The Beadle, Part 8

[ Mgb, ped, rom, slow, story ]

by Pibeta


Published: 13-Nov-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

If you have not read the previous episodes, I strongly recommend you do before embarking on this one, or it will make little sense! There is more to come, but it will not be quick...

Despite the night's activities, or possibly because of them, I slept very soundly. The alarm went off at 0730, and I found myself as usual, the centre of a tangle of childish limbs. Amy to my left was doing a starfish impression, her limbs pointing to the four corners, and her mouth wide open emitting a purring noise, too delicate to be termed a snore. Nathan was on his front, his right leg tangled with my own, and my arm under his chest. We all began to move at about the same moment, languorously untangling ourselves and yawning.

It did not take long to get them moving - as soon as they remembered it was 'back to school' day, they got quite excited, and indeed I was the last one through for breakfast. They looked so cute in their uniforms! Amy in pale blue Gingham pattern summer dress over white socks and shiny black shoes, Nathan in black trousers, white shirt and a blue jumper - if I were a paedophile it would have been a fantasy!

Over breakfast we chatted happily about the weekend's events, and their hopes for the first day back at school. Nathan was keen to check it was still OK to invite a friend over for the weekend, which of course it was, and Amy wanted to make sure we all understood it was her turn the week after. Anyone would have thought they had been my children all their short lives.

At about 8.30 we all headed off to the school, and as I dropped them off they ran cheerfully away to join their friends. It was with a feeling of anti-climax that I wandered into the office a few minutes late, and took my boring old seat at the desk.

As I sorted through the in-tray - the usual selection of letters to be signed and incoming mail - the phone rang. It was Heidi's lawyer I suppose it should not have been a surprise that he was so quick off the mark. He introduced himself as Ernest Shufflebottom, junior partner at one of the most prestigious London Solicitors. After the traditional exchange of pleasantries, he had a load of questions - mostly to do with ensuring the charity was appropriately established, and that his client was not being taken for a ride.

Only one question gave me pause: "... and of course you are registered with the authorities as a foster home?"

"As we have only just got started, it is still in hand..." I lied easily.

"Of course - I do understand. Clearly we can't release the donation until that has been completed. You will let us know when it is done?"

"Naturally..." We went on to cover many other topics, including exchanging bank details and addresses. He rang off eventually, and I was left to ponder the new challenge he had left me. I kicked myself for not seeing it coming - I would have done the same thing in his position. Clearly my thinking had been addled by my excitement - most unprofessional.

While I pondered how best to approach the problem, a knock at the door heralded Sharon clutching a copy of the local paper. "Look! Mr O'fyle - they've got your picture on the front page!"

I had almost forgotten the incident with Becky, but the media had not. "Ah - yes - not as big a deal as they make out, I assure you." I found I was blushing.

"But you saved her life! I must tell the others!" And of course she did, and to my intense embarrassment I had to bear almost everyone in the office taking the opportunity to congratulate me over the next half hour. Even old Mr Crook came to my office - something he had never done before - to pass on his regards. Mr Hadham was much more interested in how my exploits could be used to promote the business - which filled me with even more dread. Eventually I was left in peace.

The next few hours were tied up with other work - calls to make, letters to dictate, and one client meeting to discuss final details on a complicated will. It was lunchtime before I got time to think about the foster home problem again. I needed to know what hoops I would need to jump through to get the OK, so in the end I called the department in the local Council, and on the pretext of making enquiries on behalf of a client, asked all the questions I needed.

Most of it seemed fairly straightforward, if time consuming. There would need to be more space to accommodate any more than the two I had; I would have to undergo a number of "visits" from busybodies (sorry - social workers) to vet the set up; but most difficult there was a tacit assumption that there would be foster parents - plural - in charge of the children. As I had no intention of acquiring a "partner" in life, I would have to find some other way of getting a tick in that box. The only good news was the admission that they were desperate for more foster carers in the area, and so they were implementing a 'Fast-track' approach for suitable candidates.

The remainder of the day was routine, and a little before 5 I called it a day, and headed off to pick up the kids from Elaine's. I found her little semi easily enough, and walked up the short path to her door. The bell was not answered, so I assumed the Tesco trip was still in progress. A few minutes later, her car pulled up, and I was enveloped in three excited children all trying to tell me all about their day at once. Elaine invited me in, and we moved as a scrum into her front room. As I collapsed into her rather ancient settee, I had two small girls competing for lap space as all three continued to shout out their adventures.

"Quiet!" demanded Elaine, and the school-ma'am effect brought immediate silence. "There's a message on the answer phone..."

She pressed the button and a plummy voice came on: "Ah - this is a message for Mrs Elaine Simpson. Charles Carruthers from the Foreign Office here. We need to speak to you urgently about your husband - he is well but has run into a problem in Thaibodnam. Can you please call us as soon as possible? This number is manned 24 hours a day..." he gave a number, which from the code was in central London.

She had turned very pale. "Oh shit" she muttered under her breath, and I could see Ellie bite her lip in amusement at her mother's inadvertent curse, but Elaine was not in the mood for comedy. To me she said: "Will you stay while I do this? I think I might need some support?"

"Of course."

She picked up the phone and dialled the number she had written down. It was answered promptly. "Ah - hello - this is Elaine Simpson. I got a message to call you? ... Yes ... Yes ... Yes - he is out there on his ship, the Jock Sturges. ... Oh! ... Oh No!" she turned even paler, and I thought she would fall over. I leapt to my feet, grabbed a spare chair from the dining table and guided her down onto it. She was still talking intermittently as we all listened to one side of the conversation: "Yes ... No ... Yes I will ... No I wont ... Yes I have a friend here that can help." She glanced nervously at me. "OK - yes. I will call you again tomorrow. Yes I am OK. Bye." She put the phone down with a look of utter despair on her face.

"Kids," I announced firmly, "I think you had better go and play upstairs for a bit while Elaine and I talk."

"But..." started Nathan, but I gave him a firm look, and he backed down, sidling upstairs with Ellie and Amy. Phoebe was nowhere in sight - I assumed still with her Grandmother.

"OK" I spoke quietly, "Tell me the worst."

"It's Graham. He's been arrested!" she replied weakly.

"Oh Lord! What for?"

She blushed. "You promise you won't tell anyone else? I would lose my job..."

"Of course - I would never tell anyone anything passed to me in confidence - I am a Solicitor you know."

"Yes - I know. It is just... He was arrested in a nightclub. One of those with lots of under-age prostitutes!" She burst into tears, and once again I found it necessary to give her a consoling hug.

"Oh - that does sound worrying," I consoled, "but I am sure it will all blow over in a few days. It must be some misunderstanding." I said it because I knew I should, but my inside knowledge of his activities with Ellie lent the lie to my confidence.

She sobbed loudly. "I'm scared!" she whimpered between gasps for breath. "I can't cope without him!"

"I'm sure you will manage. You know I will do whatever I can to assist?"

She nodded unsteadily, and made a vain attempt to sniff up the tears. "You are so kind..." she sniffled.

A loud rap on the door broke the spell, and she visibly 'pulled herself together', straightening her skirt and dabbing her eyes as she went to answer. Seconds later an excited Phoebe burst into the room, followed more sedately by a little grey-haired women, who I took to be Grandmother. A brief and half-hearted introduction was made, and I found my hand gripped by a small claw and fixed with a bird like stare. If Elaine thought she could deceive her own mother as to her emotional state, she was quickly disabused of that notion as 'Nana' went straight into Spanish Inquisition mode. I was asked to watch Phoebe for a few minutes while the two women retreated to the kitchen.

I tried not to eavesdrop as Phoebe started digging into a box of toys, but what I did hear was surprising. Far from sympathy, her mother seemed angry with Elaine as well as Graham. Phrases such as "You knew what he was like..." and "What did you expect..." drifted into my ears. I stored all this away whilst trying hard not to be judgemental on either of them. At last they returned to the front room, and before anything else could be said, 'Nana' was making her farewells and was out of the door.

Elaine looked, if anything, more pale and shocked than before, and I expressed my sympathy once again, but I knew I had to get my two home for some tea as well, so I reiterated my offer of support but soon was also making my farewells.

As soon as we were in the car Nathan demanded: "Why's Mrs Simpson upset again?"

"Her husband is in trouble I'm afraid" I responded as we drove off.

"Why?" contributed Amy.

I gave the standard 'soap' response: "It's complicated." and to change the subject asked Nathan: "Did you find anyone to invite for next weekend?"

His faced formed quickly into a frown. "No. Andy can't come."

"What about Brian?"

"He can't either. They're both grounded!"

"Oh - why?"

"It was kinda our fault. They were supposed to stick with Jonathan last weekend, and when he went home without them - he's a cry baby - they got into trouble."

"Did you try Jonathan?" I asked, hoping firmly for a negative.

"Nah! He's creepy!"

"Have you any other friends to ask?"

"Not really - there is a new boy - Harris. He looks nice - can I ask him?"

"If he wants to come, and is mother is happy, it is fine by me."

Back at the house they were quite subdued - tired I guess from their first day back at school. As I prepared supper they kept up a steady chat, and now it was a little quieter and slower, I was able to learn a bit more. They had both had good day, seen all their friends and enjoyed themselves. It seemed that Amy and Ellie had barely left each other's side all day, whilst Nathan had hung out with Andy and Brian, with a ragtag bunch of hangers-on. They both had a little homework to do.

After food, they happily helped me clear up - it still seemed a treat to them to live in a civilised routine - and then I set them to their homework on the dining room table, while I popped down to see Mrs Greenberg. She greeted me with delight. I cleared my first point on the agenda by thanking her profusely for her donation to the charity, which she accepted with grace.

"Now - I am going to have to get registered as a foster-carer with the Council" I opened point two, "... and I was wondering if you could help us here too. The powers-that-be expect there to be two carers, and obviously there is only me upstairs..."

She was quick on the uptake. "Of course! If you need me to be on the forms, I would be delighted!"

"Well it is not just the forms - they will want to visit and see you as taking an active part..."

"I am sure I can do that - they are such delightful children, I would love to be more involved!" I knew she was comparing them in her mind to her own grandchildren, who were neither delightful nor present.

"That's brilliant! I will let you know when I have a date for the visit."

We discussed the details back and forth for a while, during which time she volunteered to pick them up from school if necessary, whilst I explained that at present I had that covered, but would bear her offer in mind.

Then it was round to point three - the most tricky. "There is one more thing I was looking for advice on - the charity is likely to have more children to help, and at present I don't have sleeping room for any more. Would it be a problem if I had the living area upstairs split so we could have another bedroom?"

She sucked her cheeks in thought. "I suppose that would be OK - I can certainly see you would be running out of space. I can't really make more room down here." She paused to consider, and then her face lit up: "You could always use the attic?"

"Oh - we could I suppose - but won't that take even more alterations? We would need stairs, and it would need floors and lining and things..."

"No - No! We had all that done already! Jacob used to keep his model railway up there! The other locked door in your living area - there are stairs up to the attic there. They are a bit steep, but I am sure they will be OK. Come on - I'll show you!"

With her eagerly leading we returned upstairs with a key, and on opening the aforementioned door found a steep staircase, almost a ladder, heading up to the attic. It was very dusty, but clearly well constructed in wood with a sturdy handrail. A light switch allowed illumination, and at the top another door opened to reveal a huge open space. It was probably two thirds the size of my whole apartment, limited only by the angle of the eaves, and was boarded and lined throughout. There were two skylights on either side set into the angle of the roof - I had never noticed them from outside before, but now I thought back, they had always been there. In my mind, I was already picturing it as a dormitory - ten, maybe twelve beds could be easily fitted into this space, and my ambitions for the charity expanded accordingly.

"Wow!" exclaimed Nathan, who had followed us up.

"Can we play up here?" enquired Amy.

"Of course!" laughed Mrs Greenberg, clearly delighted that she had pulled such a winning rabbit from the hat.

"Let's wait until we've got rid of the dust before we get too carried away!" I laughed along.

I fetched the hoover, and they all watched as I cleared away the worst of the dust. As soon as they had the all clear, the kids made full use of the new space - Amy doing handstands and cartwheels, which distractingly exposed acres of bare flesh and delicate panties, whilst Nathan tried skids, and then head-over-heels, before settling down to a fish impression on his belly in the middle of the floor. Mrs Greenberg looked on, still beaming a self-satisfied smile at everyone.

In the corner there was a pile of boxes, and when I looked in that direction, Mrs Greenberg immediately broke in with: "That's a pile of Jacob's stuff. I don't know why I kept it when we sold all the train sets. Maybe you can sell it to make more money for the charity?"

"We can try!" I agreed happily. "Any idea what is in there?"

"He was an avid collector - I think it is mostly old stamp and coin albums - probably worthless."

Eventually I called a halt to the festivities, and we returned downstairs. I took possession of the key to the attic, and carefully locked it - I wanted to check out those boxes before the kids got into them. Mrs Greenberg carried on downstairs, and I set Amy and Nathan to finishing their homework. When that was done we settled down to watch a little TV, and soon it was time for bed.

Of course they wanted to sleep with me again, and in many ways I wanted that too, but I knew that too many nights of sexual debauchery would leave all of us in no fit state to face the needs of the day. They humphed and they pouted, but eventually accepted my ruling.

Once they were safely tucked up in their bunks, I came in for a goodnight kiss. Nathan planted his lips firmly on mine, and I had to fight to pull away in the end. He smirked at me and whispered: "Nunnight Peter!"

Amy on the bottom bunk was just as keen to hold on to me, and it was no easier to break away. "When is it going to be my turn to - you know - do it properly?" she hissed as I pulled back.

"What do you mean?"

She blushed prettily. "You know - sex..." she giggled.

"I'm not sure..." I started, about to explain why I thought it was a bad idea.

"You promised!" she said loudly.

"Shhh!" I whispered back. My head was reeling again at what she was offering. "I don't want to hurt you..."

"Oh that's OK. I asked Ellie and she told me how to do it so it don't hurt."

"'Doesn't'" I corrected automatically. "How was that?"

"You get some special slippery stuff - jelly she said - and that helps it go in easily. Also some spray stuff to stop it hurting inside."

"Oh ah - I see. We don't have either of those..."

"Will you get some tomorrow?"

"Uh - maybe..."

"You promised!"

"Oh - well - wait and see?"

"Goodie!" she beamed, and then hugging her arms to her chest, turned on her side and closed her eyes to sleep.

It was some hours later that my heart rate settled down enough to go to bed, and even then my sleep was disturbed by erotic dreams - I may as well have had the night of sexual debauchery for all the rest I got!

*** Tuesday got off to a groggy start, but the kids were good as gold, and so they were delivered to school in time, and I was at the office by 9 am. The morning was filled with the preparation for and execution of the postponed meeting with Mr and Mrs Stougham. I cannot say it was a comfortable affair - Mrs Stougham was still livid with her husband over his latest (homosexual) affair, and was determined to break all contact with him, as well as raid his bank accounts for as much as she could get. Miss Dyke was doing her best to argue his case - she was sharp, and against a less implacable enemy would probably have scored a few points, but not today. Mr Stougham was a bit unnerving - swinging from affected indifference to angry shouting matches, interspersed with floods of apologetic tears. By the end, when it became apparent that his ex wife would give no ground without a court injunction, he had lapsed into morose depression. Although he was the opposition in this case, I felt for him - I had only to imagine how I would feel if someone were to remove Nathan and Amy from my life to find a well of sympathy. As she was in no mood for compromise, I could only plan to ease her extremes when she was in a more conducive mood. Eventually they all left, still staring daggers at each other.

It was lunchtime and I was exhausted. I made my excuses, and headed out of the office for lunch in a nearby café - not a regular event for me, but I needed to get out for a while. On my way back I passed the pharmacy, and suddenly Amy's words from the night before were back in my head. It had not taken the investigative powers of Sherlock Holmes to work out what she was talking about: KY Jelly and an anaesthetic spray. Before I realised what I was doing, I had entered the shop and approached the counter. Then the guilty ramifications of what I was about to purchase caught up with me, and suddenly I was tongue-tied and embarrassed.

"Oh - hello! I wondered - maybe - if you had any..." I considered changing my requirements to something more innocent, but I found myself going on: "... lubricating jelly - you know for chaffing skin? It's for my landlady..." Why had I lied? I was sure I was blushing, and she was bound to notice.

"You mean KY Jelly?" she responded, rather more loudly than I would have wanted, "Yes we have 100g tubes or 250g jars - which did you want?"

"Oh - I don't know - I think the tube should be enough..." I was struggling for the words to ask for the spray when I spotted a box full of 'Waspeze' by the till with an 'end of season special' sign above it. "I'll have one of those too" I added. I paid, and was out of the door as quickly as I could, trying hard not to glance around guiltily as I headed back to the office.

Back at my desk, I found I was breathing heavily in suppressed panic. I secreted my purchases in my briefcase, and set about writing up the notes on the morning's meeting - probably not very well.

When that was done, I faced the next challenge - if we were to get the foster care approval I should start the process as soon as possible. I called the Council and was pleased to get a different lady from the day before - she gave me her name as Yvonne. The conversation went better than I feared - as soon as she realised I seriously wanted to register as a foster care, she got very excited. Clearly they were desperate for more homes, and after she had cleared up some preliminary queries she quickly offered to visit the next day to bring me the forms and do an initial assessment. Before I knew it, I had committed to be home by 4pm, and had given her my address. Only then did I check my diary, and I was relieved to see there was nothing scheduled for that afternoon. I spent the rest of the work day in anxious anticipation of the next day's meeting.

I got to Elaine's house just after 5pm, and was greeted by the usual mob - they had spotted my car pulling up, so I was overwhelmed as soon as I opened the gate. When I saw Elaine I knew she had more news, and it was not good. We dispatched the children upstairs, and she was free to explain that Charles had called again, and that Graham was being charged with soliciting a minor for sex, resisting arrest and attempting to bribe a police officer - it did not look good.

"What will happen to him?" she kept asking.

"He hasn't been to court yet - it may all blow over..." I tried to reassure her.

"He needs the best defence!" she directed her gaze at me, and I knew she wanted me to get involved.

"I am not really a criminal lawyer... and besides, I know nothing about the Thaibodnam legal system..."

"But at least you know the law - and you can speak to the lawyers better than he could... Would you go out there and help him?"

"Wouldn't it be better to use your money to visit him yourself?"

"But I can't help him much! And I can't leave the kids. And anyway, Charles says there is a charity that will pay for his legal advice..."

So it was that by the time I left with Nathan and Amy I had agreed to speak to Charles to get more details about this charity with the view to visiting Graham in his gaol. I can't say the prospect filled me with joy, but I felt I owed the attempt partly to Elaine but more to the delightful Ellie. If this was the price of maintaining friendship with them, and hopefully more contact with that little nymph, then it was a price I was willing to pay.

Tuesday evening was uneventful. I held to my resolve, and we all remained within the law. Anyone would think we were an ordinary decent family! Nathan had asked Harris if he wanted to come over at the weekend, and the boy had agreed, subject to approval from his mother. I found myself hoping he was as attractive and fun as Andy and Brian.

Only my purchases gave the lie to the impression of normality, and these I hid in my bed-side cabinet. I did not let on I had them - I knew Amy would want me to make use of them straight away, and I would find it impossible to deny her. What was I even thinking about? There was no way I could penetrate sweet Amy without causing her distress - I ought to get rid of the tempting pharmaceuticals immediately, but they remained in my hiding place.


Wednesday got off to the usual routine. When we arrived at the school, a slender Hispanic woman and a small boy were hovering near the gate. Nathan greeted the boy enthusiastically, and dragged them both over to me. "This is Harris and his Mum!" he announced proudly.

"Good morning," I greeted them, and offered my hand for a shake. "I am Peter..."

"Oh - good morning. Juanita..." she said as she accepted the handshake. "Harris tells me Nathan has invited him over for the weekend, and I thought..."

"That you ought to check us out. Of course I do understand!" I laughed.

She blushed and grinned sheepishly. "Well, you have to be so careful these days. But it is so nice he has made a new friend so quickly. He is a very shy boy, and he had no real friends at his last school."

"Well Nathan seems to like him, so he is very welcome if you are OK with it?"

She studied me seriously for a few moments, vainly seeking out my dangerous traits, and then nodded agreement. We discussed arrangements - he would come home with the others on Friday evening, and I would deliver him back on Sunday afternoon. We exchanged addresses and phone numbers, and the date was made. We went our separate ways, and if she had been aware of the thoughts in my head she would have been terrified: Harris was a little sweetie - long dark brown hair, well tanned skin and big brown eyes peering out between his tresses. He was shorter than Nathan, and slim but with a surprisingly round bottom - why had I noticed that? He was clearly very shy, avoiding eye contact with anyone, and with an inherent need to fold his arms across his chest.

When the usual start of day routine at the office was complete I called the number Elaine had given me, spoke to Charles, and introduced myself as Elaine's solicitor. He willingly explained the charitable organisation, whose purpose was to assist Britons charged with sexual offences overseas in exchange for a commitment to undergoing therapy on their return. He gave me a number to call, and soon I was speaking to David at SOOLS. After an initial cautiousness, which he explained was because they often got unfriendly calls from the hysterical end of the media, he was soon speaking more openly and agreeing that they would fund my trip to visit Graham in his foreign gaol. It seems they were delighted to have someone to do the job, even if not strictly a criminal lawyer, as they were very short of volunteers. We exchanged numbers, and he promised to call me back when he had sorted out flights.

Only then did I broach the whole subject with Mr Crook. It took a bit of explaining, and I had to tell him a bit more about my newly acquired family, but once he had the hang of it, he was very encouraging, describing it as a 'good experience' for a young lawyer.

I got back to the house at 3.30 - giving myself some extra time to ensure the place was ready for Yvonne's visit. I discussed the scenario over with Mrs Greenberg, and she continued to be willing to participate, and even excited to be mildly deceiving the authorities. It seems she had a mischievous streak I had missed before. When the rap came on my door we both jumped. And I went to let her in.

Yvonne was much as I expected - a slightly dumpy and very plain female in her forties who wore her trendy lefty worthiness like a badge of office. She tried to be positive, but it was clear from the start that she was uncomfortable with Mrs Greenberg being clearly "not my partner" in the arrangement. She took notes, and ticked boxes as we showed her around the place. At last we gathered by the dining room table.

"OK - I think I have all I need," she said rather stiffly. "Here are the forms you need to fill out for the application.." she handed me a twenty page document. "... and here are the forms to claim the funding." Another six page document was passed over.

"Oh - right. I don't think we will need those ones. We are funded by St Ethelburga's charity."

For the first time she was surprised. "You don't intend claiming the funds?"

"No - we are quite flush with money, so we believe it would be wrong to deprive others of cash we do not need."

"And the children staying here at present?"

"... are funded entirely by the charity on a private basis."

I could see her antipathy wane. "Oh - I see. And how many children do you think the charity would fund?"

"On present arrangements, at least another 10 or 12 - we plan to turn the attic into a dormitory as you saw." I was beginning to enjoy her dilemma. She badly wanted more spaces for children, particularly if it was not cutting into her budgets.

She drew breath, and I could see she was re-evaluating her position. "Ah - I can certainly see you have a lot to offer here - but we would be concerned by the age difference between the two of you..."

Mrs Greenberg snorted, and I knew she was about to go into battle, which I suspected would be counter-productive. I signalled with my hand, and I was relieved she took the hint quickly, and swallowed her pride.

"I am sure with your assistance we will be able to surmount those concerns?" I smarmed.

Yvonne considered again, and then reached into her bag and came out with an organiser, which she opened. "I am not sure I can assist - it is all very irregular. Take my card - if you get any problems with the application, give me a call and I will see if I can help."

My eyes however were fixed on the photo on the inside cover of her filofax. It was Sergeant Higgins! "Oh - is that your husband?" I asked.

"Oh - do you know him?"

"Yes - I have met him on business on a few occasions. Sergeant Bert Higgins I believe?"

"Yes that's him."

I knew I had her now. "Well just mention all this to him when you get home tonight - I am sure he will lend his whole-hearted support to our application." Mentally I added "Or else!"

We exchanged a few more pleasantries, and she was off. Mrs Greenberg was still bubbling like a crab at the sleight on her age, but I reassured her that all had gone well, and I was confident our application would gain rapid approval. Only slightly mollified she headed downstairs as I went out to fetch the kids.

The usual melee greeted my arrival, and once we had chased them all upstairs, I briefed Elaine on the developments on Graham. She listened attentively, and expressed her gratitude at appropriate moments, but I could tell there was something else bothering her. "Peter - there is something I need to tell you..." she started at last.

"Go on - I need to know as much as possible before I go..."

"I don't know how to say it... How old do you think I am?"

That surprised me. "I don't know... " I did some quick calculations, "Mid twenties?"

"I'm just 22. And yes - Ellie was born when I was barely 15."

"Oh - I see... And was Graham the father?"

"Yes - he is the only man I have ever loved. He was a teacher then."

"You don't have to tell me this - he could have got into a lot of trouble."

"He did - that's why he is a sailor now." She looked miserable. "But it wasn't me that reported him - it was one of his other pupils..."

"Oh. That must have been very upsetting for you..."

"She was only eight!"

"Oh I see. Did he go to prison?"

"No - the girl hadn't meant to spill the beans, and she refused to testify, but the school had to sack him anyway." The tears were flowing freely now. "He isn't a bad man - he just likes them young!"

"How old were you when you... started a relationship with him?"

"I don't know - seven or eight I think. He was my form teacher then."

My head was reeling with all this new information. At last I said: "Thank you for telling me all that - it will help me when speaking to him..."

"There's one more thing," she interrupted me. "I know that he is doing things with Ellie too. They think I don't know, but it is obvious to me."

"How do you feel about that?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I know he will be gentle - he always was. A bit jealous - I wish I was her age again..." she sniffed loudly. "But I still love him and I want him back!" she wailed.

It was another 30 minutes before we were back home, and the usual evening routine was under way. There was the usual high level of chatter and laughter - Nathan particularly pleased to have got Harris for the weekend, although Amy looked less impressed with this. Her turn to feel left out.

Supper was consumed, and they were settled down to homework when Amy piped up: "Did you get the stuff for us?"

"What stuff?" I prevaricated.

"You know - the jelly stuff so we can do sex?"

I wanted to lie - to tell her no, and that I wouldn't be getting it ever, but before I could phrase the deceit I found my mouth saying: "Yes - I got it yesterday."

"Oh Goody! Can we do it tonight?"

"Not tonight - you have got school tomorrow. Maybe at the weekend?"

"But we can't do it then - Harris will be here!" she scowled her impatience at me. "Don't you want to do it with me?"

That nearly broke my heart, and I crouched down beside to give her a hug. I was just about to explain my reticence when there was a loud rap at the door. I leapt guiltily to my feet and went to answer it.

If there was one person I didn't expect it was Yvonne - she looked very anxious, glancing around nervously as if she might have been followed. "Oh - good evening - is there a problem?" I asked, trying hard to mask my own panic.

"Can I come in - it's important?" she pleaded. I stood aside and she entered cautiously.

"This is Nathan and Amy..." I introduced the kids, who were watching her over knitted brows - instinctively recognising a threat. "They're just doing their homework," I added unnecessarily.

She tried to smile at them, but her fear almost turned it into a leer, and they did not look any more relaxed about her presence. She turned to me: "Can we talk? In private?" I led her through to the kitchen and pulled the door to behind us. "I spoke to Bert!" she launched in straight away.

"OK - and... ?"

"He didn't want to tell me - but I got it out of him at last. Stupid bastard!" There was real vehemence in her voice and I did not envy Bert his domestic life! "Are you going to report him?"

"I don't have any particular desire to destroy his career..." I lied - I would love to see him strung up by his balls, but that would not suit my purpose.

"So is it blackmail then?" Her anger and fear directed at me for a few moments.

"That is a very ugly word," I replied sternly. "I have no need for your money."


"All I want is your wholehearted support for our little enterprise here. Look on it as returning a favour."

"And if I don't?"

"When mud of that particular flavour starts being thrown around, it tends to stick - and not just to those directly responsible."

She swallowed hard, and reflected behind a frown for some moments. "OK - I will see what I can do..." she growled out at last. "You know it would make it a lot easier if you could have a younger woman on the application as well. Even if she is only a token presence - I can cover for her not being here all the time, but Mrs Greenberg will be very hard to get past the vetting process..."

"Thank you for your advice - I think I have someone in mind."

"That is good. And you promise you wont say anything about the other matter?"

"As long as I feel I have your support, I see no reason to mention it."

A few minutes later and she left us. I returned form the door to two very suspicious faces. "Who was that?" demanded Nathan.

"That was Yvonne from the Social," I replied carelessly.

"But you promised!" they wailed in unison.

"No! No!" I broke in quickly. "It wasn't about you - I promise!" They fell silent, but still eyed me cautiously.

It took ten minutes of careful explanation before they both had it to their satisfaction. Gradually they relaxed as they came to understand that their position in my house was now much more secure, and in fact they could look forward to having more friends to keep them company.

"So she can't take us away or you'll tell on her?" was Amy's summing up of the situation.

"And she has got to help us get lots and lots of money from Heidi too?" was Nathan's reading.

"Yes to both of those!" I laughed along with them.

I helped them finish their homework, and then we settled down in front of the TV. As bath time approached - around 8pm - Amy piped up: "So are we going to do it tonight?"

"Not tonight - not with school tomorrow."

"You don't want to do it with me, do you?"

"Yes I do - very much so. But I don't want to rush into it, or hurt you."

"When then? Tomorrow?"

"Maybe - but you will have school again on Friday."

"But then Harris will be here, and then it will be another week!" she wailed.

"OK - OK - we will try tomorrow. I promise."

"Waaaay!" she triumphed.

Once they had both gone to bed, suitably kissed and adored as always, I settled down to start filling out the paperwork for the application. It was typically obtuse in its terminology, but I was used to that. There was room to list up to six 'responsible adults' who would have oversight of any fostered children - I filled in my own details, and those of Mrs Greenberg, and resolved to seek permission from Elaine to add her to the list the next day.

Later that night, as I lay alone in my bed, I thought over the undertaking I had made, and the crime I had promised to commit the next night. I found myself torn between the arousal it engendered, and the fear that it would prove an unhappy experience for her. Could I carry it off in such a way that she really enjoyed it? Could I control my own passions? And what would be the aftermath - good or bad? I fell into an uneasy sleep, plagued by self-doubt.


Thursday would have been a very mundane, routine day if it were not for the knot of anticipation and fear lurking somewhere near my stomach. The kids were delivered safely to school, and the office routine handled in its usual way. I got a call from David at SOOLS offering me flights the next Tuesday, returning on Friday, and after checking my diary, and clearing it with old Mr Crook, I agreed to this plan. My emotions were mixed - I liked the idea of visiting a new country, but the thought of being away from the kids for so long, and of the business I needed to conduct out there, filled me with foreboding.

I also called Ernest, Heidi's solicitor, to reassure him that progress was being made on the foster care application. He sprang a surprise on me - he had just received word from her that she planned to bring the girls over for their first weekend with me in 3 weeks time. Of course I agreed readily, whilst making mental notes to get the redevelopment of the attic in hand as soon as possible.

In fact I made time to call a local builder, Simmonds and Co, who we had helped save from bankruptcy just a few months previously, and made an appointment for young Mr Simmonds to visit me on Monday to get a quote under way.

The rest of the day dragged as I looked forward to going home.

At last it was late enough that I could leave. I drove - a little quicker than usual - and was at Elaine's by 4.45. I received the usual welcome from all three, with an added smirk from Amy which caused my heart to flip. We had to spend a little time with Elaine - I explained the progress I had made on the trip to visit Graham, and she was profuse in her gratitude. I introduced the request for her to be included on the foster-carers application, and after a few questions, she agreed readily to take part. Indeed she was keen to volunteer to help out as often as we needed as the number of inmates increased - an offer that I was happy to accept.

My mind though was on the plans for the evening, so as soon as politely possible, we headed home. We ate, though my appetite was limited by the adrenalin already pumping around my body. Amy also had less than usual. After food, I made them do their homework as usual - it seemed important to maintain the routine, even with such extraordinary events in the pipeline.

I took a few minutes out to discuss plans for the next week with Mrs Greenberg. She readily agreed to take responsibility for the kids, as I knew she would. She was even happy to do the school run, for which I was grateful - I did not really want to leave them with Elaine during her current traumas. I made my way back upstairs to my love-nest.

We retired to the settee and watched TV for a bit - Amy sat firmly on my lap, her arms possessively around my neck throughout. Every now and then she would nuzzle her lips to mine in demand of a kiss, which I willingly supplied. Our plan for the evening was never explicitly mentioned, but we all three seemed to know what was coming.

With the end of children's TV, I killed the box with the remote, and for a few moments we just sat. Then: "Will you undress me?" whispered Amy into my ear. How could I refuse? I unbuttoned the back of her school dress, and then with her assistance eased it over her head. Nathan was watching attentively - he seemed to know it was Amy's evening, and not to interfere unless asked for, but I knew he would ensure I was gentle with his little sister. She was sat now, wearing just her pretty white knickers in the middle of my lap, and she pulled my arms around her to keep warm. As I held her close to my chest I began caressing her bare thigh with one hand, savouring once again the smooth softness of her leg up and down from panty hem to knee. It may have been the slight chill in the air, or the anticipation, but we shivered together.

"Shall we have a shower to warm up?" I whispered, and she nodded firm approval. I stood slowly, swivelling her onto my hip as we rose, my hand now supporting her small bottom. I walked slowly to the bathroom, aware that Nathan was following us at a discreet distance. I set her carefully on the bath mat and immediately began to undress. She watched through serious eyes as I undid and cast aside my shirt, then slipped out of my trousers and socks.

"Wait!" she instructed as I reached for the hem of my boxers. She stepped forward, and grasping the elastic at either hip tugged them down, taking care to pull them out and clear of my rising tumescence. Her eyes were transfixed by this instrument of her own destruction, and reaching out she gently grasped the end in her tiny hand. "Its very big," she mused almost to herself.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I breathed. She nodded nervously. "You know that if you want to stop at any time, you just have to say?" She nodded again - more firmly this time.

I crouched down to her level and stroked her bony back for a few moments, then brought one hand around to her front to rub lightly over her tiny nipples and soft belly. She purred and leant forward to increase the pressure. My hands, both front and back, worked downwards until I had the hem of her knickers in my grasp. With an inward groan I began to roll the soft material down, and gradually the remaining valley of her belly came into view, followed closely by her tiny mons, split by the thin line of her cleft. It all looked so small that I wondered again if it was indeed possible to hide my manhood in such a tiny crevice. I stroked the backs of my fingers over her most private areas as the remaining vestiges of her decency dropped to the floor, and she shivered in suppressed excitement.

"Shall we shower?" She nodded and raised her arms to be carried, so I stood and gathered her once again onto my hip. This time I had bare bottom in my hand, and raw foo pressed against my side. I struggled for a few moments, one handedly getting the shower head down and turning on the water so that we were not greeted by a cold drenching. Once it had warmed up, I rinsed her down as she still clung to my side, and then crouched to set her feet on the floor. I drenched us both for a while, and when we were well warmed up, set the shower head in its holder, and grabbed the soap. Soon I had a very slippery small body to stroke and caress, and I took the opportunity to explore every nook and cranny with my curious fingers. She demurely accepted every invasion, and sighed with pleasure particularly as I fondled her foo, or teased her nipples.

At last I was done, and as I rinsed her off, she grabbed the soap and began returning the compliment, using her small hands to rub every inch of my chest before slipping down to grab my rod in both hands. As I groaned in suppressed desire she sniggered at the control she knew she had over me, and worked her hands more regularly up and down its length. I had to grab her hands to bring them to a halt - much more of that and I would be spent before we got to the main event.

I rinsed off, and then killed the water before guiding her out. As I knelt on the bath mat and began to dry her, I was aware of Nathan's naked figure hopping in to take our place in the shower. As always, I enjoyed the sensation of a small figure beneath a soft towel, and as soon as I was sure she was dry, I did the same for myself.

As I surfaced from the towel, I found her staring nervously once again at the dagger before her. "Are you sure it will fit?" she asked timidly.

"I'm not sure at all my love. That's why you must tell me to stop if it hurts too much."

She nodded seriously, and then raised her arms to be carried once more. This time I lifted her straight to my front, so I could kiss her sweet face as I walked her through - it was a full blown sensual kiss, open-mouthed and tongue-entwined abandon, her bony chest pressed to mine, her sweet snatch against my belly, and my weapon bouncing against her tiny bottom. Once again it was nearly too much for me.

I flicked the duvet back and laid her carefully down, rolling in beside her and resisting the temptation to drop on top of her. Our lips did not part, and now I could caress her front - the faint nipples, the hard line of her ribcage, the wide softness of her belly, and then down to her mons. As I dragged a finger along her cleft she moaned into my mouth, and spread her legs far out to either side. I explored, and when I found it, diddled with her nubbin, earning a grunt of surprise that nearly cost me my tongue. I pulled cautiously out of the kiss, and she lay back panting and flushed as I moved my mouth down to kiss and then lip-nibble her niplets. She squirmed her back to push them more firmly into my mouth, so I continued this procedure whilst my fingers continued to play her foo like a fiddle. Her eyes were closed now, and an irregular series of grunts and gasps escaped from her flushed lips as her abandonment increased. Abruptly she reached her nirvana, spasming and squeaking out her infantile orgasm. I slowed my assault as she came down from her heights, and I awaited for her to return to consciousness.

As I drew breath, Nathan clambered onto the bed on the far side of Amy, predictably still naked from his shower. "Have you done it already?" he demanded.

"No - No - Just given her a really good feel-good."

Amy's eyes fluttered open. "Wow!" she breathed.

"Have you had enough for tonight?"

"No!" she pouted. "You haven't done what you promised yet!"

"Are you sure you still want to?"

"Yes!" she affirmed, nodding her head determinedly as she said it. Her eyes though showed a little fear, and once more I was battling with conflicting emotions.

"OK. Nathan - there is an old brown towel in the airing cupboard - can you fetch it please?"


"I'll explain later - just get it for me." He padded off and was back in a few seconds. Meanwhile I had reached out the guilty pharmaceuticals from the cupboard, watched by a wide-eyed Amy. I set them by the pillow and then spread the towel Nathan had brought in the middle of the bed. I gathered Amy in my arms and laid her carefully in the middle of the towel - she was so light and limp that my heart ached at what she wanted me to do to her! "You must tell me straight away if you want me to stop?"

She nodded wide eyed.

I began stroking her all over, just as before, and kissing her lips passionately. As she began to respond again, I moved down her body, sucking and licking her nipples and her belly, until again I was lashing her gash with my tongue. Her excitement built more slowly this time, but within a few minutes her eyes were closed, and she was grunting and thrusting her quim at my mouth. I eased her legs as far apart as I could, and used my tongue to probe her tight entrance - there could be no doubt of the thin blade of skin that obstructed further progress. I took the lid off the waspeze with a spare hand, and carefully directed a short spray at the offending hymen.

"Ooooo! That's cold!" she squeaked.

"Sorry!" I whispered. "It needs to be...." I renewed the assault on her love-button, and she gasped once more and closed her eyes. Now I squeezed a liberal supply of KY onto my fingers, and carefully smoothed it around to warm it up before applying to her wound. The extra lubrication made it feel even more delightful as I caressed and fondled her parts.

Without pausing in my attention, I worked my way round until I was between her legs. I applied more KY to my weapon, which nearly caused a negligent discharge! With a groan I held myself back for a few moments to bring myself back from the brink. After a few minutes I moved up her body once more until I was kissing her lips again, using one hand to prop myself up while the other continued to diddle her foo. Even as she kissed me ardently back, her eyes were closed and she was quivering on the edge of another orgasm. Groaning under the pressure of restraint, I eased my manhood forward, of necessity breaking from the kiss, until I could rub it against her snatch. I used my hand to massage it along her cleft and stroke her nubbin, earning yet more sighs of pleasure. The slipperiness of the KY added to my own arousal, and I longed to just slam it home, but even in this extreme situation, I could not let myself do it.

At last I eased my red-hot end into the socket, and began to apply pressure. Still she was moaning with pleasure, but I was not making headway. I eased back a fraction, and then pushed forward again. I was into a very tight space, and there seemed no way forward. I eased back again, and then forward more firmly.

Suddenly there was a sensation of popping through down below, and simultaneously a cry of "Owwww!" from my little lover and a sudden tight grip on my knob.

"Stop! Stop! You're hurting her!" cried Nathan, grabbing at my shoulder to pull me off.

"No!" growled Amy, "Don't stop! Just.... Wait..."

So I froze. Nathan let go of my shoulder, and we all waited. Looking down I could see tears in the corners of Amy's eyes, which were screwed shut, and she seemed to be holding her breath, but she was in charge, so I held still.

It seemed like ages, but was probably only a few seconds before she moved again. Her grip on my bell-end relaxed slightly, and then she squirmed against me, easing it further inside herself. My fingers, which had also halted involuntarily, now sprang back to life and she gasped again as I renewed my assault on her clit. Cautiously I eased back an inch, and then forward an inch and a half - her moan was definitely one of pleasure this time. I repeated the process, and this time she gasped and thrust herself down to meet me. I knew I could not last long, so I set to diddling her nubbin vigourously as I pistoned the inch or two that I dared. Abruptly she went into orgasm, spasming around my cock head in time to the squeals and grunts escaping from her throat. It was too much for me, and I felt my seed erupt into her like a severed fire-hose. Her spasms considerably outlasted mine!

Gradually we came down from our joint nirvana. I became aware that my arm was stiff and sore from supporting my weight, and I carefully rolled to one side, bringing her with me so that I remained inside her. She grunted and buried her head in my chest, wrapping her arms tightly around me as I collapsed onto the pillow. I kissed the top of her head - "Are you all right?" I asked tenderly. She nodded and sniffed and hugged me even tighter.

"Is she going to be OK?" whispered Nathan beside me.

"I think so," I breathed back. I was struggling with my own crisis - the familiar waves of guilt and post-coital depression threatening to reduce me to tears.

I needed to see her face to reassure myself that she really was OK. I rolled onto my back, pulling her on top of me. I eased her gently up until her face was in front of mine, foregoing the tight sheath which sheltered my weapon until then. Her face was red, and tear streaks stained her cheeks, but as she met my gaze she smiled weakly at me. "We did it!"" she crowed.

And with those words my guilt fell away. I hugged her, and for a few minutes we kissed passionately but tenderly. Soon I could see her eyes begin to droop, and I too needed to sleep. "Could you put the lights out?" I asked Nathan, and as good as gold he trotted off and did that. In a few minutes he rejoined us under the covers, cuddling tight into my right side. Amy was already unconscious, and it was not long before we all joined her.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


welcome back i've missed your story and its getting better all the time, cant wait for the time that Nathen loses his cherry also

a fan

Glad to see you updated, i've been following this story from the beginning.

Any chance we'll see Ellie's mother with Nathan? Since she's already aware of what her husband does with Ellie (and she herself started young) Maybe have her be his first? I'm a big fan of F/b stories, it's just a shame good ones are real hard to find.


This may sound weird but I was hoping something might happen to other the little russian boy or between Peter and his friend.

Thanks I love your stories!


Panting for Part 9................


Awesome, awesome. The very best erotic story I've ever read. I can't wait to read the rest. I so hope that also Nathan will find his destination.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.