Published: 24-Jul-2012
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I have often wondered at what age we stop "poo-pooing" the things our children say and begin to take them seriously. Of course, all children grow up eventually (we hope) and start to think as mature adults. But there is an indefinable period, probably sometime during adolescence that the child not only begins to make sense, but often notes that the parent is not always correct. This so-called disintegration of the parental perfection syndrome takes place, usually, in the mind of the younger adolescent. Pubescent children search for and find chinks in the previously assumed perfection of their parents. In most cases, the adolescent, having found some imperfections, believes the parent to be totally without any merit. As maturity sets in, the older adolescent recognizes that no one is perfect and that the parents, within limits, have considerable experience and knowledge which gives them standing. The childhood illusion of perfection never returns.
There is an old joke: "When I was sixteen, I thought my parents knew nothing...and when I was twenty-one, I was amazed at how much they had learned in five years."
The problem with trying to establish a specific age for this is that degrees of maturity set in at different ages. Megan was still a few months short of being thirteen, and far from being what anyone would call "mature," yet the extensiveness of her sexuality and sexual upbringing did bring a degree of mental maturity to her that I sometimes found frightening. Physically, she was still twelve. Her breasts were little more than enlarged nipples, her pubis was just starting to show signs of a growth of darker hair, her hips had only started to round. But mentally, she often took a position contrary to mine and then proved herself to be right.
The most flagrant example of this is that after I started my sexual liaison with Megan, there would be nights when I would wake up in a cold sweat fearful that the police were about to break-in and find me in a compromising position with my adopted daughter. More realistic were my fears that she would tell one of her girlfriends who, in turn, might tell her parents, who in turn...well, you understand. Of course, none of my fears ever materialized, and I began to understand that Megan could be trusted to the nth degree.
The fact that she was still so young helped allay my fears because (I naively thought) that little girls never talked with each other about sex. Their lives were filled with rock stars and dolls. It's amazing how we forget about our own youth.. In fact, Megan took the patience to explain to me, that sex was the most talked about thing in pre-pubescent girls. And, that sexual activity in pre-pubescent girls, while not overwhelming, was none-the-less quite significant. This thought gave new birth to my fears because if children talk about sex, in general, they may also talk about their sexual experiences... and with whom they have had them.
That's why Megan's suggestion that I add some of her friends to my world of sex came as the first of many surprises. Other surprises included my discovering that I was not the "teacher" teaching young girls about sex...but rather, I was the student. Another surprise was learning the extent to which pre-teens have now become sexually active. Perhaps they were just as active when I went to school, but if so, I was totally unaware of it. There was the occasional one or two girls in my class that we all whispered about...but now it seems that the one or two girls that are whispered about are the ones who are not experimenting with sex. The biggest surprise of all (and I get hard even thinking about it) was the completely uninhibited nature of Megan's friends. They were all a little shy and reticent, at first, but once the floodgates were out! They were not just "willing" to please, they were "anxious" to please and demanding as to their own pleasure. What happened next in my life with Megan was a completely unexpected (and delightful) experience.
Megan assuaged my initial fears by assuring me that her friends would never tell anyone about a sexual liaison with me because it would shatter their own parents image of them, and because they would not like to lose me as a potential sex partner (Megan believes I am a great lover). I found this a little difficult to fathom, because I was certain that very young girls would much prefer boys their own age as sex partners. Again, I was wrong and Megan was right.
I really did not expect Megan to take complete control of the situation and direct it like some Hollywood mogul behind a camera...but that's exactly what she did.
On Saturday, the parade began at about 11:00AM: Car after car drove up my driveway, and the mothers and fathers dropped off their little girls for Megan's swimming party. A few of the divorced mothers asked if they could stay and help me supervise, but I explained this was my daughter's party and adults were to be kept out of sight. I assured each and every one that lunch would be provided for all and that I would personally observe from a discreet distance to see that everything stayed under control. Hah!
All in all, there were six girls plus Megan. Megan had chosen each of them with great care. Despite their almost straight bodies (a couple were quite developed) each one had the face of an angel. None had the typical adolescent complexion problems, and all looked like you would expect seventh-graders to look.
They all went up to my spare guest bedroom and changed into their miniscule bikinis, and ran down the stairs to the pool. Despite my obvious arousal at seeing all these girls wearing a minimum of clothing, I had to admit, Megan was still the prettiest. As she walked toward the pool area, she turned to me and whispered, "Daddy...take your pick!" Then she ran out to join her friends already causing havoc in the pool.
I changed into my loosest fitting trunks, so as not to be obvious, and joined the girls at the pool. As soon as I stepped outside, they started giggling, screaming and shrieking for me to join them in the I did. I got dunked more than a few times and I did some dunking of my own. On numerous occasions I would brush up against some of the girls' private body parts, but no one made anything of it. It was all good, clean fun.
After lunch (I had pizza delivered), is when the real fun began. Everyone decided to soak up the sun for a little while after lunch. Megan started the ball rolling buy sitting up, and casually removing her bikini top.
One of the girls, Brittany, a cute, natural redhead, sat up and looked astonished. "Megan...Your top!" she exclaimed. Immediately all of the other girls sat up to notice.
Megan smiled and said, "If you've got it...flaunt it!"
Another girl, Hillary, a slender brunette, piped up, "...Oh my God...but your father..."
"My dad understands me perfectly. Don't you dad?" I smiled and nodded.
"Besides," continued Megan, "He's seen lots of girls without their tops."
The girls looked at each other, half giggling, half uncertain as to what to do next. A strikingly pretty girl named Lane, picked up the hanging threads. "Ok," said Lane, "If you can go without a top, so can I." She put her hands behind her back, unhooked her top and threw it into the pool. Her breasts were miniature adult breasts. They were very small, but perfectly proportioned with small, nickel-sized pink nipples.
The Anderson twins, Kim and Kelly, were next. They laughed and said, "Why not?" Surprisingly, although their faces were almost mirrors of each other, Kelly had large, pointed nipples poking out of her flat chest, and Kim was completely flat with no sign of a matured breast. Within less than a minute, all the tops were off. The girls threw their tops into the pool then dove in after them. Megan, too joined the fun. The girls would come up with a top and another would pull it from her and throw it back in the pool.
I couldn't possibly resist. I dove in with the girls, and splashed around with them, yanking an occasional top and throwing it elsewhere in the pool. We were all having fun, and my hands got to feel, brush against and cup a lot of titties.
I was having so much fun, I almost didn't notice that Megan and Kim dove underneath Kelly and yanked her bikini bottom down. Kelly shrieked and dove for her bottom while Kim and Megan went for Hillary's bikini bottoms. Then Kelly, the most fully developed one there, grabbed Megan from behind and started tugging on Megan's brief. Kim joined Kelly and yanked the remainder of Megan's suit off. Lane jumped into the fray and, with Megan's help, stripped Kim to her bare flesh. In short order, all the girls were bare. I was in heaven!
Megan stood up in the shallow end of the pool and looked at me with mischief in her eye. "Let's get my dad," she yelled. The girls hesitated and looked at each other only for a few seconds, then the girls all swam towards me as I pretended to be trying to get out of the pool. They reached me in an instant and I felt several hands grab for the waistband of my trunks. They pulled the back down quickly but they had trouble getting the front down because I was sporting the biggest boner I'd ever had, and the suit was caught on it. Megan quickly remedied that problem as I bounced out of the pool onto the edge. I sat on the edge of the pool with my enormous boner sticking right up into the air.
Instantly, there was complete silence. All the girls were staring at my erect phallus.
"Wow," said Lane. "I've never seen one that big."
Hillary chimed in, "Me too..."
I didn't quite know whether to start raping the girls then and there or to feign modesty. I suppose my legal instincts told me the latter would be the better tact to take. I cupped my hands in front of my boner. My hands were not large enough to conceal it completely, but it looked like I was trying.
"It's ok, dad," said Megan softly. "They've all seen a man's cock before."
"But not that big," said Hillary.
Slowly, and with my best "shy" act, I removed my hands and let my cock stand in all its glory.
"Oh my God," said Kelly, "Can I touch it?"
"It won't bite," I replied.
Kelly, still in the water, waded over to me and touch my cock lightly. It quivered at her touch and she pulled her hand back. Then she reached out again and started to stroke it. Less than a minute later, her twin, Kim came over and touched it. Then Hillary, then Lane, then Brittany...and finally, the one who had been the most quiet one in the group, Heather. Heather climbed out of the pool and sat next to me stroking it, then without warning, she bent over and kissed the head. She immediately looked straight into my eyes to see if I was going to disapprove. She saw no disapproval in my eyes. She bent over again, kissed it lightly, and then looked up at the other girls.
"It's too big," said Heather.
"Baloney!" said Megan. "What do you want, one of the pencil pricks like Tommy has? This prick is a real pleasure-giver!" I had to smile. It's amazing how differently girls talk with each other than they do at home. I'd never heard Megan talk like that.
"Show me," piped Lane. Megan didn't hesitate for a second. She climbed out of the pool, walked right over to me and engulfed my entire cock in her mouth. Her mouth slid up and down me a few times, then she lifted her head and smiled. "See?"
"Oh M'God," gasped Kelly, "Megan, that's your father..."
Megan retorted. "No, he isn't. I'm adopted!" As if that alone was sufficient to satisfy all the girls present, Megan smiled smugly. The other girls were silent for a few seconds, then started to giggle.
"I wanna try," said Kim. Megan stepped aside and Kim came over to me virtually ignoring the fact that the cock was attached to a grown man many years her senior. She knelt down alongside of me and gently licked the head of my cock...then slowly, she let the head slip into her mouth. Her tongue worked furiously on the head and some of her saliva began to dribble down my shaft. She took her hand, and using the saliva as a lubricant, started to massage the shaft, little by little taking it into her mouth.
"My turn," demanded her twin sister, Kelly. Kim lifted off and smiled as Kelly took her turn. For some reason, Kelly was able to take the shaft much deeper into her mouth. I lay back to enjoy it all. After Kelly, Heather took another turn...much more successful than her first try. Then one-by-one each of the girls took a few licks. I leaned up and looked for Megan. She was standing alone at one end of the pool with one finger on her clit, masturbating furiously.
Brittany lifted her head after completely engulfing my member and said, "This is a lot more fun than Tommy." The other girls laughed in agreement.
Kim was busy licking the underside of my shaft, when I sat up. "Hey girls...this isn't fair. You've given me so much pleasure, and I haven't had a chance to return the favor."
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Megan going through the throes of an orgasm.
"You wanna eat my pie?" squealed Lane.
"I want to eat all your pies," I replied.
Morality is a funny thing. Just when you think it has completely disappeared, it rears its ugly head.
"We shouldn't be doing this," said Brittany. "What if our folks find out?"
I felt a brief quiver of a butterfly in my stomach, but smiled casually and pointed to my security cameras on the edge of my roof. "I'm making a movie of this and I plan to send it to each of your parents and Disney Pictures. We can all become movie stars."
Complete silence for about ten seconds. Then Kelly said, "I think he's joking."
"Of course he's joking, stupid," piped Megan. "He's got as much to lose as we have if he blabs."
"Nobody's gonna say anything...not until he's eaten my pie!" commanded Lane. And, while Kim resumed giving me a fantastic blow job, Lane squatted down over my face and centered her pussy square on my mouth. I tasted the sweetest pussy I have ever tasted! My tongue caressed her labia surrounded by a soft, brown, downy growth of hair, then separated her lips and searched until it found her clitoris hood, and then I let my tongue go to work. Lane ground her pelvis into my face and in a matter of less than two minutes she started the first of what must've been a dozen orgasms in succession. Lane was multi orgasmic, but was laughing, giggling and having the time of her life while I ate her out.
"My turn," piped Kim getting up from giving me a blow job. No sooner had Kim gotten up when one of the other girls (I don't even know who because my eyes could only see the pelvis and cunt lips my tongue was licking furiously) replaced her and I felt a completely different tongue on my dick. Without seeing who it was, the style was very different...and most satisfying.
"Me, too," chimed Hillary.
Lane spoke in a high-pitched whisper from her lack of breath as she continued to orgasm.
"You all wait until I'm finished."
I'm not even certain when Lane dismounted my face and Heather climbed on. I was too occupied cumming into some young girl's mouth while others were playing with me and still others were watching, masturbating furiously. I can say this: I have tasted a fair number of pussies in my lifetime, but the sweet taste of a young girl's pussy is without equal anywhere in the world. The energy that emanates from their body comes right through into their juices. And the fun...there's no other word for it...the fun!
Most women become very intense when you make love with them. Not these girls. They were plain and simply having fun; unabashedly enjoying themselves, playing with my dick when it got soft until it got hard again. No guilt or concern about involvements. spying husbands...or parents...just having a good time and not caring who knows it. Like Kelly rocking her pelvis over my mouth and asking the other girls, "Am I doing it right? Oh my God it feels great!" My moment in Shangri La was disturbed by the incessant ringing of my telephone. Try as I may, I couldn't get up to answer it. Fortunately, Megan saw my situation and she picked it up. A minute later she came over to me and talked to Kelly who was on my face. As Kelly stood up, I could see it was Heather who was now fondling my balls.
"Your parents called. They're on their way over to pick you and your sister up. There's been a change of plans."
The moans of the two girls were a clear tribute to the fact that they did not want to leave. As Kelly dismounted me, I pushed myself up to a sitting position. "We'd better get our swimsuits on and get ready for visitors." Again, another round of groans. But, in less than five minutes, we all looked like it was an innocent swimming party...and not any too soon. In less than ten minutes from the time of the telephone call, the chimes on my front door sounded. I answered the door wearing a terrycloth robe over my trunks.
Mrs. Anderson was all smiles. She apologized for having to take the girls home, but she had completely forgotten her daughters had a class in preparation for their confirmation next month. I politely told Mrs. Anderson that there would never be two more beautiful girls confirmed by the church. Kim asked her mother if I could come to the confirmation, and I, of course, said I would be delighted. Mrs. Anderson shoo'd her daughters out to the car, then spoke softly to me.
"I hope they behaved themselves. They may look like angels...but they've got their moments."
I smiled understandingly. "I know just what you mean. Your daughters are welcome here anytime." Mrs. Anderson glowed with pride for a second, then hugged me, turned and left. I turned and headed back to the pool area. Much to my surprise, no one was there. I looked around and walked back into the house. I heard Megan's voice: "They're gone, daddy. We're all up here in the guest room."
My heart began to pound with anticipation as I headed up the stairs. When I got to the guest room, Megan was sitting on the bed in her wet swim suit...but otherwise the room was empty. Megan patted the spot next to her and invited me to sit down. I did.
Suddenly the closet doors sprang open and four of the prettiest pubescent girls, giggling and laughing sprang into the room and onto the bed. Megan's swimsuit and my robe and trunks were the only wearing apparel anywhere. The girls playfully pushed me onto my back, opened my robe and divested me of my trunks. Lane immediately positioned her hips over my mouth while Hillary laid across my abdomen and began to lick my cock and Brittany started playing with my balls. I reached out with one hand and started massaging Brittany's pussy. It was quite moist
We didn't continue in this position for very long, just barely long enough for Lane to have another orgasm, when Megan took control of the situation: "Hey," she said to the other girls, "Take it easy. I know my dad...There's enough to go around...but not if you all jump him at once."
"I don't ever want to stop," gasped Lane.
"Got to. Everyone wants a turn...right?"
Lane ground her pussy into my face again, then laughed like someone just finishing a roller coaster ride. She got off my face. I sat up, my face full of Lane's juices and my cock covered with Hillary's.
"Let's do this one on one," said Megan. "We each get ten minutes with my dad, and we all get to watch when it's not our turn. Ok, Who's first?"
As expected, Lane volunteered. I sat up on the edge of the bed and carefully straddled her legs around mine.
"This is my first time," she whispered, "Please don't hurt me."
"I'll be gentle. If I hurt you, just say so and I'll stop."
I began to rub my rigid member up and down against her very wet slit. Slowly, I used the head to part her labial lips, and I exerted only the slightest pressure.
"Stop!" she said, a look of fear on her face. I stopped instantly. Lane turned to her friends and laughed. "I just wanted to see if he would." They all laughed with her. Again, I started to push my hips upward. I could almost feel the resistance of her hymen stretching until almost half-an-inch was inside her and her labia looked like it was being stretched to the limit. Suddenly, and with a sloppy "pop," the full head of my cock was inside her. I'm not an expert in virginity, but it did not feel like I'd broken through anything. Lane didn't scream and I saw no blood dripping onto me. Lane began to slowly push her hips downward. Much to my surprise, my cock did not encounter any more resistance than the gradual opening of a very soft, but tight, tunnel yielding to my phallus and then closing around it. Almost half of my shaft was inside her. Then Lane started to rise and fall on my shaft very slowly, without further resistance. Soon, on her downstroke, almost three-fourths of my shaft was inside her. I was really beginning to enjoy it as Lane closed her eyes for better concentration and her lips betrayed complete abandonment and appreciation of the feelings coursing through her body.
"Time!" snapped Megan. Lane opened her eyes, and then with one last push, buried me completely inside her. Then, with a look of accomplishment, she dismounted my lap. As she got off my lap, my cock felt like it had been abandoned by a very warm and pleasurable home.
"Whose next?" asked Megan. No one responded.
Hillary said, "I don't want to have a baby."
I sat up and looked at Hillary. Despite her tender years, her eyes were filled with lust. I knew all she needed was a little coaxing. I softly took her hand in mine and looked straight into her hazel eyes.
"Hillary...first of all, you're too young to become pregnant. Second, I'm too old to make you pregnant. Third, if something went wrong and you did become pregnant, I'd do whatever was necessary to keep it a secret and have it taken care of. And finally, you're so beautiful and desirable, it's hard not to think of sharing a fantastic, thrilling experience with you."
"But I never went all the way before," she protested meekly.
Gently. I pulled her hands to bring her closer to me and kissed her cheek; then her neck, then her ear; then to the other side of her face. I could feel her resistance melting. I gently kissed her very flat nipples and let my tongue linger on them. As I sucked on them and bit them gently, I heard an involuntary moan escape her lips. Slowly, my mouth never leaving her breasts, I lifted her onto my lap so that her pelvis rested on the back of my erection, and I slowly started to rock her hips over my still member. As if by instinct, she centered her labia over the back of my cock and I could feel her juices starting to flow as the back of my cock separated her soft cunt lips. I let this motion continue for several minutes before using my hand to guide my cock so that now her spread lips were sliding back and forth over the head of my still very stiff cock. I stopped guiding her hips and her rocking motion continued. I could see all the other girls observing closely.
"Don't hurt me," whispered Hillary.
"Whenever you want me to stop, I will," I muttered with my lips still against one breast. Gently, I began an upwards thrust with my cock, and Hillary replied with a slight downward movement of her hips. Slowly, ever so slowly, the head of my cock was beginning to disappear from sight.
"Hillary," I mumbled, "There may be a little pain when I pop your cherry, but it will be brief." I eased myself into her as far as I could, which was less than an inch, and felt the resistance of her hymen blocking my way. I gently placed my hands around her waist, and lifted her up slightly, then let her come down with the force of my hands around her waist pulling her down added to her own weight. Then, without warning, with one hard upward thrust of my hips combined with a sharp downward pull of her hips, the hymen ruptured. Hillary let out a slight yelp and winced as the full length of my cock slowly pushed into her and the walls of her innermost passage parted to accommodate its girth. I let her hips sit on my body for a moment to see if there would be a further reaction from her. There wasn't. There was a slight trickle of blood on my hips, but nothing major. Two tears welled in the corners of her eyes. After waiting for a few minutes. I raised her hips upwards to the head of my cock, then let her slide down by her own weight. A few lifts, and Hillary closed her eyes and began to control the motion of her own hips.
Despite the extreme tightness of her cunt, her movements became very smooth and I felt myself approaching orgasm. She increased the pace of her hips, and even though her eyes were closed, I could tell she was near explosion. Then it happened! Hillary started to moan so loudly that it was almost a scream. Her body stiffened and her hips seemed to develop a life of their own. I was no longer able to control myself and I exploded inside her. As I did, Hillary screamed loudly and collapsed against me, my own cum dripping from Hillary's cunt onto my pelvis. As she lay against me, I observed all of the other girls masturbating silently.
Slowly, Hillary sat up and opened her eyes. "So, that's what it's all about," she said. "My's fantastic!"
"My turn...My turn," yelled Heather suddenly coming to life. I looked over at Megan who was in the throes of an orgasm.
Megan slowly opened her eyes. "Ok, Heather, you're next," she said.
"Wait a minute," I said gently lifting Hillary off of me and letting her lay down on the bed. "Heather may be ready...but I'm not." I looked down at my softening dick.
"Not a problem." Said Megan. She swiftly positioned herself between my legs and started licking up the cum which had settled down on the bottom of my shaft and on my pubic hair. One of the most arousing things about Megan, even as a little girl, was the way she loved to clean me up with her tongue. She thoroughly enjoyed cleaning me as one cat would clean another...except Megan's tongue was smooth and she would occasionally leave her cleaning job to twirl it around my shaft. There was no staying soft when Megan's mouth was at work. As my member started to swell again, Megan shifted her concentration from cleaning to stimulating. I have always wondered how such a small girl could take the entire length of my cock into her mouth. But Megan did it every time. In a matter of less than two minutes I was, again, very hard. Megan lifted off of me and smiled with pride.
"Ok, Heath...he's all yours." Megan stood up and backed away as Heather, with her rust-colored hair, positioned herself between my legs. Her breasts were soft cones thrusting from her chest, her hips were slightly rounded and there was a patch of red hair, trimmed for wearing a bikini, coating her pubis.
"I did this with Tommy," she said, "But his thing wasn't half the size of yours." She sat on my lap facing me. "If it fit into Lane and's got to fit into me." She said it more as if she was trying to convince herself rather than make a statement of fact. Slowly, she raised herself until her vagina was poised directly over the head of my cock. I could feel the downward pressure of her hips over the top of my cock, then she slowly started to lower herself. I could feel the moist, velvety warmth of her cunt, but even as she increased the pressure, my cock was not plunging deeper into her.
"Are you sure you did this with Tommy?" I asked. She didn't reply. Her eyes were closed and she was in deep concentration over what she was trying to do. She pressed downward again...and this time I felt a quarter of an inch of my cock begin to enter her. With determination and increased effort, she pushed down quite hard, and I felt something give. With an almost imperceptible slip the entire head of my cock was now inside her. Her body relaxed for a second, then she continued to press downward. Slowly...very slowly, my shaft entered another very tight pussy. It was like the smooth, moist walls were clamping on my dick. I looked up at her face. Her eyes were still closed and her mouth was set tightly with determination. She continued to press downward and my shaft continued to bury deeper inside her. In fact, there was now only an inch or two of my cock that could be seen between us. She took a deep breath and again pushed downward until I could feel her pussy touch my pubis. Heather opened her eyes and smiled, "Oh M'God...I did it. I really did it."
"Let me help you," I whispered to her and stood up, my shaft fully deep inside her. I turned around so that her back was now facing the bed and I laid her down beneath me. Gently, I raised her legs so that her knees were alongside of her ears. Then I began to slide out...and then back in. Slowly at first, but as I moved, the grip around my cock seemed to relax more. Then, while sliding back and forth, I moved one of my fingers to her clit and started to gently massage it in rhythm with my strokes. Heather began to moan softly...then louder, then suddenly her hips started bucking out of control. Her eyes and mouth opened wide and she looked like an angel in rage. Her hips moved wildly as her moans became louder than screams. Her fingernails raked across my back as she was thrashing so wildly as to emulate an epileptic seizure. Suddenly, it stopped, and her body collapsed. Slowly I withdrew as her girlfriends gathered around her.
"Are you ok?" asked Lane. No answer.
"Heath...speak to me," said Megan. No response.
" your eyes," cried Brittany.
Slowly, Heather opened her eyes and a wide grin formed on her lips. " Oh M'God... I...think...," she said. " were sooo right. Tommy was nothing like this. Your dad is the coolest thing I've ever known."
"There's still something left for you, Brittany," I said.
Brittany looked at my stiff cock. Her eyes were fairly dripping with passion at what she had just seen.
"I don't think so," said Brittany.
"Why not?" I asked.
"I don't want to."
"Yes she does," said Megan. Megan was backed up by the other girls.
"No," said Brittany.
"Let's help her," said Lane grabbing one of Brittany's arms. Hillary grabbed the other arm. Brittany began to fight. Heather bounced off the bed and grabbed one of Brittany's legs and Megan grabbed the other.
"No!" shouted Brittany, "I mean it!"
Lane turned to me. "She wants to...she's just scared."
"Lane's right, dad." Said Megan struggling with one of Brittany's legs. "All the girls have let you fuck them, except Britt...and it's not right for her to say no.".
The four girls lifted Brittany, spread-eagled to the bed and laid her face-up, spread-eagled, on the bed, each one holding an arm or a leg. Brittany was crying and shaking her head from side to side.
"I'm sorry, Megan, I love to fuck young girls, but I've never taken a girl against her will. I can't do this."
"Daddy...take my word for it...she's willing. She's just playing hard-to-get. I know her...better than you think."
Megan noticed my eyebrows raised in question. Megan looked exasperated. She turned to Brittany. "Britt, we've all done it with my dad...What's the matter with you?"
"You let Tommy fuck you...and you let Ralph fuck you. I know...I saw the pictures. What's your problem?" asked Megan.
"They were kids from school. They weren't somebody's father."
"And what about that Mr. Colombo you told us all about?"
Brittany stopped struggling and lifted her head. "Mr. Colombo is my dad's boss. I had to be nice to him."
Megan smiled. "And my dad's Mr. Colombo's boss."
Brittany turned to me. "Is that true?"
"I'm afraid it is, Brittany." I said.
"You're Mr. Colombo's boss?" Brittany repeated incredulously.
"Actually," I began, "Vinny Colombo is a vice president of Diego Financial. Roy Berger is the president...and I own the company."
Heather and Hillary released Brittany's arms and Brittany propped herself up to a sitting position. "Wow!"
"So you're really my father's big boss?" I nodded my head as Megan and Lane released Brittany's legs. "And you could do a lot for my dad, couldn't you?"
"Brittany...You are a very beautiful and incredibly delicious looking girl for someone so young. I would very much like to fuck your brains out. But I'm not going to do it so I can give your father a promotion. Why don't we just forget it for now..."
Brittany propped herself up on the bed and squirmed closer to me. "No. I don't really mind it if you want to fuck me."
"Thanks...but no thanks. I only want to fuck girls who want me to fuck them." Brittany's hands found my softening cock, and she began to stroke it back and forth.
"No...I really want you to fuck me." I looked closely at Brittany and noticed her lips becoming puffy, She bent over and kissed the head of my cock. It stopped softening and began to grow again.
"I don't think so."
"Do you want me to beg? Ok, Please fuck me."
"I don't want to be beholden to you, Brittany. I've had enough virgins for one day."
Brittany smiled as she licked the head of my cock. "There isn't any part of my body that's a virgin. Now let me have that cock." Her lips encircled the head of my cock, then she pulled her head back. "Let me have that big fat prick in my cunt," she demanded.
Lust is an amazing thing: I certainly had no need to get laid again. But looking at that beautiful child with her lips puffy and her eyes moist with growing desire demanding that I fuck her, I felt my cock getting hard again. So did Brittany.
With one hand holding my cock, Brittany turned around so that she was on her knees facing away from me with her buttox high in the air. Slowly she guided my prick to the warm, very wet entrance to her vagina. Like a match made in heaven, what appeared to be a tiny opening spread wide and my cock slid easily into her.
I placed my right arm around her slender hips and my probing fingers found her clit, and I began to massage it in rhythm with my thrusts. Brittany's hips quickly picked up the rhythm and met every single thrust with one of her own. I could not hold for very long and I exploded inside of her. But Brittany was not through yet. As I came inside her she quickened her thrusts and I continued to massage her clit. Less than a minute later, Brittany began to say, "yeah...yeah." Then she started to make sounds like she was choking and her hips stiffened. It felt good to know she was having her orgasm. Still, her vaginal muscles would not release me until her body finished shuddering, and she slowly slipped forward, face down, on the bed.
I withdrew from Brittany and shook my head as I looked at the four beautiful children around me. To look at them you would swear they were all the picture of innocence... angels who would never harbor a lascivious thought. But despite their youthfulness together they had probably known sex from every possible aspect. I got up from the bed and excused myself to use the bathroom. I took a long pee and then went to take a shower while the girls played with each other for a little while. Soon, they all collapsed. Some on the bed, some on the chairs and Lane on the floor. Megan came into the shower to "scrub my back."
We all went for another swim, then ordered more pizzas, and got dressed. By the time their parents picked them up, they looked like a group of girls who were worn out from swimming and were filling their stomachs with pizza and coke. Not even a clue to what had happened. They all kissed each other on the cheeks and gave each other a friendly hug as they left talking about such lurid and lascivious things as getting together on Sunday to do their math homework. Amazing...utterly amazing.
When the others were gone, Megan said she was exhausted and curled up in my lap in front of the TV. The TV was on, but neither of us were watching it.
"Did I make you happy today?" she asked.
"Yes, Megan. Very happy. I really have to thank you for one of the best days of my life.
And I want to thank you for something else. I learned a lot today. I'd always believed in the innocence of children. How could I have been so blind? And what was this thing about pictures of Brittany having sex with some boys?"
"We can talk about Britt later. A lot of kids really are innocent, dad...but there are a lot of us who aren't. Most parents think that because their kids look innocent, that they really are. But kids are like adults: some of us need to have our hands held and our diapers changed...and believe in the Tooth Fairy or that we're gonna win the lottery...or that we'll marry some guy who'll take care of all our problems. Some of us have the knack of finding problems without looking for them...or seem to figure out ways to get into trouble at school...and some of us just like to fuck."
"Megan, where do you pick up stuff like that?"
"I hang around you a lot."
I shook my head and smiled then bent over and kissed her lightly on her warm cheek. "I love you very much, Megan."
"I love you too, daddy."
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