Melinda And Belinda, Part 2

[ M, F, g, bd, sm, nosex, viol, ws, scat ]

by Quiller


Published: 8-Jan-2012

Word Count:

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This story is pure fantasy and never happened. Nor should it. Don't try any of this at home or anyplace else.

'I'm impressed,' Joey said as he settled back on the couch, drink in hand, looking at the two females kneeling in front of him. 'You and your slutchild have really got things well organized here.' The point was directed at the mother, now free of her gag and blindfold.

'Thankyou, sir,' said Melinda. 'We enjoy bondage. I have most of the ideas but Belinda has some. Especially the board above my bed.'

'Yeah,' smiled the man. 'That's really cool. You really tie her to it all night?'

'Sure. I like to wake up and see her sort of hanging above me.' The mother smiled at the thought and shrugged. 'She says she doesn't sleep much tied to it and being there hurts some but...'

The man laughed. 'Shit! You two are really quite perverted aren't you?' Then his face got serious. 'However, you only play at bondage. But I don't. What I am going to do to you two is serious stuff, understood?'

Melinda gulped but nodded. 'May I ask what you will do to us?'

'You can ask, but I won't tell you. You'll find out soon enough. I have all sorts of things I like to do to big-titted cunts like you and flat-chested cuntlets like her.' He nodded at the gagged child. 'You just have to sit back - or lie there or hang there or whatever - and take it.'

The mother shot a glance at her kneeling daughter next to her. 'Please, sir, don't hurt Belinda too much. She's young and -' 'I'll do whatever I want,' the man interrupted. 'Her age is of no importance. She's a female right? I tie-up and hurt females. Got it?'

Melinda nodded, looking less happy than she had done.

Joey leaned forward and caught hold of one of the bound woman's large tits. 'You might have thought when I captured you and her that this was some sort of game,' he squeezed the generous handful of flesh hard, making her gasp. 'But it isn't - at least not for you and the kid. I punish you for having cunts and tits.'

'P-please, sir, I'm sorry,' cried the woman as his fingernails dug deep. 'I-I understand we are yours to p-punish.'

'That's better,' the man said, suddenly letting go of the breast and sitting back. 'I can't do that - not yet anyway - to your precious brat, so I'll just be torturing your tits for now.'

'Yes sir,' sniffed the woman, trying not to cry.

Joey regarded the two captives. Although he enjoyed all aspects of making his slaves suffer he also wasn't a cruel man all the time. Anyway, it was fun varying the light and shade, as he called it. He leaned forward again and though the woman flinched, expecting more pain, he simply reached out and stroked her cheek. 'Listen, Melinda,' he said gently, 'I won't be hard on you and your daughter all the time. Oh, you won't ever quite forget you are my captives and I guess one of you whores at least will be in some restraint even if the other isn't. But they might not be too harsh, the restraints. Maybe a few chains, perhaps a gag, as you work round the house. Could be you might even get to sit and watch TV with me while you're tied to a chair. I might even leave your gag out at night.

'Sure, some of the time it will be hard and I'll be brutal. Sometimes both you and her will be really suffering - or one of you will be tortured while the other watches all tied up. But don't think I don't care. I could kill you both and you know it, but if you do as much as possible to please me - maybe even be enthusiastic about being punished - you'll both be fine.' Melinda looked at the man and nodded. 'Yes sir, I understand.' She took a deep breath. 'You want us to ask to for the other to be punished, right? You want me to plead for Belinda to be whipped, or hurt.'

'That's part of it, yes.' Joey grinned. 'But I want you to ask for yourself to be punished. Both you and her have to come to me and beg to be hurt. Understood?'

Both Melinda and her gagged daughter hesitated a beat before they nodded as one.

Melinda gulped twice and then said; 'Please sir, I deserve to be hurt now. I have asked too many questions and if it pleases you, I beg you to hurt me.'

'Good,' purred the man. 'However, only you? I recall the slutchild asking a few of her own.'

'Um... yes sir. Please hurt me and the slutchild.'

'Okay - and how would I do that?'

The woman said: 'Sir, there's a flogger in the kitchen. I would be happy to have my butt and tits whipped, and Bel - I mean, slutchild's - ass whipped too.'

'Perfect,' laughed the man, getting up. 'You asked so nicely how could I refuse? You two just stay right there and I'll be back in a moment.'

Melinda and her daughter exchanged looks before the man strode back in, cracking the leather flogger in the air. 'A little too soft for my liking but it will do until I get a better one. Now, who's ass first?'

Joey woke in the morning light and stretched, regarding the the bound and gagged figure of the naked child hanging a couple of feet above him, tied tightly to the board suspended above the bed.

'My oh my,' he said as he yawned. 'What have we here?'

Belinda, looking exhausted and pained, grunted into her ball gag. The part of the sheet a couple of feet below her face was soaked with drool from her stooped up mouth.

'Now, now. No talking with your mouth full.' Joey stretched up and stroked the flat chest of the nine year old, running his fingertips over her small nipples. The child would have flinched if she hadn't been tied so well. He figured, as he lay in the warmth of the bed, that the child might not have been bound this tightly to the contraption before: the board had wide straps on it but he had ignored those and used plain old hemp rope to secure the child at ankles, knees, hips (and up between her legs, naturally), at her waist, chest, neck and forehead. The kid's arms were bound behind the board painfully rather than as the strap arrangement would allow, comfortably to her sides. Plus he figured any gag the brat's mom would have used would have allowed some distress call if needed.

Not the way Joey preferred, with so sound escaping at all. Damn kid could suffer all night as far as he was concerned. And had too, by the look of her.

There was also, he was pleased to see, still some red marks over her belly and chest where he had flogged her the previous night. Nice red weals starting to turn blue. He felt his cock stiffen.

'You hurting, cuntlet?' he asked as he pinched the small nipples, causing Belinda to wriggle a little.

'Mmmth' grunted the girl, looking tearful. Joey smiled and pinched harder, bringing a more pained groan.

'You think your mom enjoyed her night in the hole?' Joey was flicking each nipple now. 'Who would have thought she could get into it, huh?'

Belinda made no noise, gave no gesture.

Without warning he brought his fist up hard into the child's face. Blood spurted from her nose, dripping on the bed. She howled into her gag, tears dripping too. 'I asked you a question! Learn this, cuntlet: If I ask you something, even if you are gagged, you try to answer. Got it?'

The nine-year old let out a well-gagged 'yes, sir,' and tried to nod.

'Good girl,' the man said. 'You will learn my ways sooner or later. Now I am going to whack off while I look up at your bloodied face.' He put one hand down under the sheets and grasped his stiff cock. With the other he threw back the blood-and-tear splattered sheets to expose his naked body. 'You can watch me, slut,' he said as he began to stroke his erect cock. he laughed too. 'Guess you've never seen a man's prick before, huh?'

Desperately, the girl tried to shake her head, grunting a stifled 'no, sir' More tears and blood dripped on to the naked man's chest. Staring up at the tortured girl, he frigged himself faster, hurrying the moment when he jetted his cum up his belly and chest to mix with the child's fresh blood and tears.

Joey ambled into the kitchen, the still naked and dripping wet child in tow behind him on a leash. Belinda was shivering, having endured the cold shower he made her take. This was after he unfastened her from the board after having a couple of good jerk off sessions, along with the fact that he hadn't bothered drying her.

'C'mon, let's see how mommykins is doing.' The man dragged the bound Belinda - hands tied high up between her little shoulder blades so her flat, well marked chest jutted out - to the hole in the kitchen floor. Looking up was the gagged face of Melinda, head angled and pressed against the grill.

'She looks mighty cramped in there, right? Looks as though she didn't get much sleep.'

'Yes sir,' said the child, glad she wasn't talking for once through her gag.

'Listen cuntlet, I want you to get on your knees so your mom can see your face up close and then you can spit on her.'

'Uh, yes sir,' said the girl, getting down on her knees by the hole's iron grill. Then she looked up at the man. She was struggling to say something, but she did it anyway: 'Sir, if you'd please punch my face again then I can let my blood drip on her too.'

'Good thinking, kid,' smiled the man. 'That's what I like.'

Without hesitation he punched the kneeling Belinda hard once more, making her cry out in pain and almost toppling her over. With a sob the child straightened and bent forward, fresh blood falling on to the bars of the grill and between them, down on to upturned, agonized face of her mother. The girl didn't forget to spit too. Lots of it, trying to aim the saliva to wash the blood spots off her mommy's pretty face.

Joey finished his breakfast and looked up at the two females, both bound to chairs with tied arms stretched over the back of the chairs (a position more painful for the child than the adult), sat across the table so they could watch him eat. They were gagged so there was no danger of them spoiling his meal.

'You know,' he sighed, pushing the empty plate away, 'that was a mighty fine breakfast. You would have enjoyed it.'

He studied them, the way the brat's blood had dried on both their faces. 'You know, this will seem cruel but hey, someone's gotta do it.' he smirked. 'But you two whores won't be eating today. Oh sure, you'll make me my meals but as you'll be gagged guess not a lot is going to pass those pretty lips. Still, nothing past the lips, nothing on the hips, right?'

Both mother and daughter nodded and tried to say 'yes sir.'

'Today will be kinda tough for you, what with no food,' Joey said. 'You'll make my meals but the gags stay in in case either of you creeps decide to nibble something you shouldn't.'

Again, more nods from the silenced females.

'But tomorrow one of you gets a whole day off. Well, apart from chains of course. Now I remember that you, mothercunt, usually wears the chains but don't take that as a given. One of you will be heavily bound, the other free to walk round in chains. Thing is I haven't decided which gets the fun of the ropes. Not yet. But that's tomorrow. Today you are both tied and there are several positions you'll be tied in - together.'

Joey stood up and picked up the flogger where he'd placed it on the table. 'I'm kinda disappointed that you two don't appear to have a real whip - or a better flogger you whipped each other with. Well, I have a quirt in the truck so I'll get that and you can see what it's like. I think you'll find it hurts more than this.'

The man looked at the faces of the mother and child, and smiled at the sight of fear in their eyes. It did his heart good and made his cock harden to see such terror.

'Don't both look so worried. Only one of you will get it. I haven't made my mind up which one yet.' He grinned as confusion flickered over the faces of both gagged faces. 'Plus I ought to tell you that while I said no food today one of you will be watered,' the man continued.

More confused looks, which made the man laugh out loud. 'You'll see what I mean.'

The man's quirt was extremely painful for the child, hanging by her thin wrists from a hook in the ceiling. Belinda screamed into her gag as Joey lashed her back, ass, belly, top of her thighs and even her flat chest, bringing up vicious red marks. The sound of the strokes on the young flesh rang out and filled the living room, echoing off the walls.

'Enjoying this, cunt?' Joey threw the remark at Melinda, sitting tied to a chair close by with her legs spread wide apart, watching her daughter being thrashed.

The woman, her mouth stuffed with rubber, could only grunt agreement and nod.

'Trouble is, this little slut hasn't been whipped properly before so she's taking it kinda bad.' Joey rested his arm for a moment and just let the child kick in pain from the twenty strokes he had just delivered. He tapped one of the red marks on her thighs that was already leaking a thin trickle of blood. 'Don't worry, we'll toughen her up. A few more of these sessions and she'll be able to take a lot more than this.'

Joey looked as if he might resume the whipping of Belinda but instead turned to the mother and ran the leather tip of the quirt over the woman's big tits. 'Of course, I could have chosen you to punish as these milkbags of yours could sure do with a good beating. Or here, where it's real tender. The man ran the tip down the woman's quivering stomach to her hairless twat and tapped her sharply on the inside of both thighs. 'But, I said it would be one of you and so as it's her, you watch. However, you get the watering, I've decided. When I've finished with cuntlet we'll get you a drink.' he smirked as he withdrew the threat of the quirt on the woman's exposed, tender flesh, pausing only to rub the leather over her cunt lips. 'I promise, a good long drink.'

The woman made a noise that sounded like 'Thankyou, sir.'

Joey flexed his arm as if freshened up and he resumed the relentlessly brutal whipping of the dangling child, pausing only to let her stop swinging as she kicked and take up a new position for himself.

The two females were bound, back to back, standing in the kitchen, arms threaded through each others. Melinda was supporting her daughter, who was swooning from the pain of so many cuts from the quirt.

Forty, the mother had thought - or at least that, but she had lost count. Belinda had taken the blows pretty well for a girl of her young years but it was too much for her now and she slumped in the ropes that tied her to her mom's back. Streaks of red blood from so many cuts were running in rivulets down her bruised and battered skin and forming a small puddle at the feet of the two females.

'Hold her upright,' snapped Joey as he busied himself at the sink. 'If she can't stand on her own you help her. You're her fucking mother, right?'

Another grunt of agreement from the gagged woman. She struggled to make sure the child didn't topple her over. With her arms bound as they were, she wouldn't have been able to stop any fall from hurting either of them.

Joey went back to his task, getting the rubber tube on to the faucet. When he was sure it was on properly, he turned to the pair. 'Drink time, mommy dearest,' he said as he began to unfasten the woman's gag. As it popped free of her mouth, she started to beg the man.

'Please sir,' she whimpered. 'I'll do anything. Please don't put that tube in my mouth. I promi-' Her whining was cut off by a hard slap to her face from the man.

'You will learn, you dumb cunt, that you do not beg me not to do something!' He was angry, with a flash of temper that the woman hadn't seen before. She was scared but bit her lip.

'I... uh... I'm sorry sir. Forgive me. Please... please put the tube in my mouth.'

'Beg more,' he glared at her.

'P-please fill me up with water, sir. Uh, I beg you to h-hurt me.' Hot tears from the slap were running down her cheeks, over the bright red patch showing the imprint of his hand on her face.


'Oh...uh... I deserve to be tortured. I'm a stupid slut, sir, so I beg you, please, please punish me. M-make me suffer.'

'That's better,' the man suddenly smiled, his rage calmed. He reached for the end of the rubber pipe and held it up to her face so she could see the black rubber device on the end. It looked like a conventional penis gag but with a hole drilled through, with straps to make sure it stayed on the victim's head. 'Now, I'm going to put this in your mouth and start to fill your belly up. You've got a good figure, whore, but when I've finished you'll look pregnant again.'

'Uh... yes sir. Thankyou sir,' gasped the woman. She opened wide and the man pushed the end piece in so the gag head slotted behind her teeth. It hung from her mouth, unfastened and undisturbed, while he checked the faucet end of the pipe again. Then he came back and carefully fastened the gag strap.

'Now, you're gonna be filled up. After all, I don't want you being thirsty, huh?'

'Nnnth thrr,' said the gagged female, eyes wide with fear.

Joey turned on the water. The fear in Melinda's eyes was replaced by desperation as she began swallowing as fast as she could.

'Oh relax, asshole. You won't drown. I'd have to turn it up more for that.' With a snigger he gave the water flow a little spurt to demonstrate and the woman coughed and spluttered into her gag.

'Keep swallowing, honey. No spitting,' he joked. 'And no goddamn pissing until I tell you to go ahead.'

With tears coursing down her face, Melinda did her best to obey.

Joey ran his hand over the swollen belly of the woman. Though the tube and gag were still attaching her to the faucet, he had stopped the water and was now enjoying her agony. She was struggling to try and keep her daughter upright and now the agonies and cramps were afflicting her belly she was in agony.

'Try to be still, fuckface,' the man said. 'I just want you to suffer in silence. Y'know, I guess you figured you got the better of the deal at first, being comfortably tied up while I beat your daughter. But now you know how I work, right? Tearfully, face screwed up against the pain in her gut, Melinda nodded.

'See, I believe a mom and daughter should share the pleasure of pain. Understand?'

Melinda nodded, feeling miserable.

'Now, you can piss soon. But not until I tell you, got it?' He didn't wait for the nod and busied himself undoing the ropes that bound mother and daughter together. He whistled as he untied the knots, happy this was turning out so well. As the ropes came free, Belinda collapsed on the floor. Joey shook his head and muttered something about kids not being able to stand up for themselves and turned back to the mother. With practiced ease he swiftly bound the woman's hands behind her, tight enough so she moaned into her gag. Then, having tied the nine-year old's hands behind her equally tightly, he picked up the bloodied body of Belinda and hauled the child to the open hole.

In one move he dropped her feet first into the body cell. There was a scraping noise as she slithered down one wall of the narrow body cell. Joey kicked the iron grill over and slid the bolt shut. A padlock finished the task.

'Now, cuntwoman,' he said as he stood, wiping splotches of blood from his hands. 'Cheer up. You are going to give your darling daughter a piss bath to get her clean.' He waited for the woman to signal agreement and then continued. 'But you stop pissing when I say stop. If you carry on, I'll whip that swollen belly of yours. Hard!'

Without resisting, Melinda allowed herself to be positioned over the grill, legs spread wide apart.

'Wait. No peeing yet,' said the man. Melinda, in increasing agony, waited.

After five minutes or this torture, the man gave permission for the woman to piss on her semi-concious daughter. She unleashed a torrent and below and heard Belinda come to, spluttering into her gag at the shower of urine. Almost at once the man made Melinda stop and wait again before letting a little more out.

After some thirty minutes the mother had finally drained her belly, all over her child.

'Now shit,' the man said. 'All over the brat.'

Melinda hesitated for a half-second and then nodded. At once she started straining, desperate to expel her bowels on the head of Belinda, by now well awake and staring up in horror.

The first fat, stinking turd fell with a satisfying splat on the child below. At once the foul smell was overpowering but Joey grimaced as he watched: it was worth the discomfort of the odor to look down and see the child writhe against this unexpected onslaught.

Fresh shit splattering over the girl's piss soaked face and hair, slithering over her cut and bruised skin. It would burn as it cascaded over her before gathering round her ankles at the bottom of the hole. Joey wondered if there was a drain. He shrugged: it wasn't his worry.

The shit flow had stopped. Melinda, exhausted, was looking at the man. He was whacking off, enjoying the sight.

It didn't take long for the gobs of semen to rain down on poor Belinda in the hole.

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