Published: 27-Jan-2011
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The hard tile floor felt cold on my bare feet as I walked down the corridor. I followed a young woman in lab scrubs who called herself a 'grad-student' or more simply a 'GA.' (Graduate Assistant) But I was completely naked! In spite of not having any boobs yet, I crossed my arms over my chest. It was either that or cover my privates. The hallway was not cold, but it was a rather interesting feeling. I felt like I was in a hospital, but in fact it was the basement floor of this old building at Long Pointe University. I was a 'test subject' as they told me. I got some money for helping them out, and would get more when it was over, they said.
And so my GA lead me around a corner where I saw a lot of closed doors. She opened one and said, "Okay Angie, in this room please," just like I was at the doctor's office. I wasn't really scared. But when you're ten years old, walking around naked in a building like this is NOT how you plan to spend your summer! But then again, my single mom wasn't rich and it's not like we would have gone to Disney Land or Paris!
* * * * *
So how did I end up here, naked in the basement of Freud Hall? It all began earlier that spring when my mom got this letter. She told me about it briefly, saying that the university was looking for kid volunteers. She didn't read it to me but said I could get some money for college plus a new bike? and possibly we'd get a new TV! Naturally, I wanted to know what it was about. All she finally told me was it would be about spanking research and to get the money, I'd probably have to get some spankings in a lab. At first I had the 'no way' attitude, but she did say they promised it would not be really, really hard. I thought it weird but I really wanted a new bike and for us to have a new TV in our humble living room.
I'm sure if I had protested loud enough, mom would not have made me do it, but I didn't say much when she finally signed the paper and mailed it in. I figured she would be proud of me for helping bring in some much-needed money. At the time, I regretted it because after that, she gave me a bare-bottomed spanking every-other night at bedtime to 'build up my tolerance' she said so the research at the lab wouldn't be as bad.
And so several weeks after school let out for the summer, a bus from the university picked all of us kids up at the local strip mall parking lot. We rode down a highway I had never been on before for several hours, until we finally reached the campus of Long Point University, a big college outside a small town out in the middle of nowhere. They let us out at an old building at the edge of the campus with a sign 'Sigmund Freud Hall' on it.
About seven college girls met us there and led us down the big steps into the basement floor. We went past some big doors and into a carpeted lounge with couches, books, games, art tables and a TV. We went past some more doors where the boys and girls were split up into two large rooms filled with metal bunk beds like you'd see at a camp. There, we had to take off all our clothes and put them in a bag. They said we would be bare-naked the whole time until it was over. However, no one else would see us because the basement door would be locked. Then, they snapped plastic bracelets to our wrists with our names, ages, addresses and stuff on it. Next, we all had to wash in a small shower room. We were so shy and nervous we hardly said a word but still we kept looking at each other's little hairless slits as she showered. I'd never really seen another girl's privates before and now there were a bunch around me.
Then they fed us dinner in a small cafeteria-like room. But still, we were all naked sitting in those hard plastic chairs? both boys and girls! Eventually, we had to go to bed in those bunk rooms. But two of the GA's slept in there with us. The next morning, they didn't really wake us up until about 7:30. They took us all completely naked into the cafeteria again for breakfast, which was rather good, I must say. After that, we all went into the big lounge room again that had the soft carpet. The TV was on with kiddie shows and there were some books, games and such to keep us busy. That is where we were to stay until they called us to our 'sessions.' And soon, about seven GA's came in with clipboards and called out some names. "Angie!" was one of them.
* * * * *
And that is how I wound up naked in the basement of some building, following a GA down the hall, bare feet on a cold floor! And so I entered the small room as she stood in the doorway. The lighting was soft but the walls had no windows. In the middle of the room was a padded bench that looked sorta like the ones used by weightlifters, but the end was raised higher. A machine sat next to it like you see in hospitals and a small cabinet. Other that that, the room was empty.
Finally, I dared to look at my young GA. "Am I gonna get a shot?" I asked.
"Oh no!" she said with a smile as she began to make notes on her clipboard.
"Good," I mumbled. Then, I summoned my courage. "Are we all gonna get spankin's?" I asked with a trembling voice.
"Well? not like you're used to, probably. It's a little different here. We want to find out how kids uh? 'feel' about certain things we do? y'know, how much you like or dislike it. How do you feel about that?" she asked very interested.
"Oh, I dunno," I mumbled. Before anything else, my GA scribbled some more notes on her clipboard.
Next, she unrolled a strip of paper to cover the bench, like what you see in a doctor's office. "Okay Angie, I need you to get on the bench for me please," she finally said. I started to lie back on it like a recliner, but she said I have to be on my tummy. So I got into a half-sitting position with my torso against the raised part with my arms wrapped around it. My legs were straddling the bench and my nervous cunny was now firmly pressing against the soft paper. I guess I looked sort'a like a jockey on a racehorse. The cool breeze from the air vent just happened to be blowing right on my bottom and along my crack. "You can grab the handles if you want to," she said. "We don't want you to be uncomfortable or in a position that strains any muscles."
I told her I was okay as she lightly placed her hands on each side of my bottom to adjust my position a little. The motion made my little flower rub against the soft paper. I waited a few moments with my eyes staring straight ahead when I felt her hand on my back. Suddenly, her fingers glided down my spine, and then all the way down my bottom? and eventually my crack, all of which gave me a slight chill. I moaned accidentally and 'humped' the bench once. "Just lie as still as you can," she said as she gently patted my bare bottom. Then, she caressed my crack once more, real slow as if she was inspecting me. I must have been red from embarrassment but the tickling sensation sent another chill up my spine. I only hoped that she didn't know it. "For now, we've got to take a few vitals for our records just to make sure you're good and healthy," she assured me. I was slightly nervous and thus quite still on that bench. But then I heard a 'snap,' as if she were popping the lid off of something.
After a few moments of silence, I suddenly felt her finger gently poking my butt hole, making me flinch a little. "I'm going to take your temperature now," she said. "So this might be a tad cold." Then I felt the cold glass tip tickling around my bumhole. I flinched again and pressed against the paper, this time realizing that my little cunny was beginning to tingle! Then after a few moments, I felt the lubricated tip slowly glide in. But it didn't stop until it was in really deep! I took a deep breath and tried to think other thoughts that might make my cunny stop tingling, but I just couldn't.
"See, that doesn't hurt, does it?" my GA suddenly asked.
"No," I said quietly. And strangely, I found myself enjoying the light tickling sensation of the thermometer. It would slowly rub me inside with each deep breath I took, massaging the walls of my rectum. I was actually starting to hope she would leave it in for a while.
But then I heard the scratching of her pen as she made some notes on her clipboard. After that, she strapped something to my wrist that was on a long cord that plugged into some machine. "Don't worry, this won't hurt either. Just lie still," she said. Once she was done, I felt as if the thermometer was sliding back out by itself. "It's coming out," I said as I squeezed my buns together. "I can't hold it in!"
And so I felt it slide back in as she pushed on the tip, tickling my bummy-hole all the way. "Ooooh!" I must have moaned as I tensed up. I was hoping she didn't realize that I was secretly enjoying the sensation because she might think I was weird or a bad girl for liking it.
But next, I heard her scribbling some more notes, before she gently pushed the thermometer back in once again very slowly. And once again, I accidentally humped the bench as she held on to it. This time, she didn't let go. Instead, she twirled it around and then slowly pulled it out somewhat, before pushing it in again. The feeling made me squirm which caused my swollen little bud to rub on the soft paper, giving me the most awesome feeling. She slid it in and out again about five times, not real fast, but not real slow either, which for some reason made me breath a lot heavier? and a lot louder. I tried not to hump the bench but my privates were so wet and tingly! And pushing forward against the padding made it feel so good. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her turning a knob on the machine with the other had that my wristband was plugged into.
"Does it hurt when I do this?" she finally asked as she gently tickled me with the thermometer.
"No," I answered, hoping she didn't know how good it felt.
"Sure?" she asked.
"No?(-gasp-) it doesn't hurt," I said over my heavy breathing.
"Okay, very good!" she said, and then was quite for a few seconds. "So then? tell me. How does it feel?"
"It uh? it kind'a tickles," I said trying to stop breathing heavily.
"It tickles," she confirmed as she quickly wrote something on her clipboard. Then, she continued to slide the thermometer back and forth and twirl it about inside me. "Are you nervous?" she asked.
"Mmmm, not really," I mumbled. By now, I realized that I was humping the bench a little faster and a little harder. I tried to stop but it was too hard to hold still.
"Okay," she noted. "Now just relax for me." With that, she slowly slid the thermometer all the way out. I think I moaned as it finally popped out, but I still gave the bench a few slow thrusts to massage my throbbing clitty! But I was embarrassed because I think she was just standing there behind me, watching me squirm. Then I heard her write down something on the clipboard and she looked at the machine again and made more notes.
"Do I have a fever?" I finally asked, hoping she wouldn't know how I felt.
"Oh Angie, you're fine," she assured. "Just relax and lie as still as you can."
But my breathing remained heavy. I tried to lay still but my tingling throbbing privates needed some attention. And so I hugged the bench tight as I gave another hard thrust against the padding. Ooooh, it felt good! I let out a heavy sigh as the pressure soothed my bud! But suddenly, I realized there was a warm sticky wet spot on the paper!
"See Angie, that wasn't bad, was it?" asked my GA.
"Mmmm, I guess not," I replied a little embarrassed.
"Do you feel any type of pain right now from what just happened?"
"No," I answered honestly.
"All right then! Just try to relax!" With that, she leaned forward. I rested my chin on the padding as I felt her hand gently touching my bottom. Her fingertips drew large circles over my butt cheeks, once again sending chills up my spine. It was a soothing rub, first on my left cheek and then my right. Then, I felt a few gentle pats with her open hand, a few on the right and then a few on the left.
But after that, she gave my bottom a quick rub before giving a harder, brisker pat on my right cheek? sort of like a birthday spanking. And then came another on the right side. I felt a few more of these soft swats in a slow steady rhythm against my bare bottom, which began to make me squirm.
"Just try to relax," said the GA. "Just think of it as a soft spanking." And so she gave my bottom a few rubs before she continued with these gentle 'spanks,' perhaps one-per-second. I tried to take a deep breath, but I realized just how heavy my breaths were as I gripped on the handles of the bench as I continued to force my swollen flower against the wet paper. She would give about six or eight of these soft spanks before I'd feel a brief and gentle circular rub on each buttock? before the brisk pats would continue again. "Now I know this isn't hard enough to hurt," my GA said. "So tell me how it feels."
"Ummm, well?" I mumbled, "it feels? it feels? sort'a like the birthday spankings my mom used to give."
"Oh, very good," replied the GA, never breaking her rhythm of the soft swats. "But how would you say it feels as in 'bad' or 'good' or 'just okay?' And we need to know how much you 'like' or 'hate' the things we do to you."
"Mmm? I don't know," I mumbled as I slowly squirmed in place. "I guess it's okay... maybe it feels a little good." I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to say. I mean, her pats on my bottom were kind of like a massage. Actually kind of nice. But how could I admit such a thing.
"I see," replied the GA as she paused to rub my bottom again. "So how's that feel?"
"Ooooh," I mumbled, squeezing the bench with my thighs which caused my cunny to thrust hard against the paper. "Sort'a good."
And so she gave one more squeeze before she took her hand away. I could hear her writing more stuff down on her clipboard before she un-strapped the cord from my wrist. She turned off the machine, which had left a long strip of paper hanging out. "Okay, you did very good!" she said with smile. "We're done for right now. You can go back to the lounge." But I was worried. I didn't want her to see the small wet spot I had left on the paper. But she told me to get up now. So I had to stand up. Thank God she acted as if she didn't notice the little wet spot. And so we left the room together and walked down the hall. Along the way, she said that to keep all of us from any embarrassment, we shouldn't talk about our sessions with the other kids.
And so I went back into the front lounge room. First thing I noticed was that the main door that led out of the area was chained closed and the windows were covered with black paper. There were other boys and girls in there, all naked like myself. Some of them had come back before I did from their sessions, while others had yet to be called back into the lab rooms. Nevertheless, we all were quiet and hardly spoke to one another. There was another GA in there sitting at a small desk looking through stacks of folders. But she also seemed to watch us closely to make sure we didn't ask about each other's sessions. For some reason, she kept watching each of us and would occasionally make notes in a book. But still, I wondered if the other kids got the same as me, and if I was the only one who got 'wet' with a thermometer.
Anyway, I looked around the room and soon spied an eight-year-old girl named Jessica sitting at the art table with the blocks. She was probably the youngest subject there. Even though I was older, I thought she was pretty. She wasn't very tanned but she had a cute little naked body and long hair that they had put into a bushy ponytail. I wanted to talk to her but I didn't want to get into any kind of trouble. So I just watched TV. But I found a comic book and used it to cover my privates as I watched. I looked over at Jessica again and wondered what she looked like laying on the bench with the thermometer in her cute little bare butt! I wondered if she would like it or if it would make her cry, since she was so young and small. Suddenly my own little flower began to tingle again! I held the comic book so no one would see. But only a few moments later, a GA appeared at the door, took one of the folders from the desk, and called out "Jessica?"
"Oh, that's me," replied that little cute naked girl as she rose from the table, giving me a grand view of her nice round little bottom!
"Hi Jessica," replied the GA. "Come with me, please!" And with that, they left the room. It was her turn! Now my little swollen clitty ached as it got very hard and I tried to make it all go away, but I wasn't sure how. So I just watched the TV and hoped that the cartoons would make me quit thinking about her.
I'm not sure how long I was in the lounge room. I really never looked at the clock on the wall. I guess I got caught up on what was on the TV. The whole time, the GA's would open the door to the room and call out different kid's names, probably every five minutes. I mostly ignored that as I watched the shows but eventually, I heard an "Angie!" after the door noisily opened. I recognized the voice because it was the same GA I was with earlier. "Me?" I asked nervously.
"Yes, we're ready for you," she said with a slight grin. "Come with me please." And so I got up and followed her down the hallway, once again the cold tiles chilling my bare feet. And once again, being totally naked, I didn't know whether to cross my arms over my non-existent breasts or to reach down and cover my pink flower between my legs. I'm not sure why we all had to stay naked the whole time. I guess it was just the rules here.
And soon we rounded the corner at the end of this hall and she led me into another small 'testing' room. It wasn't the same one I had before, but it looked just about the same. Light blue paint on the walls, with nothing hanging but a few body diagrams of insides. There was only the one cabinet and the 'spanking horse' in the middle of the otherwise empty room.
"Feeling okay?" asked the GA as she began to write on her clipboard.
"Ummm, yeah, I guess," I answered.
"Okay, very good!" she replied as she made a few notes. "So let's get on the bench now." And so I did again like before. The GA reached down and gently moved me by the hips until I was how she wanted me. After a few seconds, I felt her fingers moved up and down my spine. Then, I felt her fingers go down to my bottom. First, it felt like she was drawing circles on my buns with the tip of her fingernail, first the left and then the right. It sent chills up my back and all at once, my little flower began to tingle as it rubbed against the bench. I tried not to move or hump the bench but I did it a few times. "Hold as still as you can," she said.
"Okay," I said with my face turned away.
"Now, try not to talk unless we ask you a question," she said as I heard her writing more notes on the clipboard.
"Okay," I mumbled.
With that, I felt her pushing on my butt cheeks with two fingers in different places. Once again, I squirmed and breathed hard. "That hurt?" she asked.
"No," I said.
"Okay, if you can just keep relaxing for me, I'm going to take your temperature again."
I didn't know what to say. I was secretly hoping to get another temp-taking in my bottom because last time the tickling thermometer felt nice. But I was too embarrassed to say so. And so I just laid there and waited with my eyes half open with my chin on the chin-rest, until I heard the unmistakable sound of the lid popping off the Vaseline jar. I could feel my privates tingling and throbbing as I realized she was lubing the thermometer.
A few seconds later, I felt the cold glass tip gently draw a line right down the middle of my crack. She didn't stick it in my butt-hole right away, but instead gently went up and down my crack very slowly which tickled so much I said "Aaaaah!" as I humped the bench once. "Try to hold still, Angie!" she said. Then, I felt the bulb going in slow tickling circles around the outside of my hole before it slowly slid inside me.
"Mmmmph!" I moaned as my body tensed. I squeezed the grip handles of the bench tightly as my toes curled. It took five seconds before that cold glass tube was in all the way. By now my warm tingling cunny was once again leaving a few drops on the paper. I tried to hold very still, but I would very slowly squeeze my buns together and make my swollen clitty rub against the padding of the bench.
And so she stood right behind me, holding it in my bottom for a few minutes as I slowly went back and forth on the bench breathing deep and heavy. But finally she asked, "Does it hurt?"
"No," I said.
"You're squirming a little so I thought it hurt," she answered.
"No, it? (-gasp-) it doesn't hurt," I said I as breathed heavy. "It? it kinda tickles in my bottom? just like before!"
"Okay," she said. "Please try to answer as truthfully as you can," she said firmly but kindly. And so I continued the back-and-forth bench-humping. Then suddenly, she slowly pulled the thermometer nearly out, but then only to slowly push all the way back in. She did this three times, and then twirled it quickly one way, and then another. I think I started to moan as my hard clitty began to feel really good. "How does this feel?" she asked.
I didn't want to admit anything, but I wanted to be honest. So I said, "Ooo, that tickles!" I said as I gasped and gave the bench a long hard thrust. I think she looked at the machine again and made a quick mark on the clipboard.
"Alright," she said, and then began to do it all a little faster. It went in and out faster and she twirled it faster. "Now, how does THIS feel?" she asked.
"Aaaaah," I moaned, mainly because I couldn't help it. "That tickles more!" I said. By now I realized I was moving back and forth on the bench very hard, and about two seconds in between. I was breathing heavily and softly moaning with each thrust.
"Okay," she simply answered. Then she did it just a little faster, and made it do something so I could feel it a whole lot more. I have never felt anything like it before, and never knew I even could. "And what about when I do this? How does this feel?" she asked.
"Mmm. That really REALLY (-pant-) tickles!" I said, now with my eyes tightly shut. I suddenly realized a big wet drop oozed from my throbbing slit onto the paper!
"Okay," she answered again with a calm voice. But she must have let go because the thermometer stopped moving in my bottom. Instead, I felt another light pat on my right butt cheek, and then my left. The next two came a little swifter, as if she were giving me a 'birthday spanking' again. I must have felt about six of these harder pats before if felt a squeeze and a rub on my bottom.
"Ooooh!" I moaned. "What's that for?"
"It's just another soft spanking," she said. "Just try to lie still!" And so she gave my left buttock one more squeeze before I felt another slap. This one was brisker still. But then I felt a few more of these gentle slaps landing on my bottom. I could even feel my buns jiggling a little. "See, does that hurt?" she asked as she continued with the light slaps.
"No," I said, feeling rather silly.
And so she stopped to rub my bottom again. Suddenly, I felt the thermometer briefly wiggle inside me, before I felt some more light slaps. For some reason, I continued to thrust against the bench in time with the light spanks. "So how does this feel?" she finally asked.
"Oh? well? it doesn't hurt!" I mumbled.
"Does it sting at all?"
"Mmmm, not really. Kinda has a? a? warm tickly feel to it," I confessed.
And so for the next few minutes, the spanks continued to land on my bare bottom, sometimes stopping only to wiggle the thermometer. I tried the best I could to hold still, but I was panting hard and thrusting against the bench. By now, I could feel a big warm wet spot on the paper. And as all this continued, I began to feel an even more intense tingling down in my crotch! It began to spread like a wave of pleasure all over my body! Each light smack of her hand or each tickle from the thermometer made the feeling grow even more. By now, I was not only breathing very fast and heavy, I was moaning! And soon the warm flush all over became too much to handle. "Oooooh! (-gasp-) Ooooh! (-gasp-)," I cried out.
"Very good, Angie," said the GA as I felt her give my bottom a rub and a squeeze. "How do you feel right now!"
"Oh, this all feels (-gasp-) really, REALLY good!" I cried out.
"Okay," replied the GA. "Do you want me to keep doing this?"
"Yeah! Keep doing it!" I said as I let out a long soft moan.
And so I felt her squeeze my bottom and poke on the thermometer before lightly slapping my bottom again. I humped even harder and faster on the bench as I began to grow dizzy. But then she began to slap a little harder. The spanks sure got louder! I don't remember them stinging or hurting, but they got harder. And as I gave the bench another hump, my vision seemed to blur. Suddenly, I felt as if I was gonna pee, but I didn't want to say anything. But then, I felt something like nothing else before. It was like an explosion inside me. My little hard clit felt better than ever! "Oooooh!" I cried out as I arched my back up off the bench and found I couldn't breath at all. I felt my butt hole muscles grab and 'shake' the thermometer up and down as a few brisk slaps struck my bottom! But I kept humping a few more times as I felt a few spurts leak from my little pulsating pussy. Finally, I stopped leaking and I laid my head down again. I felt tired and relaxed like I could hardly move. It was like I had run all the way around the block.
"Okay, stop! Please! Take it out!" I begged as I could no longer handle the all the stimulation. She pulled it out as if ordered to as I tried to catch my breath.
"Do you feel okay?" she asked.
"Yeah, but now I'm? uh.. a little tired."
"Tired? Okay," she said as she wrote something down. "Now, I want you to get up from the bench for a few moments please," she said.
Now I was embarrassed! I knew if I got up, she'd see I'd wet the paper. I didn't know what to do. "Okay, but? just a minute?"
"Is there a problem?"
"Oh yeah? well? I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to but? I think I peed on the paper!"
"You wet the paper?" she said. "Well, stand up so we can take care of it."
I felt a little better because I guess I wasn't in trouble. And even though I was really embarrassed, I stood up. We both looked down at the bench. I was a little surprised to see that there was no yellow stain, but only small puddle of soaked paper. But the GA simply grabbed the paper, wadded it up and threw it in the trash.
"I? I'm sorry? I? I didn't mean to but?"
"Oh, don't be embarrassed," she replied very calmly. "You didn't pee. This is different. This is uh? a 'special' kind of wetting! And it's okay if you wet like this. That's what the paper is for!" And with that, she placed a fresh strip of paper in its place. "Now, all you have to do if you 'wet' is to inform your GA right away, and all we'll do is change the paper . Understand?"
"Okay," I mumbled
"But, we're all done for now anyway." However, she took a blue plastic wrist band out of a drawer and put it on my other hand.
"What's that for?" I asked.
"Well, it's a tag to let he other GA's know that you've reached the 'wetting' stage."
I think I blushed? perhaps I was about to cry from embarrassment. "But I promise, I'll never do it again and?"
"That promise might be too hard to keep," said the GA. "This will be kept private and I'm sure before too long, all the kids will have blue bracelets."
And so she took me back to the lounge. When I went in this time, there were only seven naked kids in there, each one busy doing their thing and no one talking. The GA on duty politely asked me to be quiet like the other kids. I told her I would obey and then sat down on the soft carpeting and covered my wet pink cunny with a lounge pillow to watch TV. Still trembling from my first orgasm, I took only quick peeks now and then at the other kids. As I looked at their wrists, I noticed that five of them had blue wrist bands too! And so I sat and watched TV for about five minutes until I heard the door open again. I dared to look back, only to see a GA returning Jessica from her session. Another warm flush came over me. I turned away for a moment, but when she walked passed me, all shy and quietly wiggling her cute little bare bottom, I noticed she too wore a blue bracelet!
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