Published: 14-Jan-2012
Word Count:
'Hi, daddy. Happy birthday!' Ten year old Samantha Coren stood at her parents' bedroom door, hands behind her back. She was dressed not as she normally was in her jeans and t-shirt but a pretty yellow party dress with a short, flared skirt. The type of thing she only wore on special days. 'I've got something for you,' she beamed at her father. 'It's behind my back so you can't see it,' the child added.
'Good morning, pumpkin,' smiled Dan Coren as he eased himself up in the bed. He hadn't been looking forward to his 35th birthday - too much about getting old too quick - but he was always pleased to see his youngest daughter, even if it was just after seven in the morning.
Dan's wife, Dorothy, appeared in the door behind Samantha. 'Go on, honey, show your father his present,' she whispered, urging the little girl forward.
Samantha took a step forward and then looked coyly up at her mom,' Now?' she asked.
'Of course now... it's daddy's birthday and he'll want to see what you've got for him.' Dorothy shot a smile at her husband with one of those 'kids, huh!' shrugs.
'Can he guess what I've got?' The little girl said, still not moving.
'Oh go on,' laughed the girl's mother.
'Let me see...' said Dan, joining the game. 'You've got me a birthday card.'
'Yes,' laughed Samantha.
'One you made for me?'
'Sure - and something else.'
'Behind your back? My, it must be something small but valuable. Let me see... Hmm, the keys to a brand new sports car?'
'No,' giggled the girl.
'Oh, then it must be a check for a million dollars.'
'No, silly!'
'Last guess then you show me. I know, a family pass to the movies for later today.'
'No. Better than that,' the girl skipped to the bedside, hands behind her. 'Look!'
The child spun on her heel and presented her back to her father. She was indeed holding a card but what took Dan's attention wasn't that. It was the way the ten year old's hands were bound neatly behind her.
Dan stared at the ropes securing his daughter's wrists and shot a look at his wife, standing in the doorway, smirking at her husband's reaction. 'Well,' she said with a huge grin, 'you always said you wanted to tie Samantha up and so we thought it would make a perfect birthday present for you.'
Dan found his voice and stared at the child. 'Samantha... you okay?'
'Course I am daddy!' The child was smiling over her shoulder, far from distressed. 'Mommy said you wanted a really special birthday treat so she tied my hands. Go on, take the card and read it.'
Dan, his hand shaking with excitement, reached out and took the card from his daughter's bound hands. He tore his eyes from the delightful sight of his pretty daughter and her secured hands to the card. On the front was a picture, drawn by Samantha, of a small girl in a bright yellow dress - a girl with the same blonde hair and big appealing eyes - standing all wrapped up with rope. There was a speech bubble coming from the child's mouth: 'Happy Birthday dearest Daddy... take a peek inside'
Shaking, Dan opened the card. The same little girl was inside but she was naked. There was even more rope round her and there was a bright red gag over the girl's mouth. The lettering said: 'I'd ask you to tie me up all day, daddy, but I'm gagged. Love, Samantha.' There were a dozen X's and hearts at the bottom of the card, as Samantha always added.
'Samantha... it's wonderful,' said Dan, his voice weak as he looked at her. Under the blankets he was aware his cock had hardened. Not the usual early morning erection but a stiffie driven by sheer excitement.
'We wanted a really memorable present for you,' said Dorothy, crossing the floor to sit on the edge of the bed. 'So we got up early and got Samantha ready. Now, you need to see my present to you.' The woman reached under the bed and hauled out a large box, wrapped in paper covered with hearts and tied with a big red ribbon. She pushed it towards her husband. 'Happy Birthday, honey.'
Dan, still staring at his daughter, took the box.
'Hurry and open it daddy!' Squealed the little girl. 'I helped choose it.'
Dan tore the ribbon and wrapping off and opened the box. Inside it were yards of rope like the one around Samantha's wrists and several other things. Dan, astonished at all this, fished out a red ball on a leather strap.
'That's a ball gag daddy,' grinned Samantha. 'For me!'
'Yes,' said Dan, his head spinning. 'I know honey.' He looked at Dorothy, smiling at him. 'Is this... will this fit Samantha?'
'Sure,' smiled the man's wife.
'You gonna gag me, Daddy?'
'What? Oh sure, of course pumpkin.' Dan's cock seemed to grow even harder under the blankets. He couldn't believe this was happening but he was glad it was. This had been a fantasy of the Dan's since his daughter was born. Dorothy knew it but nothing had ever been said - or done - until now.
'There's also a few other things in there,' said Dorothy. 'Take a look.'
Dan did: there was a strip of red cloth he guessed was either for a tie gag or a blindfold, a pair of steel handcuffs, a leather collar and leash ('I can be a doggy now,' snickered Samatha when the man brought it out of the box) and a pair of leather cuffs with a short chain between them. The man laid them on the bed and shook his head. 'This is wonderful,' he said. 'I had no idea. How long have you two been planning this?'
'Oh, a couple of weeks,' said Dorothy. 'Took me a couple of days to get Samantha used to it but she did.'
'Mommy said you'd think it was the best birthday ever,' said the little girl. 'And I do love you daddy.'
'I love you too, sweetheart,' said Dan. With a sigh he added. 'Guess I should get up and get dressed and then I can... you know, get started.'
'Goody!' laughed the girl.
'Well, I think you should put the collar on Samantha with the leash and then gag her with the ball gag. I know she's been looking forward to it, haven't you honeypie?'
The little girl nodded hard as her mother continued: 'Then I can lead her out to her room and leave her waiting there while you get dressed.'
In a daze, Dan did just that. Samantha held still while he buckled the collar round her little, slim neck, attached the leash and handed the end of it to his wife. Picking up the ball gag he said: 'Open wide honeykins,' and he was pleased to see Samantha do just that. He thought his rock hard dick would ejaculate as he slipped the ball into into his daughter's mouth but somehow it didn't. The ball disappeared into her mouth as if it was made to measure and she dutifully bent her pretty blonde head forward so her could secure the strap tightly.
'You okay with that, pumpkin?' Dan asked.
'Ytttth,' grunted the child, nodding vigorously.
'Come on sweetie, let's go and wait for daddy while he gets up.' Dorothy stood and gave the leash a small tug. Samantha winked at her daddy and followed her mother out of the room.
Dan showered quickly, desperate from what he had seen already that morning to whack off but resisting it. There would, he was sure, be much more to follow and he ought to save himself.
He got dressed as quickly as he could, tucking his semi-hard cock into his pants before he headed, heart pounding, for Samantha's bedroom.
The door was slightly open and quiet inside but he knocked as he always did before entering. The kids, he had insisted, deserve their privacy. It was weird however the house was so quiet in the morning, but that was because Carrie, their oldest daughter, was away for his birthday this year.
Dan grinned to himself as the thought struck him: he had been surprised when Dorothy told him that Carrie would be spending the weekend at her parents' house but now he could see why. The twelve year old would never have been part of this.
Dan pushed the door open and stepped into Samantha's bedroom. He wondered where his daughter would be (he had imagined her sat on the bed, waiting) but he wasn't prepared for what he saw. It wasn't just that she was stood by the closet, hands still bound behind her and her red ball gag hiding her smile, her leash fastened to the handle above her head that shocked him.
It was the fact Samantha was naked. Just like the girl in the birthday card.
'S-Samantha... h-honey,' stammered Dan. He hadn't seen his daughter naked since she was a baby but here she was, standing naked apart from the dog collar with arms tied behind her, ball gag in mouth and - goddammit - she looked anything but distressed. Inside his pants the man's cock reared up again and he let out a small groan. He didn't want his daughter to see his reaction but she was bound to notice now.
As far as he could tell, the girl was smiling at him, despite the gag. She certainly didn't try to twist away to hide anything about her. If anything, she was pushing her little hips forward, legs slightly apart so he could see her little slit. It was then that he noticed the note attached to her collar.
Hand shaking, he reached out for it and took it. It was his wife Dorothy's handwriting: 'Honey, Enjoy yourself with Samantha. I've gone out shopping with Miriam. All the ropes and stuff you'll need are in the gift I gave you. So just have fun you two! Kisses, D' Dan shook his head and blinked at the clock by the side of Samantha's bed: it showed it wasn't even nine yet. If his wife had gone shopping with Miriam, her friend, and they'd gone this early she must be planning to go out of town. Experience told him she wouldn't be back until the afternoon.
Suddenly, Dan panicked. It wasn't that he didn't want to see his daughter bound and gagged - he'd already had the best birthday present ever - but he just didn't know whether this was the right thing. Samantha might not look upset but a day in bondage? Hell, he could do a lot to her but surely this wasn't right. He knew his rock hard cock would drive him to all sorts of excesses.
Dan reached up and unhooked the ball gag from his daughter's mouth. To his surprise she frowned at him.
'Daddy! You're not supposed to ungag me!'
'What?' the man said weakly.
The child sighed the way kids do when their parents do something wrong. 'Mom said I had to make sure you had a lovely day and did everything you wanted. She said you had to try all the things on me.' The girl paused, suddenly looking worried. 'Don't you love me daddy?'
'Of course I do, honey. You know that. I love you more than anything. But I can't keep you tied up all day!'
'Why not? If you love me and you like tying me up, why not?'
The child's directness made him start. 'Um, guess I don't know,' he said, feeling stupid. 'It's just that I didn't expect you to be like that. All kinda naked.'
'Mommy says you'd like it more.' The ten year old nodded at her pretty yellow dress on a hanger by the closet. He looked at it and noticed that it had little buttons on the shoulders, so it could - he understood - be removed without untying the child's hands. 'You want me to put my dress on again? I mean, you put it on me. I've got my hands all tied up,' she grinned.
'I don't... I mean, well... yes, I mean I prefer you naked. But are you okay about it?' He was astonished he was having this conversation but to his amazement Samantha didn't seem bothered.
'Course I am okay, silly daddy. It's just like being in the bath. And mommy said when I was little you changed my diaper so you've seen my cunny already.'
Dan blushed slightly. He wasn't expecting to discuss the child's slit. 'But it's... um, different now.'
'Why?' asked the girl, innocently. 'Just because it's bigger... I mean, but it's not grown up. It doesn't have all that hair like mom's.'
'You've seen mom's, uh, cunny?'
'Sure. But not Carrie's! She's all shy and stuff. Mom's says she's kinda reserved 'cos she's getting hair there.'
Dan nodded. His elder daughter was always reserved, always on the outside of things. 'Um, okay. But you haven't been on show before. All tied up like this.'
'Only when mommy practiced on me,' the girl said brightly.
'Mommy tied you?' Dan's knees felt weak. He let himself sit back on the bed.
'Sure. Mommy told me about what you wanted for you birthday so she said it would be better if we practiced.' Samantha suddenly looked worried. 'You won't tell mommy I told you that will you? She said it had to be a secret.'
'Mommy and I don't have secrets,' said Dan. 'But I guess we'll keep this quiet. But when did mommy tie you up?'
'Straight after school. All last week we practiced. I took my clothes off and we did it in here.'
Alarm suddenly registered in the man. 'No one knows do they? You didn't tell anyone?'
'No, silly!' The girl chuckled. 'Mommy said it's got to be a secret from everyone. So we did it very quietly. Of course I was gagged but I couldn't make any other noise.'
Dan shook his head in amazement. His wife, tying up their daughter? But of course she had to: she'd bound the girl that morning, ready for her to show herself as a birthday present. Judging by the way the child's wrists were bound, Dorothy wasn't short of practice. She had done a very good job. 'Do you like mommy tying you up, pumpkin?' Dan's throat was dry and his heart was pounding.
'Yes. But she says I'll like it more when you do it. So please, daddy, can we start?'
'Oh sure,' the man smiled finally pushing all his doubts away. 'How do you want me begin?'
'Daddy! I can't tell you... I'm the prisoner and mommy says prisoners have to do what they are told. They have to be punished. Anyway, I'm supposed to be gagged, remember?' Once more Samantha winked at her father. 'So please gag me, daddy.'
The child opened her mouth and Dan stood up. He regarded the child, standing bound and naked, her pretty mouth open wide for the ball gag he had in his hand. Suddenly he didn't care if she saw he was excited as he had fun. She'd have to deal with it.
After all, his daughter had said itself herself: she was just a prisoner who had to be punished.
Samantha gave the merest groan as her father looped the rope across her little flat chest and pulled it hard around her, cinching it by her elbows to pin the child firmly to the chair in the center of her bedroom. The ten year old girl's head and dropped a little, partly with the effort of keeping it up as her father demanded and partly because it added yet more pressure - and pain - to where her heavily bound thin arms were trapped behind her against the chair back.
It was the third time that morning she'd been bound to the chair and this time Dan was determined to add more ropes than before. 'Okay, prisoner pumpkin?' he asked with a grin and the little girl nodded.
'Yhhhtth,' the child grunted into her ball gag.
'Still enjoying it?'
Another grunted Yhhtthh and another nod.
'Do these ropes hurt, honey?'
Another nod. The man asked: 'Want me to stop punishing you?'
'Nhhh,' followed by a shake of the head.
'Didn't I say you had to keep your head up looking at the ceiling?'
Samantha grunted an acknowledgment and craned her neck up again.
Dan had long since abandoned any pretense of loving concern towards his daughter. She wanted to be tied up and she was his birthday present. He could do what he liked and for three hours he had tied her in various ways, stretching her out on the bed, hands above her tied to the closet handles, even bent over the desk in her room.
He still loved her deeply, but he loved binding and gagging and punishing her more.
She had endured it silently too, save for when he took it out to ask if she was okay and give her a drink of water. He'd asked her then if it was okay to continue, if she was scared. If she wanted him to stop. She'd said no, and confirmed it, even when he told her he might play a little rough. 'Mommy said you might,' was all she said before he put the gag back in.
'Honey, I'm going to tie your legs wide apart so I can see your little snatch,' he told her. 'Think you can get them wide apart for me to make my job easier?' The child tried to spread her cute knees as wide apart as she could manage.
'Wider,' Dan said and little Samantha, snorting with the effort, did her best to obey. Only when she'd grunted and strained to have them so far apart they looked as if they were sticking out sideways did Dan start to tie them to the chair legs, hooking her ankles back to the rope he'd added under the chair seat. Not surprisingly Samantha groaned deeply at this latest agony on her poor little tortured body.
Equally not surprisingly, Dan laughed. He was enjoying tying and re-tying his daughter and every minute was driving him to try more harsh restraints on the naked child.
'I'm going to blindfold you when I have your legs tied,' he told her. 'Know why, honeykins?'
The little girl gave a little nod, her face crumpled in pain from her tortured position. She knew why: she had been told by her daddy that he was going to jerk off as he looked at her. She wasn't sure what that meant but she had to wear a blindfold - the red cloth strip tied tightly over her eyes - while he did it. She guessed it was something naughty that adults did and had something to do with the way her legs were often held apart. Her daddy really liked seeing her snatch as he called it.
The ankle ropes secured, Dan picked up the blindfold. To Samantha's surprise (and relief, she had to admit) her daddy removed her gag. 'I want to you to ask to be blindfolded,' said Dan, squatting in front of his daughter. From where he was he had a perfect view of Samantha's stretched open cuntlet as he called it (but not to Samantha). He would blindfold her, re-gag her and then jerk off. She might of course hear his grunts of pleasure as he came, or even the noise of the semen splattering on the carpet just in front of her but that didn't matter. Not now he was into this.
'P-please daddy, please blindfold me,' gasped Samantha. He wondered how much more she could take. But she was a tough kid and he was sure she could take a lot more. He was determined to find out.
'Sorry, hon, didn't hear that.'
'Oh... Please... daddy, p-please blindfold me,' she said louder.
'The g-gag.... put it back in my mouth....please.'
Dan did. The gag went in, the blindfold went over her pretty if somewhat screwed up eyes and he flipped his cock out where he crouched in front of his daughter.
'Love me honey?' he asked as he started to stroke his stiff, throbbing cock. It was aiming straight at the bound child but he didn't care.
'Yhhhth,' gasped the gagged child.
'Head up honey. Really strain that neck and look up, or I'll tie it back, like before.' He grinned. He'd do that anyway, tying her lovely blonde hair to the back of the chair. Or to her elbows.
He watched Samantha crane her neck back and up and then he switched his gaze to her open snatch, peeking out from where the ropes round her little belly and crotch bit deep into her young body.
He came with a small shout of delight, aware that some of his semen splattered not just on the carpet but on his daughter's well bound right leg.
Samantha made good progress down to the kitchen, despite the fact she had never worn ankle chains before. The cuffs fitted perfectly on her slim ankles and the short chain - no more than ten inches - made it hard for the child to negotiate the stairs.
Dan had used the handcuffs not on his daughter's wrists but on her elbows. It made the child walk a little awkwardly with elbows drawn behind her to pull her shoulders back but allowing a little movement in her hands. As much as he wanted to, he didn't gag Samantha though he kept the ball gag in his pocket just in case he changed his mind.
He'd made her kiss the ball gag before pocketing it, just to humiliate the child a little more.
The girl's father also hadn't wanted to allow her to dress but taking her from the privacy of her own bedroom downstairs he thought it better she had something on. He chose the briefest shorts she owned and a small, tight t-shirt for her to wear, but told her she didn't need shoes. He untied her long enough for her to exercise her arms and legs to get the circulation back and then she dressed in what he told her before the chains and cuffs went on.
Dan sat his daughter at the table. 'It's time to have something to eat,' he smiled at the girl. Then he added: 'How do you feel, angel?'
'Okay,' sniffed the child. 'My arms hurt a bit.'
'I know, honey. They've been tied up a long time. Are those cuffs hurting?'
'Yes,' said Samantha. 'You gonna take them off, daddy while I eat?'
Dan shook his head. 'You're going to have to get used to them,' he said. 'You've been a very brave little girl so far and I love you very much but being tied up means you have to suffer.'
The girl's eyes widened. 'What, all the time?'
Dan laughed again. 'No! Not all the time. You have to go to school and stuff.' Then he looked serious. 'Pumpkin, no matter how much I love you and wouldn't want to hurt you I'm very, very happy we are doing this. I want to do it again. Lots of times. More than anything, I want you to be tied up every moment you are at home. You understand?'
The ten year old girl nodded, looking glum. 'But I don't want to be tied up forever,' she objected.
'You won't be bound all over all the time. While you should have some bondage as much as possible there will be some variety. You can watch TV with just your hands tied, or take the trash out with your ankles cuffed, or help mom around the house with a gag in your mouth. Sort of little reminders that you are a prisoner. And you know prisoners have to be punished.'
Samantha nodded and gave a brave little smile. ''Kay, daddy.'
'But you can't ask for anything to be taken off. You can't make any demands. It's nice when a prisoner asks to be gagged or maybe put in heavier bondage but the main thing is they do what they are told. Understand?'
The girl nodded.
'Good. Mommy will be back later this afternoon. Carrie is at Grandpa and Grandma's until we go get her tomorrow. We'll eat and then I have to start tying you up all over again.'
The little girl looked close to tears. 'Will it hurt again?' she asked.
'Huh-uh. Just like this morning, I guess.' Dan crouched by his restrained daughter. 'Honey, you upset about this?'
'It's just... it kinda hurts sometimes, daddy.' She made a sniffing noise. 'I don't know how I can eat like this. I can't reach the table.'
The man considered the point. 'I guess I thought I'd feed you, just like when you were a little girl.' He paused as his daughter smiled at him, liking the idea. 'But you'd have to eat whatever I put in front of you.' He felt his cock harden at the thought. He knew Samantha didn't like beans and he planned to put a plateful in front of her and make her eat them all. Even lick the plate.
He knew she knew too and he could see the words forming on her lips, so he spoke for her. 'Yep, even those nasty ol' beans.'
'But daddy... I couldn't!'
'You could. It's either that or the gag again and you watch while I eat.'
Samantha considered the option for a moment and then gave a big sigh. 'Gag please, daddy.'
Smiling, the man popped the red ball gag into his daughter's waiting mouth and buckled it as tight as he could, making his daughter groan as the strap bit deep into her tender jaw.
'I expect you're hungry, huh angel?'
The gagged Samantha nodded, a little well of tears in her eyes as her father put down his fork. She looked so sweet sat so still on her chair, silently watching as he ate his meal. He figured she could smell it and that would add to her torture which made his cock stiffen anew. He took a deliberate long slow sip of the soda in front of him and then nodded at the untouched glass of soda in front of the cuffed and gagged girl. 'You want a drink?'
The tearful child nodded again and even tried an imploring noise. Dan ignored it and took another drink.
'Well,' Dan added as he drained the glass. 'All you have to do is say you're sorry.'
A puzzled, worried look crossed his daughter's face. He wasn't really sure what she had to be sorry about but he'd think of something. In fact, he could think of a lot of things to do with the girl: he was amazed not only that this had happened but how over the period of the morning he had got so caught up in it. The mild, hands behind back bondage of that morning seemed so far away. Already he was making plans for punishment devices: cages, racks, crosses and more. The birthday gift from his family had uncorked a whole gamut of desires and ambitions and lust.
Lust... ah yes. He felt his semi-hard dick start to stiffen in his pants. Under the table, hidden from Samantha's gaze, the man freed his dick and stroked it slowly. He'd never shot his load in the kitchen before (well, not since he fucked Dorothy from behind over the table, when she was pregnant with Carrie years ago) and this was the perfect moment.
'Go on. Tell me you're sorry,' he grinned at the pre-teen, who looked confused. 'Go on!' he demanded, his cock rigid between his fingers.
To her credit, Samantha did what she was told. That was why she was a good prisoner. 'Mmmth Thhhuuuh, Ahhahhhth.' He made her repeat it several times, louder, until his jet of cum lashed the underside of the table.
Dan kindly took the gag out and let his daughter drink from the glass he held up to her face. She drank greedily as he tipped it back, making her swallow rapidly. Some of the soda spilt down her front, leaving a darkening patch on her t-shirt stretched across her flat, pre-teen chest. He liked the idea of her having to drink quickly - and he liked the idea of not letting her go to the bathroom for a while too.
Dan put the glass down. He knew he was on the verge of committing himself to a way of life he had only dreamed about until that morning. He knew too, he was committing his ten year old daughter to the same life - restraint, punishment, humiliation. Maybe worse.
He knew he had to give her a chance to escape this, a chance to get back to normal. Free and unfettered. 'I know, angel, all this has been a lot for you to take, all at one go.'
'It's okay, daddy,' said Samantha. 'Mommy told me you'd want to do a lot. I just didn't know it was going to be like this.'
'Mommy practiced on me, last week, She tied my hands and my legs and let me wear the gag for a little while just so I'd get used to it.'
Dan nodded, 'I see. Well, you have a choice,' he said softly. 'Just to show how much I love you pumpkin I'll give you the chance to say now if you want this to stop. If you do I'll uncuff you and that's it. You can go and play with your friends or watch TV or whatever.'
The girl looked at him askance, as if she couldn't believe it, as if she was confused. 'But mommy said you'd want to do this all day...'
'I do, pumpkin. I do, but if you don't, we'll stop now. Promise.'
'And there'll be no more tying up? No more gagging?'
Dan took a deep breath. 'That's right, angel. You see, if we go on I might do more to you. You know, hurt you.'
Samantha's appealing, pretty eyes widened. The man wasn't sure if they got bigger in alarm or curiosity.
'But... how?' It was the latter.
'Well honey, women - and girls - in bondage have to do all sorts of things. They get tied in lots of ways, sometimes all scrunched up, sometimes stretched, sometimes tied over things. They get wet and cold and hot and tired and have to do things like stand in one place for ages or balance on one foot or kneel down. They are gagged and blindfolded and made to sleep on the floor or stand out in the rain and maybe even play at being a dog.'
'A dog? Wow,' breathed the child.
'Yeah, unless they're a pony pulling a cart. Plus they have to wear things funny things: skirts made of stuff like rubber or special underwear with holes in certain places which can be embarrassing. Plus they have to work hard when they are told to do things and they can't say no. Oh, and they get spanked if they don't do it right - and then have to do it all over again. There are all sorts of restraints and some of them, like heavy chains or weights, make it hard for them to even move, It's tough, believe me.' Dan felt himself get hard as he described it, and he hadn't even touched on the things he wanted to do, like tie the child up in the trunk of the car and take her out on a picnic where she could watch him relax while she was tied to some tree, hanging by her slim wrists with feet off the ground.
'Girls... like me? They do all this?' Samantha, shocked, shook her head at the complexity of it all.
'Yes, and more. And they can't object. They can't complain.'
'That's 'cos they're prisoners and they're gagged.'
'That's right. Special, big gags that really fill their mouths.'
The child thought about it all for a minute. She was shaking her head slightly and pursing her lips, the way she always did when she had a lot to consider. Finally she sighed. 'What does mommy say 'bout all this?'
Dan shrugged. He didn't know. He didn't know what Dorothy would say if she found out what he'd done to their daughter already. Maybe she thought he'd just tie her hands and ankles for a while, slip the gag in for a few minutes. Perhaps she'd go ape when she came back and found Samantha trussed up like some rag doll. On the other hand, she had left the girl naked... Dan's cock almost burst through his pants at the thought. 'I guess mommy thinks it's all right,' the man said. As much as he wanted to get Samantha back into her room, get her naked again, tie her in new, tight positions, he knew it wasn't his choice. The child had to choose.
There was a long silence while the ten year old struggled with the thoughts, tried to work out what it would all mean. Samantha was bright enough to know that it would be demanding but also that it could be fun in a weird way. Not like playing video games or going to the movies, but fun like she'd never known right here at home. On the other hand, what if she wanted to go and play instead of being chained up like a dog, or go to dancing classes instead of being trussed up at home?
What if it hurt? What if she had to spend all weekend tied up?
Several times, the child opened her mouth as if to say something but didn't. Then she took a deep breath.
'Daddy...' started Samantha, looking at him. His heart pounded as he waited for her to finish the sentence. 'Will you... Will you gag me please?' she said, her big eyes looking up at him in a mixture of fear and excitement. 'I want to be your prisoner.'
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