Ice Arena, Part 3

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Published: 2-Jun-2012

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

At best, Seattle is not a bright and cheery place. The rain had been coming down in an icy drizzle for three consecutive days. It was not that Holly saw much of daylight, because she would sleep for most of the day and train most of the night, Still, she began to wonder if the sun would ever shine again. Her training had to be confined to nights because she was leasing out the ice arena in Bellevue which was open to the public every day until 9:00PM. Holly would arrive every night at 8:30 and change into her workout clothes and wait until the ice was cleared...usually by about 9:05. Then, without waiting for the Zamboni to smooth the ice out, she would hop into the rink and start her warm-up exercises.

Holly had been getting a lot of newspaper publicity over the past few days, so a lot of the recreational skaters recognized her and waited, sometimes until after midnight to watch her train on the ice. And she was spectacular to watch.

The newspapers had done their usual turn to sell newspapers making her training place seem like it was a nuclear secret and a mystery. Actually, the reason she trained in Bellevue was that the large ice arena in the Seattle Winter Park, where all the other skaters were training, had already committed every single minute to the other skaters. Holly had been a last-minute addition to the competition, and there was just no room to fit her into the already full schedule. Fortunately, her trainer, Guy Lauder, anticipated the problem and rented the Bellevue ice arena for every moment it was not being used by the public or by some hockey team for training.

Good skaters watched in awe as Holly ran through her routine again and again. This child of fourteen demonstrated the strength of men twice her size and age as she would dig the tip of her skate into the ice and hurl herself upwards almost three feet into the air and make three complete revolutions before landing with a single, gliding blade on the ice as smoothly as a feather coming to rest. If you can imagine a slightly-built girl, with no bulging muscles, being an Olympictype athlete with the grace of a swan...that was Holly.

Guy Lauder arrived late at the rink. He was normally there about 8:30, but tonight he didn't show up until almost 9:30. His face was grim. Upon seeing him, Holly glided over to him and pulled up short.

"'re late," beamed Holly.

"Oh sweetheart," moaned Guy, "I just got back from watching Britt Walters do her routine."

>From the look on Guy's face, Holly knew he wasn't the bearer of glad tidings. Britt Walters was the reigning national champion. "Was she that good?" asked Holly.

"She was better than that," lamented Guy.

"Was she better than me?"

Guy placed his arm around her shoulder and drew her close. Holly was never offended by Guy's occasional intimacy or his occasional remarks that might offend most people. Guy was one hundred percent gay, and had no interest in Holly other than to make her the champion both he and Chase wanted. "No, sweetheart," moaned Guy, "You just don't understand. It's not that she's better than you...I don't think anyone is better than you are on the ice...but you're not better than she is!...and that's a problem."

"You mean we'll tie for first place?"

"No, sweetheart. She's the champion. If you don't beat her clearly and decisively, she will still be the champion. The judges will look at you as being fourteen years four years from now you can get another chance at the Olympics...Britt is likely to have turned professional by then...So for now, they will favor her unless you clearly beat her."

Holly allowed this thought to settle into her head. "She could always fuck-up and miss on one of her leaps..."

"So could you, Holly."

"I guess so. What do we do? I mean we can't try to physically hurt her. Look how that backfired a few years ago when someone tried to injure Nancy Kerrigan."

"Well..." began Guy thoughtfully, "We know for sure that the winner is going to be going to the Olympics...but sometimes the second and third place winners get to go, too..."

"...And sometimes they don't!" snapped Holly.

"O.K., sweetheart...then we have only one choice....we go for the win."

"And how do we do that with only three days to go?" purred Holly in her best coquettish manner.

"We try the 'quad'!"

Holly's eyes popped open. "A quad? But I've never done a girl has ever done a quad...there are only one or two men in the world who've ever done a quad..."

"And that's how we'll beat her!" said Guy coolly "You have all the power in your leaps to make it around four times instead of three. But the timing is completely different, and I'm going to have to teach it to you in two days. You're smart, and you can learn the timing in a few tries, but if you don't do it right, it could hurt your score instead of helping it. Holly...I know you can do it...are you willing to try?"

"I don't know, Guy. No girl's ever done a quad."

"Sweetie...I've been around skaters all my life. You've got the speed, you've got the strength...and all you need is the timing....and I can teach you that."

"But what if it doesn't work?"

"Well, we can always go back to hoping that Britt takes a fall. What do you say? Do we give it a try?"

"I'm willing to do anything to get to the Olympics."

"O.K. Then it's decided. Tomorrow morning I'm gonna buy you some extra knee and elbow pads, because you're gonna do a lot of falling. Tonight, I'm gonna start teaching you the aerodynamics of making four complete revolutions in the air."

When Holly got back to the Westin, it was almost 8:00 in the morning. Not only was she exhausted, but despite Guy's warnings, she tried several times to do a quadruple lutz, but she always seemed to land on the ice at the end of the third turn. Either she had to jump higher or turn faster, but she was too tired to think about it. She did want to tell her mom, Sandy, about deciding to try a "quad," so she opened the connecting door to Sandy's room and stopped cold. Sandy was naked as a jay bird, and doing a 69 with a naked man Holly did not recognize at all. They were both too consumed with themselves to notice Holly.

As silently as she could move, Holly backed through the connecting door and closed it. She figured the man must be someone important...maybe one of the judges...and Sandy was just doing her best to help her daughter. Slowly she removed her clothes and let them fall on the floor. Then she threw herself onto the bed, completely exhausted, and welcomed the sleep which rapidly overtook her.

As a crack of rare sunlight peered through the opaque draperies in her room, Holly stirred slowly. Her body hurt all over. In trying to do a "quad" she had tested muscles she never even knew she had. She looked at the clock. It was almost 5PM. She stretched and slowly got to a sitting position on the edge of her bed. The connecting door opened and Sandy stepped into the room. At age thirty, Sandy was one of the most beautiful women you would ever behold. Even without makeup, no male eye would ever pass her by.

"Hi, baby," purred Sandy. "Want some breakfast?"

"Yeah...Do me a favor and call room service."

"Sure. Why don't you take a shower and by then the food will be here."

"O.K." Holly stretched again. "Who was the guy you were with last night?" Holly stood up, removed her underwear and slipped into a terrycloth robe the hotel provided. Sandy smiled and picked up the telephone.

"We can talk about it at breakfast. I didn't know you saw him." Sandy ordered food for two on the telephone as Holly slipped into the shower. Sandy walked over to the bathroom where Holly was letting the hot water cascade down on her body and watched as the mirrors began to steam up. "How's the training coming, baby?" she said loudly to overcome the sound of the shower.

"Well, it was good...or at least I thought I had my routine down pat...but last night Guy started training me to do a "quad."

"A what?"

"You know, a quadruple lutz and a quadruple axel."

"'re not nearly big enough or strong enough to do a quadruple turn. Why does he want you to do it?"

Holly stuck her face through the split in the shower curtain. "Guy says that without it, I won't win."

"Do you think I should call Chase and ask him?"

"No...Guy knows what he's doing...So I guess I'm going to have to learn to do a quad in the next couple of days." Holly returned to her shower.

"I don't know, baby, it could be dangerous."

"I'll learn it and I'll do it if that's what it takes." Holly turned off the water and stepped out into the bathroom, her body still glistening with beads of water. Holly had developed a lot in the past year. Her breasts were still small, although they now had the shape of a grown woman's breasts...except that Holly's were still perky and pointy. Her hips had rounded significantly in the past year, but her butt was still not large. It was well-rounded and extremely firm due to all the exercise and training. Holly checked to see if her crotch was still clean shaven. She had been told by Chase to keep it clean shaven... and Holly was a very good student. She grabbed a large towel and dried herself off. Sandy observed her closely, but stepped out of the bathroom when there was a knock on the door. Through a slight crack in the bathroom door, Holly could see the room service porter wheel in a silver tray. Holly slipped on a baggy shirt and loose pants and stepped into the room. The porter had just finished setting up the meal.

Holly ate ravenously, then stopped to look at her mother who was barely picking on her food. "Who was the guy last night?" she asked.

"That was Fred Cordova...He's the managing editor of Skating World Magazine."

"I guess he'll give me a good write-up. Where'd you meet him?"

Sandy hesitated. "Actually, this was the third time I've dated him..."

Holly looked up from her food, a look of lurid interest on her face. "Oh ho? Three times to get a good write-up?"

"Actually, baby, I'd gone out with him twice and he never so much as held my hand. Then, last night...I don't know what happened, but I invited him up to the room, then practically wrestled him to the bed."

"Was it as good as you'd hoped?"

"Better....a lot better. Chase is a great you well know...but there was just something different about Fred....We didn't just fuck...we actually made love..."

"Oh my God" gasped Holly, "Don't tell me you're falling in love..."

"Baby...I know you're my daughter...but we've been through a lot of men together...I mean...fucking can be a lot of fun...but sometimes something can happen that makes it more than fun...a lot more. Fred was so gentle with me...he made my body come alive...I was so much on fire that I almost raped him...and when he finally filled me up with his cock.....I actually cried when he came and it got soft..."

"Oh my God....My mom's in love!"

Sandy smiled softly. "I don't know....Maybe. But I can say one thing for sure...anytime he wants me, I'll run...not walk there."

"You know, ever since Chase initiated me, I think that fucking is fun. I mean, it's something I really enjoy...and it's healthy. But it's not something I'd go out of my way to do. If it's there...fine. If it's not...Most of the time I have to put on an act to make the guy believe I'm really into him. Are you going to see this guy again?" asked Holly understandingly.

"Uh huh. We're going out to dinner. He'll be picking me up in a couple of hours...and I'd like you to meet him."

Holly picked up her glass of milk and gulped it down. "I'd love to...but not tonight. I've got to get over to the gym and work out, and then I have to be at the ice arena by 8:30...So I'm gonna hafta run....right now. Maybe after the Nationals are over." Holly set her empty glass on the table and started to change into her workout clothes. In less than five minutes she was dressed, kissed her mom on the cheek, grabbed her skating bag and left the room.

At 8:30PM sharp, she and Guy were waiting for the public session to end and were talking about the "quad." Guy explained that in order to get the height to make four complete rotations in the air, Holly was going to have to start to skate faster: Backwards for the lutz and forwards for the axel. With the increased speed and the sudden stop caused by digging her blade into the ice, the physics of it would keep her body in motion even though she was no longer on the ice. She had to keep perfectly straight and bring her arms in tight to her body so that she could get the extra turn.

Holly's first seven attempts ended with Holly falling down on the ice and she was awfully glad she was wearing the elbow and knee protectors. But determination such as Holly's is formidable. And, on the eighth try, she completed the "quad," but landed badly. Still Holly took this as proof that she "could" do it. By the fifteenth try, Holly was landing well on several "quad" lutz, but she was still having trouble with her axel.. By 4:00AM. Holly was completely exhausted and unable to continue. Guy told her to go back to the hotel, but Holly said she would like to stay and try again.

At 6:45AM, Holly completed two perfect "quads." One for the lutz and one for the axel. Holly was feeling giddy with elation as Guy escorted her back to the hotel. There was only one more day for her to practice these exceptionally difficult leaps and incorporate them into her "long" program. The "short" program was a pretty standard thing where all the skaters had to demonstrate certain tricks on the ice. But the "long" program gave each of the skaters a chance to "shine" on her own. Holly was so exhausted by the time they got back to the Westin that Guy had to carry her, sound asleep, up to her room.

The following day, about noon, they took their limo to the main Seattle ice arena for dress rehearsal. Guy knew that when Holly did a "quad" as a part of her routine, it would intimidate a lot of the competition.....even if the quads weren't done perfectly. It worked! Holly tried a quad four times and completed it twice...and that was enough to put unbelievable pressure on the other girls.

Finally, the big night came. Holly dressed in her crimson and royal blue outfit which she had shown to Addison Cleary when she was in his hotel room. She smiled as she thought about Cleary. He'd been so easy. And she remembered that if she was successful tonight, she'd have to go back and visit him. Hell, this time she'd give him a blow job and that'll be the end of Cleary. But she had little time to think about the future. All of a sudden, it was show-time.

First came the short performance...when each of the girls would perform, essentially, the same stunts on the ice in a routine of their own choosing. Holly was a little disappointed in her scores because she had performed flawlessly. But so had Terra Levin and Britt Waletrs. Holly found herself in third place, but only separated from the leaders by three-tenths of a point. Fourth place was only one-tenth of a point behind Holly, so the race for the top was close. The other skaters appeared to be out of the competition insofar as the top three places were concerned. It was all going to be up to the long program, and Holly felt confident that if she did two perfect quads, and Cleary gave her very high marks as he had done in her short program, the national championship would be hers. The problem was that she had to perform before Terra Levin and Britt Walters, and this gave them the advantage of seeing how well Holly performed before they had to skate.

As Holly glided onto the ice in the spotlight of an otherwise dark arena, she looked the perfect picture of every teen-age boy's idol. A face of pure innocence and a body just promising its future, Holly moved with the grace of a gazelle as she moved to her musical background. A few turns, a spinning camel...and she picked up speed skating backwards. This was her lutz! She jammed the point of her skate into the ice and felt the enormous jolt of being forced up into the revolutions, but as she came down, she landed on the edge of her blade and not squarely on it Holly felt a jolt of panic flash through her as her body wavered and she fought to stay upright. Her hand, instinctively touched the ice for balance...a mistake she knew was going to cost her some points. In less than a second, Holly felt herself regain her balance without falling and she proceeded on with her routine.

The audience cheered wildly at the almost successful "quad," but Holly knew the judges would be deducting points for her imperfect landing. For the first time, Holly felt a bolt of fear running through the pit of her stomach. She recognized that she might not win. The axel was even more difficult than the lutz. And, if she fouled-up on this one she'd probably be completely out of the running. Holly glided into position only now skating forward. She mustered as much speed as she possibly could and then dug her blade into the ice. This time she flew forward into the air, pressing her arms tightly to her body she turned once...twice...three...four times....and felt a surge of accomplishment go through her as she felt the blade of her skate strike the ice smoothly. A perfect "quad"!

The audience stood up and cheered in an almost hysterical manner. This had never been done by a female skater before...anywhere. Holly finished her routine, then with a fast spin slowly and gracefully sank to the ice with her arms stretched forward over her head. Hundreds of flowers were thrown onto the ice by adoring fans. Demurely, Holly picked up about a dozen of them, smiled and skated back to the judging box where Guy was waiting to give her a bear hug, Holly felt her tears welling in her eyes, but as she turned to face the camera, she flashed an irresistible smile to the audience.

Both Holly and Guy were pleasantly surprised when the scores were posted. Apparently, the judges were so impressed with her courage to even try a "quad" and to have done at least one of them perfectly, that they seemed to overlook her one big mistake. The six judges gave her five 5.9s and one perfect 6. As close to a perfect score as anyone could have hoped for. Holly felt supremely confident as she now had to wait for Terra and Britt Walters to perform. Unquestionably, Terra Levin became intimidated by Holly's performance, because twice, when she had programmed a "triple" she looked like she was going to try and do a :"quad," but chickened out at the last moment and did a "double" instead. As a result Terra fell to third place. But Britt was not intimidated by anyone. She performed magnificently on the ice and showed everyone why she was the national champion. When the judges votes were tallied, Holly found herself in second place, one-tenth of a point behind Britt. Holly smiled and hugged Britt as they shared an embrace for the cameras, but inside, Holly was devastated. She knew that only the winner had a sure-shot to the Olympics. Everyone else had to be selected by the Olympic Committee. And that meant Cleary. Holly's mind raced as to just how far she would go with Cleary to get him to push her onto the Olympic team. Even Guy's assuring her that with her performance, she would undoubtedly be selected for the Olympics, didn't satisfy Holly. Sandy came backstage and hugged her daughter and told her how wonderful she was. Holly accepted the adulation gracefully, but...

Holly knew what she had to do...and she decided she was going to give Cleary a real workout. After all, how bad could it be...he was an old man.

It didn't surprise her that as the judges, other contestants and fans congratulated her, that Cleary pressed a small piece of paper into her hand. Holly understood and pretended that nothing had happened. But when she went to the ladies' room, she read Cleary's note that told her to be in front of the Westin at 5:00PM tomorrow. Although Holly felt obligated and wanted "to get it over with," she shared in the glory of the winners at the huge press party which followed the contest. Sandy was also in her glory, but Holly couldn't help but notice that everywhere Sandy went her new boyfriend was there, too. It was almost three AM when the party broke up and Holly and Guy went back to the hotel. Sandy had left earlier, and when they got back to the hotel Holly could hear Sandy's moans coming from the adjacent room. She decided to ignore them and get some sleep. It had been a short, but hectic trip to Seattle, and she was starting to feel a little homesick.

The next morning Holly used a depilatory on her pubic hair and then powdered it so that stubble was barely noticeable. She dressed in typical school clothes...with a short skirt. The type of clothing she felt would please Cleary. Then, at precisely five o'clock she went down to the lobby and stepped out to the driveway entrance. She didn't see Cleary, but she saw a long black limo with dark windows parked in the driveway. The valet/doorman spotted Holly and walked over to her smiling.

"Miss Martin?" he smiled. Congratulations. I saw you on TV last night...and I really thought you were the best." Holly smiled her most ingratiating smile. "Your car is waiting." Holly looked at the doorman somewhat questioningly, then followed as he led her to the black limo and opened the rear door for her. She got in and looked around. It had all the amenities of a super-luxury limo, but was empty except for herself and the driver who was separated from her by an opaque partition.

As the door closed behind her, she heard the driver's voice through a speaker. "Miss Martin, Mr. Cleary asked me to pick you up and take you to the place where you will meet him." Holly felt a little apprehension, but simply figured that Cleary did not want to be seen, in public, with her. So, she sat back and relaxed for the fifteen minute ride which ended as the limo pulled into a long, gated driveway. The limo stopped in front of an enormous mansion. The driver got out and opened the door for Holly, then accompanied her up the twenty-foot wide steps to the front door and opened it for her to enter. As she stepped inside, Addison Cleary came out of a room to her right and greeted her.

"Hello, Holly," he smiled, "Glad you could come. Please come in." Cleary led her into a large room with several sofas, coffee tables and an enormous fireplace in full blaze. There were two other men in the room....both appeared to be 50 or so. "Holly..." smiled Cleary, "...I want you to meet George Shaffer and Heinz Gulden." Holly smiled and went over and shook their hands. She barely noticed that the door to the room had been shut behind her.

"These men, Holly," began Cleary, are also on the Olympic Committee. As you may know, Britt Walters is going to the Olympics, and we're on the committee to select the other two female members of the figure skating team. Do you understand me, Holly?"

Holly nodded her head slowly as her mind raced. Did Cleary expect her to screw with all three of them. She looked at the men. "A Geriatric Ward" she mused to herself. "I can probably handle all three of them with the same "little girl" act I'd put on for Cleary."

"What is it you want me to do? Asked Holly in a very little girlish way.

"Holly," began Cleary, "You told me you were not a virgin, and I promise we're not going to hurt you...."

"We?" asked Holly feigning surprise. "But I thought it was just going to be me and you."

"Well, Holly..." said Cleary, "These men also like you very much and...."

"Holly," interrupted Heinz softly, "I assume you want to be on the Olympic figure skating team, don't you?"

"Well, yes..."

"As a matter of fact, that's why you're here, isn't it?" Heinz' tone of voice was becoming harsher.

"I'm only here because Mr. Cleary asked me to meet him here...."

"Do me a favor and cut the bullshit," snapped Heinz. "Holly, do you want to be on our Olympic team?"

Holly nodded. This was not going as planned.

"We three are three of the five people who can put you there. But before we even think about jotting your name down, we've got to know for sure that you're willing to pay the price."

"Pay the price?" asked Holly acting her most naïve.

"Holly..." interrupted Cleary, "We'll all get along better if you drop the "little girl" act. We know the name , the place and time of every man you've fucked to get this far. If you want to turn around and go back to your hotel, then do it now. Otherwise, drop the pretense and make up your mind that you're either going to get your brains fucked out here and now or you're going to be one of those figure skaters whose names you can't remember because they "almost" made it. Now what's it going to be?"

"I see," said Holly. Her mind was racing furiously. "I've come this far, "she thought, "there's no turning back now. Besides how bad can it be?...But I'll have to pretend that I'm enjoying it...Come on, Holly, you can do it."

"Well?" snapped Heinz.

"O.K.....O.K. But I don't know how I'm going to take on all three of you..."

"That'll be our problem', smiled Heinz, his voice growing soft again. Now, Holly, come over here to me..."

Slowly, Holly walked over to Heinz.

"Now lower my zipper and take my cock out and hold it in your hand."

Holly, obediently, lowered Heinz' fly zipper and reached inside. Her eyes widened as she pulled out his half-swollen member. It was enormous! Chase was large, but Heinz was fully twice the size of Chase. Its length and girth were something out of a porn magazine. And it was getting larger as it began to get rigid. She could never get this thing inside her.

"Now take it in your mouth and give me a blow job."

Holly glanced over at Cleary to see if there would be some help coming. She saw none in Cleary's eyes. She dropped to her knees and placed the head of Heinz' prick in her mouth. It was so thick, it stretched her mouth. She licked the tip being careful not to let in get in so far that it would choke her. As she licked and sucked the head, she felt it still growing and becoming more rigid. Suddenly, she felt Heinz' hands on the back of her head and her head was pulled forward sharply. She felt the massive prick go past the end of her mouth and down her throat. She thought she was going to choke...or vomit. It felt like it was going into her stomach. Then the hands pushed her head back and she gasped for air. No sooner did she grab a breath when she felt her head being pulled forward again and the massive prick thrust down her throat. She tried to push Heinz away, but she was helpless. Her every effort was going just to be able to grab an occasional breath. As her head was pushed back, she again gasped for air, then again the prick went deep. By the fourth or fifth time, Holly thought she was going to pass out, but she was also learning to time herself in getting air into her lungs. As the hands kept thrusting her head back and forth, Holly began to lose the fear of being choked.

Holly was concentrating so hard on being able to breathe with this massive thing going in and out of her throat that she hardly felt the hands tugging on her panties and pulling them over her bent knees and off of her ankles. She was aware, however, that her legs were being lifted and a table being slid under her stomach so that she was now lying almost prone and her legs were elevated and hanging over the edge of the table. Then, as the massive prick plunged in and out of her mouth, she became aware of something warm moist and soft on her labia and then on her clit. Someone...she didn't know who, was eating her pussy from beneath the place where her legs had been elevated to. She felt another pair of hands grab her ankles and spread her legs further apart. She couldn't make up her mind as to whether she should pay attention to the pleasant feeling between her legs or the frightening object being forcibly plunged in and out of her throat.

Then she became aware of still another hand rubbing the crack in her butt with some sort of lubricant, and she felt a heavy finger plunge into her backside and start to slide in and out. The feelings that were filling Holly were confused. She felt so completely helpless as all the orifices in her body were being used. She didn't want to be taken this way. She had to control this massive thing which was almost strangling her, but strange feelings of complete helplessness and an almost allencompassing femininity were everywhere. In her body Everything that was being done to her was not what she'd wanted to happen. She wanted to regain some sort of control as the tension in her body mounted and her insides started to shudder and Holly started to orgasm...not just one orgasm, but a series of continuous orgasms. She didn't want to cum...she had to retain her body shuddered one time after another and she started saying to herself, "I've got to make the cock in my mouth cum to get it out of there." She didn't even notice that the hands were not pulling her head back and forth any more. She was controlling her own head and plunging the oversized cock down deeply into her own throat, trying to make it spit forth its seed. Then the finger in her buttocks withdrew and she felt a cock slide easily into her over-juiced cunt. It felt so incredibly good, she tried to thrust herself against the prick inside her womb, but the tongue licking her clit would not allow it.

Like a volcano erupting, she suddenly felt Heinz' hot seed pumping and spurting deep inside her throat. She felt that she had won. She had mastered the huge cock. But, when Heinz withdrew his cock, Holly's mouth and throat felt empty. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, but it sounded like her own voice begging for Heinz to put his cock back in her mouth. The person eating her pussy stopped, and she saw Cleary's prick in front of her. She grabbed it like a starving person and put it in her mouth as the fucking continued behind her.

Holly's orgasms were now just one huge continuous orgasm that wouldn't stop. Her mind was spinning. She didn't care that she wasn't in control. Every corner of her body was bursting with orgasmic pleasure. She'd never felt like this before and although her thinking was not clear, she knew she wanted to repay these men with the kind of pleasure they were giving her. It was the cocks that were bringing her so much pleasure. She just wanted to have a cock filling every orifice in her body. Any cock...young...old all felt so necessary. She felt the cock in her cunt stiffen and begin to spasm. As George Shaffer removed his cock from Holly's cunt, she instinctively pulled away from Cleary and turned around. She grabbed Shaffer's cock and put it in her mouth and wanted to consume every delicious bit of the sperm that was still on it. As soon as she did, Cleary started fucking her from behind.

As soon as she had sucked George's cock dry, she looked around at a very pleased looking Heinz with a flaccid cock. Moving slowly so that Cleary did not slip out, she crawled over to Heinz while Cleary still pumped away in her cunt. She put Heinz' cock in her mouth. She sucked it, licked it, kissed and practically forced it to get hard again about the same time as Cleary exploded inside her.

Heinz lifted Holly and gently laid her down on the carpet. He placed his enormous, now hard again cock at the entrance to her vagina and pushed. It was not very difficult for her cunt to accept this giant cock as her cunt was sopping wet and the cum from George and Cleary made it even more slippery. She felt the huge member stretch her insides...and she loved the feeling. When his cock reached the end of her cunt she continued to press her hips forward so that it could go even deeper. It was as if she could not control her hips. They were demanding that more and more cock be shoved inside her. Finally as Heinz' cock became extra rigid again, he with drew it and spurted all over her face. Holly felt as if she was in paradise. She wiped her face with her fingers and licked each finger as if was chocolate pudding, not wanting to miss a drop.

Heinz got to his feet. "She's a one hundred percent whore!"

Cleary nodded. "I knew it when she put that act on for me in the hotel room."

"Hey.," bellowed Holly, "Who's going to fuck me next?"

"We're through for today, Holly. I'll take you upstairs where you can clean up," said Cleary sweetly.

"I want more cock," whined Holly.

"And you'll get it," piped in George, "but not today."

Holly got up and looked around. Her cunt was on fire and needed to be filled. She spied a wine bottle and grabbed it and started to masturbate with it inside her cunt. She started plunging the bottle in with such rapidity the men looked at her in amazement. Then she set the bottle down on the carpeted floor and lowered herself over it. She was trying to get the entire wine bottle inside her. When she couldn't get it all in, she started to cry. "I want it inside me..."

Heinz walked over to her and lifted her up to a standing position. He looked at her in a very gentle manner. "Holly...Do whatever you want when you get back to your hotel. But for today, we're finished. We'll give you plenty more when you're at the Olympics."

The word "Olympics" acted like a splash of cold water across Holly's face. She shook her head to be certain she was hearing right. "Did you say that I'm going to the Olympics?"

"Yes, Holly," said Cleary. "You've paid your dues...and you paid them better than anyone expected. You're going to the Olympics."

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Great story, I loved it! Pacing, contents, language ... everything was well done. Even the humor. 'It was a Honda' just cracked me up. Thank you. Hope you post more stories soon, in the mean time, I've got one more unread 3-part story from you to look forward to

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