Published: 22-Jan-2011
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"Okay! 'Wicked Aunt,' scene one, take three!" cried Leslie by the camera. "And please... try to remember your lines! Okay? Action!" And so the little red light came on as the camera began to record. The door to the false wall on the set opened up and in came Mandy in a traditional school uniform, albeit her dress was quite short and revealing to her cute little bare legs.
Naturally, remembering the lines proved difficult, being that the script had been compiled only that morning, a corroborative effort among the college students as well as some input from Mandy herself. And given the nature of this 'movie,' the script was not written down in full. And there the small crew stood in the basement studio after hours, unbeknownst to the rest of the university staff, or the world in general. After all, they only had a few days to complete their 'movie' before Mandy's aunt would return from her trip.
Therefore, Mandy shyly came through the door with a school bag in hand, looking rather meek and humble. "Well... well well!" said 'Aunt Dora,' the role played by none other than Krissy herself, all arrayed in conservative clothing with her hair up in a bun. "And just what naughtiness did you get into today, Audrey?"
"None, Aunt Dora... honestly," replied Mandy, slightly over-acting in her role as Audrey. "Look in my bag! No notes from the teacher!"
"Hmph. Honestly? That word doesn't belong in the same sentence with 'Audrey!' If I ever find out you tossed a bad note away, you won't be sitting for a week!"
"Yes, Aunt Dora," said 'Audrey' with hesitation.
"Now, since you did NOT get a bad note, you know what that means?" said Krissy in her role, her amateur acting somewhat more convincing.
"Uh, huh!" replied Mandy. "It means I only get spanked with the thin paddle and not the hairbrush."
"That's right! And it's that time!" said Krissy. "So hand me your clothes and head upstairs! I'll be up after I finish my casserole and get it in the oven! And you know what I better see when I get to your room!"
"I have to be in position, ready for my spankin' on the bed," replied Mandy with pseudo-chagrin.
"Riiiiiight! You're finally learning. Now go!"
"Yes ma'am!" And with that, Mandy slowly pulled her dress off over her head. She kicked her shoes off and then slid down her panties, now to stand naked on the set except for her long knee-high socks. She surrendered all her clothes to her 'aunt' and then slowly walked off the set.
"Okay cut!" cried Leslie, their ad-hoc director of this small rag-tag impromptu film crew. "That was a good take! I'd try once more except we're pressed for time and the next could be worse again!" Yes, Leslie was the perfectionist type that took this little forbidden film-making quite seriously. But she was well liked among her colleges and usually fell into leadership roles. She was tall and thin with fiery red hair and a domineering voice with a British dialect that commanded respect.
"Thank God," sighed Krissy.
"Okay, let's change the set for Audrey's bedroom," declared Leslie. "Sammie? Shels? Can you get the bed over here! C'mon Krissy, let's turn this wall round for the bedroom..."
And so the college girls busied themselves preparing the set while Mandy simply sat naked in a chair watching. Leslie's roommate Sammie was the eccentric type who had dyed her hair purple. Yet she was still incredibly cute. She usually dressed more formally than most, yet she was proud to wear her skirts short to bare some thigh! She had been part of the 'Spank Safe' production crew and was thus familiar with the routines.
And as for Shelly, the golden-hared nymph was only a few years Mandy's senior at twelve years. For she was Leslie's charge. Yes, watching Shelly while her career-minded parents were busy was Leslie's income during the starving years at university. And Shelly's tween body was beginning to develop, especially her curvy hips. Her bare legs exposed by her shorts were rather shapely and beautiful yet her face still had some childish features. However, Mandy found it unsetting doing nude scenes in front of her, yet did her best at making the film a success.
And soon, the crew had a mockup of a child's bedroom, with a 'window' on one wall, which was simply a cut-out, as well as a backdrop of tree branches beyond. And so they covered the bed with a pink bedspread as they added a few extra props. "Okay, that's good enough," declared Leslie. "Okay Shels, get on camera two and I'll take number one. Places everybody!" And so Sammie moved the boom mike in place, just high enough above the bed to avoid the camera. Stacy adjusted the sound equipment as Krissy moved off the set.
"Go on, Mandy!" coaxed Krissy. "You're on!"
And so Mandy walked back onto the set naked and laid down on the middle of the bed on her stomach, her feet by the headboard and her hands by the foot. "Wait, we need the bear!" Sammie suddenly reminded them.
"Oh yeah, the teddy bear," said Leslie. And so Shelly ran out to hand Mandy one of her old stuffed teddy bears. "Okay, are we ready? Action!"
And so, the cameras came to life. Camera one slowly began to zoom in on Mandy as she began her monolog, lying naked on the bed holding her teddy bear. "Gee Boo-boo, why am I so naughty?" she said as she slightly over-acted her emotive monolog while she looked the bear in the face as if talking to a companion. "I try to be good. But Aunt Dora says I'm very naughty..."
"CUT!" cried Leslie with the authority of an army sergeant. "Something's wrong here, but I just don't know what. Oh wait... yes I do! First of all... lotion! Let's get some over here! Shels! Baby oil!"
"Yes ma'am!" replied Shelly with sarcasm. "Gee, what are you? A film director or a dungeon mistress!"
"Take your pick, honey! I'm sure I could do both quite nicely!" replied Leslie with a wicked grin.
"What's a dungeon mistress?" asked Mandy from the bed.
"Never mind that now," replied Leslie in haste as she approached with the oil. "I'm sure we could show you later!" And with that, she began to rub baby oil all over that naked body. "We need that flesh to be nice and shiny for the camera, honey."
"Hey! Why do you get all the good jobs?" protested Shelly as her eyes savored that smooth naked nine-year-old on the bed.
"Because I'm the boss!" snapped Leslie with a wicked grin. "Besides," she said much quieter, "I'm sure there's plenty of her to go around." And with that, she capped the bottle. "Okay, places everyone. Stacie, make sure to angle those lights to shine on that fresh oiled body!"
"Sure Les," replied Stacie as she re-positioned the light.
"Okay... from the top... action!" cried Leslie.
And so Mandy began her dialog again. "Gee Boo-boo, why am I so naughty? I try to be good. But Aunt Dora says I'm very naughty! I must be, because I'm always getting spankin's!" And so, she nervously kicked one leg against a pillow at the head of her bed.
"CUUUUTTT!" cried Leslie.
"Aaww, wha'd I do wrong?" protested Mandy.
"Give her a break! She's just a kid," added Krissy.
"Girls! Girls! Listen up a bit. Now Mandy, honey, you did nothing wrong. You're doing just great dear! But this scene needs something for that extra kick. Now, remember, you're nervously waiting for Aunt Dora to come into your room and give you a spanking. So, be a little nervous... and a little excited. You need to slowly... and I mean *slowly* rub against the bed. Let the camera see your bare bottom flex as you tighten and loosen. Remember, you know that soon that paddle is gonna be landing some hot stings on your bare-naked bottom!"
Now the words alone were enough to cause Mandy to feel the tingling down in her crotch in both fear and excitement. "Okay, Miss Leslie!" she agreed with a nervous grin.
"Good, honey! Okay, from the top... action!"
"Gee Boo-boo, why am I so naughty?" she said again, fortunately not losing her tone. "I try to be good. But Aunt Dora says I'm very naughty! I must be, because I'm always getting bare-bottom spankin's!" And this time, she slowly humped nervously deep into the mattress, her bottom cheeks squeezing tightly to half their size, before she relaxed again. "Gee, I wish I could be a stuffed bear, Boo-boo! They don't get spankin's like I do. And even so, they never feel it because they never cry! And they're covered with hair so they're never naked!" And with that, she gave another long slow hump. "I always have to be naked at home so it'll be easier for Aunt Dora to give me bare-bottomed spankings!" And so, she stroked the bear's fur and gave it a hug as she confided in her toy friend. And by now, the camera had zoomed in close to her face as she spoke to her bear. "Oh, I must be the naughtiest girl in the whole wide world! Maybe I just don't know how to be good!" continued 'Audrey' as the cameras slowly panned down her naked body that glistened with baby oil in the stage lighting, and back up again. "Oh well, at least I have you to hug and hold while I get spanked! Sometimes I think you're my only true friend who understands... even if you are a stuffed toy."
"Cut!" cried Leslie! "Outstanding! That was great! That was beyond great... hey Shels, get your hand off your crotch!"
Suddenly, all the girls broke into giggles as Shelly quickly jerked her hand away with a red face. "I wasn't..."
"We know exactly what you were doing! Keep both hands on the camera, next time!" giggled Leslie. "Okay Sammie, ready with the second mike! Stacie, stand by with the lighting! Remember, as the spanking progresses, slowly increase the intensity of the small red spotlight on her bottom to give it a warm glow!"
"Sure Les!"
"Okay, Mandy, relax! Are you sure you're ready for this next scene? I mean, this one's gonna hurt a bit!"
Mandy sighed. "Yeah, I'm ready... I think!"
"Now listen, darling! We're not gonna make you do it! You can still back down if you really don't want to do it."
Mandy shrugged on the bed. "No, I really wanna do it!"
"Okay good girl! I mean... naughty girl!" replied Leslie with a grand smile of lust upon her ruby lips.
And so Krissy readied herself behind the door of the fake wall as Shelly moved the camera around. She actually had the 'privileged' job of filming the close-ups of the spanking on the bottom while Leslie would take the wide angles and close-ups of Mandy's face. "Okay... 'Wicked Aunt,' scene three... action!"
And thus the cameras came to life. Mandy lay on the bed clutching Boo-boo the bear, slowly combing his fur with her fingertips. With a hand signal, Krissy entered through the door with a paddle in hand. Mandy looked back with a gasp.
"Well, well, well!" said 'Aunt Dora.' "Guess what time it is?"
"Uh... time for a spankin'?" whined Mandy as 'Audrey.'
"That's right!" assured Krissy as she tapped her hand with the paddle.
"But I'm in position," whined 'Audrey.'
"So you are," said Aunt Dora. "However, you forgot one thing!"
Mandy gasped. "What?"
"The pillows! Where do pillows go?"
"Oh..." said Mandy, now feigning fear. "I'm sorry! I forgot! I honestly forgot! I didn't mean to, Aunt Dora!"
But Aunt Dora only cleared her throat. "Where do the pillows go?"
"Uh... under me?" whimpered Audrey.
"Right! Do it!"
And so Mandy rolled over to get the pillows, giving the cameras a brief flash of her crotch before piling the two in the middle of the bed. And once again, she quickly got into position, this time her crotch into the pillows with her bottom higher up into the air. "Okay, I... I'm... I'm ready," whimpered Audrey.
"I see!" replied Aunt Dora. "And what are you ready for?"
"To... to get a spankin' on my bare bottom," mumbled Audrey.
"And why do we put the pillows underneath?" asked Aunt Dora.
"So my bottom will be higher... and easier to spank," replied Audrey in her humble squeaky voice.
"Uh... it makes it hurt more?"
"Right!" replied Aunt Dora as she popped the wooden paddle against her hand. "And why do you get bare-bottom spankings?"
"Uh... because uh... because I'm naughty?"
"Yes! Because you're VERY naughty!" And with that, Krissy, 'Aunt Dora' stepped into position. She reached down and gave those luscious bare globes a few rubs. "You know, God made little girls with pretty bare bottoms so their aunts would be reminded to spank them often to keep them in line," she said as she rubbed around, now causing Audrey to hump hard against the pillows. Then, she gave a few slaps with her hand on each buttock. "And your bottom is even pretty when it's a nice shade of red!" continued Aunt Dora as she rested the paddle across both of those well-oiled buns. She gave a few taps as Shelly zoomed in closer. "Legs father apart!" ordered Aunt Dora as she quickly gave a 'tap-tap-tap' to her bottom. And so Audrey wiggled slightly as she forced her legs father apart. "Farther!" coaxed Aunt Dora. Once again, those legs spread a little father, this time sparing a hint of those bald nether lips for the camera, their red and puffy state now obvious. "Good!" said Aunt Dora as she gave a few more light taps with the paddle. "Now, this is gonna hurt so expect to cry!"
"Yes, Aunt Dora," whined Audrey as she clutched her bear tightly and squeezed her buttocks even tighter.
"And remember to keep your bottom up high so I can spank it hard!"
"Y... yes Aunt Dora," mumbled Audrey.
And so the paddle tapped her bottom a few more times as Shelly zoomed the camera in a little closer. Audrey whimpered and moaned as the paddle prepared to do its work while Leslie zoomed in for her facial shots.
Suddenly, there came a 'SMACK!' "Oooow!" cried Mandy as the sudden sting soaked in. 'CRACK!' "Oooow!" 'WHACK!' "Aaaaah!"
"Cuuuttt!" cried Leslie.
"Cut?" queried Krissy.
"Now look," said Leslie as she abandoned her camera. "The little tart's gotta rather tough bummy! Remember, no more than ten spanks in this scene to avoid redundancy which would bore the viewer! So each one's got to count so we'll have tears before it's over!"
"Oh, I see," agreed Krissy.
"Shels! Bring me my yellow highlighter pen!" ordered Leslie. And thus Shelly raced over in compliance. "Now, this shouldn't show on camera so I'll draw you a target!" With that, she uncapped the pen and began to draw a large yellow circle on Mandy's right bare buttock around her sit spot.
But the coltish nine-year-old flinched. "Oh, that tickles!"
"Yes, but hold still, sweetie-pie," coaxed Leslie as she continued to draw, before making a duplicate on the left buttock, once again causing Mandy to flinch. Then, she drew an 'X' inside each circle. The sensation of the wet felt tip caused Mandy to break out into goose bumps. "Now, spank there!" insisted Leslie. "A few spanks right on the same spot will get her to tears by the tenth one, each one getting a little harder. Remember, her cries have to be real, just like you did for the 'Spank Safe' video."
"Okay, Les!" agreed Krissy. "Gee, I didn't know you knew that much about spanking!"
"Oh trust me, she knows a lot!" interjected Shelly with an embarrassed grin as she briefly rubbed her own bottom.
"Yes, and I'll show you more of what I know later tonight," replied Leslie to her golden-hared roommate. "Okay, places everyone! Quiet on the set. Will pick up the scene with the first swat!" And so everyone returned to their post. "Okay... action!"
And once again, the cameras rolled. Krissy readied the paddle and began those teasing soft taps once again, causing Mandy to tense up in nervous anticipation. Then, she raised the paddle, and... 'SMACK!' "Oooowww!" cried Mandy in earnest with no acting whatsoever. 'WHACK!' went the paddle on the same spot, leaving a bright red splotch that Shelly caught with the camera. "Aaaah-oooow!" cried Mandy as she squeezed her bear ever so tightly. 'CRACK!' "Ooooh-Ooooww!" The spank landed yet on the same spot, causing Mandy to writhe and hump against the pillows. She kicked her legs in reaction and Leslie's camera caught her face all wrinkled up in pain. Although Mandy was leaving a damp spot on the pillows, the spanking did hurt! Yet she knew it would and had even dreamt up the whole idea. But still... it HURT!
But the stinging swats continued in a slow deliberate pace upon her naked buttocks. And in spite of the burning pain, Mandy found her crotch very wet and tingly as she humped the pillows harder and faster. Yet the paddle was thin enough to make a loud noise without being swung too hard. It mainly stung on the surface of her bottom. But oh how it stung nonetheless! And so by the seventh swat, Mandy began to cry in earnest. Yet she held her position and squeezed her teddy bear tightly as she took three more. And Shelly's camera missed not a single detail of the spanking on her bottom as her hips swayed and humped the pillows. Leslie's camera zoomed in on her face as each swat renewed her sobbing.
But after the tenth swat, Krissy stopped as planned. She reached down and rubbed her around those red warm globes. "You're very lucky!" she said in her role as Aunt Dora. "You're lucky you have an aunt who keeps your naughtiness in line! This paddle on your bottom is the only thing between you and condemnation in the bowels of Sheol!" And thus she gave a few more rubs. "Mmmm, nice and red... just like a naughty girl's bottom should be!" And then, she gave one caress down the crack before gently touching those swollen nether lips that ached for attention. "Ah ha! Just as I expected!" she said as Shelly zoomed in on that hairless slit being fondled by Krissy's fingers. "Sooo, you're naughty parts are wet! Well, listen here, missy! Don't think for one moment that having such 'naughty jollies' during your paddling will make you get out of future spankings! They will continue as scheduled!" And with that, she gave one squeeze over those throbbing lips before giving a mild slap with her hand on that red bottom.
"Okay, cut!" cried Leslie. "That's a take. Jolly good actually!"
And thus Krissy gently patted Mandy on the back as she cried. "You did great, Mandy! You're awesome!"
"Are you all right, dear?" asked Leslie as she approached as well.
"Uh-huh," mumbled Mandy over her tears.
"Good! That was wonderful, my little starlet! Now, lets get the next scene done before you stop crying altogether!" And with that, Leslie returned to her camera. "Okay, this one's critical. Places everyone! Lights! Camera! Action!"
And so the cameras rolled once again. Krissy took a big breath as she struggled to recall her line. "Now... you just lie here and think about being good in the future!"
"Y... yes, Aunt Dora," said Mandy over her tears as she tried to stay in character. And with that, 'Aunt Dora' turned about and exited through the door in the false wall and slammed it shut. And so Leslie zoomed in as Mandy remained on the bed crying for a few moments hugging her bear. Shelly zoomed in as Mandy reached back to rub her sore red bottom. But it took less than a minute for the sobbing to die down into a few sniffles.
And thus Leslie gave a few hand signals. On cue, Mandy left the bed and walked to the door, swaying her cherry-red bottom to the camera. She slowly opened it and took a quick peek beyond, before turning back around, giving the camera a quick flash of her naked front side, before leaping back on the bed. She laid down on her back reclining against the pillows. Then, she took the arm of her bear and began to caress her own pink swollen flower betwixt her legs. She tickled and teased herself for a few moments before using her bare hand on herself, rubbing harder and faster.
"Ooooh! Ooooh!" she moaned as Shelly zoomed in on her busy hand. Leslie zoomed in on her face, the eyes now tightly shut and mouth wide open. "Oooooh! Aaaaah!" she moaned louder as she rubbed herself even faster. Soon, she used her other hand to squeeze and rub her sore red bottom. As she grew all the more aroused, she began to scratch her bottom with her fingernails of her free hand to agitate the sting as she masturbated. "Oooooh! Aaaaah! Aaah! Aaah! Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!" she squealed in a high falsetto of ecstasy as the two cameras caught every detail. Even the sound of her juices slurping about her fingers did not escape the boom mike! And from where Leslie and Shelly stood at their cameras, they began to smell the faint girl scent as Mandy rubbed and moaned away.
And soon, she burst into a massive orgasm! She jolted violently before the cameras as her head rocked way back while she bounced on the bed during the orgasmic spasms. "Oh-oh (-gasp-) Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Ooooooh!" she cried and moaned until the feeling subsided. Then, she let herself collapse on the bed. "Aaaaah...." she sighed as she took Boo-boo in her arms in the afterglow of her mighty orgasm. "Ooooh! Oh Boo-boo! Why am I so naughty? You think I'll ever be good enough to NOT get spankin's? Sometimes I think never!" And so, she closed her eyes and let out a sigh of contentment.
"Okay, cut!" cried Leslie. "That was great! Of course, we won't know until reviewing the footage if we need a re-shoot!"
"Gawd, I hope not," said Krissy. "We only have a few days!"
"Okay, we'll meet up here tomorrow afternoon to continue," said Leslie. "No one will be around here on Sunday!"
"Great!" moaned Krissy. "While a lot of people are trying to get to Heaven, I'm heading for hell on this one!"
While the others giggled, Mandy looked worried. "Why would you go to hell just for making me feel good?" she asked. "I thought that was a good thing?"
"Well... I won't. It's just an expression. I mean... well... the only reason it's not that evil is because you like it and you want it. Some people touch other people when they don't want to be touch or don't understand what's happening, and then it's bad!"
"Well, I think you're great!" said Mandy as she gave her a hug.
"Well I feel awful giving you such a hard spanking and making you cry so quick!"
"Well... it did make my privates feel good," added Mandy.
"Yes, we noticed," said Leslie. "And I also noticed Shelly rubbing herself down there again!"
"Who me?" protested Shelly with a blushed face.
And once again, everyone giggled. And so Mandy began to dress in her tee and shorts for the modest drive back to the apartment. But as she finished pulling up her little short-shorts, the young golden-hared Shelly approached. "Uh... tell me, Mandy uh... did uh... did that spanking hurt for real? I mean... were you crying for real?"
Mandy gave her a 'well, duh!' look, but restrained. "Well... yeah!" she said. "You might say it stings a lot!"
"Oh," mumbled Shelly nervously. "And you don't mind?"
"Well, it's kinda fun... and it... well, sorta feels good too," replied Mandy bashfully as she sat down to tie her tennis shoes.
"Oh!" replied Shelly.
"Besides, the film was my idea... to start with. But Krissy and Leslie added some stuff to it." And with that, she stood up from the chair and approached Krissy.
"C'mon, Shels!" called Leslie. "We gotta go!" And so the crew left the studio, turned out the lights and locked the door, hiding all evidence of what had just taken place.
That evening, Shelly was naked on her knees in Leslie's dorm room, her temporary home while her parents were away. She lay nervously in that 'doggie' position smacking on some bubblegum as Leslie put her hand on her back, just an inch sort of her bare bottom. "Uh, Les?" she said nervously. "I don't think the movie needs the last scene with 'Stacy' in it."
"Of course it does, honey," replied Leslie, not even looking up.
"But... but... I'm not sure I wanna get a spankin' for the camera!" whined Shelly.
"Well, dear, that's beside the point," asserted Leslie. "You're *going* to do that scene!"
"But Mandy says it hurts!"
"Of course it hurts, baby! It has to be real! That's what makes it a good film!"
"But I don't wanna cry on camera!" protested Shelly, nervously looking back over her shoulder.
"Oh, don't be such a whiny tart!" scolded Leslie. "Let's just say once we ship this overseas, we'll make some spending money on the side. Besides, we'll only do soft spankings tonight, just so you'll learn your movements and lines."
"Oh... oooo-kaayyy!" Shelly conceded reluctantly.
"Now remember, on-camera, you're supposed to whine and beg not to be spanked. And I'm gonna be your mum and will scold you! And then, I'm gonna lightly rub your bare bum a few times like this..."
And thus Shelly gasped and cooed as she felt Leslie's soft fingers caressing her buttocks. "Oooh! Oooh, that tickles!" moaned Shelly.
"That's not in the script, though!" said Leslie. "Then, I give a few light pats like this," she said as she demonstrated. "And then... smack! I give you a hard one!" However, Leslie only gave a light slap. Then, the soft spanking continued as Les would mumble, "smack... smack... smack..." with each light slap on her bottom. "See, that's all there is to it! Except the real on for the camera will be a might bit harder and will make you cry! But you'll only get about eight or ten!"
"Ow... ow... ow," mumbled Shelly again as she chewed her gum.
"And then, as you're crying, the camera will keep rolling and you'll have to hug Mandy, I mean... 'Audrey,' who'll also be crying!" Leslie reminded her. "And then you'll start rubbing on each other!"
"Ooooh!" gleamed Shelly, thinking of that cute little nine-year-old, a few years her junior. "Well... I hope she's good, I mean... I hope she... uh... does the part right!"
"I'm sure she will," said Leslie. "Now, let's try it again! Ready?"
"Okay," said Shelly. "(A-hem) Oh, mummy, please don't spank me, pleeeeaaase! Not on the bare!"
"C'mon. More feeling!" coaxed Leslie.
"Oh pleeeaaase mummy! Not a bare-bummy spanking! I'll be good!"
"Ah, much better," said Leslie. "(A-hem) Sorry, you naughty little girl! You just hold still while mummy sees that your bummy gets right smart smacking!" And with that, she rubbed her hand over those scrumptious bare buttocks, just barely touching those delicate little pink lips down below. Then, she gave a few taps on each cheek. "Now, this is gonna hurt!" said Leslie in the role of 'mummy.' Then, she gave a few light slaps that were loud, yet not painful, leaving just a trace of a sting on her bottom.
"Ooow! Owwie! Eeyooww!" moaned Shelly, trying to ad-lib.
"Very good, Shels," said Leslie. "You're quite a starlet yourself!" And thus she kept smacking lightly.
"Oooh! Ooooh! Aaaah, oooh!" moaned Shelly as she began to squirm about. And thus Leslie would start to give that little pink slit a quick rub between swats. "Naughty, naughty, girl!" she said as she gave Shelly a soft spanking.
"Oooh! Oooooh!" moaned Shelly as her little flower began to puff out and grow moist.
And thus Leslie gave that little yearning twat another caress, causing Shelly to buck like a horse. "Oooooh! Ooooh, gaawwwd!" she shrieked.
"Ah-HA!" cried Leslie. "Getting wet, are we? Well, I see you're quite ready for the scene and are perfect for the part of 'Stacy!'" And thus she stopped the slapping to give those buttocks another rub which had now grown a light shade of pink.
"Oh, Les!" cried Shelly as she squirmed her hips about. "Don't stop now! C'mon. Make me cum! Pu-leeeze! Make me cum!"
"Aye! All randy, aren't we!" cried Leslie with an evil grin as she began to finger that pink swollen slot. The juices slurped about her fingers as Shelly flexed her pelvis all the more!
"Ooooh! Oooh! Aaaaah! Ooooh! Oooh-gawd! That feels sooooo good! Don't stop!" begged Shelly as he head bobbed about in time with her humping.
But suddenly, there came a knock on the locked door. "Who is it?" cried Leslie as she stopped her fondling.
"It's Sammie!" came the voice on the other side.
"Oh dear! It's locked! I'm coming!" cried Leslie as she turned away from Shelly in her naked position. "Stay right there and don't move!"
"Nooo! I haven't cum yet!" protested Shelly.
"Just wait a bit!" And so Leslie unlocked the door and opened it only wide enough to allow her purple-hared roommate passage, before closing and locking it again.
"Ooooh!" cried Sammie as she instantly spotted a naked Shelly in her spanking position. "Have we been naughty?"
"Oh no," assured Leslie. "Just rehearsing for her go in front of the camera."
"Oh my! Well... that's got the most beautiful sight I've seen!" said Sammie with a smile. "And considering the scent in the room, the little nympho seems to be enjoying it!"
"Quite!" agreed Leslie. And thus they embraced as if Sammie had been on a long voyage, kissing on the lips long enough to explore each other with tongues for a few seconds. Leslie reached around to give Sammie's perky buttocks a squeeze through her skirt. And from the bed, Shelly stretched her head to look back over her shoulder to watch their brief Sapphic exchange, before returning to her position. But soon, they broke off their embrace. "Say, would you like to do the honors?!"
"Oh..." gasped Sammie in disbelief. "Could I?"
"Of course, my dear! It's your go, anyway! I've done her the last two nights!"
And thus Sammie approached with lighting speed and placed her hand on that pinkened bare bottom. "How're you doing, Shels?" asked Sammie.
"Oooh, fine," replied Shelly with a heavy breath. "Hurry! Please. I wanna cum!"
"You got it, sweety-pie!" And thus Sammie gently attacked those yearning nether lips with one finger, then two... then more!
"Oooooh! Ohhhh!" moaned Shelly, throwing her head back with eyes closed and mouth open. "Oooooh, gaawwwd! Oooh Sammie! Oooh Sammie I like it when you make me cum!" Shelly cried out in between her heavy breaths. And thus Sammie lustfully worked her over while Leslie reached around and began to fondle those budding breasts! And thus the hapless tween was stimulated from all sides. Soon, Shelly began to squeal. Leslie And then that tweeny naked body jolted into a mighty orgasm. Sammie felt a warm squirt on her fingers.
"Oh-ah, oh-ah, oh-ah, oh-ah," panted Shelly as her body shook during her prolonged climax that made her head spin.
Sammie to felt a tingling chill all over her own body. She felt a twinge of guilt over this forbidden act, yet she had only done what the girl had asked and had brought her much pleasure and relief. She simply could not help herself. She was addicted to such a pleasure and she loved Shelly so dear, as if she were her own kid sister.
And soon Shelly collapsed on the bed on her left side with a long sigh of contentment. "How was that, pumpkin?" asked Sammie with a smile.
"Ooooh," sighed Shelly with eyes closed. "That felt really good!"
"Good, honey! It was supposed to," replied Sammie as she gently patted Shelly's bare bottom. And thus she brought her sticky fingers to her nose for a sniff and then a taste. "Mmmm! 'Cherry' flavored!" she said just before presenting the wet trophy to Leslie.
"Right sweet if I say so myself," agreed Leslie as she too sampled the love honey with her tongue. "Very good girl!" And thus she gathered a few envelops from her desk. "Well, I need to run down to the post to send these off! I'll be back briefly! Now can I trust you alone with her?"
"No!" giggled Sammie.
"Didn't think so!" And with that, Leslie left the dorm room, locking the door behind her.
And thus Sammie reclined on the bed next to Shelly. Yet her own yearning body took over and thus her hand went up her skirt and into her panties to give her own tingling cunny the attention it craved! "So Shels," she said as she rubbed herself. "Are your ready for your big moment on the camera?"
"No," mumbled Shelly in a post-orgasmic daze.
"Well, the day after tomorrow, you're on!" warmed Sammie as she patted her on that gorgeous little bare leg!
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