Published: 28-Jan-2011
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This is a continuation from the first 3 installments. Please read them first so the events here will make sense! It involves college graduate students using live pre-teen children in an experiment to see if they can instill a spanking fetish in 10 days using Pavlov's 'classical conditioning.'
The days passed as such, each spanking session getting harder, yet each time I'd wet, it would feel better and better. However, the very next day, they removed our butt plugs again. It seems their writing in the clipboards never ended. One afternoon, they told us they were giving us a 'memory test' where we had to sit in a room and watch a screen. However, they put these things kinda like the butt plugs inside our private parts, only they had a wire that went from these to a machine. And so we sat in chairs in this room watching different pictures flash before us for a few seconds. There was a dog, a ball, a house a tree, and then? a spanking paddle! Suddenly, I felt tingly at the appearance. I could even feel a little wetness, but I'm sure they wouldn't know? until they took those thingies out of our private parts. This went on for quite a while, seeing different pictures of simple things. But every once and a while, there would be a picture of a paddle, a belt, a flat hairbrush? something that could be used to give spankings with. And ever time, it made me tingly! Don't know what this was all about, but I was kind of glad when it was over.
Anyway, after they took us out of the room, a GA came up to me. "Angie, we need your help. Remember, you were made to be a 'special helper.' And so I'd like you to come with me for a special session!" she said quietly.
"Oh?" I said. "What am I supposed to do?"
"Well, this time, we're going to have you help us with Jessica, being that you were concerned over her. I'll take you in to the room where she is but you must be quiet the whole time. She'll be blindfolded so she won't know you're in there or that you're doing it. So you must not make a single sound, okay?"
"Okay!" I said as I felt the same way I feel when my mom says we're going out to dinner. And so she led me back out into the hallway from this room and down another hallway until she took me into the room where Jessica lay blindfolded on the spanking bench. Jessica heard the door so she knew someone else was in the room, but not who.
"I'm just going to make some extra notes during this session," said my GA to hers.
"Did everything go okay with the previous subject?" asked her GA. I guess she was expecting both of us and knew what this was about."
"Better than expected," said my GA.
"We're ready then," said her GA. "She's already had her morning temperature taken."
"What are you gonna do to me now?" asked Jessica from the bench.
"Just lie still, honey," said her GA. "There's gonna be a spanking, but it won't be like the one that made you cry. This one won't hurt as much, but it will probably sting some! Are you okay with that?"
"I guess," said Jessica.
And with that, her GA handed me the paddle. She brought her finger to her mouth to remind me to be very quiet, before bending down to whisper softly in my ear. "She thinks it's me giving the spanking," she whispered. "Now do whatever you think she needs. Spank hard, soft, or medium at any time. But stop if she starts crying."
I nodded as I stepped forward, now realizing my tiny clit was throbbing as it poked out between my nether lips! And so I took my place beside the bench and stared down at her cute little naked body and those bright round bare buns of hers, just waiting for the paddle. And so I lowered the paddle and rested it against her bare bottom. Just the touch alone made her squirm and gasp a little. I felt myself breathing hard but tried to keep quiet.
And so, the first thing I did was tap her lightly on her bottom, just to watch those two little butt cheeks jiggle. I tapped her again harder, and then harder still as I got the feel for the paddle. Then, I rubbed it gently against her bottom. From the bottom of my heart, I wanted her to feel the soothing rub against her bare butt cheeks. She squirmed again and softly moaned as I rubbed.
Then, I raised the paddle and gave a light swat that wouldn't have hurt at all. She must have been a little nervous because she squeaked, thinking it would be harder. I spanked her again lightly, but this time, she humped the bench. I guess that was the best thing that had ever happened in my life so far, is knowing that I made a cute girl want to hump. And so I swatted her a little harder, but the spanks were still mild like a love-pat. I did this a few times and watched what she would do. She seemed relaxed now and I knew she liked it because I did when it happened to me. Then, I began to spank harder and harder, until I was giving her the medium spanks. And soon enough, she began to go "Aaah! Aaah!" as the swats landed. She slowly humped the bench back and forth with each swat from the paddle.
Just to tease her, I stopped for a minute and rubbed her bottom with the paddle again. I gave one 'Pop!' that she didn't expect, and then rubbed some more. I could hear her softly moan under her breath. Then, I gave her some more medium swats. I went slow, waiting about two seconds between each swat to watch her squirm, hump, and her bottom jiggle between each smack of the paddle. I tried to make it sting some, but not so hard that she wouldn't like it.
Then I stopped to rub her bottom again. I went around in circles on her left bun, and then her right. Then, I got really bold. I switched the paddle to my left hand and then with my right hand, I dared to touch her warm bare red bottom with my finger. I gently drew a circle on her left butt cheek. Immediately, she squeezed her buns tight and went "Aaaah!" as she humped the bench. Then I drew an 'X' with my finger on her bun. I did the same to the right side and watched her tense up as it tickled. I knew she liked it, and she seemed to be liking it more now than the time we both got spanked at the same session.
Then, I really got brave and did what I was thinking about since I started spanking her. I stretched my finger out and slowly tickled her down her crack, starting up on her lower back, and then going down, almost to her hidden privates. She tightened her bottom again and went "Mmmmmph!" as she gave the bench on long hard hump. But that was just the beginning. I went back up her crack again with my finger and watched her squirm and make a "Ssssss!" sound as she breathed in. By now, I could feel a drop leaking out of my swollen privates, but I didn't dare look down.
But that was just the warm up. It was time for the big thing. I moved my finger down her crack again until I reached her little pink bum-hole. I stopped there and slowly poked for a few seconds. It was still slick from the Vaseline from her temp-taking, but I was afraid to push too hard. I quickly looked back at the two lab-ladies, who only stood there watching me. They never nodded yes or shook their heads no. Both of them were writing things down on there clipboards like crazy. And so, I looked again to what I was doing. I gently pushed my finger in her bottom a little.
"Aaaah!" she cried as she lifted her bottom a little. That made it easier to go in further, but soon her bottom went back down again and tightened up so hard I couldn't go anymore. A second later, she relaxed and I was able to push my finger the rest of the way in. It felt warm in there and soon her little butt hole muscle squeezed my finger tight. It was tighter than if someone had grabbed my finger. I could hardly move it, but I wiggled it a little. She moaned again and then she let go of my finger enough to where I could pull it back out. But I only got halfway when she squeezed my finger again. Once her little butt hole relaxed again, I pushed back in deep again. I slowly went back an forth a few times. Feeling her little butt hole muscles squeeze and let go of my finger was the greatest thing in the world. I also twisted my finger from side to size, wiggled, and went in and out. And it was at this time, I realized the tip of my pinkie was brushing up against her lower lips that poked out from her crotch. They were very soft and warm. And this light touch made her hump the bench very hard and made her go "Aaah! Aaah!" in her high girlish voice.
But then, I decided to give her some more spanks so I slowly pulled out, which was hard because her butt hole was squeezing my finger so hard. Once out, I gently rubbed her bottom again with two fingertips, very slow and soft, just like I would pet a cat. I did it like someone who cared. Then, I took the paddle and rubbed her bottom with it too. She tensed up again when she realized it was time to get more spanks. And so I gently tapped her bottom a few times and then began to give her a few medium spanks. They were loud when they hit and made her squirm, but she didn't seem to mind. After about four medium spanks, I gave her a hard one, right on the left bun. Crack! "Ooow!" she cried. I then gave her a medium swat again on the same place. Then I gave her a hard one on the right bun. Smack! "Ooow-ow!" she cried again. I gave her a hard one across both buns. Whack! "Ooooooow!" she moaned. But I gave her a break and made the next two only medium. Then, I gave her two more hard ones. The way she squirmed and said "Ooow!" I was afraid I was hurting her too much, so I gave two medium spanks, followed by some light soft spanks. As she got a little relaxed as the light spanks landed on her jiggling bottom, I got a mean streak and gave her two hard ones, one on the left and one on the right. Then I gave her two medium swats across both buns. I wanted to stop and give her a break, but I wanted to finish her off so her bottom would be nice and warm. And so I gave her four hard ones in a row. Smack! First on the left then 'whack!' across both before 'Crack!' on the right and then a real hard 'WHACK!' across both.
"Ooooow! Ooow-wooow!" she wailed. I was afraid she was about to cry so I stopped. I held the paddle up against her bottom for a few moments and then began to rub again. She calmed down and it seamed like she was not in as much pain. And so, I set the paddle down again and then went to rub her bottom, just like last time. Once again, I moved my fingers over her bottom like gently petting a cat and then drew a large circle on each bun, and then an 'X' again. And again, I tickled her crack, just like before. I went down and back up, down and back up as she moaned with her breaths and humped the bench. Finally, I slowly slid my finger in again. It went in a little easier this time and soon it was all the way in with her butt hole muscles squeezing me tight. I slowly pulled in and out, gently wiggling and twisting my finger as I went. Her breathing got faster and her moaning of "Ooooh! Ooooh" got louder. She began humping a little harder and faster too. And so I moved my finger a little faster. I went in and out faster, twisted faster, and wiggled faster. And so, with each thrust of my finger, I let the tip of my pinky gently touch her lower cunny lips! I could feel her squeeze tightly and let go at a quicker rate as she kept humping and moaning. As this went on, she'd hump and breathe faster and I'd go faster with my finger. A few minutes later, she started going "Eeeee! Eeeee!" in a high voice, that got higher each time. "Don't stop!" she squeaked. "Don't stop! Keep doin' it! Keep doin' it!" Faster and faster she breathed and humped and faster and faster I moved my finger. "Oh, that feels good!" she cried. "Don't stop! I wanna wet!"
Then came the moment I was waiting for. She lifted her head up with her mouth like an 'O' and let out a real high "Eeeeeeee!" and then suddenly got quiet. Her body jerked once and her bum hole squeezed my finger very tightly for a few seconds. She breathed real crazy-like and soon I felt her butt-hole squeeze and let go of my finger. It went real fast where it would squeeze and then let go, squeeze and then let go, maybe two times a second. Maybe fifteen seconds later, her little strong butt hole muscles let go of my finger and didn't grab again. Her head fell back down to the bench and she went "Aaaaah, Aaaah,' as she tried to catch her breath. "I? I wet again!" she said when she could talk. And so, I slid my finger out of her bottom, took the paddle, and stepped back.
Jessica was still trying to catch her breath as she continued to hug and slowly hump at the bench. Just watching that tight little ass slowly squeeze tight and then relax made me feel like I might wet right down my leg without even touching myself or rubbing against anything. "Ooooh!" sighed Jessica as she gave the bench one long tight hug, squeezing it with her legs wrapped tightly. Her head was resting weightless against the padding. Who knew what her eyes were doing behind that blindfold! And once again, her pelvis gave another long hump against the wet paper of the bench and her two little buttocks squeezed tightly to half their size!
Finally, I could not contain myself any longer. Forgetting I was in the presence of two grown women, I stepped forward again and reached out with my hand. I gently squeezed her still-reddened bottom and then caressed it in a circle with my fingertips. "Oooh!" she moaned again with a twinge against the bench.
Perhaps both of us had forgotten where we were. Nevertheless, I suddenly jumped on the bench behind her. I slowly began to hump against the bare flesh of her freshly-spanked bottom-- spanked by me! I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her body tight! I humped harder and harder as my hands worked their way down to between her legs. Soon, I felt that warm slippery little hairless slit. I let one, then two fingers slide into that canyon of swollen flesh and rubbed viciously! "Oooooh! Aaaah! AAAAH!" she cried out, once again humping hard at my hand!
I lost all track of time. I forgot we were in the lab being watched by two grown-ups. All I knew is I wanted all of her and all I could think of is how great this felt! And as it was, my throbbing clit was rubbing against her tail bone as my fingers kept rubbing her slit! Faster and faster we both humped until I heard her let out a squeal that hurt my ears! Could it be? Was she going to wet again, this time all over my fingers? I wanted that more than anything else. And I wanted to wet at the same time!
Only moments later, I felt that warm flush throughout my body as my head began to spin. Then came the greatest feeling in the world. Suddenly, I felt that explosion in my little cunny that quickly spread through my whole body! A second later, Jessica's body jerked hard, soon followed by a lot of warm sticky juice on my hand! We must have both been moaning very loud, but all I remember is how great it felt to be doing this together! The warmth of her body against mine was like heaven!
Soon, I simply collapsed, leaning against her naked body as she lay like a wet noodle against the bench. I think she may have passed out. All I remember is how wet and sticky my fingers were, and the room even smelled of that particular 'girl scent' from our wettings!
I must have been half-asleep when I heard a soft voice behind me say, "Did you get all this down?" It was my GA.
"Yeah," I heard the other say. "This is gonna make one great theziz!" or something like that.
Then, I think I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Angie? Angie? You can get up now!"
But I was too drained of energy to move. I think my body was a little sore too! The humping had worn me out and the big wetting left a cramp in my tummy. "Well, I guess we'll have to carry them," said one, though I don't remember which. And so, I remember being carried over a shoulder to the room where the bunk beds were. I remember staring at the floor and hearing a few giggles among them. I swore one of them said, "I think we should definitely slip away for a few moments after this! I need some relief!" And then I heard the other GA say, "Sure! Why not!"
* * * * * *
I don't even remember that much about being put into bed. But I do remember waking up in that quiet room in the lower bunk all alone. I laid there for a while trying to remember what happened after I had literally 'f*cked' Jessica! But finally I put my bare feet on the floor and stood up, only to find Jessica a few bunks over starting to wake up. Finally, she looked me in the eye, although she held the blanket over her naked body. "Uh? hello Jessica," I said with a shy smile. But she only stared back as she sucked on her thumb. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked. "Have a nice nap?" But still she only stared right at me with thumb in mouth, but refused to answer. It was the old childish 'silent treatment.' The little brat seemed to like taunting me for some reason. However, I got bold and sat my naked self at the edge of her bed to do some taunting of my own. "Y'know Jessica, in case you don't know, it wasn't your GA who gave you the last spanking!"
She sucked her thumb a little more before finally pulling it out. "Nuh-uh!" she said. "Of course she did!"
"I see! And do you remember wetting?"
"None of your beeswax!" she snapped with a bratty smile.
"I saw you!" I said quietly.
"Nuh-uh!" she protested.
"Uh-huh!" I replied with a wicked grin. "Because I gave you the spanking! They blindfolded you so you wouldn't know! But I gave you the spanking!"
"You did not!" she said in utter shock.
"Oh yes I did! And you deserved that spankin' you little brat!" I said. "And then you wet all over my hand! I made you wet!"
Suddenly, poor Jessica blushed blood red! I think she believed it, but didn't want to believe it? something like that. By the movement from under her blanket, I could tell she was crossing her naked legs tight! "You? you're weird!" was all she could say.
But I leaned close and held her shoulders down. "Oh? but you loved every minute of it!" I said as I rubbed noses with her. Then, I began to tickle her ribs.
"Eeek!" she squeaked as she broke free and rolled onto her side into a ball, laughing.
"You fell asleep after your last wet and that's why they carried us in here!"
"Stop!" she begged over her laughter. And so I granted her mercy and stopped tickling her.
"Okay, you little brat! But I hope they come to get us soon for dinner 'cause I'm hungry!"
And only a moment later, we heard the door rattling. Never in my life did I move faster, flying over the floor and diving into my own bunk as a GA came in with her ever-present clipboard. "You girls awake?" she asked.
"Yeah!" I said. "We're awake. Did we miss dinner?"
"No, they're serving right now! I'm here to get you for your supper!"
"Oh goodie!" said Jessica, finally leaping out of her bed. And I stared too, simply not able to get enough of her little naked body.
And so, she led us down the hall gently holding us each by the shoulder to the lunchroom full of naked kids. Once again, we sat down across from each other with our trays of burgers and fries. After five minutes of silence, she finally leaned forward and whispered, "Did you really do it?"
Before answering, I took a bite of my burger and slowly began to chew. "Uh-huh!" I finally said with a mouthful of food. "Didja like it?"
With that, she leaned back in her chair again. "Mmmm? maayyybe," she mumbled as if not quite ready to talk about it. And so she picked up her burger and took a bite as if to keep me from asking any more about it. However, I knew now that I was getting to he the way she said 'maayyybe.' Another tingling rush ran down my spine!
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