Published: 8-Aug-2012
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When next I surfaced, it was much lighter, and a glance to the bedside clock revealed it to be 6.30. I was on my back again, and as I regained full awareness, I took stock of my bed fellows. Amy, to my left was on her back, arms and legs akimbo with her calf lying across my thigh. Ellie, to my right, was on her front, arms folded under her chest and her face on the pillow, inches from mine, so that I could feel her breath against my cheek. (Probably what had wakened me.) Nathan was a lump under the duvet beyond Ellie - as far as I could tell, on his side with his back to the rest of us.
There was a cough and a splutter from Ellie, and then her eyes opened. She propped herself up on an elbow, and peered around blearily, and then with a series of grunts, pulled herself up until she could scramble to her feet by my shoulder. She stepped unsteadily over me, and then again over Amy, before climbing down to the floor and padding out to the bathroom, while I was left with the after image of her naked figure standing above me. A couple of minutes later she was back, and she reversed her escape until she could wriggle back down beside me. She had clearly noticed my wakefulness.
"Morning Peter" she muttered as she rested her head on my shoulder.
"Morning Ellie" I whispered back, giving her forehead a kiss, "Did you sleep well?"
An emphatic nod against my cheek gave me the affirmative. Her arm reached across my chest as she wriggled closer and I could feel her chest hard against my side. Then her knee rose up and dropped across my lower belly. For a few moments we lay there, comfortable in our intimate closeness and I thought she had fallen asleep again, but then I felt her little fingers tugging and twisting in my chest hair - she was thinking. She moved her knee, stroking it slowly across my genitals, and inevitably, I began to react.
"Peter?" she breathed into my ear, "Can we do it again?"
I decided to play dumb. "Do what Ellie?"
"You know - sex stuff!" she sniggered in my ear.
"You'd better ask Nathan."
"Not with him, silly, with you!"
"Didn't you get enough last night?"
"Yeah!" she affirmed strongly, nodding her head to emphasise her point. "But..." she paused for a moment to gather her words, "... but my cunny's all itchy and I want to do it again!"
I felt the adrenalin begin to pump around my system. Could it really be true that she was keen to throw her innocence once more on the rocks of my desire? Her hand dropped down and began to caress my growing tumescence and I groaned inwardly with the anguish of tortured conscience. But then an even more basic animal need pushed itself to the forefront. "Before we do anything else, I need the bathroom," I whispered.
She grunted mild disapproval, but rolled away from me as I carefully extricated myself from beneath the covers. I was as careful as I could be standing up, but I could not avoid causing the mattress to lurch, and as I stepped off the bed I could see wakeful movements in both Amy and Nathan. I padded through to the bathroom, trying to think of the most tedious court case I could to dissipate my arousal. It worked only partially, and my erection was only beginning to subside when Nathan joined me in front of the lavatory. He yawned and stretched extravagantly, and the proximity of his sweet body immediately reversed all my good work so that once again I was aiming at the stars. He sniggered at my dilemma as he let his own waters flow noisily into the bowl. He flicked off the last drops off and trotted quickly back towards the bedroom.
I closed my eyes and tried again to focus on work to bring down my arousal. Again I was just beginning to win when I was disturbed by Amy's voice from right beside me: "Hurry up! I need a wee!"
Startled, I stepped back from the bowl. "Go ahead. I'll go after..." I laughed.
"OK." she accepted willingly, dropped the seat and levered herself unselfconsciously into position. Almost immediately I could hear the tinkle of her pee falling into the bowl. Her immediate needs being met, she stared directly at my problem and sniggered: "Won't your thingy go down?"
"No!" I groaned, "And I need to pee, and I can't while its up!"
She laughed unsympathetically, and as she had finished her task, grabbed a few sheets of paper and wiped herself quickly down. With another snigger, she leapt off the apparatus and trotted quickly back to bed.
Yet again I set about reducing my arousal, but it was 5 minutes before recalling a particularly frustrating criminal case from several years before finally reduced my manhood to a manageable softness, and I was able to release the pressure in my tortured bladder.
It can only have been 15 minutes later that I achieved the other relief I needed so badly. Nathan was sat cross-legged to my right watching with a broad grin as he gently fondled his own toy. Amy was to my left, wrapped in the discarded duvet, wide-eyed in amazement at the spectacle before her. Ellie had centre stage again, one hand on each of my raised knees giving her the support that allowed to raise and lower her bald cunny on my invader . Her smooth pale and hairless skin contrasted strongly with my darker and hairier body, but it was her face that was driving me over the top. Her red curly halo of soft hair framed her features, her eyes closed, her head thrown back as she chewed on her lower lip in rapture. As she moved slowly up and down, her belly distended at the unintended invasion, and her hair bounced softly in the early morning light. I reached my left hand forward so that I could caress her prominent and distorted clitoris with my thumb, and her movements increased in pace and ardour. With a final gasp and grunt I felt her muscles clamp tightly round me, and her spasms shook both our bodies. No will power on earth could keep me from releasing my illegal fluids into her immature body. For what seemed an eternity we hung there in mutual climax, until at last with a grunt and a sigh she collapsed forward onto my chest, wrapping her arms around me and resting her hot cheek on my collar bone.
Consciousness ebbed rapidly from me, and the last thing I recall was Nathan pulling the duvet back over all of us before wrapping himself against my side, his unrequited lust hard against my hip.
It seemed only seconds later that he was shaking me awake. "Peter! Peter!" he squawked in my ear, "It's late - shouldn't we be up?"
I struggled to the surface, my head groggy and my stomach queasy with spent passion and rising guilt. A glance at the clock showed 08.30 - not desperately late, but definitely time to be getting started. I eased an unconscious Ellie off to one side, and crawled wearily out. I was immediately struck by the aroma of stale sex, and I knew a shower was essential before we went out in public.
An hour later, showered, fed, and dressed in our Sunday bests, we packed our swimming gear and headed out to the car. All the negative aspects of my early morning activities expelled, except for the guilt, which continued to wallow somewhere below my ribcage. The kids seemed unaffected - cheerily looking forward to another day of play and adventure, only the dreamy faraway smile on Ellie's face giving any clue to the night's debauchery.
We arrived at the hospital in good time, which was just as well as parking was scarce, expensive, and a long way from the main entrance. After reporting to reception, we were soon making our way to ward C12, down miles of shiny soulless corridors smelling mildly of antiseptic. Nathan seemed a bit in awe of his surroundings, staring around goggle-eyed as he clasped my hand. Amy and Ellie were entirely unfazed - skipping hand in hand in front of us towards our goal. All I could think of was the obscene evidence of my iniquity sloshing around somewhere in her tiny body. Surely one of these eminent medics would detect my crime and call down damnation upon me?
All too soon we reached our destination, and a smiling nurse was leading us between a line of beds on each side of the ward towards Becky's. "Here we are!" she announced cheerily, "She's had a nasty scare, but she's fine now!"
And indeed, there she was, smiling wanly at our arrival as she lay propped against a mountain of pillows, dressed in a pale blue hospital night gown, and sporting a plastic band around her wrist. Seeing her close up for the first time in normal circumstances, I was struck by the wide-eyed innocence and charm of her smile, and the frail vulnerability of her small frame. OK, she was much bigger than Amy and Ellie, but just now her spirit and her confidence were much smaller. "Hi!" she breathed gently, "I am glad you came..." Her eyes were fixed on me - the three children may as well have been invisible to her, and I felt myself blush under her unflinching gaze.
"Ah, yes..." I stammered, trying hard to regain my adult equilibrium, "Good to see you looking so much better!" Her smile broadened and strengthened, and I felt my own balance begin to return.
The girls had taken up position at the foot of the bed, holding onto the metal foot bar and staring openly at the patient. Nathan was being bolder now - he had moved up to her left side and was holding the edge of her blanket. "Did Peter save your life?" he asked seriously.
Becky blushed deeply. "Yes - I think so" she breathed quietly, her eyes still fixed on mine.
"I am sure someone else would have done it if it wasn't me!" I protested vainly.
"Still - no one else did, so you're the hero!" boomed a loud and over-confident voice from behind me, announcing the arrival of Sam Groggan, along with the fat foster father of the unfortunate child. He insisted on shaking hands - the predictable over-firm, over-long effusive media handshake that left me wondering whether I had been greeted or mugged. The foster father - now introduced as Paul Duggan - was far more reticent, still embarrassed at his failure to protect his charge I suspect.
I looked round for my charges - Nathan was still sat by Becky, watching the adults with wide eyes, and I was pleased to see he had taken Becky's hand in his for reassurance. The girls had retreated as far as a play area at the end of the ward, where they had formed a new life-long friendship with a girl of about five with her arm in a sling. They were all sat on the floor, acting out some childish fantasy with a selection of soft toys and dolls - it is amazing how quickly kids can form friendships, but even more so how they can be doing something so obscenely adult one moment, and yet revert to something so infantile the next. The guilt monster lurched in my stomach again.
"... so if you would just like to sit next to her..." Sam had been talking throughout my brief reverie, but I had heard little of it. Obediently I took up my place by Becky, prizing Nathan from his favoured spot. "Closer! That's better. Now put your arm around her shoulders..." The camera flashed, and flashed again, but I felt a million miles away. It was all a dream, but I was not sure if it was a fantasy or a nightmare. Her shoulder felt warm and soft beneath my arm, and the pleasing smell of soap, antiseptic and child filled my nostrils, but the ugly sight of Sam posturing with his enormous press camera at the other end of the bed, along with Paul - fat and embarrassed - counter-balanced heaven to a tidy limbo.
"...Ok! Can you look at each other now?" We turned slightly in our chaste embrace, and I found myself locked in a gaze with her wide hazel eyes. The look of admiration, affection, puppy-love transfixed me, and I could not break my stare. Flash... Flash... Flash I knew somewhere that the pictures would show far too much connection to be safely shown in any public place, but still I could not pull my eyes away. The urge was almost over-powering to lean a little closer, and maybe kiss those soft red lips once again...
"Ah! OK! That's enough I think!" Sam broke into my thoughts, and at last propriety made its presence felt. With a shake of my head, I turned away and sat back, immediately feeling the blush rise in my cheeks. Sam was already packing the camera away, maintaining an intense conversation with Paul, and there was the distinct impression of a "business arrangement" between them. I felt my anger towards this uncaring father figure rise again, to be multiplied tenfold when Sam added: "We had better be getting on - things to do, places to be you know. Thank you very much for coming in today..."
"Oh, No problem, my pleasure..." I managed between clenched teeth.
"OK Becky - see you tomorrow," was all Paul managed, and in moments the two figures were retreating down the ward.
I made to stand up, but Becky grabbed my arm and pulled me back: "Please don't go yet..." she implored.
"OK - we can stay for a while..." Nathan, now that the camera had gone, reappeared on Becky's other side, and propped his bum on the bed beside her. If we were going to stay, we needed to have something to talk about, so I made a start with: "I'm surprised Paul didn't stay longer..."
Her face clouded into a scowl. "I'm not!" she announced firmly. He's never liked me - he's the worst foster parent I've ever had! Sorry - second worst - Eileen, his wife, is worse!"
The flood gates were open, and for the next twenty minutes, we got to learn a lot more about Becky's sorry life so far: about her druggy mother, her unknown "real" father, her series of unsuitable step-fathers, her move into foster care at the age of six, and her series of foster families since. For a twelve year old, she had enough material for a novel already. I nodded and sympathised at appropriate intervals, and asked suitable questions whenever she seemed like coming to a halt. (One of the benefits of legal training is the ability to draw information out of people, but this felt more like psycho-analysis!) Nathan joined in as well - much of what she said rang bells with his own experience, and his questions often went straight to the nub of the issue. I was delighted to see after a few minutes that he was clasping Becky's right hand in both of his, and watching her face avidly as she spoke. But there was no doubt that I was the main target of her monologues, and as each minute went by, I found myself falling further under her spell.
She was coming towards an end to her life history when Amy and Ellie appeared by my side, along with their new friend. "This is Maggie!" announced Amy. "Can you come and play with us now?"
"I think we will have to be going soon," I apologized.
"Ohhhh!" she pouted, "That's not fair!"
"You'll get lots of time later," I laughed. They hung around, still pouting, and I took the opportunity to study Maggie. She was small and quite dumpy with whispy blonde hair, but most noticeable was the damage she had sustained. Not only was her right arm in plaster - right up to the shoulder - but also she sported a swollen black eye, and a mass of other bruises on her arms and legs, visible outside her skimpy hospital gown. The hair on the left side of her head had been shaved off to expose a 2 inch gash held together with stitches. She hung back from the other two, eying me with great suspicion. After a few moments, she began tugging Ellie back towards the play area, and soon they all returning thence. As she trotted away, her back and bottom were visible (hospital gowns were never designed for personal modesty) and these too were dotted with purple and yellow bruises.
Just then, the nurse who had shown us in arrived by my side. "Ah, sorry to disturb you, but I'm afraid I have to ask you to bring your visit to a close now. We don't usually allow visits at this time, and we made a special allowance for Mr Groggan, but... well... I think it would be better if..." She was genuinely sorry: I could tell she was only acting on instructions, and would gladly have let us stay all day otherwise.
"That's OK. We will have to be leaving soon anyway," I smiled.
"Can you visit again tomorrow?" pleaded Becky immediately.
Before I could think of an answer to this, the nurse jumped in with: "I think you will be going home first thing tomorrow, so I don't think you will need any more visits..." she bustled off to check on her other charges.
"Oh!" wailed Becky, "But I want to see you! Can I write to you?"
"Oh - of course!" I replied readily, and I fished a card out of my wallet. It was a work card, so I wrote my home details on the back. "You are very welcome to write or call whenever you need," I added as I handed the card over.
She clutched it tightly to her chest. "I wish you didn't have to go so soon" she whispered, and I could see she was close to tears. "We will be able to meet again soon?"
"I hope so," I found myself replying with much more intensity than might have been expected.
We said our farewells, and on the spur of the moment, I bent down and kissed her lightly on the forehead, which brought a smile back to her lips. I gathered up the others, and we made our way to the door. As we passed the front desk of the ward, I asked the nurse: "What happened to Maggie?"
Her face, which had been smiling a goodbye, clouded over instantly. "Would you believe - her father did all that to her! And more I fear! The police have got him at the moment - which is probably just as well, cos if I got hold of him he wouldn't be fit for frying!"
"That's awful!" I sympathised, but inside I was wondering what she would have to say about my activities with Ellie that morning. With the guilt rising again in my guts, we made our way back towards the car, the girls happily skipping along in front without an apparent care in the world.
Fortunately the company of children rarely leaves one much time to think, and as I helped load them all into the car, they chatted happily about the visit. Amy and Ellie mostly about their new friend - although their questions about why her father had hurt her so badly were unanswerable. Nathan more shyly admitted to me that he really liked Becky, and he hoped we really would see her again. His pretty blush confirmed that his liking was more than intellectual. The chat continued as we drove slowly across town and found a space at the Grand Hotel.
They were still bubbling with childish delight in their adventure as we entered the foyer and made our way towards reception, but they fell into wide-eyed silence as they took in the opulence of their new surroundings. Indeed, the Grand had always set out to impress! The floors and much of the wall covering were in exotic marble, elegantly broken with pillars and niches for white busts. The centre of the huge hallway was filled with a deep red carpet on which a number of leather armchairs invited casual lounging. The light thrown by the huge chandelier was tasteful too - subdued enough to be understated, but bright enough to read by. The overall effect was impressive, but at the same time welcoming and comfortable. I had visited a few times before, and so was prepared for the effect, but it had reduced the kids to silent incredulity.
"Wow!" whispered Nathan, "Do people really live like this?"
"Yes!" I chuckled, "If you are really rich."
We approached the front desk, where the receptionist - a prim looking female in a dark suit and of indeterminate middle age - eyed us cautiously. We were not recognised guests, and did not give off the air of sufficient wealth to appear likely customers. I could almost see her rehearsing the procedures for evicting unwelcome visitors in her mind, but she still managed a tense smile.
"Good morning sir, how can we help you?"
"Good morning - yes please - we are hear to see Mrs Von Reibnitz?"
She looked startled. "Oh you mean..." then catching herself, "Uh, please wait a moment while I..." she swallowed nervously and blushed, "...uh - just a moment sir!" She scuttled into the back office while I smiled inwardly at the rapid decline from smug superiority into insecurity. It was clear that Heidi carried a lot of weight with the staff here!
In a few moments she was back looking even more flustered, but now with a definite deference towards me. "Are you Peter...?" she asked - clearly embarrassed that she had not checked my identity before making the call.
"Yes - that's me."
She rang the desk bell as she replied: "She is expecting you - the bellboy will show you up immediately sir."
"I'm sure we can make our own way..."
"Oh no! You need the bell boy - security..." she blushed into confused silence again, and I guessed she had said something not intended to be expressed aloud.
The bellboy arrived - although the term seemed odd for the grey-haired sprite - and he herded us efficiently towards the lift. I found I had children clinging to all sides of me - I had the bag of swimming gear in one hand, so they clung to my arms. In the lift, the need for the bellboy became evident as he inserted a key into a lock on the console before pressing the button for the seventh floor - the highest number shown. The old fashioned lift lurched into motion, and we began our ascent.
I had assumed we would arrive at a typical hotel corridor, but when the doors opened, we found ourselves in a marble floored atrium, about 30 foot long, with plush red divans at either side. At the far end was a glass fronted double door, on which the bellboy was soon knocking. It opened almost immediately, and portly gentleman in tails ushered us in.
"Good morning Mr O'Fyle, please follow me."
So we did, across a smaller hallway, decorated in the same way as the atrium, and into the main living area. Now even I was impressed! The room must have been 100 foot square, decorated in a regency style - all creams and reds and golds - with an elaborately plastered ceiling, and a huge fireplace in one wall. There were nests of armchairs and settees across the carpeted floor, and the very high ceiling left me with the impression that we had stumbled into a stately home. At the far end was large table, at which two women sat. They stood as we approached - one was Heidi, and the other a slightly younger and plumper lady with dark hair and a soft complexion, which contrasted starkly with Heidi's lean sternness.
"Ah! Peter! I am so glad you came - we were just talking about you!" Heidi greeted us.
"My pleasure!" I mumbled - I was beginning to feel as intimidated as the rest of the world, and I was aware that all three kids were hiding behind me. She proffered her hand, and I shook it carefully.
"This is Angela," she pronounced in the German style with a soft "g" and the stress on the second consonant, "my friend." We shook hands. Heidi strode to another set of double doors near her, flung them open and shouted "Girls - Peter is here!"
Through the gap, I could see into the next room - and now I was truly amazed too: it was as big as the room we were currently in, but contained a decent size swimming pool, surrounded by massage beds and loungers! A warm scent of aromatherapy oils drifted past, closely followed by Anya and Olga, beaming smiles directed at the children behind me. They were clad elegantly in matching snow-white tracksuits, which served to make my girl's pretty frocks look garish and crass. I was beginning to realise I was completely out gunned by Heidi and her family. The German girls rushed towards mine, and then stopped short - suddenly embarrassed by the situation. A few shy smiles on each side soon melted the impasse, and moments later Ellie and Amy were being dragged through the doors to play. Nathan was undecided at first whether to stay with me or join the rest - but as squeals of joy emanated from the other room, he swallowed his pride and went to play with the rest.
I found myself abandoned to the fearsome Heidi. She laughed a welcome, and invited me to join her at the table. "I am so glad you decided to join us! We have so much to discuss."
"My pleasure" I responded, but in my mind I was feeling a bit intimidated and uncertain - what could we possibly have to discuss? We had only met for a few moments on a beach...
As if reading my mind she spoke more seriously: "Of course - you don't know... I think everything will become clear in a little while - and if all goes well, I will have a proposal for you at the end..."
I think my mouth must have dropped open in surprise and fear - surely this woman could not be that forward!
She snorted and laughed out loud. "Not that sort of proposal!" she shouted. "No No! A business proposal!"
I could feel myself relax, but only a little. "Of course - a business proposal..." I muttered in response.
"I am sorry - I have put you in an impossible position. If you will bear with me, I will explain, and hopefully in a little while you will understand."
I nodded acquiescence.
"OK - firstly, I think you still do not know who I am? Of course not - why should you? My proper title is Countess von Reibnitz of Bad Doberan - but that probably means little more to you. My late husband - the Count - was the last in line of a famous and wealthy aristocratic German family. When he died in a car crash last year, I took over responsibility for his wealth, and the upbringing of his children."
"I am sorry..." I started to express the condolences expected of me.
"Don't be! Don't be! The Count was a boor and a bastard of the first order. I only married him because it was expected of me - my own family are equally well-bred in Sweden, but far less wealthy. We both got what we wanted - him a Swedish bimbo to possess, and I the wealth and power my family required of me."
Anyone who could have thought Heidi was a mere "bimbo" was clearly a fool as well as all the rest.
"So now I am the controller - at least for the next few years - of a substantial estate with properties all over the world. This hotel is one of a number in our portfolio. My only other task is to ensure my children - Anya, Olga and little Franz - are educated appropriately for the life they are to lead. Franz, by the way, has returned to Germany today with his Grandmother. We were to return with them, but I had other business to attend to..."
"You have been very fortunate. I bet many people would gladly take your place!"
"Maybe. There have been downsides. The late Count - also Franz by the way - was not an easy man to live with. He had few finer feelings for anyone, and what he called "making love" would be classified as rape in most courts of law."
I was startled by the intimate detail she was revealing to me - a complete stranger. "Why are you telling me all this?" "We will come to that later. Now tell me a bit about yourself?"
"I am not sure there is much to tell..." I prevaricated - without knowing what the game plan was, I was wary of saying too much.
"Understandable that you are cautious - let me tell you what I know already: Junior partner at a successful solicitors near here; divorced a number of years ago with no apparent replacement on the horizon; no independent wealth or ambition beyond "making a living"; oh and part time beach hero."
"You have done your homework..." I muttered - a bit annoyed at her advantage over me.
"More interestingly, in the last week you have taken a completely new tack, resurrecting a long dormant charity and acquiring a small retinue of children - none of which appear related to you. Tell me about the children?"
I felt myself blushing, and I wasn't sure I should tell her anything - but I was confident I had nothing really to hide in my public actions, so I decided to respond. "Its all a bit surprising really - I came back to my house to find Nathan and Amy had got in. My immediate reaction was to call the police, but I quickly realised they were just very unfortunate runaways. Somehow handing them over to the social services seemed the wrong thing to do, so I decided to try to help them. I discovered their mother was a no-hope drug addict and alcoholic, so I persuaded her to let me give them a better option. The charity seemed the best way to legitimise and fund the exercise. Oh and Ellie is just a friend of Amy's from school..."
She nodded sagely, her sharp eyes boring into me as if to unveil any hidden motive in my actions. "So you have put your whole life onto a new track to aid a couple of small children who broke into your home? Risked your career for a couple of strays? That is very interesting..."
A deluge of laughing children bounded through the door. "Mummy! Mummy! Can we swim now?" demanded Anya.
Heidi checked her watch, and replied "Yes - I think so..." and then to me: "You did bring swimming gear?"
I picked up the bag as an affirmative answer.
"OK - take Amy and Ellie to your room to change." she instructed her daughters. "And you must swim too" she added to me, "I want you to teach my girls some life-saving. You and Nathan can change in room 5..." she pointed to one of the many doors leading off the main living area. Her demeanour brooked no argument, and I was happy enough to take advantage of the facilities. I pulled the girl's kit from the bag and handed it to them. They bounded off to room 2 with Anya and Olga while Nathan and I headed to room 5. Her last words before we closed the door were: "I'm afraid I cannot join you - I have some business to complete."
Once secluded, Nathan immediately started chatting excitedly: "Wow! What an amazing place! Do they live like this all the time? I wish we could live like this! Do you think they'll let us come again? The pool looks so cool! And you should see the climbing thingy!" Even as he spoke he was stripping off his clothes, and I could not help but laugh at his childish enthusiasm as well as his casual acceptance of nudity in my presence, even away from home. I changed more slowly than he, reflecting as I did how fortunate it was that my ammunition was already spent, and so I had a reasonable chance of not embarrassing myself with any inappropriate arousal.
By the time I was ready, Nathan had been hopping from one foot to another in impatience for a couple of minutes. As we stepped out of the room, we were greeted by a swarm of scantily clad small females, who squealed at our arrival. Small hands grabbed my arms - even Anya and Olga joining in - as they dragged me across the room towards the pool area. Our hosts were wearing tiny bikini bottoms - two tiny triangles of red material held together with a coarse knot on the right hip - and no tops. Ellie, in imitation of her friends, had left behind her top too, and only Amy could be said to be "decently" dressed. What's more, the red triangles were a very loose fit, and as they moved gaps gaped around the edges, leaving very little to the imagination - I did my best to keep my eyes up! In no time, we were all in the water - pleasantly warm and crystal clear - and I was suffering a barrage of demands for attention. Over the next half hour, we bounced and bombed, dived and swam in all manner of fashions, and I found my hands almost constantly filled with warm wriggling flesh. Time was made for instruction in how to swim with a rescued person, and in the demonstrations I had to put up with pert little bottoms bumping my crotch - yet again I was glad that my excitement was still somewhat dulled by the morning's start.
Heidi had joined us in the pool area, but remained dressed and sat on one of the sumptuous recliners., Throughout our time in the pool she was on the phone, speaking to various people on business matters, while Angela sat near by making notes as instructed. After a while a formally dressed man-servant approached and leant down to interrupt her current call with a brief message. She nodded curt understanding, and on completion of the call announced to us all: "Lunch will be ready in five minutes, if you would like to get ready?"
I levered myself out and grabbed a towel from the large pile of fluffy white ones that had appeared on one of the loungers. I was surprised to find Nathan had followed me promptly, and we stood for a few moments as we rubbed off the bulk of the water, and I called to the girls to hurry them along, as they were still in the water. Then Olga came padding over towards us, coming to a halt in front of me, her face split by a shy grin.
"Mr Peter" she lisped slightly, "Will you dry me?"
I looked towards Heidi, who was on another call, and got a peremptory nod of approval, so I took another towel, and wrapped the little mite in it. Taking great care not to touch anywhere inappropriately I crouched down to her level and vigorously rubbed her down, to her obvious delight. I was about done, when she piped up again: "Wait!" and as I released her for her moment, she tugged on the bow at her hip, and her decency dropped to the floor. "That's better!" she smirked, and lifted her arms for me to continue the rub down.
I was awash with conflicting emotions! Suddenly I was face to face with her sweet nakedness, but even as I absorbed the beauty of her naked femininity, I knew I was getting into dangerous waters. I looked again towards Heidi - she was still talking into the phone, but she was watching us with knowing smile. She caught my glance, smiled more broadly, and then waved her hand in a clear instruction to continue. With an inward groan, I continued my task, trying even harder not to bring my hands in contact with her bare flesh, or stare too pointedly at her sex, plump and softly manipulated through the towel.
"There!" I gasped at last. "You're done!" With a squeal of delight, she scampered off towards her room.
I guess it should have been no surprise to find her place quickly taken by Amy, who was wriggling out of her bathing suit even as she stepped forward. I was on safer ground here, but I still ensured that my ministrations were entirely above reproach - I was very aware that Heidi was still casually watching my every move. A direct comparison of bodies was inevitable - Amy's was much leaner than Olga's, and the skin tone several shades darker, except around the buttocks, and her gender much less puffy.
Ellie was next - again familiar territory bearing in mind the extreme intimacy I had experienced with her only a few hours earlier. She smirked knowingly at me as I rubbed her down, and I hoped Heidi could not read her mind! Her body was paler even than Olga's, with that translucent effect common among red-heads. There was a little redness around her vagina, and I trusted she was too far away for our hostess to notice that detail.
As Ellie skipped away to follow her friends, I was very surprised to find Anya in her place. She smiled nervously at me: "Will you dry me too please Mr Peter?"
"If you want me to?" I could see Heidi smiling broadly at us in the background, so I knew that permission was already given.
She nodded nervously, and then tugged quickly at the securing bow. As the little red triangle dropped to the floor between her feet, I was treated to yet another delightful naked beauty. A few inches taller than the others, and broader in both hip and shoulder, but with skin the same pale ivory as her sister. As I began my onerous task of rubbing her down, I could sense a more muscular body below a soft layer of fat - she was not at all pudgy, but better covered than Amy - just enough to soften her outline. Her bum was appreciably larger, and I wondered if she was a pony-rider. Her pudenda were sweet and pure - a slightly deflated version of her sister's, but with a hood that peaked into view occasionally.
All too soon we were done. "Thank you!" she whispered, before trotting off to join the others.
As soon as their door closed, a guffaw of laughter burst from Heidi's lips. "Wow!" she laughed, "She's never done that with anyone before! She really has taken to you!"
I felt myself blushing. "I'm sorry - I probably shouldn't have done that..."
"Don't be silly - I am delighted they trust you so much already! But more of that later - you had better get changed yourself as the food will be getting cold."
"Yes - of course," I replied as lightly as I could. I stood and made my way towards our room, finding Nathan by my side as I went. As soon as we were inside Nathan exclaimed: "Wow! That was so cool! They're really pretty aren't they!"
"Shh!" I admonished with a laugh, "Not too loud - someone might hear..."
He was stripping off his costume as we spoke, and I was not surprised to see him at half mast - my own was far from dormant. We chatted happily as we changed, and in a few minutes were decent enough to join the party.
As soon as we stepped from the room, we were swamped again in excited young girls, chatting and giggling and dragging us both towards the dining room. As we stepped into this room, there was a sudden wide-eyed silence from my three, and I have to say I can understand why. A huge polished mahogany table filled the centre of the room, surrounded by ornately carved chairs. The table was laden with trays and dishes filled high with all kinds of colourful delicacies - some hot, some cold. My more educated eye could identify many child-oriented dishes - frankfurters, mini-burgers, chicken nuggets - as well as more grown-up ones - air-dried meats, blue cheeses, fancy salads and interesting pickles. Each place was laid to full hotel standard - an array of silver cutlery, crisp white napkins and elegant glasses. The overall effect was of an enormous banquet fit for a king. I found three small hands grasping my arm for reassurance.
"Come in! Come in!" laughed Heidi from the head of the table. "Sit where you like - help yourselves."
It took a while to get sorted - mainly because all the children wanted to be next to me! In the end, I had Amy and Ellie on either side, while Nathan sat opposite with Anya and Olga beside him. Angela filled the last place at the foot of the table. I had to spend time teaching my lot about napkins, and the courtesies of "Please pass me..." but as they began to eat, their confidence returned, and soon the volume of chat returned to normal. I was impressed by the willingness of Nathan and Amy to try almost anything, although Ellie was much more inclined to stick to the familiar. Anya and Olga tried a little bit of everything, under instructions from their mother, but quickly settled to the familiar too - frankfurters and pasta salad seemed to fit the bill for them.
At one point I spotted Nathan with a small red chilli - and before I could warn him he had popped it in his mouth and chewed it. At first he seemed OK, then his face turned red and his cheeks blew out in distress - it was clear he needed to spit it out but was scared in case that would be deemed rude. "Its OK Nathan!" I laughed. "You can spit it out on the side plate..."
He complied with alacrity. "Water! Water!" he squealed.
"Bread is better..." I laughed. "Here - try this." I passed him a small chunk of white roll. Unconvinced he stuck it in his mouth, but then as he found it took the sting away quickly, he chewed with more enthusiasm.
"What was that I ate?" he asked, then hiccuped.
"I think it was a birds-eye chilli." I laughed.
"It was really cool!" he went on, before hiccuping again. The whole table laughed, and I was surprised to see a self-satisfied grin across his face - making people laugh appealed to him.
Ellie pulled me down to her level and whispered hoarsely in my ear: "Do we have to eat it all before we can get down?"
"No, No..." I reassured her, "Hotel rules - you only eat as much as you want to."
"Cool!" she hissed, tucking into another mini-burger.
Gradually the feeding frenzy died down until only a desultory picking at the remaining scraps remained. Heidi, who had eaten little, and finished a while earlier. Folded her napkin and announced. "OK - I think we are done. Angela, would you take the kids to the video room? Peter and I have some business to discuss."
Not reluctantly, but steadily five very full children got down from the table and followed Angela out of the room and across the living area into another of the many rooms that formed this extraordinary apartment. Heidi and I followed, and we returned to the desk we had started at.
"OK" she started, "I think it is time we got down to the meat of my problem. But please don't look so worried - I am sure when you understand my proposal you will be happy with it!"
"Proposal...?" I stammered - that was exactly what scared me most!
"Oh no! Not that sort of proposal!" she laughed. Then more seriously: "Maybe you had not understood - my relationship with Angela - it is not just a business one. We have been lovers for many years, and I have no desire for any future relationship with a man. Is that shocking to you?"
"I guess not..." I murmured. "It had just not occurred to me..."
"Oh you are so wonderfully old-fashioned! And that is why I think you would be perfect for the role I have in mind - if you will accept it." "I have to say I am intrigued - all this talk of a role - I can't imagine what I can do to assist you!"
"OK - let me explain the problem. As you know now, I have responsibility for my late husband's estate - but only until his son - Little Franz - reaches 21. At that point, the estate, less some reasonable but not generous allowances for myself and the girls, passes to him to do with as he wishes. So I have the responsibility of preparing our offspring for their future roles. For little Franz it is fairly straightforward - he needs to learn to be a business bastard like his father. Hopefully a slightly better bastard, but he will need to be tough and efficient. I can teach him those things adequately.
"The girls are a different matter. As highly eligible young women, they will be expected to fit into Society, but they will have little long term security, and so they must either be very clever, or find themselves good husbands. I know enough about them already to understand they are neither bright enough, nor determined enough to make their own fortunes, and so they must learn to be good wives."
"That is a fairly cold-blooded view of the world," I interjected quietly.
"Maybe - I would call it realistic," she retorted. "But you are right in one respect - I have a largely unemotional disposition. My girls, if they are to be good consorts, need to learn a more emotional attitude, in particular when it comes to men... Which is where you come in!"
"I'm not sure..."
"What I need for them is a good male role-model. Someone they can love and respect, someone who demonstrates the positive aspects of masculinity, someone who puts "doing the right thing" above career and wealth, and even personal safety. You appear to meet all those requirements."
"I am... ur... flattered.... that you think I could live up to those expectations..."
"Oh don't get me wrong - I am sure you have your faults. No-one is perfect. But I am sure that you would bring them far more good than harm - as long as you promise not to hurt them physically or emotionally more than is absolutely necessary."
"I admit they are delightful kids... but I am not sure how this could work?"
"Well, the way I see it is this: you are well on your way to setting up a foster-home or orphanage with your new charity, and I have every admiration for you for doing that. I propose to make substantial donations to your charity on a regular basis, in exchange for which, I will expect you receive Anya and Olga for prolonged periods, primarily during their school holidays. Whilst they are with you, you will treat them just like your other charges, and the experience of living with those less fortunate than themselves will have the added benefit of preparing them for a less privileged adulthood. It seems to me like and all-win situation!"
I prevaricated for a while - partly to resolve the minutiae, partly so as not to seem too keen, as the thought of having those two beauties regularly in my control was very appealing! Gradually I capitulated, and 30 minutes later we shook hands on it. Her business administrator would contact me in the week to draw up the contract - but it looked like I could soon expect some new friends in my house.
As we shook on the agreement, I glanced at my watch - it was 4.30 already, and Elaine would be collecting Ellie at 5, so I quickly explained the need to move on, and went to find the others. The video room proved to be every bit as lavish as everything else in Heidi's control - an array of plush armchairs and beanbags arranged before the largest flat screen display I had ever seen in a private setting - it must have been 10 foot across! We arrived at the perfect moment - the credits on some animated feature film were just rolling, so although the kids were unwilling to move, they could have no reasonable excuse for staying longer. That's not to say there weren't plenty of pouts and even a few tears from Amy. Ten minutes were spent gathering all our possessions together, and making our farewells, and then we were on our way down in the lift.
"Can we come here again?" pleaded Amy.
"I don't know" I replied, "They are all going back to Germany tomorrow."
"What? In a plane?" squeaked Ellie, "I've never been in a plane!"
"Will we never see them again?" asked Nathan in a more sombre tone.
"Well there I have better news!" I laughed, "I think you will get to see lots more of Anya and Olga." As we made our way back to the car I explained some of my agreement with Heidi to the kids, and they were soon bubbling with anticipation of the first visit.
Nathan sat in the front with me on the drive back, with the girls in the back. They spent the whole time whispering and sniggering together, whilst Nathan watched the road attentively. It had been such an exciting day, it seemed a shame that it was coming to an end. Traffic was predictably quiet on a Sunday evening, and we were home just on 5 to find Elaine's car already in the drive. As we all piled out, she got out too, and I immediately noticed the frown of concern across her brow.
"Oh Hi!" I greeted her, "Is everything OK?"
"Yes - fine," she muttered, and then: "Actually, No - I need to talk to you."
My fear levels rose abruptly. "Oh - OK - do you want to come in?"
She nodded briefly, and followed us all up the stairs and into my flat. Ellie was already in full flood telling her mother about all the exciting things that had happened over the last two days. (Or rather most of them - she said nothing about the sleeping arrangements, and somehow I knew I could trust her to keep those to herself.) Elaine managed a few nods and grunts of acknowledgement, but it was clear her mind was elsewhere. Once inside I sent the kids into their bedroom to get Ellie's stuff together.
With my heart in my mouth I asked "So what's the problem?"
"It's Graham! He hasn't phoned!"
I was unbalanced for a moment with the sudden shift of concern. "Oh - I - I mean - I'm sure he will soon!"
"He didn't call last weekend either. He always calls me on Sundays - and now he has missed two!" With that she burst into tears.
I was close enough to do the only thing I could, and wrap her in a hug. She clung to me desperately and her body was racked with sobs. "I'm sure its nothing to worry about" I murmured. "I'm sure he will call soon. There is bound to be a reasonable explanation."
Gradually her sobbing subsided and she broke away from me - to find the kids watching in wide-mouthed surprise! As Elaine grabbed a tissue from her pocket and began dabbing at the eyes, I felt the need to explain our behaviour: "She is a bit upset at the moment..." I felt myself blushing furiously. This earnt a puzzled look from both Amy and Ellie, and a distinct scowl from Nathan, but there was no time to address their concerns just yet.
"I'd... I'd better get back..." blubbed Elaine, fighting for control of her emotions, "... in case he calls..."
"Okay" I agreed quietly, "Let me know if there is anything I can do to help." She nodded and sniffed theatrically, and seemed to be regaining her composure. "Look - we need to discuss tomorrow - if that's OK?" I changed the topic.
It worked - I could see her pull her shoulders back as the thought of her work took her back into 'school ma'am' mode. "Yes of course," she replied more calmly.
"I need some advice - I can get the kids to school in good time, but I don't get out of work until 5 - is there somewhere they can wait around until I can pick them up?"
That did it - she had something less emotional to focus on, and in no time she was discussing the best plan - she quickly volunteered (as I had hoped) to take Amy and Nathan home with her and look after them until I could fetch them. In a few minutes she and Ellie were underway amidst promises to let me know when Graham eventually called.
I turned to face the inquisition. Amy started the attack with: "Is Mrs Simpson your girlfriend?"
"No" I replied honestly. "I was just comforting her."
"Why?" demanded Nathan.
"Because she was upset."
"Why was she upset?" Nathan's face still held a scowl - he wasn't ready to believe me yet.
"Because her husband hasn't called for a long time."
"Where is he?"
"On a ship somewhere - far away."
"Why hasn't he called?"
I laughed lightly. "If we knew that she wouldn't be so upset."
Nathan seemed to relax a little, though he was still thinking things through. Amy still had more: "Is she going to be your girlfriend?"
"No," I laughed again. "She is already married - but why are you so interested?"
She shrugged and blushed a little, but I held her gaze until she felt compelled to answer. "Cos you wouldn't want us around if you had a girlfriend" she whispered nervously.
I opened my arms and she fell into my embrace, quickly followed by Nathan. "I promise you," I muttered into their hair, "I won't be letting go of you two any time soon!" I held them close to me - the days events sublimated in their affection.
Eventually we had to move. Food was not a popular offer - the great feast at the Hotel had left us all feeling replete - so we set about the routine of the evening. I ran the bath, complete with copious bubbles, and we all relaxed in that for a while. Once again it was wonderful to have their sweet bodies close to mine, and although I could feel the stirrings of the old devil down below, I was resolved not to let things go further tonight - we were all tired, and tomorrow would be their first day back at school. I did enjoy the sensuous pleasure of washing each of them down, and after we got out, of drying them off. Despite their protestations, I insisted they put on their night gear - I did not want to test my resolve unduly!
We settled in front of the TV, and I made us all a hot chocolate, which we consumed slowly along with some dunked digestives. When children's TV was over, I suggested a game of cards, but they were too sleepy.
"What were you and Heidi talking about?" asked Nathan.
"I was going to tell you all about that," I admitted. "We will probably be seeing Anya and Olga quite a lot more - and they will come and stay with us sometimes, if that is OK with you?"
"Oh yeah" enthused Nathan.
"Why?" asked Amy - a little less keen on having competition in the frame.
"Because Heidi is keen they learn how to be good kids like you. And she is going to give us some money too!"
"Are we going to be rich like them?" Nathan demanded excitedly.
"Well maybe not rich, but certainly we will have much more money to spend."
"Where will they sleep?" asked Amy, looking for obstacles.
"A good point - I hadn't though about it much." I frowned in exaggerated thought. "I know! They can have your beds, and you can sleep with me!"
"Yeah!" giggled Amy.
The phone rang - it was Elaine. "What have you been doing to Ellie!" she demanded right out, and I felt my guts drop to the floor. "What do you mean?" I quizzed nervously, preparing my defence in my head.
"She hasn't stopped raving about what a wonderful weekend she has had, and pleading to be allowed to come and see Amy again soon!"
"Oh - that's good - I am glad she enjoyed herself" My guts returned slowly to normal, but I found myself quivering with the excess adrenalin still pumping around my system. "We enjoyed her company too - she is welcome back anytime."
"I may hold you to that!" she laughed, and I was glad that her worries over Graham had subsided somewhat. "Anyway - the reason I rang was I forgot to mention - I need to go to Tescos on the way back from school tomorrow - so if we are not there when you get to us, don't panic."
"Oh - thank you for warning me - no problem." We chatted for a couple more minutes, and then she rang off.
I turned to find two sleeping partners on the settee. It wasn't surprising really - it had been a long and busy day, with lots of new adventures, and plenty of exercise. I stood carefully so as not to disturb them, and gazed fondly down at them. Nathan was curled up at one end of the sofa, his knees pulled up to his chest and his face leaning against the arm of the chair. His mouth had dropped open a little, and I could see his wet tongue hiding between his teeth - I wanted to kiss his soft full lips, but that would be an invasion in his present condition, so I just absorbed his taut beauty, wrapped closely in his red and black Pjs.
I switched my gaze to Amy - again her knees drawn up underneath her so that her bare bottom peaked from under the hem of her nightie. She had a pillow clutched to her face, and her errant thumb held firmly in her mouth. She looked so small and vulnerable, and I felt a lurch of guilt as I recalled the wicked things we had done together already. Vainly I resolved to be better in future, but even as I made the mental promise, I knew I would break it as soon as she let me. She shivered, so I went and fetched two towels to drape across the sleeping waifs.
It was only 7, and although I was tired too, it was far too early for me to retire. I pottered around the flat, tidying up the residue of the day. I delved into the childrens' drawers and located their school gear, which I laid out neatly for them - I feared the morning would be a bit of a rush. I changed the sheets on my bed - checking as I did for any evidence of the previous night's sins, and was surprised to find little. I set the washing machine under way, and settled back into the armchair with a small whisky.
I began thinking through all the things I needed to do in the next week - and found there was a lot to consider. I needed to check if Mrs Greenberg's bequest to the charity had cleared yet. I knew I would be hearing from Heidi's legal people to set up her arrangements, and I feared they would prove more onerous than expected. I would have to give some serious consideration to more sleeping space if I was going to gather more children to my fold, and I would probably need a larger car - maybe a people carrier - to move them all around in. With the happy knowledge that all these things were possible with the money in the charity, I dozed off.
I was awoken with a jolt by Nathan sneezing. He sat up, looking disorientated by his unfamiliar location. In his daze he frowned in my direction, and then scrambled unsteadily to his feet and padded off to the bathroom. He was back in a few moments, looking much more awake, and came to stand by me, the towel wrapped across his shoulders.
"Can we go to bed now?" he enquired softly.
"Of course you can - you know where it is."
"No - I mean you and me?"
"It's school tomorrow - I think you better sleep in your own bed."
"Pleeease? I sleep much better with you!"
I felt my treacherous heart betray me. "Ok - but we had better get your sister to bed first."
"She be really pissed off if you put her in her own bed!" he smiled.
I knew he was right. I was still firmly decided against any misbehaving tonight, but it could do no harm, surely, to let them sleep where they preferred? "I guess you are right," I murmured.
"Yessss!" he celebrated his victory.
I finished my drink, and stood slowly. I gathered Amy carefully in my arms, still wrapped in her towel, and carried her to my bed. She muttered groggily in her sleep as I laid her down, and pulled the duvet over her. There were a few more grunts and snorts as she settled back down, but her eyes never opened, and her thumb was quickly back in her mouth. Nathan followed me round as I turned out all the lights and made sure the door was locked, and soon we were back in my room. He waited while I occupied my usual central position, and then scrambled quickly in beside me, wrapping himself as always against my right side with his arm crooked across my chest.
"Goodnight Nathan." I whispered into his soft hair.
"Nunnight Peter," he breathed back.
Although it was early, I was tired and ready for sleep. I closed my eyes and prepared for oblivion, and I assumed Nathan was doing the same. A few minutes passed, and he shifted position, pushing his crotch more firmly against my hip. Another few minutes, and now his hand left my chest and dropped down to the same interface. Again a few minutes stillness, and then his hand started moving - at first just fumbling, but gradually getting into a rhythm - a good self-pleasuring rhythm as old as mankind.
"Are you alright?" I breathed into his head.
He froze for a second, before resuming more slowly. "Yes... just got a stiffy that wont go away..." he whispered back.
Of all the things I knew I ought to say, I came up with one I knew I shouldn't: "Would you like me to help you?"
"Yeah! Would you?"
My left hand made its way over to the action and quickly found the offending member - hard as a nail and buried in the soft cotton of his pants. I rubbed it gently up and down between thumb and forefinger, and he let out a sigh of pleasure. I moved a little faster and he let out a grunt, and squirmed his groin against me.
"Wait!" he panted, and I removed my hand. He wriggled and twisted a bit, and then he was pulling my hand back to him, and now I held raw boy-hood in my fingers. "Ahhhhh!" he sighed as I resumed a gentle stroking. It was hard and hot, and I could feel his heartbeat in the taut tool. He grunted and sighed alternately as I increased the pace steadily.
Abruptly his hand shot out and grabbed my own weapon, which was already half-cocked in my pants. "Oh Cool! You've got one too! Can I get it out?" I struggled to find my voice to give him the negative, but nothing came out, and he took my silence as acquiescence. His hot little hand scrabbled to find the fly, and was soon wrapped around my expanding sausage. Inexpertly he copied my action on his own member and I let out a groan as I reached a painful full extent.
For a few minutes we reveled in the ancient practice of mutual masturbation with increasing fervour, then his fingers were scrabbling around again. They found the button at my waist, and easily unfastened it. My flies were now pulled wide open as he gained complete access to my tackle. Our pace continued to increase, and I could feel the tingle in my tubes as orgasm approached.
"Roll over!" he demanded hoarsely, and he started pulling me towards him. I complied until I was facing him, and I got his drift as he started bashing his little nail against my hardened ship's rivet - a cockfight! I joined in with gusto - his hot little knob bouncing across the end of mine was extraordinarily erotic. We swapped hands so I controlled his joystick, and he had mine, and his pulsing ardour in my fingers nearly took me over the top.
"Wait!" he demanded. Again he was wriggling around, and now I felt his sweet soft buttocks pushing back into my groin. His hand guided my pole between his thighs, the soft flesh caressing my tender helmet impossibly, His pants had only been pulled half way down, so his legs clamped tightly around me in a deadly embrace. He dragged my hand round to his front and wrapped it round his own meat, and I needed no instruction to continue my vigorous wanking. His bottom kept pushing back and forth at me, so my trapped trapped member was convinced it had penetrated some hidden vagina. As his grunts and groans reached a climax, so did I, and my hand on his tool was suddenly drenched in my sticky semen. I used it as lubrication on him, and only a few seconds later he was pulsing out his own dry orgasm.
"Ummm! Thanks!" he murmured. "That was cool!"
We lay like that for a few minutes - he apparently in sated gratification, me with the inevitable post-coital guilt overwhelming me. I dried my hands on the loose material of his pants - mental note, clean Pjs tomorrow - and cursed myself for the frailty of my resolve. His breathing steadied and slowed, and I knew he was asleep. A few minutes later I joined that club.
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