The Case Of The Missed Clue

[ F, ff, g, bd ]

by Quiller


Published: 24-Jan-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
Note: This story is pure fantasy and never happened. Nor should it. Don't try any of this at home or anyplace else. Any similarity or reference to people living or dead, places, organizations or environments is purely coincidental.

Recess had barely begun when Unity Baxter hurried after her friend Stef and caught her arm. 'I need to talk to you. It's important,' she said, keeping her voice down.

'Uh, so talk to me here,' Stef Parks gestured at the fact they were largely alone in one of the school's corridors.

'No,' Unity said, casting a look round. 'Because it's about... wait, Bobby Thornley and Kaz Linson are coming and anyway, I need to really say something in private.'

'Must be serious,' said Stef, recognizing the urgency and strain in her friend's voice. 'Tell me when's okay?'

'Well, I have to show you something. It's from my mom and I don't know what to do.' She paused as Bobby and Kaz strolled past, both boys smirking at Stef simply because she was probably the most attractive 14 year old in their grade. Most people said she was far and away the best looking girl in the school.

Unity wasn't as good looking as her friend but as few teenagers would outshone Stephanie Parks it hardly mattered. With her long blonde hair, long legs, emerging bust and a great clothes sense Stef was quite different from Unity's dark hair and less well shaped figure with a smaller bust to show off. It was amazing in one sense that two opposites could be such close friends, but they were.

'After school, at my place. My mom'll be out,' continued Unity, voice still low.

'Okay,' said Stef with one of her typical grins. 'Sounds real mysterious but we'll talk then.'


'You've been acting weird all day,' said Stef as she eased herself into the big soft chair on one side of Unity's bedroom. Unity, as she usually did, dropped on to her bed.

Except it wasn't so much of a flop this time, as she usually did. She more lowered herself and sat up, staring at Stef intently, not saying anything.

'You're beginning to freak me out,' said the blonde haired girl, bluntly. 'I've done something to upset you?'

'No,' said Unity, glancing at the door. It was still just as closed as when Unity had shut it on their arrival. Unity took a deep breath, as if building her courage. 'It's just I have to tell you something - well, show you. Thing is, it has to be a secret.'

Stef nodded, but was puzzled it had to be said. Most things between the two of them were only for their ears: they'd been friends since kindergarten and didn't betray each other's confidences.

'I want you to look at something, and not judge it. Just... just read it and tell me what you think.'

'You writing a book?' Stef grinned a little. She knew it had always been one of Unity's ambitions. Stef didn't have much patience for sitting down and typing or scribbling, but Unity was always the more serious one, the one who'd read rather than go out. Strange really, Stef had thought in the past, how they'd actually stayed friends for so long when in some ways they were so different. Physically and mentally. But now she simply accepted it. Sometimes it was good just to have a friend who didn't care about bands and makeup and the inevitable interest of cock-stiff boys.

'Not me, someone else.' Unity rifled under her pillow and brought out a folded sheet of paper. She held it a moment, as if not sure, and then handed it over to her friend.

'Okay, let me see... Jemima's Fate,' she began, reading the title aloud.

'No!' Unity shot a nervous look at the door. 'Not aloud! I don't want anyone to hear. Just read it to yourself.'

Stef was going to say 'There's no one else in the house,' but decided not to. She shrugged and read to herself:

-The two nurses, resplendent in gleaming white uniforms, moved silently into the hospital room and stood above the sleeping child.

In the subdued glow of the hospital's night-lights, the two females exchanged the briefest of glances and then began the 'treatment' as they called it. Gently they stirred the child.

"It's okay, honey." The taller of the two women smiled down at the blinking, bleary eyed little girl. "We're going to do some tests. It won't take long so don't be alarmed."

A puzzled look crossed eleven year old Jemima Croft's face. She had been in the hospital for two days for routine tests but although nurses came and went it was usually Doctor Ildoe who came to see her, telling her what was going to be done. She muttered something about the doctor.

"Don't worry, little one. Doctor Ildoe's busy right now, so we're helping out," soothed the other nurse, shorter and darker. Latin looking, if the girl had noticed.

"This won't take long," said the taller nurse from the other side of the bed. "Just hold still a moment honey." She was swabbing the little girl's forearm with cotton.

'"Ouch!" gasped Jemima as the needle slid into her arm.

"Hush," said both nurses, almost as one.

Jemima hushed, eyelids suddenly getting heavy.

Swiftly, the nurses began. While one placed a wide, white adhesive bandage over the drowsy girl's mouth (drawing a faint 'mmmph' of objection from the barely awake Jemima), the other secured the child's thin arms to her body with wide, white bandages.

Both nurses went to work on the child's legs: the taller one wound bandages round Jemima's knees, the Latin-looking one busied herself at her ankles.

Inside a minute, the eleven-year old was silenced and immobilized. Within another two minutes the girl's head had disappeared under a swathe of bandages, rendering her sightless and deaf as well as dumb if she should wake.

Another minute and the motionless, sleeping child was lifted on to a gurney, taped to it and covered with a blanket before being wheeled out into the empty, quiet corridors and through the sleeping hospital.

No one at the hospital that night took much notice of two nurses, wheeling a patient along the corridors. A kid with some serious burns, judging by the bandage covered head, they would have concluded.

No one challenged them, no one stopped them placing the comatose child in a waiting medical vehicle.

It was only the next morning - five hours later - on a routine round check, that they found the heiress to the Croft millions had gone. It took nearly an hour more to review the closed circuit tapes and establish what had happened.

It took almost another two hours before road blocks went up.

By then, Marianne Parkes and Angela Gomez had had their new patient safely in bed at their private clinic for three hours.

They toasted their success, knowing that the trail had gone cold. Then they kissed, as only dedicated lesbians can, hands in side their pure, white uniforms, grasping each other's tits and fingering each other while their new acquisition lay alongside them, bound and gagged and utterly helpless.

If Jemima was awake - though it was unlikely with the drug they'd given her - she might have heard faint sounds of Marianne and Gabriella climaxing on wet, sticky fingers.

The media proclaimed the abduction of little Jemima was an audacious kidnap. They soon followed it up with a convoluted demand for money from, they said, a man.

Two women and a man were being sought by the police, the reports said. But the demands of the kidnappers wasn't clear. The parents of little Jemima, beaming out in papers, on TV and on the web in a photo taken three days before she went to hospital, were beside themselves with grief.

"We have the money," said Jemima's father. "Or we'll get it if we only knew how much they want."

No ransom had been set. All they had was a picture of their daughter, they said, taken on the day of the kidnap, sat up against a plain wall, with a copy of that morning's newspaper on the child's lap, propped up against what was plainly a naked body.

What they didn't tell anyone, what the police refused to divulge, was the little girl in the picture was heavily bound with a ball gag in her mouth. She was naked and tied, little legs dragged wide apart with wire, to a chair.

Jemima had looked dazed, confused and naturally alarmed. Dazed by the drug she'd been given, confused by the steel collar locked on her neck and alarmed because out of camera shot there were two other girls of her age, naked and standing chained to the wall by their steel collars.

But little girls with a difference - a grown up difference that sent a ripple of cold fear through Jemima.

The Croft family waited anxiously, obviously unaware of what their daughter could see beyond the photo but aware the way their daughter was secured was serious.

The kidnappers never called again. -

The story ended there. Stef turned the sheet over to see if it continued, but it didn't. The blonde gave one of her usual 'And...?' shrugs.

'I don't like it,' said Unity, blushing a little.

'Don't like what? It's a story - maybe a bit too lesbian for most people but... uh, but not your story. Or is it?' The girl in the big chair smirked.

'No way!'

'Sure. Okay, stay cool.' Stef looked back at the name under the title and read it out. 'Dorothy Watson. She wrote it? Who's she?'

Unity blushed deeper. 'I-it's my mom. I got it off the computer. I was on the net yesterday and I was looking round the system and saw this open file, not encrypted.'

'So you printed it, right?' Stef shook her head, 'But it could be anyone's. There's lots of this stuff on the web. Something downloaded from the net and -'

'It isn't,' insisted Unity. 'Nothing like that. See,' she jumped up and pointed to the author's name. 'There, Dorothy Watson.'

Stef was confused. 'So, your mom's name is Verity and your family name is Baxter and I don-'

Unity interrupted again, clearly agitated. 'Don't you see, mom's middle name is Dorothy and she used to be Holmes, before she married dad and became Baxter. She always joked about it being her side of the family, having a famous detective in it. See, Sherlock Holmes. Doctor Watson. Get it?'

Stef wasn't sure she did, but she said 'Uh-huh,' more to calm her friend down.

The dark haired girl sat down on her bed again, fists clenched, staring at the floor. She didn't look much calmer.

'Unity, sweetheart, this story is crazy but it doesn't mean your mom wrote it,' Stef waved it as if it was unimportant. 'The name could be a coincidence. Like both my grandma's are called Georgina, and that's weird, right? I have a Granny Georgina Parks and a Granny Georgina Wal-'

Unity waved Stef's family matters away. 'Listen, Stef. It isn't coincidence, because there's more. Look at the names of the two nurses. The blonde one is called Marianne Parkes - you're Marianne: Stephanie Marianne Parks. Parks without the e!'

Stef couldn't help laughing.

'It isn't funny,' growled Unity.

'Okay, okay. So you think your mom borrowed my name when she wrote it.'

'And mine,' said Unity. 'I'm Unity Angela Baxter.'

'Um, that doesn't sound like Angela Gomez,' said Stef, glancing back at the story in her hand.

'It is when you think everyone at school calls me La Señorita, because I have black hair and I'm kind of darker, you know, sort of olive skinned.' Unity snatched the sheet away from her friend.

'They call you La Señorita because you flipped when Donny Turner dumped that moldy Nachos in your locker, remember?' Stef stifled a smile because it still upset Unity, apparently. 'And how's your mom going to know a bunch of dorky boys called you that?'

'Um, I told her,' said Unity, quietly. 'That's where she got the name from.'

'Shit! You're jumping to conclusions.' Stef sighed, seeing no change in her friend's set face. 'Okay, we can go and check the computer. If you are right your mom wrote this there'll be something else, agreed?'

Unity nodded. They would see.


The computer yielded nothing unusual but an encrypted file, labeled 'DW story.' The original that Unity had printed out had disappeared.

'DW - Dorothy Watson, see?' Unity seemed almost triumphant. She always loved solving puzzles but this one was obvious.

'Okay, if that's your mom's we'll open it and check. It might be something else though,' said Stef. 'You know what her password might be?'

Unity shook her head.

'Right, so we get smart,' laughed the blonde girl. She began typing in the password dialog.

'Wh-what are you doing?'

'Typing a likely password - no, it isn't your mom's name, but I didn't think it would be. So, your home address.' More typing, another refusal. 'Okay, let's think... Sherlock Holmes.'

Another refused entry.

'I'm not giving up,' said Stef. 'It will be something obvious... let's try Moriarty - he was the bad guy in Sherlock Holmes.' That however wasn't it.

'What was the name of the woman who looked after him?' Stef screwed her attractive face up, thinking. 'I saw it in a film on TV last week. Hud something.'

'Hudson, Mrs Hudson,' said Unity. 'I saw it too.'

That name didn't open the door. 'Baker Street,' said Unity suddenly. 'Holmes lived in London, on Baker Street.'

Another blank.

'What was the number?' asked Stef, flexing her fingers over the keyboard. When Unity shook her head, the blonde dived on to the internet and searched for it. The answer came up quickly.

'Two-twenty-one... no, two-twenty-one B, Baker Street.' Stef read it out and entered it. The file popped open. 'Fuck, I'm a genius with your help, Ms Gomez,' she grinned.

Unity pouted at the reference to the character.

Stef and Unity peered closer at the screen. It was a longer piece than they'd seen before, including the first part of what they'd read, followed by more:

- It had been three weeks since the kidnapping. In a quiet room in a large house on the edge of the city Jemima was recovering from her operation.

The eleven year old lay on the plain bed, blinking in the morning light. She was gagged, as all little girls at the house were.

No matter what they were doing, resting or working or being punished, all five girls were gagged. Just like Jemima, with a large ball gag between her lips, filling her mouth and stretching her jaw. Making her drool endlessly.

Jemima's hands were chained to the sides of the bed, at her side. That was how all the girls slept here - difference was, her ankles were locked to a chain, too. But this was more than she'd known before. There were more chains, heavier too. She couldn't move and wouldn't be allowed to while she recovered.

The eleven-year old was having trouble breathing with all that weight on her slim, young chest. The tits they'd given her were 38D, making the child look grotesque when she stood up. But until the stitches and the surgery had healed, she would be kept lying down.

The door opened and Doctor Ildoe came in with one of the nurses. The one Jemima knew as Marianne. The one who whipped the large-breasted little girls they kept at the house. She carried a whip now and was towing a small girl with huge tits into the room on a leash. Tits that swayed and bounced as the child walked.

The doctor smiled at the bed bound girl. "You look wide awake, Jemima," he said softly. "And you new titties look great."

Jemima blinked, tears in her eyes. She wanted to go home, didn't want big boobs hanging from her like the other girls imprisoned here. Not like the girl Marianne was fastening by the wrists to a chain, dangling in the centre of the room where Jemima could see her.

"I'm going to whip this little pet's tits," smiled Marianne, smirking at Jemima. "Just as I'll whip yours when the doctor says you can be up and around. Hanging around."

The little pet - who was about ten - wriggled in the chain forcing her to stand on tiptoes. Her massive mammaries swayed heavily. She looked terrified and was making desperate mewing sounds into her gag. The doctor stood back, ready to enjoy the view. Marianne flexed her arm, drew back and landed a perfect blow across the child's chest, across the surprisingly large nipples on her massive breasts. The sound of the snap of leather on young flesh cracked across the room like a thunderbolt.

The gag barely stifled the child's heart-rending scream as she twisted and bucked on the end of the chain. A vicious red weal flared on the girl's unnaturally large breasts, an angry stripe that ran almost perfect center across both globes.

Marianne laughed. She was good at this because she had done it before. Lots of times. She flexed her arm, drew back and delivered a second, a third, a fourth with a few moments between each. Fresh, deep red weals sprang up instantly on the child's bust at each blow, forcing the chained child to scream anew between her sobs. In her desperation she had managed to turn half away from Marianne, trying to avoid more punishment to her tortured tits, perhaps praying the next blow or blows would be on her back.

It didn't do any good. Marianne was too adept at whipping. She flicked her wrist, curling the whip round the child, striking her bouncing tits just as well as before. Better perhaps, because blood was running from one savage mark.

The pet was whimpering, barely screaming now. Another blow as she hung limply in her restraint, more blood trickling down her front, towards her hairless little slit. She'd slumped, not struggling, swiveling back towards her torturer. A blow caught her perfectly on her already pained nipples and she jerked silently, as if already too exhausted to scream.

"That's enough nurse - at least for now," smiled the doctor. He'd had his thick cock out and was masturbating while he watched the child's whipping. He came as he spoke, sending globs of white cum towards the child, some landing on her thighs.

"You should aim for her little cunt," remarked Marianne, putting down her whip.

On the bed, Jemima was whimpering in fear, in shock, in sympathy for the well whipped girl. She didn't know her name, couldn't with them wearing gags all the time, but felt sorry for her and scared for herself. Was this what they'd do to her, when she was recovered? Tears fell from her large eyes, sliding down the side of her face. Almost as many as the chained girl was crying.

Jemima should have been shocked when Marianne grabbed the child's hair and dragged her head back, somehow hauled the gag from the girl's mouth and french-kissed her passionately. But she was beyond that.

The pet was still crying but there was a different sob from the child's throat, like this deep kiss was a reward, a consolation. A gift. -

'Wow,' said Stef as they finished reading. 'Pretty cruel, huh?'

Unity didn't say anything. She was flushed and agitated. 'It isn't right,' she said, stepping back from the monitor.

'You man the plot?'

'No! I mean this, the whole thing. What my mom wrote. She's, um...' The girl hesitated. 'Sick!'

'No,' said Stef. 'It's only a goddamn story. Internet's full of them.'

'How do you know?'

'Oh Unity. I have two brothers and a father. You think they have sensible hobbies, like collecting stuff? Building race cars from used cartons? Huh, they're always whacking off over women tied up or being whipped. Photos and movies. Stories too, plenty of them.'

'How do you know?' Unity was thunderstruck.

'I know passwords, honey,' laughed Stef. 'I have quite a time, going through their supposedly secret files.'

Unity sat down, looking lost. The world was suddenly a darker place than she had imagined.

'Oh, don't let it get to you,' urged Stef. 'It shocked me at first, seeing women tied to things and being spanked and worse, but you get used to it. Some of it's quite erotic in a funny way. Hey, I even rub myself a little with some of them. I really like the women tied to a chair, legs apart like this.' The attractive blonde teenager demonstrated, her usually short skirt sliding up her long, smooth thighs, showing her black panties.

'It isn't women, is it?' Unity glared at her friend, avoiding looking at her spread open crotch. 'It's girls. Like that story of my mom's. Little girls being tied up and given... you know, boobs! Huge boobs!'

'I grant you that's weird, but so what?'

Unity stared at her friend. 'It's wrong, that's so what. And the lesbian sex thing. The whipping, too. Where did my mom get all that from?'

Stef shrugged. 'In her head, I guess. Where all these things come from. Y'know, lots of people have thoughts like this - hey, don't they say the biggest sex organ is the brain? I guess there's all kinds of folk out there just imagining all kinds of horrors and tortures and worse. But they leave it there. They just don't do anything about them.'

'I don't know if my mom's just like that.'


'She might be planning to kidnap some little girl, and uh, alter her.'

Stef broke into a laugh. 'So, your mom's a doctor, right? She can put huge boobs on a child? Oh yeah, and kidnap these kids with the help of two nurses.'

'Of course not, but she could be planning something.' Unity wasn't sure how, but you never knew with parents. They might pretend something but not mean it, like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy.

'Unity, sweetie,' said Stef gently. 'I don't care what your mom's written, except maybe there's more to come and I'll have to check in once in a while to see how this Jemima gets on with her new pair of big -'

'Listen,' Unity suddenly exploded. 'Jemima!'

'Uh, excuse me?'

'Jemima Croft? That's like Jenny. Jenny Cross.'

'Who?' Stef's brain was aching from trying to keep up with her friend's sudden leaps of logic.

'Jenny Cross lives across the street. She's about, I don't know, ten. Like the kid in the story. That's who mom wants to kidnap.'

'Your mother doesn't want to kidnap this Jenny Croft,' retorted Stef, irritation edging her voice.

'Cross, not Croft.'

'Yeah, whatever. It's either a coincidence or she's just using names. Hell, I'd have to borrow names if I wrote a story like that. Like Mrs Natani in our last grade. I could have Brenda Natani naked and tied to a pole with her tits all wired up and -'

'You're not taking this seriously, are you?' Unity was now pacing up and down, clearly annoyed with her friend.

''Bout as serious as I have to,' said Stef, equally annoyed.

Unity's tense shoulders suddenly dropped. She looked apologetic. 'Look, I don't want to fall out with you, Stef. It's just that I need help.'

'Help to do what?' Stef relaxed too, glad this hadn't grown into some stupid argument.

Unity thought for a few moments. 'I think we should go over and see this Jenny. See if she's okay.'

'I'm sure she's fine, but if it makes you happy, we'll go over and say 'hi, how are you?' or something.' Stef almost added: 'And if she can't speak because her mouth is stuffed with a gag then we'll know.' Wisely, she let it pass.


Jemima Cross was a pretty good looking kid. Only she wasn't ten, or nine for that matter. She had just turned eight and looked younger than that. Her mother had a thing about dresses and little girls being little girls so usually Jemima was playing in some frilly, flared dress. She was on the front lawn, dressed in a pink and blue striped dress with hair in bunches. As the two teenagers approached the girl recognized her neighbor. 'Hi, Unity, want to play with me?'

'Sure,' said Unity. 'What you playing?'

'Oh, just with my dolls.'

'Where are they?' Unity looked around. The little girl wasn't carrying anything and the lawn and drive were empty.

'In my play house,' said the girl, 'In the back.' She pointed at the fence. 'I can't let them out yet 'cos they've been naughty.'

Stef raised an eyebrow. 'How naughty's that, Jenny?'

'Um, talkin' and being naughty. Misbehavin'.'

'So how do you deal with naughty dolls?' Stef squatted down so she was more the same height as the little girl. 'When I was your age I used to make my naughty dolls stand in the corner, facing the wall.' Stef was aware that Unity was staring at her, horrified she was going to say something too soon, which was Stef's usual style. She hated waiting around.

'Nooo,' said the child. 'I tie mine up.'

Unity gave a sharp intake of breath but Stef pressed on. 'Listen, honey, I think tying up's good, especially for a really naughty doll. Can we see them?'

Jenny it seemed had taken to Stef straight off. 'Only if you promise not to untie them.'

'Of course I won't,' said Stef. 'One of my dolls is still tied up at home.'

'She was naughty too,' said the child in the striped dress, as if agreeing.

Unity caught her friend's eye - a kind of urgent, 'don't-do-this' look. Stef merely smiled, stood and took hold of Jenny's hand as naturally as if they'd been friends for years. But, Unity conceded, Stef had that ability. She followed Stef and the small girl, walking hand in hand towards the play house.


The dolls, four of them, were sat against one wall of the play house. Ordinary dolls in pretty dresses, with cord round their bodies and arms and legs, a piece of tape stuck over each little pouting mouth. The dolls, all with large eyes, looked wide eyed as if they didn't quite expect to be bound and gagged.

Although it was a big play house with a large cottage-like room it was still crowded with Jenny and the two teenagers, but they managed to squeeze in. 'What are their names?' asked Stef, regarding the line of doll prisoners. 'And which one is the naughtiest?'

Jenny grinned, kneeling in front of her tied dolls. 'That's Angela, Marianne, Jemima and Pet.'

Stef heard Unity give a grunt of shock and was startled enough to bump her own head on the low ceiling.

Jenny took no notice of either of the teenagers. 'Pet. She's the naughtiest, so she's got most ropes on her.'

Stef glanced at her friend, rubbing her head and gesturing silently with, 'Now what?'

'Uh, Jenny,' said Unity, recovering what poise she had left. 'Why's Pet the naughtiest?'

'Um, she wouldn't do what the doctor said. Doctor Ildoe,' explained Jenny.

'Sure,' said Stef, as if too many coincidences in one day always unsettled her.

'So who's Doctor Ildoe?' asked Unity. It was the one name she hadn't a handle on.

'I can't tell you,' said the eight year old girl, dropping her voice. 'I'm not allowed.'

Stef nodded. 'I understand, Jenny. But who says you can't tell us?'

'Uh...' the child hesitated. Then she said: 'Mrs Dorothy, but you can't tell your mom I told you,' said Jenny.

There was a deep silence between the two teenagers as they looked at each other. Unity broke the silence first. 'Mrs Dorothy - my mom, right? My mom won't be mad. Why does she say that?'

'It's a secret,' said the eight year old, arranging one of her doll's dresses. The one on Jemima.

'When did Dor... I mean Mrs Dorothy, tell you this?' Stef was kneeling by the child, watching her.

'Um, when she tied me up,' said the little girl, smoothing out doll Angela's skirt and starting to retie one of the cords on the doll.


Back in Unity's room, Stef let out a long whistle. 'Sheee-it,' she exclaimed, throwing herself down in the big chair.

'Shit's right.' said Unity. She looked close to tears. She slammed her bedroom door, trying not to cry. 'I told you my mom's sick.'

'No, you told me your mom writes dirty stories. I'm just amazed that your mom likes tying up little girls.'


'Usually,' smirked Stef, 'Mature women go for young women for bondage games. It's a lesbian thing.'

'My mom's no dyke,' snapped Unity angrily.

'I know. I know. If she was, she'd go for someone like - oh, Brenda Natani. She's hot I bet, in her underwear. I saw her in the mall once, buying this corset like thing.'

'Fuck her,' said Unity, annoyed by how her friend was taking it all.

'I guess someone is, male or female, with her in that corset,' laughed Stef. She sobered up, sensing her friend's displeasure was going to explode. 'Okay, Unity, let's look at this objectively.'

Unity glowered but didn't say anything.

'We agree, little Jenny or Jemima over the road is cute - no, not a lesbian thing,' she held her hand up to deflect any fresh rage. 'But she is cute and I imagine she looks good tied up.'

'Who the hell ties kids up?' Unity snorted.

'Your mom, for one - and before you get mad, so do lots of people, according to the web.'

'I don't believe that child. The brat's making it all up.'

Stef shook her head. 'Either you accept the most incredible coincidence ever or the brat knows the password to your mom's computer files and reads them and decided to play-act it all for us. Make sense?'

Unity took a deep breath and shook her head. She had looked close to tears but wasn't on the edge any more, which relieved Stef. She hated it when her friends cried. Actually, she hated comforting them if she could because she never quite knew what she was supposed to say.

'This is the situation, like it or not. Either your mom is play-acting what she wrote - and yeah, she isn't a surgeon - or she fantasizes or has started tying the brat up and gets off on the child in ropes and gags. It happens.'

'You keep saying it's okay, it happens.' Unity was exasperated. 'Why do you keep on saying that?'

'Because I would, if I could.' Stef was sitting up straight, suddenly more serious than she had been in a long time. 'I used to tie Lana Grant up, years ago. You remember her? Third grade? Glasses, buck teeth. Real ugly duckling. But she let me tie her to things. Oh, we said it was a game. Well, it wasn't for me. The kid was trussed up so often in our attic I thought she lived there permanently.'

Unity was both shocked and amazed. 'But... you were my friend. We didn't see Lana around much.'

'That, my dear friend, was because more often than not she was tied up - yeah and gagged - in the attic. We'd go off to play and you didn't know that Lana had called earlier and within ten minutes she was tied to an old bed in the attic, or inside a box or just plain tied to the roof beams. You and I could do what we wanted.'

Unity stared at Stef. 'I didn't know... but why her?'

'You wanted it instead?' Stef looked inquiringly at her friend. 'Should that have been you in the attic? Believe me, I didn't really like Lana Grant.' She paused. 'But maybe that's why I did it. I guess it got her out of the way so I could be friends with you.'

'Didn't Lana object?'

'How could she with a pair of socks in her mouth or a few yards of bandage round her head. I guess she was happy enough as she kept coming back. And she never complained.'

Unity remembered: they'd moved away, long time ago. 'So, you miss her?'

'Nah. I miss tying her up.'

Unity felt a chill. 'But you'd rather have tied me up?'

'You're better looking,' smirked Stef, back to her normal joking self.

A shudder ran through Unity. 'But, I'm not going to be, you know. I'm not, um, a bondage victim. But with my mom this is serious. I mean, you and Lana were kids, playing some game. Mom is - uh - almost thirty years older than Jenny Cross.' A pause. 'It isn't a game for her.'

'But it might be for the kid,' observed Stef. 'Maybe your mom's just helping out. Therapy of some kind.' She didn't sound convinced.

'And the story on the computer?'

Stef sighed. 'Maybe it's part of a bigger game. I guess adults play games too, in their head.'

'Not in her head. Jenny said mom ties her up and -'

The sound of the door downstairs stopped Unity. 'Mom's home,' she whispered.

'So? Act natural. We haven't done anything.'

'Yeah, right,' said Unity. 'We hacked her story and visited with the child she ties up.'

'You have a point,' said Stef, getting up. 'But we need to know more. Without confronting her. I have to go now so I'll just hi-and-bye to your mom.'

Downstairs, in the kitchen, Unity's mother Verity greeted Stef warmly and asked the usual things about the teenager's home and school work. Verity was quite different to her daughter - where Unity was somewhat plain if not entirely unattractive her mother was good-looking and surprisingly young looking for a working mom in her late thirties. Where Unity had dull brown hair, her mother had colored hers to a lighter, almost chestnut shade. Where Unity wore loose clothes that hid her shape, her mother opted for tight sweaters and well-fitting shirts that showed her boobs hadn't drooped too much. Where Unity wore flat shoes, her mom went with heels.

It had never ceased to amaze Stef how different she and her daughter were. More than once she'd joked Unity's mother should have been her mom. Now Stef smiled at the woman. 'Everything's good,' said Stef, answering Mrs Baxter's polite questions.

Unity, standing behind Stef, felt a wave of relief. Things were normal - there wasn't going to be any explosion, no shocks. At least, not until Stef pointedly said: 'We came here to use the computer. Research.'

Unity's heart froze. She was aware of a slightly longer than usual glance from her mother towards her friend. 'Really?' said the woman, a tad cautiously thought Unity, 'Research into what?'

Stef gave a little smile, as if she was going to enjoy this cut-and-thrust, this fencing round the subject. 'Oh, writers and what they write. English y'know.'

'Oh God,' Unity whispered. Neither her mother or her friend looked at her. There was, the daughter decided, a distinctly strange, almost cool look between the two females. Stef, for all her youthfulness, could look quite mature when she wanted to. She certainly didn't look like some cowed child.

'And the subject?' Verity had stiffened slightly, shoulders tense.

'Mysteries. We did some research into crime writers, for English. You know, Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes and stuff like that. Hey, weren't you Holmes, before getting married?'

'That's right. Unity tell you that?' A brief glance towards her daughter. 'And what did you find?' Verity had one eyebrow raised as she looked back at the blonde.

'What we expected,' said Stef lightly, suddenly resuming her teenage girl persona. 'Now I have to go. Good to see you again, Mrs Baxter.'

'And you, Stephanie,' said the woman as Stef sauntered out.

Unity took the opportunity to retreat.


Stef was on one side of Jenny, Unity on the other, walking the child towards the play area down the street holding her hands.

'I'm glad your mom let us take you to the rides,' said Stef.

'Me too,' said the child, grinning up.

'Jenny - are all your dolls untied now? Now they're not naughty.' Unity looked down at the child in her pale lemon dress with big ruffles at the sleeves and a bow tied belt. Shirley fucking Temple, Stef had described it earlier.

'Jemima's still naughty,' said the child.

'Sure,' said Stef. 'She looks a naughty doll. Glad you've got her tied up tight.'

'She has to be tied up a lot,' said the girl.

'Does Dorothy - my mom - say so, too?' Unity asked a shade too quickly, and blushed a little.

The child didn't notice. 'Yes she does, but I think so too.' A beat, then: 'Are your dolls tied up?'

'Me?' asked Stef, surprised the girl was looking at her. 'Oh no. I don't have dolls anymore. But they were, when I was your age. I had this real naughty one called Cindy. She was bad. I tied her up a lot - and gagged her. You know what gags are, don't you Jenny?'

'Of course I do! Gags keep little girls quiet.'

They walked in silence for a minute and then, over the child's head, Stef asked Unity: 'How's your mom? Not upset is she, about what I said to her, the detective work research.'

Unity shook her head. 'I kept out of her way. But I couldn't believe what you said. You could have blown the whole thing.'

'No, but we needed to learn more.'

'And did we?'

Stef laughed. 'Sure. You saw her look. She knows I know something.'

Unity pursed her lips. 'But maybe she doesn't think I know. I mean, she hasn't said anything to me. Not yet.'

'Maybe not,' said Stef. 'I think perhaps she does but I guess she's not sure what to -'

The child between them interrupted the teenager's conversation, sounding disappointed. 'The rides are over there. We walked past them. Aren't we going on them?'

'We're going to better rides,' said Stef. 'At my house. I've got a great ride I want to show you.'

Jenny looked unsure, as if she would rather go home. She stopped, making the other two halt. In an instant Stef said: 'I think my old naughty doll Cindy might be in the attic, probably still tied up. And gagged. You want to see her?'

The eight year old nodded and resumed walking.

Unity glanced at her friend and shook her head. She was never sure how Stef did it, thinking so fast. But she did and for all her misgivings about what her friend intended, she was glad she was so capable.


With Stef's parents and her two older brothers out, no one knew the two teenagers had brought a little girl home. Stef and Unity helped the little girl clamber up the steep steps to the attic. It was light and airy and free of dust. It wasn't some old unused store room, Unity could see, even though junk had been put up there.

'That's the bed,' said Unity, looking at an old iron bed-frame with a thin mattress. 'The one where you and Lana, um, played.' She couldn't help feeling a twinge of jealousy for some reason. There were sheets on the bed, slightly rumpled up but clean.

Stef nodded but before she could say anything little Jenny chimed in. 'Where's your doll? I can't see her.'

'That's because she's so naughty she's hidden away. Naughty dolls can't come out, tied or not. You don't let Jemima out of your play house, do you?'

The child considered the point and shook her head.

'So,' Stef continued, 'I have to go and find her. But I can't just show her to you like that. I think it would be nice if you are tied up first. That way Cindy won't feel bad at being brought out all tied up and gagged.'

'Tie me up like Mrs Dorothy does to me?' asked the child without batting an eyelid.

Unity gasped but bit her tongue.

'Just like Mrs Dorothy does to you,' said Stef as if this was the most natural conversation ever. 'You have to stand by that post there, the wooden post and I can tie you up.'

Unity stared at the blonde teenager. Surely she wouldn't go through with this? Yes, they'd talked about, planned it earlier but she didn't really think it would happen. Now an eight year old was about to be tied up by her friend, just so they could ask her about this secret Ildoe man and what Unity's mom did - though that was fast becoming obvious.

'What about her?' Jenny was looking at Unity. 'She won't be tied up. I won't do it unless she is, too.'

Stef looked at Unity Baxter, looking at how stunned and shocked she was at the idea. The blonde couldn't help grinning. 'You want Dorothy's little girl to be tied up too, just like you?'

'Yes. Mrs Dorothy said she should have done it years ago.' The child announced it if it was a fact.

A chill drilled through Unity like an ice spear. Her own mom had said that? Her jaw gaped open. 'Stef... no, y-you can't-' she began, blushing and panicking at the same time. This was all going wrong.

'It's a great idea, Jenny. I can see you are a very clever girl,' said Stef. 'Tell me, honey, how does Mrs Dorothy tie you up?'

'I have to take my pretty dress off,' said the girl, tugging at the hem of her flared skirt. 'And my pants and vest but not my shoes and socks. Dorothy says I look cute in them. She says I'm not naughty naked if I have them on.'

'Not naughty naked, of course,' grinned Stef. 'So Unity has to be the same?'

'Yes, course she does,' pouted the child.


Unity felt she was burning with embarrassment as she stood, arms round the back of the post as her friend carefully but tightly bound her to the beam - it wasn't perfectly upright and the teenager had to lean slightly forward, so not only were the ropes tight but they tightened more with her weight pressing on them, making the bonds cut deeper than she would have liked. She wasn't naughty naked as Jenny said as she still had her socks and flat shoes on but her light fuzz-haired slit was on show as were her small but growing breasts. The teenager felt exposed and very vulnerable, particularly with her legs spread slightly apart, ankles secured to each side of the post. She was embarrassed to find her nipples were unduly sensitive and had hardened.

For some reason little Jenny couldn't take her eyes off them.

Unity wasn't sure why she had agreed to all this, why she allowed Stef to persuade her it was the only way they'd get Jenny to reveal the identity of the mysterious Doctor Ildoe. It seemed so bizarre, so unlikely, yet Stef made it sound so reasonable. 'Trust me,' she'd said to Unity. 'It's the only way.'

That was the trouble. Unity always trusted Stef, no matter what. Now she was having her knees bound together and to the post, the eight year old advising Stef where the ropes went. 'Just like Dorothy does to me,' the child kept repeating.

And just like Mrs Dorothy did to Jenny, Stef was doing it to her friend. Unity's arms were rubbing painfully against the rough edges of the upright, her back pressed hard to the semi-rough timber. To her horror Jenny had said Unity needed 'a rope round her neck,' and Stef had dutifully tied a rope round her friend's neck to hold her to the post even more. Given the slight gravity pull where she stood leaning forward at an angle, the sensation was alarming.

'Uh, Stef,' gasped Unity, breaking the rule Jenny had said was insisted on by Mrs Dorothy: no talking while being tied. 'My neck kinda hurts.'

'She's speaking,' retorted Jenny with a childish sneer.

'I know, sweetie. Hang in there, kid,' said Stef to her friend. 'I can help with a rope round your forehead. It'll hold your head up better.'

'What the hell? Where are you getting all this rope from?'

'She's still speaking,' grumbled Jenny as Stef retrieved another lengthy of rope from a seemingly unlimited supply at the side of the attic.

'I know, honey, be patient,' smiled Stef, beginning to tie the rope round Unity's forehead and round the post. 'We'll deal with it soon. Promise.'

Deal with it? A new sense of disquiet went through Unity. This was going too far. Suddenly she didn't care about this weird Doctor Ildoe or even her mom's story and this stupid kid Jenny. 'Get me free, now!' She tried to move her head but the forehead rope was tight already. She began to fight the ropes on her limbs. 'This isn't right, stop it now.'

'I know', soothed Stef, not to Unity but to Jenny. The blonde teenager had picked up a strip of red cloth, with what looked to be a large knot in the middle. She tested it with a sharp jerk, tightening the big knot.

Too late Unity realized what it was, who it was for. Without a word Stef guided the gag went between Unity's teeth and then dragged back the ends, tying them off behind the post. As swiftly as a cloud's shadow, the girl was silenced.

'Hnnnth!' Unity shouted into the gag, astonished not only how good it was but how Stef and the eight year old were laughing. They were enjoying this, both of them. A new fear sprang up in Unity as more ropes went round her chest, her waist and her upper legs. She couldn't believe it was simple, so good and she was so helpless, unable to move and unable to speak.

Unity fought to clear her mind. Surely this was just one of Stef's jokes? A trick so she could tie the little girl to another post and then release Unity.

Confused thoughts jostled in Unity's mind. Surely she isn't going to keep me like, is she? Why the gag?

Unity blinked at Stef, trying to plead with her large, terrified eyes. Stef wasn't looking, but was undressing the small girl, undoing the buttons in the child's back. Jenny wasn't objecting and for a fleeting moment Unity thought the plan was working. Stef's plan. The eight year old's frilly dress came away, revealing virginal white pants and vest. The came off quickly, as did the shoes and socks.

Stef knelt by the now 'naughty naked' eight year old who giggled and asked: 'Can I undress you now, aunt Stephanie?'

Aunt Stephanie? Unity's mind was whirling.

'Of course sweetie. I have to be ready too, don't I?' The blonde teenager was laughing, holding her arms out so the child could get hold of her sleeves and tug the sweater off Stef's body. She stood, so Jenny could unfasten her jeans, peeling them down.

The eight year old was continuing to undress the 14 year old, chuckling loudly as she unhooked the girl's bra and eased it off her shoulders, laughing as Stef's perfectly formed young breasts fell free. Unity couldn't believe that Stef was letting the child do this. Surely Stef didn't have to be naked to tie the child up, did she?

'I like it when you wear a garter belt,' snickered Jenny. 'I love unfastening your garters, aunt Stephanie.'

Unity stared at the two of them, not knowing what to think. Was this part of Stef's plan she hadn't mentioned? How come the child knew Stef wore garters occasionally, under a skirt?

Now the two naked girls were actually stroking each other. Scared and confused, Unity made urgent noises into her gag.

There was noise behind her. Unity strained to turn her head, but with all the restrictions on her head, the best she could do was swivel her eyes. An adult was approaching, maybe Stef's father or mother or one of her brothers. 'Help,' she called, hoping the gag wouldn't stop her being heard. Ahead of her neither Stef or Jenny seemed fazed. They were both looking too, grinning.

'It worked,' said Stef to the person coming in.

'Mrs Dorothy,' laughed Jenny, pointing at Unity. 'Look what we did.'

Verity Baxter stood by her bound daughter, admiring Stef and Jenny's handiwork, simply smiling and nodding.

'Mom!' Unity tried to say into her gag, when she found her voice. Not that it did any good.

'You did a great job you two, both of you.' The woman held her arms out and both Stef and the child hurried to her, falling into the woman's embrace. Unity stared in horror as her mother kissed both the small child and her friend Stef, open mouthed and passionate kisses for each, though slightly longer for Stef.

'Mrs Dorothy,' asked Jenny when the woman had finished tonguing Stef, 'is it my turn to tied up now?'

'Sure sweetie. You've been such a good girl. You really helped me so the least I can do is get those lovely ropes on you.' Verity stroked the child's hair, lovingly.

'And I'll be tied up like Jemima, please, Mrs Dorothy?' The child added, grinning towards the bound Unity.

Unity stared at the scene before her, heart in her gagged mouth. Jemima? Surely she didn't mean what she thought it meant?

Stef lay back on the old bed, watching - as Unity had to - Unity's mom tie the eight year old to another post, more or less the same way that Unity was bound with arms tied to the sides if not round the back and legs slightly apart. Unity watched as her mother silenced the child with a gag fashioned from Stef's panties and bra, which made the child wriggle in enjoyment.

Yet there was more astonishment for Unity. Stef spread her naked self on the bed and allowed Verity to secure her limbs with chains attached to the corners of the old bed-frame, padlocks clicked in place. Unity thought that maybe her friend would be upset by this but the opposite was true: Stef was purring in anticipation, wriggling her hips as if something good was coming.

Verity stripped down to her underwear - a stunning black lace bra and panty set that Unity had no idea her mother owned - and produced something long and black and clearly cock-like from under the mattress. She slid her panties down, revealing her well-trimmed mound, and fastened the fearsome looking object round her hips so it jutted out like an erection. Unity even saw that this object had a protruding knob at the base that disappeared up into her mother's pink lipped sex. Mrs Baxter gave a gasp of pleasure as it slid in.

Even Unity for all her innocence knew what was about to happen.

Verity strolled over to her securely bound daughter, the massive prick swaying obscenely. 'This by the way, dear daughter, is the last piece in your quest to get to the bottom of the mystery. Meet Doctor Ildoe - a poor joke but you'll get it I'm sure. Say hi to Dee-Ildo,' grinned Unity's mom. She patted her hips and the big black strap-on trembled.

'No, I'll get it' laughed Stef from the bed. 'Right up my wet little cunt, Dorothy.' The teenager gurgled delight as Unity turned and blew her a kiss.

'You see sweetie,' said Verity as she stood in front of her helpless daughter, stroking the long rubber dong as if it was a real cock, 'Stephanie and I - you'll appreciate I don't like the name Stef much - have been having a little lesbian affair, mostly in this attic on that bed, for a year. Well, can you blame me when you can see how hot she is? Such lovely firm tits and that delicious cunt of hers is way too good to be wasted on some stupid boy. But I guess you never noticed that she never really dated boys - perhaps you had your nose too far in a book to even suspect what her true sexuality was.'

The woman sighed as she looked over at the blonde girl, lying on her back with her legs apart, her lightly haired vagina open and looking invitingly pink. She resumed: 'So, my lover and I figured we'd have to get you either out of the way, or involved. You see, everything was a plan of mine and Stephanie's, though I guess most of it was hers. She's so clever! The story you found was one she downloaded from the net and added a few critical alterations, just to either excite you or revolt you. Guess it didn't matter which because you're such a nosy little thing. She set up the clues, and pretended she had the skills to hack into the encryption of 'my' story file. Don't you think the Sherlock Holmes bit was ever so clever?

'After all, sweetcakes, you think you're soooo clever at solving little puzzles all we had to do was make the trap just right and you'd fall.' Verity smirked at her daughter's astonished look. 'Though I must say you did actually miss a clue that could have been very important.' Once more the woman toyed with her big, thick dildo. 'We called this mystery man Doctor Ildoe but you failed to spot that I was really the Doctor - Doctor Watson!'

The woman blew another kiss at the chained Stef on the bed and waved to her little friend, Jenny, who wiggled her fingers as if trying to wave back. 'Of course, the snag might have been little Jenny over here. See, she found Stephanie and I making love in our kitchen one day - heaven knows where you were but we had the house to ourselves so, naturally we had to take advantage of each other's really dripping pussies!' She laughed at the memory. 'But then what to do with the sweet little child who'd seen everything - right down to me licking Stephanie's clit?'

Verity went over the the bound and gagged child and stroked the child's hair again. Jenny looked happy, despite the panty gag filling her small mouth, making her cheeks bulge. The woman continued without taking her eyes off her little prisoner: 'Fortunately, we found out she didn't mind being tied up, providing she could watch Stef and I make love. Even at her tender age she knows lust when she sees and hey, she's learning. Good actor too, as it happens. Follows instructions perfectly. Well, we found it a turn on, with her tied up all tight - and naked - and us two having sex in front of her. Privately though, I think dear little Jenny has a thing for her aunt Stephanie as she calls her. Wouldn't surprise me one day if they don't end up in bed!'

Stef made a deep sighing sound as if she thought eight year old Jenny would make the perfect little lover too. Without warning Verity turned, swept up her discarded black panties and stuffed them in the blonde girl's mouth. Stef made no effort to dislodge them, simply lying with a froth of black lace emerging from her full lips and a contented look in her eyes.

Verity straightened and came back to Unity. 'Sometimes even the best lover can make just a little bit too much noise. So, there we have the mystery solved, La Señorita. Now you can watch what we do, just like Jenny does.' Suddenly Verity slipped her hand between her 14 year old daughter's open legs. Unity jolted in shock, at both the suddenness and the way her mom slid one finger up into the girl's cunt, followed by a second. 'Oh, yes, I can feel you're quite hot down there yourself, honey.'

Verity withdrew her fingers and to Unity's shame and disgust and a faint sense of undeniable excitement, licked her juice-smeared digits wantonly as if enjoying them. 'You taste wonderful, dear. See what a little bondage and stimulation does for you?'

Jenny was snickering some more as she watched from her bondage post. On the bed the simply gagged and stretched out Stef was straining against the chains and lifting her hips to show her pussy off even more, make it look more inviting. The smell of arousal was in the air. 'My, oh my,' smiled Verity. 'I guess it looks like my sexy lover can't wait for Doctor Ildoe to give her another good ride. So now I've explained what brought us all together in this happy little event, I'll just go and give Stephanie her reward. Nice and slow and very long.'

Unity's mom climbed on the bed, crouching on all fours over the teenager, who was now whimpering into her makeshift gag how much she needed to be fucked. Verity or Dorothy or Doctor Watson - it was hard to tell who she was now - was lowering herself a little and brushing the smooth, round end of the dildo against her lover's obviously wet cunt lips. Teasing her gently. She lowered her face and let her lips brush the black lace in Stef's eager mouth, laughing as she pulled back to start the tease torture all over again.

Stef's firm tits showed a pair of hard, excited nipples. Unity felt hers harden too.

The tied teenager got the feeling all this play would continue for quite some time before Stef got what she wanted. In a weird, frightening way she couldn't wait to see it happen. Between her secured legs, Unity felt a small itch began to work its way into her depths. She wondered what it would be like to come like this, feel a climax sweep through her with her arms and legs tied the way they were, the gag stopping her crying out in delight.

'Oh, the big tits thing,' smirked Dorothy-Verity-Doctor as she looked back over to her slightly flushed daughter. 'I think Stephanie here has perfect breasts already and little Jenny might well get herself a mighty fine pair in time. But we think for now you're the Jemima.'

Unity's heart started racing unexpectedly, her sex feeling wet.

'Tell me dear,' continued her mother on the bed, teasing Unity's best friend more as she regarded her daughter, 'How does a pair of big, heavy 38 double-D's sound to you?'

Unity moaned into her gag, watching her mom slowly fuck Stef, wondering what the hospital and the nurses would be like and whether she'd be tied to a gurney, too.

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