Ice Arena, Part 2

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Published: 2-Jun-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

From a picturesque standpoint, Seattle is one of the most beautiful cities in the USA. It is both a current and an active city. The beautiful shades of gray, white and purple of Mt. Rainier dominate the skyline to the east. The water and the numerous inlets of Puget Sound and its hundreds of islands add a Mediterranean flavor to Seattle that few other cities share. The warming effect of the water keeps the temperature in Seattle far less radical than the temperature extremes of its inland counterpart, Spokane.

While Seattle is home to such stellar sports teams as the Seahawks, the Mariners and the Storm, Seattle is basically a winter sports town. There is skiing in the Cascade Mountains all year long, and many superstars of winter sports were raised in Seattle and the surrounding areas. The Vancouver Canucks Hockey team is considered by most Seattle residents to be "their" team.

The biggest problem with Seattle, of course, is the weather. There are probably fewer days when the sun shines compared to almost any other major city in the world. It rains a lot! And, when it isn't raining, it's heavily overcast. But, if you head south for a few miles to its sister city, Tacoma, the weather improves significantly.

Holly Martin stared out the window of the Boeing 767 jet as it descended into the SEATAC airport named because it's approximately half-way between Seattle and Tacoma. The plane had already dropped through the clouds and Holly could see the green fields all around her. Her mother, Sandy Martin, watched over Holly's shoulder as the plane approached the runway.

"It's amazing," thought Sandy, "at how quickly one becomes accustomed to flying first class." Sandy reflected that only a year ago, she had seldom thought about flying anywhere, no less as a first class passenger, but the past year had brought about many dramatic changes in hers and Holly's lives. They now lived in a better part of New York instead of Brooklyn; their rent, food and clothing was paid for by Chase Burns Management Corp; Holly had gotten several minor endorsements which gave them about $250,000 per year for living expenses and such luxuries as they might want; Holly was now very well-known in skating circles although she had still not had major newspaper exposure. Certainly Chase Burns was responsible for everything good that had happened.

Of course, there was the sex thing: Holly was only fourteen and was as hot a pistol as existed anywhere. She had come a long way from the day Chase had first taken her. If it had not been for Holly's insistence that she and her mother do whatever Chase requested, they would have nothing more now than they did a year ago and would still be living hand-to-mouth. Sandy still felt a little uncomfortable at her daughter's sexual proclivity, but like Holly, Sandy had concluded that "the end justifies the means." Whatever it took to make Holly a world champion was worth doing. If sex was a part of it...then so be it! Holly was a very determined young lady, and thought nothing of doing whatever had to be done to advance her career in skating. Of course, Holly still looked the picture of childish innocence. Pursuant to Chase's instructions, she shaved and creamed her pubes every day so that any of Chase's selected lovers would still look on Holly as a child. Chase was an exceptionally astute businessman and he believed in serving his clients whatever they wanted. And, if they wanted "little girls," then that's what he served them

As a man, Chase was another matter: Chase was big, beautiful, wealthy and powerful...and an incredibly good lover! Chase had only fucked Holly a few times, but he had made love to Sandy numerous times. In fact, although Sandy was in complete denial, she had allowed herself to fall in love with Chase. On those occasions when she watched Chase fucking Holly, Sandy had felt a hollowness in her stomach that she felt came from watching her thirteen or fourteen year old daughter being fucked by an older man. The truth was something Sandy could not admit to herself: She was jealous of Holly and the obvious pleasure Holly was feeling when Chase fucked her.

Sandy glanced across the aisle where Guy Lauder was sitting. Guy had enjoyed himself tremendously on the flight from New York having a young, male flight attendant to talk with and flirt with.

As the plane's wheels bumped down, Holly turned to her mother. "We're down," she said as if no one else on the plane had felt the bump. Sandy smiled.

The plane rolled effortlessly to a stop, and then turned to taxi to the gate. In less than three minutes after touching down, the chime signifying it was O.K. to unfasten your seatbelt sounded, and everyone stood up and collected their things from the overhead bins.

As all three exited the gate, they were greeted by a uniformed man holding a sign that said "Holly Martin." The group was escorted to a waiting limo where they sat while the driver collected and loaded their luggage in the limo. It took about 30 minutes for them to arrive at the Westin Hotel. The driver told them that Chase Burns Management had booked the limo for the next two weeks and he would be at their beck and call whenever they needed him.

Holly and Sandy shared one room and Guy was in an adjoining room. In Holly's room was an enormous bouquet of flowers from Chase welcoming them to Seattle. It took Guy less than a minute before he was on the telephone making arrangements for Holly to start practicing at the ice rink in Bellevue. Although Guy was a flaming gay, when it came to figure skating, he was all business. He told Holly to get some rest because they had rented the rink from 9PM until 2AM. Guy felt strongly that with less than two weeks to train and practice, Holly would have to work out every day. Guy did not want Holly to work out with the other contestants, so he called the local ice skating rink to make such arrangements as he felt could be made. And, since the ice rink was open to the public until 9PM, Holly would have to start training when the rink closed to the public. Both Holly and Sandy readily acknowledged that Guy had taken Holly a long way in one year. Holly was a "natural" on ice, but it took a highly skilled coach like Guy to teach her how to do the flips, the camels, and the axles with the grace of a swan.

Most people don't realize it, but figure skating is an extraordinarily physical and demanding sport. The jumps, the twists and turns take an enormous amount of strength, and one of the keys to being a champion figure skater is the ability to gain all of this body strength without developing bulging muscles that judges deem to be "grotesque." A top figure skater must always look and perform like a delicate flower, but have the strength of an ox to do what is demanded of her. Holly was perfect! Guy had taught her how to strengthen her arms and legs, and then stretch them so that the strength remained, but no muscles appeared. When she stepped onto the ice in one of her short-skirted skating dresses, she looked like a little girl that could never meet the ice's demands. Then, people would watch in awe as she would leap into the air with the grace of a bird, always landing as if her skates were barely making contact with the ice.

Holly had only napped for an hour when Guy came bursting into the room through the connecting door.

"O.K. baby doll" he said, "get up. You're gonna have the chance to meet some of your competition."

Holly shook her head groggily. "Where? When?"

"I just got a call from Chase. He'll be here day after tomorrow, but the press is having a reception for the contestants in the two o'clock at the Hilton."

"What time is it now?"

"A little after one."

Holly and Sandy bounced up from their beds. "Oh my God," yelped Holly, "I've got to shower and put on some makeup..."

"Shower O.K., but no make-up. Chase's orders."

"Why not?" asked Holly, "I'll look a mess."

"Chase wants you to show up without make-up and look as 'little-girlish' as you can be."

"Did he say what he wants us to wear?" asked Sandy.

"Uh huh. You can look drop dead gorgeous, but he wants Holly to wear jeans and a baggy sweater."

Sandy heaved a sigh, and started to change her clothes. She didn't mind Guy's presence in the room because Guy was just like a sister. Sandy wondered why Chase had told Holly to dress so inappropriately, but she had learned a long time ago that Chase knew what he was doing. Neither she nor Holly ever challenged his orders.

At five minutes past two, the threesome arrived at the Hilton and were directed to the Grand Ballroom. The room was packed with reporters, photographers and skating judges. Up on a stage at the end of the room were sixteen females, all beautifully attired and nine males... whose attire could be compared to the females. When Holly gave her name, she was escorted to the stage. The only one on the stage that was completely underdressed for the occasion.

Immediately an entourage of photographers started taking pictures of Holly. Even without makeup, Holly was beautiful. When she smiled it was like adding an extra light to the room. Most of the other females on the stage were not particularly pretty, but were showing themselves off to their best. Holly recognized every one of them: They were the elite of figure skating in the USA. Michelle Ching, Tara Levin, Lavisha Crown...just to name a few. As she looked at them, Holly was not in awe of them, but she was slightly overwhelmed by the class of skater that she was going to have to compete against. As she observed them, she noticed that they, too, were observing her and sizing her up. The press was sizing her up, too. They had a lot of questions for all of the skaters, including Britt Walters, the twenty year old reigning national champion. But they seemed to have more questions for Holly than for anyone else.

After all, here was a girl who had never even entered a seniors competition, no less a national championship, and she had been entered as a last-minute entry. True, Holly had won eleven state and national competitions on the junior level, but there was a giant step between the juniors and the seniors. And, to top everything off, Holly, dressed as she was, looked closer to ten years old rather than fourteen.

But Holly had been well-schooled by Chase. She answered all the press' questions with the grace of an academy award winner; she smiled at just the right times, and before the reception was over, she had won the hearts...and bias...of a lot of the press and a few of the judges. Chase knew very well what he was doing.

When the skaters left the stage and mingled with guests, Britt came over to Holly, extended her hand and smiled broadly. "Welcome to your first nationals," she said.

"Thank you," smiled Holly.

"I know this has got to seem a little overwhelming to you, but there's got to be a first time for everything. I'm Britt Walters."

"I know who you are. You're an absolutely wonderful skater."

"Thanks. Whose your manager?"

"Chase Burns."

"He's got a great reputation as a manager. I've seen him a few times, and I think he's a real hunk! Tell me, is he a good lay?"

"I'm sorry" stammered Holly, "What did you say?"

"Holly, come off it. Sex is very big and we're all equals here. If Chase took you on, he's undoubtedly fucked your brains out. Although you look kind of small for him."

"I don't understand..."

"Get real. We've all been through the same routine with our managers and our agents. It's a tradition in figure skating. How do you think we got started? It's just par for the course. Now tell me, is he a good lay?"

Holly was not prepared for this. She knew she should say something...but she had not been schooled for this. But fortune smiled at that moment when Addison Cleary, a member of the Olympic Committee and one of the judges for the Nationals, interrupted the tense scene and said, "Hello Britt."

Britt instantly lost her attitude and smiled invitingly at Addison. "Mr. Cleary...I thought I saw you out there. You never seem to age a day. You're looking as handsome as ever."

"That's nonsense," smiled Cleary. "I stopped looking handsome when I passed fifty. But, if you want to flatter me, go ahead...but I promise you that flattery will get you anywhere."

Britt giggled. "Mr. may be past fifty but you look closer to thirty."

"Ah, yes...the fountain of youth that results from being a judge." He turned to Holly. "And you're Holly Martin?"

Holly looked at Addison with uncertainty. "Yes sir."

"They tell me you're fourteen? Is that so? You don't look it."

"Yes sir." Holly smiled as she began to see Britt vying for Cleary's attention by casually brushing her hand against his shoulder.

"Do you think you're good enough to compete with the other girls here?" he asked.

"I don't know. I hope so."

"Where are you and your coach staying?"

"We're at the Westin."

"A marvelous hotel. Holly, it's been very nice meeting you. Britt...I wish you and Holly the best of luck." With that, Cleary turned and moved off into the crowd.

"Well, Holly," said Britt, "That was Addison Cleary. He'll be one of the judges at the Nationals."

"He seems nice."

"He is nice."

"From the way you were rubbing against him, I'm surprised you didn't go for his zipper."

Britt looked at Holly knowingly. "If I thought I could get away with it, I would've!" Britt smiled, "Nice meeting you Holly, but there's a photographer I promised some shots to." Britt turned and melted into the crowd.

On the way back to the hotel in the limo, Sandy told Holly that she thought it was a very successful event. Sandy said she had met several of the judges, all of whom had been impressed by Holly's seeming shyness and simplicity. Better still, she had made dates for dinner with two men she felt could help Holly. Sandy asked Holly if anyone had approached her, and Holly said "no." Holly told Sandy about the brief meeting with Britt and with Cleary. Holly mentioned several other people she had met, but thought nothing in particular would come from the meetings other than that they all got a first glance at her.

When they got back to the Westin, the message light on their telephone was flashing. Sandy picked up the message and told Holly that it was from Addison Cleary. He had left a telephone number and a room number at the Hilton. The two looked at each other knowingly, and Holly dialed the Hilton.

"Mr. Cleary? This is Holly Martin. You left a message for me?"

"Yes. Hello Holly. I don't know if you remember me, but I spoke to you briefly when you were talking with Britt Walters..."

"I remember you Mr. Cleary."

"I've got kind of an unusual favor to ask of you. You may not know it, but I'm a member of the Olympic Committee...and I...uh...I've been asked...because of your uh...check out your...uh...skating costumes...uh...just to be certain...uh...that they won't...uh...clash with the others. What I'd like you to do is...uh...bring your costumes over here...uh...tomorrow afternoon so I can...uh...check them out."

"You want me to bring my skating dresses over so you can check them out?" Holly winked at her mother.

"Yes...uh...would that be possible?"

"Of course, Mr. Cleary."

"Good. Good. Let's say at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon? Will that be alright?"

"Of course, Mr. Cleary. 2:30."

"Good. Why don't you meet me in the lobby and...uh... perhaps it might be better if you came directly up to my 4322...uh...since I'm on the Olympic Committee...uh...some people might...uh...get the wrong idea if we were seen together."

"I understand, Mr. Cleary. Room 4322 at 2:30." Holly winked again at her mother. "Should I bring my mother?"

Dead silence. "Well...of course you should bring your mother...uh...but maybe that won't be such a good idea...uh...It's one thing for a child to come to my room...but a grown woman...they might think this is something other than a review of your costumes. You understand, don't you? If you'd like your mother to accompany you, it might be better if she waited in the lobby for you while we discuss skating business."

"Alright, Mr. Cleary...I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." Holly hung up the telephone and looked directly at her mother. "Well, mom, what do you think?"

Sandy looked at her daughter thoughtfully. "I think we ought to call Chase and get his opinion."

Sandy called Chase on his private cell and told him about Mr. Cleary's not-too-disguised efforts to get Holly alone in his room. Chase laughed and said that Cleary could be very influential and it would be unwise to disappoint him. Chase also mentioned that Cleary was a pedophile and that Holly should shave and use body make-up when she went over to see him. Chase was pleased that Cleary had taken an interest in Holly. He asked Sandy if anyone had taken an interest in her. Sandy told him that she had two dinner dates with people she thought might be important: Tomorrow night with Ron Cordova, an associate editor of Skating Magazine and the following night with Doug Readding, General Manager of KRST radio in Seattle. Chase told Sandy they were both powerful people and she should keep that in mind when she went out with them. But Chase also cautioned her that if she seemed too "easy," they would have no respect for her and the date would not achieve what Sandy would like to achieve. Sandy thanked Chase, and hung up the phone. She told Holly to get Guy and start practicing. Holly may win an Oscar for her performance with Cleary tomorrow afternoon, but she won't win a trophy unless she's super-sharp on the ice. Holly nodded knowingly, and put her skating things together and knocked on Guy's door. Influence was fine and necessary, but in the final score, it was Holly's skating ability which would make or break her career.

It was noon the next day when Sandy gently shook Holly awake. Holly had worked-out on the ice until two A.M. and gotten back to the hotel exhausted. They ordered a light breakfast from room service, and Holly used a depilatory on her pubes, massaged herself with some baby oil and then a light coat of talcum to cover any irritation or stubble. Then she slipped into some white, satiny panties that were at least one size too small so that the crotch molded around her slit. She decided on an undershirt rather than a bra. Her breasts had developed nicely in the past year, but they were still small enough so that she could dress without a bra. She admired herself in the mirror, and then stepped into an A-skirted mini dress. She pulled her hair back in a pony-tail and put on only the lightest of makeup. She looked in the mirror again. She thought she could still pass for twelve...which is what she believed Cleary would like. She put her three favorite skating dresses in a bag and she and Sandy went down to their limo.

When they arrived at the Hilton, at two thirty on the dot, Sandy said she would wait in the lobby. Holly took the elevator to the forty-third floor, and walked down the corridor until she found 4322. She knocked on the door, and Cleary opened it. He saw that Holly was alone, and he smiled broadly.

"Come in, Holly...come in."

Holly entered the room. Although it was on the next to top floor and had a beautiful view of the city, it was a typical hotel room with a king-size bed, a chest of drawers, a TV and a table with two chairs. Cleary pulled one of the chairs towards Holly and bade her to sit down. She did.

"You look very pretty today, Holly."

"Thank you Mr. Cleary."

"Please call me Addy...kind of rhymes with daddy."

"Sure...Addy." She smiled. When Holly smiled she had the same affect in a hotel room as she did on an ice arena. She lit up the room. As beautiful as Sandy was, you could see that Holly, now fourteen, was going to be even more beautiful than her mother. "My mom's waiting downstairs in the lobby," continued Holly, "...and I told her we wouldn't take too long..."

"Of course, Holly. You did bring your skating costumes with you?"

"Uh huh." Holly reached into her bag and took them out, one at a time and laid them across the bed. "I kind of like this one best," she said pointing to a crimson and royal blue outfit.

"It's very pretty, Holly. Holly stand up. I need to see what your shape is like in order to know which costume will be best for you."

Holly stood up and did a pirouette, her A-skirt flaring just enough to give Cleary a flash of her panties. Cleary stroked his chin and looked at Holly very seriously. "You do appear to have a beautiful, slender, body."

Holly lowered her head and tried her best to blush. "Thank you," she whispered.

"I'll bet a girl as pretty as you has broken a lot of hearts. Tell me, Holly, do you have a lot of boyfriends?"

Holly lowered her head again. "My mom says I'm too young to have boyfriends."

"But if I'm any judge of character," smiled Cleary, "I'll bet you don't always do everything your mom tells you to do, now do you?"

"I guess not always."

"And I'll bet you sometimes do things she's told you not to do, don't you?"

"Maybe sometimes," said Holly shyly.

"Holly, you're about the most beautiful girl of your age I've ever seen. If I were a boy, I'd never let you out of my sight." Changing the subject abruptly, Cleary said, "Why don't you try-on the one you like and let me see how you look in it?"

Holly looked around the small room. "Where can I change?"

"You can use the bathroom...No...wait. The floor is all wet because I just took a shower. I'll turn my back and you can change here. You can keep your underwear on so that you don't have to undress completely." Cleary passed the skating dress to Holly and turned his back to her.

"Gee, I don't know...," said Holly.

Cleary laughed nervously. "Of course it's alright.. I've seen hundreds of female skaters in their underwear. Besides, I'm old enough to be your father."

"You may be older, but you're very cool looking." Cleary felt the first twitch of an erection beginning.

"Thank you Holly, but I'm certain you'd much prefer the company of some boy your own age."

"Boys my age are dorks," said Holly. "All they can think about is feeling me up and having sex. But older men are so much more sophisticated. They've lived...they've done things...they've had a lot of experience in life...They know how to treat a girl and...turn her on." The twitch Cleary felt was his member starting to swell even more. Cleary turned to face Holly. She was standing there in her underwear holding her dress in front of her over one arm. Cleary stared at the panties outlining every bulge and cleft between Holly's legs. Holly let him look for a few seconds, then she threw her dress onto the bed and stepped into the selected skating dress very quickly.

"Tell me you really prefer older men?"

"Well, I've only known one, so I don't know who to compare him to. He was so much more sophisticated than the boys at cool."

"Have you ever been alone with him?"

"I think I'd better show you how this dress looks."

"Of course, Holly. But it's a little strange to hear one so young talking about older men."

"Then let's not talk about him. But he was really awesome."

Cleary's voice broke as he spoke: "What do you mean 'awesome'?"

Holly sat down on the edge of the bed. "Well, he had a date with my mom and was waiting for her at our apartment. Then my mom called and said she had to work late. She told him to just go home."

"But he didn't just go home, did he, Holly?"

Holly turned her head away and whispered, "No..."

"He stayed and taught you a few things, didn't he?"

Holly turned to face Cleary, her face full of surprise. "How did you know?"

Cleary was struggling to conceal his erection. "What did he teach you, Holly?"

"Let's not talk about him."

"Holly, I'm certain you don't want to displease me, and I'd like to know what this man taught you. And it will displease me if you lie to me."

Holly did not face Cleary as she spoke. "He taught me a lot of things about myself that I never knew."

Cleary tried to clear his throat, but it was to no avail. His voice sounded as if it was coming out of an aluminum can. "What do you mean he taught you a lot of things?"

Holly hesitated almost ten seconds before replying. But the pause seemed like an hour to Cleary. Holly stood up. "How do you like this costume, Mr. Cleary?"

"Addy! The dress is fine. Now what did you mean when you said he taught you a lot of things."

Holly lowered her head. "I promised I'd never tell. Would you like me to try on this other skating dress?" she asked.

Cleary straightened his posture. "Of course, if you don't feel you can trust me..."

"It's not that, Mr. Cleary...Addy...but...I promised I'd never tell, and my mom always taught me to keep my promises."

"Well, Holly, you don't have to tell me his name...that way you could keep your promise. If we don't know who it is, it doesn't make any difference what he does it?"

Holly stepped out of her crimson and blue dress and threw it on the bed. She picked up a white costume and held it in her hand. "I guess if you don't know who it is...then it doesn't make any difference...And I promise you I'll never tell you who it was."

"Good, Holly." Cleary's throat was parched dry. "Now tell me what he did."

Holly looked down as she spoke. "He touched me." She whispered.

Cleary's hard-on was now raging. "He touched you? Where?"

Holly continued to look at the floor. "You know..."

"On your breast?"

"I think I'd better get this other skating dress on or we'll never finish."

"It's alright Holly. I liked the first one. But I'm just getting to know you, and in the skating business that's even more important than what you wear at the Olympics."

"At the Olympics?" brightened Holly. "You mean I'm going to the Olympics?"

"We can talk about that, later. Right now I want you to be completely honest with me. I'm older and I understand these things." Cleary seated himself on a chair. "Now come over here and sit on my lap and we're going to have a very heart-to-heart talk."

Holly lowered her eyes. "I don't know if I should."

"Why not, Holly?"

"You're cool and sophisticated like he was...I might get too excited."

"As excited as you'd be if you got to go to the Olympics?"

Holly slowly moved over towards Cleary. "No...a different kind of excited. He told me that I get excited very easily...He said I was a real lilly eater."

"A lilly eater?...You mean a Lolita?"

"Yeah...that's what he said. What's a low liter?"

As she came within reach, Cleary extended his hand and gently pulled Holly to him. She sat down on his lap. "That's when a girl likes to be close with older men. Now, did he touch you on your breast?" Holly nodded shyly. Cleary softly placed his hand on Holly's breast. Instantly, through the undershirt, he felt her nipple harden under his touch. "Like this?" he asked.

"Uh uh. I wasn't wearing an undershirt."

Cleary shifted his knees to avoid having his stiff cock pressing into her buttocks. He slowly slid his hand down to the bottom of the undershirt and then groped up her body until his hand covered her small breast. Holly let a sigh escape her lips.

"Like this?"

"Yeah, like that."

Cleary slid his hand across her chest to her other breast. The nipple instantly became rigid. Holly sighed again. "This undershirt is really in the way." said a more confident sounding Cleary. "Why don't you take it off?"

"But then I'll be naked."

"No you won't. You still have your panties."

"First promise me that you won't hurt me?"

"I promise you...that...we won't do anything you don't want me to do."

"Cross your heart?"

"Cross my heart!"

Holly crossed her arms in front of her and with one sweeping motion rid herself of the undershirt. Cleary gazed at her small, but developed breasts.

"Where else did he touch you, Holly?" whispered Cleary.

"He touched me all over."

Slowly Cleary lowered his hand to Holly's crotch. If he was surprised by the moisture there, he didn't say anything. He slid his finger up and down the outlined lips of her labia. "Did he touch you here?" Holly let out a more audible sigh.

"Uh huh."

"Holly," whispered Cleary, "I'd like to kiss you. Would you mind?"

"I'd like to kiss you." responded Holly.

Cleary turned his face toward Holly and let his lips gently caress hers. Then he slowly pressed them more firmly against hers. He let his tongue part her lips, but Holly, intentionally, kept her teeth clenched until she felt a desperation in Cleary's tongue. Then, Holly opened her mouth and thrust her tongue fully into Cleary's mouth. Cleary's cock was almost ready to burst through his pants. Holly suddenly pulled back.

"No." she said. "No more. I'm too excited!"

"So am I," blurted Cleary.

"Really?" said Holly proffering great innocence. "You mean your thingy is hard?"


Holly looked at the outline of Cleary's erection and gasped in awe. Holly looked directly into Cleary's eyes and with practiced innocence said, "I know you're gonna think I'm awful...but could I just look at it?" Holly took advantage of Cleary's surprised silence, and added, "I've only seen one thingy before...and I just want to see yours."

"It's called a cock, Holly. The one you saw...was that your mother's friend?"

"Uh huh," nodded Holly.

Cleary shifted Holly from his lap, and unbuttoned the top of his pants. His undershorts looked like they were held up with a tent pole. With only slight fumbling, Cleary freed his cock so it stood at attention in Holly's view. Holly bent over and looked at it closely from several angles. "Wow!" she said, "It's so big! It's much bigger than his!"

Holly looked up at Cleary's face. "I know you're gonna think I'm bad...but I'd really like to touch it, Mr. Cleary...Addy."

"Did you touch his?" asked Cleary, perspiration forming on his brow.

Holly nodded silently and looked at Cleary as if she was begging.

"Alright...I don't mind if you touch it." Holly gently placed both her hands around the shaft and slowly started to slide them back and forth. Cleary was lost! He couldn't stop his explosion and his cum spurted upwards over Holly's face and chest. Holly reacted as if she was surprised, but then smiled.

"Wow! We're both a mess. We'd better get cleaned up. My mom is waiting in the lobby and she'd have a fit if she saw me like this."

"You're not leaving yet, are you Holly?"

"Have to. Mom is waiting." Holly stood up and looked at herself in the mirror.

"But we're just getting started." protested Cleary.

Holly turned back to Cleary. "I really like you, Mr. Cleary...I mean Addy. You're really cool...and you make me so wet and excited. I'd like to come back here again...if you'd like to see me...when my mom isn't waiting."

Cleary's composure returned to him. "I'd like that very much, Holly. What about this evening?"

Holly looked disappointed. "I can't. I'm gonna be spending every minute practicing for the Nationals. I really want to win." Holly looked like she was thinking and her face brightened. "Right after the Nationals, my mom has to go back to New York and I'll be here with Guy Lauder for a few days. If you'll let me, I can come back then..."

Cleary knew full well that if Holly won the Nationals, she'd come back...and if she didn't win, she wouldn't. But Holly had managed to maneuver Clearly so deftly that he couldn't argue. "Alright, Holly. We'll see how you do. But I want you to understand that there will be many other nationals, so don't get your heart set on this one. Your competition is very good."

"They're better than good, and that's why I have to spend every minute practicing...even though I'd really like to be here with you." She let this thought linger for a moment, then, as if just noticing the time, said, "I'd better get cleaned up." Holly turned and stepped into the bathroom and started washing herself. When she cleaned up and got dressed, she turned back to Cleary. "Before I leave...would you kiss me again...please. It felt sooo good." Cleary obliged and Holly nearly melted into his arms. Cleary brought his hand up beneath her dress and started to massage her pussy, and Holly squirmed and rocked her hips so that Cleary's hand was full of pussy and Holly started to moan.

"Stay now, Holly," muttered Cleary.

Holly breathlessly whispered "Yeah...yeah..." Then suddenly she broke away from Cleary's hand. "I've gotta go now. Mom is waiting..."

"Let her wait."

"I can't...It wouldn't be right." Holly grabbed her bag and opened the door to the hallway. Three quarters of the way out, she turned back to Cleary. "Please...promise me you'll let me come back when the competition's over."

"Holly, you're a one-in-a-lifetime for any man. Of course you can come back."

"God...You are the coolest man ever!" Holly turned and headed for the elevator.

Two minutes later, Holly joined Sandy in the lobby.

"That was fast. How was it?" asked Sandy rising from the paisley lounge chair in which she had been sitting.

"I think I've got his vote." She kissed her mother on the cheek and smiled.

Straight-faced, the two beautiful females exited the Hilton and got into their limo.

That evening, Holly and Guy practiced as they had never practiced. Gone were the doubles. Everything was now triples and triples upon triples. Holly had long since mastered the triple lutz and the triple axle although she had not had to use them in competition. But now Guy pressed her into doing a triple axle immediately followed by a triple toe loop. It was not just that Holly had to land smoothly on her skates, they both knew the judges would score on the height she maintained while spinning and how heavily...or lightly her skates landed on the ice. This was not only the beauty of figure skating, but this was an athletic marathon. During the hours Holly did not have ice to practice on, Guy had her lifting weights with her legs; light weights with many repetitions so that she did not develop bulging leg muscles. It takes a lot of strength to lift a body off of the ice with sufficient height to make three complete turns in the air before landing. It takes even more effort and strength to do it when you've been performing like an athlete for a minute or two and you're already slightly exhausted. Holly believed Chase: Her working with the judges and the press were going to be helpful, but only a spectacular performance was going to make her the winner.

The next evening, when Holly went to practice, Sandy went out to dinner with Ron Cordova, Editor of Skating Magazine. Much to her surprise, Sandy really liked him. Unlike others in similar positions, Ron acted in a very professional manner. He wanted background information on Holly. He wanted to arrange for a photo shoot session for Skating Magazine. He told Sandy that he thought Holly had all the right potential to become National Champion...but that it would take her a couple of years of active competition. Ron did not think Holly was ready to take on the likes of Britt Walters or Tara Levin just yet, but that in a couple of years, Holly would be able to outdo them. According to Ron, Holly should have her eyes on the Olympic five years hence and not for next year's Winter Games.

Much to Sandy's surprise, Ron, who was unmarried and quite nice to look at, made no moves on her. In fact, when he took her back to the Westin, he did not even try to kiss her goodnight, but he did ask her if she'd like to go out again. Sandy said "Yes." She told herself that she did not want to allow herself to become involved with anyone, but she had really taken a liking to Ron.

The following night, after Holly had gone to practice, Sandy was picked up at the Westin by Doug Readding of KRST radio. Doug was the antithesis of Ron. He no sooner had Sandy in his car than his hand was rubbing high on Sandy's thigh. He said he had to stop off at his place to pick up some papers before they went to dinner. Sandy wanted to wait in the car, but Doug was persistent and persuasive, and Sandy went up to Doug's apartment. She sat on his couch to wait, but less than a minute later, she felt his arms from behind her massaging her shoulders. His fingers rubbed her shoulders and neck and then, almost effortlessly, slid down to massage the upper part of her breasts.

"Please don't," purred Sandy, "I like to get to know someone first."

Without even slowing his pace, Doug slid his fingers under the VShaped portion of Sandy's bra..

"Getting to know someone first is great if you want to get married...but I don't want to get married." Said Doug in a very low voice. "Besides, I've already got a wife...I don't need another one."

Sandy lifted her own hands to pull Doug's away, but she found his hands were both strong and firmly entrenched, approaching her nipples. "Doug, please stop!" Sandy said firmly.

Doug did not stop. His fingers reached her nipples. "You've gotta learn to relax" he said. "I'm certain you want good press coverage for your daughter, don't you? Then you've gotta learn to relax with the press and not fight them."

Not only was his meaning very clear to Sandy, the frustration of the previous night when she did not even get kissed began to take hold. She felt her nipples stiffening under his touch. Wordlessly, Doug spread his hands underneath her bra straps and in one deft stroke pulled the top of her dress and her bra down to her waist. The sudden rush of cool air on her breasts made her nipples stiffen even more. From behind her, Doug bent over her and his mouth found one of her nipples. As he sucked on a nipple. Doug somehow managed to maneuver his body over the side of the couch until now he was in front of her.

"Please, Doug, I really don't want this." Said Sandy softly in a most unconvincing manner.

Doug responded by raising his head to kiss Sandy on her lips and thrust his tongue into her mouth. Somewhat to her own surprise, Sandy's tongue answered back as she felt his hands under her dress tugging on her pantyhose. Sandy was almost unaware that she raised her hips to assist him in removing the hose and her panties as her shoes simply fell off. But in what seemed like seconds, she felt his fingers massaging her slit as both tongues worked furiously above.

Doug's lips never left Sandy's as she felt her thighs being spread and felt his cock slide easily into her fully juiced cunt. It was as if two parts of the body were working independently of each other. The top was engaged in a furious impassioned kiss while the lower half gently rocked back and forth sliding in and out at a slow but steady pace. Without even being aware of her own actions, Sandy's hand slid under Doug's balls and she began to caress them. She felt a tightening in them and she knew he was about to come. She started to thrust her hips faster to bring herself to orgasm. But Doug exploded inside her too soon, and Sandy was left unfulfilled. Doug broke off the kiss and pulled out of Sandy.

"Go clean yourself up," said Doug harshly. "I'll call a taxi to take you back to the hotel."

"What about dinner?" asked Sandy.

"I've got a lot of work to do tonight."

"Wow. You're really a classy guy." said Sandy sarcastically.

"Don't worry...I'll give your daughter some good press."

"Probably better press than I'd give you!"

"Hey, come on. We're both adults. You went out with me so you could get some good press for your daughter. O.K., you'll get it."

"I guess that puts me on the same status as your typical hooker."

"Whatever. You want me to slip you a hundred?"

"I just want you to fuck off. But your radio station's comments had damn well better be good."

"Don't worry. They'll be good." Said Doug sounding very unimpressed.

Sandy found the bathroom, cleaned herself up and left the apartment, went back to the hotel and masturbated herself to two orgasms. Then she went straight to sleep without eating. Holly and Guy were not back yet. Sleep and dreams of happier moments filled her mind as she drifted off.

It was almost 3AM when Guy and Holly got back from practice. They entered through Guy's room so as not to disturb Sandy. When they opened the door, Chase was lying on Guy's bed.

"Chase!" exclaimed both Guy and Holly as they entered the room.

"I got in a couple of hours ago. Guy, how's her training coming."

"Good to see you Chase." smiled Guy. "She's doing real well."

"Well enough to place in the top three?"

"She needs more work, but she'll be up there."

"Good. Now Guy, I want you to go down to the lobby and wait for me. I want to speak with Holly alone."

Guy nodded obediently, and left the room.

Chase sat up on the bed. "How's it coming, Holly? The truth. Your opinion."

"I think I've got at least one vote."

"Who's that?"

"Addison Cleary."

"Did you fuck him?"

Holly threw her backpack onto a chair. "No. But I kept him happy."

"Cleary's a pedophile, but he's nobody's fool."

"What do you mean?" asked Holly suddenly feeling unsure of herself.

"Holly...Cleary's probably fucked...or tried to fuck every skater under the age of sixteen. If you think you were playing with him, you're probably wrong.. Did you blow him?"

"No. Just a hand job."

"Well, if you were a good enough actress, maybe you scored a few points. But Cleary is very sharp. If you were lying to him he probably spotted it."

Holly pulled her sweater over her head leaving her clad only in a bra and her black skating tights. "I didn't just score points. I know I've got his vote." Holly kicked off her shoes and pulled her tights down to her ankles.

"Don't count on it. He may like you and include you among his favorites, but the problem is that you can't count on it."

"That's not the real problem," said Holly kicking off her tights and unclasping her bra. "The real problem is that I'm horny as hell and your dick isn't hard."

Chase smiled. "I really opened a Pandora's box with you, didn't I?" He felt the swelling of his member as he watched Holly remove her panties.

"No...No, there's no Pandora's box. It's just you! Every time I'm alone with you my pussy starts juicing up like someone turned on a faucet. I can fake it and play games with judges and other important people...but when I see you I start thinking about that first time...and the follow-ups we had. And my whole body starts to tremble...and I want your cock inside me. Not just any cock...I want your cock." Holly's lips were puffing and her eyes looked moist.

Chase's stiffening member began to form a lighthouse in his trousers. "Holly, I don't want you thinking only about sex...I want you thinking about how you're going to beat the other skaters."

"Sorry, Chase...I know you're three times my age...and that you'll never take someone my age seriously. Since the first time you took my cherry, I've fucked more than a few men, and the only way I can get juiced is to close my eyes and think of you. When I'm alone with you I have to have your cock. I want to lick it...I want to feel your strong arms around my waist lifting me up and down over that beautiful cock of yours. I want to taste your cum in my mouth...feel it over my face...I want to lick every inch of your body with my tongue... That's what I want..." Holly slipped down to her knees and unbuckled Chase's pants and pulled them and his briefs down to his knees. Chase let out an audible moan as she started licking his cock, slowly at first, and then taking its entire length into her mouth. Holly had learned to deep throat, and she slowly let her lips and tongue glide over his rigid shaft. She lifted her head and looked directly into Chase's eyes. "It's not just sex...I can get as much sex as I want...but what I want is what I can't get enough of...what I've got right now. You and your educated cock!" She took Chase's hand and placed it on her pussy.

"Feel how wet it is, Chase," she whispered, "That juice is for you."

Slowly she moved his hand away and straddled his legs as she sank down onto his shaft. Rising and sinking slowly, she could have been the mother of all whores, but with her childlike face and body radiating with the heat coming from within she looked indescribably delicious. Chase grabbed her waist and started to thrust her up and down, but she squeezed her fourteen year old vagina tightly to keep him from doing it.

"No," whispered Holly, "You won't cum until I'm ready to cum, too!" Then she again began her slow rising and falling until she felt the tension building inside of her own body. her moans and breathing were so loud that Chase felt certain she would waken Sandy. Then, she quickened her pace and her whole body exploded with pleasure only seconds before Chase filled her with his cum. Holly stayed on Chase's lap for a few minutes in silence, then slowly dismounted.

"Well, what did you think?" asked Holly.

Chase shook his head. "Holly, you have become a remarkable sexpot! You're probably going to be written up in the Guiness Book of Records as one of the great all time fucks. But, as much as it's flattering to hear that you're infatuated with me, I think you should save those feelings for someone closer to your own age."

Holly started to laugh. "No, you silly! I didn't mean what did you think of me as a fucking partner. I wanted to know what you thought of me as an actress!"

Chase looked up at Holly and could not conceal his surprise. Then he slowly smiled and shook his head in admiration. "Holly...I underestimated you. I guess you really do have Cleary's vote!"

The reviewing period for this story has ended.