Little Spanking Video Starlet, Part 8

[ FFgg, spank ]

by Pulsar

Published: 23-Jan-2011

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Yet as the flustered mum dragged Stacy in by the arm, Stacy desperately resisted. "No, Mummy! Noooo! I'll never do it again! Mummy nooo! Pleeeeze!"

"You had your fair chance this morning, young lady when I sent you out for the bus!" scolded the mother.

"Now, first thing you do is remove the naughty child's clothing!" said Aunt Dora. "The shame of nakedness should help with the lesson!"

"Oh?" replied the mother. "Well... sounds jolly good to me!"

"Noooo, Mummy! Pleeeze!" protested Stacy as her mum began to unbutton her blouse!

"Hush your noise, you! Or we'll have two rounds of this!" warned Mrs. Carlton. "Now off come the skirt and knickers!"

"Nooo, Mummy, noooo!" said Stacy, slightly over-acting. However, the performance was still rather grand.

"Funny you should come by at this time," said Aunt Dora as she folded up the clothes and placed them on the chair. "My own Audrey is upstairs now, on her bed and position for her strapping! If not for your ringing, I'd have her bottom red already!"

"Well, looks like Audrey's going to have company!" snapped Mrs. Carlton. "Up you go!"

"Noooo, Mummy, pleeeeze, noooo!" protested Stacy as they moved off-screen.

Yet with a quick 'flip-wipe' of the screen, there lay both Audrey and Stacy in 'doggie' position naked and side by side, yet with there chests resting down upon some pillows, bare bottoms high in the air. From the 'rear view,' even their pink nether lips sat visible. Yet from their facial shots, Audrey appeared somewhat stoic while Stacy softly whimpered. After a few seconds, Audrey gave her a look that said, 'for God's sake, quit whining,' yet said nothing. However, the five-second silence soon ended. "Is this gonna really hurt?" asked Stacy with a whiny voice.

"No," said Audrey with a sigh.

"Oh, good," mumbled Stacy with relief.

"It's gonna really, really, REALLY hurt... a lot!" retorted Audrey.

"Oooh!" gasped Stacy as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Suddenly, the door from behind them flew open and in walked Aunt Dora and Mrs. Carlton. "Well, well, well! What a lovely sight! Two naughty bottoms ripe for a whipping!" said Aunt Dora.

"Quite!" agreed Mrs. Carlton with her eyes wide behind her glasses.

"Now, let's see how naughty these little girls really are!" said Aunt Dora as she started to gently rub Audrey's bottom again. Then, she let her finger draw down the crack, all the way to her pink swollen lips. Once again, Audrey jolted with a gasp. "See, look how wet she is! She thinks she can get out of her spankings by having her little 'naughty jollies,' but it never works! She's getting strapped all the same!"

"Oh dear!" said Mrs. Carlton. "And what of my Stacy?"

"Well, let's see!" said Aunt Dora as she turned her attention to Stacy's shapely bottom and repeated the gesture. Stacy squeaked as her body jolted and her head bobbed up and down once. "Hmmm! She's quite damp herself!"

"Oh my!" said Mrs. Carlton. "But I trust your strap will turn those jollies into tears!"

"Oh yes!" assured Aunt Dora as she teased Stacy once again by caressing around those lips.

"Ooooh!" moaned Stacy as she humped the air. Yet Aunt Dora gave a light slap on that bottom with her open hand. "Aaaah!" she gasped.

"Now! I'll give a demonstration on your Stacy, and then you can practice yourself on my naughty naked Audrey," said Aunt Dora as she seized the belt from the bed. "Just watch!"

"I shall indeed!" assured Mrs. Carlton with a sly approving smile.

And with that, Aunt Dora let the tip of the belt slowly tickle Stacy's crack up and down for a few strokes, causing the hapless nymph to gasp, moan and writhe. "Now, you hold that position young lady and don't you move!" And thus she folded the belt into a loop. She rested it against the right buttock pulled tight from that position. Slowly, she drew a circle that once again made Stacy gasp. Yet the subtle caressing sensations only made those visible nether lips pinker and wetter. Then, she brought the belt back as if to strike, yet only brought it down lightly with barely a touch on that baby-soft flesh.

Nevertheless, Stacy whined in protest as if assuming it would be for real. And after two more of these practice swings, the belt finally landed with a 'CRACK!' leaving a bright pink splotch on that otherwise pale flesh. "Aaaaaaah!" screamed Stacy as she writhed in place.

"Hold still, now!" warned Aunt Dora before striking the left buttock with a 'SMACK!'

"Eeeeeee!" shrieked Stacy, her natural facial reaction now showing on the screen all wrinkled up with grit teeth.

Yet Aunt Dora reached out to briefly rub the pink splotches. "This is far from over, you hookey-player! Just think about this next time you want to skip school!" And with that, she raised the belt, striking the right side again.

CRACK! "Oooooow-oooow-oww!" cried Stacy as she jolted. Even Audrey jolted too at the sound of the impact, both in empathy and in dread of what she would soon be getting.

"Now, Maggie! If you want tears real quick, just strike the same spot several times in a row!" said Aunt Dora as she raised the strap. 'CRACK! WHACK! SMACK!' went the belt on the right buttock, all in the same general spot, now causing it to glow a bright angry red!

"Brilliant!" gleamed Mrs. Carlton.

"And now, the left side so she won't be lopsided!" quipped Aunt Dora as she raised the belt. 'CRACK! WHACK! SMACK!' With each slap of the belt on that flesh, the shot quickly flashed to Stacy's natural facial reaction, her eyes wrinkled tight and her mouth distorted as she began to cry. Real tears began to roll down her cheeks as she bawled.

Yet Aunt Dora reached out to rub and squeeze those glowing red buttocks. "That's how it's done!" she said to Mrs. Carlton. "But as you can see, she's still getting some naughty jollies!" With that, she gently caressed her finger along those swollen moist nether lips, causing the sniveling Stacy to winch once again, shaking her hips about. "See how naughty she is?" said Aunt Dora as she presented her wet finger to Mrs. Carlton.

"Oh my!" gasped the mother as she sniffed the finger now wet with her own daughter's joy juices. "Quite naughty, I'd say!" she agreed as she slowly took the finger in her mouth to taste.

Aunt Dora then turned back to that well-spanked bottom and rubbed a few more circles over the hot red splotches. "You're very naughty, aren't you!" she said as she once again slipped a finger betwixt those puffy lips. In reply, Stacy slowly humped and swayed her hips against that caressing finger as she continued to cry softly. "Well, from now on, your 'mummy' will spank this bottom nonetheless!"

But soon, she turned back to Mrs. Carlton. "Now, Maggie! It's your turn! Go on! Give Audrey's naughty bare bottom what it deserves!"

"Of course!" And with that, Mrs. Carlton stepped up to the bed. She reached out and caressed Audrey's bare bottom and then her crack in the manner she had witnessed. Then, she dared to tease those nether lips, causing Audrey to moan and writhe. "Alright, Audrey! Let's see how quickly I can turn this bummy nice and red!" And with that, she raised the belt. And as Aunt Dora had done, she gave a few teasing practice swings before striking that pale bottom.

And as before, the scenes would quickly change between the belt striking the bottom and Audrey's facial reactions. Yet Aunt Dora demanded that Audrey be given ten swats in stead of the eight that Stacy had endured. And after Audrey was crying naturally, Mrs. Carlton's hand slowly reached out to caressed that freshly spanked warm bottom, and then down into those puffy lips. "Well, it would seem like she's quite roused over this!" she said as she sank her finger into the opening.

"Yes! She's good at those naughty jollies!" agreed Aunt Dora.

And as before, Mrs. Carlton presented her wet finger to Aunt Dora for a quick sniff and taste. "Well, we'll see how this does for Stacy. But I can assure you this won't be her last time for a right smart whipping!" With that, she reached out to caress her own daughter's bottom. "You do know that, don't you?"

"Y... yes, Mummy!"

"Don't forget it!" With that, she turned to Aunt Dora. "I propose that from now on, if one of them skips school, they both get right smart paddling! They both catch the bus at the same stop. So the school-skipper gets spanked for buggering off, and the other gets spanked for failing to stop her!"

"Why, that's a marvelous idea," beamed Aunt Dora. "Now let's go have some tea while they cry it out and think about their rotten behavior!"

"Oh, jolly good!"

And with that, they quit the room, leaving the two girls to cry on the bed. Yet once the door closed, they abandoned their 'doggie' positions and both lay on their sides rubbing their bottoms. Stacy calmed down first since her spanking was first. But Audrey cried for a few more moments, having been spanked harder and longer.

"Well, you were right," sighed Stacy. "It really, REALLY hurt!" she said as she wiped the last tears away.

"Well, you wouldn't be a brat if you got more whippin's at home!" replied Audrey. With that, she gave another slap on the red splotch on Stacy's bottom.

"Ooow! Stop!" protested Stacy.

"C'mon. You know you like it! You're wet!"

"So? So are you!"

"So?" snapped Audrey as she slowly began to rub.

"Do you always get like that?" asked Stacy.

"Mmmm, yeah," mumbled Audrey embarrassed.

"But it hurts!" moaned Stacy as she rubbed her red bottom again.

"So, it still kinda feels good," said Audrey. "See?" With that, she reached out to grab Stacy's crotch and give a squeeze.

"Ooooh!" moaned Stacy. "Stop!"

"Noooo!" snapped Audrey with bratty voice. "You like it!"

"Stop!" demanded Stacy, although she simply spread her legs farther open. "Quit it! Sto... st...." Her protests died out soon as she closed her eyes and began to hump against Stacy's hand. "Ooooh! Aaaaah!"

Yet soon they sat on the bed facing each other as they began to hug tightly until their arms and legs were intertwined. They squeezed each other tightly, letting their tingly wet little cunnies rub against one another. "Oooh! Oooooo! Aaaaah!" they moaned, now all natural rather than reciting memorized lines from a script. "Mmmmm! Oooooh!" the gasped and moaned until their mouths finally met in a kiss. Then their came a close-up of Audrey's hands squeezing Stacy's red bottom tightly. "Oooooh!" she moaned.

But a quick change in the scene then flashed another bedroom on camera. There lay a naked Ms. Carlton with her back arched up high, supported by a naked Aunt Dora's hand under her bottom. Dora's face was buried deep betwixt Ms. Carlton's thighs as she lapped away at that steamy hot-pink cunny.

"Oooooh! Ooooh-gaaaaawwwd!" gasped Ms. Carlton with eyes closed and mouth wide open. "Ooooh-gaaawwd, yes! Yeeess!" she cried out again, just before releasing a high shriek of explosive orgasmic pleasure. Her outstretched arms squeezed the bedding as her body jolted with each spastic pulsation of her wild out-of-control orgasm. "Ooooh-gaaawwd!" she cried again. But soon she calmed down and fell back down to the bed with scarcely any energy left. "Oh, Dora! Oh, Dora!" she said as she gasped for air. "You have many hidden talents!"

"Do I?" replied Aunt Dora as she lay down beside her. After a chuckle, she too caught her breath. "Forgive me for asking but, what of Stacy's father?"

"Oh... that bastard!" replied Ms. Carlton. "When he was working at the American embassy in Birmingham, I thought he was such a sweet man. We wound up together and he brought me over here stateside. But two years after Stacy was born, he buggered off with a blonde secretary!"

"Oh!" gasped Aunt Dora. "I'm soooo sorry! So... are you er... dating?"

"No!" assured Ms. Carlton. "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!" she said with a grin. "I mean... I just don't have the patience to go through ten rotten men until I find a good one, that's all!"

"Well..." mumbled Aunt Dora as she slowly caressed Ms. Carlton's smooth flesh around her breasts, "it was his loss!" Naturally, Ms. Carlton chuckled. "And... again, forgive me for asking but... what about those, y'know... nocturnal comforts?"

"Oh that," mumbled Ms. Carlton. "Well... I have my ways. And at least when your doing a solo act, there are no disappointments!"

"Yes! I agree," said Aunt Dora. "That's why I've never married, and never will!" With that, she sat up and reached for her panties. "However, when Audrey is a few years older, I fear I may lose control!"

"Oh?" said Ms. Carlton as she too reached for her clothes. "Lucky for Audrey!" And thus she slid on her panties and donned her blouse. "And I must thank you for this... er... delightful 'tea,' if you will!"

"Yes, we must have 'tea' more often, Maggie!" beamed Dora.

But suddenly, a loud squeaky noise came from the other room, causing Ms. Carlton to perk up. "What the..."

"Audrey's bedsprings!" interjected Aunt Dora. "If I oiled them, I'd never know what she was up to!"

And so the scene changed instantly to Audrey's bedroom. There lay Stacy on her back with legs spread wide as Audrey lay on top of her thrusting madly, clit-to-clit. "Ooooh! Oooh! Aaah!" cried Audrey with eyes closed as she tribbed with all her might. Stacy's hands squeezed those pink spanked buttocks tightly, pulling her in with each thrust. Then, she began to slap that bottom with each thrust.

"Oooh!" moaned Audrey as swat re-agitated the sing. Yet Stacy slapped the other buttock briskly as she moaned in ecstasy. "Aaaaah!" whined Audrey, thrusting even harder. 'Slap!' went Stacy's hand. "Ooooh!" cried Audrey as she grinded her crotch hard into Stacy's throbbing clit. "Harder!" she cried. And thus Stacy pulled her in and slapped that bottom again. "Ooooh-gaawwd! Harder! Harder!" cried Audrey in a fit of passion.

And thus Stacy slapped as hard as she could with her arms reaching around in that juxtaposition. Audrey thrust all the more, the very force shaking the bed which brought an awful staccato of squeaks. Stacy gave a few more slaps. "Harder!" cried Audrey over her panting. "Make it hurt some!"

Yet unable to spank harder in that position, Stacy simply dug her fingernails into the redness of that bottom. "OoooOOH!" cried Audrey. And soon, she burst into a massive orgasm, all quite real! There was no acting involved for this scene! She kept thrusting for a few more seconds until Stacy too gave in. Both their bodies jolted as they both moaned and cried out in ecstasy. Soon, Audrey simply collapsed on top of Stacy's naked body, now all sweaty.

"Ooooh! Aaaah!" cooed Stacy as she recovered from her massive climax. "Ooooh! You always have to do something after you get spanked?" she asked.

"Well... usually!" replied Audrey. "Sometimes I use my secret things I keep hidden! They help make it feel good!"

"Oh," moaned an exhausted Stacy. "What things?"

"It's a secret!" she said. "I'm not telling now. Maybe one day!"

"So you use those things after some of your spankings?"

"Uh-huh! But... it's kinda more fun this way," she said.

"I guess it is," said Stacy as she reached back to give her bottom one more rub. "Soooo, you wanna skip school next week... and get caught, of course?!"

Audrey gave her a strange look of surprise, which soon grew to a devious smile. "Well... okay! Sure!" And with that, she broke 'the fourth wall,' and gave a wink to the audience.

And with a dissolve, the screen went blank, soon followed by some dance music as the credits began to flash, one name at a time on the right side of the screen. On the left side, Mandy and Stacy danced rapidly about in school uniforms, snapping fingers and swaying their hips, as if to give the impression that all was well and the drama left them unharmed. But being there were only five names in the credits, all fake names at that, the closing lasted but twenty seconds.

When Krissy turned the lights on, everyone sat grinning ear-to-ear, except for Aunt Janice, who sat mesmerized with her hand squeezing her crotch hard! "Well..." asked Krissy. "What'd you think?"

"Uh... Uh..." stammered Aunt Janet. "Well... I... oh-mah-gawd I... "

"Speechless, eh?" added Leslie.

"Well... it was a uh... wonderful performance!" she said. "Very witty... and very hot! I was scared a few times but... well, it made it even hotter!"

"Glad you liked it," said Sammie. "You don't know how hard it was to work both cameras while all four of them were on the set! I had to do all the off-screen work... and keep from rubbing myself! It wasn't easy!"

"Oh, well you did a wonderful job!" said Aunt Janet. "And you girls! You're acting was wonderful! So convincing!"

"Who's acting?" protested Shelly. "The spanking and crying were all real!"

"Oh my!" gasped Janet.

"Yeah, try remembering your lines when you're crying because your bottom's burning while there's a camera in your face!"

"But it was fun!" added Mandy. "More fun than the 'Spank Safe' video. Even you said so, Shels!"

"Yeah, but when I imagined myself a movie star, I never thought of this!"

"You both did so beautifully well," said Aunt Janet. "I'm proud of you both! And you both looked so cute on the big screen! I'd definatly like to keep a copy!"

"Well, you better hide it good under lock and key!" warned Leslie. "We're sending the rest overseas for sale! We'll make a little cash on the side, perhaps."

"Yes, well... if you'll excuse me for a moment..." said Aunt Janet as she rose from the couch.

"If you're NOT going to the bathroom, why don't you stay in here," coaxed Krissy with a grin. "I mean... after seeing this, you're not the only one with er... 'needs,' y'know!"

"Oh my," gasped Aunt Janet. "But... what about the girls... Mandy and Shelly?"

"They have needs too!" assured Leslie. "So why don't we all relax and get comfortable and celebrate our project all together."

"But let's move the coffee table out of the way first!" said Sammie as she moved it toward the dining area.

"Oh my... oh..." gasped Aunt Janet with longing eyes at the three college girls and the two pre-teens who began to shed their clothing. "Well, at least let me get some blankets!"

And thus she hurried about to locate her extra blankets with the desperation of a dying man in the desert. Once she threw them on the floor, she looked over at her own niece as well as the bashful Shelly who sat on the couch in wonder. "You!" cried Aunt Janet. "You've had it you little nympho!" And with that, she seized upon her. Yet she dared to glance over at Mandy who had gasped in surprise. "And being that you live here, you're in no way off the hook, little girl!"

Instantly, she picked Shelly up until they faced each other eye-to-eye. They stared at one another for a brief second that lasted an eternity, before their lips met. Janet aggressively assailed her younger partner's mouth as Shelly silently closed her eyes and submitted to the advances. Soon, her legs wrapped about Janet's waist and began to squeeze as the sensuous intimate contact began to cause her crotch to tingle. They kissed for several seconds until Janet came up for air. "Now... let's get those clothes off of you and have a look at your angelic little body!" she said.

Meanwhile, Leslie had Mandy down to her panties and had just collapsed on the floor, their bodies entwined as four hands groped every which way. Sammie had managed to remove Krissy's tee and had begun to fondle those small yet perky breasts. And by the time they were rolling on the floor, Aunt Janet had Shelly completely naked. The hapless tween lay on her back breathing heavily in a birthing position as Janet lapped away at her swollen pink hairless crotch. "Ooooh! Ooooh! Oooh-gawd!" she cried out. Yet Janet huridly and desperately brought her little companion to a monstrous orgasm. Yet once the little golden-hared nymph recovered, she found herself down between Janet's slender bare legs returning the favor to her clean-shaven crotch. And naturally, Janet was so aroused and desperate that she came in record time. As she lay in recovery, the room resounded with the others moaning an panting as they were all well on there way to having massive orgasms.

Perhaps they could not remember when they fell asleep late that night, but they awoke at the crack of dawn, naked bodies piled on the living room floor along with a pile of clothes in the corner. Aunt Janet shook her head to shake away the sleep as she realized it was Monday morning. "Oh crap!" she cried out! "School starts in thirty minutes!"

"Bloody hell!" cried Leslie as she rattled her sleepy charge Shelly to wake up. "C'mon! If you miss school, your mum would never forgive me when she returns!"

"Oh no," groaned Shelly. "Do I have too?"

"Yes, c'mon!"

And thus everyone rose up and searched the pile of clothes for their own raiment and dressed in a furry. Mandy and Shelly grabbed their book bags as all were preparing to leave the apartment. "Oh dear! I guess we got carried away! Quite the sinful Sunday if I say so myself!" mumbled Leslie.

"Now remember girls, not a word of this to anybody!" warned Janet.

"Quite!" affirmed Leslie in agreement as she took Shelly by the hand. "Now just go to school as if nothing happened!"

"Yes, Les," muttered Shelly in submission.

"I won't tell, Auntie," assured Mandy.

"Good! Now when you get home, you probably have a spanking coming!" she said with a sly smile.

"Ah yes!" added Leslie. "And so do you!" she said, taking Shelly out the door.

"Oh dear!" moaned Shelly.

"Now if you behave, you might get to try out my power toy... after you take a few stingers on your bum!"

"Oooh!" gleamed Shelly, both elated and chagrined. And thus all fled the apartment. The two under-agers had to get to school. Leslie, Krissy, and Sammie had early classes at the university, and Janet had a few clients at the salon who had made appointments. And so after their sordid Sapphic night, they went their separate ways.

But after school, Mandy found herself laying across two pillows on her bed, bare bottom on high as the brisk swats from a plastic fly-swatter stung her bottom. Smack! Crack! WHACK! "Oooow!" she moaned as she humped hard into the pillows. "Oooow-oww!" She swayed her hips from side to side, grinding her crotch against the fluff of the pillows. "A... a little harder! Do it harder!" she dared say as Aunt Janet had paused to caress her crack and crotch with the plastic implement.

"Okay... here it comes! But it's gonna hurt!"

"I know. I want it to hurt a little more," said Mandy as she panted and humped the pillows, now feeling an orgasm building up from within. "Spank me!"

And after a few more whacks as well as the teasing caresses, she burst once again into her familiar explosive orgasms.

And such went the days after school when Aunt Janet was home from work. Often they would watch the forbidden film they had made, which only seemed to rouse them both for more action. At nights when Mandy was sound asleep, Janet would watch the 'Spank Safe' video in her bedroom and masturbate profusely until she would pass out from the power orgasms the film would induce.

Yet one fateful Friday night, Janet took Mandy over to Leslie's dormitory for the night while she was to go out on the town. "Come in, Mandy," she said as she opened the door. "We'll have a right good time while you're auntie is away! You may remove your clothes and put them in the lower drawer. Shel's is naked and she'd love company!" Then she faced Janet. "Don't worry, she'll be in good hands, I assure you!"

And after a Sapphic night of spanking and sex, she drove her home the next morning, her abdomen still cramped from her monstrous orgasms the night before. Mandy unlocked the door with her key and waved to Leslie in her car. Once inside, she made her way back to the master bedroom. The large lump in the bed testified that her aunt was sound asleep from her supposed night out on the town, which she rarely took. "Aunt Janet, I'm home, she said softly. She was about to go to her own room when the blankets began to boil with movement underneath. Yet to Mandy's surprise, not only did Janet sit up, but Krissy poked her head from the blankets as well.

"Krissy? Aunt Janet!"

"Well... hello Mandy," said Krissy with a blush.

Aunt Janet fared no better. "Mandy! You're here early!"

"Sorry!" said Mandy.

"Well... don't be sorry... I... we..."

"Would you two like breakfast in bed?" asked Mandy with a sly smile. "I'll go make some toast."

"Oh... well yes, honey! Thank you! That would be nice!"

And thus Mandy walked away. And in spite of everything, Janet still felt somewhat shamed of being discovered. "Oh dear... how do we explain this?"

"That's only the beginning!" said Krissy. "How do we tell her that I'm moving in!" added Krissy. "How are we gonna explain that she's gonna have two mommies from now on!"

"Two mommies who'll be giving her a lot of sensuous spankings!" added Janet with an embarrassed grin. "However, I think she'll adjust just fine!"

And so, the 'Spank-Safe' video became a common documentary among schools and parent groups. However, Mandy's life proceeded pretty much as normal. Occasoinally, a teacher would say, "Hey, you look just like that girl in the 'Spank-Safe' instructional video!" Yet she would just grin without confirming nor denying. And as far as their own film they had made on the side, well after several hundred copies of "Wicked Aunt, Naughty Audrey" were burned in the production room on the campus, off they went overseas. In three days, all were sold in a small shop in Bangkok, with a subtle order sent back for two-thousand copies, and a lot of fan mail!

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