Published: 27-May-2011
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Thanks for choosing Young and Bond Studios for your child bondage photographs, and this booklet will explain how we can help you get the most from the experience.
We are a long established couple who have specialised in taking photographs and videos of bound and gagged children, for the private entertainment of parents or commercial use. Our experience in child photography (non-bondage), weddings and television commercials plus our extensively equipped studios makes us the natural choice for many people who want intimate and/or strict images of children in various degrees of bondage or restraint.
We offer a range of packages to help the parents or guardians of choose the type of bondage and bdsm image they want. We are always happy to discuss individual parent needs and can demonstrate some of techniques free of charge (but without photos) if you need to see how well your son or daughter can be restrained.
Unlike some studios we accept both sexes, and have facilities and props and costumes for naughty-little-boy-to-good-little-girl' or even infantalised bondage, using nappies/diapers and dummies/pacifiers as well as the usual ropes, straps and chains.
We can even create a happy wedding theme where a child in suitable wedding dress and bonds is led on a leash down the aisle to be 'married' to another child or an adult.
All our packages vary in cost and length of session, though we will negotiate repeat bookings at a favourable rate. The minimum booking is for four hours (morning or afternoon) or for all day (8 a.m - 8 p.m, Monday to Friday.) Weekend rates on application, and external venues only accepted if there is no interference from the general public or other parties.
Please note that while we do not have an exclusion policy for parents or relatives attending the bondage sessions, unlike some studios, limited space for observers means we cannot host parties of more than four people. Any observation is on the full understanding that there can be no interference in the photography or video sessions. Before beginning we do require the signing of a 'model and pain release form' so that the parents understand that their child may be hurt and Young and Bond or their agents can accept no blame for future traumas or reactions.
We reserve the right to secure non-photographed children with gag and cuffs as necessary.
If families wish to have their child photographed or videoed at home or in some special place, we can offer terms on that too. But we are used to being in a studio with full lighting and props and may not be able to reproduce the same high quality out of doors.
It is expected that all contracts are honoured on both sides. A deposit is required and the completion of all payment is within 48 hours or on delivery of the images or video, whichever is sooner. We do not accept children for bondage younger than two years old and no older than 15. The rate for boys and girls in bondage is the same, though discounts are available for siblings or twins.
Group images or videos may be for up to three children.
Full copyright of images resides with the image owners on completion of all final payments. No negatives or duplicate images will exist unless ordered in advance. All copyright remains with the parents.
Overseas visitors are encouraged to find a local hotel (rates and addresses of friendly and sympathetic hotels available on our web site) and we can make arrangements for the child or children from overseas spending one or two nights bound and chained in our specially designed child bondage cells under our Studio. This allows us to make longer videos and get plenty of exciting shots for people prepared to leave their offspring in our care. A small fee is required for the cell accommodation.
If you have more than one child to be bound, we can accommodate up to three children in our escape-proof cells. Food and water is provided free of charge but children must be practised in drinking and eating from dog bowls.
Full details of prices and tariffs are on our web site, or on application.
But while that takes care of the legal and financial issues you need to know, there is a real need to see a child restrained. What you are looking for are clear and thrilling pictures of your child bound and gagged or even being punished. We are happy to help you choose the right look and style for your youngsters.
1) Gag portraits: We undertake to provide a comprehensive portfolio of a child or children gagged, and the parents or guardians can choose from a variety of effective gags from ball gag in various colours, ball gag with spikes, penis gag (deep throat or simple mouth-only) tongue pegs, ring gag, pump gag, tape gag (with or without soiled panties), dental gag, tongue clamps, in-mouth bandana or for the incurably romantic, over the mouth cloth gags. We also have see through gag covers and an agony pear (expandable in the mouth) is also available at no extra cost. We ensure children so gagged must wear the gags for a minimum of 15 minutes, irrespective of photos or videos taken. Drool shots are available too for ring or dental gag users.
Insert tube devices are popular and you may like the use of a strapped in funnel or waste pipe. The effect of the gag can also be spiced up with high-posture collars, nose hooks or side mouth stretchers. All available on request. Hoods and blindfolds can also add an effective extra to the child's bondage, but we can take no responsibility if any child thus gagged and hooded or mouth stretched is unrecognisable or has their tears hidden.
We also specialise in 'development' gag sequences where the process of gagging a child is shown in full detail, including the insertion and closing of gag straps and locks. Please note that in the case of extended gagging shots, we practice 'recovery' periods where the child is ungagged for fifteen minutes every two hours when they are put in a head box and can safely remain free of a mouth restraints even though the box stifles all attempts to speak.
For parents who like to see their children hooded, we have plastic and rubber hoods available too, some with straps to add more effect to their helplessness.
2) Torture positions: The history of torture has shown a heathy (or unhealthy!) regard for a variety of positions from the rack to compression devices. At Young and Bond Studios we have a wide range of devices that will stretch the bound youngster, or squeeze them into various contortions and shapes.
However due to the extreme nature and time taken to place the child in such restraints and obtain satisfactory photographs or video shots, this is only available on a full day bondage basis. Children must be able to withstand pain and discomfort for long periods, so therefore this is not available for children under seven.
We also require parents who elect to have their son or daughter tortured that they sign a special disclaimer to protect Young and Bond Studios from over-zealous application of devices. But note we do not scar the children or deliberately break limbs. We take every care that even our more extreme devices do not harm the child for long. For that reason we do not use branding implements or knives.
We do however intend to hurt the child in spankings or whippings, and we prefer that children are used to being beaten while on a frame or tied over some object. We ask parents requiring whipping videos, say, can provide guarantees that the child has been whipped before to ensure that though distress is still maintained we do not have to introduce the little one to their first pain.
Rather than describe all the combinations available (and you can mix and match as you prefer), please feel free to order our special Child Torture Video and Still Image Gallery discs to view in the privacy of your own home. You will find a wealth of bdsm ideas to entertain you. Please state the format you require, and note that delivery may take up to three weeks by our specially trained messengers.
3) Plain rope bondage: A perennial favourite are images and videos of children simply bound and gagged 'the old fashioned way' with rope and cords. This often features the child tied up in cupboards, tied to chairs (kitchen or easy) and placed around the home, including suspension in wardrobes/closets or tied in bed. We have a 'home' set for those who like to see their child in domestic bondage, or we can take the child to secret rural or urban locations where they can be bound out of doors, such as trees and streams or in disused garages and a car trunk/boot.
Note that to preserve our anonymity in the greater community we can only take one child at a time on these sessions with ourselves as parent figures. We cannot accept party bookings for this.
For those requesting our home visit service (UK and Western Europe only within three hours flying time of London, except by special arrangement) we will provide a list of furniture and objects we need to complete a satisfactory photo or video session.
4) The working child: Child slavery is still a popular concept, and we have many customers who require their child to be recorded being put to work including working at some degrading and menial tasks while in chains or other limiting devices such as arm spreadewrs. Some parents do actually have their children as slaves and we endeavour to capture the hard work, tasks and endless toil of those children too.
By its nature, real slavery is a 24 hour a day condition and so we can only take bookings on a full day basis. We do however offer three day 'home slave' sessions where we will follow the young slave on his or her duties to record their endless work.
We do prefer home situations where the child is in full-time slavery and protected from prying neighbours. For this we expect you to have all the restraints, gags and devices necessary as we do not supply them on our visit. But if you wish to start making your child into a slave, then we can supply the name of five established child-slavery equipment suppliers, in London, Dublin, Paris, Amsterdam and Frankfurt. We work fully with these five suppliers and we can assure you their equipment is all of the highest standard.
For those wanting a child-slave fantasy, we can provide a set where the child is seen being put to work, often against a clock or some other time-based restriction (such as air supply). We also have a treadwheel, balls-and-chains and body weights to add to the slavery angle.
5) School and Hospital: A recurring request is that a child is seen in bondage in a school or hospital setting. We have sets for this, but note they are traditional English Schools with wooden desks and old-fashioned hospitals with iron frame beds. We do employ several male and female actors to take the parts of teachers and nurses, etc, and the costs for the hire of these professional and dedicated actors is on our web pages. Nurses can wear rubber or plastic, and teachers (male and female) are appropriately dressed with the emphasis on tweed suits for men and below-the-knee 'school-marm' style for the older woman.
Our nurses, doctors and teachers can be old or young as you wish: some parents like other children to be in control, some prefer slim young women with heavy busts and muscular, well-endowed young men and yet more want the staid grandfather and grandmother look.
A popular choice linked to this is enema and dildo insertion, and equipment is provided as well as seats in the school setting with greased dildo for anal penetration and restraint straps. The children in the schools are 'taught' sexual techniques and bondage subjects and in hospital are examined and tested with bondage and even body-modification in mind. Again, we have videos that show the range of options in full colour and different formats.
You can even mix and match the settings to show a child going from home bondage to school restraint to enforced hospital examination.
Note that we specialise in anal penetration techniques as they are fitting for both genders. We also have a full range of nipple torture implements from clamps and clothes pins to hot wax and needles.
Electro-stimulation in school or hospital is another aspect of this scenario, and we can put in electro-torture equipment as requested. For school settings we encourage caning, and in hospitals catheters and injections.
6) Snuff simulation: we are strongly opposed to child snuff as we believe the child is better if fit and healthy for they are able to be bound again. However some parents and guardians enjoy seeing what is called Child-In-Peril situations, and we have the expertise and equipment to make it look very real and truly threatening in still image and movie form.
This involves hangings, crucifixion, burning at the stake, drowning (witch style ducking stools as well as bathroom or weighted boots for river disposal), cannibal cooking (pot or oven), beheading (axe, sword or guillotine), strangulation, electric chair and air-denial, including premature burial. However these are all fake and though they look extremely convincing no child dies in the production of these realistic scenes.
In order for the full effect of what we do to be appreciated, we do not allow observers during the making these mock executions. We know our customers look forward eagerly to seeing the finished video and still shots with say, a realistic decapitation of a secured child or a struggling bound youngster under water or a kid lashed to a stake with flames licking up their young body.
We have many awards for our realistic depictions, so rest assured you will enjoy their seeming demise and freely available copies of glowing testimonials from enthusiastic child bondage lovers tell their own story.
7) Rubber and plastic: Some parents like to have their child encased in rubber or plastic, or even set in something more permanent like plaster of paris. There are obvious issues with breath control and sensory deprivation that require special care, but there is no doubt an encased, anonymous child is a delight to behold.
Many parents like their child reduced to being a statue or decoration, or wrapped in rubber and then tied up before being locked in a cupboard. This is traditionally one area where the parents have all the ideas to tell us what to do!
There are numerous techniques we can apply in a variety of situations (garden, home, seaside or even say at a supposedly public event) and once more, you would need to see our promotional video to appreciate the range of options available.
We love hearing ideas from our customers, and to give you an example of getting ideas from our clients we recently made a movie where we were given a script and our actors were employed to bind an eight year old girl in rubber straps, gag her with plaster of paris, plug her ears and insert air supply lines to her nose, wrap her in latex and then encase her in a thin concrete shell before placing her on her parents' front lawn for all to admire.
It was an exhilarating if long movie and we are told it has been watched over and over by the happy parents and their friends.
8) Enforced same sex couplings: A popular variation is the enforced making of two girls into lesbians or two boys into homosexuals. Usually the parents or guardians choose sisters or brothers or perhaps close friends with the agreement of the other family, and have the pair of kids bound while exploring each other's sex either with tongues or suitably restrained hands. This makes for a popular series of images though it looks good on video too.
It follows that there are a number of scenarios already listed where the lucky two girls or boys are secured and allowed to use the opportunity to learn about same-sex relationships. Gags sadly aren't usually part of it, though there have been productions where one child is bound and gagged and the other one merely tied up. As always, we try to be flexible and accommodate people's preferences.
There is also some demand for the two children to experience direct or indirect toilet duties with each other! As we like to say, no avenue goes unexplored at Young and Bond Studios.
9) Self love punishment: Finally, a common request is for a series of photos or a video in which a boy or girl is caught masturbating and punished accordingly. -- Or indeed with the very young trying to make themselves climax. Of course, many children masturbate but when it seen as naughty it has be be 'treated.' There are also cases we know of where some parents are strict in that they only allow masturbation -- especially with teens -- once a month. Anything more and punishments are put in place. This may mean some conventional bondage or even more extreme punishments such as torture or whipping, but invariably involves the fitting of a chastity device. To help parents, we have an expert on hand to fit unremovable cock cages or 'pussy covers' as she calls them, often with padlocks.
We are happy to provide her skills and the key presented to the parents or guardians, once the fitting has been recorded and filmed in full colour detail.
So there we have it. We at Young and Bond Studios have, as you can see, a wide range of experience and expertise as well as the facilities and eagerness to make sure your children are bound, gagged, punished and perhaps made to suffer in photos and on film.
This way you can enjoy the moments over and over again, and if you are feeling adventurous we can arrange for the videos and images of your little ones in bondage released to a wider audience. Not only is this a good money earner but helps put you in contact with people of similar interests.
Above all we want to hear from you. Our customers have great ideas and we are always looking for new scenarios or equipment or even ideas how a child can be restrained.
Talk to us and Young and Bond Studios and we will help your dream of seeing your child tied up or punished or even tortured come to reality, with the thrill of being able to re-live the moment over and over again on video or in photographs.
Happy bondage and thanks for reading this!
Mr. D.
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