Little Spanking Video Starlet, Part 4

[ F/g, spank, anal ]

by Pulsar

Published: 22-Jan-2011

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Little ten-year-old Mandy sat in class on Friday afternoon. She concentrated the best she could, but occasionally, her eyes would wander to the window and the bursting of spring beyond. Her plaid jumper she wore was from last year, and therefore was quite short on her and left most of her yet-to-be-suntanned bare thighs exposed as she sat in her desk. Although her legs were not mature as can be seen on magazine models, she was hoping people would look at them as she found the exposure quite sensuous.

And as she sat through the lesson, she thought of the weekend. Tomorrow she would report again to the basement studio of the university and get more spankings for the instructional 'Spank Safe' film. Saturday would be a long day. She grew slightly damp and crossed her curvy bare thighs tightly as she contemplated being naked again in front of the camera for a good spanking. The one conversation she had overheard between Krissy her spanker and Gayle the director had stuck in her mind. She had recalled hearing Gayle say something like, 'I'd expect she'll do well for the orgasm footage.' She wasn't quite sure what that meant. She recalled Krissy's response something like, 'She'll definitely like doing that part.' Therefore, she was vaguely aware that the next session would be less painful and more enjoyable.

And so she grew somewhat paranoid, as if her thoughts were loud enough for everyone in the class to know about her participation in the video. Yet to all the world, she was just another pig-tailed girl in class.

With only thirty minutes left of class, the teacher stopped the lesson and had the children work in groups. The pigtailed, freckle- faced Rachael turned to her. "You wanna go riding bikes with me tomorrow in the park?"

But Mandy could only giggle knowing what tomorrow's schedule entailed. "Sorry, I can't," she said. "I uh... you see, I have to uh... go shopping with my Aunt Janet tomorrow." For she remembered well her aunt's admonition to keep the spanking video project a secret from everyone! (After all, she knew she could not just come out and say, "Can't. I have to go get spanked naked in front of a camera tomorrow, 'cause I'm in a spanking video!")

"Awww," moaned Rachael. "Too bad! But let's try again sometime."

"Sure," replied Mandy. And so she continued her work, leaving the kids in her group none the wiser to her secret agenda.

When Saturday came, once again Aunt Janet drove into the campus parking lot. Mandy bolted from the car in nothing but a casual tee, a rather short pair of shorts, and flip-flops with her little backpack over her shoulder. She raced through the door, down the steps, and reported to Krissy at the studio. "I'm here," she said.

"Hi there," replied Krissy as she gave her a hug. And Mandy noticed right away that Krissy had donned a denim skirt, a few inches above the knee with no hosiery whatsoever, showing her slightly tanned legs to all the world. "You look cute as a button in those little shorts and flip-flops! I bet the boys drool!"

"I don't know," mumbled Mandy, somewhat embarrassed as they entered the dressing room.

And there stood Gayle with a clipboard in hand. "Ah, there's our little movie star!" she declared. "You ready for your big day?"

"Uh... I guess," replied Mandy as she unconsciously reached back and rubbed her soon-to-be-spanked bottom.

"Very well. We need you to get undressed now." Then Gayle turned to Krissy and spoke softly. "We need you to explain to her what today's scenes are all about. She needs to be somewhat prepared."

"I know," agreed Krissy. "But how do we tell a ten-year-old that we want her to orgasm on-camera?"

"Well, fortunately, she likes you. Just be honest. Look, this is an educational video so the subject matter has to be objective, factual... and naturally it must be real!"

"Yeah, your right!"

"I'll be back after I get the studio ready." With that, Gayle left the room.

And so Krissy turned to face Mandy, who now stood almost naked as she slowly slid her panties down her smooth coltish legs. Then, she pulled her bath robe from her backpack and soon had it wrapped about her and sat down in a chair. And so Krissy began to apply some cosmetics to Mandy's face. "Today you get to wear a little camera makeup," she said, "which means they'll need some close-up facial shots."

"Okay," mumbled Mandy as Krissy applied a light coat of base on her face. "But why didn't I get makeup before?"

"Well... they didn't want it smearing when you cried. It doesn't dissolve easily, but Gayle didn't want to take the chance of having to re-shoot the scenes of the hard spankings!"

"Oh," mumbled Mandy.

"Now, sorry to say but they do need you to cry a little today, but not like before, so I guess that's good news for you," continued Krissy as she added a slight hint of eye liner and shadow. "This is to keep your skin from glaring into the camera."

"So what do you do to me today?" asked Mandy.

"Hold your mouth still," ordered Krissy as she began to apply some lipstick. "And to answer your question, well... y'know that funny feeling you get out there sometimes... and then the feeling you get when we come in here and uh... do our little secret stuff?"

"Mmm-hmm," mumbled Mandy as she blushed with embarrassment.

"Well... it's not as weird as it seems. It's actually quite normal for kids to feel that way when their spanked. So we're gonna show the viewers what to look for to see if a kid is 'turned on' while getting spanked."

"Oh, I see," said Mandy, trying to resists licking the lipstick off. "You mean the camera's gonna show... my private stuff?" By now, she grew somewhat embarrassed.

"Well... yeah," answered Krissy. "It's all for educational purposes. However, we also need you to uh... y'know... orgasm for the camera! Y'know, that part where you feel really, really good!"

"Ooooh, you mean 'cum?'" confirmed Mandy. "Is 'orgasm' the scientific word for 'cumming?'"

"Well... yeah, you might say that," replied Krissy. "So as you can see, it's much better than that nasty hairbrush or belt! Don't you think?"

"Oh yeah, much better!" said Mandy, both excited and embarrassed. Once again, she crossed her legs tightly, her top leg sticking out of the slit in her robe.

Krissy reached down and gently patted Mandy's bare knee. Then, she gently drew circles with her finger around the thick bony kneecap that had a hint of a scratch, reminding her that Mandy was just another active little girl. "Just relax and it'll be fun," she assured her charge. "Did you remember our directions NOT to touch yourself the night before the filming and make yourself orgasm?"

"Uh-huh," assured Mandy. "I haven't done it since... uh... yesterday morning. But I could hardly get to sleep last night because I wanted to do it really bad!"

"I know, sweetie, but you did right. It will make today's session better." And with that, Krissy rose from her chair again and started toying with Mandy's hair. "I'm gonna take out this bushy ponytail and do you up in pigtails," she declared. "We want you to look as young as possible and we don't want a ponytail falling in front of your face!"

"Okay," agreed Mandy with a giggle.

"What's so funny?"

"I've never thought I'd have to do my hair up and get all pretty, just to get a spanking!"

And with that, Krissy giggled too. But soon, the door opened up and in stepped Gayle with her clipboard. "You girls ready?" she asked.

"Yes," replied Krissy. "We're on our way."

And so, they left the dressing room for the set. Mandy walked out with her hands buried nervously in the pockets of her bathrobe. "Okay, places everyone!" declared Gayle. Mandy looked out on the stage. In the middle was a chair with no arms and off to the side was a bed. There seemed to be an air of anticipation among the film crew as they were very quiet and orderly. "Today we'll start off by demonstrating how to put a child in the 'over-the-knee' position. The first sequence will show the proper way plus a short hand spanking. But remember, no dramatics! This has gotta be real! Got it?"

"Uh-huh," replied Mandy with a nod.

"Okay, very good," said Gayle. "Krissy, take your place in the chair." Then, she faced her young starlet of her project. "Okay Mandy, time to lose the robe!"

And with a nervous heavy breath, Mandy reached down to untie the sash. She let the robe slowly glide down her smooth, ten-year-old body and then tossed it over into an empty chair. It had been a few days since the last session, and therefore she had to adjust again to the feeling of being naked in front of them all again. The physical sensation was pleasant in spite of the embarrassment of once again being the only one naked in the room.

"Take a deep breath and relax, hon," coaxed Gayle upon sensing the girl's apprehensions. "Go stand right next to Krissy, so she can put you over her knee." And so, Mandy slowly walked out into the middle of the stage amidst the lights and cameras. Once again, she felt like a toddler, knowing how they run around naked without shame. She also felt grown up again, feeling like an adult actress doing a nude scene. And she felt the tingling growing in her crotch as her nether lips began to swell.

And so she reached Krissy and stood facing sideways while her spanker faced the camera. "Okay, let's practice," cried Gayle from her chair. "Mandy relax and let Krissy do the work."

And so Krissy placed one hand on her flat chest and the other on her back. She gently pulled until Mandy was bent over across both her bare thighs. Instantly, Mandy felt the warm silky smooth flesh make contact. Krissy practiced placing Mandy in the 'over-the-knee' position several times until Gayle was satisfied that it was graceful enough. "Okay, that was much better. Let's roll the cameras and do a live take. We're gonna put her over the knee and do a brief spanking! Ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready," assured Krissy, now quite elated herself at feeling the naked Mandy over her bare thighs.

"Mandy? Ready for this? We need some crying from you so it's gonna hurt some!" warned Gayle.

"Yeah, I guess," she replied nervously.

"Okay, let's do it! Remember, gently, smoothly, like ballet... not wrestling!" ordered Gayle. And so Mandy took her place at Krissy's side. "Okay, over-the-knee spanking, let's roll 'em!"

Mandy took one deep breath, both nervous and excited about the spanking she was about to get. Slowly, Krissy pulled her over her knee into position. And once again, the warm contact of bare flesh caused Mandy's little bud to grow hard. However, as intimate as the position felt, it was somewhat uncomfortable as her legs dangled on one side and she had to support her weight with her hands on the floor.

But suddenly, a brief tingling sensation ran up her spine as Krissy gently rubbed her bottom for a few seconds. Then, she lifted her hand and started to swat. Slap!- Smack!- Slap!- went her hand down across those pale bare buttocks.

But suddenly, Mandy lost control and began to giggle, perhaps out of her apprehensions.

"Cut!" cried Gayle. "Mandy! What was that?"

"Oh, (giggle) I'm sorry, I just... well..."

"Never mind!" replied Gayle. "Get back up! We do it from the top... once you get your giggles out. Oh well... makes a good blooper shot!"

Krissy covered her mouth to hide her own giggly reaction. "Sorry!" she said.

Gayle sighed, yet remained calm. "Okay, you two ready to try again?"

"Yeah," assured Mandy.

"Sure," said Krissy.

But Mandy quickly faced her spanker. "I uh, guess you'll have to spank a little harder and make it hurt more so I won't mess up," she dared to say with a blush.

"Will that help?" queried Krissy.

"It's worth a try."

"Okay, we'll try it."

"Okay girls, let's do it!" cried Gayle from her chair. "Quiet on the set, and action!"

And so they repeated their moves of Krissy pulling Mandy over into position. After a few rubs on the bottom, the spanking started. This time, the sting struck from the first swat, causing Mandy to wince rather than giggle. Nevertheless, the swats sent that mysterious rush of pleasure throughout Mandy's body. But the rhythmic spanks continued. Krissy did not raise her hand high, but merely used a flip of the wrist to deliver a sharp sting without any injury or harm, as was the purpose of the demonstration. And after the first few swats, the sting began to grow more intense and quite hot.

Slap! "Ow!" Smack! "Oooow!" Slap! "Ee-oow!" Smack! "Ooow-ow!" Mandy began to cry out with each swat. Her legs began to flutter about as the sting began to hurt. She closed her eyes tight and grit her teeth as she squirmed about on Krissy's lap under the continuous rhythmic swats. 'Oh, this hurts,' she thought to herself, 'but at least I didn't mess up.' Suddenly, she could sense a camera moving as she assumed they were zooming in on her facial reactions to the spanking. Yet she did her best to ignore the cameras as they had taught her. But in spite of the burning sting on her bottom, her continuous squirming had caused her throbbing privates to rub intently on Krissy's bare thighs, thus ensuring she remained quite moist.

Soon, she felt her eyes tearing up as the sting grew more intense. She knew she would cry soon, but reminded herself that they were paying her to cry. A few more hard stinging smacks came and she finally broke. But fortunately, Gayle called the "Cut!" just as she had begun a serious whiny cry.

"Okay, I think we got a good take," declared Gayle. "See if the tears smeared her makeup."

And so Krissy helped her back up and gave her a long reassuring hug as her hand reached down to gently rub and squeeze her red, freshly- spanked bottom. "Makeup's fine," she assured Gayle. Then, she leaned close to Mandy's ear. "How was that?" she asked softly. "Did it hurt a lot?"

"Well, sort of" replied Mandy. "I mean, it really hurt at the end!"

"You were getting a little wet down there," said Krissy. "I think you liked it! But for today, that's the idea."

But Gayle soon interrupted them. "Okay girls!" she cried from her chair. "Take your seats for a few moments."

And as Mandy walked across the stage back to her chair, she realized she gave the entire crew an unobstructed frontal view of her hairless pink slit when she opted to use her hands to rub her stinging bottom as opposed to cover her privates. Yet she soon had herself wrapped in her robe and sat down in her chair on her tingling bottom, now finding the lingering sting deliciously pleasurable. She crossed her legs tightly about the wetness of her crotch as she relaxed. Krissy sat down beside her and gently rubbed her shoulders.

But then, Gayle faced toward another figure in the darkened corner of the room. "April, you two ready? You're on!"

"Yeah," answered a twenty-something student who rose from a chair on the other side of the main camera. To Mandy's shock, April stepped up onto the soundstage hand-in-hand with a young boy, perhaps only eight years old, leading him out into the middle of the stage and midst of the lights. She appeared dressed in a business-casual skirt and polo, while the boy wore nothing but a brief pair of pajama shorts.

Mandy gasped. "Who's he?" she quietly asked Krissy as Gayle stood out on the stage quietly addressing the next participants.

"Uh... Jason, I think. He's here for the same reason you are," she answered just above a whisper. "They decided they also needed a boy for this part."

Mandy trembled with embarrassment. "But... he saw me naked out there!" she quietly protested.

"So, you'll see him too. You're even!"

And so Mandy took a deep breath, now somewhat embarrassed upon realizing that a boy had watched the scene she had just done out on the stage. Nevertheless, she fixed her eyes on the set with the utmost curiosity.

But Gayle continued her briefing. "Now you realize your cousin April here is gonna spank you hard and make you cry for the camera, just like Mandy got it!" warned Gayle up front. "It's not because she's mad at you or hates you, or even because you did something bad," she assured. "But she has to teach the viewers about giving safe spankings that don't harm the child but still hurts. So it all has to be real! Understand?"

"Uh-huh," mumbled the nervous Jason.

"And given the payment you'll receive, do you still agree to do it?"

"Yeah, okay!"

"Okay, hon! Now why don't you and cousin April give each other a big hug so you'll both know you love each other and your gonna be a team in front of the camera."

And as April passionately embraced her cousin's son, Mandy nearly reached down to give her own throbbing crotch a squeeze. She anxiously awaited the live spanking scene she was about to see. A few moments later, Gayle returned to her own chair. "Okay, places everyone!" she ordered. "Quiet on the set! Jason, time to lose the shorts!"

Jason reached down to the waistband, yet his shy hands froze when he realized he would be the only naked boy in a room full of females. And so April slowly reached out and gently placed her hands on his. "C'mon sport!" she said softly. "We have to take 'em off for the spanking." And with that she slowly slid the shorts down his hairless but muscular soccer legs until they were below his knees. He nervously stepped out of them, keeping his bare bottom facing the film crew while he guarded his budding masculinity with both hands.

"Is he uh... in the mood?" asked Gayle from her chair.

April moved Jason's hands away to take note of his stiff erection. "Oh yes, he's quite in the mood!" she assured.

"Okay, let's do it!" cried Gayle. "April, gently get him into position and work our plan!"

And as the cameras came to life, April pulled Jason over into position, giving Mandy a quick glimpse of his little-boy erection. Apparently, Gayle's assumptions proved true that allowing him to witness Mandy's naked spanking would get him hard. And so April gently rubbed his bottom with one hand as she adjusted his erection down in between her thighs. Finally, after a few more sensual rubs that made him squirm, the first hard swat landed with a 'Smack!'

"Oooow!" he whined as he thrust into his cousin's lap, only agitating his poor erect member all the more. Mandy twitched and crossed her legs tighter, unable to stop the flow of her own juices from her throbbing cunny hidden beneath her robe. Smack! Smack! Slap!- went April's hand on the boy's bare bottom, causing him to half-whine and half-moan. And the longer the spanking went on, the redder poor Jason's bottom grew. His face wrinkled up with each hot sting from April's hands, yet his rhythmic thrusts grew more intense. Among his screeching cries from each hard slap on his bottom came also uncontrollable moans of pleasure as his boyhood rubbed all the more between April's smooth thighs. And so Mandy watched as he was spanked hard, and occasionally rubbed between spanks. To her surprise, April started fingering his little rectum between spanks as well, bringing boisterous moans and cries as his little legs kicked about.

Finally, in a fit of passion, his body jerked as he cried out. Mandy wondered what was happening, but April knew right away. The warm squirts on her bare thighs told her she had successfully spanked him to orgasm. The cameras all zoomed in to capture facial and pelvic details. But finally, after he calmed down and fell limp, Gayle called, "Cut!"

Mandy stared in awe. "What was that?" she quietly asked Krissy.

"We have to show what both boys and girls do when the spanking makes them tingly," she replied. "So, we brought in the son of April's cousin to demonstrate."

At that time, Gayle left her chair with a handful of paper towels as April helped Jason back up to his feet. The poor boy staggered about on his post-orgasmic weak knees as he tried to stand. But April wiped his juices away with the towels and then helped him back into his little shorts. "You did very well, hon!" she said as she hugged him again while she rubbed his sore red bottom. Soon after that, she led her cousin from the set.

And so Gayle turned back to the crew off-stage. "Okay, we need the chair out of here and the bed pulled up center-stage. We'll take a short bathroom break and resume in ten minutes.

And all during the break, Mandy felt her hapless throbbing cunny drooling as the vision of the boy's orgasm and his cries of ecstasy ran through her mind. The ten minutes passed quickly, knowing she was due on stage again for another spanking. When she returned with Krissy from the break, they found a bed in the middle of the stage instead of the chair. The crew was taking their places as Gayle approached them with clipboard in hand. "Okay Mandy, did you go potty?"

"Uh... yeah," replied Mandy with a curious blush.

"Did you get her cleaned up well with a baby-wipe?" Gayle asked Krissy.

"Of course!"

"Okay, great! First of all, we're gonna demonstrate the 'over-the- knee' position with the bed this time, showing how much better it is than a chair," she said. "It's easier on the child. Second, this time, we're gonna have Krissy oil up your bottom first. Then, we're gonna proceed like Jason's spanking, showing the signs of arousal and its fruition! Krissy, you know what to do?"

"Of course," she replied.

"And Mandy, once again, we're gonna do another spanking and it's gonna have to hurt so your eyes will tear up a little for the camera. But we want you to orgasm for us too so Krissy's gonna do a few things that will feel good. Understand?"

Mandy nodded nervously with an excited blush. "Uh-huh!"

"Good sweetie," replied Gayle as she patted her shoulder. "Take a few deep breaths and you'll do fine." With that, she returned to her chair. "Okay, places everybody. Quiet on the set! Mandy, lose the robe!"

Once again, Mandy reached down to undo the sash. Her hands trembled and tingled with excitement. She slowly shed her robe from her silky- smooth body, this time to get naked for both a spanking and an orgasm. She was both thrilled and nervous. Nonetheless, there was no turning back. Therefore she tossed her robe into a chair and slowly walked onto the stage. "Go ahead and get into position," ordered Gayle from her chair. "We'll roll once you're in place."

And so Krissy helped her get over her knee. This time, Mandy found it more comfortable. With Krissy sitting on the bed instead of the chair, she could breathe and relax a lot easier. Once in her position across Krissy's bare thighs, she felt a gentle rub on her bottom. "Okay Mandy, take a few deep breaths. We've got to make this one count, so no giggling please!"

"Okay," agreed Mandy as she lie in position.

And after a few deep breaths, the camera rolled. And so Krissy reached for the bottle of baby oil and dropped a few beads on each bare buttock. Instantly, both the soft rubbing of oil on her bottom and the contact of her pre-teen hairless nether lips against Krissy's silky bare thighs made her damp. She slowly writhed as Krissy massaged the oil into her pale buttocks before delivering the inaugural swat. This time, it wasn't hard enough to sting but is sent Mandy thrusting down on her bare lap. The next swat came a second later, a little harder but only bringing a soft grunt. The spanking continued for five swats, each getting harder, only to stop suddenly. Mandy felt Krissy's hand once again give a brief tickling caress on her smooth oiled bottom.

"Oooooh!" she moaned aloud as she humped down on Krissy's lap, squeezing her bare little buttocks tight. But soon the spanking resumed. Once again it was the same pattern as before, starting gently but with the sting increasing with a 'slap- slap!- Slap!- SLAP!- SLAP!' only to be followed by another caressing rub. This went on for several minutes. Both the sting and the soothing caress quickly caused Mandy's starving clitty to swell and throb. Her pink swollen slit began to drool its girl juice down on Krissy's bare thigh, causing the young spanker to grow quite elated.

And after many cycles of spanks in this manner, Gayle called out, "Audio off!" Krissy stopped the spanking and looked up to see what the plan was. "Okay, we're still rolling without sound," alerted Gayle. "Krissy, gently and slowly roll her onto her side so we can zoom in on a preteen vagina in an aroused state. At this point, the voice-over will give the explanation."

And so Krissy complied, rolling Mandy's naked body over, allowing her boyish hip to rest on her leg. The camera zoomed in on her red puffy slit. "Good," declared Gayle. "Mandy, just relax and take a deep breath. Krissy, now slowly and gently part the outer labia so we can show the moisture secretion... and then point to her clitoris!" And once again, Krissy complied with eagerness. Mandy gasped as she felt Krissy's gentle fingers on her warm wet throbbing privates. Then, she winced and moaned with her eyes tightly shut when she felt the light airy touch on her swollen little bud. But Krissy held her finger there to the count of five. Then, she slowly rolled her back into position. "Okay, that was smooth," said Gayle. "Now resume. But spank a little harder. Audio on!" And with that, Krissy resumed the spanking, delivering the loud slaps with a flip of the wrist.

Mandy winced and squirmed under the sting on her bottom. And as the sting grew hotter, she began to whine and cry out an, 'Ooow!' with each swat. But after so many, she would feel a brief interlude of a soothing caress on her warm bottom to relax her and keep her aroused, before the swats would resume again. And as the cameras rolled and the spanking went on, her cries grew to a mixture of pain and pleasure rolled into one. She 'humped' Krissy's thighs, now soaked with juice and sweat. Each swat sent her rapidly thrusting down and back up, and sometimes wiggling her hips from side to side, all to sooth and massage her swollen throbbing clit. Yet the sting on her hot red buttocks had now brought tears to her puffy eyes.

And so at that point, Gayle gave a hand signal from off-camera. Krissy stopped the spanking and caressed that bare bottom that had grown bright red. Mandy moaned out loud as she continued to thrust down on her spanker's legs as Krissy's fingers massaged some of the sting away. Then, her wandering finger began to caress down the crack.

"Ooooh!" cried Mandy with her mouth wide open and eyes tightly shut. And so Krissy allowed an anxious finger to locate the pink puckered rectum and gently tickle the opening. "Oooh-Ohhh!" cried Mandy, humping hard into Krissy's thighs and tightening her fists into balls. The oily finger tickling her rectum brought her out of the plateau and near the threshold of orgasm.

But after a few seconds, Krissy delivered another 'SLAP!- SLAP!' across those hot buns, once again causing her to tear and almost cry, before resuming the stimulation. Both the hot sting and sensuous tickling worked their wonders through Mandy's little naked body. Her back arched back as her head left the bed as she cried out again in ecstatic moans. But Krissy repeated the cycle of fingering and spanking several times. Now Mandy was both crying and moaning under pain and pleasure until her trembling naked body could take no more.

Mandy let out one loud shriek as her body jerked. In an instant, she forgot she was in a studio and that cameras were filming her. Her head spun like she was falling. Then, she felt the first explosion when the finger tickled deep into her dilated rectum. She impulsively kicked her feet against the bed as she burst into her orgasmic spasms. Waves and waves of warm pleasure rushed through her body as she felt her cunny pulsate while her rectal muscles squeezed Krissy's finger in sync. "AaaaaAAAHH! Aah-ah-ah-ah-ah..." she cried and panted as her orgasmic spasms seemed to go on forever. Her head continued to spin and her ears rang. She felt as if she were spinning through time and space. Juices flowed freely from her pulsating lips as more tears flowed from her closed eyes, her body releasing everything it could. She never expected it to be this intense.

But finally she ran out of energy and slowly settled down like a wet towel draped across Krissy's lap, now almost half-asleep. And thus achieving their objective, Krissy gently gave Mandy's bottom a few more rubs to conclude the scene before Gayle called, "Cut!" Krissy patted Mandy's bottom to signal she could get up now, but Mandy had not the energy to move yet. She just lied there in her own juices that left them both soaked. "Okay, that was better than I expected!" declared Gayle. "Let's take lunch break! Krissy, you're in charge of her!"

"Sure," replied Krissy. "But can I get some towels out here?" And so she rolled Mandy onto her side, feeling the sticky juices pull on their bare flesh.

Moments later, Mandy finally sat up on the bed in a dreamy state. Krissy began to dry Mandy's slippery sticky pink crotch clean. But Gayle couldn't resist to reach out and wipe Krissy's silky-smooth bare thighs free of the sweet little girl nectar Mandy had left behind. Mandy herself continued to pant, trying to catch her breath as if she had just conquered a steep hill on her bicycle. She slowly moaned again as she leaned into Krissy. "You did awesome!" said Krissy as she gently rubbed her hand over Mandy's bare back. And so she helped her up and fetched her robe.

Mandy was fastening it about her when suddenly, among the small crowd in the room, Aunt Janet emerged. Her eyes and face were glowing as if in a hyper-emotional state. "Auntie!" cried Mandy as she ran up to embrace her.

"Hi sweet pumpkin!" she said as her eyes teared up. "I really wanted to be here today, and I can't stay but... oh God!" Suddenly, she began to cry again, having wept on her drive over. "Honey, I'm gonna have to talk to Miss Krissy for a few moments." With that, she turned to Krissy and began to speak quietly.

Mandy struggled to hear the conversation, yet it would seem that Aunt Janet did not wish her to hear yet. And so she entered the small dressing room and sat down. She was wondering if she should get dressed yet or not. But moments later the door opened and in stepped Aunt Janet and Krissy. "Honey, we have to tell you something," said Janet. "I... I have to go out of town and probably won't be back until Tuesday." She wiped a few tears as she struggled to be as calm as possible. "You see, I have to go see your mommy!"

"In jail?" asked Mandy.

"No... uh... in the hospital!" stammered Janet. "You see... well... Mommy tried to hurt herself real bad... well... she DID hurt herself real bad. Grandma and I are gonna go see her. She's okay now, and they can make her well again. But it's probably best if you didn't miss school for this." Yes, poor Janet just could bring herself to say it was a suicide attempt.

"But... but... what... where do I go?" asked Mandy, now frightened.

"Well... I had a quick talk with Krissy and... she's going to stay in our apartment with you until I get back. I trust you'll obey her because you know how hard she can spank if you don't!"

Mandy suddenly felt a lot better. "Oh kewl!" beamed Mandy. "I'll be good! I promise I'll be really-really good! And if I'm bad, it'll only be a little bad so I can get just a little spankin' and not a real hard spanking!"

At that, both Krissy and Aunt Janet giggled. And so Janet approached her niece. "Take care, honey." Suddenly, she quickly slid Mandy's robe off and picked her niece up naked. To Krissy's surprise, they kissed each other on the lips as Janet squeezed her niece's red bare bottom while Mandy wrapped her legs around her aunt. There was but a few seconds of 'tongues' between them before Janet set Mandy back down again. Poor Krissy had to give herself a few rubs upon seeing this. "Now be good and mind Krissy!" said Janet. "She knows where I keep the paddle!"

"Don't worry Janet," assured Krissy. "She's not a hoodlum!"

Janet grinned and then sighed. "Listen Krissy," she said quietly as she handed over an apartment key. "I know what you'd like to do with her! But since I'm at your mercy... well... all I ask is... please be gentle. And make sure she wants it too!"

Now it was Krissy's turn to blush at Janet's intuition. Nevertheless, she smiled nervously. "Oh Janet, I'd never harm her! And I'm not really sure what we'll 'do' but, I have a feeling that we both want the same thing! I'll take care of her like she was my own child!"

Janet smiled with another tear in her eye. "I know you will, Krissy. Gotta go!" And with that, Aunt Janet gave her a quick peck on the cheek before hurrying away.

Once she was gone, Mandy slid on her panties, followed by her short little gym shorts. "So, why don't we go for pizza," suggested Krissy.

"All right!" replied Mandy as she slid on her tee, for she had no use for a bra yet. And so she stepped into her flip-flops and then they left the building for Krissy's car. As they rode down the street, Mandy relaxed in the seat, now feeling both pretty and grownup with her camera makeup still on. "So, Krissy! Do you want me to be a little bad while my aunt's gone so you can gi'me some spankings?" she asked.

Krissy blushed, yet turned and grinned at Mandy's beaming face. "What do you think?" she said with a smirk.

Mandy giggled. "Okay, I'll refuse to go to bed on time tonight... just for you!"

Krissy giggled again. "You'd do that for me? You're soooo sweet!"

And so they both had a good laugh as the drove down the street, each realizing just how wet their crotches were and knowing that the next few days would be interesting.

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Great series.Mandy is such a cool charactor and spankee!

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