Published: 14-Jan-2012
Word Count:
The picture on the TV flickered for a moment and then came into focus. It was a home made tape and there on the screen was Janice, Dorothy's younger sister.
Dan had always thought his sister-in-law was hot and on the TV screen she looked even better than usual. Dorothy was a good looking woman but Janice - being four years younger than Dorothy (plus only having had one child) - had kept a great figure and always wore clothes that emphasised her curves.
Dan hadn't seen his his sister-in-law since Christmas and as she and her husband Ken and five year old daughter Lisa lived a few hundred miles away, family re-unions weren't common.
Janice's head and shoulders filled the screen and she was grinning. Dan was intrigued to see she had her blonde hair cut shorter than he recalled and the 'elf-look' she had adopted suited her.
'Hi Dan, a very happy birthday from us all out here!' laughed the woman.
Dan guessed that the camera was being held by her husband Ken and as he was into home movies the picture was steady and clear. The camera pulled back slightly and Dan was pleased to see more of Janice's cleavage: she had a low cut blouse on and was leaning forward slightly, showing the swell of her heavy breasts and the deep, dark cleavage between them.
'I guess you've had a good day,' said Janice, 'but we want to make it better for you.' The woman smiled, licked her full red lips and started to unbutton her top as if to reveal more of her cleavage for the camera. To Dan's dissapointment the woman stopped and smirked at the camera. 'On reflection, you don't want to see me undressed just yet, do you? I'm sure you'd rather have a happy birthday message from your niece Lisa. Honey, you ready?' The woman turned to her left and looked off camera, which duly followed her gaze.
Dan of course would have loved to have seen Janice getting undressed, but what the camera moved to was even better: five year old Lisa came into view and she looked sensational. Janice's daughter was standing in front of the sofa her mother was sitting on and the child was dressed in a skin-tight black latex outfit that showed off her little girl's body perfectly. She was only visible from the waist up but the black plastic acted as the perfect contrast for the white ropes wound round her body, ropes that undoubtedly were keeping her arms bound behind her.
'Hi Uncle Danny!' The bound girl beamed at the camera. 'Happy Birthday! My mommy and daddy said you'd like to see me all tied up as a birthday treat and here I am.' The happy looking girl made little hopping moves to turn and present her back to the camera, which pulled back slightly to reveal her arms pinned behind her back, elbows bound tightly together and wrists crossed and tied off with cinched rope. Wiggling her fingers as if she was trying to wave 'hello', Lisa looked over her shoulder with a cheeky smile and said: 'Daddy likes tying me up and see what he did to me. I love being tied up all nice and tight.'
The camera panned down and Dan could see the latex outfit was actually like a one-piece junior catwoman outfit, gleaming in the light. Lisa had turned with little hops because her legs were tightly bound together above and below her knees and at her ankles. On her small feet were, incredibly, black high heel shoes. Dan didn't know there were shoes like this for children but while the spike heels were only a little over two inches, they looked sensational on the small girl.
'Doesn't she look nice?' Janice appeared in the shot again, kneeling by her daughter's feet so she was in the frame. She reached out and ran her fingers over Lisa's ankle ropes and high heels and then, to Dan's delight, she unbuttoned her blouse to her waist to reveal her full, round breasts - barely contained by the skimpy black lace bra she was wearing.
Dan glanced at Dorothy and Samantha who, though kneeling facing the men on the sofa, were twisting themselves round as best they could to look over their shoulders at the TV. Jenny of course was stood by it, watching and only Carrie couldn't see the screen properly, though Dan noticed she was still trying to see what was happening.
Back on the screen Janice was taking off her blouse now, shrugging it off her shoulders and letting it drop to the floor. She ran her hands over her boobs and gave a little laugh. 'Who needs a bra, huh?' she asked and unhooked it, letting it fall. Then, to Dan's amazement (and pleasure) Janice stood and as the camera pulled back the woman hitched her red skirt and peeled her black lace panties down her stockinged legs. She scooped them up and grinned at the camera again. 'Of course, I don't need to wear panties either,' she purred. 'But Lisa does.'
The camera zoomed on the child's face as Lisa did several more little hops to turn herself back to the camera. 'Mommy loves to gag me with her dirty panties,' said the girl sweetly. She opened her little mouth and Janice's hand stuffed the rolled up ball of panties firmly into her daughter's mouth. The balled up panties made the child's cheeks bulge.
'Lisa looks so sweet gagged,' said Janice as she started to loop the black bra round her daughter's head, putting the narrow center strap over the ball of panties, pulling it tight and tying the bra off behind Lisa's head. The five year old girl gave a small groan as the bra-gag tightened but she looked far from unhappy.
Once more the camera pulled back to reveal Janice was now shedding her red skirt. She looked sensational in just her black lace garter belt, stockings and high heels and Dan was intrigued to see his sister-in-law had shaved herself and rouged the lips of her sex. For a moment Dan wondered what Samantha would think of what she saw but he didn't care too much. He was enjoying every moment of this show.
The virtually naked woman on the TV was picking something off the sofa. It was a pair of handcuffs and she turned to show her back to the camera and proceeded to click the cuffs on her own wrists. Janice tested them by pulling on both wrists to demonstrate she couldn't free herself from the cuffs before turning back to face the camera, her large naked tits swinging and bouncing as she turned back. The shot was holding steady and Dan realized the camera must have been on a tripod because Janice's husband Ken suddenly stepped forward into the frame. He went to stand between his wife and daughter, arm round each and he too grinned at the camera.
'Hi Dan. Happy birthday from me too. As you can see, we really love bondage in our family and we can't wait to see you all again soon so we can all have a great bondage get-together - especially with Lisa and Samantha and Carrie all bound and gagged like little girls should be.' The man looked at his wife who smiled at the camera and took over.
'You see, Dan, we've been doing this a long time and we think it's the healthiest fun a family can have. I'm sure you're finding out this weekend just what fun it is for everyone. Anyway, I have to go now. Ken wants to gag me. Bye!'
Ken pulled something out from his pocket and Dan could see it was a roll of silver duct tape. With practised ease the man swiftly taped up Janice's mouth, winding yards of the tape swiftly round her head and then up over her face, covering her eyes and ears and leaving just a little hole where the tip of her nose was. There was no indication that it was Janice at all apart from a little crop of blonde hair emerged from the top of the silver taped head.
Dan, fascinated, watched as the man turned his attention to his daughter, using yet more of the silver duct tape to cover the child's mouth, eyes and head just like her mother. Then Ken pulled two clothespins from his pocket and clipped them on to his wife's large, hard nipples.
The shot faded to black and Dan simply said; 'Wow. Everyone's in on this!'
'Sure are,' said Bill, indicating to Jenny she should change the tape in the VCR. 'Just to show you what Ken and Janice and little Lisa have been doing, take a look at this tape.'
The new tape went in and Dan watched, eyes glued to the TV, as he watched a succession of scenes shot by Ken (and Janice at times when Ken was in the shot doing the tying) as Lisa was bound and gagged in numerous positions. Judging by the different clothes and hairstyles Janice had and especially the fact that in some scenes the little girl was aged about two, Ken's family had been doing this for at least three years. Then Jenny - invariably in her white underwear - started to appear in the scenes and Bill too appeared, tying up his youngest grand-daughter in an interesting position with the child naked face down and legs wide apart on the dining room table. What most startled Dan was when his wife Dorothy appeared in one shot, busily tying the naked Lisa and underwear-clad Janice back to back, arms threaded through each other's, before gagging the child with Dorothy's own panties. He recognized Dorothy's dress as the one she had bought for Christmas last year and remembered how she'd said she was going out to the Mall with Janice but came back with nothing bought.
Dan smiled at the deception: she hadn't been shopping at all - she'd been too busy tying up her niece and sister at her parents house to go shopping.
The tape ended and Bill chuckled as he looked at his son-in-law. 'You look like you've seen a few things you didn't expect,' he said. 'So, son, if there was any doubt in your mind, consider yourself part of the family now!'
'Oh I do,' nodded Dan, reaching for the flogger lying next to him. 'And I'll feel even more close to it all when I've had a chance to whip all four of these females.'
'Listen to me, young woman - and listen good.'
The old woman loomed over the securely bound figure of her twelve-year old granddaughter where she lay on the floor of the dining room, arms pinned behind her and legs bound together. 'It's about time you learned, young lady, what's you think is best for you isn't necessarily the best for the family. Every time you are greedy or selfish, the family suffers.'
Twelve year old Carrie stared up at her grandmother. She tried to protest, to say something but her gag rendered the noises weak. She was terrified and oddly excited, especially she had to admit to herself she was fascinated how the old woman was standing over her with her legs slightly apart. Her grandmother was wearing an open bottomed girdle and with no panties and the clearly visible lips of the woman's sex looked red and large. Although that embarrassed Carrie, she couldn't avoid sneaking repeated and fascinated looks at the old woman's slit.
'You want your father and mother to be unhappy?' The grandmother continued, seemingly not caring if the child looked at her sex or her prominent breasts in their cone-shaped white bra cups. 'You want to miss out on the best family fun ever? You want to be the one left out and isolated?' The woman paused and shifted her weight. If anything, her legs were a little wider apart. 'You want to be ignored by those who love you?'
Carrie felt confused: she had been terrified on the Friday when she arrived and her grandparents had set about her, tying her and gagging her while her own mom had stood and watched with a grin, not helping. It was as if she liked what was happening to her eldest daughter.
Then mom had left and Carrie had been hauled into the living room and bound to a low table. She couldn't believe it was happening and had tried to beg to be released. But whatever sounds she had made through her gag were ignored.
After a few hours, with the table hurting her back, she had been taken to the bed she slept in whenever she stayed over. To her horror she saw that there were chains and straps on the bed - there'd never been any before. Her grandparents had partially untied her - enough to secure her limbs so there was never any chance of escape. There were chains at her wrists and ankles, straps over her body. Plus a different gag: not the cloth gag they'd used earlier but something far more sinister. A ball gag that filled her mouth and was strapped over her head.
A penis gag, which held her tongue down and filled her mouth as it pressed on the back of her throat.
Carrie had no idea such things existed. But she soon discovered both how uncomfortable it was and how good it was at stopping her screaming or begging or pleading for release. More, she had to learn to breath with it there.
She had fought the straps and chains, struggling as best she could. But the way she was laid out, the way she had been fastened down, wasn't going to give. Exhausted, tears rolling down her face, she lay in the darkness.
The girl had fallen asleep eventually - a fitful night full of dreams. But the only one she really remembered was one in which she was definitely happy, and her mother and father and sister were there: yet all the females had been tied up with yards of rope. They were having some kind of celebration round the dining table and the mother and the two girls were sat tied to chairs. It was weird how real it felt and how happy everyone was.
She had been hungry when she awoke the following morning but had lain there for what seemed like hours, waiting and praying for release. Surely, she had told, herself, this was some weird game. No-one treats their grandchildren like this, do they? Perhaps her grandmother and grandfather had gone mad and she wondered if the police would burst in to rescue her. But there were no cop sirens, no door thrown open and certainly no rescuers rushing in. The only sounds she heard as she lay were the normal sounds of her Grandma and Grandpa moving round the house as if everything was normal.
Normal? Had they forgotten about her? Were they so crazy they couldn't remember their granddaughter was strapped to the bed upstairs, gagged and helpless?
But then there was mom: why hadn't she done anything to stop it happening? Why had Carrie's own mother stood back and just let it happen?
Carrie's head had spun. She had wanted to cry, to scream. She wanted someone to help her escape.
Grandma and Grandpa hadn't forgotten her. Eventually they came to see her with some food and set it down by the side of the bed, explaining they would ungag her and help her eat. But is she said anything at all, the gag would go back in and she's have to wait another two hours.
Carrie had screamed and the gag went back as promised. But she learned they were serious and two hours later docilely ate her food, head help up while her meal was fed to her.
The rest of Saturday was being released only to be put into other bonds, other positions in the room - like being tied to a chair or lying on her front with her hands tied to her ankles. Sometimes the positions were strict and uncomfortable, even in a short time. But others were easier on her and she dozed, glad of the relief. Her gag was changed regularly and she learned not to say anything while it was removed. She cried of course, but the old couple took no notice.
They seemed, other than re-tying her or changing her gag, to largely ignore her. They certainly ignored Carrie's soulful or distressed looks and took no notice of her whimpers and sobs. They said little to her though they did smile at her a lot, like they were enjoying this.
On Saturday evening she had been allowed to watch TV with them, though the child had been tied to a chair. She was fed (and remembered not to speak while being fed) taken to the toilet by her Grandma as if she was some helpless baby and even allowed to bathe, though a rubber ball gag had been locked in her mouth and cuffs on her hands in front of her. Grandma watched the bathing girl with a faint smile on her usually kind face.
Carrie had been embarrassed, lying naked in the hot, soapy water gagged and cuffed with her own grandmother watching closely. But she had soon got used to it. She had wondered if it was Grandpa who was crazy and that Grandma might release her. Carrie soon dismissed the idea when the old woman attached a chain from one of Carrie's ankles to the faucet.
Saturday night in the bed had been just like Friday night, though to her surprise Carrie had slept better. There was a strange feeling in her - a feeling that for the first time ever, she could simply relax. She didn't fight the straps and chains as much as the previous night - perhaps because she knew they would be just as well secured as before and (this thought made her shiver) perhaps because it was easier to simply accept it all.
Even the all-too efficient penis gag felt easier.
The girl had endured the Sunday morning, accepting the bondage - especially the way she had been gagged with a larger penis gag and chained up on her toes in the center of the living room. She had been grateful for the offered meal, particularly as the jaw-stretching gag was temporarily removed. But one thing she didn't appreciate was the flogging she got from her chained grandmother.
Carrie had been astonished on Sunday morning to see Grandma in her white girdle, stockings and old fashioned bra. She had been even more amazed to see the old woman in chains. Grandma, however, looked far from unhappy as she paraded herself in front of the restrained child with a smile on her face.
It wasn't that the flogging had hurt (though it did) but the way it was applied without reason troubled Carrie most. After a while she concluded Grandma thought it was simply necessary and took it the beatings as well as she could.
All she could do was wait, and she waited helplessly until her mom, dad and sister had arrived.
Now, free of her earlier position but re-tied on the floor of the dining room, heavily bound with thin but strong ropes, Carrie's grandmother was standing over her in her bra, girdle, stockings and chains as all this was the most natural thing in the world. And she was lecturing the child.
'I know it can be tough,' said the old woman with kindness in her voice, 'getting tied up for the first time. But we all have to do it sometime.
'When I was a kid I remembered I was terrified when my mom and dad tied me up for the first time. I was eight and I was tied to a post on the porch, arms behind me, legs apart and my mom's panties in my mouth with my lips sealed up with this duct tape my pop used round the home.'
The old woman sighed as she recalled the memories. 'And they left me for hours. I was hurting real bad from not being able to move. But gradually I got to appreciate it. My mom drew up a chair in front of me, sat down and talked to me about what women did for their menfolk. How a happy home has women who are willing to be tied up, so they don't stray as she put it.'
The old woman crouched down by the bound twelve year old. 'Listen honey,' she said softly. 'A lot of women go astray - wandering off, getting wrongheaded ideas, being lazy.' Grandma tutted. 'All this feminist nonsense... women need to serve men. That's how it is. So being tied up kinda makes it easier for us to stay put.
'Oh don't get me wrong. A woman should have a good education, decent schooling and maybe college. They can have a job, but their first duty is to the home and their men. My mom taught me that and I'm grateful. It's a long tradition for girls to be tied up young and learn to deal with being roped and chained. Then they can serve the men. Generations of females understand that men like their women restrained. They like them elegant, polite and attentive, in good shape (at this the old woman patted her girdle-encased tummy) but above all eager to please. And available. That's why we tie up young women early.'
The old woman shook her head wistfully. 'Of course, you're a little on the late side, Carrie. By my reckoning you should have been tied a long time ago. But, better late than never.'
The woman stood and spread her legs as wide as her ankle chains would allow, giving the bound girl a perfect view of her grandmother's vagina. 'Can you see, sweetheart? This is the thing women have that men want. Oh, of course they want boobs and butts, but they really love this.' The woman spread the lips of her labia, showing the pink. 'But they want it kept at home, see? That's why I'm happy to be chained up. Or tied up. Just as I was when I was a girl. Like you too, sweetypie, I had to learn to be whipped. Your mom did too, just as my mom did. Guess being thrashed is important to all women if it's done with love.'
Another sigh, another smile. 'Fortunately, we have started Samantha earlier than you but there's still time for you to learn.' Grandma let go of her sex before continuing. 'Bondage for girls is healthy and natural. If you fight reality, if you think you can change things, if you think you will be better off without ropes and chains and gags, you'll just be unhappy.
'Your mom and dad will take care of you, even when you are tied up or gagged or chained up or strapped down. It was tough for me at first when I had to be secured but I learnt to love it. Samantha will, just as your mom did when she was young. Just as you will. But one last thing: you can fight this but the ropes won't be coming off.'
The grandmother paused, allowing her tied up granddaughter to start to think things through. 'You lie there and think on it, sweetie. Now I have to go and get ready for the next round of pleasure and punishment. Just remember we all love you.'
With that the old woman blew the tightly trussed twelve year old a kiss and left the child lying silently, thinking things over.
Lying quite still in silence, she could hear laughter from the living room and excited chatter from her family. Carrie groaned: she was being left out, and she hated that.
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