She was called Nu, right from the day she was born. It wasn't her real name, of course but it was so much quicker to say. My wife, Cara, had long admired Gaelic names from reading classics and I agreed to the name Fenella for our daughter, especially as it was often shortened to Nualla.
But we went for Nu, straightaway. It suited the child and she grew to be a bright, articulate and loving girl. A lot like her mom in many ways.
Nu was, sadly, our only child. By the time she reached thirteen we were resigned to not having another. Cara had a demanding but well paid job and promotion was always on offer. I had various jobs and eventually settled, when Nu was on the verge of being a teenager, to working at home compiling manuals for electronic products.
Cara was often out of town, sometimes for a couple of days a time, and frequently I would settle down in the evening in front of the TV with Nu engrossed in some project or other. In some ways, although she was popular, she liked her own space and was comfortable with her own thoughts. She liked to do things with her friends but often liked to do things on her own too. She read a lot - often dipping into the classics that Cara had never got rid of - but had a broad taste in books.
I guess all this doesn't make for an interesting tale. There are a lot more families who have more exciting lives, do dangerous things or have all sorts of bigger crises than the Walsh family on Broadwood Avenue. At least, it wasn't an interesting tale until Nu suddenly said to me one day: 'Dad, can I tie you up?'
I was watching a re-run of some lame cop show on TV when she said it. Her mom was away and would be until tomorrow night, so there was just my daughter and me in the house. I remember turning to Nu and saying: 'Excuse me?'
I had of course heard exactly what she had said, but I needed to give her chance to change her mind, or make some joke.
'You heard,' she retorted as she always did when she was in that kind of mood. 'I said, can I tie you up?'
'You know what you've just said?' I knew she knew but with something like this you have to step carefully.
'Sure I do. I want to tie you up.'
'You know anything about tying people up?' I was confident she would say no, but she surprised me.
'Of course I do. I've been reading about it.'
'Um... in books. Magazines. All kinds of places. So can I, please?' She looked at me as if she had just asked if she could stay up an extra half hour.
I wanted to know which books, what magazines she might be reading, but I confined myself to simply: 'Why me?'
Nu thought for a moment and then said: 'Because you're here and I want to try it out. I have a few ideas.'
I stared at her, trying to make her back down, admit this was some kind of stunt. Maybe even a way of getting a raise or get me to pay for her to buy some video game. She looked at me, unblinking.
It was time to call her bluff. It could be some game but at 13 she was beyond kids' games.
I pursed my lips. 'Okay, just supposing we do. You need something to do it with and you have to work out where all this is going to happen.' I tried to be calm but for some reason my heart was pounding. Nu is a pretty good looking kid and while fathers shouldn't have such thoughts about their offspring I had noticed her swelling breasts and the way her body was shaping like a young woman's. It wasn't that I was attracted to her sexually: I just was excited by a good looking young female.
This is hard to admit too, but I always wanted to be tied up by a young teenage girl. I know it's sick and crazy but hey, that's life.
Nu grinned at me as if she could read my mind and said: 'I've got rope and we can do it right here.'
I don't know what made me say it, apart from the lust and desire and excitement of it, but the words came out all on their own: 'Okay, you can do it to me.'
'Good,' she said with a smile, heading out the door. I wondered what the hell had just happened and thought, I'd get up and go and tell her this was crazy. Before I could move she came back in almost at once, ropes in her hand.
Nu did a good job for a first time. I had thought she would sort of loop ropes round me the way they do on TV - one twitch and they would fall away. They didn't as she tied them tight and even cinched the ropes where she thought it would make them less likely to slip.
I was still sat in my chair but she worked round me quickly. She had me tied with my hands behind me, arms secured at elbows and then pinned to my chest and ropes round my knees and ankles. It was the way she tied ropes both above my knees and below them that frankly scared me. She was bright enough to work out that one lot was good but two lots was far better. Then she did something I didn't expect: she ran a rope from round my neck to my knees, making me bend forward.
'Nu!' I gasped, but she simply ignored me. She was busy, adding more ropes like that across my arms and back to hold my body tight to my thighs.
I hadn't said anything while she had tied the other ropes (apart from the odd ouch sound as she tightened my bonds a little too eagerly) but now I objected. 'Nu, listen to me: this is dangerous. It's also damned uncomfortable!'
'I know,' she laughed lightly and carried on tying my neck rope to my knees. 'I want you to be just a little uncomfortable.'
'Nu... undo this now!'
'No, not yet,' she said. 'Anyway it won't harm you if you sit still.'
I glowered at her response but I was hardly in a position to do anything about it. I snorted to show I was not pleased but she ignored me.
'You ever been gagged?' she asked innocently.
'Of course not! I've never been tied up before.' That wasn't true: when I was a 10 year old kid in Boston my cousin, Bobby, used to tie me up. I only allowed him to do that on the proviso that he'd let me sneak a peek later at his older sister in the bath. Bobby, I remembered, was quite good in a standard Cowboys and Indians way but nowhere near as good as Nu apparently was. I could wriggle out of my friend Bobby's handiwork but this was totally different. 'Nu, listen to me,' I started to say but to my shock something was pushed into my mouth.
You have to remember here I was bent forward, chest touching my knees so I couldn't see what my daughter was doing until she did it.
Hell, she had clearly prepared the gag beforehand. She had clearly prepared all of it beforehand as the ropes were all cut to good lengths for what she had done to me. I had imagined she would try to wind one long length round me but each part of me she had secured was done with ropes cut to several feet long. In one way I found it hard to believe she had done this with so much forethought but another part of me said it was simply Nu being Nu. Thorough.
It was the same with the gag. Whatever she had read had made it clear that gags weren't scarfs simply tied over the mouth. They had to have something to stop the tongue moving. To this end she had fashioned some sort of knot in the middle of a long strip of cloth (I later learned she had actually knotted it round a small rubber ball) so my mouth was filled. All I could do was sit doubled-up and grunt.
If I was going to make a noise, she said, she didn't want to hear me. She turned the TV up to drown my sounds and changed the channel. I sat, head down, unable to move, listening to some music channel, glowering about what I'd let her do, how stupid I'd been.
I also was glad my head was down out of her immediate line of vision as I was blushing. Not that I couldn't move, but because inside my pants my cock was hard. At least bent over like this she couldn't see my arousal.
On the other hand, I couldn't do anything about it either.
I had hoped that Nu's desire to try bondage out on me was probably satisfied by tying me the way she did, but I was wrong again. I had sat for what seemed an age, tied tightly and well gagged, waiting for my daughter to untie me. The fact she took her time worried me: was she so casual about it because she didn't know how uncomfortable (and how humiliating) it was, or was she so turned on by this she wanted the moment to last as long as possible?
Either way, I tried to attract her attention by grunting loudly into the gag or trying to move urgently to show time was up. Truth was, I couldn't even be sure she was in the room. The TV could have ben left on just for my entertainment. However, I wasn't much entertained as she had switched the thing to some home-shopping channel. All I could do was hear, but not see, an endless sequence of jewelry and pans and figurines.
Nu came back after an hour I guessed. Actually it was longer: nearly ninety minutes it turned out. I learned then that you lose the ability to really keep track of time when you're bound.
'I hope your comfortable dad,' Nu said as she squatted by me. 'I'd sure like to keep you there a while longer.'
All I could do in response was groan into my gag. Happily, my daughter undid the gag.
'Thanks,' I croaked, my mouth dry and my jaws aching after the gag. 'Honey, you better get me out of this.'
'Hmmm, no. Not yet.'
'Come on, Nu! This looks ridiculous.'
'I think it looks kinda nice,' she said lightly. 'I did a good job.'
'Okay, maybe you did but my arms and legs hurt.'
'I guess they do but, hey, that's bondage,' she laughed, enjoying this thoroughly.
Panic set in but I tried not to show it. 'Listen Nu. You did a very good job on me. But I have things to do, okay? Mom will be calling soon so I need to get to the phone.'
'No problem. I'll bring the phone over to you when she calls. You can talk to her like that. Hmm, providing I haven't gagged you again.' She seemed to think this was the funniest yet.
Nu!' I snapped, as best I could. 'This has gone too far. Cut me loose!'
Nu simply laughed louder, and regagged me.
It was while later that she came back. I could hear her moving around before I saw her and I understood she was in no hurry. In fact, it began to seem like she was simply in the room and I was some mere ornament she usually ignored. She changed the channel on the TV and settled down to watch some show. I grunted into my gag to get her attention but she ignored me - or couldn't hear me above the volume.
Either way, I stayed like that for a while longer before I suddenly felt her hands on the knots, working away and the ropes on me slackened. But Nu being Nu was very clever: the ropes holding me bent over came off but not the ones around my elbows and wrists. Or from my legs. The gag certainly didn't come off.
I sat up and looked at her with my most annoyed parent glare. She can't have noticed it because she busied herself making sure the ropes she had removed from me were knot free. It was like I was completely unimportant.
I was glad when Nu turned back to me and grinned. 'Okay pops,' (she knew I hated her calling me that) 'you ready for the second part?'
'Second part?' I exploded. Except because of the gag it came out like a guttural 'Smmmdd puhhh!!!'
I was quite worried now. What I had thought would be some harmless game was turning into a nightmare. My initial reaction - my hard on - had been fun but it had faded now and I couldn't even pretend there was anything sexual about this. I was simply a prisoner in my home to my own teenage daughter.
Nu said she would free my legs to allow me to walk round the room a little to stretch my legs as I would be retied with my legs in a very strict way. But before she untied my legs she put one of the ropes round my neck as a sort of leash and having untied my legs and ankles ropes she urged me to stand by pulling on my neck rope. I had visions - panicky visions - of her strangling me with the rope but she led me carefully as if I was some pet. My legs ached from their long restriction and I stumbled rather than walked. Then, to my horror, she said: 'Knees up, pops. Get your knees up like a show pony would.' In terror I obeyed and was led round the room with my knees pumping in an exaggerated trotting motion.
To my horror, this humiliation was making my cock stiffen again. I couldn't believe this was happening to me and even more shocked I was getting aroused by it.
I don't know if Nu noticed but a few times she gave me a knowing smile.
I was led back, not to the chair but to the coffee table. I was sweating hard by this time and I had received a couple of tugs on my neck rope to remind me to keep my knees up as I walked. We'd done about a dozen circuits of the room and it was surprisingly hard work acting as a pony.
'Lie down on your front, pops,' said Nu, tugging me towards the polished surface of the coffee table. I did as I was told, both glad to hide my hard dick and relieved I could lie on it because in some perverse way I figured I could rub it on the table and get some relief.
That was to prove easier said than done once Nu began tying me again. She tied my knees and having lifted my feet up towards my butt simply stretched the neck rope back to my ankles in what was a simple but highly effective hogtie.
'Now, daddy,' she said, squatting down by me face close to mine. 'You have to remember to keep your feet back towards your ass - sorry for calling it that but everyone does these days - so that you don't accidentally strangle yourself. You might have to keep your head up too.'
I gurgled something into my gag about this wasn't a good idea at all but as before, it made no difference.
'I'm really enjoying this daddy and I hope you are too, because in a way we've only just started,' she continued, ignoring my groan of despair. 'Now, I chose the coffee table for this because it gets you up off the floor and sort of traps your hard cock under you. Oh, I noticed it was all hard but those bondage magazines said this would happen. Men sort of get excited by being tied up. Anyway, you might want to try and rub yourself on the table but I guess it isn't very easy with it being all polished and you can't really get any leverage, can you?'
I was both embarrassed and astonished at what she was saying. I tried to wriggle but not only did the neck rope bite into my neck as my ankles moved but there was no real way I could move back and forward. My cock, trapped by the weight of my body, couldn't get enough friction going to even give me a tiny bit of pleasure.
Nu watched me for a moment and patted my head, as if I was a good boy. Then, to my surprise she planted a big kiss on my lips - or rather, on my gag. 'You are a sweetypie, daddy, for doing all this. I do love you.'
The surprises weren't over, however. In fact the next one was pretty big. I had lain on the coffee table for around ten minutes and my legs were aching like crazy from trying to keep the rope from my neck: more than once I thought I could easily strangle myself if I wasn't careful. Nu came into my line of vision (I was pretty sure she had remained in the room, just out of sight) holding a video tape cassette.
'I got this from a friend,' she waved it at me before she pushed it into the VCR. 'It's really cool.'
Then Nu said something that really shocked me. 'You know, dad, in all the things I read and seen it isn't men who get tied up, it's women. See, I've been reading stuff. From my friend Donna - oh, she doesn't know much about bondage, but her dad has these magazines and videos hidden away. So Donna let me borrow a few things.' She giggled conspiratorially. 'Mr Cowper's got so many he'll not miss a couple of things for a while. Did you know what he's got hidden away? Like this movie?' In truth I didn't really know Donna Cowper's father so I had no idea what he had secreted away. But it didn't surprise men did have stuff like this. Hell, I would if I could keep it hidden.
'You can watch the show with me. Actually, pops, I've seen it before. Quite a few times.' She grinned. 'I think I'm pretty imaginative but this gave me some good ideas.'
I groaned something about children not touching parents' things but Nu wasn't interested in my gagged grunts. The tape began playing and I stared at the screen. Actually, in this position I had little choice as it was right in front of me.
The title came up after the usual black: 'Tied Tight Women.' I gasped into my gag at once. There was an image of a young, blonde and busty woman tied much like I was (except her large breasts hung down the front edge of the table). But where I was clothed, she was naked apart from a black garter belt, dark stockings and a pair of razor-sharp high heels.
Simultaneously I thought both what a babe and what the hell was Nu doing looking at movies like this?
I have to admit the tape was good quality. I've seen things like this before and they were usually out of focus, full of grainy or interlaced images. Or worst of all, filmed in a room with one weak light. As the show played out I could see it was an expensive, high quality production - and properly lit. More scenes came up, each one at a good standard. A succession of helpless attractive women, mostly naked, were tied up, strapped down, bent and stretched - and of course gagged - in a variety of situations.
More than that, the ropes were tight: none of the usual shit of slack tied bimbos going 'ooh' and 'aah' as if it was some severe bondage but not moving too much in case the ropes slipped off. What I was seeing here was real tight tie ups. Ropes so tight the females couldn't move much at all.
My cock was harder than it's been in a long time. I twitched in my ropes, trying to get some friction on my dick. Nu was grinning at me but I didn't care. Despite the lack of friction for my woody I had to attend to my arousal as I watched hot females bound and gagged on the TV.
At some point, probably the part where three naked women were tied together back to back and a fourth female in a black basque was tying ropes round their large tits, I came. I gave a different groan into my gag and Nu must have understood because she snickered.
The tape finished not long later and Nu crawled over to me. 'So, pops, you see what I like? I guess you liked it a lot too, even though now you're not wriggling on the table like you were.'
I blushed. I was aware as soon as I shot my load in my pants, where my dick was squashed against the table, I had stopped wriggling my hips.
'Pops cum nicely?' Nu was laughing. I'd never seen her like this before. She could be enthusiastic about stuff but this went way beyond that. Moreover, what did she know about men cumming? What had this Donna kid told her?
Without another word Nu got up and left me alone for a short time.
I renewed my struggles against the ropes but it was no good. My daughter was good at tying up. Exhausted I gave up and lay there, wondering what the hell would happen now. I had visions of being left like this until Cara arrived home in a couple of day's time. The thought of being discovered like this by my horrified wife (and I had no doubt I would get all the blame) spurred me to frantic struggling. All that happened was that I merely tightened the knots.
My daughter was better than good at this: she was brilliant.
Nu came back into the room. At least, I think she did. For all I knew she could have been watching me. 'Oh, pops, you look so good like that. I wish I had my camera with me.'
'Nnnthh!' I spluttered into the gag. It was my way of saying 'No!'
'Don't worry, I don't want to take your picture.' The thirteen year old squatted down and looked into my face. To my astonishment she was wearing make-up - and plenty of it. Her mom's make-up, I figured, and she had one of mom's black dresses on. A low cut black dress that almost showed all of the child's small, pert breasts as she leant forward. I got the impression she was happy to put this show on for me.
However, I was still her father. The difference was this time I forgot I was gagged and when I demanded to know what the hell was she thinking of with all that lipstick and eye-liner, Nu merely laughed at my muffled noises. She probably knew it was an act on my part. She had dressed like an older female because she knew it would stir my cock again - and she was right.
'Go on, pops, rub away.' She stood and hitched up the hem of the dress. I spluttered again: she was wearing stockings and one of her mother's black garter belts. She snickered and spun on her heel, giving me a great view of her red lace panties (Cara's again) and her stocking tops and garters. Within minutes I was twitching and rubbing myself on the table top, not caring about the cold and sticky mess in my pants or the tug of the rope on my neck.
I was ashamed at my lack of control but Nu in sexy underwear was a heavenly sight.
Suddenly, my daughter dropped her hem and smoothed it down. 'Stop right there, daddy,' she said firmly. 'Time for that later.'
I did was I was told, though I did give a muffled cry of despair. I also blushed at my humiliation: here I was, her father, reduced to acting like some prick-happy kid and obeying the orders of a teenager flaunting her garters and panties.
Nu squatted down again. 'In one way I'm sorry to do this to you pops, but you need to know my standards. I don't care about you getting off on me like this, but I want you to get off on me when I'm tied up.'
I stared at Nu, unable to believe my ears. I couldn't believe my eyes either as she hooked the top of the dress down and revealed her bare little tits.
'Oh you look so funny like that, daddy,' the girl laughed as my saucer-like eyes fixed on the two small but perfect swellings on her chest. Then she got serious. 'But it is important to me that you tie me as tightly as I've tied you. I want to be in the same position as you when I watch a new video tape that Donna lent me the other day, I've been holding off watching it until I was tied up right.' She put her small boobs away and stood up. 'I'm gonna untie you daddy and then you will tie me. Gag me too. But you have to promise you tie me as tight as I tied you, agreed?'
I gulped and nodded hard.
Nu smiled and set about untying me.
I have to say I thought I did a pretty good job of tying my daughter to the table. She had explained, before I gagged her, that she had tried self-bondage but couldn't get the ropes right even if she managed to get her hands tied a little. She had asked Donna to tie her but her friend had refused, saying it was okay to watch it but she didn't want to get into that stuff.
So, she thought of me. That's why I was here, tying the last knots and shaking with excitement as Nu made a few noises into her gag and tested the tightness of the bonds with a few wriggles - even the rope from her ankles (and those fuck-me high heels) to her slim neck. 'Tight enough, Nu?' I asked her, enjoying the sight.
She nodded and I could tell that she was smiling by her eyes. I checked her over, making sure every part of her was pinned down and immobile and then lifted the hem of the black dress back so I could see her cute ass in her mom's red panties and the dark tops of her stockings. I put the tape in the VCR and turned it on.
The title came up: 'Bound teens' and I chuckled. I also swatted Nu's exposed ass a few times as the images began. She squealed into her gag and wriggled a little more. I don't know if Nu was surprised by the flat of my hand and her soon stinging butt but I figured she'd have to learn to like being spanked. I wanted to do it and that was all that mattered.
The tape was good. Better than the first with lots of very young teenagers - and pre-teens - tied and gagged and spanked and played with. I slowly played with myself as I watched it and Nu wriggled and twisted in that special way when a tied-up woman tries to get off by squeezing her bound legs together.
I got a few good ideas from watching the movie and when the show had finished, Nu found herself in lots of demanding bondage positions.
I even tied her up, standing on the coffee table, hands secured to a hook in the ceiling above her head, naked apart from the black garter belt and stockings. I gagged her with her mom's red lace panties and spanked her hard. Tears rolled down her flushed cheeks and she moaned and mmmphed into her gag. I should say gags as I swapped them for different items wedged into her mouth - balls and other soiled panties and ropes and even a lemon. Well, she had to learn, didn't she?
Then I whacked off, spraying my cum on my daughter's stockinged legs while she moaned in frustration and pain.
After all, having her stand like that was my idea and I would be arranging her in poses a lot more like it.
I smiled up at Nu and got some rope to tie round her naked chest, squeezing her small but hard nipples, and down between her legs. She looked grateful that the rope would cut up into her little sex and give her a thrill. But I reckoned the gratitude wouldn't last long.
Not when I went to get a belt to whip her little legs with.
Cara called later and with Nu tied bent over a chair ready for me to swat her sweet ass, I answered the phone. I assured my wife our daughter was fine but she was in the bath (though I had planned to tie her up in it later). Cara told me she was sorry but there had been a delay. She wouldn't be back the next night.
I said me and Nu would be okay and not to worry. Having said goodnight and putting the phone down, I set about beating my lovely daughter's ass as I made plans for an extra day's bondage for Nu.
And Cara had lots of other pairs of panties and garter belts waiting to be worn.
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