Published: 25-Jan-2011
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The punk music blared outside the teen hangout that had a rather bad reputation for all the vices teens are known for. And it was the choice hangout for the 'bad girls.' Outside sat a cavalry of motorbikes and punk adolescent girls with wild hairstyles dyed with many colors. And it was a routine night of the bad girls puffing cigarettes and cursing just for the sake of cursing... anything to defy middle-class values.
Yet suddenly from the alley around the corner, their came a flash of light. The girls paid little attention, for it could easily be attributed to the booze and pot. However, all bottles fell from their hands to shatter on the pavement when a rather buxom naked girl suddenly rounded the corner. She could have been between 15 and 19, yet she appeared fully developed in every way, save the complete absence of pubic hair.
"Oh-mah-gawd!" cried an underage punk girl.
"Looks like her pimp kept her clothes!"
However, they stood speechless as she approached the tallest, biggest and baddest girl of the bunch who was clad in a leather micro-mini, halter and denim jacket littered with graffiti. The naked youth stared her up and down. "Your clothes! Give d'em to me!" she roared in a Germanic accent.
Suddenly, the punk girls broke into a round of giggles. Yet the leader was not impressed. "Hey, out of my face, you whore!" With that, she raised a hand to deliver a mighty slap.
Yet a powerful vice-like grip from the naked interloper caught her hand. In one heave, she sent the punkette flying into the corral of motorbikes, knocking them all over. In reply, the other bad girls sought to subdue her, yet each one flew through the air in all directions. And as the naked nymph approached the battered and bruised leader, the terrified punk finally surrendered her clothes.
The next afternoon at one of the many high schools in town, a squad of cheerleaders practiced their routines, being as suggestive and provocative with their moves as the school would allow. Short skirts flew up with every twist, turn and flip revealing their gorgeous legs and bloomer briefs at every opportunity. "OK girls, that's a wrap!" the cheer captain finally declared. "Everyone head home and shower for the big game tonight!"
"See ya' Trina!" said the co-captain.
And as the ever-so-uppity Trina passed by the bushes at the edge of the field while enroute to her car, a naked girl suddenly bolted forth. She never saw who it was or any fine details. In a flash, she was out cold as her nude assailant dragged her behind the bush. Only moments later, a youthful nymph with Asian features emerged no longer naked, but clad in the pilfered cheer leader uniform, along with the pom-poms. She stoically looked around the field once, before silently walking away.
By now, the after-school crowd had filled the mall. Kids of all ages wandered through the stores and congregated in the food court. However, young Holly thought it strange that a stocky Asian girl in a cheer outfit kept staring at her everywhere she went. She even pointed it out to her friends, who thought nothing of it. Why, she wasn't sure. She really didn't stand out. She wore the same school uniform that many other 11 y/o girls wore that afternoon after school. However, her skirt was rather short, being she was proud of her comely legs. Nevertheless, she finally decided to ditch her mysterious follower once and for all. And so, she fled the store where she was browsing clothes with her friends and raced into the service corridor. Yet no sooner had she rounded the corner, she nearly collided into a rather frightening, albeit beautiful teen nymph. There stood the punkette, clad in the leather micro-miniskirt with chic boots. She wore the denim jacket and a spiked collar she had stolen the night before. She must have had five colors in her wild hair. Yet in spite of that too-perfect shapely body, Holly quickly turned about to flee that awesome presence.
But instantly, the fore-mentioned cheerleader came crashing through the door. And now she stood helplessly surrounded betwixt the two ominous nymphs. She looked toward the cheerleader. Suddenly, she tossed a pom-pom aside, only to reveal a 9mm pistol!
Holly quickly looked to the punkette, who produced a sawed-off shotgun from her jacket! Having no other recourse, she simply screamed like the schoolgirl she was as both parties converged upon her with weapons drawn.
Suddenly, the punkette blurted out, "GET DOWN!" in a harsh Teutonic tone. No sooner had Holly hit the floor with a knee-bruising crash, there came a boisterous 'BOOM!' in the hallway. The punkette fired true toward the cheerleader. 'KA-BOOM! KA-BOOM!' The cheerleader collapsed to the floor, yet there was no blood. Holly looked up with terrified eyes at the punk girl. "Come mit me if you vant to live!" she ordered, before reaching down to pick her up by the collar with the strength of a crane. "Und... live with me if you want to cum!" she said as they stared eye to eye.
Suddenly, the cheerleader rose from the floor with slurping sounds emitting from her body as her bloodless wounds healed themselves. She drew her pistol. Yet as she fired, the youthful punkette sheltered Holly with her own body, the bullets lodging in her back. "Let's go!"
And with a powerful kick of a buxom leg, she broke a large hole in the brick wall. She carried her unwilling uniform-clad charge outside and to her waiting motorcycle. She threw Holly on the seat, kick-started the chopper, and wasted no time as they sped away from the mall. Yet soon behind them followed the cheerleader in a pilfered pink Corvette, obviously bought by a rich father for a spoiled teeny-bopper. The 'Vette gained on them quickly as the cybernetic driver sought to run them over. Yet the punkette held the handlebars with one hand while firing her shotgun with the other as they sped down the street. Soon, after a lucky shot that blew out a front tire, the Corvette lost control and crossed into traffic, causing an awful wreck. A tanker truck full of gasoline could not stop in time, joining the fray of wreckage in the busy boulevard. Citizens fled every which way, before the truck burst into flames, sending chunks of the Corvette flying helter-skelter. The punkette on the motorbike looked back once, before continuing on down the street with her charge safely cradled in her clutch. But out of hot flames of the wreckage, the cheerleader walked forth, completely unscathed, and unnoticed by the bystanders!
A few minutes later, they arrived at the sanctuary of an alley as the punk assessed her injuries. "Who are you?!" demanded Holly who now was crying frantically.
"I'm a terminatrix, Sapphodyne Systems model T-69! I am here to protect you! I've also been programmed to pleasure you!"
"But... how... why... how'd that cheerleader survive? What's she want with me?"
"Not here!" declared the teen terminatrix. "We must find a safe place to hide!" And thus she kick-started the cycle again before rolling out onto the street.
A while later, Holly found herself in a sleezy motel room far out of town. She stared in awe at her strange benefactor as she secured the door. "So, why does that cheerleader want me?"
"She'd not a cheerleader. She's a poly-organic transitional alloy device!"
"A what?"
"A shape-shifting gyno-bot, model T-XX!" replied the T-69.
"But... why? What'd I do?" queried the terrified Holly.
"Nothing... yet!" assured the T-69. "It's what you will do... or rather 'might' do! You see, five years from now, you get knocked up by some guy who's good at feeding girls the same old line. You fall for it and have a son nine months later. He grows up to be a crime lord, taps into the defense systems and causes a nuclear war!"
"Oh-mah-gawd!" cried Holly.
"That's not all! After the war, his machines take over. However, the human resistance is strong. The machines were about to lose the war. But the new order is broken into two factions! In the West, there is democracy. But in the East, there arises one who wishes to be dictator. His cronies sent her back in time to kill you, so the machines never rise in the first place!"
"Oh-mah-gawd! Then who sent you?"
"The Western resistance!" she replied. "They deemed that murder wasn't necessary! Only prevention. In order to prevent your son from being born, my mission, other than protection, is to convert you to lesbianism!"
"Oh? Well... what's that?" asked Holly.
"Your mother never had that 'talk' with you?" queried the T-69. "What I mean is... I'm here to teach you to like girls rather than boys!"
"Of course I like girls!" insisted Holly. "Boys are soooo... icky!"
"They are now at your age, but ven human females begin puberty und menarche, things change!" replied the T-69. "I mean, you have to 'love' girls und 'date' other girls, rather than boys! I'm here to teach you how."
"Oh... so... what do I do?"
With that, the punkish yet beautiful T-69 leaned close to her. "Your clothes... give d'em to me!" she said in a seductive breathy voice.
"Well... OK," replied Holly rather innocently. And with that, she slowly undressed from her school uniform. "Panties too?"
"It would help," said the T-69 rather stoically.
And so Holly simply slid down her white cotton panties over her knees and kicked them free. "OK, so... now what do I do?"
"Nothing!" assured the T-69. "For now, I do everything!" With that, she gently ran her fingers along her charge's soft fleshy inner thighs, yet avoided that bald pink twat for the moment.
Yet such a tingling caress sent chills of pleasure through Holly's young body. "Ooooh!" gasped Holly. "That tickles!"
"Just relax und let me do der work," replied the T-69. Soon, she began kissing around those soft fleshy inner thighs, now causing Holly to moan and squirm on the bed.
"Ooooh! Oooh, that feels good," she sighed as she closed her eyes.
But eventually, she made way for that tiny little pink slit, now swollen, puffy, and desperate for attention. Once that polyurethane tongue touched the little swollen bud, Holly went ballistic! She thrashed about on the bed, crying out in ecstasy she had never known. The noisy nymph's pleasure moans even resounded out in the hallway as the cleaning lady of the motel walked by pushing her cart. She rapped on the door. "Hey, you OD on aphrodisiacs or something?"
Instantly, the T-69 paused her stimulating activity as she searched for a reply in her databank. "Fahk you, ahs-hole!" she suddenly roared toward the locked door. And so the cleaning lady moved on. And thus the T-69 went back to work, lapping all about that little hard clit until she drove her charge to the threshold. With one long shrill cry, Holly burst into a raging orgasm, leaking a liberal puddle of girl-goo on the bed. Yet the T-69 did not stop until her sensors registered that the orgasm had run its course.
Holly fell limp like a wet noodle, completely relaxed and unable to move. "Oooooh! Ooooh!" she gasped. "That... that was... was awesome!"
"Good! It would seem that I shall succeed in my mission parameters," replied the T-69. With that, she wiped her face and stood up. "But I need more paraphernalia to assure your conversion! Stay here in dis room und don't make a noise!"
"Where're you going?" asked Holly. "I mean... you're not gonna go to that store we saw down the street with the 'adults only' sign are you?"
With that, the T-69 grinned as much as a cyborg could as she opened the door. "Ah'll be bahk!" she said, before closing and locking the door behind her.
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