Published: 2-Jun-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
The glitter and pizzazz of the New York State Junior Finals was something not to be missed. The young boys and girls in their spangled and brightly colored satin costumes glided across the ice with the grace of ballet dancers. They practiced their single and double toe loops, lutz, flips, axels and dizzying spins. It was beautiful to behold. The arena was completely full of the skaters' friends, families and guests, each of whom had their eye on their own special contestant. To those observing the practice before the competition, each child appeared, to his or her parents, to be equal to or better than most of the others. But a lot of eyes were on fourteen year old Holly Martin who had taken the ice skating world by storm over the past twelve months and who seemed to be destined for the Olympics in a little more than a year. Among the female skaters, she would be the one to beat. And, many parents were wishing that if only their daughter scored equal to or higher than Holly...maybe their daughter would go on to the Seniors competition.
A whistle blew, and all the skaters silently left the ice rink as the lights dimmed and a spotlight came on to the first female contestant. The classical music began to flow through the loudspeakers to create an ambience for the sole skater in the spotlight. The candidate, a girl of thirteen, nervous though she was, tried to perform with an aura of complete confidence and relaxation. Even her missteps were glossed over with a glowing smile hiding the tears the girl felt inside as she hoped and prayed the judges didn't catch the little mistakes she was making.
When Holly Martin, the eighth female competitor of the evening, took the center of the ice rink wearing a spangled red and white skating dress with matching skates, her golden hair pulled back into a bun, she was a rare beauty to behold. Seldom had the ice seen a skater with such grace, perfect features, a fair complexion, sky-blue eyes and, more than anything else, a smile that seemed to emanate from within infecting the audience and making them share Holly's inner confidence. Even if Holly was your toughest competition, it would have been hard not to like her. She was the perfect picture of fourteen-year-old innocence, virtue, talent and enthusiasm. Holly had the look of a girl who knew she would win. And, as she glided effortlessly across the ice doing her leaps and spins, the audience had to agree with the judges: she was in a class all by herself. The judges gave her near-perfect scores, and the audience threw roses at her feet.
Her mother, Sandy Martin, was also a picture of beauty as she demurely sat in the audience, a very young mother glowing with pride at her daughter's performance. Sandy was aware that a lot of other mothers were looking at her, but she acted as though she was aware of nothing other than the current skater's performance in the ice arena. Many of the other mothers were quite envious of Sandy: Sandy was exceptionally pretty with her raven hair in bangs contrasting startlingly to her almost violet eyes. She was the mother of a beautiful girl who seemed destined for championship status. But more than anything else, Sandy appeared to be quite unassuming and unpretentious. She would talk freely with the other mothers and never had anything but good things to say about the other skaters.
When Holly finished her performance, the crowd in the ice arena gave her a standing ovation. Holly acknowledged it softly and with what seemed to be genuine humility. The audience and the judges absolutely loved her! She skated to the waiting box and was joined by her coach, Guy Lauder. They both smiled and waived to the audience as the judges' scores announced Holly's victory. Then Holly and Guy left the arena area and went together to the dressing room where the earlier contestants were now changing into their street clothes.
The other girls in the dressing room thought nothing of Guy's presence in the room while they were changing their clothes. They knew that Guy had no sexual interest in girls. He was one of the world's leading skating coaches, and everyone in that dressing room would have liked him to be their coach, but Guy, in addition to being very safe around girls, was extremely expensive. Guy only coached the very best skaters.
Like the others in that room, Holly thought nothing of Guy being there as she removed her skates, unzipped her skating dress, pulled down her costume panties and tights leaving her clad only in a cotton bra and cotton panties. In a moment, however, Holly had thrown on a knit shirt and jeans. She bent over and started pulling on her socks and shoes.
"You were absolutely great, darling," purred Guy.
"It felt good," responded Holly.
"I know you wanted to do your triple, but I simply felt it wasn't necessary this time."
"You were usual," quipped Holly.
Guy glowed with pride. "You looked like you were born on the ice."
Holly looked directly into Guy's eyes and her mind started to drift:
Born on the ice? No, she was not born on the ice...but she came very close to it. Her mother had thought figure skating was the most beautiful thing in the world, and she wanted her daughter to become a figure skater. By age four, Holly was learning to skate. By age five, her mother had hired a coach who worked at the local ice rink, to start teaching her how to move gracefully, skate backwards, and make spread-eagle turns. It wasn't long before Holly was showing exceptional promise. To encourage Holly still further, Sandy started buying her decent ice skates and skating dresses. But the cost was a big factor: Holly's father had deserted Sandy when Holly was two, and Holly had not seen or heard from him since. Sandy worked hard as a Fedex delivery person, but had to switch over to waitressing because it gave her more hours to be with Holly and her skating. Still, the expense was high. When Sandy found she did not have enough money to provide Holly with the things she needed for skating, Sandy found that a good way to get the coach to reduce or eliminate his fee was to have him spend the night at her apartment while Holly slept in the next room. Sandy was only seventeen years older than her daughter and a true beauty to behold.
Holly was a "natural" on the ice. She was so very pretty and graceful that she caught the eye of a lot of skaters and parents. When Holly went onto the ice, it was as if the rink belonged to her. Other skaters would clear the way for her because Holly was something special to see. Even when the rink assigned a specific "patch" of the ice to each skater, Other skaters gave Holly a wider and wider birth until Holly would somehow "take-over" the rink.
As Holly grew, a couple of her coaches began hinting that they would enjoy spending the night with Holly instead of her mother, but Sandy would have none of it. She watched her daughter as though she had eyes in the back of her head. Nothing escaped her probing looks and questioning of Holly if Holly ever spent any time alone with a coach. Not that Holly ever gave her any reason to suspect anything. Holly was completely focused on her skating and Sandy liked it that way.
By the time Holly was twelve her figure was developing, as was her competitive ability. The costumes she had worn even one year ago had become too small, and to start entering serious competition, she would need new costumes and new skates. Sandy gathered all her living relatives and begged, without success, to borrow money from them to have Holly enter the Junior Regional competition. When her relatives made up all kinds of excuses, Sandy became even more determined and maxed-out all her credit cards. This was it! All or nothing!
There was a little prize money available, but the big prizes were to get Holly known and recognized and maybe get some suppliers to endorse Holly and let Holly use their equipment for free. The entry fee to the competition was only the beginning. To compete with other top skaters of her age, Holly would need new and better skates, new skating dresses, new music, new routines... and a lot of encouragement.
By the time the big day arrived, Holly and Sandy had no nails left to bite. When Holly's turn came, she skated onto the ice as if she was a master of the ice rather than a frightened little girl entering her first major competition. In fact, to many in the audience, she was far and away the best skater in the competition. The audience applauded loudly for her as she took her bow gracefully.
Unfortunately, the judges did not agree and relegated her to 6th position in a field of twenty. Both Holly and Sandy were devastated.
Dejectedly, and overflowing with disappointment, they left the arena. On their way out, one of the other skaters came up behind them and gave a note to Sandy: Sandy read it...then she read it again...then she read it for a third time. Then she started to laugh, and hugged Holly so tightly that Holly's breath was squeezed out of her.
Chase Burns, who was the personal manager of more skating stars than you could count on your fingers, had written the note and said he would like to see them at his office tomorrow afternoon at 3:00. Excitement and anticipation coursed through both girls' veins. Both knew, without question, that if "the" Chase Burns was willing to become Holly's manager, then their financial problems would be over and, more important, Holly would be groomed for stardom. This was the best news they ever had! According to the note, Chase Burns had seen Holly skate in the competition and liked her.
The next day, both Holly and Sandy got dressed in their finest clothes and took the subway to the lower Manhattan office of Chase Burns Management. They were so nervous and filled with hopeful anticipation that they actually felt goose-bumps on their arms. They entered the sixty-two story office building. Burns' offices were in the penthouse. Even the express elevator ride to the sixty-second floor was impressive. The elevator doors opened to a large, granite reception desk set on a huge oriental carpet. Behind the desk was a pretty girl of about twenty. She smiled as Sandy and Holly stepped up to the desk.
"May I help you?" she smiled.
"Yes," said Sandy, "I believe Mr. Burns is expecting us."
"Your name, please?"
"Sandy Martin."
The receptionist smiled and looked at Holly. "Then you must be Holly Martin. Mr. Burns is expecting you both." The receptionist picked up the telephone and announced "The Martin's are here."
In a matter of seconds, a tall, thirtyish, blond woman dressed in a very finely tailored suit appeared. She had a distinctly British accent. "Mrs. Martin? Holly? I'm Miss Ellis, Mr. Burns' secretary. Please come with me, Mr. Burns is expecting you."
She led mother and daughter through two immense glass doors behind the reception desk and down a marble corridor with many people busy at work in offices off to each side. The walls were covered with larger-than-life-size photos of virtually every figure skater that mother and daughter had idolized. At the end of the corridor, Miss Ellis opened the door to an enormous corner office which was furnished with chairs and couches covered in the finest white Italian leather. The large windows overlooked much of New York City and Central Park. Behind a massive mahogany desk stood Chase Burns.
Burns was in his mid forties, and an absolutely gorgeous looking man. His temples were just touched with gray. His complexion was flawless with only the lines of an athlete around his mouth. He was slender, at least six feet tall and, and although he was wearing an Armani suit, you could tell he kept himself in very good shape. He stepped from behind his desk to greet Sandy and Holly with a big smile.
"Mrs. Martin...Holly...thank you so much for taking the time to come." Miss Ellis discreetly left the office and closed the door behind her. "Please sit down. Can I get you something to drink? Perhaps a Coke for Holly?"
Holly smiled showing white, even teeth, still missing the upper eye teeth on both sides which had not yet come in. Burns went to a wall, pushed a button, and an exceptionally well-stocked bar appeared to come out of the wall. He poured two glasses full of Coke and gave one to each of them.
Burns then walked around to the front of his desk and sat on the edge of it. This gave Burns a feeling of intimacy and informality although he was still at least ten feet away from mother and daughter.
"I imagine you're wondering why I asked you to come. The fact is that I was at the Junior Regionals yesterday, and I saw Holly skate. I liked what I saw, and I'm interested in managing her."
Both Holly and Sandy felt a brief shot of adrenaline shoot through them. Holly grinned from ear to ear.
"Please bear in mind," continued Burns, "that I'm not offering Holly a management contract...yet. I'm interested in Holly, but there are a number of hurdles to overcome."
"Such as what, Mr. Burns?" asked Sandy. Instinctively she became a little apprehensive.
"First, I think I should explain how the ice skating business really works: It's not at all as the public seems to think. The reason that Holly scored so poorly yesterday was because the judges were not prepped for her. They were told who the top few candidates would be and, if they want to maintain their status as judges, those are the candidates they favor with their scores."
Holly glanced at her mother not quite understanding.
"You mean it was fixed?" asked Sandy. Chase smiled in response and Sandy thought, "He's got everything. Looks, wealth, power..."
"Not quite," responded Chase. "You see...skating is not really the open competition the audience believes it to be. There is, of course, genuine competition between the top few skaters, but unless a skater is presented to the judges beforehand, she...or he...doesn't really stand a chance. And, to be among those top few skaters, you have to have a top coach and a top management firm behind you. Just between us, Holly was easily the best skater in the competition. I believe Holly has a lot of potential, but she's going to need a top coach, a top choreographer, a musical director, and a strong management team behind her. She's going to need skating dresses that will capture the imagination. Skates that can help her do the things she'd like to do and will be reliable under all circumstances. She's going to have to learn how to behave on and off the ice. She will have to be coached in her mannerisms to the spectators and to her adoring fans as well as her ability on skates. Remember, an ice skater is a performer...and a top ice skater is a top performer...on and off the ice. This requires a lot of training and takes a significant investment of time and money. There's a lot more than meets the eye in the making of a star."
Holly and Sandy held their breath.
"And, of course, Holly will have to be surrounded by the kind of publicity which will make her name a byword among skaters and judges. Before we can accept the responsibility of becoming a skater's manager, we have to be very certain of what we're doing. It's a major investment for us and we can't have any doubts about someone. We won't really make any return on our investment until Holly turns four or five years. Of course, in the interim, there will be endorsements, television commercials and other things to keep your bank account healthy...and to repay our outlay of funds. But that's why we have to choose the few we select very carefully. We can't take a chance that some little girl...or her mother...will allow us to invest our time and money and then, when the skater becomes a star, choose to go with some other management company or disaffirm our contract because it was entered into when she was a minor. We can't afford to have someone get a taste of fame and money and decide that they don't need us any more."
"We'd never do that," blurted Sandy.
Burns ignored her and continued. "Nor can we take the chance that our candidate here...or her mother...will not do absolutely everything we tell them to do...without hesitation and without question. We know what it takes to make a champion and a star out of an unknown. We can't afford to have someone disobeying our orders...or saying things to people which may destroy the illusion we'll build around Holly. When you're in the public eye, the way you really are is far less important than the way the public believes you are. So you see, when we tell you to say something or do something, you've got to say it or do it right away...without question and without hesitation. It's not important whether or not you understand 'why' we tell you to do it...You've got to have the faith and belief that whatever we tell you to do is important and will help to make you a champion. And when I say do everything I tell you to do, I mean precisely that."
"There are sponsors and judges that have to be entertained by your presence. I can provide you with the very best in fact Guy Lauder was with me at the competition yesterday, and he's told me he would be willing to coach Holly...of course, that is if Holly is under contract to us. Actually, we figure that we will have invested between three and five hundred thousand dollars in you in the first year alone. It's our job to make you one of the top candidates for the Olympics in less than three years...but whether or not you win the gold will be strictly up to you and your skating skills. We've got to have you trained, tutored...we have to have you winning Regional contests, State contests, National titles...You will have to leave school and go onto a 'home study' program. You must place yourself solely at our and night. And, if you do absolutely everything I tell you to do, there is a good chance we can mold you into a champion. Now, you both understand this completely?"
Holly and Sandy nodded mutely.
"And you are both willing to do whatever I tell you to do?"
Again the girls nodded their heads mutely.
"Remember, if you're not willing to do what I tell you to do without question, tell me now and you can walk out of this office none the worse for the wear. You can leave at any time, and there will be no hard feelings...but I caution you that if you leave you will not be invited back. There are literally thousands of potentially great skaters out there...and I've chosen you. Do you understand me clearly?"
Both Holly and Sandy nodded again.
"O.K....Let's start. Holly, get undressed!"
Holly's eyes became as wide as saucers. "What?"
"I said get undressed."
Sandy suddenly jolted to life. "Wait a minute...wait a minute. Why do you want Holly to undress?"
"Mrs. Martin...I cannot afford to have my orders questioned. Either do as I direct, or go home."
"But you're asking my daughter to get undressed. What are you?" gasped Sandy, "Some sort of pervert?"
Chase smiled. "I'm the worst kind of pervert. I teach little girls how to become international to achieve a level of celebrity that nine hundred ninety nine girls out of a thousand would sell their very souls for. Yes, there are times when I may act like a dirty old man...but there are millions of dirty old men out there. And very few can make the difference between you earning ten dollars an hour plus tips for the rest of your life and a million dollars for a single appearance. Of course, you know our track record. We have never taken on a skater who has done less than a silver medal in the nationals or earned less than a few million. So please make up your mind that you're going to do whatever I tell you to do without question and you'll have the opportunity for a life beyond your wildest dreams...or...go home...and I promise I will not hold anything against you." Chase stared directly at Holly.
Sandy stood up. "Come on, honey, let's go."
Holly turned her head towards her mother. "Wait a minute."
Sandy turned to look at her daughter, an expression of genuine shock on her face. "What?"
"Mom...I might even become national champion."
"Holly..." gasped Sandy, " don't know what you're saying..."
"Mom...This is my whole life. I might even compete in the Olympics..."
"Just tell me something, Mr. Burns..." began Holly, "What about all of these other stars you represent...Did you make them undress for you, too?"
Chase smiled. "Every one of them. And, I might add, they all became champions in every way, admired by the entire world."
"Holly..." cried Sandy, "Let's get out of here now."
"Wait a minute mom. All he wants me to do is undress."
"Don't you realize he just wants you for sex? You're too young to even know what sex is!"
"You're wrong, mom...I know."
"You don't know anything. You're only twelve."
Chase sat on the edge of his desk and smiled. He was enjoying this. "Sandy..." began Chase, "How old were you when you learned about sex?"
Sandy stopped in her tracks and stared at Chase.
Chase picked up a manila folder from his desk and glanced at its contents. "Let's were seventeen and two months when you had Holly. That means you were having sex when you were sixteen, right? Or is my math incorrect? And then, of course there was that incident at Lincoln Jr. High School when the janitor caught you giving oral sex to a boy named Robert Klein in the boy's bathroom. Let's were thirteen that right?"
Sandy looked like she had been stabbed with a knife. "Where did you get that information?" she asked.
"A successful businessman always does his homework thoroughly. And tell me, Sandy, what was your first introduction to sex? The back seat of some old car? And what did it get you...besides being pregnant when you were sixteen?"
Sandy staggered back to her chair and sat down.
"As a matter of fact, Sandy, Holly is about the same age as you were when you started to experiment with sex, isn't that true? The only real difference is that instead of playing dirty games in the bushes or the back seat of a car...pretending that you're in love but knowing that it's all a game...worrying about getting pregnant...Yes, Sandy...part of the price you'll have to pay is sexual, but in exchange for it I'm offering you and your daughter a chance you will probably never have again. and if you think about it, a little sexual activity is nothing to become upset about. If Holly hasn't already become sexually active, she will soon...with or without my company behind her. And she has a great deal to gain if she chooses to be with me."
"Holly's never had sex with anyone...I know she hasn't," said Sandy. Sandy looked at her daughter for acknowledgement, but Holly turned her head away. "Have you Holly?"
"Have you Holly?" repeated Sandy.
"Mom...I'm still a virgin...but I've played around with some boys. They've seen me naked, so what difference does it make now if someone else sees me?"
Sandy could not keep the tears back. "But you're only twelve..."
"I'll be thirteen in a few months." Mother and daughter just looked at each other. There were a lot of words in the air, but none were said.
"Ah, yes," mused Chase. "The loss of innocence which wasn't there in the first place. It's always a little shocking to discover the truth, isn't it? But don't let it bother you. Innocence is only something parents imagine in their's never really there. Sooner or later, every pretty girl is going to become a sex object to some men. The big difference is whether it happens in the bed of an old pickup truck or with someone who can make every single aspect of your life into a dream come true. One way or another, it's going to happen. You're fortunate that you have a choice. Most girls don't have any choice in the matter."
Holly looked at her mother. "Mom?"
Sandy looked beaten. "I know you're growing up...but I always wanted to protect you from the way I grew up. I don't want you to do this...but I know that it could mean a lot to you...Go whatever you want."
"That's not enough, Mrs. Martin...Sandy. I need your full cooperation as long as Holly is under the age of eighteen. I want you there every step of the way. I want you to tell her, enthusiastically, that you think this is an opportunity of a lifetime and that you both should follow my direction without question. Reassure her that you'll support her in all aspects of her training, including her sexual training. I'm sure you know what it's like to learn about sex in the back seat of a Chevrolet."
"It was a Honda," muttered Sandy.
"It's your decision to make."
Sandy moved her jaw as if to speak, but no sound was forthcoming. "I can't," she whispered.
"Then leave...both of you!"
"Mom!" piped Holly putting her hands on her mother's shoulders. "Tell him whatever he wants to hear!"
Again Sandy moved her mouth as if to speak, but no sound came forth.
Still no sound from Sandy.
"Mom...I'm going to do whatever he wants anyhow...Skating is my whole life! I have a chance to become a champion. If it takes learning about sex, that's fine with me...I don't mind."
Sandy shut her eyes slowly, then looked up at her daughter. "Go ahead, Holly. Do whatever Mr. Burns tells you to do."
"Thank you, Sandy," said Chase, "but I want more enthusiasm. This is a great opportunity for both you and your daughter. If I were you, I'd show some love and joy for Holly...You've got the chance to make her life the life you never had. Remember Sandy...Holly's future is in your hands...right now."
"Please mom."
Sandy straightened herself up in her seat. "Alright...alright. what Mr. Burns tells you to do. Everything. It will be fine with me. I will do my part and support you."
Holly hugged her mother's neck and kissed her. Then she turned to Chase. Slowly and deliberately she unbuttoned her blouse. With each button, her anticipation grew stronger. It was as if, in her twelve-year-old way, she was trying to put on a show for Chase. Weakly imitating some actress she had seen in a movie, she slowly removed her blouse and let it drop to the floor. Then directly facing Chase, she slowly unbuttoned and unzipped her skirt letting it drop to the floor. She stepped out of it. She was now wearing only a cotton undershirt and a pair of white, floral print, panties. As she glanced up into Chase's eyes, she could sense the lust burning there...and she became less certain of her own moves. "Everything, Mr. Burns?"
"Everything, Holly. And please call me Chase."
Holly kicked off her moccasins and pulled her undershirt over her head. Her breasts had just begun to form and her nipples appeared much too large for the slight swelling behind them. Then she turned away from Chase so she didn't have to look at him as she slipped her thumbs under the elastic and quickly divested herself of her panties.
"Turn around and face me," ordered Chase. As Holly slowly turned to face Chase, her arms instinctively went across her breasts to hide them. But as she wilted under Chase's piercing eyes, she dropped her arms to her sides. Chase scrutinized her carefully. There was already a modest growth of dark hair growing around her labia and her hips were just beginning to round. Holly stood there, not saying a word. Chase drank every inch of her in with his eyes. He made no attempt to disguise his lust or pleasure at what he saw.
"Very good, Holly. Now Holly, I want you to come over here and kneel in front of me, unzip my fly and start sucking my cock."
Holly turned to her mother, who sat watching transfixed as though in a trance. Holly then turned back to Chase. "I don't know how," She whimpered.
"No problem," smiled Chase. "Sandy...come over here and teach your daughter how to suck my cock." Sandy sat motionless. "Now!" snapped Chase.
Her whole body trembling, Sandy stood up and walked over to Chase as if hypnotized. She fell to her knees and unzipped his fly as Holly also came closer. Sandy pulled Chase's semi-hard cock from his pants and started to lick it. As it began to grow and get hard, Sandy placed it in her mouth and started to caress the shaft with her hand. There was no question of it, a part of Sandy was becoming aroused as she demonstrated oral sex to her preteen daughter. Suddenly Chase pushed Sandy's head away. "Alright, Holly, now you!"
Holly looked at her mother and smiled reassuringly. Then, silently, Holly moved in front of Chase. She hadn't realized how big his cock had become and she wondered if she could get the whole thing in her mouth. Slowly she took his shaft in her hand and placed the head on her lips and started to lick. The taste wasn't nearly as bad as she expected and she allowed a little of the head to enter her mouth. Following her mother's lead, she began to move her head back and forth as her tongue swirled around the head and Holly gradually took more and more of the shaft into her mouth. A slight moan escaped Chase's lips and Holly looked up at Chase's face. His eyes were closed and he was obviously, lost in the pleasure of what was happening.
It suddenly occurred to Holly that the pleasure Chase was experiencing was being caused by her. An unexpected rush of total femininity filled Holly and she began to enjoy what she was doing in earnest. She noticed that if her tongue swirled over certain areas of Chase's cock, it brought a moan of pleasure from him. As Holly played with his shaft in her mouth, she began to gain a feeling of power from controlling the situation.
"That's it, sweetheart. You're doing fine," her mother told her.
Suddenly Holly noticed that his cock was getting even harder. Chase's hands grabbed the back of her head and he began to fuck Holly's face. Holly had to fight a gagging sensation. "I'm cumming, Holly," he whispered.
"Ok, Holly,", Sandy spoke with a degree of urgency in her voice, "hold him inside your mouth and swallow. Pump his shaft with your hand to milk his sperm into your mouth. Swallowing his juice won't hurt you."
Holly felt the cock in her mouth become completely rigid and then start to spasm. She began to swallow as Chase filled her mouth with his hot sperm. At first it seemed like the spasms would never end, but as they slowed to a dribble and Chase's cock began to soften, Holly instinctively kept sucking until nothing more came into her mouth.
Chase pulled back out of Holly's mouth and smiled broadly. "That was very good, Holly. But, Sandy, you've got too many clothes on. I want you both naked."
Sandy looked at her daughter questioningly. "Go ahead, mom, do as he says."
Sandy looked at Chase thoughtfully. She had just finished teaching her twelve year old daughter how to suck cock...something she could never have believed herself capable of doing. Sandy was surprised by how wet her own crotch had become. And the inkling of recognition that she, too, was getting-off on what was going on entered her mind. In the fraction of a second it takes to recognize something right in front of you, Sandy realized the truth that she wanted Chase to fuck her.
Sandy reached behind herself and unzipped the back of her dress. With a shrug it fell to the floor. Slowly and deliberately she unhooked the front of her orchid-colored satin bra and removed it showing two perfectly shaped 36-C breasts. With her thumbs placed under the elastic, she peeled off her matching bikini panties, then stood naked in front of Chase.
Chase looked at her admiringly. "You are really a beautiful woman," he said. "By the time I finish training the two of you, Holly's going to be an Olympic champion." Chase stood up and started removing his own clothes. Both mother and daughter noticed that his member was again semi-hard.
Chase finished undressing then leaned over and wiped two of his fingers across Holly's engorged slit now heavy with her juices. He looked at the moisture on his fingers and rubbed his thumb and forefinger together feeling the slickness between them.
Holly closed her eyes and started breathing heavily.
Chase lifted Holly onto one of the leather chairs and spread her legs wide. He then bent down and began licking Holly's pussy.
As his tongue lapped at the opening to Holly's vagina, Holly began to experience new, pleasant sensations emanating from within her vagina...and the pleasant feelings began to build as Chase's tongue continued to massage Holly's clit. The new feelings were now encompassing her whole body and, again, Holly felt the strange rush of femininity mixed with new, beautiful sensations. Holly began thrusting her hips upwards to meet Chase's lapping tongue. There was a burning excitement building up inside her and she didn't really fully understand the tension emanating within her. She wasn't even aware that she was moaning and panting loudly as her body shuddered with its first orgasm.
Chase lifted his mouth from Holly's dripping vagina and leaned up. He put is arms under her knees and pulled her body to him.
Chase's cock had become hard for the second time. He gently massaged her clit as he pressed his stiff cock against her very wet labial opening, then he applied gentle pressure. Chase watched as the bulbous head of his cock slowly separated the lips and Holly's young labia stretched to accommodate him.
"You're hurting me," said Holly.
"Sorry, honey. It usually hurts the first time. But then it will never hurt again," said Chase softly.
Sandy's breathing became deep and her mind disoriented as she watched the bulbous head of Chase's cock entering her daughter's vagina.
Chase looked down and watched as the head of his cock seemed to force the labia to open even wider. Then, with one hard thrust he plunged his cock into Holly's cunt. Holly let out a gasp of pain, and screamed, " hurts!"
"It's O.K., baby. It's gonna be O.K. Just relax...It'll be over soon," Sandy soothed.
Chase continued thrusting slowly without regard to Holly's tears and he watched Holly's face with satisfaction as her expression of pain was replaced with a look of concentration.
Chase was very surprised when he felt Sandy's warm, moist tongue on his balls as he fucked Holly. Chase withdrew from Holly and turned to face Sandy.
Sandy immediately took Chase's cock into her mouth, deep-throated it and then backed off. She looked up at Chase pleadingly. "Please fuck me,", she whispered, "I need to get off."
Chase lifted Sandy, like a toy and pushed her back to the wall, letting Sandy slide down and engulf his cock in her womb. He lifted her up and down with one arm under each leg. In less than a minute, Sandy started to scream as she exploded into a monumental orgasm. The contractions of Sandy's shuddering cunt as she exploded brought Chase to his own climax as Holly watched in awe.
All three sat on the carpet and marble floor, completely spent.
"This was far better than I had hoped," muttered Chase.
"It was ok up to the fucking," piped Holly. "I sure hope you're right about the next time."
"I'm sure it will feel much better next time," Chase reassured her.
"I always thought my first time would be with a boy my own age...but I guess there's no turning back now."
"Would you want to turn back if you had the chance?" asked Chase.
Holly looked at Chase...then turned to her mother...then back to Chase. "No," she said softly.
Chase sat up. "I liked it, too...and we'll do it many times...with lots of different people...people who can help you in your skating career. And between you and your mother I can tell you for sure that you're going to have one helluva future."
Chase sat down next to Sandy and pulled Holly onto his lap. "Let me tell you the rules," he began, "Unlike most sports, in skating you don't score goals or cross a finish line first. How well you do on ice is based on the opinions of the judges. What we're going to start doing is shaping their opinions before the competition starts. I have some influence because I've managed three Olympic Champions and four National title holders."
"The judges are usually people knowledgeable about skating, but they, too, are beholden to people who sponsor their athletes. Holly, you and your mother are going to meet them all...and you're going to get them all beholden to you...even if it means doing with some of them what we just did together. Some will prefer to be alone with your mother, but a surprising number will want you."
"You mean all these people will want to fuck me?" asked Holly.
"Not all," continued Chase, "Probably very few. But there will be some who like very young girls...which reminds me...When you go home tonight, I want you to shave your pussy. Some don't want to see any hair." Holly nodded. "And once you have been intimate with them, you will tell them how much you enjoyed it... it will be my job, not yours, to casually remind them that they could go to jail for knowing you so intimately."
"What about you?" chimed Sandy, "You could go to jail, too."
"Of course...but I don't think that's likely, do you? I may have forgotten to mention that I have three video cameras on in this office at all times. The District Attorney might have an interesting opinion of a mother who teaches her twelve year old daughter how to suck cock. But I don't want to end a beautiful day on a sour note. It would be the height of foolishness for us to start threatening each other. There is a tremendous amount of work that's going to start tomorrow morning, and I want you to devote one hundred percent of your life to doing the things necessary. The Olympics is little more than two years away, and that doesn't give any of us much time. Get your clothes on, and when you leave I'll turn you over to Miss Ellis who will prepare a schedule for you starting tomorrow morning. I've already told my legal department to start preparing a contract for you."
"You were pretty confident we'd do what you wanted," said Sandy.
"Winners are always confident," smiled Chase.
Chase stood up and started to gather his clothing. Sandy and Holly did likewise.
"Now go home and shave that pussy. Guy Lauder already has you on his schedule to start work with you at 8:00 tomorrow morning. He will be your new coach and will be paid by my company."
"Will he be fucking me, too?" asked Holly.
"No," Chase smiled, "He much prefers the company of young boys. But he's the best coach in the country and he'll discuss your training schedule with you when you see him tomorrow. Today was a day for pleasure...but starting tomorrow, you're going to begin working harder than you've ever worked. And, oh, before I forget, I'm going to have a combination press conference and party to announce you to the public in about ten days. I'll want the both of you looking your best. Miss Ellis will take you both shopping and to the beauty parlor next Friday. And I must say that I have rarely seen a mother-daughter combination where both are so ravishingly beautiful."
Chase and the girls finished dressing.
"And, by the way...just in case you're wondering whether you made the right decision... you did! I'm going to make Holly into the biggest skating star the world has seen in years. The fun is just beginning."
Holly snapped out of her daze in the dressing room as Sandy came in. "Holly, your performance tonight was great...and Baby, I've got wonderful news..." she said.
Holly and Guy Lauder looked up at Sandy.
"Chase just told me we've got two weeks to get ready for the Nationals in Seattle."
"The Nationals?" squeaked Holly with delighted surprise.
"Chase said that the chairman of the Nationals Committee was here tonight and told Chase that you were being added as a last minute addition."
"Two weeks?" squealed Guy. "We've only got two weeks to prepare you for the Nationals? Come on Holly...go home and pack your bags. We're leaving for Seattle in the morning."
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