Little Spanking Video Starlet, Part 2

[ Ff, spank, mast, cons ]

by Pulsar

Published: 21-Jan-2011

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The three days passed, sometimes fast and sometimes slow for Mandy, but that afternoon after school, she found herself in the car pulling into the college campus parking lot near the Media building. She wanted to reach down and give her tingling little crotch a rub, yet she hesitated. She feared the unknown and longed for it at the same time. Aunt Janet held her hand as they entered the main door and down the maze of hallways. They went down the stairs and finally found the graduate students' office.

Gayle smiled gladly when the two entered, seeing Mandy still in her school uniform with her backpack hanging over one shoulder. "There you are," she said. "Are you ready?"

"Hmm, I guess," said Mandy nervously, yet the throbbing down in her little slit would not go away.

"I want you to be sure and absolutely willing," assured Gayle for the millionth time.

"I am," assured Mandy. "I really, really, really mean it!"

"I can vouch for that," added Janet with a sly smile to Gayle.

"Okay then," replied. Gayle. "Janet, do you wish to stay. You have full access to everything we do if you like."

"Oh, as much as I'd love to, I think it'd be best for Mandy if I wasn't around to distract her! I'll pick her up at seven!"

"Okay, but you're welcome at any time."

"Thank you," replied Janet. Then, she turned to kiss her niece on the forehead. "Bye sweetie."

"G'bye auntie."

And with that, Janet turned about to leave. Mandy watched her aunt walk away, completely unaware that she was heading home for some serious jilling! Once Gayle and Mandy stood alone in the quiet office, Mandy nervously twitched, resisting all urges to reach down and sooth her tingling crotch. "So, what do I do?" asked Mandy.

"Well, I'm gonna introduce you to Krissy. She's gonna be responsible for you during the entire production."

"You mean... like a babysitter?"

"Hmmm, sort of," replied Gayle. "She's the one who'll be giving the spankings for the film."

"Oh, I see."

"But don't worry. She's a sweet girl. She'll be good to you." And with that, Gayle led Mandy down a hallway to the basement studio area. It was a small soundstage with black walls, floor and ceiling. But they went into a small dressing room near the side. There inside was a slender girl, perhaps a year younger than her aunt- perhaps a year older. She wore a relaxed face with a small pair of wire-framed glasses. She sat in a chair putting her hair up into a bun. But she instantly turned to face them.

"Hi," she said with an eager smile. "Is that Mandy?"

"Yes, this is her," replied Gayle.

"Say, you're cute!" she replied. "As cute as Gayle said you were!"

Mandy grinned nervously. "Are you Krissy?" she asked.

"I am," she calmly. "Sit down."

With that, Gayle closed the door and left. And so Krissy led the introductory small talk as if they were long lost relatives. Mandy relaxed in her presence and found her rather likable. Soon, the conversation eased into the business of the spanking video. "Today we'll get the worst over," she said. "Y'know, the impersonal 'grab- ankles' school paddling. How's that?"

"Mmmm, okay I guess," replied Mandy.

"They said you're really sure about this job," continued Krissy.

"Yeah... I'm not afraid," boasted Mandy, now realizing that the throbbing in her moist crotch was only intensifying.

"Well, why don't you get comfortable?"

"Okay," replied Mandy. "So what do I have to do first?"

"Is that your robe in your backpack?" asked Krissy. Mandy nodded. "Well, first of all, we need you to get completely undressed down to bare-naked, and then put your robe on." Mandy began to tremble slightly, mainly at the idea of undressing in front of a stranger she know only for a few minutes. But Krissy turned around and said, "I'll cover my eyes until your ready, okay?"

"Okay," agreed Mandy. 'What difference does it make,' she thought. 'I guess they're all gonna see me naked sooner or later.' Nevertheless, she slowly undressed, starting with her shoes and socks. Then, when she pulled off her jumper and shirt, the cool air of the room assaulted her bare flesh, sending a tingling across her body and into her crotch. Finally, with trembling hands, she reached down to slide her panties down off her legs. She only allowed a brief moment of complete nakedness before yanking her pink 'Winnie- the-Pooh' bathrobe around her body. But even now, she could feel a few wet drops from her slit on her inner thigh. "Okay, ready," she declared.

Krissy turned again to face her. "Aaaaw, you are soooo adorable!" she said with toothy smile. "I really hope that you're glad you did this in the end."

"I think I will be," mumbled Mandy, somewhat unsure.

Soon, there came a tap on the door, before it opened. In stepped Gayle. "Oh good! You're in your robe," she said. "Are you to ready?"

"I suppose," replied Krissy. And so they quit the small dressing room for the sound stage. In the room where two video cameras, each operated by female students, a nursing student sitting in a chair with colorful scrubs for a shirt, and on older man with a goatee, the only male in the room. Krissy introduced him as Dr. Ibsen, their supervising professor, who was required to be present. Yet they assured her that he was the only male who would be around. Gayle took a seat in a chair next to a camera, serving as both director and producer. The nurse's presence assured Mandy that all actions would remain safe.

After the introduction, Mandy's attention drifted to the studio props. There was a wooden chair, a sofa, and a bed as well. A plain pale backdrop had been lowered behind each. "Okay, we're gonna start off with a simple dry run. Mandy, you'll be in this one by yourself. This clip will simply demonstrate to teachers how a child should bend over to grab ankles when being paddled at school."

And so Gayle had her practice a few times, keeping the bathrobe on. They wanted slow deliberate movements, not fast and jerky. Once they were satisfied, Gayle declared it was time to 'lose the robe!'

And so Mandy slowly untied the sash. "Don't be nervous," said Krissy. "No one outside this room knows what's going on." And thus Mandy slowly shed the robe. Krissy took the bundle in her hand as Mandy now stood completely naked before them. "Just relax," coaxed Krissy.

"Okay Mandy," said Gayle, "just walk out onto center stage, completely natural and relaxed, and slowly bend down to grab your ankles." And with a nervous breath, Mandy complied. She walked out with her right side to the camera, keeping her privates out of sight to the crew. "Good, look straight ahead," coaxed Gayle.

And then Mandy stopped. Slowly, she leaned forward, bent over and grabbed her ankles. She realized her pulsating little cunny continued to leak a few more drops onto her inner thighs. Just being exposed sent a mysterious rush over her.

"Okay, just hold that position for a few seconds," ordered Gayle. "There's no sound to this clip because it will be voiced over by the narrator describing the position." And so Mandy complied as her breathing grew a little heavier. For a brief moment, she fantasized herself an unwilling porn star, which did nothing to quell her throbbing little cunny. In a way she felt all grown up, doing a 'nude scene' already at age ten. In anohter way, she felt like a little toddler, who was known to run around naked with out a care in the world.

And although the crew could not see her privates, Krissy had an unobstructed view from where she stood. She could see those girl lips getting pinker and opening up. And she could see the faint glimmer of a tiny drop of love dew. Krissy knew exactly what Mandy was feeling! "Very good, you can stand up now and go back," Gayle finally said.

And with that, Mandy walked naked across the stage back to where Krissy stood, giving her a full frontal view. Krissy struggled to hide her satisfaction and her hands went for her own throbbing flower that now drooled girl-juice into her panties. Yet she fought the urge as she smiled at Mandy. "You are soooo good," she finally said with double meaning. "That looked... great!"

"Thank you," Mandy replied embarrassingly, somewhat unaware of Krissy's inner-most thoughts and desires. Yet just the hope that Krissy liked her naked body kept her intensely aroused and wet.

"That was good, Mandy," added Gayle. "Relaxed and natural! If you can do that again for the tape, we'll have it in one take. Ready?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Okay, camera on! Go!"

And so Mandy repeated the maneuver. But in her young age, her bottom swayed ever-so-slightly as she walked out to the center. Once again, she assumed the position very relaxed and waited until Gayle cried, "cut." Mandy slowly stood back up and faced her, now exposing her hairless immature little mound and slit to everyone. And she even elected to nervously toy with her ponytail, rather than to cover her exposed slit. "If you think you're ready, well do a live take of the 'school spanking.' That is... if you are ready."

"Yeah, I'm ready," assured Mandy, wanting to experience the spanking for everything it was, both the pain and the pleasure.

"Okay then, places everyone!"

With that, Krissy seized the wooden paddle from the prop table. She felt a rush of adrenaline as she realized it was time to swat that cute little pale bare bottom. A rush of guilt came over her too. She was already in love with little Mandy and it seemed a shame to make her cry. Yet she had been told how willing the girl was to be in this production. And so, with paddle in hand, she walked out to center stage in front of the camera. By now, the crotch of her panties were soaked and was never more desperate to get away for some serious self-comfort! Yet she presented a relaxed face to the world, leaving them none the wiser.

"Okay Mandy, bend over!" cried Gayle from her chair.

And thus she slowly bent over again into position, now wondering if Krissy noticed her leaking little cunny. Once in place she felt Krissy's hand gently rub her bottom. "Just relax," coaxed Krissy. "Take a deep breath." Mandy sighed as she felt those fingertips glide all around her tightly-stretched bare bottom. Then, she felt a finger 'accidentally' touch her throbbing moist nether- lips. She nearly jolted, yet did not wish to lead on to the film crew of what had just happened. She simply remained in position.

"Okay, we're gonna do five swats with sound on," declared Gayle from the chair. "Your reaction should be natural. Don't act like it hurts more than it does but don't fight against crying either."

"That's right," added Krissy as she placed her left hand on Mandy's back and gently tapped her bottom with the wooden paddle. She began to rub around in small circles. "The first one won't be as hard so you can get used to it. Just remember, there's only five swats!"

"Okay, ready Mandy?" asked Gayle

"Yeah, go ahead," she replied nervously.

"Okay... action!"

And so Mandy held her position, simply looking down at the floor. She felt two light taps as Krissy slowly raised the paddle and then brought it down slowly for two 'practice' swats. But the next one landed with a loud WHACK!

"Ooooow!" cried Mandy as she jolted, losing her grip on her ankles. Yet she quickly regained her position, not wanting to re-shoot the scene over and over. The sudden hot sting on her bottom caused her to wonder if she should have declined, yet she refused to think about it further. Two seconds later, Krissy swung the paddle again, this one striking harder and hotter than the first. SMACK! "Oooooooow!" Mandy cried out as the impact traveled up her spine and left a horrendous sting across both her buttocks. Two seconds later, the third swat landed, causing her to grit her teeth and squeeze her teary eyes shut. SMACK! "Ooow-ow-oooow!" she cried out as tears began to flow from her eyes. The forth -WHACK!- caused her to jolt again, losing her grip on her ankles. She began to really cry in short whiny bursts. She fought every urge to stand up and run away. In stead, she quickly grabbed her ankles again. She trembled as she awaited the fifth and final swat. Those two seconds seemed an eternity. Yet it came nevertheless with a 'whssh-CRACK! "Oooooow," she sobbed as he bottom stung and burned. Her tears fell to the floor and she found herself slobbering with her sobs.

But the camera continued to roll for a few seconds to catch some crying footage in reaction to the spanking. The other camera zoomed in on her spanked bare bottom to show both redness and the lack of any blisters or welts. Finally, Gayle called the 'cut!' And so Krissy began to rub and soothe that red-hot bare bottom. "Okay, that was great! Better than I expected. Both of you were awesome. Take a break! Krissy, take care of her!"

And with that Krissy helped her recover from her bent-over position. By now Krissy herself cried a few tears of guilt over making sweet little Mandy cry. But at the same time, she had nearly orgasmed in her panties while swatting that luscious bare bottom! "Are you okay?" she asked. "Do you really want to continue?"

Mandy continued to cry for a few moments, struggling to stop as quick as possible. "Yeah I'm, (sniffle) okay," she mumbled as she looked up into her spanker's red teary eyes. "Don't cry Krissy," she said. "I knew it would hurt and told 'em I'd do it anyway."

Krissy smiled and gave her a hug. "You're a very brave little girl," she said. "Come on. I'll put something on your bottom to help the sting." With that, she wrapped the bathrobe around the girl's naked body and took the sniffling Mandy back to the dressing room. Once behind closed doors, she produced a tube of lotion. "This will get rid of the sting," assured Krissy. But not having anything for Mandy to lie on, she simply sat down and coaxed Mandy over her knee, as if she were to get spanked again.

But instead, she squeezed a few cold beads of lotion on Mandy's red hot buns and gently began to rub around. "Does that feel good?" she softly asked.

"Yeah, it feels good," assured Mandy, her crying now stopped. And thus Krissy rubbed plenty of lotion all around those warm, pink globes, bringing soft whispery moans from Mandy. The more she rubbed and caressed, the more her own crotch throbbed with yearning. And it was quite noticeable that Mandy began to slowly hump her lap as her breathing grew heavy.

"Feeling better yet?" asked Krissy.

"Oh yeeeeaaaah," replied Mandy with a sigh as she humped Krissy's lap even harder. By know, poor Krissy's head spun as she realized that what she had hoped had come to pass. Mandy was turned on and accepted Krissy's ever so subtle advances. And after a little contemplation, she finally dared to break all rules she held dear to. She let a slippery finger slide down between Mandy's legs and ever so gently caressed those little bald nether-lips. "Oooooh! Oh- gawd!" cried Mandy, giving her co-star's thighs a long hard thrust to soothe her throbbing little nub.

"Did you like that?" whispered Krissy.

"Yeah," Mandy whispered back. "Do it one more time."

And so Krissy slowly caressed those lips between Mandy's legs. However, she did not stop at 'one more time.' She no longer restrained her wandering lustful fingers as she let one fall into the slit. "I bet you like that even more," whispered Krissy.

"Ooooh. Oooh yeeesss!" moaned Mandy as she humped intently and swayed from side to side as well. "Ooooh, keep doin' it! Feels really good!"

Krissy knew in her head she had crossed the invisible line, yet she found no turning back. And so she rubbed her little charge for several seconds, cherishing the pleasure she was giving her. Finally, she stopped long enough to pull her up. Without a word, she turned her about and sat her on her lap facing away from her. Then, she gently leaned her back into a reclining position against her breasts. Mandy's legs fell open once again as she leaned back. And so Krissy reached around with her right hand and began to rub and finger that little wet pink flower. "Ooooh! Oooooh! Ooooh- yeeess!" moaned Mandy as her head rocked back, her eyes fell closed and her mouth wide open. "Ooooh Krissy, I want you to fuck me!" she cried out in her passion, forgetting that sweet girls never use the 'f' word.

"Watch your fucking little dirty mouth, little girl!" Krissy murmured into Mandy's ear, "... or I'll have to spank your bare bottom again."

"Ooooh yes! Oh Krissy, I want you to spank me long and hard!" cried Many in the throes of her pleasure. "Oh Krissy, you make me wanna cum!"

"Oh yes," whispered Krissy into her ear as she continued to finger and rub her little slit. "Cum little girl! I want you to cum all over me. I wanna see your cum squirt out of your little hairless pussy!"

Mandy squirmed and bucked in Krissy's lap as she felt her orgasm building deep within. "Oh Krissy! Oh Krissy! I love you! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum really hard! Don't stop!"

"Cum little girl!" coaxed Krissy. "Cum!"

"Oh, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna CUM! I'M GONNA CU..." Suddenly, her vocal cords froze and her breathing stopped. Her head grew dizzy as her nether regions tingled wildly for one second before bursting! The orgasmic shock wave traveled all over her little body, causing her to buck wildly in Krissy's lap. She felt as if she were falling as her pelvis pulsated into an intense orgasm. Suddenly a small squirt of juice shot out of her little swollen cunny, landing who- cares-where. "Aaaaaaaah!" she cried once she could move her vocal chords again. "Oh-gawd-I'm-cumming! I'm cummiiiiing!" Mandy bounced wildly up and down against Krissy's fingers, soaking them with her sweet little-girl nectar.

And after a long series of contractions, she finally calmed down again. She let out a long falsetto of a sigh as she fell limp on her spanker's lap. "Oh Krissy, I'm such a bad girl," she finally said quietly. "I said a lot of 'wordy-derds' while I was getting fucked. Now you have to spank me really hard on my bare bottom to punish me!"

Krissy only giggled. "They'll be more of those... and in front of the camera, my pretty little naked movie star!" And so, she shifted her head that she might gently kiss her new-found friend on the cheek. "You're so sweet... and soooo hot! I love you already!"

"I hope my aunt makes you my babysitter some time so you can come over and spank me all day long," whispered Mandy. "My bottom would be so red and I'd cum over and over and over and over again... all over you!"

Krissy giggled again, quite pleased with the idea. "Well, we'll just have to talk to your aunt now, will we. I'm sure if I offered to do it for free, she just couldn't pass it up."

Suddenly, there came a knock on the door. Mandy shot up and pulled her bathrobe around her as Krissy straightened up. "Come in," cried Krissy nervously. With that, Gayle opened the door. "Okay, we're about ready for the next shoot," she said. "Are you two ready for it?"

Mandy looked up with nothing but innocence in her eyes. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Give us two minutes," added Krissy. Then, she looked at Mandy. "Well, let's get you turned on again so the next one will be just as fun for you!"

Mandy smiled back in a way that just stole Krissy's heart.

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