Little Spanking Video Starlet, Part 3

[ Fg, spank, mast, pedo ]

by Pulsar

Published: 21-Jan-2011

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Now as you can recall, our little Mandy was at the university for the first day of filming the "Spank Safe" instructional video, being the one lending her bottom for the demonstrations. But meanwhile, her Aunt Janet had gone home, as not to distract her. She had gone straight for her bed, undressed, fetched her favorite toy, and brought herself to a 'big bang' of an orgasm while fantasizing of what was going on in the studio where her niece was getting spanked for the camera. As she basked in the afterglow, she recalled the ten years of Mandy's life. All through high school, she had sacrificed her social life to spend the evenings playing with baby Mandy, changing diapers, reading to her, and giving her baths. She loved her little niece more that anything. Her grades suffered in junior college because she was always spending time with her after Julie got busted. But she never felt so attached until three days ago when she had spanked her niece's bare bottom until her little body had a tremendous orgasm! She never thought their relationship would take on this dimension, and wondered if there was any going back. She sighed contently on the bed wondering just what was going on in front of the camera.

Finally, time came and she dressed herself and drove to the university to pick up Mandy. She was desperate to hear any and all things that happened in the studio, up to the last detail. When she arrived in the basement corridor of the Audio/Visual building, she found Krissy escorting Mandy out. Yet Janet was somewhat surprised to see her still in the bathrobe. Mandy seemed relaxed and content as she giggled with Krissy. One would never have guessed that she had been spanked to tears several times that evening. Yet she ran up and greeted her aunt. "There you are!" cried Janet. "So... uh... how'd it go, my little movie starlet!"

"Oh, it went okay," said Mandy with a smile. "They say I did very well!"

"Oh yes she did," assured Krissy. "We never dreamed it would be this good!"

"That's great," said Janet.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Krissy. You must be Aunt Janet! Mandy told me all about you and how good you take care of her!"

"Well, I try," replied Janet as she shook hands with Krissy, no sure if she was older or younger than her.

"Aunt Janet, can Krissy babysit me when you work late?" interjected Mandy.

"Well honey, we'll have to see. I'm sure Krissy is very busy most of the time."

"I am," replied Krissy. "But little Mandy is worth my time if you need me," she said. "She's so sweet I'd do it for free."

"We'll, I'll definitely keep that in mind."

And so, she took Mandy's backpack as they waved good-bye. "See ya' tomorrow, Krissy!" cried Mandy.

And so they parted ways. Mandy walked with her aunt back to the car still in nothing but her bathrobe and flip-flops. "So, who's Krissy?" asked Janet once they were in the car.

"Oh, she's the one who gives the spanks," replied Mandy.

"Oh really? Well, I'm glad you two get along when the camera's off."

"Oh yeah. She's great. I love her!"

"She seemed like a wonderful girl," added Janet. "So, uh... how'd it... uh... did it hurt?"

"Of course it hurt!" said Mandy casually. "Remember, they have to make me cry for the camera because the spankings are real."

"Yes, of course," replied Janet, now realizing her crotch was getting tingly yet again. "And I suppose you're not sorry you agreed to do this video."

"Ummm, naw! It's kinda fun, even though it hurts! They're really nice to me afterward."

"Well, I'm glad if you're glad," replied Janet.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived home to their humble yet comfortable apartment in suburbia. Once in the door, Mandy shed her bathrobe and flip-flops, now completely naked and natural, for which she remained for the rest of the evening. Janet inspected Mandy's bottom to see if it was red and welted. But just as promised, her bottom had pretty much returned to it's pale color and appeared unfazed.

When bedtime came, Mandy didn't bother donning pajamas, nightshirt or anything. She simply turned out the light, left her curtains open a crack to let the light in from a distant street lamp, and crawled into bed. "Shouldn't you be wearing something?" asked Janet in the semi-darkness as she covered her up. "I mean, what if it gets cold tonight?"

"I'll be warm enough," assured Krissy.

With that, Janet leaned down and kissed her niece on the cheek. "Now be warned, my little brat! If I hear you slapping your own bottom with the ruler tonight, I'm coming in and taking over the job!"

With that, Mandy blushed and giggled out of slight embarrassment, as if realizing her aunt could read her mind. "Well I... uh... I mean... would you?"

"Um-hm!" assured Janet.

"Well... okaaay," mumbled Mandy. With that, she reached under her pillow and produced the ruler she had hidden. With an embarrassed sigh, she handed it over to Janet. Next, she crawled out of the covers completely naked and slowly rolled over on her stomach. The glow coming in from the window reflected off her naked white bottom as she hugged her pillow. She let out a few deep breaths and slowly humped against the covers. "Okay, do it. Gi'me a spankin'," she said mumbling into her pillow.

Yet instead of popping that tantalizing bare bottom right away, Janet gave her a little tickle down her crack and then a little poke at her puckered rectum, before gently caressing those buns. Mandy moaned and squirmed as the electrical sensations went up her spine. But soon the swats of the ruler began to sting her bottom. They grew louder and harder as the spanking went on. Yet she humped her bed faster and faster as the tingling in her wet crotch grew more intense. As her moans grew into cries of ecstasy, Janet stopped the spanking and teased her crack and rectum again, until Mandy exploded into yet another massive orgasm. "Aaaaah! Oooooh! Aaaaah!" she cried aloud as her body once again released all its tensions and worries into that most wonderful sensation. Finally, she settled down again, laying naked and tired on top of her bedspread, now half asleep. Janet once again rubbed and caressed those warm luscious naked butt-cheeks that had just been spanked hard with the ruler. Then, she leaned down and kissed her again on the cheek. "God, I love you so much," she whispered.

Mandy let out a few sighs and coos before turning on her side to get off of the wet spot. "I love you too, Autie!" she said softly with her eyes closed. "You're the best!"

Janet smiled in the semi-darkness of her niece's bedroom. Yet she bent down and with all her strength, picked Mandy up in her arms. She struggled under the weight of the ten-year-old body and carried her off to her own bedroom. She laid her down on her queen size bed, which had never known the presence of man, and covered her up. Then she herself disrobed, turned out the light, and climbed into bed. She slowly and gently caressed her niece's smooth body under the covers, until she wound up on top of her.

She had never dreamt of making love to her own niece, but the force that guided her was too strong for her young feeble mind to resist. And so she humped her young niece, rubbing her swollen bud against Mandy's hairless little flower until she burst into a tumultuous orgasm that knocked her out until morning.

The next afternoon after school, Mandy found herself again in the dressing room, stripping out of her school clothes and into her bathrobe to await her call to the set. Once she announced she was ready, Krissy led her out onto the middle of the sound stage. "Okay, today will be a little easier, and tomorrow better still," declared Gayle. "Today we'll be demonstrating the 'across the bed' position. We'll do a brief belt spanking, hairbrush spanking, and a longer hand spanking."

"Oh-mah-gawd!" replied Mandy.

"Just five or six with the belt and I'll be over," assured Gayle. "Tomorrow we do 'over-the-knee' which will only be hand, paddle, and a few with the hairbrush. Better than today."

"So what do we do first?" asked Krissy.

"We'll do hairbrush first," said Gayle. "First take will be a dry run to see how it goes." With that, she walked off the stage for her chair. "Okay, let's get those camera's ready. We want those angles to be good. Are you ready for this, Mandy?"

"Uh, huh," she mumbled nervously.

"Good! Let's lose the robe!" With that, Mandy slowly untied the sash and let her bathrobe slide off her body. She tossed it over to an empty chair and nervously stood naked with her arms crossed. "Okay Mandy, you're on! Approach he bed slowly, relaxed and natural and assume the position! Remember, don't throw yourself on the bed. Just relax and take you're time. Sound will be on during the live take."

"Okay, Gayle," assured Mandy.

"Good. Let's go and... action!"

And so Mandy slowly walked out in front of the camera and laid across the side of the bed. She remembered not to look at the camera. She just assumed the position slowly and deliberately with smooth calculated movements. "That's good, Mandy, just do it like that," said Gayle. "Okay, Krissy, now you're on. Remember to pause for five seconds to allow the narration to catch up."

And with that, Krissy slowly approached with the hairbrush in her right hand hanging by her side. But when she reached her place at the side of the bed next to Mandy, she instinctively reached out with her left hand and gave quick rub across both of those naked buttocks. Mandy quietly sighed and slightly cringed at the unexpected pleasant sensation.

"Krissy, what're you doing?" cried Gayle.

"Oh, well... I thought it would help her relax a little," replied Krissy.

"But you can't do that for the actual clip, I mean..." but Gayle paused for a moment. "Wait... never mind. On second though, maybe we should leave it in. Sure, we'll try it that way. Go back and do it again!"

Mandy slightly smiled, yet held her place as Krissy repeated her steps. And once again, she enjoyed the brief sensuous rub over her bare bottom. "Okay, now place the hairbrush against her bottom and hold for five seconds," said Gayle. "Good, now give a few light taps." And as the flat of the hairbrush softly and gently tapped her bottom, Mandy let out another sigh of contentment. "Okay, now comes the real thing for the live take, but just practice for now."

And with that, Krissy raised the brush, but only tapped those pale buns lightly. "Spank," she mumbled as the flat surface made its sensuous light touch. With a steady rhythm, she continued to lightly tap that bare bottom, mumbling "spank... spank... spank..." with each pretend stroke. Mandy began to squirm at the inadvertent pleasurable sensation as once again she felt her crotch tingle and dampen. "Hold still, Mandy," coaxed Krissy.

"I'm trying, but that tickles," she said.

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it now," replied Krissy very quietly.

But soon, Gayle interrupted the activity. "Okay, I think you've got it down pretty good. Let's do one more dry run and then we'll go for a take."

And so Mandy rose from the bed, her lower lips now growing pink and puffy again. They both walked to the edge of the stage to wait for the 'action' command. Then, once again, they repeated their moves. Mandy softly moaned when she felt Krissy's hand quickly glided across her bare bottom. She cringed and tightened her buttocks when she felt the brush rest against them for five seconds. All went just as before, except Mandy grew all the more aroused. She knew this was ultimately a good thing, being that it would make the real spanking hurt a little less.

"Okay, that's good!" declared Gayle from her chair. "You both ready for a take?"

"I am," assured Krissy.

"Yeah, I guess so," added Mandy, now afraid she'd leave a noticeable wet spot on the bed. Nevertheless, they returned to the edge of the stage for the real shot. And once Gayle called 'action,' Mandy walked out in front of the camera again and took her place. Now she was quite nervous, yet she looked relaxed to all the world. Soon, Krissy walked out on stage and stood in her place. Mandy sighed quietly when she felt her bottom get rubbed by Krissy's skilled hand. She tensed a little once she felt the brush rest against her bottom. Then, Krissy gave her a few taps to get ready. The next three seconds felt like hours. But Krissy raised the brush about a foot above Mandy's trembling bare bottom. Then, with a flip of the wrist, it struck with a -WHACK!-

"Oooow!" cried Mandy as the hot sting soaked into her bare bottom. It wasn't as hard as she expected, but she knew there were more to come. WHACK! came the next swat with the flip of the wrist. "OOOOoooow!" cried Mandy, finding this one harder than the first. Krissy spanked slow yet in a steady rhythm for the camera, about one swat per second. WHACK! "Oooow!" WHACK! "Oooow!" CRACK! "Oooow-Oow!" Mandy's cries took on a more whiney tone as the spanking began to hurt more. WHACK! "Ooooow!" she cried, now with tears coming from her eyes. CRACK! "Waaaah!" She was beginning to sob. She bit her lower lip as the spanks kept coming, one per second. WHACK! CRACK! WHACK! Perhaps she took fifteen, perhaps twenty. No one was counting. But she was definitely crying for real when Gayle called, "Cut!"

Krissy immediately stopped the spanking. Once again, she reached out and slowly and gently rubbed Mandy's poor bottom covered with red splotches from the hairbrush. "Looked good from here!" said Gayle. "We'll have to see how well the cameras got it later. Everybody take a break. Krissy, take care of her!"

And so she helped the sobbing Mandy off the bed and held her close. She hugged her very tight and let her fingers run through her hair. Neither spoke a word. They just stood there alone on the stage as Mandy cried out the pain. Yet it didn't last long. And so she led Mandy off the stage and wrapped her in the bathrobe. "You are sooooo good... and brave!" she finally whispered to her charge. "C'mon. I'll get you a soda!"

"Okay," squeaked Mandy, her crying now gone. Her eyes were still wet, red and puffy, yet she smiled once again.

"Are you sure you don't hate me now?" asked Krissy as she led her out of the studio and into the hallway.

"Oh no," assured Mandy. "You spank like my aunt!"

"Your aunt? I take it that's good!"

"Oh yes! My aunt spanks hard, but she spanks me like she loves me!"

And so they arrived at a small alcove in the corridor that held the vending machines. Krissy bought Mandy a can of soda and a candy bar, after which they returned to the dressing room in the studio. Mandy drank her soda and ate her candy while sitting on a soft pillow.

"Next take will be easier," assured Krissy. "Just a few swats with a belt. It stings but it's soft, unlike the hard wicked hairbrush."

And once the break was over, Mandy found herself out on stage again, shedding her robe. This sequence was similar, with the same moves. Only now Krissy was armed with a thin leather belt looped over in her hand. The practice runs proved even more sensuous as the soft spanks landed across her buttocks in a tickling, caressing sensation from the soft leather. Mandy tried hard to conceal her arousal. But Gayle and her film crew was not in the least stupid of girlish ways. Besides, Krissy could smell that special 'girl scent' by now emanating from between Mandy's legs. By now, Mandy was slowly writhing and squirming on the bed to soothe her bud now desperate for an orgasm.

But time came to film the sequence. And so they started from the top with Mandy walking naked out on the stage and gracefully assuming her position across the bed, and Krissy soon following after with a looped belt in hand. After a few sensuous teasing strokes, she struck those poor buttocks with a 'shwoosh-CRACK!' The sudden hot sting sent Mandy grinding against the bed and crying out. Yet she only had to endure six swats, each falling two seconds apart. But each stinging swat of the belt across her bottom had brought a shriek and jolt from her. Yet in spite of the burning sting of her bottom that left her crying again, her little cunny now dripped with her love dew. She simply let herself cry without restraint, realizing the difference it made. Once she realized how wet she was after Gayle called 'Cut!" she remained in place as Krissy gently massaged and caressed her poor bare bottom covered with angry red splotches from the leather belt.

"Take care of her!" ordered Gayle. "We'll meet back here in ten!"

And so Krissy lifted Mandy up from the bed and fetched her robe. She took her back to the small dressing room as her sobs slowly faded away. Once she had locked the door behind them she reached for the sash around Mandy's waist. "I'm gonna take your robe off, okay," she said softly. Slowly and deliberately, she slid the bathrobe down that naked little body, leaving her once again exposed to the air. "You are soooo pretty," whispered Krissy. "I wish you were my niece!"

But Mandy only stared up with her red puffy eyes, still shedding their final tears from the on-camera whipping she had just endured. She smiled somewhat embarrassingly at the comment. Nevertheless, Krissy sat down in a chair and beckoned her naked charge over her knee. Once Mandy assumed the position, presenting her well-spanked bottom, Krissy began to sensuously massage and caress those red cheeks. Then, she reached for some lotion and gently rubbed it in all over.

"Ooooooh!" moaned Mandy, knowing she was cruising for an orgasm if this continued much longer. Krissy continued to rub and soothe her sore stinging bottom for a minute, causing Mandy to squirm and thrust. Her moans grew louder and her breathing grew heavier. But soon, Krissy stopped and gave a light love slap on her bottom before lifting her up from the position. Then, she simply sat the girl down on her lap.

"Not yet," said Krissy into her ear. "After the next shoot! We'll be done for the day and I'll give you what you want."

"Okay," agreed Mandy softly. And so, they sat there saying very little for the rest of the break with Krissy rubbing her charge's back and shoulders. But finally, there came a knock on the door.


"You two ready?" asked Gayle from the other side.

"Sure! We're on our way!" replied Krissy. "This is the easiest! You only get it with the hand now!" And so she wrapped Mandy back up in her bathrobe before leading her back out into the studio.

"Okay, this'll be easy. Same position, only it'll just be a hand- spanking now. It won't hurt as bad as the others, but it'll be longer. We need at least three minutes of footage to crop from. Any questions?"

"Mmmn, naw," replied Mandy.

"Okay then! Let's lose the robe and take our positions!"

And so Mandy shed her robe once again and presented her nude body to the film crew. "Okay, one quick dry run and then it's the real thing!" declared Gayle.

And so Mandy walked calmly yet confidently toward the bed. Slowly and gracefully, she lowered herself into position, presenting her now- pale bare bottom for the camera. Next, Krissy approached and gently gave a quick circular rub over those bare cheeks. Then, she gently placed her left hand on Mandy's lower back and rubbed again with her right hand. She gave each naked butt-cheek a gentle squeeze. Then, she softly began to quickly pat that bare bottom, alternating between sides. "Spank-spank-spank-spank-," she mumbled for the practice session.

But the sensuous feeling quickly traveled all around Mandy's body, once again turning her crotch moist. She softly moaned as she felt Krissy's gentle touch on her bare skin. But finally, Gayle cried, "Cut! Okay, I think you got it. Let's go for a take! You ready, Mandy?"

"Uh huh," she answered as she stood up and faced the crew with her front side completely exposed.

"Okay, places everybody... and... action!"

And so Mandy repeated the familiar moves. She sighed as she felt Krissy's hand gently rub and squeeze her bottom for a few seconds. Then, she felt a hand resting on her bottom for a brief moment before the slaps began.

"Slap- slap- slap- slap-," went Krissy's hand all over that bare bottom for the camera. In reply, Mandy only groaned as the sting was minimal. She tensed her bottom up and thrust against the bed a few times. But as the rapid slaps continued, a slow burning sensation began to build on her buttocks, causing her to squirm, thrust and moan all the more. Over a minute had passed of the continuos, "slap- slap- slap- slap- ," when the sting began to take hold. Mandy's moans turned into whines of discomfort as she squirmed about. But the spanking continued with Krissy's hand peppering her bottom with a "slap- slap- slap- slap-."

Finally, Mandy found herself gritting her teeth and clenching her bottom up tight. "Ow- ow- ow- Oooow!" she began to cry as the sting grew quite intense. But the rapid series of slaps did not stop. "Ooooow! Ooooow! OOOOOW!" she cried louder as she writhed and humped the bed. Krissy's seemingly harmless hand was really beginning to hurt. Yet all her squirming and grinding on the bed had caused her little pink flower to grow quite wet and her little bud grew hard and tingly.

But soon her eyes began to water as her bottom burned all the more. Then, her whines grew into an "Eeeeeeee!" as she began to cry. But the camera kept rolling and the spankings kept going. Mandy continued to squirm and cry under Krissy's stinging hand for a half a minute before Gayle cried, "Cut!" And thus Krissy stopped the spanking and began to rub and soothe Mandy's hot pink bottom. "Okay, that was great! We'll call it a night! Krissy, take care of her!"

And with that, the crew began to pack up and leave. But Krissy continued to caress and massage Mandy's poor red bottom for a minute until everyone else was gone. Then, she helped her up from the bed. "I hate to tell you this," she said, "but... I really enjoyed that!"

Even over her sobs, Mandy giggled. "I know," she said in a high whiny voice as she wiped her eyes. "I did too... most of it!"

"I was hoping you would," replied Krissy. "Now let's go back so I can take care of that poor red bare bottom of yours." And so she wrapped her in her bathrobe, never bothering to tie the sash. and led her back into the dressing room. Once the were behind locked doors, Krissy yanked the robe off of her charge, once again rendering her stark naked. Mandy offered no resistance. She just stood there with her hands at her sides, presenting her naked body to her spanker. Therefore, she led her over the chair and pulled her over her knee again with her dark pink bare bottom on high. And again, Krissy soothed in some lotion, causing Mandy to moan and squirm. Krissy's hands kneaded and massaged those mildly sore buttocks until the redness faded. Then, she dared to gently tease poor Mandy by lightly dragging her fingertip down her crack and taunting her crotch.

"Ooooh!" moaned Mandy. "Ooooh! Oh yes!"

"I know you like that, baby," said Krissy. "I know you've been desperate to cum for quite a while. Well, let's do it!" And so she continued to tease her crack from her puckered rectum to her drooling cunny. Mandy squirmed and thrust wildly against Krissy's leg.

"Oooh! Ooohh! Ooooh-gawd! Ooooohhh-Gaawwwd!" Mandy kicked her legs about as she humped Krissy's leg rather hard. And soon she burst into her long-awaited orgasm. Her head bobbed up and down as she cried out when the blast wave shook her body. "Oh, I'm cummiiiing!" she cried. It took thirty seconds for her to calm down again. But finally, she feel limp in a euphoric stupor. "Oooh Krissy! You're great! You really know how to make me cum!"

Krissy giggled. "You don't talk that dirty all the time, do you?"

"No never. Well, only when no one can hear me."

And so Krissy helped her back up and kissed her on the cheek. "You're so sweet... and hot!" But after that, she wrapped young Mandy back into her bathrobe. "Would you rather get dressed? You're aunt will be here soon."

"Mmm, naw. I'll just wear this home. It's just a short walk to the car and no one will know I'm naked underneath. Besides, it feels nice!"

"Okay, suit yourself." And with that, Krissy tied the sash quite snug to avoid any unintentional 'flashes' to the public.

And soon her Aunt Janet did arrive to take her back home. Her lower abdomen still had a slight cramp from her orgasmic spasms, yet she knew that before bed, she would be good for another round.

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