Anthis, the Lydian dancer, has seven veils about her.
She unrolls the yellow veil and her jet-black tresses
spread upon the air. The rosy-veil slides from her mouth.
The white veil falling shows her naked arms.
She frees her little breasts from the opening scarlet veil.
She drops the green one from her round and double croup.
She draws the blue veil from her shoulders, but she still
retains the less transparent one, pressing it upon her puberty.
The young men plead with her; she shakes her head.
Only at the music of the flutes she tears it off a bit,
than altogether, and with the gestures of the dance she
plucks the young fresh flowers of her body.
Singing: "Where are my roses, where my perfumed violets!
Where are my sprays of parsley! -- Here are my roses,
and I give them to you. There are my violets, do you care for any?
There are my lovely curling parsley wisps."
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