Published: 14-Jan-2012
Word Count:
'It hurts, daddy.' Carrie sniffed back the tears. 'That's why I don't like it.'
Dan pulled his daughter closer to him where he was cuddling her on the sofa. 'I know honeypie. But it's meant to hurt a bit. It is bondage, after all.'
The twelve year old girl sniffed again and looked up at her father. 'Can you, uh - can you wipe my nose, please daddy?'
'Of course.' The man took a tissue from the open box on the small table at the side of the sofa and held it so his daughter could lean forward and blow her nose.
'If you untied my hands, I could blow my own nose,' she said hopefully as she finished.
'But I can't, you know that,' sighed Dan. 'Grandpa tied you up and this is his house. He's got to be the one who says you can go free.'
The girl took a deep breath but nodded. She appeared to accept it and Dan felt relieved. He didn't want an argument or tantrums or petulance from his eldest daughter and while he had no hesitation reaching for the gag if it was needed, it was important she accepted being tied up. After all, it was to be their life from now on.
'Anyway, honey,' said the man soothingly giving the naked twelve year old's shoulder another squeeze. 'It could be worse: you could be out there with the others.' Dan nodded towards the window and Carrie followed his gaze.
Outside in the rain, Dan's wife and youngest daughter were walking round in a circle on the lawn, water dripping from their bound bodies. They had been out for twenty minutes and their sodden clothes were clinging to them. They kept their heads down against the rain blowing in hard and Dan could barely make out their equally sodden gags. He could however see the pole that attached mother and daughter by their necks was dripping with water too as they circled endlessly in the stinging rain. Not surprisingly, Dan's wife Dorothy and their daughter Samantha looked thoroughly miserable as they hunched against the weather. To add to their misery they had to endure a beating as they passed Jenny, herself standing out in the rain with only her white bra, girdle and stockings on - which had grown increasingly transparent as the rain soaked through.
The mother of the bound Dorothy and grandmother of the equally tightly bound Samantha was urging the pair on with her small whip, telling them to move faster. Dan looked at Jenny and the others and smiled: his father in law Bill would be videoing all this from the shelter of the porch and no doubt he was zooming in on Jenny's saturated white bra and girdle as well as the way the rain sodden clothes clung to the figures of his own daughter and granddaughter. And of course their ropes.
'You didn't want me to go out there, did you?' asked Carrie, giving a little shiver as she watched what was happening to the hapless three females.
'Well, it would have been nice to cool you off after all the flogging you had - especially the one I gave you after we watched all those punishment videos of Grandad's - I figured it was better to just sit back here and have a little talk. Unless of course you insist on going out and joining the others...'
'No!' Carrie looked shocked. 'I couldn't!'
'You could if I told you,' said Dan quietly.
Carrie gave a little gasp but nodded. She knew if her father wanted her bound and gagged and out on the lawn with the others she would have no choice but to obey.
'You know I love you pumpkin, don't you?' Dan cuddled his eldest daughter closer to him. 'That's why I don't want to have to hurt you - well, only a little bit. Let's say I don't want to force you to be hurt. I don't want to have to keep you in ropes and gags and all that because you don't like it.'
The naked pre-teen looked confused so Dan tried to explain a different way. 'Look, Carrie. Think of it this way: if you enjoy being tied up then I don't have to insist you're tied up. If I have to tie you up and gag you so you are kept still and quiet because you don't like it then that's not what I want.'
'But... I get to be tied up anyway.'
Dan grinned. 'True, but I want my children happy. I want you to enjoy it like mom and Samantha do.'
'They don't look as if they're enjoying themselves right now,' observed Carrie.
'No, but they had the choice. That's what they chose.'
Carrie was an intelligent kid and understood the point. She nodded. She wanted to say it wasn't much of choice: going out in the rain to be whipped or being whipped while they hung upside down. She gave a little smile at her father, who had put his hand on the small swelling of her breasts. 'Um, Do you want to tit me Daddy?'
'Tit you?'
'Um... It's what the boys at school call it, when they get a girl alone. They feel her up. They tit or pussy her.'
'Have you been titted? Or pussied?'
'No... well, only a little titting.'
'Who did that to you?'
'Jonny Kemp, and Marty Green. One held my hands behind me while the other titted me.'
'Hmm. Did you enjoy it?'
'Uh... well, yes, sort of. My friend Emily was there. She had her hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream while they played with me.'
'And what was in this for Emily?'
Carrie blushed. 'The boys held me and Emily titted me too. She likes girls more than boys. She says I have cute little titties that ought to be felt every day and -' The girl hesitated.
'And what?' asked her father sternly.
'And... she says they have be tortured. When they're bigger she wants to put clothespins on them.'
'Hmmm, sounds okay to me.'
'It will hurt, won't it?' asked the girl, anxiously.
'Guess so - but if Emily wants to punish them I guess we have to accept that, right?'
Carrie gave a reluctant nod.
Dan smiled. A whole new world was opening up to him and he was going to enjoy every minute.
'Honey,' he said as he gave his daughter's breasts a little squeeze, enjoying their firmness. 'I guess I will be titting you real soon. Mom too, I guess. I know she likes young girls' budding busts. She told me so. But for now I'm just happy to tie you up and maybe whip you a little.'
Carrie shivered but nodded.
Then Dan had a thought. 'If we brought Emily over, and you were tied, she could tit you and pussy you all day, right? Maybe even do some preliminary punishment on them.'
The girl's eyes widened. 'You wouldn't!'
Dan nodded. 'Sure I would. We could have you sat, tied to a chair, with a nice blouse on so Emily could undo it slowly and play with your little bubbies as she pleased. Maybe we get you one of those front-fastening bras so she can unhook it and reveal your titties.' The man paused, savoring the thought. 'Trouble is, you'd have to be gagged and I would imagine your friend likes kissing girls, right?'
Carrie blushed and agreed. Then she asked, softly: 'Emily would be allowed to take my gag out to kiss me, wouldn't she?'
'Of course. But only under supervision. We couldn't have you just kissed by anyone unless we knew the gag went straight back in afterwards.' The man smiled at an idea that suddenly pleased him. 'Then there are the times we might want to let people spit in your mouth. You could be ungagged, open wide and maybe old Mrs Johnson next door would like to be there to spit in your mouth.'
'That sounds... uh, horrible,' said Carrie, screwing up her face.
'Well, it would make me happy and that's all that matters. Course, I expect old Mrs Johnson might like it too. I hear she's quite a perverted old cow.' 'But she wouldn't be tied up,' the girl said gloomily.
'She could be. Hey, I could have you tie her up while you are gagged then you could kneel in front of her, I'd remove your gag and you'd open wide. Then, splat, you'd have to swallow it!'
The girl gulped at the thought, a mixture of disgust and pleasure swirling in her. 'If she was tied, she couldn't tit me,' she said quietly.
'My, you really want hands on your boobs, right? Even an old crow like Mrs Johnson.'
Carrie was struggling with a thought. 'If we were tied together, face to face, she could spit in my mouth and kiss me,' she eventually said. 'If you allowed it.'
'Wonderful,' laughed Dan. 'I think a lesbian affair for you with a sixty year old hag would be sensational.'
The girl nodded, her mind full of scary but exciting possibilities. Thoughts of bondage and sex, being used and abused, stretched open and helpless no matter what, raced through her head. A warm glow spread from her cunny, a sensation more intense than any she'd ever known before. She took a deep breath as if accepting a new life full of forbidden erotic delights. 'Daddy,' she said quietly, 'I'm sorry.'
'For what?'
'For making it hard for you this weekend. On your birthday.'
'Does that mean you like being tied up?'
'I think I could get used to it,' said the twelve year old. 'Only... could I just wear chains sometimes, like Grandma?'
'You'd have to earn that privilege,' said Dan seriously. 'But I think it can be arranged. If you accepted being fastened down or strapped to things, and of course tied up, all without arguing.'
'I will. Thankyou, daddy,' smiled the girl.
Dan grinned at his eldest daughter and picked up the ball gag by his side. Carrie opened wide so he could slip the gag into her mouth. He didn't fasten the strap for a minute, allowing Carrie to sit there, knowing she could push it out if she tried. She didn't try. Happily, Dan buckled it tight behind his daughter's head. He gave her a little titting, then he laid her out, face down on the sofa and picked up the flogger.
'Time to warm your little ass for allowing people to play with your tits without my permission,' he grinned as he swished the flogger above her.
Carrie moaned into her gag and wriggled her cute little butt in excitement.
'In fact, very soon we're gonna have all kinds of people round to the house to tit you. You can wear a special little dress with a zipper in front and people can open it up and feel you up. Even your teacher, Miss Urstone could come along.'
'Mmmth,' said the girl in delight, wriggling even more. Deep inside her, she was enjoying the thought of her teacher fondling her young breasts as she sat doing her homework, the woman looking over her shoulder, perhaps telling her off if she made a mistake, saying she would be punished for that later. There would be a punishment book she'd carry with her everywhere, with a series of comments from different people about what she had done wrong or how she'd failed to respond.
Points that added up to punishments. Carrie groaned in forbidden pleasure at the thought of opening her book and letting her daddy read it and total up the points, knowing he would whip her or even better, torture her...
The flogger whistled down. Pain exploded in the girl's ass, driving out any thoughts. The flogger hurt Carrie, as it was meant to. She was wriggling in pain rather than pleasure, snorting into her gag. But as the blows cracked across her reddening ass, a new sensation suffused through the pain: the feeling of arousal.
Pleasure took over from the pain. Carrie wriggled in excitement, her hot cunny twitching. Above all, she was loved and wanted and life was going to be wonderful.
She belonged in her family - whether she was bound, gagged, chained or whatever - and that was the most important thing of all.
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