Published: 28-May-2011
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It was always difficult, taking your daughter to auditions. So much intensity, such high standards, so many demands. Carol Naylor felt the tension every time, and she had done this many times before. Sat nervously waiting for the name of your girl to be called and wondering if this was the breakthrough you dreamed of.
There was a lot of competition for the roles in movies like this; plenty of young girls who wanted to be a star in a child bondage movie. Pretty girls with blonde hair and long eyelashes, cute faces with freckles and snub noses. Worse than that, there were the mothers behind them. Pushy women who thought that just because their daughter was pretty and willing to be tied up she would be perfect for getting her name up in lights. Women who had renamed their young girls 'Heavenly Tied' or 'Bonda McCord' in the hope the studio would think their trussed-up child was a natural.
Women whose anxiety to have their daughter in a bondage movie meant they themselves thought it necessary to dress like sluts. Well, Carol had been here before: child bondage movie producers and casting agencies didn't want to fuck mature women, however much their tits spilled out. If they did they would do something else in life.
What they wanted was to make money from making movies like 'Girl, Bound,' and 'Primary Punishment.' Films that would scoop the honours at various film festivals and above all would sell to millions. They wanted above all the perfect little girl to star in a film where the child would be bound, gagged and even fucked.
The mothers were at best incidental, and if the stories were to be believed, more of a hinderance than a help when it came to making kiddie porn.
Carol glanced at the other women in the waiting room. Just three of them, preening and fussing over their child as they waited for the producer's office door to open and their child's name to be called out.
There was on the left a naked black girl, who looked about ten and already had prominent little breasts. Carol hadn't seen her around before, but then she might have arrived from some other city. The girl's arms and torso were tied with white rope -- always a nice tough with dark-skinned girls -- and gagged with a bandana-style scarf. Possibly a mistake, thought Carol: some producers want to see how a ball gag fits the moment the child walks in. The girl's mother was an overweight black woman who was one who thought her own hefty bust and a low cut dress would help her daughter's chances.
She would be right perhaps if the producers were looking to make a series of bondage films, like the successful 'Cherry Potter' franchise where you could see a kid mature over the years in different bondage scenarios and story lines. The prospect of developing boobs might be what they were looking for, and seeing the mother's large chest might make them think that over the next few years they could look forward to the same. But child bondage was about children, not would-be adults.
Mentally, Carol graded their chances as a mere four out of 10.
Sat next to the black pair was a pale, thin and nervous looking white woman. Another newcomer, and probably one who had never done this before. Of course, everyone had to start somewhere: Carol remembered the first time she brought Danii along to an audition, how relatively unprepared they were. The woman had red hair and so did her daughter. It wasn't that red hair was unpopular, but it wasn't something you saw often. Mostly child bondage films wanted blonde for the star victim and Danii fitted that tradition.
The thin woman with red hair was wearing a see-through top to show her bra. An expensive lace bra but again, that wouldn't impress the producers, carol thought. But she had tried hard with her daughter. The child was flat chested, athletic looking and wrapped in chains. Yet the mother, instead of leaving the bondage to simple securing with steel and padlocks, had put a posture collar on the child. The effect was striking, but again not a good idea. So many films these days liked hanging or strangulation scenes, and perhaps the posture collar hid the child's neck too much. Sure, if it was a dog-kennel film where the child would be used as a pet then the collar, with its large shiny ring at the front, might persuade the producers they had found the right girl and not look any further.
In which case if they went in next and the producer was happy the secretary would thank those remaining and send them home.
There was also the box-office attraction of the "introducing..." tag on a movie. A new, never-seen-before leading victim could be what the marketing people wanted. Sometimes, familiar faces dulled the appeal of a new child bondage movie. 'Oh, it's her again,' was a factor in some probably good films not selling as well as expected.
Yet against that there was the possible inexperience of a new child actor -- and there was acting, not just sitting around bound and gagged or walking up and down in chains. Some bondage movies were tough going: if the kid had never done it before they might break down in tears at the pain and humiliation, not be able to take several hours bound in one position as a scene had take after take. But... everyone wanted to see a new face, discover the next kid porn star.
Carol couldn't be sure if this girl had more going for her than not. She decided the redhead was a six out of ten possibility.
However the girl on the right was definitely a nine. The girl was, Carol knew, Tyra Fastenne, a precocious but talented and it had to be said, exceptionally pretty girl who had starred in several child bondage box-office hits, including the (eventually) murdered kidnap victim in the popular 'To Die At Eight.'
Carol caught the eye of Tyra's mother, Leanne, and nodded a smile of recognition; she had seen her and her child before at auditions. Leanne had dressed perfectly for the day; no obvious show of breasts, no blatant display of lacy underwear. She was a good looking woman and if the producer did want to screw the mother then he could do a lot worse than have this well-built and shapely mother. One way or another the audition would be a mere formality when the naked and tanned Tyra in her thin but strong looking web of black rubber straps was marched in, and even the plastic gag cover the child wore with a black rubber ball showing between her young, full lips was perfectly understated.
Carol felt her heart sink. Tyra was probably a 10 out 10, not a nine at all.
Carol looked at her own daughter alongside her and wondered how she would fare today. Growing doubts were nagging at the woman's mind. Danii however didn't seem worried. The nine year old was standing patiently as she always did when bound with arms pinned behind her, elbow to elbow and wrists tied so her hands were perfectly palm to palm. She was a pretty child and her big blue eyes and curly blonde hair made her look like a doll. Carol had chosen a new red rubber ball gag for the audition, and while it was a tad large it made the girl look even more helpless than usual. At her ankles was a light but strong silver chain, connecting her black 'Little Slut' high heels. Carol had thought it a good choice when she locked them on her daughter that morning, but now wasn't so sure. Tyra was barefoot which was a bold statement, and the black girl and the red head both had monstrous stilettos on that could only have come from an expensive fetish store.
Danii was a definite eight out of ten, her mother had thought when they set off. Now she pondered whether she was nearer a seven or even a six. Oh well, she consoled herself. They would soon find out.
A moment later the producer's door opened and the secretary appeared, clipboard in hand. All eyes were on the woman standing in the doorway, and Carol recognised her. It was Bernadette, an old friend from college, and while that wouldn't help Danii's cause as such Carol was pleased to see her old friend. The secretary gave Carol the briefest smile and then looked serious. "Can we see Tyra first, please," said the woman, briskly. Tyra looked happy as she set off for the open door, her mother beamed and Carol had the distinct feeling her and her daughter's journey today had been a waste of time.
It was a feeling in Carol reinforced when Bernadette consulted her clipboard and said they would like to see the black girl and the redhead after that.
"I'm sorry I didn't get the part, mom," said the naked girl sat tied up next to Carol as the car nosed through the downtown traffic on the way home. "I did my best."
"I know, honey," said the woman driving. "You did your best and, well, I am sure Tyra will be perfect." Carol smiled to herself. Yes, sometimes there is good news in not getting a part, she thought. Of course the money would have been good; quite probably about the best fee a child bondage star could pick up for a couple of week's work.
And Tyra's name would be top of the bill, again. Only this time, it would be the last time.
While her daughter had been in the producer's room going through her paces, seeing how well she could such cock when her gag came out, how well she could take being bound in painful positions, how much suffering she could take when being whipped... the usual things that child bondage actors had to endure in the cause of winning a part, Carol was talking to Bernadette.
"You, um, don't seem unhappy, mom," said the still tied girl.
"I guess I'm not. You see, I think the next audition you go to will offer an even better chance of getting the lead part."
The nine year old was curious. "Why? I mean if Tyra is there again or that black girl with tits then--"
"They won't be there," said Danii's mother. "I guarantee it. Less competition for you next time."
"But they got the parts today. So they will have the experience and have their names up there 'cos they are in the movie and I will have to--"
"Danii, don't worry," said Carol. "I know it's hard to put up with disappointment but actually I'm glad you didn't get in the movie."
"Hush!" Carol interrupted her daughter again. "Trust me. One day you will see why."
They drove on in silence and Carol smiled again. She even started humming to herself. Yes, there would be a film as her friend Bernadette told her later. A movie, Carol had been told by her friend, that was almost certain to do well at the box office. Starring parts? Of course. Maybe even fleeting fame from it.
The secretary had promised she would send a couple of free tickets to the premiere of it in a few months and Carol and Danii would be very welcome guests.
Bernadette was sure they would enjoy the movie because 'Three Little Bitches Beheaded' was going to be a big hit indeed.
The end
Mr. D.
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