Published: 14-Jan-2012
Word Count:
'Hi, honey - I'm home!' Dorothy called as she kicked the door shut behind her, arms laden with bags.
'Hi,' grinned Dan, appearing in the living room door.
'My, you look like the cat who got the cream,' smirked Dorothy, putting down her shopping.
'You too,' said Dan, indicating the amount of shopping she had brought home.
'Oh, just a few little things. Now, where's Samantha?'
'In her room. Want to see?'
'Of course. I take it you two have had fun while I've been out.'
It was Dan's turn to smirk as they climbed the stairs. 'What do you think?'
In the cool of Samantha's room, Dorothy was surprised to find there was no sign of their daughter. Her yellow dress still hung by the closet and the bed looked a little untidy, as if someone had been tied spread-eagled to it earlier. The girl's desk had been moved too and for once it was clear of all the girl's stuff.
'You've been busy,' she said, looking round. 'So, where is she?'
Dan laughed and stepped up to the closet. With a gesture he threw open the doors to reveal the naked figure of Samantha, obviously blindfolded and gagged with red ball gag was firmly in her mouth, the red cloth blindfold knotted round her head.
Dorothy gave a small gasp at the sight before her. She had expected to see their daughter bound but not as tightly or as effectively as she was. Clearly, the tied girl couldn't move.
The pre-teen's body was stretched in an inverted Y: her hands were lashed to the clothes rail and to ensure she didn't move much the collar's leash was secured to a hook at the side of the closet, positioned above the girl's head. Samantha's legs were drawn apart by the fact that her ankles were tied wide apart to a pole that stretched her naked legs open. But her feet weren't fully on the floor of the closet: the wrist restraints kept the child on her tiptoes and her head would have no doubt have hung forward from exhaustion but Dorothy could see how her hair had been tied in a bunch at the back, secured to yet another hook in the closet wall. To Dorothy's amazement the child had ropes round her waist and ends from this belt disappeared down between her spread legs.
Samantha's mother could see how the tight ropes bit up into the girl's sex and though she doubted the girl was too young to really feel the effect of a crotch rope she did wonder that just maybe the kid was getting some pleasure. 'Holy Moses,' Dorothy breathed after a few moments. Then to the child she asked: 'Honey? You okay in there?'
There was no reaction.
'She can't hear you,' said Dan smugly. 'I plugged her ears with cotton under the blindfold scarf. Neat, huh?'
Dorothy felt dizzy. She had expected to see Samantha in bondage but she had thought it would be light stuff - maybe even the child simply with her cuffs on with her hands in front of her. No, she hadn't expected this but it was... well, wonderful. Between her legs her juices were flowing. She had a buzz like she hadn't felt in years. Not since she had been screwed from behind when she was pregnant, when Dan held her down across the kitchen table. Eventually, the woman found her voice. 'How long has she been there?'
Her husband glanced at his watch. 'Oh, around an hour. I plan to keep her there for another hour.'
'And she can't hear us?'
'Jeez... I'm hot,' gasped the woman, hitching up her skirt and bending over Samantha's desk, where she could see the ten year old stretched and bound. 'Fuck me now,' she pleaded over her shoulder.
Dan had no hesitation, ripping his wife's flimsy panties aside and plunging his already rock hard cock into her sopping wet snatch. He too could see the punished child almost dangling before them and he hammered his dick hard into his wife, making her gasp and moan as her climax approached. Without warning, Dan grabbed Dorothy's wrists and hauled her hands tight behind her back. She didn't resist. He pinned them to the small of her back and leaning forward, whispered: 'You next.'
'Oh yes,' the woman gasped as the man drove hard into her. 'Make me like her!'
'Damn right I will,' grunted Dan as he came with a shout.
'Hi, pumpkin,' smiled Dan as he took Samantha's blindfold off and eased the cotton out of her ears. 'You okay in there?'
'Yttth,' the child managed to say into her gag. She blinked in the light as she focused her eyes. She had been untied and allowed to move after nearly two hours in the closet and now all she had on her was the rope round her waist and between her legs, the inevitable dog collar and the ever-present ball gag. To her delight her father removed the gag.
'Thankyou, daddy,' she said slowly, flexing her aching jaw, her tongue feeling thick from the enforced inactivity. The girl rubbed her wrists, clearly pleased to be free from the punishment she had endured. 'Mommy home yet?'
'Uh-huh,' nodded the man. 'She's waiting over here. Look.' Dan stood aside and opened the closet door all the way. He waved his hand airily towards the woman sat in a chair, facing the closet.
'Mom!' croaked Samantha, starting forward towards the bound woman.
'It's okay, pumpkin,' said the girl's father catching her arm. 'She wanted me to do this. She's happy about it.'
Samantha didn't resist. She simply stood and stared at her nearly naked mother. Dressed in just her bra and panties, Dorothy was sitting with her arms bound behind her, ropes across her chest both above and below her bust. There were ropes round her waist and more across her thighs and knees. Although her knees were bound together her ankles had been tied to each front leg of the chair, angling her lower legs. She still had shoes on - black high heels that had been tied to her feet. Even the spike heels of the shoes had been tied to the chair leg, causing her ankles to be strained downward.
The bondage didn't look comfortable but the woman didn't look unhappy. However the girl couldn't see her mother's lower face. A large adhesive strip covered the woman's mouth and jaw and judging by the way there was a bulge at the front, Dorothy's mouth had been packed tight with something.
'Your mom wanted to see what it was like, what you'd had today,' said Dan. 'Tell her, sweetie.'
'Mmmthuh mmnnth hppphm,' said Dorothy.
'I think that means she's fine,' Dan said.
As if to agree with her husband, she winked at Samantha.
The pre-teen nodded. 'I guess she looks pretty cool,' the girl said. 'You gonna keep her there long?'
'Hmm. You decide.'
'Me?' Samantha looked shocked. 'But I can't...'
'Why not, angel?'
The child blushed. 'I'm a prisoner, silly! We just have to be tied up.'
Dan grinned at his youngest child. 'Well, you're right pumpkin prisoner, but you've been so good today I think you ought to decide. One or two hours for mommy?'
'No! Three hours,' laughed Samantha.
The woman, just like her daughter earlier, widened her eyes in shock.
'Phew. That was tough going,' said Dorothy as she settled down next to her husband on the sofa a few hours later, smoothing out her short black skirt as she did so. 'Now I know what Samantha went through.' She glanced across at her daughter, sat with her hands tied behind her back, attached by a short length of rope to the collar she was wearing.
'Daddy tied me up in lots of ways,' the girl said, without taking her eyes from the movie on TV. 'And he tied me up after I saw you all tied up.'
'Really?' Dorothy raised one way at Dan, who was sat enjoying the film along with their daughter.
'Sure. My birthday remember?' The man gave a laugh. 'Just a little hogtie on the sofa here. Anyway, now I've discovered how good it is to tie Samantha up then... what did we agree, pumpkin?'
'Daddy says I've got to be in bondage a lot,' pouted the child, finally looking away from the television and at her mom. 'Hey, what's that you're wearing?'
'A treat for daddy,' laughed Dorothy. 'This is something I bought at the Mall just to please him.' The woman stood up and did a little twirl. The short skirt on the black latex dress flared out as the woman spun. Her breasts, almost fully revealed where the low cut front of the dress plunged to her waist, started to spill out. The short skirt flicked up to show her garters and stocking tops, making her daughter exclaim: 'Mom... that doesn't even fit you!'
'Oh it's okay honey. It's meant to be all revealing. The slutty look, they call it.'
'Needs something else,' said Dan casually, eyeing his wife.
'What? I've got my highest heels on.'
'Yeah, but you need your hands tied behind you.' The man picked up a length of rope from beside him. 'But I think, just for a change, Samantha ought to tie them. After all, you tied her this morning, right?'
'Oh good!' grinned the child, no longer interested in the movie. 'But can I tie her ankles too, please, daddy?'
'Sure.' The man glanced at his wife. 'Go and untie Samantha and then she can tie you.'
Dorothy felt a surge of sensation in her cunt as she moved over to her daughter. There was something really wicked about being tied up by her own child. It only took a few moments to free the child's hands and at once the girl leapt up and took the rope her father offered. Dorothy crossed her hands behind her back and the child set about binding them with glee, eager to show what she had learnt from her own bondage.
'Ow, honey, that's a little tight,' objected the woman as the pre-teen yanked the rope into a tight cinch.
'Uh-oh,' sniggered Dan. 'Looks like she's objecting. So what do we do, pumpkin, to a prisoner who complains?'
'We gag her,' beamed the ten year old.
Dorothy groaned inwardly. She had hoped she wouldn't be gagged again: her mouth had only just recovered from the severe gagging she had received from her husband not so long ago.
Under Dan's direction Samantha got the idea of gagging pretty quick: she knotted the red strip of cloth tightly - not behind her mother's head - but in the woman's mouth, so the knot acted like a ball and filled it well.
'Feel nice, mommy?' asked Samantha, to which the bound woman grunted a 'Ytthhhh thhnnnthhuuh.'
'Well done angel,' grinned Dan as he watched his daughter finish the job by looping the rope she'd had on her own wrists round her mother's ankles. 'Is she okay like this?' asked Samantha as she stood up from tying her mother's ankles.
'Sure,' said Dan, settling back on the sofa. He patted it next to him and the happy little girl scampered over and sat down where he indicated. 'Look at her standing there. You should be very pleased tying your mommy up like that: she can't move much and she can't speak. That's nearly perfect.'
'Nearly?' The girl looked crestfallen.
'The knees and elbows,' the man whispered. 'Very important when you tie someone up. Remember when I tied you standing in the kitchen? I made sure your knees were nice and tight and your elbows were touching.'
A light dawned in the child's eyes. 'Course I remember,' she snickered and hopped off the sofa.
Dan watched as the girl secured her mother's knees - both above and below - with a length of rope before she bound the woman's elbows together. Dan could tell by the wince on his wife's face that she was suffering at Samantha's hands. The girl returned to sitting next to her father.
The man hugged Samantha. 'Perfect. I'm very proud of you and mommy is too - she'd tell you herself if you hadn't done such a good job of gagging her.'
Samantha nodded and then suddenly looked concerned. 'Daddy, I like being tied up and I like tying Mommy, but what about Carrie?'
'You want to tie her up too?'
'No!' The girl paused and blushed slightly. 'Well, yes. But she's coming home tomorrow. Mommy and me can't be all tied up then, can we?'
Dan nodded. 'No, but I'm sure we can work something out. Now, enough talking. I think it would be nice if you sat here and looked at your mommy all tied up while you're all tied up too.'
''Kay, daddy. You gonna hogtie me again?'
'If you want, honey,' Dan smiled at his daughter. 'But this time I want to tie your ankles to your hair, not your wrists.'
The little girl grinned up at her daddy and started to arrange herself on the sofa.
From where the ten year old girl lay on her stomach on the sofa, with her hair tied with a short length of rope to her ankles pulled up behind her, she had no option but to look at what her daddy was doing to her mommy. Dan was stood behind the bound woman and his hands were roaming over Dorothy's ample breasts. Where the low cut top almost exposed her chest Dan was making sure it did as his hand groped the twin mounds of flesh, pulling them clear of what little modesty the dress provided.
Samantha's mommy was rolling her head and making some 'oohing' sounds into her gag - the gag that the pre-teen had tied in her mouth - as Dan's fingertips rolled and caressed and pinched the hard, prominent nipples. She seemed to be shaking slightly, too.
'Your mom's getting pretty excited now, honey,' he explained to the bound child over the woman's shoulder. 'Women do that when they get aroused. That means they get all tickly in a nice way in their cunny. You know what a cunny is?'
Samantha blushed a little but managed to do the merest nod. It wasn't easy with her hair tied to her ankles but she did her best to show she understood. Her friend Diane used the word all the time and even said she touched it a lot. Samantha had tried it herself but wasn't quite sure how to touch herself like Diane said. Perhaps, she hoped, Carrie would show her one day. She was pretty sure Carrie touched her own cunny a lot too when she thought no-one was around.
What the tied up Samantha couldn't see however was what her mom's hands were doing to Daddy. Hidden from the child by the woman's body, Dorothy's hands were able to grasp the hard cock the man had freed as he stood behind her. She was shaking slightly both from the pleasure her husband was piling on her and also from the effort of masturbating the man. Her short skirt was up too and she could feel the head of his hard cock pressing against her pantied ass. She imagined that if she hadn't put panties on his cock would be nuzzling at her butthole now, trying to force its way in. The thought of being assfucked here and now was driving her mad with desire.
Samantha of course was unaware of this. The golden rule had always been the kids were not exposed to the sex acts of their parents, though seeing the man caress and pinch the woman's tits was probably pretty close to breaking that rule. The child was, however, fully aware that something was going on between the two adults. She could tell the way her mommy was snorting through her nose harder and harder and the way her daddy was gasping and saying, 'Yes, just there, do that!' as he breathed harder.
She may not have understood the finer points of sexual arousal but the child was at least glad her father had wound rope round her waist and between her legs. Despite the stringent position she was in, the girl could just about wriggle her hips and the sensations where the rope was rubbing on her panty covered cleft was delightful.
Samantha wondered if they would enjoy it as much as she did if they were tied up like her.
The child's mom and dad were glad that bondage had come to their family. Dan squirted his cum over his wife's hands and her butt where the panties she wore were stretched taut over the valley between her full, round asscheeks moments after Dorothy came with a snort from the constant teasing and torture her nipples were receiving.
Dan gave the woman's sore nipples a last painful flick, wiped his cock head on his wife's rear and slipped his softening cock away before he stepped out from behind Dorothy, who by now was sagging at the knees from the effects - and pleasure - of a draining orgasm. He glanced over at the little girl, hogtied and gagged on the sofa, pleased to see she seemed to be in the throes of some sort of forbidden pleasure. He'd liked the way she'd watched him and Dorothy and then started wriggling. He couldn't be sure but she may have had her first sexual release.
The rope release however would be a little way off. She could watch, he decided, while he fetched some more rope and re-tied his wife. He made up his mind he would put her in the same hogtie as his daughter, blindfold them both and then he could sit back and watch them endure the discomfort - and any self inflicted pleasures if they so wished. He was sure they would.
Once he was happy they were wriggling properly, he decided he would then simply jack off. The only thing he needed was a little extra stimulus. Perhaps whacking off with a pair of Samantha's panties wrapped round his dick was the best thing to ensure another fountain of cum.
Then he had a better idea: how about tying Dorothy and Samantha face to face, lying on their sides in a hogtie-like pose?
His cock hardened at the thought of them wriggling, rubbing each other with the ropes they shared running between their legs. Samantha would feel the delight of her mother's breasts pressed to her face and his wife would have the pleasure of the child's face pressed between her tits. In fact, the two of them could spend the night together like that on the floor of his and Dorothy's bedroom. They might not get much sleep but he'd enjoy it all.
It was turning out to be a pretty damn good birthday, Dan decided.
From the front of the car, where she sat with her hands bound behind her, Dorothy aimed a reassuring smile into the back towards her daughter. 'How are you doing, honey?'
'Good,' said the ten year old. 'But... my knees hurt a bit.' The child dropped her voice to a whisper. 'I think Daddy tied them too tight, mommy.'
'It's just the wire,' said the woman reassuringly. 'You're not used to it, that's all. Mine're uncomfy too where daddy tied my knees.'
'We'll be at Grandpa and Grandma's in a few minutes,' said Dan from the driver's seat, glancing at his daughter in the mirror. 'Just hang on a little longer. Then we can get you free before we go in. But if you're going to complain I've got your gag in my pocket, pumpkin.'
Samantha wisely remained quiet as they drove in in silence for a few minutes before Dan hauled the car over to the side of the road. 'Your mom and dad's place is just up ahead,' he said to Dorothy as he reached for his wirecutters. 'Guess I'll have to cut the wire on your legs and wrists now.'
'Well, not exactly. Maybe just our ankles so we can walk from the car to the house but I don't think there's a problem with our hands.'
The man stared at his wife. 'You mean... you don't mind them seeing you and Samantha bound?' He paused. 'And you thought about Carrie's reaction? She'll go spare!'
'Maybe not,' said Dorothy with a sly grin. 'Just drive on and we'll see.'
'Are we going into Grampa's like this?' asked the girl excitedly from the back, leaning forward.
'I guess you are,' laughed Dan. 'But even you two can't walk with your ankles wired up. I'll cut them free but you'll have to manage with your knees fastened.'
The woman and her daughter did remarkably well, getting from the car to the front door of Dorothy's parents house. Dan wasn't sure what reception they'd get when the old couple - Bill and Jenny - opened the door to see their daughter and granddaughter hobbled and helpless. But if Dorothy was confident it would be okay, he'd let her talk them out of any confrontation. Anyway, he admitted to himself as he rang the bell, Bill certainly had a great sense of humor and an open view of life. Perhaps he'd think it was weird but funny and persuade his wife accordingly.
It was twelve year old Carrie who worried him most: she was a pretty girl and intelligent but sometimes far more into serious stuff than Samantha was. Still, he told himself as the door opened, he was about to find out.
He wasn't expecting what he saw but his heart flipped in his chest when his eyes met the scene before him. Bill had opened the door and as usual Jenny was with him - they never seemed to be very far from each other - but while he was standing in his usual pants and shirt, his wife was dressed only in her underwear. It was a shock to see her standing there in the plain white bra and girdle arrangement of her generation. But more than that what he didn't expect was that she would be chained heavily. The woman was collared and cuffed at ankles and wrists and even had a metal belt padlocked round her waist.
The cuffs - clearly steel and clearly made to fit - had small brass padlocks to keep them closed. The chains between the cuffs, the collar and the metal belt were heavy and because Jenny had a short chain between her ankle cuffs she was almost as restricted as Dorothy and Samantha with their wired up knees.
Dan's mother-in-law wasn't gagged and looked, to Dan's astonishment, completely happy. Indeed, despite her restraints and mode of dress, she was offering her usual welcoming smile.
'Come in,' beamed Bill, gesturing the three should enter. 'Good to see you again, Dan - and good to see you've got the women-folk under control.' he winked at the younger man. ''Bout time too!'
'Bill,' Dan said faintly as he nodded at the man's well chained wife. 'I, umm, had no idea.'
'Oh, Jenny's been a sex slave for years now,' said Bill.
'Sure,' echoed Jenny. 'We couldn't tell you but I've been in chains and ropes and gags, of course, long before Dorothy married you.'
'You knew?' Dan turned in amazement to his wife, standing just behind him.
Dorothy grinned and shrugged. 'Guess as I'd been tied up since I was Samantha's age you could say I had a pretty good idea.'
Dan's jaw hung open. He managed to say: 'B-but why didn't you tell me?'
'You never asked. Anyway, you seemed happy enough with your fantasies about the kids,' said Dorothy.
Dan made to say something but a sudden realization dawned on him. 'The kids! Where's Carrie?'
'Quite safe,' laughed Bill. 'Jenny'll show you.'
'Follow me.' Jenny's chains rattled as she tried to gesture Dan should follow her. He did, walking slowly behind the shuffling, heavily chained older woman, through the hall towards the living room. Dan glanced over his shoulder at his wife and daughter, who were making their own way after him, followed by Bill. For a moment he turned his attention back to fixed his eyes on the white girdle-clad swaying hips of his mother-in-law. He felt his cock stiffen again: he had always nurtured a secret fantasy about seeing his wife's mother like this. She was, for her age, still a good looking woman and although a little plump she had a good figure with good legs that looked even better in garters and stockings and some remarkably high heels. In particular he liked the fact that the legs he had long admired were now chained so efficiently.
Better still, the woman's girdle was one of the open-bottom kind. It would only be a matter of moments before Dan got a good view of her twat.
Dan had not been prepared for what he had seen in the hall of his in-laws' home but even that, exciting though it was, faded into near insignificance at what Jenny presented to him when she opened the door to the living room.
The figure standing in a stretched position in the center of the room was a young, naked girl. The figure lifted her heavily gagged head and silently stared at Dan. It was Carrie, of course, and Dan let out a low gasp. The twelve year old was standing with her legs wide apart, her arms stretched wide over her head. Her wrists and ankles were held wide apart with chains locked on her limbs, chains attached to rings set in the polished floor and the ceiling which not only stretched her but made her stand on tip toes. Carrie's slim young body was wound round with yards of thin white rope which cut deep into her exposed flesh, biting into her waist and chest and some of the strands ran down between her spread legs to be finished off around the top of her thin thighs. Dan also realized the ropes across his daughter's chest ran up to loops round her neck - not preventing the child breathing but tight enough to show small creases of pressure. It looked like a reminder for Carrie to keep her head still.
Carrie looked resigned, even slightly tearful. Her mouth, hidden by the huge black rubber ball gag which was distending her face, could show no sign of unhappiness. Nor could she protest - not even make any sound at all it seemed.
'Wow,' was as much as Dan could say.
Behind him, Dorothy snickered and Samantha gave a low whistle at seeing her sister so heavily bound.
'Happy birthday for yesterday,' laughed Bill standing behind them. 'Go on, Jenny, remind her to say 'Happy Birthday' to her pop.'
Grinning, Jenny shuffled over to the stretched girl and took her place at the side of the child. She reached behind Carrie and unhooked a small multi-stranded soft-thonged whip. Without hesitation the chained woman swung the whip and it snapped, noisily, against the bound girl's right hip. A pained snort exploded from Carrie.
'Say it,' demanded Jenny holding the whip out as far as her chains allowed, 'or I'll smack harder.'
Carrie didn't need any more prompting. 'Hutthhhy hhhutthuh,' she said through her gag, prompting Samantha to snigger at the girl's muffled efforts.
'You want her to sing happy birthday, honey?' It was Dorothy asking the question.
'Yeah,' grinned Dan, feeling his cock harden even more.
'Start singing,' growled Jenny as she swung the whip again, bringing another sharp snap and a loud groan from Carrie. But she sang somehow through her gag to everyone's amusement.
Sitting on the sofa in front of Carrie, Bill shook his head in amazement as he watched his mother-in-law finish gagging his own daughter and granddaughter where they knelt on the hard floor by the side of the stretched Carrie. Neither Dorothy or Samantha objected or tried to resist as the ball gags went into their mouths. It was, Dan thought, as if they expected it. He could imagine his wife was familiar with bondage in her parents' home but clearly Samantha had been primed well and even looked pleased as the strap on her gag was buckled tight.
Jenny was already gagged with what was clearly a penis gag that, like Carrie's, obscured much of her lower face. She'd put it on herself without any prompting from her husband and though it was a struggle with her hands chained to her belt she managed it. 'Carrie's wearing one like that,' Bill had said, matter-of-factly, as they watched the older woman silence herself.
Once Dorothy and Samantha were properly gagged and Jenny standing by the side of them the two men on the sofa could survey the scene: four females all restrained in some way and though Jenny might have been in a position to remove her own gag, once she had finished gagging Dorothy and Samantha she carefully closed a small padlock on her wrist chain to prevent her moving her hands up to her head. Dan felt he was in heaven watching all this and his raging hard on clearly showed how excited he was.
'Like what you see?' Bill indicated the females with a sweep of his hand. 'All family, all restrained in some way.'
'Sure do,' smiled Dan. 'I just had no idea it was so important to everyone. But tell me, why is Carrie so heavily bound and gagged?'
'Ah,' sighed Bill. 'She didn't want to go along with it. Dorothy and me planned it, with Jenny's help of course. Dorothy knew she could get Samantha involved pretty easily and the little one went along with everything just great. But Carrie... well, she was one tough cookie. Dorothy had tried to talk to her about bondage but she wouldn't listen. So, basically, we agreed she should come here for the weekend and we'd see to her.' The older man gave a self-satisfied nod. 'But I've dealt with this before with kids. Dorothy, her sister Janice -'
'Janice?' Dan gasped at the news and then nodded. 'Yeah, why not?'
'Plus there was Dorothy's friends, Karen and Melissa. Two good kids we got to tie up with your wife. I've got some pictures someplace which I'll show you one day, sort of family snaps. You can see all of them, including Jenny and Janice, all trussed up.'
'Wow,' Dan said, impressed.
'Anyhow, Dorothy brought Carrie over on Friday, straight after school and left her to us. The big gag was necessary as I thought she'd scream the place down. But we got her tied up and even had to whip her a bit to make her co-operate - nothing hard of course. Just a little reminder to make her see sense. Oh yes, and we didn't want her bothering the neighbors. They know what we do but they like us to keep it all quiet.'
Dan took a deep breath, trying to ignore his rock hard cock. 'Like I say, I had no idea. I thought I was lucky with Samantha and then Dorothy but this... this is wonderful.'
'Yeah, it's pretty special. Pity they're not all like Carrie but we can arrange that.'
Dan thought he would cum in his pants at the idea of all four of them stretched and gagged like Carrie. Especially if he got to use the flogger on them. 'But why do all this now?' The man asked.
'It was your birthday and you like bondage,' said Bill, casually.
'Yeah but I've had birthdays before.'
'Well, guess we had to make sure the kids were old enough and that Dorothy was comfortable with it all. We sat round talking one night a few weeks ago discussing how we'd get Samantha and Carrie into bondage.'
Dan gulped. 'Was she... was Dorothy tied up then?'
'Hell no,' laughed Bill. 'She had to be heading home soon enough. Wasn't time to bind her fully. But though she wasn't, Jenny was. If I remember rightly she was bound over the dining table.' Dan glanced at his mother-in-law and saw her give the slightest nod in agreement. 'Dorothy just gave her mom a little flogging,' continued the older man. 'Just like Carrie's had earlier, just to keep her big ass warm!'
'I'd like to have seen that,' said Bill.
'Guess you will, son. Dorothy always liked spanking her mom. Hey... that's an idea: we could get the kids to thrash their mom as she flogs her mom. Kinda make a great scene for the camera.' Bill paused and then said: 'Truth is, I guess you'd like to give them all a flogging yourself.'
Dan could only nod enthusiastically, imagining his wife, mother-in-law and two daughters all taking a good thrashing across their asses from his hand.
'But before we do that,' said the man, getting to his feet and moving over to the VCR under the TV. 'There's one more birthday treat for you. All the way from the West Coast, just for you.'
Bill took out a tape out of its unmarked box and winked at Bill. 'A very special tape indeed,' he said as he slotted it into the VCR.
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