Published: 8-Jan-2012
Word Count:
They would have asked where they were going, if they could.
If Joey hadn't made them gag each other, they might have been able to ask. If Joey hadn't made Melinda handcuff her daughter Belinda and force her into the wooden packing case on the pickup truck - and hadn't been made to climb into the packing case reserved for her with hands cuffed behind her back - the mother might have asked.
But quite naked they were squeezed into their respective boxes with knees up to chin and the lids nailed down and - though they couldn't know it - the cases themselves were looped and secured with heavy duty straps which in turn were fastened to the truck. If they could get their hands free and somehow prise the lids off they would have seen they were on the road north. If they knew Joey's home was that way, they might have guessed they had left their own place for good.
They might even have looked back and seen their old home in flames as the result of an electrical fault.
But they saw and heard nothing, only the jarring and shaking of their dark, confined prisons and aware of their cramped positions and the rough wood scraping their exposed flesh, the occasional sharp nail or splinter catching their arms or back or legs.
As they didn't know where they were going, they had no idea how long they would be in the cases. In fact, the ten year old Belinda didn't know her mom was in a case like hers. Slightly larger, perhaps, but just as harsh. As far as each of them was concerned, they could be in there for hours.
Up front, Joey was relaxed. He saw the place that had been his temporary home for eight months go up in a blaze as he drove off and felt a slight regret he couldn't take some of its features with him though of course he could easily replicate them at his place.
Still, it had been useful being there for so long. The important thing was he had the captive mother and daughter safe and secure and would continue to punish them. He wondered as he listened to the radio if the cops would connect the abandoned, burnt out wreck they once owned and the remains of the house. But they were from different parts of the state and maybe professional jealousy being what it was they wouldn't exchange information.
Anyhow, it didn't matter. No one would find the captives where he lived.
In her box, Belinda thought about her birthday party the week before. She had nipple rings now of her own, smaller than her mom's admittedly but still good for punishments or being bound by them to something. But the best present was being able for the first time to play with her mother's tied up body. Belinda wriggled, feeling uncomfortable at the buzz in her small cunt. It wasn't the first time that she had been aroused by thoughts of feeling her mom up, fingering her and making the woman lick her hairless slit.
But it was the first time she was doing it from memory.
She remembered with a glow how she had flogged her mom, played with her big nasty tits, taken her gag out and sat on her face and rubbed her little cunt against mommy's nose, played with her tits and slipped several fingers into her big, wet cunt. Belinda remembered clearly putting weights on her mom's nipple rings, stretching them and using the quirt on them - just as the Master did - and then as a special treat, being allowed to stand over mommyslut and piss all over her.
Melinda had different memories but no less exciting. Of course, she remembered being toyed with by her daughter on the child's birthday. She remembered the frustration of being repeatedly brought to the edge of an orgasm but being denied it - either because her daughter didn't know what she was doing or because she did know exactly what the result of her probing, twitching fingers was. Starting, pausing, resuming, stopping... Belinda could have been doing it to torture her mother, Melinda thought with a grim smile behind her gag.
Squeezed and bent into her box, Melinda also remembered being taken just like this not once but twice to have a movie made with her as the star: Bustyboobs Savage in Punish My Tits and then, later. Gag Me, Hurt Me in which a large selection of mouth-stopping objects from formal gags to medical instruments to vegetables and man-made objects were forced between her teeth and then she had her large boobs whipped to test how well the gags worked.
But she didn't think she and her daughter were going to the movie studios, unless this was some new perversion. She shivered in subdued delight at the thought of her child bound next to her suffering the same punishments as she did while the cameras rolled. The buzz in her wet cunt got stronger and she wished she could reach her sex...
But the overbearing memory she returned to time and again was when she was finally fucked by the Master. Not in her ass, which was his preferred hole, but in her cunt. She liked the way she had been tied over the kitchen table - face up this time - and Belinda had been ordered to suck her mother's nipples while the man rammed his thick cock into the spread woman's eager twat. She had heard the sound of whipping as the cuntlet was thrashed: she could feel the bite of the hurt kid's teeth on her breasts and hear the cries escaping from the tit-stuffed mouth of her brat as the quirt cracked sharply on the child's back. The Master had shot his load into Melinda slimy sexhole after he had given the child some twenty lashes and she hoped, foolishly, she would be pregnant. Best of all with a girl.
Melinda moaned into her gag. Being pregnant and tied up and whipped and punished was just too much pleasure and she climaxed as the box jolted and swayed.
'The Master's been gone a long time,' said Belinda from her narrow, upright cage, facing her mother in her own similar cage several feet in front of her.
Both naked females were standing, hands cuffed behind them, pressed to the front of their cages - though they had no option in this as two light but strong chains ran between their nipples rings. The mother's right nipple was chained to her ten year old daughter's left nipple, Belinda's right nipple chained to Melinda's left nipple. And the chains were taut too, preventing them from stepping away from the cold steel bars let alone sitting. They had been standing like that for what seemed an age and their legs were aching.
Melinda nodded in response to her daughter's comment. 'He goes away a lot these days,' she added. 'He must be planning something.'
The child looked over towards two tall steel cages, identical to hers and her mother's, standing empty close by. 'You think sir will bring two more females back to punish?'
Melinda gave a shudder at the thought of what that mean to her and Belinda. The chains connecting the woman's large, well-whipped tits to her daughter's flat chest trembled. 'I don't know,' she said as bravely as she could. 'Perhaps he's looking for replacements.'
The child looked back at her mom, at her whip-marked body and the slightly swollen belly pressed up to the bars. 'But he made you pregnant, mommycunt. He won't sell you, will he?'
The woman tried not to show she was worried, or upset. 'Oh, perhaps there's more money for a pregnant slave.' She didn't believe it and privately dreaded losing the Master. For a reason she couldn't explain, despite everything he had done to them, she had fallen in love with him.
The child seemed upset too. 'I don't want to lose the Master. I really like it when sir hurts me.'
'I like it too,' Melinda assured her daughter.
'Did you like it last night when sir held my head underwater?'
Melinda nodded. 'It was really cool the way he tied you and put your head into the bucket. It was great the way you tried to beg for mercy underwater. Master allowed me to finger myself as I watched.'
For the next hour, mother and daughter forgot about being sold and talked about how they'd been beaten and tortured and bound - and what they hoped the Master would do to them next.
Perhaps it was the last thing they expected to see.
It wasn't the fact that it was a naked woman and a child being led into the Master's house that surprised Melinda and Belinda. It certainly wasn't the fact that the two newcomers were bound tightly and gagged perfectly. It wasn't even the fact that it was clearly a woman much older than Melinda and a child much younger than Belinda.
It didn't even disturb them that the woman had tits larger than Melinda's and hung well down her waist, or that the child - who looked no more than four - was covered in bloody welts from a very severe recent whipping.
What really surprised them was the fact that the woman was Melinda's mother and the child was her daughter.
'So there we have it.' Joey settled back as he always did in the comfort of his chair and sipped his drink. The naked slutchild and her mommycunt were kneeling with their arms secured behind them, facing the man who owned them. 'It took time but I tracked down your dear mother,' he said to Melinda, 'and took her and her daughter - that would be your sister of some sort I guess - from your ex-husband.' The man sipped his drink again before resuming. 'Thing is it was all a lot easier in the end than I planned for.'
'Please, master, about my ex-husband. Um, where is he?' Melinda wanted to know more of what had happened.
The man shrugged and restrained a smile. 'Gone. Guess we will leave it at that.'
'Yes sir,' said the woman.
'He won't come here, if that's what concerns you,' the man said. He looked at Melinda, tied like her mother but gagged for no reason than the man liked small girls silenced. 'And I figured the brat should see her granmomma, plus whatever that stupid cunt of a child is to her.'
'A-are they... will they take our place, sir?' Melinda asked hesitantly, fearing the worst.
The man laughed. 'No.'
Melinda could barely hide her relief. 'Will you be punishing them, sir?' Melinda's question sounded a lot happier.
The man regarded the kneeling woman, her large ringed tits and fat belly all too obvious. 'No.'
'But - they're in the cages, next to ours in the dungeon.'
'Where they will stay. No, I won't be punishing them. But you and your cuntspawn will be.'
Melinda and Belinda stared in astonishment at the man.
'Listen bitches. I like punishing and hurting both of you - and that will continue. You will be whipped and bound and will suffer even more tortures. If you have a baby girl, whore, she will be brought up to be my slave and no better than you two, understand?' He paused as both the mother and child nodded. 'But I have work to do, slaves to capture. I kinda think I have me a family here now. When I'm away, you can punish the old woman and her fuckbrat, just as I punish you. You'll be their mistresses and I expect you to make them hurt.'
Both Melinda and Belinda nodded eagerly. They exchanged excited glances.
'If I find, cunts, that you have been kind to them I will sell you both to some brothel in South America.' He grinned. 'But I figure that is unlikely.'
'Yes sir, we promise we will make them suffer. We have learnt so much from you, sir.'
'I know.' The man drained his glass. 'Plus, in time I might be able to get you two to help me acquire females. You said once you could help, bitch, and that's a good idea. I like the idea of you befriending women and bringing them here.'
The two bound females exchanged another glance, clearly happy.
'But before anything else, mommycunt and slutchild, it's time for a good thrashing for you both.' He picked up the quirt by the side of his chair and snapped it.
'Me first,' please sir,' smiled Melinda, pushing her chest out.
Belinda also begged to be first but the new ballgag made her sound as if she was squealing. She was first anyway as the Master rained blows on her flat chest and excited little nipples while Melinda strained forward to take his exposed, erect cock in her gagless mouth.
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