Ashley & Danny 'Picture Perfect'

[ ggg ]

by Pulsar

Published: 18-Jan-2011

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

When the winter morning sun rose after the night of 'daughter-swap,' the girls' bottoms had returned to their pale state with no lingering pain. Brenda walked into Ashley's room where Krista had slept all nestled up against Ashley in her single bed. "Rise and shine girls!" she said as she shook them awake. She yanked off the covers revealing two pairs of bare legs jutting out from skimpy nightshirts. "Did you make it through the night without a tinkle?" she asked her daughter Krista as she peeled off the diaper.

"Mom!" protested the chagrined Krista.

"Mmmm, a little wet," noted Brenda as she noticed the diaper had mixture of urine and cum. "How about you, Ashley?" she continued as she reached for Ashley's diaper that Bianca had put her in the night before.

"I never pee in the bed, Aunt Brenda!" protested the 9-year-old Ashley as she attempted to cover herself.

"C'mon, let me see then," ordered Bianca. And thus Ashley pulled the tape strips back and exposed herself to prove that her diaper was indeed dry...

...except that it wasn't! Ashley gasped in surprise. "What... I didn't do..."

"Well who did?" laughed Brenda. "Are you saying the Tooth Fairy came in your room last night and peed into your diaper?" Yet she closely examined the stains within to find both urine and cum stains.

"Well..." mumbled Ashley.

Krista burst into laughter, her own embarrassment forgotten. Yet poor Ashley's face grew as red as her spanked bottom had been last night. Yet Bianca soon came into the room as well. "We got two wet diapers!" declared Brenda.

"Ashley!" exclaimed Bianca. "Still having some nighttime wettings I see. Well, I guess it's a good thing you had one. Now we don't have to wash the sheets and set the mattress out to dry!"

"I... I didn't mean to, Mommy," whined Ashley, about to cry of embarrassment.

"I know," assured Bianca. "But accidents happen, I suppose. However, are you sure you didn't put your hand down there last night and give yourself a little squirty?"

"Oh no, Mommy," assured Ashley.

"Okay then. Now why don't you go clean up and get dressed!"

And so they soon ate a quick breakfast at the kitchen table before Brenda and Krista went home to start packing up for the move.

The following weekend, Tammy convinced Ricky to help her move her friend. And thus Ricky drove the rented moving truck as well as assisted in carrying the heavier items. By sundown that Sunday, Bianca's household went from two to four. Brenda moved into the master bedroom of course to share a bed with her beloved girlfriend. Her daughter Krista settled into the former guest bedroom, turning it into another kid's room.

That night, the sapphic couple snuggled into bed on their first night as a domestic couple. "Oh Bianca, I hope that now we're sharing a bed, you won't tire of sex!" she said.

"Not so long as it's good!" assured Bianca a she turned out the light.

"Sorta feels like I'm married again," said Brenda as she cuddled close to her lover.

"Well, the difference is that we actually get to orgasm during sex instead of using batteries!" quipped Bianca.

"And we won't be getting each other pregnant," added Brenda as she caressed her lover's shoulders. "Y'know, I think we should spank the kids again tomorrow night," she said quietly.

"Mmmm, okay," agreed Bianca. "Y'know, it's my fantasy to go up to your ex-husband in the courtroom, right after they pronounce a guilty verdict for attempted rape, and hold both hands in front of his face. I'd say, 'Smell my fingers! The on the left is from your ex-wife's pussy! The one on the right... is from your DAUGHTER'S!' I'd love to see the look on his face!"

Suddenly, Brenda burst into uncontrollable laughter, slapping Bianca's shoulder and squeezing her legs betwixt her own thighs. "Oh Bianca!" she cried. "You are sooooo evil! And I love it! I think you should!" And thus they spent and hour or so in passionate love-making before falling asleep in each other's arms.

And so the weeks passed. The cold of winter came and worst of the winter passed. The longer days and warmer air brought the first taste of spring. The sound of singing birds began to apear again with the morning sunrise and Danni had to argue less over her right to wear her little shorts to go outside. The two couples grew closer, often carpooling all the kids to school when the weather had turned too hostile for bicycles and skateboards. And the nicer days, the three girls went together, with Ashley and Krista on their bicycles and Danni on her skateboard. And Danni's mother Tammy made every effort not to appear socially desperate, yet she kept counting down the days until her wedding with Ricky, growing more excited as June drew nearer. And for some reason, she decided she wanted to have Danni's picture made again. She consulted her friends about a reasonably priced photo studio, to whit Brenda mentioned that a friend of hers owned a photography studio and if they all went together, they could get a substantial discount.

And one Saturday afternoon found them all down at the strip mall preparing for their photos. On the set, Brenda prepared her daughter like a girl playing with a doll. She styled her hair in a bushy pony tail bound with a silky white ribbon. She added a touch of makeup and straightened her little pleated pink skirt as Danni and Ashley watched with interest off to the side as they awaited their turns for a photo shoot. But soon, Krista walked out onto the set in front of the garden-themed backdrop and sat down on the top of a short pedestal in the design of an Ionic column. Brenda studied the pose for a few moments. "Hmmm, not not exactly. Not for a seven-year-old!" And thus she approached and lifted her right leg. "Now turn to the right and cross your right leg over your left," she commanded.

Krista complied mechanically. "Like this, Mommy?"

"Hmmm, too far to the right! You want the camera to get a quartering shot, half-front, half side view," she said. And thus she turned to a 45 degree angle to the camera.

"That's a good idea," agreed Shirley the photographer.

"Yes, that looks better!" added Brenda.

"Okay, honey, let's look at the camera and give us a big smile!" coaxed Shirley.

And so Krista turned and gave the most angelic sweet smile you had never seen before and may never see again! Her eyes and teeth glowed and her cheeks showed the slightest hint of dimples. And thus the camera snapped and lights flashed. "Oh, that's gonna be a cute take!" ogled Shirley.

"Wait!" cried Brenda as she stared at the pose from the camera. "Perhaps... but not quite cute enough!" And thus she returned to her daughter sitting diagonal to the camera with her legs crossed. She adjusted her lacy blouse and ponytail, as well as the ribbon that bound it. But then she adjusted the skirt, positioning it every-so-precisely in a manner that exposed a the slightest portion of Krista's panties! "C'mon honey, we can show a little panty! It'd look soooo darling!" she said as she straightened the skirt before stepping back to admire her handiwork. "Oh, now THAT'S cute!"

"Awww, it looks so... darling, and actually innocent!" agreed Shirley.

"Now don't move, sweetie," warned Brenda. "Just hold still and smile."

And thus she complied and resumed her charming hypnotic smile to the camera. And with a click and flash, Shirley snapped the shot. "Very good, dear," she said.

But off the set and behind the camera, Ashley leaned close to Bianca. "Mom, I wanna show some panty too," she said.

"Shhh!" protested Bianca. "You're not seven years old."

"So? Can't I look cute in my picture?"

"Oh trust me, honey, you'd look cute in ripped clothes covered with mud."

Meanwhile, Shirley snapped a few more shots of the pose before turning to the mother. "You wanna try another pose, Brenda?"

"Oh you bet!" assured Brenda as she approached her daughter again. "Now turn and face the camera," she coaxed as she moved her about. After adjusting her pose as if she were a mannequin, Krista sat with her knees to her chest with her hands folded about them. Her feet now rested on the pedestal as well, thus leaving the entire crotch of her panties exposed. "Okay, we'll see how that looks," said Brenda. "Now can you give Shirley another big smile again?"

"Okay," said Krista as she gave a big open smile with her teeth clenched.

"Oh, that's darling!" exclaimed Shirley. "Hold that pose!" And there came another click and a flash. "Very good!"

Next, Krista found herself being positioned with her right side to the camera with the same pose. From this angle, her panties were hardly visible, yet Brenda pulled the skirt straight back behind her daughter, thus leaving a lot of bare hip for the camera. "Now keep your hands folded around your knees and look at the camera with another charming smile," coaxed Bianca before she hurried out of the way. After the next snap of the camera, Krista kept the pose, except her arms were behind her to hold her weight as she leaned back slightly. Then for the next take, instead of looking at the camera, she rocked her head back looking up, yet with her eyes closed and relaxed. There came a few more poses. One with one leg hanging off the pedestal with the other leg still folded with a bent knee pointing up, the heel of her shoe against her upper leg. Then, she turned the bent leg outward, in that her foot pointed leftward out away from her body and her inner thigh facing to the right, her bent knee straight into the camera. And after a few more takes, Brenda had her stand on her head to allow her bushy ponytail to hang free on the floor and her skirt to dangle about her waist, thus leaving her panties and even her naval exposed. And for the final take, Brenda ordered her to stay on her headstand and do the splits the best she could.

And once her legs were are far apart she she could, Shirley snapped the camera in a rapid fire before her subject toppled over. "Oh, very good, hon! You've been training in gymnastics!" exclaimed Shirley.

"How was that, Mommy?" asked Krista.

"Lovely, dear!"

"Are we done yet?"

"Well, just a moment, hon," replied Brenda as she whispered a few words back and forth with Shirley, leaving her daughter to wonder what they were scheming. She could see her mother blush a little, yet smile at Shirley who nodded her head. "Krista, honey, we want to take a few more," she finally said.

"Okay, Mommy," replied Krista compliantly.

"But... we're gonna do it different," continued Brenda. "Shirley's going to get another prop." Soon, Shirley pushed in a large 'boulder' that was made of plastic, but looked real enough. She moved the old pedestal out of the way. Next, she changed backdrops from the garden to a type of primeval forest type, suggesting a more fairy-tale-like setting. Yet the backdrop looked realistic enough to fool the camera.

"Well have you sit on this big rock for the next set," said Shirley.

"Oh cool!" gleamed Krista. "Kinda like a forest fairy!"

Brenda and Shirley looked at each other with their sly smiles for a moment. "uh... yeah... exactly!" replied Shirley.

And so Krista climbed upon the sloped side of the rock and reclined with one knee bent and one leg straight. This time, she pulled her own skirt up slightly to expose a little panty. "Do you want any of my panties to show for this one?" she asked. Once again, Brenda and Shirley looked at each other with uneasy eyes, as if they were saying, 'You tell her... No, YOU tell her.'

Finally, Brenda boldly cleared her throat. "Well actually... uh... this is gonna be a different kind of picture, y'know, more artistic like." She knelt down and gently placed her hand on Krista's knee. "Honey... we're going to do a few shoots of you without any clothing on at all dear, y'know, to capture your true beauty."

"You mean 'naked?!'" exclaimed Krista with wide-eyed disbelief.

"Nude!" replied Brenda. "It's called 'nude,' dear. Now let's get you undressed so we can finish up."

"But Mommy..." she said as she blushed.

"Now honey, I gave birth to you without clothes, so therefore, I can take pictures of you without clothes!"

"Will everybody see me?" asked Krista nervously.

"Well, this one won't go on the living room wall. Mainly just for me, hon. Can you do it for Mommy, sweetie?"

"Oh... okay Mommy," she said. And so she bent down to unbuckle her Mary Janes. Everyone present watched breathlessly as she pulled each sock off her feet.

From off the set where the rest awaited their turn, Bianca's mouth fell agape. "I... I don't believe this!" she said.

As for Tammy, she was nearly speechless as well. "That Brenda!" was all she could say. "I... I don't know."

And though Bianca was beside herself as she watched her girlfriend coax her daughter out of her clothing, she felt a powerful tingling and throbbing in her nether regions. She crossed her arms tightly as she stood.

Yet Krista somewhat ignored her audience. Yet she slightly hesitated as she stood up to remove her skirt. Next, her blouse came off with her mother's assistance, thus leaving her in just her panties. As she lost her clothing, she became aware of her exposure. Undressing felt strange outside of her own bedroom. It had always been to get ready for bed, or for a bath, and on occasion, for a spanking! Yet the circulating air from the climate-control ducts blew gently over her body caressing her fare skin. Although nervous with the others watching, there was a particular pleasant feeling all over her body. And so she reached for the waistband of her panties, yet hesitated.

"Come on, hon! We gotta take 'em off!" coaxed Brenda as she reached out and slowly slid her daughter's panties down her legs. "Now step out!"

Krista braced herself against her mother as she stepped free of her panties, her last coverage to go. Now she stood completely naked on the set.

Bianca meanwhile, stood frozen in time. By her own convictions, she knew she shouldn't stare with interest, yet she could not look away. She had no willpower whatsoever. Tammy found herself in the same situation. And as for Danni and Ashley, they were completely mesmerized as they watched the whole show.

Yet Krista stood naked before her mother with minimal awareness of her audience. "So what do I do now?" she asked.

"Sit against the rock, dear like you did before and try that," replied Brenda.

Krista assumed the pose with her right side to the camera, thus denying a view of her crotch. Yet she began to feel that familiar tingling feeling again as her bare flesh rested on the artificial rock. "Oh, that's beautiful!" exclaimed Shirley as she raced back to the camera. "Hold that pose!" And thus she snapped the camera. "Good, now look up at the sky and not at the camera. Just sit and wonder about things, like how far away the stars are up there or where the clouds come from." And thus Krista complied with a hand on her chin. "Aaaah, now that's a pretty little forest fairy if I ever saw one!" And thus the camera snapped and flashed again. "Okay, now shift your body around and face the camera and give me a smile!" Naturally, when she turned, her little nether slit now came into view. Shirley quickly snapped the camera to capture the moment. "Very good! Now stand up on the top of the rock facing the camera with your hands playing with your pretty red hair, while looking down on the ground." And once again, they had a frontal nudity shot.

After a few more poses, both Shirley and Brenda noticed that her once nearly-featureless slit betwixt her legs began to swell as some pink began to show through as her lips grew flushed. Obviously, she was getting aroused. Brenda's breaths grew heavy watching her daughter pose so relaxed in the nude. "Okay honey, we're almost done. Why don't you go to the top of the rock and squat down with your hands behind you holding you up."

"Okay, Mommy," replied Krista. And once she assumed the pose, the pink interior of her little flushed cunny came into view.

"Knees a little further apart," coaxed Brenda as she spread them a little wider. "Good, now hold it!" And thus she raced out of the way.

"Bend your head back and look up at the sky, honey!" added Shirley as she prepared to snap the camera. And so Krista rocked her head back until her face was hidden. Only her chin and neck were visible with her red hair flowing behind her and on either side of her shoulders. By now, the pose had pulled her outer labia wide open exposing the pink center. And thus Shirley snapped the camera in rapid-fire clicks, causing multiple flashes to light up the room. "Oh, that was beautiful!" cried Shirley.

"Yes, that's my beautiful baby girl!" gleamed Brenda in approval, before once again, approaching Shirley for a whispered conversation.

Meanwhile, as they conversed, Bianca stood with her arms crossed tightly. She could feel her knees trembling and nearly buckling beneath her weight. After watching the nude photo-shoot, she was tingly all over. She dared not uncross her arms, for she knew that if she touched herself just briefly, she'd have a volcanic orgasm right then and there. And thus she refused to uncross her arms.

Naturally, Ashley and Danni felt nearly as Bianca did. They stood holding hands, trembling in place and trying not to be heard breathing hard. Finally, Danni dared to break her silence and leaned into Ashley's ear. "Check out that tiny little pussy," she whispered.

"I know," gasped Ashley.

But out on the set, Krista had recovered from the position and waited as her mother whispered back and forth with her photographer. "Can I get dressed now, Mommy?" she asked.

Brenda turned to face her with a nervous grin. "Well... not yet," she said. "Just a few more!"

"More?" protested Krista.

"Just a few more, dear. But... we're gonna change settings again," said Brenda, knowing it was her job to reveal the nature of the next set. Yet she hesitated for the moment to break it to her. And so Shirley one again abandoned her camera to change backgrounds. This time, there was a bookshelf background, not of kids books, but classic books, somewhat like a library in a mansion. Next Shirley replaced the 'rock' with a leather-covered ottoman.

A bewildered Krista looked at the backdrop and ottoman with confusion. "What do I do now?" she asked.

"Well, we... I... uh... we thought it would be both cute and artistic to have you pose on the ottoman. Only in this one, you're going to be a naughty girl," replied Brenda nervously.

And so she turned the ottoman diagonally, so that a corner faced the camera. Now, straddle the corner of the ottoman, and look over your right shoulder toward the camera." Krista slowly complied by assuming the position. And so Brenda produced the hairbrush from her purse and set it down beside her daughter on the ottoman. "Now this picture tells a story. A naughty girl is waiting for her mother to come in to spank her."

And so Shirley returned to her camera. The viewer looked straight at Krista's pale bare bottom as her legs straddled the corner of the ottoman. And the hairbrush beside her forebode punishment. And as Krista's facial expression went from bewilderment to apprehension, the camera flashed. "Oh wonderful!" exclaimed Shirley. "You ready to do the last one?"

"I guess so," said Brenda as she approached Krista again from off the set. "Just one more, sweetie," she said.


"Yes dear. The very last one. However, to make it the perfect picture to complete the set, your bottom needs to be red!" And with that, she picked up the hairbrush.

"Mommy!" cried Krista.

"It'll be just a few spanks, dear," assured Brenda. "Just enough to make your bottom red enough for the camera. It would make such a darling picture!"

Krista whined slightly in apprehension, for she was not mentally conditioned yet to accept a spanking. However, she finally said, "Okay Mommy. But please, not too hard!"

"Okay dear, now hold still for me," said Brenda as she bent down with the brush in hand. She tapped her daughter's bare bottom a few times before giving a few loud whacks. Krista squealed and jolted with each one. "Oooow!" she cried after one swat. "Oooow-ooow!"

"Almost dear," said Brenda as she raised the brush again and gave a smack that left a red hot splotch on the left buttock.

"Ooooow! Mommy it hurts!" Poor Krista had shed no tears, yet she was quite close.

"Well, of course it hurts, dear. But we want the picture to be just right. It'll stop hurting in a few minutes. Now just take a deep breath and relax." Krista drew in a breath and tried to calm down again. And naturally, she reached back to rub her sore bottom. "No, no! Don't rub yet," ordered her mother.

"I think that's red enough," said Shirley. "Let's just get her posed before it fades."

And so, they had her pose again, this time looking over her left shoulder with the hairbrush now on the other side of her. Brenda positioned her bottom so the red splotches on her buttocks would be the focal point of the photograph. "Okay, that's good, Krista!" said Brenda. "Now hold that pose, please and don't move!"

"Yes, very good," added Shirley as she readied the camera. "Now look right into the camera but be natural. You feel the sting on your bottom and you're in pain and remorse. Give me that look, Krista." And thus she gave a sad look to the camera as her poor bottom still had a lingering burning feeling. And instantly, the camera flashed in a series of rapid-fire clicks. "Okay, I think we got a take!"

"Alright baby girl, we're done!" said Brenda as she approached her daughter on the ottoman. "And you did wonderful! Mommy is sooooo proud of you!" And thus she kissed her on the cheek.

"Can I rub my bottom now?" she asked innocently.

"Oh, you're poor sore little bottom," replied Brenda as she in turn began to rub and knead at those round buttocks. Yet she coaxed her back up from her pose and led her off the set. "Here, you can get dressed now, honey," she said as she handed over her clothing which had been neatly folded.

And therefore, Shirley walked out to move the ottoman off the set. Yet she instantly noticed a small wet spot, right where Krista had straddled it. Once she took it beyond the curtain into the prop room, she dared to take one sniff. And the scent was a telltale sign of Krista's arousal during her photo-shoot. However, she said nothing and innocently returned to her clients. "Okay, I think we're ready for Ashley," she declared. "You ready for her, Bianca?"

"I think so," she replied.

Yet Ashley prodded her mother once Krista was nearly dressed again. "Mommy? Can I do that?"

"Do what, dear?"

"Can I do a nude picture?"

"Ashley!" exclaimed Bianca. "I... I... I don't know yet. We'll see," she said nervously. 'What am I saying?' she thought. 'I... I'm not that type mother. I just can't approve.' Once again, she was in a state of confusion. 'But still, my little baby girl won't be a kid forever. She's gonna grow up fast and then... oh what'll I do?' Once again, her conflicting thoughts went unheard to the outside world as her daughter stood by her side unawares.

"Do you have a beach scene?" asked Ashley as she approached, quite ready for her photo shoot in a short maroon dress, sailor hat and sandals.

"I sure do, honey," replied Shirley. "You want your picture by the ocean?"

"Yeah!" gleamed Ashley.

"Well come on!" And thus Shirley pulled down the ocean backdrop with sailboats and seagulls in the distant background.

"Cool!" exclaimed Ashley.

"And... I've got a palm tree and a wooden post for a pedestal."

And soon, she mounted the top of the meter high wooden pedestal made to look as it were part of a pier. For her first take, she crossed her legs tightly, her right leg across her left with her toes pointed and both hands resting on her right knee. For the second, she leaned back with her hands behind her holding the pedestal, smiling widely and innocently for the camera.

"Don't fall, Ash!" cried her mother.

"I won't," assured Ashley. "I just wanted to get my legs in the picture!"

Bianca sighed. "Trust me, they're in the picture."

Bianca couldn't help but to admire her own flesh-and-blood out there in front of the camera. Ashley's golden hair and bulbous blue eyes glistened in the studio lights. Her long slender legs looked beautiful jutting out from the dress, now getting toned from her gymnastics class.

And for the next shot, she bent her knees up and placed her sandaled feet on the edge of the pedestal, now showing the crotch of her panties to the camera. For the first take, she smiled wide and toothy for the camera. Then, she looked off to the left, staring into space. For the next pose, she let one leg hang down of the pedestal while resting her cheek on her bent knee of the other leg. Naturally, the crotch of her white panties showed from beneath her short dress. She also stood up on the pedestal with her feet crossed and arms out like a bird. She also straddled the top of the pedestal, doing the splits as the camera snapped away.

"Oh Bianca, these are going to be sooooo cute!" gleemed Shirley.

Danni stared with glassy unblinking eyes. Her arousal had not gone down in the least. Seeing her own girlfriend out there flashing her panties sent chills throughout her body. So naturally, heavy love-making was all that was on her mind.

Bianca sighed and trembled. For some reason, the panty-shots looked more cute and innocent than slutty. Yet it was no secret Ashley enjoyed the exposure and attention. There was no denying she had a beautiful daughter with the prettiest eyes and smile. And so she found herself grinning as she watched her daughter happily pose for the camera.

Eventually, Shirley gave her a beach ball as a prop to pose with, some with her smiling brightly and cheerfully at the camera, while others with more natural expressions, looking off into the distance. Yet Shirley lost count of how many times she had snapped the camera by the time she faced her photo subject's mother. "Uh, Bianca, will there be any others you'd like me to take?" she asked candidly.

Bianca sighed as she rubbed her head. "Uh, yes... I mean, NO!" she said in reference to her daughter being photographed nude. "I mean... Yes... I guess a few more."

Shirley smiled. "Y'know, I get a lot of mothers who want me to take a few 'artistic keepsake' photos, so it's not completely unusual.

"Well... okay, let's just get this over with," said Bianca, now riled with guilt over the idea of approving such a thing. Yet even as she struggled, she somehow knew she would not regret her decision. "Ashley, just make sure you don't wrinkle that dress!"

"Okay, Mommy!" she said with a sweet wide grin of excitement. And thus she reached up to unbutton it. She slid it down her body as Bianca approached to receive it. Then, she bent over to remove her sandals, now clad in only her panties. She handed them to her mother, who stood waiting for her to strip down. And so Ashley smiled nervously as the reality hit her. Nevertheless, she slid her panties down and pulled them off her feet. "Here, Mommy," she said with a nervous grin as she surrendered them.

"Okay dear! Now remember... do something nice and beautiful and not... well... dirty!" said Bianca.

"Don't worry, Mommy," assured Ashley with her charming innocent smile. "I will. Just like Krista did. You said she looked pretty! I just want to be pretty too!"

"Of course," replied Bianca with an approving smile before walking off the set. "Just like Krista," she mumbled in repetition of her daughter's words.

And so, Ashley walked back and climbed upon the wooden pedestal and assumed a natural looking pose. She stared at the camera in wonder for the first take, rather than smile. For the second take, she simply smiled like a child. For the third, she adjusted her legs, which this time, with one knee up and one leg hanging down, brought her naked little hairless crotch into full view of the camera. Shirley snapped the picture with no hesitation. Next, she stood up on the pedestal with her arms out like a bird, once again giving a full frontal view to the camera.

Then, she posed with the beach ball, with the camera snapping candid shots as she tossed it around. Then, she posed by the fake palm tree with several poses. And the sensuous feeling of all the surfaces against her bare skin had worked wonders on her. In the final nude shot, she squatted down with one hand leaning on the beach ball, her knees apart. Naturally, the position forced her nether lips open, revealing the pink center, mostly covered with hymen with but a small natural opening. However, her pink and swollen labia in no way escaped Danni's notice! For Ashley's tormented tomboy lover stood off to the side, staring with unblinking eyes of wonder and desire with mouth agape. She had known that naked body and had kissed and caressed that silky soft and smooth flesh many times. And she could feel Ashley's arousal within her, all caused by the barrage of sensations, both physical and emotional during the photo-shoot.

"Okay, Ashley, that's quite enough to choose from," said Bianca.

"Aw Mommy, I was like, just having fun," replied Ashley with her innocent smile.

"Yes, dear, we could tell," replied Bianca.

"Can't I do just a few more?" pled Ashley.

"Well actually... yes!" said Bianca. "As a matter of fact, I'm going to have you do a few more. Just a moment!" And with that, she approached Shirley and spoke softly, denying others in the room the details of the conversation.

"Sure! We can do that," Shirley finally replied as she broke the silence. "Just a moment, please." And with that, she removed the sea-themed items from the set. Then, she raised a curtain and rolled a scaled-down bed into the room with lacy girly blankets on it, before lowering another backdrop, this one of a girl's bedroom.

"You wanna girl's bedroom scene?" asked Ashley.

"Yes, I think it would be nice for the shoot," replied Bianca. "I mean, Krista was spanked in a library. You'll get spanked in a bedroom!"

Suddenly, it hit her what her mother had in mind. Ashley gasped in surprise and apprehension. "Uh... uh... you mean I have to..."

"Yes, I want you in a spanking pose too-- a before and an AFTER!" Ashley swallowed hard, now with nearly sad puppy eyes. "Well... okay Mommy," she mumbled.

"Good girl!" gleamed Bianca. "Now, show me a naughty girl laying across the bed, waiting to get her bare bottom spanked!"

And so Ashley assumed a position lying naked on the bed. Bianca placed her hairbrush down on the bed beside her that it might be in the picture as well before racing off the set.

"Okay, that looks good," declared Shirley. "Ready?"

"Yeah," mumbled Ashley.

"Turn your head and look at the camera dear," coaxed Shirley. "Just relax your face!"

Ashley's nervous look was quite enough for the artistic quality, and thus the camera snapped. "Very good! Now, stick out your tongue like a last act of defiance before you get your spanking!" coaxed Shirley. Ashley giggled slightly before complying.

After the camera snapped, Bianca once again approached. "Cute! Real cute, young lady," she said to her daughter. "Now... for the last take, let's have a red bottom to finish the story." And with that, she reached for the hairbrush. "Now this is gonna sting!"

"I know; I know!" said Ashley as she grit her teeth. "Just get it over with!" And with that, she instinctively clenched her buttocks tight in anticipation.

Bianca patted her bottom gently only a few times with the hairbrush, before swatting those pale globes in order to redden them. Ashley held as still as she could, yet each stinging swat caused her legs to kick. Smack! "Ow!" Smack! "Oooww!" Whack! "Ooowie-Oww!" she cried out. CRACK! "Ooooow! Mommy, that hurts!"

"Well of course it does!" laughed Bianca. "But the picture will look soooo darling with a red bottom! Now hold still for two more!"

"Y...yes Mommy," mumbled Ashley as she tensed her whole body in anticipation. Instantly, two more swats landed, one on each side of her bottom, now rendering her naked buttocks quite red.

"Well, I hope that shows up," said Bianca as she placed the brush back down on the bed to be in the picture. "Okay Ash! Give us a good pose, now!"

And so she posed again, trying to ignore the burning sensation on her bottom. She turned her face to the camera with a look of resignation after having been coerced into this one. "Oh, that's good, dear, except close your eyes," coaxed Shirley.

And once her eyes were closed, yet her mouth slightly open with a slight expression of pain, the camera snapped at the moment of artistic perfection. "Oh, Bianca, I think we got a masterpiece there!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, I was just admiring my handiwork," said Bianca with a smile. "Talk about 'Little Lady in Red!'"

Ashley only sighed. "Are we done, Mommy?" she asked from the set.

"Yes sweetie! You can put your dress back on."

And so she rose from the bed and walked back to her mother, who handed her the folded panties. Ashley stooped over and pulled them up her long slender legs and then slid the dress over her head. "Mommyyyy, my butt is like, soooo on fire!" she protested as she reached back to rub.

The mesmerized Danni swallowed hard, now nearly at an orgasm just from watching. "And you are sooooo gonna get a dyke-rape from me!" she whispered into her ear.

In reply, Ashley giggled in that particular way that drove poor Danni wild! Yet she picked up her skateboard in preparation for her own photo-shoot and looked at her mother. "Say uh Mom, can I..."

"Don't even think about it!" snapped Tammy. "Just sit out there and get your picture taken!"

"But Mom, I wasn't going to ask about going nude," assured Danni. "I just wanted to pose with my model plane too."

"Oh... well... I suppose that would do," replied Tammy, now relieved.

And for the first shoot, Danny sat on a stool with the 'library' background in her short-pants suit and tie. The coat and shorts were a dark navy blue, yet the shorts were quite short on her as she requested in order that the photo would capture the curvy muscular tone on her legs. And even though she sported white nylon knee-high socks, they bulged out by way of her calf muscles beneath. And so she sat posing with crossed-legs, quite lady-like for a tomboy. She posed sitting with her knees apart, holding up her model B-52 bomber plane which she had put a lot of time into building and painting. She posed with one leg hanging off the stool and the other knee bent with her chin resting on it. Inadvertently, a small portion of white panty peeked out from the crotch of her shorts in that take, yet Tammy said nothing. She also posed without the model plane, sitting on the stool while doing the splits with her legs nearly straight out, smiling at the camera with her gleaming white overbite and braces.

However, all the leg-crossing and uncrossing and the like only caused the crotch of her shorts to consistently rub against her swollen clit. Since witnessing the previous shoots, her arousal had not gone down in the least. And all those movements only seemed to increase the tingling, taking her one step closer to an orgasm.

However, she then changed into her sport clothes. She donned a cropped red jersey and slid on a newer pair of brief baby-blue nylon jogging shorts. Using a simple bluish-gray background, she did various poses with her soccer ball. Some were standing as she made sure her biceps and thigh muscles were flexed for the shot. In others, she sat down on her skateboard, causing a little 'up-shorts' view, yet only the slightest white of panty would show. She would sit with knees bent to her chest or with legs crossed like a pretzel. For a few shots with the skateboard, she stuck a bandage on her knee to tell the tales of her dangerous lifestyle. In one, she pointed to it with a proud smile. And she found this session rather thrilling. She loved showing off her muscle tone and smooth suntanned flesh. And the silky nylon shorts rubbing against her crotch continued to leave her in a desperate state to bring herself off.

Brenda gleamed as she watched the session. "Oh Tammy, she is sooooo darling!" she simply said.

And as Bianca watched, she could definitely understand just why she drove her daughter Ashley made with love. "Yes, that IS cute," she added to the ogling.

"Y'know, Tammy, your cute little tomboy isn't going to be a little-girl forever!" warned Brenda. "Seems just like yesterday when you rescued her from the bathroom and took her to the hospital, doesn't it! And look! She's half-grown now and counting down the days when she can fly away!"

"Brenda!" snapped Tammy. "Don't be so morbid."

"I'm only trying to say that now's the time to get those precious memories of your little baby-girl!"

"Well, I still have a few of her baby bibs!" snapped Tammy.

"Yes, but Bianca and I preserved our babies as their true selves, now forever on film!"

Tammy hesitated and shook her head. "You girls are crazy," she said, before looking out on the set again at her tween daughter sitting on her skateboard with her right side to the camera, resting her chin on her bent knee, flashing some bare hip because her shorts were quite brief. "Oh, my baby girl!" mumbled Tammy forlorn. After considering Brenda's words, her eyes could have teared up. She took one deep breath. "Uh, Danni!" she called out. "There's a slight change in plan. I'm going to have you do a few 'artistic' shoots... just for me."

Danni found herself flooded with mixed feelings. She was embarrassed about such exposure. She was thrilled over the admiration. She was worried that everyone would see just how flushed and wet she was down there. Yet the look in her mother's eyes was that 'mandatory' look. Yes, how quickly it went from 'forbidden' to 'required.' And thus she took a deep breath as she stood up. "Okay Momma. If you really want me to," she said compliantly.

"Yes, I think I want this," murmured Tammy with a trace of guilt.

"Any particular backdrop you'd like?" asked Shirley.

"No, I'll keep the plain one. Let the focus be on Danni."


And thus Tammy approached as Danni removed her jersey. At this point, her breasts were beginning to form and were ready for a training bra. Yet Tammy took her daughter's shirt and began to fold it as Danni sat back down on her skateboard to untie her shoes. Tammy collected each item as they were removed. By the time Danni was down to her panties, she was trembling with self-consciousness, being that her own mother was right there waiting for her to finish stripping. "C'mon, Danni. Gi'me your panties," Tammy nervously coaxed. And so Danni's trembling hands slowly slid them down over her knees. With a shy grin, she surrendered her panties to her mother. Yet now her bald naked labia rested on the cold hard plastic surface skateboard. A new tingling sensation filled her already throbbing crotch. Right away, she felt a drop ooze forth.

Moreover, not only did Tammy feel the dampness in her daughter's panties when she took hold of them, but the faint girl scent also reached her nose. She knew what it was all about. Yet it was the forces of nature at work and she figured she could control such a thing in her daughter no more than she could control an earthquake. However, she said nothing about it. She just looked down at Danni shyly sitting on her skateboard, now naked as a newborn with her hands on her bent knees. She gave an approving smile. "Okay, hon. Why don't you do a few skateboard poses," she suggest. "Show us your young, strong and muscular body!"

"Okay Mom," replied Danni as she turned to the right, denying the camera a view of her hairless crotch. And thus the photo-shoot continued. Danni smiled bashfully at the camera for a few modest poses hiding her pink puffy damp flower. Yet soon, Tammy herself insisted Danni stand up. For the first shot, Danni held the skateboard up, covering her crotch with a nervous smile at the camera. But for the next take, she stood on her skateboard with her arms out as if skating down the street, this time with full frontal nudity. She smiled for one shot, and the next, she looked down toward her feet with a natural face. As she posed, she suddenly felt a mysterious thrill. There was something very pleasing and exciting about it and now understood why Ashley had enjoyed her session. Everyone stared as the flash lit up the set, revealing those rosy nether lips now quite swollen out to expose the dark pink interior. Danni instinctively bent down slightly to quickly rub her aching tingling crotch, now wondering how much more she could take before she would cum spontaneously. "Mom I... I uh... gotta go pee," she said over heavy breathing, hoping to hide her state.

"We're almost done, dear," assured Tammy. "Here, let's do a few poses with your soccer ball." And thus Danni took it and made a few sporty poses in the nude. She would bounce it with her knee as the camera took still action shots, some of them catching her in just the right pose that pulled her nether lips wide open with the motion of her legs. And for a few final shots, Tammy had Danni squatting down on the skateboard with knees bent, soccer ball in hand. And being so juxtaposed left her hairless cunny gaping wide open, revealing the pinkish hymen. Yet the poses seemed so natural and youthful. By now, the exposure, admiration, the cool air against her flesh, as well as all the movement had nearly pushed her over the edge. She could feel the intense throbbing and tingling down there as she stood on the brink of orgasm. "Good, Danni," cried Tammy in approval. "Now sit down on the skateboard with your knees to your chest."

Danni knew such a pose would leave her completely exposed. And she knew that assuming such a pose would cause more tension on her swollen clit. And so she moved slowly and nervously into position, hoping to avoid that last rub that would make her burst. As she sat down, the sensation of the skateboard against her bare buttocks made her crotch tingle and throb again, as well as leak another drop. And then feeling the plastic against her swollen labia forced her to grit her teeth as she fought off an eruption. As she grabbed her knees, she could feel some drops flowing out. She nearly blushed, hoping her audience would not notice as she desperately fought to keep from cumming. "Mom!" she protested over her gasping breaths as she repressed an orgasmic blast. "I... I..." She was so close now she was afraid to move.

"You're doing fine, honey," assured Tammy. "Just relax and give us a natural face. Look to the camera with those pretty eyes." However, Danni's trembling body against the skateboard only caused additional tension against her throbbing clit. Yet the camera flashed just as she had that perfect natural juvenile look to her. "Very good," said Tammy. "Now for the last one, why don't you straddle the skateboard."

Danni grit her teeth again, knowing that she couldn't last through the shifting motions required to assume the pose. "Oh Mom, can't I..."

"Just one more dear! This is the last one! So make it count!"

"Y... yes Momma," she gasped over her heavy breathing. 'If I'm careful, maybe I'll just make it,' she thought to herself. And thus she carefully manipulated herself with her teeth clenched. Slowly, she turned the skateboard and then descended down upon it, spreading her legs out. But when her throbbing wet cunny pressed against that hard surface, that final familiar pre-orgasmic chill surged through her body.

"Lean back just a little, hon," coaxed Shirley as she readied the camera.

But even now, Danni knew it was too late. The last rub she had made against the skateboard had triggered it. A sudden tingling rush overcame her as her head began to spin. She had passed the point of no return--her orgasm had already started. The irreversible big explosion was building up as Shirley cried out, "That's good! Hold that pose!"

Yet Danni no longer had control. As the wave of sensuous euphoric pleasure consumed her, she cried out as the blast struck her whole body like an erupting volcano. "Ooooh-OOOH!" she squealed uncontrollably with the sudden release of all of her tensions. Her body spasmed as she squirted juice onto the skateboard. Her mouth fell wide open and her eyes fell shut as her head rolled back. Her body jolted in rhythm with each pulsating contraction of her orgasm. By now, she was crying from shame and embarrassment. Yet her right hand instinctively went for her crotch to give a few rubs in order to take such a powerful climax to it's fullest. She felt what seemed a thousand volts shooting through her body at rapid intervals. She shrieked and moaned uncontrollably. For a split second, she forgot where she was and who she was. All else vanished as the only reality she knew was her powerful sensuous climax. Visions of naked Krista and naked Ashley raced through her head, especially those with their red bottoms before the camera.

However, once the most intense waves had passed, chagrin consumed her when she saw her audience watching in both awe and envy through her teary eyes. Yet there was nothing she could do. Nature's forces within her own body were beyond her control. Her face turned beet-red as she finished her massive cum front of her audience.

By the time Danni calmed down, Tammy was speechless and awestruck. She was lost too! What kind of a mother was she? She was a loving mother, naturally, and had always accepted her daughter and her boyish passions without prejudice. Yet she wondered why she had permitted this, and why she found it so thrilling. After all, she never considered herself that liberated. Nevertheless, she approached her daughter, knowing how she must have been feeling. "C'mon honey. Let me help you up," was all she said.

Danni continued to sob. "I tried not to, Mom. I really did," she said over her crying.

"It's okay, dear. I'm not worried about it," assured Tammy as she supported Danni's trembling body. "Don't cry, honey. You did what I asked. Now let's get you wiped clean and dressed."

Yet when they walked off the set, what did Tammy see but Brenda holding Krista on her lap as Krista rubbed herself wild under her panties. Krista suddenly shrieked with what nearly looked like a painful look on her face. "Aaaaah!" she moaned as she kicked her legs about. Brenda gently rubbed her daughter's shoulders as she brought herself off.

"Oh my!" gasped Tammy.

"Well, after seeing that, we just needed some relief, didn't we," said Brenda as she patted her daughter. "Are we feeling better now, hon?"

"Y... yes Mommy," mumbled Krista as she collapsed against her mother with a placid grin.

And thus Brenda kissed her daughter on her forehead. She looked up to Tammy with a smile, well aware of Tammy's mixed feelings toward everything. "Well, if we learn to get relief this way, we don't need to get into trouble with boys, do we?" she said.

Tammy only smirked. "Well, that I simply can't argue!" she said with a grin.

Twenty minutes later, the three mother-daughter pairs sat at the desk in the front room of the studio suite, all dressed in the way they had come in that morning. They looked at the computer monitor as the images from the takes flashed by one-by-one. "That one... that one... no, not that one... that one," said Brenda as she reviewed the portraits of her daughter. "Hmmm, naw, not that one... that one... oh YES. THAT one!" she exclaimed upon one of the nudes. And so each mother in turn reviewed every still taken, selecting which ones were keepers and which were rejects. But poor Danni blushed and hid her face when that final 'portrait' flashed on the screen. There she was, nude on her skateboard with eyes closed and mouth open, taken just the instant before her orgasmic explosion. "Hmmm, I guess I'll take that one," said Tammy.

"Momma! Noooo!" protested Danni, hiding her face againt her mother's shoulder.

"Just for my personal collection dear," assured Tammy as she patted her daughter. "It's for when you're all grown up and moved out, I'll have something to remember my darling baby girl."

"Aaaaw Mom," was all Danni could muster.

"Well, it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, y'know," said Tammy. "Trust me, there will be no more photo-shoots like this one."

And so, they placed their orders with Shirley and wrote their checks before leaving. Once Danni had a chance to be with Ashley that afternoon, there came the long-awaited dyke-rape. As Danni tribbed hard against her naked Ashley, she burst and spewed all over her, nearly knocking herself unconscious. Ashley's cries of passion could have ruptured any eardrum. They held and kissed each other in the afterglow of the moment. "Oh Ash, you're sooooo beautiful! I-love-you, I-luv-you-I-luv-you," said Danni playfully as she squeezed her lover.

"Oh Dan-Dan, you make me feel soooooo goooood," moaned Ashley with her eyes closed.

That night when Bianca and Brenda settled into their sapphic queen-sized bed, they were more than ready for love-making, considering all they had seen and done that day. Orgasms were powerful, if slightly painful. Yet the visions of the naked children in the photo studio kept them aroused and ready. Finally, fatigue overcame them as the settled down to sleep.

"So Brenda, I guess you thinking it's time to spank the girls again," mumbled Bianca.

"Yes, I'd say so," mumbled Brenda with a smile. "And I was thinking we need to start looking for some anal beads for the occasion."

"Oh Brenda!" gasped Bianca as she snuggled close.

Two weeks later, the mothers returned to the studio to collect their prints. Naturally, the ones that hung on the walls of living rooms or hallways were those with clothing, albeit Brenda used an innocent up-skirt shot as her primary official portrait of her daughter. The picture of Danni in her short-pants suit hung in Tammy's living room. She was seated on the stool with one knee up to her chest and the other leg dangling free, affording but a hint of white panty from the 'up-shorts' view. She was smiling proudly at the camera holding her model plane in one hand and her bent knee in the other. Bianca hung a portrait of Ashley in her red dress with the beach background, where she sat with both knees folded against her chest with her arms about them. Yet with her feet cross, only a small trace of white cotton panty could be seen, and only at close range.

Yet each mother had a matted portfolio of the nude scenes prepared for them with a decorative cover to be placed inside a dresser under clothing. And they secretly exchanged such photos, each having a collection of the three girls. Naturally, it proved to be the most pleasing jilling material they had ever have... and it would last a lifetime!

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Fantasicly Erotic ..

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