight round their swollen tits.
And how often had he masturbated in the shower, thinking about his wife dressed like a naughty little school girl, bound bent over a desk, her short skirt up and her plain cotton panties pulled down so you could see all of the cane marks on her big, smooth ass cheeks? Gagged, of course, so when she was punished again she couldn't complain. Or beg for mercy. Or even ask to be caned more, his naked and chained daughter watching silently and -
He halted for a moment as he walked down, aware that his daughter had also stopped for a reason. He was sure if he didn't halt this line of thought he'd have to flip his dick out and shoot his load all over the courthouse steps, laws or no laws.
Jeff gulped and glanced again at Georgette, who had a distant look in her eyes, like she was dreaming. Like she didn't care about the noise from the crowd, the pointing, the laughing. He looked at his wife, sure she was struggling too. But she'd halted too and he couldn't be sure but weren't her nipples looking harder, more prominent, through her thin t-shirt?
Charlene stood on the steps with the eager crowd before her and remembered, more vividly than ever before.
It had been years since Charlene had worn a gag. It was before she met Jeff, well before they married. One of those stupid sorority hazes at college, when the joined The Buttercup Club. Not one of those Greek letter things like Kappa Sigma whatever, but a real club with them all sworn to secrecy - and you couldn't let a secret out if you were gagged, they said.
Missy Fran, the girl who was the head of the Buttercup sorority, put the gag in Charlene's mouth while the other girls held her hands and ankles. Then they put the new girl in the bath, hands cuffed to the faucets above her head. Several of the girls sat over the tub, panties down and bare asses hanging over her, and peed. The streams of urine coursed over the silenced but horrified teenager, soaking her clothes, drenching through to her underwear, splashing up in her face and hair.
Charlene cried and kicked and struggled, aware that under her rapidly soaking skirt and slip her stockinged legs were rasping together, the pressure building as she squeezed and twitched, building on her burning cunt. The girls who emptied themselves were replaced by others, laughing with their panties down. How much had they drunk to do all this? There were gallons of the yellow, stinking piss just for her.
And more came, more giggling girls. They all came to pee on the newcomer with their piss burning hot yellow and smelling so strong.
Then there were no more naked butts, no more open legs over her so she could see hairy - and trimmed and even shaved - cunts inches above her. They left her alone, lying in the deep puddle of urine. Charlene had lain unable to speak, unable to tell the rest of the sorority that she had cum while the fourth wave had pissed on her.
The young woman was deeply ashamed and hopelessly aroused.
But then she was angry later. The Buttercup Club - she now understood the Butt part - was broken up by the college. She was angry because she never got to be one of the girls who pissed on a newcomer. She never looked down to see a pretty looking cuffed and gagged girl struggling in the bath, ready for her strong yellow piss to pour down.
Seeing her daughter naked like like this and gagged had somehow stirred the one memory Charlene tried so hard to deny, the part of her she hated and loved. It had stirred something deep in Charlene and that was why she had shouted at the judge. That was why she wanted to say, among the abuse over Georgette, do you know what it's like to be gagged and helpless while people piss on you and won't let you use your fingers to cum?
She wanted to ask the man did he know what it's like to sneak into the bathroom when everyone is asleep and gag yourself with your panties and lie in the bath in warm water, peeing yourself in your clothes, trying to feel between your legs, trying to get that same high you felt back then?
Being ashamed for what you did, for what aroused you so wantonly?
It hadn't been about Georgette, and Charlene knew it. Her nipples, as they always did when she remembered the initiation, were hard. Looking down she could tell.
The gag felt good, too. Filling her mouth like the ones the sorority used on her. Waterproof, so the piss didn't soak in, the way her delicate panties did when she peed on them secretly and lifted the sopping wet lace trimmed fabric to her mouth before she lay in the bath and rasped her stockinged legs together.
As she stood next to her naked daughter and flushed, erect husband on the steps Charlene suddenly felt better gagged like this. She realized didn't have to talk, didn't have to justify anything or explain herself. For three days she knew she could be herself, even play with herself in the tub without worrying about finding something to gag herself with.
And silenced like this she didn't have to worry she might let her greatest secret slip out unguarded.
The crowd parted and fell in behind the family as they walked slowly, a mix of locals and tourists, all curious and all animated. They were good natured, laughing and suggesting things to do with two gagged females and a rock hard father. In the space of one block - moving as slowly as they did - Jeff and his wife and even his daughter heard a thousand lewd suggestions.
Georgette blinked and wondered what "fellatio" meant, or "reaming" or "hogtie". She had no idea why "scissoring" was so important or what "butt plugs" were used for. And were words like was "lashing" and "fisting" really to do with fighting?
She wondered why so many wanted her tied in different ways, chained to things, strapped to chairs and wire bound to everything and anything. More chains, some said. No, heavier chains said others. A bigger gag was needed - or a ring gag or a bit gag or even a penis gag, whatever they were. She looked up at father, noting how he seemed entranced by all this talk, wondering why he didn't object when women tried to kiss him or touch that hard thing in his shorts.
She looked at her mother and wondered why she didn't push all the hands away - men or women and even teenagers - that tried to fondle her boobs, pinch her ass or slip a hand between her thighs.
Georgette wondered why so many hands reached for the child. They stroked her hair, squeezed her cute little ass (that was what so many said as they did it) and, most puzzling of all, caressed her small, hard nipples when she patently did not have anything but small bumps. Her small but growing boobs. She understood of course that boys liked to feel girls up - it happened often at school - but everyone was doing it here. Youngsters, adults, old people. Both male and female as if she had something up top like her mom with her hard, prominent nipples.
But then, if she looked down (and that wasn't comfortable with the collar unless she got her hands higher up her back) she could see her own small nipples had hardened. It even felt nice if someone gave them a little pinch, not too hard.
She hoped one or two of the hands feeling her, pinching her would be Miss Donovan's. But even though the girl looked anxiously around, her future partner wasn't there at the moment.
The child wriggled a little. Some people tried to spank her butt, as they spanked her mom and dad's ass. A slap or two, often quite hard. Sometimes hard enough to make her jump and squeal into her gag - but it began to spread a warm glow on her naked rear.
Cameras were clicking, video cameras recording. They were trying most of all to get good shots of Georgette and sometimes her mother's face. People were saying: 'stop, hug each other like a family,' or 'stand right there and hold the kid's leash chain up.' More than a few suggested the mother or father should spank the child's ass for them and for the camera.
It was dizzying and hot and oddly exciting, and they were still three blocks from the hotel.
In the cool of the bedroom, Georgette's father said it out loud. 'This is incredible! We're famous, don't you see? They like us, they want us to be with them.'
Charlene looked flushed with something other than the sun from the slow walk back. Her eyes gleamed and she nodded, bringing her hands up to her chest feel how hard her nipples were, not caring who saw her grope herself. She would have moaned too, if it hadn't been for her gag.
'I love this,' confessed the man suddenly, then looked shamefaced as he watched his wife put one hand between her legs - the hand attached by the chain to her daughter's collar.
As Charlene frigged herself in front of her family, the chain jangled pleasantly. Georgette squatted, face close to her mom's pussy so her neck chain wasn't pulled as much by her mom's eager hand. She could smell her mom. Did Miss Donovan smell as good as this?
Jeff was fascinated. 'I-I mean, I don't love what they did to you honey and definitely not to pumpkin there, but...' He gulped as his wife started to cum. 'It's just that I've never been so popular before. We've never had so many friends. You hear what they were offering? Money to take your picture and more for you and her in bed, trips on yachts, visits to mansions in the hills. Our own vacation home in the town. A contract, for heaven's sake, to turn Georgette into a superstar model!'
The man paused, breathless with excitement. His cock wasn't hard: at some point he had come as they walked in the throng and a wet patch on the front of his shorts showed how much he'd erupted. But he was getting hard again.
Charlene just kept on masturbating through her orgasm, oblivious to everything but her own overpowering pleasures.
The crouching girl wondered if Miss Donovan played with herself like this, maybe even thinking about being with Georgette as she did it.
Georgette had never been so close to her mom and dad, at least not when they made love. Attached by her collar to her mom's wrist she could do nothing but lie silently next to her mother and father on the bed while they fucked. She watched intently even if she didn't quite understand why they were doing this. Perhaps she shouldn't have looked but the blindfold her father thought she should wear had long since slipped down and no one bothered to replace it.
She heard her father groan as he shot his load (as he called it) into his wife's big hot whore cunt (his description again), inches from where the little girl lay. Georgette could smell their desperate, animal like sexual congress, the rich odor of sweat and sexual arousal and cum and pussy juices all mixed together.
She watched, bemused, as her father climbed up his wife and pushed his semi-flaccid cock against the woman's face, rubbing back and forth for ages and calling her names because she had damn well gotten herself gagged so she couldn't deep throat him.
The child wanted to laugh when the man's stiff dick suddenly spat white on her mother's gagged face, thick white dollops that turned to slow moving rivers. Dollops in her mom's hair, on her forehead, on her cheeks. Even a little in one of her nostrils and a strand on her gag.
She watched as her mom was turned over and her generous ass spanked by her dad.
Georgette thought: I hope my husband, Miss Donovan, doesn't so that to me. Then she thought again: but if I'm like this I can't stop her, can I?
Suddenly she really wanted to touch her own little hot whore cunt and stop it twitching and pulsing like it was.
Georgette looked at the window over her father's back as he mounted the woman lying on her face, as he said he was going to buttfuck her good. Georgette wondered why her mom's face was so screwed up in pain, why she was wetting the pillow with her tears. She wondered too why her father was grunting so loud as he thrust hard. But really Georgette just wanted to see her superhero teacher leap in through the hotel window in a red suit with a big D in a triangle on her chest, to come and sweep the girl up and fly her through the evening sky and carry her to a secret bed.
If that happened she resolved she'd try to have a baby straightaway for her teacher. She'd even lie like her mom and try not to cry if Miss Donovan wanted to buttfuck for a baby.
Georgette's dad was staring at his chained and gagged daughter as he did his buttfuck, a wild look in his eyes.
Charlene was screaming into her gag and Georgette looked at her, wondering if her mom needed a bigger gag.
She was sure Sergeant Stovell would have one if her father asked nicely.
In the night, in the moonlight her dad was snoring, hand on his one of his wife's breast. Georgette surfaced from a new dream of Miss Donovan choosing the chains for their honeymoon and felt her mom's hand slide between the child's legs.
Georgette opened her legs a little more. Her friend Helena had said her mom was always rubbing Helena's pussy, asking if it was nice and did it feel good and did she want her to stop? Helena said she always said yes, yes and no. It was good, she said. Georgette and the other girls should get their mom to do it to them.
Mommys knew how to please their little girls, she said.
Mommy definitely knew how to please Georgette. Even though the girl couldn't remember her mom doing that before, it was good. She could see and feel what Helena meant.
On the moonlit big bed Georgette tried to get her legs as wide apart as the ankle chain allowed. Her mom changed hands, reaching down with her cuffed wrist and rubbing again, right on the swollen lips round Georgette's slit. The leash chain from her mom's wrist jangled lightly.
The girl wasn't sure if her mother was asleep but it didn't matter. It helped Georgette think of Miss Donovan better.
In the morning, Georgette had a shower with her mom while the woman washed all that sticky white stuff off her own face and body.
Her mom hadn't been able to remove her bra and t-shirt with her wrist chained to the girl's collar but her father had cut them off. Now they stood together, both naked, in the shower, still connected and still gagged. The mother soaped and washed her daughter and herself as best she could. She paid special emphasis to the part between Georgette's legs and of course her daughter's developing bust.
Her mom spent a lot of time soaping and rubbing between the little girl's legs and across her small boobs but Georgette didn't mind. It was nice. She even liked the way her mother looked into her eyes as she squatted down to do it better.
What Georgette didn't expect was when her mom soaped her own slit a lot and then pissed a yellow stream as they showered, standing with eyes closed and nipples hard while she did it all over her own hand.
The toilet was embarrassing though, having to stand by her mom as she sat and - the way her daddy put it - took a dump. The smell was bad and her mother was making these faint groaning noises into her gag as she did her number two. Then Georgette had to sit while she did her number one and number two and then let her mother wipe her little ass for her.
Georgette's mommy didn't seem to mind the smell of the number two and even tried to rub the girl between her legs when she did her pee-pee, looking at her wet hand afterwards and trying to smell it.
Georgette wondered if all adults did that. She also wondered if Miss Donovan would do that for her, too.
Breakfast was another strange event, sat in the large dining room of the hotel, the waitresses giving them a lot of attention. They sat waiting for Sergeant Stovell to arrive with the gag keys and allow Georgette and her mother to eat.
The man was dressed as a tourist would on this island. The woman was dressed in a short, light skirt and had decided to go without panties but because she couldn't wear a top or put on a normal bra she wore a strapless bra. Black lace with under-wire support to make her bust as prominent as possible, her nipples showing through the thin lace.
While they waited, three waitresses decided to each handle and fondle the Davison family.
The girl with the very big boobs soon got the man's semen all over her hand and on her full red lips, the one attending to the mother was squeezing her tits and reaching between Charelene's wide open legs making the woman moan into her gag and the youngest one - probably only a couple of years older than Georgette - was playing with the child's nipples, making them hard.
It surprised Georgette that the youngest one liked putting her hand between her bottom from the back, not looking for that hot little slit as the child expected but for the tight little entrance to her poop-hole. Of course, Georgette however surprised she was simply couldn't tell her parents the girl had her finger right up inside her bottom. The chained girl wriggled to let the waitress get further up.
Miss Donovan's got long fingers, thought Georgette.
It was only the laughter of Sergeant Stovell as she arrived that broke the party up so the woman and the girl could begin to have their breakfast in silence, one at a time.
The meal was over and drinks finished. The two females had been re-gagged and sat, waiting for the police woman to go.
The cop was in no hurry. 'I have a surprise for y' all,' she grinned. 'Family like you want yo' to visit.' She handed Jeff a card with an address on it, a villa on the bay outside Port Gunning. 'They got a daughter like yo's. Chained an' all. You oughtta go and visit.'
Jeff nodded. They would, he said. But wasn't it a long way to walk?
'I'll give yo' a ride in the police car,' said the big woman. 'Only thing is, girl gotta stand up and be seen thro' the open sun roof.'
So they had the ride, Georgette standing up straight, head and shoulders through the sun roof, small bust on show. The officer drove slowly so everyone could get a good look at the child as they made their way the long way round town.
The Joiner family were American too, tourists to the Caribbean island like the Davisons. There was Jim and his wife Cora, his eldest daughter Michelle and the one who was chained and naked, Paige.
The Davisons stood in the cool living room of the villa with the Joiner family, the two punished girls looking at each other. Paige fascinated them all because she was so different, so openly sexy.
Paige was fourteen and had large breasts for someone of her age, her slit hidden by a thick patch of dark hair but her mound looked big. She was good looking and her looks weren't spoiled because her mouth was filled with a gag. What was different was how she was chained, and how she was secured to her mother.
The teenager didn't have her hands behind her, up between her shoulders though she did have a collar-to-ankle chain on though down her front. Paige's hands were cuffed to a long pole across her shoulders so her arms were stretched almost to the full extension, the pole itself locked to the girl's collar. At her ankles it looked like five inch chain and from her right ankle cuff there was an iron ball that when she moved, dragged on the floor.
'An old cannonball from the fort on the headland,' said Jim, almost proudly. 'They like to put them to good use.'
'It marks the floor sometimes but we don't mind too much. We only rented the villa for a month,' said Cora.
'Paige was caught trying to steal a necklace,' explained the girl's father, indicating the chain that connected Paige's neck to her mother's own collar. 'I hear they like the punishment to fit the crime in a way. Your daughter was stealing a bracelet, Paige here was taking a necklace. So as they figure it was probably a gift for the mother they should get what they wanted to give.' The man grinned at Jeff. 'Your good lady wears the cuff, mine wears the collar.'
'But I didn't speak out in court,' said Cora, looking at Charlene and her gag. 'I wish your wife hadn't', said the woman to Jeff with a sigh. 'I'd have liked to have talked to her about what she's going to do when you all get home.'
'Excuse me?' Jeff asked.
'I mean, what kind of chains and stuff is your girl going to wear at home.'
'At home? No,' said Jeff shaking his head. 'This is just here, on vacation.'
'You don't think you can just live a normal life after this?' Jim seemed astonished. 'Once you've got your child in chains, life isn't the same again.'
Jeff flushed a little. He glanced at his wife and daughter who had caught on pretty quick, judging by the half-horrified, half-intrigued stare they were giving him.
'Um, well, no... but this was the island punishment. I mean, contrition. We fly out on Thursday and get the chains off then.'
'And the gags?' This time it was the eldest girl, Michelle who spoke. She was a couple of years older than her sister and even better looking. She wasn't naked but might have well have been for all her bikini covered.
'The gags are... um,' Jeff hesitated. The gags were great, he wanted to say. 'B-but no one gags their womenfolk at home, do they?'
'You haven't seen life at our home,' laughed Jim. 'All the girls, that's Cora too, wear gags round the house. It's no big deal to come out here and have Paige get into trouble.'
'You... you made it happen?'
Cora was laughing too. 'Well, Paige had been kind of naughty on the flight over and as we were here for a month, we figured why not?'
'It was me last year,' said Michelle, not unhappily. 'Guess though now I'm over 16 they wouldn't chain and gag me in public.' She stroked her sister's long hair. 'So it's sweet little Paige's turn this time and I can get some payback.'
Paige glared at her older sister but didn't pull away.
'We like it on the island,' said Cora. 'Real peaceful and fun. We came for two weeks last year but booked a month this time.'
'How long are you still here for?' Jim watched as Michelle began playfully pulling her sister's hair, making Paige yelp into her gag.
'Two more weeks,' said Jim. He didn't stop his eldest daughter as she began to pinch Paige's large nipples, making the chained teenager yelp even more.
Jeff was lost in thought. 'We should be here longer but we thought...'
'You thought you had to catch the first flight home,' finished Jim for the other man. 'Hey, this is your vacation. Why cut it short because of a stupid bracelet?'
Thoughts and possibilities rushed through Jeff's mind. 'I told them, the judge I mean, that we'd be finished here on Thursday. Uh, they're expecting us to -'
'No,' interrupted Cora. 'They're probably expecting you to stay. Most folk do when they get used to it, after the first shock.' She nodded at Charlene and Georgette. 'They look good, not distressed. They can manage for a while longer.'
'And I bet the sex is good,' winked Jim. 'Man like you probably had one of the best fucks he's had in a while what with Georgette here all chained and silenced, right?'
Jeff nodded, his cock rigid again at the memory, a wet patch of pre-cum staining his shorts.
'So tell the court you're staying until the vacation's over, quit the hotel and move in here with us,' said Cora looking at the man's erection. 'We got a big spare bed for you all and we'd love to get to know you better.'
Jeff nodded and looked at his wife, noticing her prominent nipples in her lacy black bra, and then at his daughter who seemed to have her legs pressed together as best she could while she watched Michelle tease and torture her restrained sister's boobs.
'Okay,' he said. 'I like the sound of that. We'll stay - and play.'
Charlene grunted into her gag, wishing she could tell them in that case she ought to clear up what has to happen in the bath tub, like it did in the Buttercup Club. But maybe she could write a note for Cora. The woman would help, she was sure, and there was no shortage of willing cunts to piss on her now. Without thinking she reached up under her skirt to finger herself but no one objected. Well anyway, Jeff had his dick out and Jim was inviting Cora to get her mouth on it. The mother was kneeling, the chain between her neck and her daughter's neck taut, obliging Paige to bend forward.
Michelle however hadn't let go of the chained girl. The sobbing Paige was getting it a finger sharply up her ass and having her hair pulled sharply at the same time.
Georgette sighed into her gag as she looked from the suffering chained and gagged Paige to her parents. She didn't mind it being like this if someone would just rub her slit so she could think about herself and Miss Donovan together in a villa like this.
The girl thought about it, feeling that glow in her little hot sex. Miss Donovan, Georgette decided, could send her out to steal bracelets and necklaces so they could have some real fun. They could even find out what would happen if the child was caught stealing shoes and panties.
Charlene eased her chained hand towards her daughter, looking for the girl's slit. Georgette opened as wide as she could to allow her mom to feel just how wet the child had become.
As the mother slipped her finger just inside her daughter's delightful cunny Georgette had this idea that it might, for some reason she didn't really understand, be fun being caught stealing bananas.
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