Published: 8-Jan-2012
Word Count:
'Where are we going?' The bound and naked girl sat in the front of the truck gazed out of the windshield at the dark road ahead.
The man driving the pickup didn't answer, though he knew the girl was talking to him. Hell, she could hardly be talking to her mommy with all that blindfold and gag the woman was wearing, could she? Sure the child's mother had heard but as she couldn't speak and couldn't answer even the nine-year old girl knew there was only one person to talk to.
'Sir?' the child asked, this time looking at the man.
Joey Burton smiled. He liked the girl calling him 'sir', as she's been told. The man liked a girl who learned quickly, though even if she didn't a few beatings would remind her to remember.
'Ask you mom, kid' he said, flashing a grin at the child. Belinda was her name, though Joey wouldn't use it ever. That was part of her old life. She had a whole new life ahead of her as his slave.
'She can't speak,' said the child, earnestly as she gave her naked and tied mother a glance. 'You gagged her earlier. Gagged her real good, you said.'
'Correct,' laughed the man. This little slut was better than he'd hoped. So many of them just howled and blubbered and begged or worse, stayed sullen. But this one, this naked blonde child, was different. 'You learn fast, don't you, kid?'
The child pursed her little lips and nodded. 'Guess so. Mom says I'm usually good.'
The heavily bound woman sat on the other side of the child wriggled, probably trying to say something into her well packed mouth. She could hear the conversation and probably wanted to admonish her daughter or plea for them both. Joey glanced at the mother as she moved and saw her large, pendulous naked tits wobble. He heard her moan something.
So did the kid. 'It's okay mom. I'm trying to be good.'
Belinda looked back at the man. 'I just want to know if we're going home.'
'Home?' The man laughed. He might have thought the bound nine-year old was being stupid, or trying to be funny or maybe about to beg for release. But one look told him the kid was serious.
'Your home?' the man continued. 'Why the hell do I want to take you there?'
The child considered for a moment. 'Well, it's just that if you're going to keep us tied up, you might need some more rope. Or some chains. We've got some.'
The man stared at the child. Was she crazy?
The small, innocent eyed girl looked back at him steadily. She wasn't crazy, or if she was it was the real weird crazy you see in movies.
Next to Belinda, the mother wriggled more in her ropes, shaking her head. It wasn't like she was trying to escape: more that she was denying something. Like someone who wants to keep a secret, Joey suddenly thought.
Joey flicked his gaze from the bound woman back to the road ahead. She had a good figure and if he wasn't driving her could look at her for hours, admiring the way he had tied her, the way her big boobs hung down, the way the ropes disappeared between the woman's crotch. He remembered, when he captured her by the roadside, by their broken down car, the woman hadn't exactly fought the ropes. When he had knotted the rope up between her legs he could have sworn she almost wriggled into it. Fuck, just like the way a woman would who was used to being tied up - and enjoyed it.
Joey gulped. There was something about these two...
The man's mind swam. He drove silently for a couple of miles, watching the dark pavement ahead of him illuminated only by the pick-up's lights. No other traffic, no cops. The way he liked it when he did a grab.
'Sir?' said the girl quietly. 'If you need our ropes and things, you have to turn off soon.'
'What?' Joey didn't need it repeated, he just needed time to think.
'The ropes and chains at our house. We live up ahead, on the right. You need to look for a sign to -'
'Okay, kid. I understood first time.' Joey felt confused. A kid - and her mom - both wanting to be tied up? The man's heart raced but not in the way it did when he had a woman or a girl tied up, heading for their fate, fighting and struggling and trying to escape, but failing. No, this was different, a whole new ball game.
Joey spun the wheel and braked. As soon as the truck stopped at the side of the road he turned to the child, still looking at him. Not fearfully, or apprehensive, or even pleading. Just calm. 'Okay kid. This is strange,' he said. 'You say you've got ropes and chains at your place? Why?'
'Same reason we're tied up now,' said Belinda with as much of a shrug as she could manage, tied like she was. 'We like...' she paused and glanced at her mother, sitting quite still, chest heaving where it could be seen among the ropes criss-crossing her torso, pinning her secured arms to her body. The man couldn't be entirely sure but the woman's large nipples seemed large, almost hard. 'I'm going to tell him mom, so don't be mad at me, please,' implored the girl.
Belinda turned back to the man. 'We like to tie each other up. Not just ropes, but chains too. Well, I get to be tied up but I guess mom prefers the chains.'
'Who puts them on you?'
'We do. Just us. Mom ties me and I chain her, mostly.' The girl leaned forward and dropped her voice to a whisper. 'Mom says I can't tie ropes good enough yet, but I try.'
'Y-you and your mom do bondage?' The astonished man managed to say. 'But... So who else is there, at your place?'
'No one,' sighed the girl. 'We live alone. Just mom and me. We do bondage because... well, I guess we think it's fun. Course, I don't think mom's ever been tied as tight as you've done it, sir.'
Joey looked at the silent, blindfolded woman, who gave a small nod in response. He was good at tying females up and her nipples definitely were harder, Joey decided.
The man stroked his chin, intrigued by what the brat had told him. Thoughts tumbled through his mind. Was this some trap? Was the kid clever enough to work out that in getting them to their home they could escape, or someone would be there to help them? On the other hand, he could just ignore where they lived. He had plenty of ropes and chains and a dungeon too, beneath the old barn, where he could keep them quite safe. Where he had kept the others for as long as he wanted.
'What else you got at your place?'
Belinda gave a small smile. 'Gags and straps, a punishment cage. We've got slave collars and a hole and -'
'A hole? What the hell's that?'
'It's a special cell in the floor of the kitchen. Mom puts me into sometimes, sort of lowering me into it. It's got a grill on top that mommy locks but while I'm in it if she walks over the hole I can look up her skirt.' The girl smirked. 'I like that.' The woman next to the girl grunted, as if agreeing that they did this. That her daughter liked the view. Joey stared at her and then back at the girl. 'You expect me to believe this?'
'It's true, isn't it mom?' The child sounded offended.
Belinda's mother nodded.
'If I took your mom's gag out, she'd tell me her side of it, right? And if I gagged you like I gagged her, you couldn't interrupt, agreed?'
The girl nodded. 'You gonna gag me as good as mom?'
'Better,' said the man.
Joey spent several minutes putting a gag in the kid's mouth. It was a special rubber ball kid's gag he always carried, one with an underchin strap and a special flap he could close over the child's mouth and secure - a flap that fitted over her chin and over her cute nose with a small hole for her nostrils. As the ball itself tended to fit behind the teeth, there would be no way she could eject it even without the flap secured. He liked the way she opened wide for it and bent her head forward so he could adjust the strap tight at the back of her head. He made sure the underchin strap was tight too. Tight enough to elicit a gurgle from the child. Satisfied he closed the flap and whispered to the girl: 'Just enough airway for you to breathe.'
Belinda, understandably, didn't say anything.
Then he turned his attention to the mother, reaching across the bound and now well gagged child to free her mouth. He kept the wet packing it close to her face in case she screamed, even though out here there was no one for miles who could hear her. She didn't scream. She just flexed her stretched jaw and said, quietly, 'Thanks.'
Joey dropped the sopping wet gag on to the woman's lap, partly as reminder to her that it was handy, partly as a good place to put it. The saliva from the gag was already starting to puddle in the vee of her lap, against her hair-free pussy and where the knotted rope disappeared between her legs. Damn, Joey thought, I should have noticed that earlier. He glanced at Belinda's lap, towards her hair free little snatch. Instinctively he smiled: two females as bald as each other. 'Okay,' he said, breaking his thought line. 'You tell me the truth and I won't kill you.'
'Belinda was telling the truth.' The woman seemed calm, despite the threat. 'I've been tying her up for near on four years. Just her and me, since her father left us. We did a few light tying up games at first, and then it got serious. I had always liked being tied, chained and gagged. No one had even gagged me like you did though,' she added with a smile. She was still blindfolded but Joey could imagine her eyes shining under the black cloth.
'When you came along, we had been over to Jaseville, to pick up some supplies. Including a few hanks of rope, and a sheet of black rubber. I was going to make a hood for her as a birthday treat.'
Joey nodded. He had hoods himself, but he liked the idea of a mother making her daughter one for the kid's birthday. He felt a twinge of sorrow he had set the vehicle on fire after he had shunted it into some trees to make it look like an accident. 'You know I can do anything I want to you, don't you?' The man paused. 'That's both you and the little cunt next to you.' It was time to test how serious the woman was. Scaring her was the best way.
The woman didn't react other than a nod.
'Whatever you and she do - or did - doesn't alter the fact that I own you now, understood?'
Again the woman nodded, and added a 'yes sir.'
'I can torture you, right? I can dispose of one or the other of you and no one will know.' He didn't normally threaten his captives like this - at least not this soon - but he had to test this woman. She and her daughter were too goddamn calm. 'You can do whatever you want to us,' agreed the bound, blindfolded woman. 'We are yours.'
Joey stroked his chin. The woman sat quietly and waited, maybe for a question or permission to speak. He looked at the girl Belinda, also remarkably calm for one so young. 'Tell me your mom's name, kid,' he addressed the nine year old.
'Meltthuh Thvij' came the barely audible grunt from the child, who turned her face to look at him for the first time since he fastened the gag in her mouth. The gag was pretty good, Joey reflected.
Joey raised an eyebrow and looked over at the woman. 'Now you tell me what she said.'
'She said I'm Melinda Savage, which is correct, sir.'
'Melinda and Belinda, wow,' he smirked. 'Guess you ought to have another brat called Selinda or something stupid.'
'Yes sir,' said the woman, docilely.
Joey had a sudden thought of a heavily bound, very pregnant Melinda telling him she was expecting a girl and Selinda was a great name for the new slave. He looked at her carefully. How old was she? Thirty? He was normally good at guessing ages. But although her tits were huge, he couldn't say that she looked older than mid-to-late twenties. 'Those hooters of yours, slut,' he said to the woman. 'They naturally all yours?'
'Yes sir, all mine. Since I was fourteen they just grew big. I kinda got big busted early. Like my mom.' As if in pride she pushed her chest forward slightly, or at least as much as her ropes would allow her to move.
'How old are you know?'
'Twenty seven. I had Belinda when I was 18. That's why I got married.'
Joey grunted. He didn't see why people got married just because they'd had too much sex. 'So where is your family?'
'Gone sir.' A note of sadness crept into Melinda's voice. 'My father left us when I as a kid. My mom moved in with me and my husband but she... She left with Garry, my husband. They went off together.'
'She must have been some woman,' said the man, more to himself. Then, louder: 'Hey, would you like to see how I've gagged your whore of a daughter?'
'Please, sir,' said the woman, her voice back to normal.
Joey reached over and unfastened the blindfold. Even in the small light of the cab, the woman blinked as if the light hurt her eyes. Then she looked down at her daughter. 'Wow, a Fulsome gag,' she remarked.
'You know about Fulsome gags for kids?'
'Sure. I use an earlier model on her sometimes. But that one looks cool on her.'
'It's new. The model seven, they call it. I liked the six, especially as you could add a barbed ball for the mouth.' He was trying to inflame a reaction in the woman, but she merely nodded. 'The seven hasn't got that,' he added.
'Hmm, you could adapt it. Swap the balls. I did it with a Bonda type three, putting a bigger ball in place of the smaller one. You used one of those?' For the first time she looked at the man, eyes steady but respectful.
He smiled and nodded. 'My slaves get all the gags.'
'That's good,' the woman gently smiled back. 'Slaves should.'
Joey was impressed, but tried not to show it. 'There's another gag I have with me. I could put it on you and the little whore.'
Melinda raised an eyebrow.
'It's a kissing gag. A double ball, one in each mouth and a joint strap to hold you and her in a permanent open mouthed kiss. What do you think?'
Melinda nodded thoughtfully. 'Sounds good,' she said. 'But Belinda - I mean, little whore - hasn't had her gag in long. It's a pity to take it out too soon.'
'My choice,' the man said a tad coldly.
'Yes sir,' said the woman, subdued. Just the way slaves do when they've been trained, the way they know they've made a small error and will be punished.
Joey fished around and produced the kissing gag. Melinda's eyes opened a little wider as she saw it held up. 'Ready, slave?' he asked.
Melinda nodded and leant forward, again as best she could with her bonds so tight and helped the man fasten half of the gag in her mouth.
'This isn't a great gag, I'm told,' said Joey. 'But it's meant more for my viewing pleasure than your total silence. However, some lesbians say that kissing another female properly is one of the best gags around.'
Melinda nodded, either in acceptance or agreement. Her daughter was staring up at her mother, her child eyes wide with anticipation of what was to come for her. Joey wondered if she ever dreamt of kissing her mommy. Well, she was about to find out. Joey unfastened and extracted the efficient Fulsome child gag from Belinda's mouth, the ball coming out with a neat plop.
'You're going to kiss your mother,' he told the child, unnecessarily as Belinda understood exactly what was about to happen.
'You feel good about that?'
'Yes sir,' said the child brightly.
At once the man pushed the child's head towards her mother's face - Melinda leaning down towards her daughter - and eased the other half of the gag into the little girl's wide open mouth. In a few seconds he had buckled the child's half of the kissing gag behind Belinda's head, tightening it so the nine-year old's cute lips met her mother's stretched lips fully as if they were kissing deeply, heads inclined at different angles so the full kiss effect meant there was no evidence of a shared gag save for the straps round their heads.
To Joey's satisfaction, both the young and older female sighed and groaned as their mouths were forced tightly together into a perverse kiss. They even, he could see, closed their eyes as if they really wanted this. Perhaps they do, he thought with a grin.
Joey picked up the blindfold he had used on the woman, tore it into two and used the two halves to blindfold mother and daughter. While they still silently kissed, unable to move their heads apart even if they wanted to, he eased his hard cock out of his pants and whacked off as he stared at the well bound woman and equally helpless child in their enforced lesbian-incest kiss.
With the kissing gag removed eventually and Melinda's normal gag restored - the blindfold still in place - Joey started up the engine and asked Belinda how she felt.
Free of the gag and the blindfold Belinda simply said: 'Good.'
'You enjoyed what I made you and your slut of a mother do?' Joey eased the car back onto the highway. 'Kissing like two dykes.'
'Yes sir,' said the girl. 'It was the longest kiss I've ever had.' She paused for a moment and then asked: 'Please sir, why am I not gagged now?'
'I thought it was obvious. I want you to direct me to your house. I want to see what kind of set up you have.'
'Yes sir,' said the girl. 'The sign I mentioned is just up ahead.'
The man followed the child's directions until the isolated home she and mom owned came into view at the end of a track.
'Pretty quiet out here,' remarked the man, casting round.
'We like it that way,' said the girl, then she puzzled when the man halted the pickup some distance from the buildings. 'Why have we stopped, sir?'
'Just checking kid. It pays me to stay careful. I don't want any welcoming party. Or the cops. I'd get mighty angry if you or your mother slut had lied to me, understood?'
Belinda nodded and remained quiet while the man studied the buildings. Although it was dark the moon was giving enough light for him to look the place over. After a while he decided it was safe - there were no people, no lights and no vehicles parked as far as he could see.
'Okay, listen up. We're going in. Except that you two will be tied up - I'll just release your ankles so you can walk slowly. Oh, and I'll also connect you by your necks. That way, if one of you tries to run off you'll choke the other. And so there's no plotting or shouting, you kid will be gagged. Plus if there's the slightest sign of danger, I'll kill you both. Understood?'
Both the woman and the girl nodded before Belinda opened wide for her Fulsome gag and put her head forward so it could be tightened. Satisfied, Joey drove up to the front of the house while watching for any unexpected movement in the shadows. Getting out first, the man looked round and then opened the other door to help the woman out and left her standing with her ankles still bound while he helped the child out. Having secured them with a short rope between their necks he unfastened their ankles but not their knees: they could walk slowly and have to be careful not to strangle themselves. It would be fun too to have the child lead the woman with her still blindfolded, stumbling behind the kid.
Joey left them standing while he rooted through the clothes and items he had taken off them when he captured them. The clothes were mostly torn where he ripped them off but he was searching for the keys from their car - he recalled a house key on it. It didn't take long to find it and he showed the gagged child before pushing the two of them towards the house.
He expected them to walk slowly and wasn't disappointed: the pair shuffled agonizingly slowly to the porch, and took them almost an age to get up the three steps. Joey didn't help them. After all, they were captive slaves and he merely watched. It was fun though to see a bound and gagged nine-year old naked girl struggling and her equally well restrained nude mother also in difficulty, with her big tits wobbling and well rounded ass trembling, as she collided with the steps and porch.
Joey thought about going back to the truck and getting the quirt he carried to lash their inviting butts to make them get a move on. But there'd be time enough for that later.
When the two got to the door, looking flushed with the effort, he stepped forward and unlocked it before shepherding them in. 'Stand right there,' he pointed to a spot on the hallway floor, 'while I check the place over.' He spent a moment tying a blindfold back over the girl's eyes, figuring they'd soon fall down if they both couldn't see where they were going.
The two bound, gagged and blindfolded captives stood, silently, shaking a little with either the cold or the excitement. They didn't move a step as they waited for their new master to return.
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