Published: 24-Jul-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
When you are a noted, respected member of your community, there are a few good perks, especially when you go somewhere and are recognized, or when the parking meter maid familiar with your license plate passes you by when she's giving tickets. Most people, however, are not aware of the drawbacks: It's very nice to have fame, wealth and position...which can be a fantastic aphrodisiac to the opposite sex, but there are some negative ramifications. First of all, it's difficult to ascertain whether the women who fawn all over you really like you, or whether they want to get close to you only for your money... or to try and get some of your fame and respect to rub-off on them by being seen with you or associating with you. Men are not much better: Most are always seeking free legal advice, or casually dropping your name to others as if to say "I've got influential friends." More important, perhaps, is that as you gain fame and power, you lose your right to privacy. Virtually your every move is observed by many who can't seem to develop lives of their own. Who you go out with; where you go. It's almost like the paparazzi movie stars have to deal with but on a more subdued scale. Outside of your own home you know you are being watched by the curious and by the imaginative.
That's one of the reasons having a sexual relationship with my daughter, Megan, worked so well. It was expected, as my daughter, that she would go many places with me. And, what we did behind the closed doors of my home...or even a hotel when we were travelling, was presumed to be father/daughter business and not of interest to anyone else. Oh, if they only knew...
So now, here I am: a man well past fifty; a pillar of my community; an elder of my church... with a fourteen year old daughter/mistress. The apparent confidence and strength of character which people see emanating from me is, to a large extent, a superficial facade. While I'm still a tiger in the courtroom, the truth is that often, at night, I wonder if and when my actions with my daughter will cause my world to come crashing down on me.
Still, my life now is so fulfilling, thanks to Megan, that I think it's all been worth while. I have to laugh when I think that so many of my compatriots with wives and families have become semi or totally impotent due to the absence of youthful zeal in their lives. I firmly believe that if more men had Megans in their lives, they would live fuller, richer, healthier lives.
Physically, I am still tall, slender, quite handsome (or so Megan tells me), with graying hair and an unlined face. I attribute my more youthful appearance and physical condition to my sexual relationship with Megan. Keeping up with Megan has done a lot to keep my thinking, and my appearance, young. My virility has not declined at all. In fact, since starting the sexual liaison with Megan, my virility has noticeably increased and I have become, for lack of a better term, almost sexually insatiable with my daughter.
I like to think of my first few years with Megan as learning years. Having never had a daughter of my own, I had a lot to learn about growing girls. Not just from a sexual standpoint, but learning something about a growing girl's psyche. For the first three or four years of our sexual union, my life with Megan was one of pure, unadulterated, love. Not the kind of love you would share with a wife, but, in truth, a completely father/daughter relationship...with the one obvious exception. We both lived for our intimate moments together.
A few months before her thirteenth birthday, there were some noticeable changes taking place in addition to the obvious physical ones. Megan, very gradually, was beginning to withdraw into herself. She was becoming a more private person, and when I spoke with her, her responses were often somewhat evasive. There was never anything that I could isolate for certain, yet in a seemingly casual manner she managed to avoid answering many of my questions. I attributed this to her picking up on my own mannerisms as an attorney. She still liked to go places with me, but more and more she seemed to prefer to go places with friends her own age. Not that I blamed her a bit. Being so close with a young girl who was, undoubtedly, on the path to becoming a beautiful woman, began to give rise to my having feelings of insecurity. I found myself dreaming of Megan having wild sexual escapades with much younger men. I would awaken with a large erection...which Megan would always take care of.
While I never tired of my physical relationship with Megan, I began to think that my own sexual world should be expanded as I was certain Megan's would be soon. I rationalized that I needed to spend more time with mature people who knew who Mickey Mantle and the Beatles were. So, I welcomed the company of people my own age when I would go out of town on business. I imagine a few women were disappointed when I didn't have sex with them, but Megan had awaked my dark side, and now all I wanted was tender, young flesh. I would find myself yearning for Megan following an evening with a more mature woman. Other women were fun and good company...but Megan was indescribably delicious. Still there was something inside of me that needed an intellectual challenge that someone Megan's age was not yet capable of giving...or so I thought. Life is a continuous learning process.
It did not surprise me when I began to have reason to suspect that there were also others entering Megan's life. Megan often stayed late at school for extra curricular activities, or would ask permission to stay at a girlfriend's house for a night or a weekend. Then, too, Megan would sometimes bring her classmates home. Interestingly, I found myself quite aroused by some of her girlfriends who pranced around in miniscule bikinis when swimming in my pool. Despite the very lecherous fantasies in my mind about some of Megan's friends, and my acceptance of Megan's broadening world, I was not quite prepared for what was about to happen:
I had a big trial scheduled in the San Diego County Superior Court, and the other side, at the last minute, requested a one week continuance. The judge granted it, so I went home early planning to do a little relaxing. When I arrived at the house I saw a strange bicycle in my driveway. I entered the house and went inside the living room where Megan was sitting on the couch watching TV. Next to her was a boy, a year or two older than Megan, with his arm around her shoulder. When I came in, the boy bolted upright, mumbled something indiscernible, and quickly left the house.
"Hi Megan," I said, "Who was the young man?"
"You're home early. That's Sean, a boy from school."
"Is he kind of a special boy?"
"No. He's just a friend."
"I noticed he had his arm around you."
"Are you jealous?" Megan asked with a half-smile and a twinkle in her eye.
"Of course I'm jealous," I said feigning being hurt. "Every father has to lose his daughter to someone sometime...but there's always a slight tinge of envy...maybe because the boy is so full of youth and I'm not."
"You're very young," piped Megan standing up on the couch and kissing my cheek. As though the conversation was ending, Megan jumped to the floor and started to leave the room.
"Megan," I said softly, "Let's talk a little bit."
Megan stopped in her tracks, and turned towards me. It seemed to me that I detected the slightest trace of fear on her face. "I've gotta do my homework," she said.
"Megan, sit down while I pour myself a drink." Megan walked back to the couch and sat as I went to my mirrored bar and poured a little Remy Martin into a snifter. I walked back to the couch and sat down angling myself towards her.
"Sweetheart...I know we have an unusual father/daughter relationship...and I know its necessary for you to have some friends your own age...and I was only kidding when I said I was jealous. But I'm very curious...Have you developed a relationship with any boys?"
"You mean sex?" Megan asked appearing quite surprised.
"Not necessarily, but sex has always been a big part of your life."
"Absolutely not! No way!" said Megan vehemently. I was surprised at the tenor of her response because Megan was rarely vehement about anything.
"Megan," I continued softly, "I like to believe that one thing that we have always had between us was complete truth. I'm not suggesting that you're not telling me the truth, but I sense there's something you're not telling me."
"Daddy, I swear!"
"Alright, I believe you and I won't question you further. But it will make me very unhappy and disappointed in you if I ever discover that you didn't have enough confidence in me to tell me the truth. I'm going to go upstairs to our room and do some work. If you'd like to come upstairs, I'll be waiting for you." I took another sip of the cognac, got up from the couch and headed for the stairs. I had only gotten to the first step when I heard her voice.
I stopped and turned to face her. She had a very worried look on her face. "I did let a couple of boys kiss me."
"Kiss you? That's all?"
"I swear, that's all."
"Did you kiss them back?"
Megan hesitated, then lowered her head and spoke very softly. "Yes."
"Is that all?" I asked, my curiosity increasing.
"That's all!"
"You're sure? Please don't let me find out you're not being completely truthful with me."
"Why do you want to know?" she asked, the texture of her speech becoming noticeably lower.
"I'd like to know everything so that there are no secrets between us."
"Well...," Megan spoke hesitatingly, "I did help one boy jerkoff."
"Is that all?" I asked again. The look on Megan's face was changing. There was a strange look in her eyes and a new intensity in her face...something was going on in her head. There was a slight tremble in her body.
"Yeah," she replied, her breathing becoming noticeably heavier.
"Did you let him cum in your hand?" I asked.
Megan didn't respond for what seemed like an endless fifteen seconds. She took a deep breath. " my mouth."
Her response not only surprised me, but I felt my knees, momentarily begin to wobble. Damn it all, though, I felt the beginnings of an erection.
"You went down on him?" I asked, my grip on the banister becoming firmer. I set my drink down on the banister's landing. I was sure my face revealed nothing.
"Uh huh," she looked up at me with a strangely erotic look in her eyes. "You wanted me to tell you everything, didn't you?"
"Of course, Megan...and I'm not angry at all. But I think we'd better talk about any other secrets you've been keeping. there more?"
Megan kept her eyes fixed on me; they were becoming glazed and they focused on the swelling in my trousers. Her voice dropped to almost a whisper. "I let a couple of boys fuck me when you were out of town last month."
"A couple of boys?"
Her eyes locked on my crotch. "Well three...maybe four." There was now no question about it, Megan was becoming aroused.
"What else, Megan? Let it all out."
"You know how I am and how I need to have you next to me...and you were away for almost two weeks..."
"I was gone on business, sweetheart. I couldn't take you out of school for two weeks."
Slowly Megan raised her hands to the front of her shirt and unbuttoned the top button. Her eyes never left my crotch, and my hard-on was becoming obvious. Her lips were becoming puffy. "But I needed to feel someone next to me. I wanted you, but you weren't here." Slowly her hands went down to the next button and it popped-open effortlessly.
"And did you enjoy letting the boys fuck you?" I could hear a slight quiver in my voice as I spoke even though I, outwardly, was very calm. But the picture in my mind of Megan having sex with some boys was causing my cock to look like a tent pole under my trousers.
"I liked feeling their cocks slide inside me." Megan's hands went to the final button on her shirt. "But it's not like when you fuck me. Their cocks were too small and it took them less than a minute to cum. When you fuck me, you never cum until I do... it's beautiful..." Without taking her eyes from my hardon, Megan slowly peeled off her shirt revealing a ribbed white, cotton, undershirt which did little to conceal the shape of her slightly swelling breasts and nipples which were, obviously, quite hard. Slowly her hands moved to her shorts and she unbuttoned the top button.
"The whole story, Megan."
"You're gonna think I'm awful." Her eyes were transfixed on me as she spoke With the unbuttoning of the second button, the shorts dropped silently to the floor leaving Megan in her undershirt and white, satin, panties. Without taking her eyes off of me she stepped out of her shorts.
"Megan, I love you too much to think anything awful about you." My cock was aching to escape its cloth prison.
"I also did it with another girl...two girls."
"Anyone I know?" My cock was raging for release.
"Remember I told you I was gonna spend the night with Kim and Kelly Anderson at their home so we could practice cheerleading?" Megan slowly pulled the undershirt over her head and let it drop to the floor at her feet. Without moving the rest of her body or taking her eyes off my boner for even one second, one foot at a time, she kicked her shoes off using the opposite leg for leverage. I could see her partially formed breasts heaving as her breathing became labored. Her nipples were pointing like two small pink cones protruding out of a softening swell on her chest.
"Yes." My voice sounded tinny "The twin girls in your class at school." I moved my cock slightly so that it wouldn't hurt as much. It didn't help.
"We did a threesome!" Megan covered her face with her hands and then peeked through her fingers to see my reaction.
I think she was surprised to see that I wasn't angry. Megan took her hands away from her face and looked at me quizzically.
"Tell me, Megan, did you enjoy the threesome with the girls?"
"Yeah...we licked and sucked each other for hours...but it would've been better if you'd been there. We needed your cock." Megan slipped her thumbs under the waistband of her panties and lowered them until they dropped to the floor. Her pubis was still unhaired, and it was swollen from her heat. Moisture was rapidly forming at the lips of her labia and starting to run down her leg.
"Have you ever done it with a girl before? I asked lowering my zipper and pulling my incredibly excited member from my pants.
Megan looked at my cock with hunger. She spoke very softly.
"Yeah. I like to do it with other girls."
"You know, sweetheart, I'm not jealous of your boyfriends or your girlfriends. You need the company of young people just like I need the company of more mature women...."
Megan started to tremble again. "Do you fuck the other women?"
"I've thought about it." I spoke slowly and deliberately, my voice cracking slightly. "But they're not like you. You're young, your flesh is young, your pussy is tight, your face is like an angel's, you light a fire in me that no one else has ever done...Sometimes I don't even understand it myself...I have a full and active life...I know you're my daughter and my first duty is to protect and shelter you...even from yourself...but when I look at you like this, all I want to do is fuck you, fuck you and fuck you."
Megan placed two of her fingers over her vagina and felt the dripping moisture. She brought the wet fingers to her face and placed them inside her mouth and sucked them dry. Then she halfskipped and half-ran over to me and jumped on me like a little girl with her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. She lowered her legs until her pussy was on the tip of my cock, then with one single thrust of her hips my cock found its home inside her. She moved her head around until her lips found mine as she gave me one of her "special" kisses. And Megan's kisses were, indeed, special. It was not just the way she moved her tongue around inside my mouth, her whole body and soul became a part of the kiss and stimulated every single fiber in my body. Almost effortlessly, she separated her lips from mine, but still lightly touching my lips with her own and in an unexpectedly husky voice for a twelve year old, she said, "Then fuck me, daddy....Fuck my brains out....Fuck me..."
I turned around on the staircase, still inside her youthful body and, with her arms and legs still wrapped around me, started to climb the stairs to the bedroom as she clung to me and continued to kiss me as if her life depended on it. Her hips, despite the fact that her legs were wrapped around me, managed to slide back along the shaft of my cock and then slide forward against my body with every step I took. I thought to myself what a truly remarkable package I was carrying.
"Daddy, I love you so much." Megan rolled over on top of me. We had just had a ninety-minute long marathon of lovemaking. I came three times, but between my fucking her and eating her pussy, Megan must've come a hundred times. It was as if one orgasm ran into the next and wouldn't stop, to the point that when I was licking her clit, she started to scream so loudly it frightened me and I looked up to see what was wrong. She pushed my head back down and screamed, "Don't stop!" I didn't stop. Her body jerked and convulsed while she moaned and screamed with pleasure.
Megan collapsed on top of me, her body like a wet rag. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked directly into mine. "Daddy, if you were around, I'd never want anyone else."
I remained silent for a moment. Then I looked up into those beautiful blue eyes staring directly into mine.
"Megan...It's really OK."
Wrapping my arms around her slender back, I pressed her close to me and just held her for a few minutes.
"I understand that you need people your own age. You need the company...and even the lovemaking of younger your own age." Megan pulled her head from my shoulder and looked at me curiously.
Unflinchingly I looked into the limpid pools of turquoise blue above me.
"It won't be too many more years and I won't be able to keep up with you, and I want you to go on filling your life with as much pleasure as you can. Besides a little variety's a good thing..."
Megan's eyes fixed on mine. "You mean you really didn't mind when I told you that other boys were fucking me?"
I took a deep breath, shut my eyes and then reopened them slowly. Her beautiful eyes were only inches from mine.
"Sweetheart...I was not your first lover, and I won't be your last. Variety is the spice of life."
"What about you? Don't you want a little variety in your life, too?"
"I'm older, Megan, I don't really need it. Besides I have you."
"You mean you wouldn't like to have a fling with some of my girlfriends?"
"I try not to think about things like that," I lied.
Megan gently brushed my lips with her own.
"Now it's my turn to be a lawyer..." Megan looked down at me, "Are you telling me the truth or are you leaving something out?"
"Of course I'm telling the truth," I replied.
"What about when I told you I was making it with other girls? Didn't you think about my naked girlfriends?"
A lawyer's alarm sounded in my mind. I was beginning to feel as if I was on the witness stand. I took another deep breath and measured my words carefully. " Megan, are you cross-examining me?"
Megan rolled off me to one side and propped herself up on one elbow. From this angle the swelling of her youthful breasts was more obvious.
"Come on, daddy...I've seen how your cock reacts when I bring some of my girlfriends home. Maybe you don't know it, but I've watched you adjust your cock so your hard-on doesn't show. I think you'd like to fuck some of my friends."
"OK, I admit that I've thought about it. Do you think your friends noticed?"
Megan laughed lightly. "Of course they noticed. You're a very handsome man. All of my friends know that you're an important person." Megan gently pushed me onto my back and rolled on top of me giving me one of her special kisses.
I lifted Megan off of me and set her to my side. I turned on my side to face her. "Megan, why do I feel I'm being set-up? I have a sneaking feeling that you're leading up to something."
Megan snuggled her head into my chest. "I love you, daddy..."
"Megan...What've you got brewing in that little mind of yours?"
Her voice became soft and purred like a kitten. "I was just thinking that we should have a swimming party here at the house. I could invite some of my school friends over...kind of a way for you to look them over...and maybe I could have one...or even two stay over for know...for fun and games."
"Are you trying to fix me up with your friends?"
"Uh huh."
"OK, Megan...Spit it out. Where do you fit into this?"
"I could just watch. I used to do that a lot when my real mommy and daddy were alive. It's fun."
Megan sat up on the bed. "I used to watch my mom and dad and their friends...and it was a real turn-on. I'd like to watch you with some of my girlfriends."
"Megan...what makes you think that twelve year old girls would want an..." I hesitated for a moment, "...a grown man to have sex with them? "
"Take my word for it. Daddy you're a good-looking, wealthy and powerful man. "
"Girls of twelve aren't attracted to wealth and power."
"Daddy, sometimes you can be a complete dork! Of course they are! Besides...," her voice grew still softer, "...we talked about you."
I bolted to an upright position. Every fear of the past four years rushed into my mind. "What...exactly...did you say?"
Megan was completely unperturbed by my obvious anxiety. "My friends and I talk about sex all the time. I asked them who they think about when they masturbate. They named some pop singers and a few movie stars...some of them are almost as old as you. So I told them that I'd had an older lover and that he was much better than kids our own age. Then I asked them if they'd ever thought about having an older lover who would make them scream with unbelievable pleasure? That turned a few of them off...but it turned some of them on. Believe me, daddy, I know who to invite to the swimming party."
"My God," I muttered, "at age twelve you're pimping for your father?"
"You can call it that, I guess. But I think that I love my daddy so much that I want to do things to make him happy."
"Unreal!" I mused. "Megan, I don't know where you developed this devious nature of yours, but have you stopped to think about the chance I'd be taking if I let this happen and someone talked?" The thought of some of Megan's friends was starting to make my member harden again. My God, this was number four!
" can be so funny." Megan looked at me and laughed. "For a smart man you can sometimes sound dopey. Do you think that any girl is ever gonna report someone who makes them feel like you make me feel? Daddy...I've had a lot of men even before you adopted me. I know the difference between good sex and blah sex. No girl will ever turn you in."
"I wish I could be that certain. I've got a lot at stake...and so do you."
"OK, I may not be a lawyer...yet...but I've learned a lot from you. Supposing someone did tell...which they won't. Who would their witnesses be? Do you think a judge would believe a kid against your word...backed up by your daughter who was there all the time? Everyone in this city respects you." Megan started laughing again. I started to laugh, too.
"Sweetheart...where did you pick all that stuff up?"
"I hang around you a lot," she purred.
"What else did you pick up?"
Megan hesitated for a moment. Her face grew serious. "That you're crazy for really young girls...and that keeping you just for myself isn't fair to you. That even the thought of you with other girls, or me with other boys, turns you on. That you may be seeing other women when you go out of town on business which doesn't make me happy because I can't share in it. That if I share you with some of my friends, it will make you happier...and it will make me happier because I'll know exactly what you're doing and who you're doing it with. And maybe I can watch...or even take part in it...and that if I keep you happy, you'll always need me and won't get bored with me...and making you happy is the most important thing in my life. Daddy, I love you very much."
"Megan, you continue to astound me. Where did you pick up thoughts like that?"
"As I said, I hang around you a lot."
"But this thing you just said about turning me on...makes me kind of curious. When you told me about those sexual escapades you had...about the boys fucking you...and your threesome with your girlfriends....Was that the truth or was that your way of getting my undivided attention and turning me on?"
Megan did not respond. She looked right at me and smiled.
"The truth, Megan. I want to know."
Megan looked at me with a knowing look worthy of someone twice her age. Then she suddenly became twelve again and started to giggle. "I'll never tell." She looked at my erection, now hard for the fourth time today, and wordlessly bent over and started licking it. As her mouth descended over my member, I watched as her bobbing head brought renewed pleasure to my very sore cock.
As remarkable as I have always believed Megan to be, she showed me a side of herself today that I hadn't previously suspected. Quite obviously she was not a little child any more. She still had a way to go to become an adult, but was already displaying a wisdom and depth of understanding far beyond her tender years. Megan, unquestionably, was the best thing that ever happened to me. And now she was going to expand my secret world even more. I leaned back on the pillow as visions of a swimming party filled my head.
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