Published: 1-Aug-2012
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I came to the surface as the dawn light began to suffuse the room. We had both moved in the night, though I don't remember when, and she was now on my right, curled into a foetal ball towards me, with her head still resting on my arm. I too was on my side, facing towards her, so the first sensations I had as I woke were the softness of her hair against my face, and the sweet odour of child breath. With my left hand I stroked her head, and then very gently down her body, just relishing her softness and vulnerability. She was so small - I could not believe that I had been allowed to invade her most private place only a few hours before. She did not stir, and it seemed to me that any more intrusion into her space would be wrong, so I withdrew my hand and rolled carefully onto my back.
I think I slept again, because my next conscious awareness was of Amy trotting into the room, and it was much lighter. "Where's Ellie" she demanded.
"She's here" I whispered back. "She's asleep."
"But I thought you said..." replied Amy a little more quietly.
"I know, I know. But she came here of her own accord."
"Did you - play games?" she whispered now, having come right up beside the bed.
"Some..." I understated.
"That's not fair!" she pouted. Then: "Can I get in with you now?"
I lifted the edge of the duvet by way of answer, and she climbed quickly alongside me, squirming across until she was once more wrapped against my side. I could feel the soft material of her nightie pressed against my bare chest, and her bare leg through the light cotton of my pyjama trousers. Once again I thought how lucky I was, and I kissed her head nestled against my chin.
A grunt from Ellie announced her arrival into the land of the wakeful, and she rolled onto her back and stretched. No ordinary stretch, but a full length effort so that her hands and feet shuddered with the effort of extension. I wondered how her naked body must look beneath the covers - her stomach sucked in so hard that her ribcage stood out like a basket. I glanced sideways, and caught a view of her armpits. Have you ever considered how beautiful a child's armpits are compared to an adults? Smooth and hairless of course, but not the artificial smoothness achieved by shaving, rather the purity and cleanliness of innocence.
"Oh! I'm still here!" she exclaimed.
"Of course" I chuckled "Where else would you be?"
"Daddy puts me back in my bed before Mummy comes home. Did I sleep all night with you?"
"Yes - is that OK?"
"Ummm! Yesss!" she purred, "I've never done that before!" She rolled towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck, bumping into Amy as she did so. "Whose that?" she whispered hoarsely.
"Its Amy" I replied.
"Its me!" said Amy simultaneously. There was a scrabbling around of arms beneath the covers, then: "Ellie's not wearing anything!"
"Uh - no. She took them off." I muttered guiltily.
Amy sat up and pulled her nightie off over her head. "If Ellie can go nudey, I can too!" Seconds later she was wrapping herself once more against me, now completely naked. There was a bit of pushing and shoving between the two of them for best purchase, but they quickly settled down - one soft face pressed against each of my cheeks. Heaven! I brought one hand down behind each to hold their sweet bottoms against me. Ellie started nuzzling at my mouth, looking to resume the kiss I suspect, while Amy's knee was stroking back and forth across my nether regions. Then "You've still got your jamas on! That's not fair!"
"No!" added Ellie. "If we go nudey, you have to too!" she giggled.
My conscience had left long ago, so I sat up, and immediately my little monkeys were pulling at the jacket, still undone at the front from the night before. They succeeded in jamming it half way down my arms - they had to crawl round behind me to get it all sorted, and I got a delightful view of their naked bodies in the soft morning glow, but soon it was off, and discarded to the floor. As one, they dived under the covers, and small hands were soon tugging at the hem of my trousers. I lifted my bottom, and they dragged them quickly down to my heels and off. They raced each other back to my head, and we resumed out intimate huddle under the duvet.
We had barely settled when Nathan appeared at the door, wearing that slightly cross look of the newly woken child. "Where's Amy and Ellie?" he demanded.
"They're here" I replied.
"But I thought you said...."
"Its OK - Ellie is on our side."
"Oh!" he looked thoughtful for a few moments, then: "Can I get in too?"
"Are you OK if Nathan joins us Ellie?" I asked.
"Cool! Yes!" she replied from under my chin.
Nathan was still uncertain, but he padded round to the right side of the bed - the side he always chose - and climbed in behind Ellie. He settled himself down cautiously a few inches behind her, clearly nervous about initiating contact with her body, so I reached an arm round him and pulled him gently in. "Oh!" he exclaimed "She's got nothing on!"
A fruity chuckle emerged from Ellie's throat, and Amy announced loudly "None of us have!" before dissolving in giggles.
"Nathan has" said Ellie, "I can feel them."
"Tell him to take them off!" ordered Amy.
"No!" argued Nathan desperately, and he started wriggling backwards to get out of the trap. I held him firmly, and then rolled him forward so that his front was pressed against Ellie's back. "Oh!" he grunted, then more quietly "Oooo!" and I felt him relax as the pleasure of contact with Ellie began to over-ride his fear.
She let out one of her fruity laughs again, and I felt her squirm back against Nathan. "Oooo" she breathed, "I can feel his boner!"
Nathan made another attempt to withdraw, but less certainly this time, and as Ellie continued to writhe against him I felt his resistance fail in a deluge of strong emotions. I could only imagine how his little pecker felt being massaged by Ellie's bare bottom through the thin material of his PJs. Then I felt Ellie's hand detach from my chest, and reach behind her. The grunt of surprise told me she had caught his attention!
"I think you might persuade him to undress now!" I whispered to Ellie.
She chuckled again and squirmed round to face him, changing hands on the joystick as she did. Nathan rolled passively onto his back with a sigh. My hand was still under him, so I lifted him into a sitting position, and began to pull his shirt up. Ellie quickly got the hint and took over, pulling it neatly over his head as he compliantly raised his hands - she had to kneel up beside him to reach, and there was no doubt where Nathan's eyes were fixed. He collapsed back onto the bed, and Ellie quickly crawled down and started tugging at the waistband of his trousers. He had surrendered - he lifted his butt and allowed her to drag them down, earning a snigger from Ellie as his stiffy popped into view. She crawled all the way down to his feet to get them off, and then wriggled round and came back up, her face just inches from his weapon. She studied it intensely for a few seconds, then: "If I suck it, will he wee in my mouth?" she asked me.
"No! Whatever gave you that idea?" I laughed.
"Daddy said I shouldn't do it to boys at school 'cos they'd just wee!"
"I think he was just trying to keep you to himself."
She considered this for a few moments, still studying the topic before her, and then with a shrug, popped her mouth over the end. A grunt and a gasp of pleasure escaped Nathan's lips, and Amy, who was now propped on an elbow digging into my chest, contributed an "Oh Wow!" Her hand slipped down, and as deftly as Ellie, caught my undivided attention.
* * *
Once again I was struggling to the surface. I knew sometime had passed as it was much lighter in the room, and the sun was bright outside. I was hot too, lying in a tangle of warm naked limbs under a thick duvet. Memories came back - we had fondled and groped, kissed and sucked each other to a standstill, and each lapsed back into slumber.
But there were things to be done - I needed to get to the shops to get more clothing for the kids, and food for the week. And I wanted to leave enough time to get to the beach as promised. Reluctantly I heaved myself up, and threw the duvet to the floor. Even the cold rush of air did not result in immediate wakefulness in my bedfellows, and it took a few prods, and eventually tickles to get them moving enough for me to climb out of bed.
Breakfast was taken "au naturel", and I was delighted that Ellie had joined our little club of naturists. Nathan was still a little self conscious in front of her - he kept trying not to stare at her nethers, rolling his eyes away in a comic fashion whenever he realised I had seen what he was up to. Once we had fed, I cajoled them into dressing - not only did we need to go out, but I was concerned lest Mrs Greenberg put in an unexpected appearance. Nathan donned his usual jeans and shirt, Amy her red dungaree shorts with a yellow t-shirt, Ellie a blue denim skirt with a white t-shirt emblazoned with a blue "Little Princess" logo. Even I dressed down, wearing shorts in deference to the warm sunny weather. Amy admitted that she and Nathan had never been to the beach before - which I found sad but not entirely surprising, and fixed my resolve that they should have a great day. We packed our bags and a picnic, and headed down to the car.
Ellie was thrilled with my little sports car, jumping up and down with glee at the thought of riding in an open top. Nathan and Amy showed off all its features with pride. "He lets me drive it sometimes!" boasted Nathan.
"No!" squeaked Ellie in disbelief.
"I let him do the gear stick" I clarified.
"Wow!" exclaimed Ellie.
We all clambered in - Nathan in the front and the girls in the back. There was a bit of a battle getting all the seatbelts fastened, and then we were off. There was a great deal of excitement about the forthcoming day out - Ellie in particular jumping up and down in her seat.
We did the supermarket first, stocking up with all the usual stuff. Then into town to the M&S - with the kids now a permanent feature, I felt it right to increase the supply of underwear and socks, particularly with school about to start. As we left M&S, Amy spotted a jumble sale at the town hall, and after much pleading from the girls, Nathan and I were dragged in. I have never felt too comfortable with second hand clothes - one never knows what the previous inhabitants might have been up to - but all three children seemed entirely at ease with the piles of cast off apparel. I guess an upbringing on restricted means had prepared them for it. They quickly homed in on the tables specialising in children's clothes and began picking out things they liked. I checked the prices - so cheap I could see no reason to refuse them, and soon we had growing bags of dresses, skirts and blouses, and even a few shorts, trousers and shirts for Nathan. We were just about to leave when I spotted a line of large cardboard boxes labelled "dressing up stuff" and marked up at £5 a box. The kids quickly piled into the first one - finding lots of bits of coloured lace, fluffy feathers as well as gaudy outfits, and even wedding style suits and dresses. I did not need much persuading to add a box to the collection, and we left having spent very little and acquired a lot. We all had our arms full carrying it back to the car. It was a battle to get it all loaded in - the one problem with small sports cars is the lack of packing space. In the end the girls had to have the dressing up box on their laps.
We set off towards the beach. There are many good ones across the south of England, ranging from the typical plain sands backed with amusement arcades, to the old-fashioned little coves in remote places. I settled for one in the middle - quite small, but not too remote with one small cafe and a toilet block. I had walked there a few times before - it was popular enough without being crowded, and benefited from a very sheltered bay. I put the top up on the car before we left it in the carpark, and made our way the few hundred yards to the sea. The path followed a narrow gulley, sheltered by gnarled old trees, before emerging at the top of a steep bank above the beach. A wooden staircase led down the bank to access the sand just next to the little stream from the gulley. The kids danced and skipped their way along, brimming with excitement every step of the way. Nathan kept running a few paces in front, and then dashing back to hurry me along - like a small dog off the lead.
Although it was only around 11, there were already a lot of families established on the strand, and we had to go a 100 yards or so to the left to find a suitable space. We dumped the bags, and as I started to unroll the ground sheet to put things on, the kids were already pulling off their shoes and socks. In seconds they were off towards the sea, which was only 30 yards away. "Roll up your trousers" I called to Nathan as he left, and he paused long enough to hoist the hems above his knees before dashing to catch the girls up.
It was quite warm, but an occasional gust of cooler air reminded me that it was September already. I settled down and watched as the kids played in the water - first testing the coldness, and dashing in and out as the small waves rolled in, then investigating the stones and shells near the water's edge. I took time to study the neighbours: to the left was a family of six - the parents quite overweight settled in their deckchairs and already stripped down to skimpy swimwear - not a pretty sight. Their kids had mostly inherited the fat gene - three boys aged probably ten, eight and three with chubby, slightly bad tempered faces - and their constant squabbling and fighting reinforced their demeanour. Their sister was rather nicer - probably eleven or twelve, and beginning to suffer the onset of puberty, but skinny as a rake and clearly wanting to disown her siblings as she sat a few feet away with earphones and a book. She was pretty in a gawkish way with light hair and a turned up nose. She was still dressed in a dark tracksuit, and I guessed her lightness of frame made her feel the cold more.
To the right was a more attractive group - a mother and grandmother tending three youngsters - two girls, the older about eight, the younger probably 5 or 6, and a little brother of about 3. All had startling blonde-white hair and sharp Scandinavian features. They had obviously only just arrived, and as I watched the boy was helped out of his clothes and set loose to stomp down to the sea naked. With my new found interest in childish physiology I studied his features - still quite pudgy around the thighs and buttocks, and with a pronounced belly and a narrow chest, and a tiny wiener that jiggled around as he moved. Interesting but not exciting. My eyes were drawn quickly back to their camp where the middle child was now being undressed by the grandmother. There was clearly no self consciousness yet, as she was reduced to complete nudity in front of everyone before being invited to step into her one-piece yellow suit. Apart from being a little bigger than her brother, and her gender, which was clearly displayed to all, she was much the same - a little less fat in the legs, but the same distended tummy. I could enjoy getting to know her better, but not as much as my own Amy and Ellie.
She trotted off to catch up with her brother, and activity behind her shifted my attentions. The elder sister was being helped to change by her mother - a towel being held up around her while she stripped off her white trousers, glancing around nervously in case anyone should be watching. I was in luck - the opening in her cowl was towards me, and as she skimmed her knickers down I got a clear glimpse of her sex - small and tight like Amy's, but set between rather larger thighs. Yes - I could enjoy getting much closer to that, but quickly she had pulled up the lower half of her cream coloured suit to cover her indecency. There was no self consciousness about her top half - the towel was abandoned as she shucked her shirt off over her head, and she even stood arguing with her mother for a minute or two before bothering to hoist up the rest of her suit and trotting off to catch up with her brethren. Her mother shouted after her, but apart from the name Anya, the rest of her instructions were incomprehensible to me - Krauts or Skandahooves I suspected.
I was dragged out of my fantasy by the arrival of Nathan. "Can I get changed?" he demanded breathlessly.
"Of course" I laughed. He dove into his bag and come up with his speedos, and then looked confused as he realised the challenge of changing decently on a busy beach. "Come here" I said, and I grabbed a large towel and held it up. He stepped closer, and I held it round him just as I had watched the mother moments before. He grunted his understanding, and quickly dropped his trousers, then standing on them, skinned his pants down, giving me (and only me) a familiar view of his jewels. Seconds later he had pulled on his bathing suit, and I dropped the towel as he undid his shirt. He was about to run off, but I stopped him long enough to rub suncream into his shoulders and back, which as always was a treat.
Inevitably the girls were back very soon after - hand in hand and giggling fit to burst with excitement. "Can we change?" demanded Amy, and soon I was holding the towel for her as she stripped before me. Why is it that fleeting glimpses of forbidden fruits can be so much more exciting than an open display? All too soon, she had pulled up her suit and the show was over. She wriggled out of her t shirt and then hoisted the straps up over her shoulders. Before she escaped, I repeated the suncream treatment, and then moved onto Ellie, who was hopping from one foot to the other in impatience.
It occurred to me only after the towel was in place that Ellie really hadn't needed my assistance - wearing a skirt she could easily have switched her knickers for her suit without risk of exposure, particularly as it turned out her swimwear was a two piece bikini in purple. But strip she did, and being Ellie she made sure I got a good look at her wares, even rubbing her lower belly seductively as I watched, and I found myself wondering whether any of my highly illegal sperm was still searching vainly in her little body for an egg to fertilise. I shook that thought out of my head, and glanced around the beach guiltily in case anyone had picked up on my obscene fantasy.
Meanwhile, Ellie had finished changing, and I had to do the suncream for her too - not just shoulders and arms, but also her round belly and lower back. With a beaming smile of gratitude she bounded off towards the sea to rejoin her friends.
So the day progressed. The kids alternated between paddling in the sea, and digging in the sand with their hands, returning occasionally to me for a dry and warm up in a towel. They quickly gathered a crowd of friends, including both the German girls, and the two younger of the fat boys, and they all seemed to be having fun, running, splashing and digging. They stopped for a little while for lunch, gulping their sandwiches down in their haste to get back to the fun, and when they were done I went to the shop. When I came back I was able to call them in for an icecream each, and present them with some buckets and spades. As soon as they had guzzled their pudding, they started digging a large sandcastle, and eventually I was persuaded to give them a hand. After half an hours hard work we had an edifice nearly as tall as Amy with turrets and a moat, and little flags made out of scraps of seaweed, and patterns of shells built into the surfaces. All most satisfying.
After that there was a quieter period - all three were getting a bit tired, and they retreated to camp and wrapped themselves in towels and settled down in their individual huddles. I passed round the Coke bottle, and they took it in turns to swig from it. "Is this fun?" I asked to them all.
"Yessssss!" hissed Amy and Ellie in unison.
"Can we do this every week?" asked Nathan.
"When the weather's nice," I promised with a laugh.
The breeze was getting up, and a few clouds had appeared in the sky bringing on a general drifting of small children away from the water's edge. I watched as the smaller German girl returned to her mother, wet and shivering fit to burst. Her mother wrapped her in a large towel, and rubbed her down briskly, but still she stood there looking cold and dismal. Some instruction was given, and the child obediently hooked the straps of her suit off her shoulders, and skimmed it quickly down to the ground. For half a second she stood there naked until the towel wrapped round her again. Instead of dressing her, a second towel was added, and in a heap of warm dry material she was set on a chair to warm up.
The sounds of an argument drew my attention to the fat family on my left. The daughter was shouting: "...but I don't want to swim!"
"I'm not having you come all the way here and not go in the sea!" screeched her mother. "You WILL go - right now!" The accent was Northern and ugly.
"But I haven't brought my cozzy!" retorted the girl, a note of triumph betraying that this was her trump card.
"Then you will swim in your knickers!" screamed her mother.
"No!" wailed the child.
"Now don't make your mother angry - do as you're told!" growled the father. "Why wont you ever join in with the boys?"
The girls shoulders slumped, and I knew she was crying. With a dismal resignation she unzipped her tracksuit and shuffled it off, leaving only a thin white shirt covering her skinny chest. I down graded her age a little - the attitude might be approaching teenage, but there was no sign of breasts yet. She stood, and pulled her trouser slowly off revealing a skimpy pair of blue knickers. Self consciously she began to walk slowly towards the sea, clearly very embarrassed at being so scantily clad in public.
"Don't come back 'til you've been round the buoy!" shouted her mother, a distinct note of triumph in her voice.
I badly wanted to intervene. Talk about child abuse! The poor girl really did not want to do this, and how could she have anything but bitter memories of her day at the beach? And the only buoy in sight was a long way off shore - I hoped she was a strong swimmer. I watched as she padded slowly down to the water's edge and flinch as the first wave washed over her feet. Her arms wrapped firmly round her chest she advanced steadily into the water until it was waist deep. Then with a great effort of willpower she launched herself forward and began a slow breast stroke out towards the buoy.
My attention was distracted by a small figure approaching our camp - it was the smaller German girl, now wrapped in just one towel, and obviously feeling much warmer. She stopped about six feet away, and just stood there watching the girls and Nathan. After a few moments, Nathan swivelled round and whispered hoarsely "What does she want?"
"I think she just wants to play again" I answered quietly.
Amy and Ellie were digging holes in the sand with their feet, and after a few moments, the German summoned up enough courage to walk round to them and squat down on the other side of their hole, and begin excavating with one hand from the other side. With a start I realised she still had nothing on beneath her towel, and I was being treated to a wide open view of her foo. I felt the blood suffusing my face, and at least one other part of my anatomy. Ellie sniggered, and flicked a little sand towards her with a toe, causing her to smile with delight at being included in the "big girls" games.
I don't know what made me look up at that moment, but I did, and directly over the little girl's head, but well out towards the buoy, I could see an arm waving frantically above the surface of the water. Tuning in, I could hear a shout - otherwise lost in the screams of hundreds of happy children, but this one clearly desperate. I looked quickly to the fat boys family, but they had turned with their backs to the sea - I had no doubt their daughter was in difficulties and they had not noticed.
"Stay here!" I shouted to Nathan as I quickly dumped the keys and change from my pockets, and sprinted down to the sea. The water was a lot colder than I expected, but I hardly noticed with my eyes fixed on where I had last seen the arm waving. Worryingly, the arm had gone, and there was just a faint outline of something floating passively in the water. I charged out until it was deep enough to swim, and set about a rapid crawl towards the figure. I am not a great swimmer - no better than average, but I had done the life saving course many years ago, and the adrenalin lent me fins. In less than a minute, I reached her - as I feared she was floating face down, only the top of her head above the surface. I pulled her quickly round, and spun onto my back, holding her head up to my chest in the recognised fashion. I tried for the bottom, but it was out of reach even for me, so I started the backstroke towards the shore. The girl was entirely limp, and I dreaded the thought that I might have been too late. It seemed to take ages to reach the shallows, but as soon as I could stand I hoisted her into my arms and waded the last few yards to dry land. I laid her quickly down, and tested her pulse - still flickering away, but she was not breathing. I pushed firmly on her chest, and water welled from her mouth. I needed to get air back into those lungs. I tilted her head back, pinched her nose, and taking a deep breathe lowered my mouth over hers, exhaling steadily into her until I felt her chest raise. I pulled off, gently pushing her chest back down, while I inhaled again. Back onto her mouth, and another long exhale into her - still no reaction. I tested her pulse again - still just there, and I was aware of a crowd of feet around us. Back onto her mouth again, and this time, half way through the exhale, there was a sudden cough, and a flood of salt water was thrown back into my mouth. Immediately I pulled clear, and rolled her carefully onto her side.
She gasped and coughed, gasped and coughed, each time spewing more water onto the sand, but at least she was breathing again - she would survive.
I looked up to find her father standing over us - his mouth wide in shock, his wife clinging tearfully to his elbow. "For Christ's sake!" I shouted at him, "Do something useful! Get some towels and call an ambulance!"
He flinched, but spun on his heel, and was back in a few moments with a bundle of towels, which I carefully wrapped around the unconscious figure. Her breathing was still shallow, but was steady now, and the occasional cough was producing no more water. I could hear the mother on a mobile phone talking to an emergency operator - it was clear she was making a hash of telling them where the emergency was, so I stood and took it off her. In a few sentences I was able to explain exactly where we were, and what the nature of the emergency was. They insisted on taking my name and post code, which reluctantly I gave them - I could not see what relevance that had - but I could hear instructions being passed in the background, so I knew things were being taken care of. I gave the phone back to the mother, and returned to my patient - her head felt cold, so I ordered up more towels, which her dithering father fetched. I knelt down beside her, and held her hand between both of mine - partly to warm it, and partly as reassurance should she regain consciousness.
Nathan appeared beside me and rested his hand on my shoulder: "Is she going to be OK?" he asked nervously.
"Yes, I think so" I replied quietly. I was battling in my mind with the residues of the adrenalin rush, relief at a positive result, and boiling rage at the parents for putting her in such danger in the first place. I could hear the mother now, the phone call terminated, blubbering at her husband. A large crowd had gathered around us - several hundred people, including the girl's brothers, the German family, and many other families and individuals - I felt a bit self-conscious being the centre of so much attention. I looked round for Amy and Ellie, and was relieved to find them stood right behind Nathan, clinging to each other, their mouths agape in wide-eyed awe.
A flicker of movement in the hand I held alerted me to her return to consciousness, and I looked down to find her eyes were open. They took a moment to focus, then: "Who are you?" she rasped out.
"I'm Peter" I replied softly, "Who are you?"
She looked puzzled for a moment, as if struggling to remember her own name. Then: "Becky" she breathed. "Am I going to be alright?"
"Yes - you will be fine in no time" I smiled reassuringly.
"I got cramp...." she whispered, and then her eyes closed and she slept.
They sent a helicopter to fetch her away, and as it arrived all the watchers had to retreat to the back of the beach to get away from the flying sand. A paramedic was lowered down on the winch, and the helicopter retreated while he checked her over, and loaded her onto the stretcher. I stayed with her, and shouted a brief summary of events to the winchman. He nodded understanding and shouted back that she would be at Stourton hospital in a few minutes, and I should make my own way there. There didn't seem any point in trying to explain that I was not her parent, and in a few moments she was being winched up with the paramedic. As the helicopter dwindled into the distance, I passed on the news to her father, who finally managed a belated "Thank you". I was tempted to give him a piece of my mind - but there was no point, so I responded with standard pleasantries.
I returned to our camp and found it in disarray with the effects of the helicopter downdraft. I gathered all the bits I could find, including two of our towels which were in the pile abandoned beside where Becky had come ashore. I sat down to gather my wits, and was happy to find three small figures rapidly cuddling up to me - clearly they needed comforting as much as I did. We watched in silence as the fat family packed their stuff away - the boys still squabbling and whinging at having to leave the beach early. Further off I could see a number of other families packing up, even though it was only about 3pm - the incident had taken the shine off the beach, even if it would give them something to think about for weeks!
Amy's small voice piped up beside me: "Why did you kiss her?"
I laughed. "That wasn't a normal kiss - that's called 'the kiss of life'" I explained. "When someone stops breathing, you have to breathe air back into them."
"If you hadn't of done it, would she have died?" queried Nathan.
"If someone hadn't done it soon, she probably would have, yes."
"So you saved her life?" Nathan again.
"I suppose so, yes." I felt embarrassed with that burden - it implied I might be a good person, and I knew I was not.
I looked up to find the German mother approaching, her son perched naked on her hip. As I stood, she said: "Well done! You are a hero - yes?"
"No - I just did what needed to be done."
"But no one else did it - so you are the hero!"
"Well thank you for saying so," I replied as her daughters joined her - both with their towels draped over the shoulders, the elder one still in her costume, the younger one still disconcertingly naked. I found the view of her pretty little body in the shadow of the towel very distracting, and I looked up to find her bright blue eyes, surmounted by snowy white eyebrows, staring fixedly at me. Surely she was reading my mind? I switched to her sister - also staring at me with the same Chocky-like gaze. With an effort I forced myself to smile, and was hugely relieved when both girls faces cracked into a friendly grin.
The mother had continued to talk, and I had missed what she had been saying. "... staying at the Grand in Stourton. You must come and visit us before we go back to Germany. I am sure Anya and Olga would like to see your daughters again."
"Oh - Thank you - that is very kind but..."
"No - I mean it. You MUST call me to arrange a date. We are in room 701." I was being very definitely ordered to comply, and usually I would have resisted, but the enticing smiles of her daughters were undermining my resolve.
"Oh - OK - I will try to call you later..."
She nodded peremptorily - she was used to being obeyed. "My name is Heidi - Heidi Von Reibnitz" she added, "And your name is...?"
"Peter" I replied meekly.
"We shall expect your call later." With that she spun on her heel and returned to her belongings, her daughters tagging along dutifully behind. The grandmother, who looked even more fearsome than the mother, had remained sat in her deckchair, but clearly watching proceedings. As they reached her, there was an exchange in German, and a curt nod of approval from the grandmother concluded their conversation. They began to pack their gear away.
I felt a small hand creep into mine, and I looked down to find Nathan. "Who was that?" he whispered in awe.
"I don't know" I laughed, "But she seems to want to know us."
"She's Scary!"
"But her daughters are very pretty - don't you think?"
He blushed and smiled: "Yes!"
"Can we go home now?" piped up Amy. "I'm cold."
She was right - it was getting rapidly cooler, and the clouds were steadily covering more and more of the sky - moving in fast from the west - a clear sign the weather was breaking. "OK - are your cozzies dry enough to put your clothes on top?"
Nathan replied a quick yes, and went in search of his gear. Amy and Ellie were less sure, and required me to decide for them - a quick grope of each bottom reassured me they were good enough, and soon they were dressing too. I glanced over to the Germans again - sadly Olga was now dressed in her white gear again, and her sister, though still changing, was wrapped in a towel with the opening away from me. No more cheap thrills there.
As we trudged our weary way back up to the car, the first drops of rain began to fall. During the drive back home we passed through a number of light showers - the good weather was clearly at an end. Combined with my wet clothing, it left me with a distinct feeling of anti-climax.
As we entered the flat, the first thing I noticed was the red light flashing on the answer-phone - it was instinctive for me to check it, although until recently very few people had my home number. I pressed the play button: "Hi, its Elaine - uh - could you call me when you get back in?"
I deleted the message and pressed the call back button - after two rings Elaine answered. "Two Four Two Seven Five Six?"
"Hi Elaine - I got your message?"
"Oh - thanks for calling back. Is all going OK?""
"Great thanks - we just got back from the beach - I think everyone enjoyed themselves..." I looked around for support and got the desired chorus of squeals and "Yes's".
"That's good news - it is the first sleepover Ellie has had, so I was worried. Is she there?"
"Yes - I'll put her on." I handed the phone to Ellie - it looked very large as she held it to her ear.
I watched and listened to a one sided conversation - Elaine obviously quizzing her daughter and earning simple Yes or No answers. Only the last "Yes please Mummy!" had any excitement to it.
The phone was thrust back to me. "Hello?" I spoke into it.
"Hi - I don't suppose you could do me another really big favour? I'm not even half way through decorating Ellie's room - is there any chance she could stay for another night? She seems very happy to if you don't mind?"
"Oh - I suppose so" I tried not to sound too excited. "She seems to be enjoying herself..." my mind filled for a second with just how she enjoyed herself the night before, "... so I'm sure that will be fine."
"You are a god-send! Can I pick her up tea time tomorrow?"
"That would be ideal." She rang off soon after, and I turned to the waiting crowd: "Looks like we will have to put up with Ellie for another day!" I laughed.
"Wheeeee!" squealed Ellie and Amy.
"Yesss!" crowed Nathan, and I wondered if he had the same hopes as me.
"First things first - I need to get out of this wet gear and take a shower."
"Oh Goody!" squeaked Nathan, "Can I come in with you?"
"Me Too! Me Too!" shrieked the other two.
"Whoa!" I laughed, "You can't all come in at once - there isn't room." But the idea of sharing with each of them was very appealing! "I tell you what - let me go in first, and then you can come in one at a time."
A chorus of "Me First!" greeted this as they jumped up and down with excitement.
"OK OK! Rules of hospitality apply: Guests before Family, Girls before Boys. OK?"
There was a few seconds pause while they digested this, then: "Wheee! I'm first!" escaped from Ellie.
"That's not fair! I'm last - and it was my idea!" grouched Nathan.
"Don't worry" I reassured him, "There are advantages to being last - no one will be trying to rush you."
"Oh - OK - Cool!"
I headed for the bathroom, and was overtaken by a pack of imps - by the time I was there they were already tugging at their clothes. "Steady!" I laughed, "Give me a few minutes to get washed first - if you strip off too soon you'll get cold. May as well keep your cozzies on too so that we can get all the salt and sand out of them." So instead they watched me closely as I stripped off - which wasn't what I intended, and was actually quite unnerving. I was relieved to get into the shower cabinet out of the direct gaze. Soon I was relaxing in the warm stream of water. I gave myself a quick wash, and also shampooed, and as soon as I had rinsed I called out: "OK - ready for number 1!"
I could see the scrabbling of an undressing through the distortion of the glass, and then the door popped open, and a beaming Ellie stepped quickly in. I pulled the door shut, and took the shower down from its fixing so I could rinse her easily down and warm her up. I re-hung the shower head and then crouched down to her level. "I think we can get you out of these now" I said quietly as I grabbed the edges of her bikini top at either side. She obediently raised her arms above her head as I pulled it up and off. I held it under the running water for a few seconds, then put it in the corner of the cubicle, all the while drinking in the pure sweetness of her naked chest.
As I put my hands to the sides of her bikini bottoms she smirked knowingly at me. I pulled them down, enjoying the slow illicit exposure of her gender, and I found myself shaking with suppressed desire. I had to focus hard on rinsing out the tiny scrap of purple cloth and adding it to the pile in the corner. I stood to get the shower down again, and was disconcerted to feel a small hand wrap round my shaft. As I directed the deluge of warm water over her head she continued to rub her hand up and down - I had not the will power to stop her. I grabbed the shampoo, tipped a generous dose into my hand and began to massage it into her scalp. Her hair was flat now, and much darker than dry, but it felt good to hold and caress her delicate cranium.
Still her hand kept pumping slowly up and down. I rinsed her hair out, and then at last broke the grip as I knelt down with the soap to wash her body. She grinned wickedly at me as I rubbed her gently all over until she was slippery and slick as a pat of melting butter. She closed her eyes and sighed as I massaged a soapy digit into her cleft, and her utter surrender to my will was both thrilling and scary.
"Come on! Its my turn!" moaned Amy from the other side of the door.
"Just a minute!" I replied as I began to rinse her off. In a few seconds I opened the door and let her out, pleased to see Nathan standing ready with a fresh towel to wrap Ellie in. I had no time to watch, as Amy was already in beside me, impatiently pulling the door shut behind her.
Once more I had the pleasure of rinsing down an eager child, then pealing off her skimpy swimsuit. Once more the joy of massaging her scalp as I washed her hair, and the tactile paradise of soaping her all over as she sighed out her own pleasure. Before I could rinse her though, she raised her arms and demanded: "Lift me up!" So I did, and she wrapped her legs around my waist, and her arms around my neck, pulling her face to mine - we kissed passionately as the warm water drenched our heads, and her smooth body slipped against mine. Gradually she eased down as her grip failed, my fully engorged member inevitable jamming against her crotch. "Ooooo!" she exclaimed, then "Ow! That hurts!" Immediately I lifted her clear of the intrusion, and set her down. "Your thingy hurt me!" she complained with a frown.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..."
"Is that where its supposed to go in?"
"Uh - yes." I felt my face redden at the thought.
"Its too big. When will I be big enough?"
"Its not just that..." I began, but then was interrupted.
"Come on! Its my turn now!" called Nathan.
I rinsed Amy quickly off - her frown had gone and she seemed happy enough as I let her out - the 'hurt' obviously not serious. Ellie had a large towel waiting for her, and as she was enveloped in it, Nathan was already in the shower with me. The door closed, and we were back into the routine - a languorous first rinse for my lover boy, then I knelt down to his level to ease his trunks down - gratified to see his flag at full mast. I gave it a playful stroke before standing to rinse out his speedos, and get down the shampoo. Once again the pleasure of a small head in my hands, followed by the luxury of a small soapy body to rub down - leaner and firmer than the girls, but just as delectable. I turned him round to do his back, and he leant against me as I knelt. To my surprise he now bent his legs until my pole wedged between his buttock cheeks. He reached a hand round, and guided my end to his butt-hole.
"Careful!" I whispered, "You might hurt yourself."
"Its OK" he purred, "It feels really good there!"
Who knows where it might have ended, but just then there was a bashing on the door and Amy announced: "Peter! The phone's ringing!"
Muttering a curse under my breath, I disengaged and quickly left the cubicle. I grabbed a towel from Amy and drying myself as I went, dashed across the sitting room to the phone. I got to it just before the answer-phone cut in. It was Elaine again: "Hi! Have you got the telly on?" she said straight away.
"Uh, no - we were just washing after the beach," I replied, too hassled to think of a lie.
"Turn it on - quickly! You're on it! Its the local news!"
"Oh.... Oh... Oh you're too late! Its finished. It was all about you saving some kid on the beach! They had a clip of you giving her the kiss of life!"
My head span. "Oh - I didn't know someone was filming..."
"Why didn't you tell me? That was brilliant! Who was she?"
"Uh - I don't know - just some kid. I think her name is Becky."
Elaine continued to enthuse for several minutes, and eventually I had to admit to being cold and wet from the shower to get her to ring off. At last I was able to put the receiver down and finish drying. My head still spinning from the realisation that the whole world was going to know about the little incident on the beach, I headed for the bedroom, and began to dress. Three small figures, clad only in towels, followed me in, and I had just suggested they go and put some clothes on when the phone rang again.
"Is that Mr O'Fyle?"
"Uh - yes?"
"Its Sam Groggan here - from the Barset Echo? Can I talk to you about your heroic act on Button Beach today?"
Reluctantly I agreed, and proceeded to answer a series of inane questions, desperately trying to play down the significance of it all, but knowing Sam would not let a good story like this by without giving it full coverage. I knew him vaguely from articles he had written on some previous legal cases I had been involved in, and I was sure I could rely on him to get most of the facts wrong and exaggerate the trivia out of all proportion.
"One final thing - it would be really good to get a picture of you with the girl by her bed. Would you be prepared to come to Stourton Hospital tomorrow morning? We've already cleared it with her foster-parents..."
My instinct was to say no, but the thought of being able to see the pretty child again clouded my judgement, and before I knew it, I was agreeing to be there for ten the next morning. A few pleasantries later and he was off the line.
As I finished dressing, Ellie wandered back into the room still wearing nothing. "Can we play with the dressing up stuff?" she pleaded, and I knew she had been sent as a delegate by the others.
"Of course!" I replied readily - it seemed like a good idea to keep them occupied while I got supper ready, and tried to think through this new scenario.
"Goodie! Thanks!" she shouted as she dashed off to join the others. By the time I left the bedroom they already had the box in the middle of the floor, and were eagerly pulling out one item after another, three naked butts in the air.
In the kitchen I quickly put away the shopping, and got some ready-made pizzas out of the deep freeze for supper. I turned on the oven to warm up and ambled back into the sitting room. There were colourful items of clothing draped over all the chairs, and in untidy piles all over the floor. Nathan was just wriggling his way into a batman outfit, and as I arrived he turned his back to me so I could zip up the back.
"Cool!" he announced with a laugh, and then he grabbed the cape and swung it round his shoulders. Ellie was sat on the floor manoeuvring her way into a tight black object, which as she stood proved to be a cat suit, en-suite with a cat mask, white whiskers and pointy ears. Again I was pressed into service to zip up the back. Amy was struggling with a pink and white furry suit, and in the end I had to hold it up for her while she stepped, still naked, into the legs. As she pulled it up, it revealed itself as a one piece rabbit suit with a hood adorned with pink floppy ears. This one zipped up the front, so she was able to do that herself. All now suitable attired they set about a loud and energetic series of games, the general theme of which was the bad black cat trying to catch and eat the poor baby rabbit, while Batman came to the occasional rescue. I retired to the kitchen to continue with supper.
They remained in those costumes for supper, chatting happily about the various outfits still to try, and laughing about the days events between sticky mouthfuls of pizza and gulps of Coke.
Something triggered a memory for Nathan, and he broke in suddenly with: "Peter - you have to ring that woman!"
"Oh yes - I had forgotten about that. Do you think it would matter if I didn't?"
He shrugged uncertainly. "You did promise..."
"Mummy says you must always keep promises!" added Ellie seriously.
"OK - I will - after supper."
So as the kids put away the plates we had just washed up, I dug out the telephone directory, and in a few moments was through to the reception of The Grand Hotel. "Grand Stourton, how can I help you?" was the disinterested answer.
"Oh hello - can I speak to Mrs von Reibnitz in room 701?"
You could hear the change in attitude - alertness and subservience leaping into her tone. "Oh, Can I ask who is calling?" I gave my name, and she added: "I'll see if I can put you through." The line was silent for a while, and then she was back on, in a slightly surprised tone: "I am putting you through now!" Clearly she was more used to being denied that privilege.
"Peter! Thank you for calling," Heidi's curt voice came on the line.
"No problem, I trust you got back OK?"
"Yes - and we have been watching your adventure on the television. Quite the celebrity!"
I could feel myself blushing. "Oh, yes - I hadn't realised anyone was filming, and I rather wish they hadn't."
"You shouldn't be so modest! Now you will come to lunch tomorrow? You must bring the children and they can have a swim before we eat - about twelve?"
Once again I knew I was being rail-roaded, but before I could think of an excuse, I was agreeing.
"That is good! I look forward to discussing some things with you. Oh, one more thing - I need your full name - for security you understand?"
Once again I was off guard - what 'things' did she want to discuss? What security? But I was already giving her the details she required, and moments later the call was over.
I returned to the melee in the sitting room, and informed the assembled crowd of the extra plans for the next day - which they totally ignored as they were back into the various costumes in the dressing-up box. I flopped into the armchair, and tried to think about Heidi and what possible plans she had for me, but I was quickly distracted by the floor show. I watched bemused as they stripped and dressed again and again into all manner of different garbs - there was the pink leotard with the lace tutu, the long soft purple shawl, the yellow feather boa, the range of gaily coloured berets, the ghosts sheet, the cowboys dungarees, the devil mask - and more. Most were better suited in size to the girls, and they looked delightful in every one, enhanced by the quantity of bare skin continuously exposed. Nathan liked the Batman gear and the devil mask (which he wore for some time as he chased the girls with nothing else on at all!), and the ghost sheet. There was a pageboy set - black trousers and tailed coat with a frilly fronted shirt and bow-tie, but when he tried this on it was far too small for him. Equally the white bridesmaid's outfit in satin and lace was far to big for either of the girls.
"I can't get into this," piped Nathan, "Why don't you try it Ellie?"
"Yeuch! That's boys stuff!" she scoffed.
"Go on - its only a game!"
She scowled at him from beneath knitted brows. "Not unless you put on the girl's stuff!" she growled.
"No way!" squeaked Nathan in alarm.
"Fair's fair!" I laughed. "Go on - its only a game!" I mimicked his earlier argument.
He shrugged his surrender and picked up the dress. He clearly had little idea about how to get into it, but Amy, who was in pink fairy dress at that moment, arrived to direct operations, and soon he was wriggling his head through the frilly neckline. Meanwhile, I knelt down by Ellie and helped her into the black trousers and shirt. In a few moments they were both dressed, and I have to say they looked sweet - Nathan's broad shoulders filling the padded shoulders admirably, and Ellie's elfin figure adding new curves to the little boys gear. Self consciously they posed before Amy and me.
"Wow!" squealed Amy, "It looks like a wedding!" Immediately she started directing proceedings. The hearthrug became the church, and the coffee table the altar. Ellie was made to stand before the altar, and I was co-opted in as Vicar. Nathan, still dressed self-consciously in white satin and lace, was made to parade slowly up the aisle, while Amy, between fits of giggles, "da-da'ed" he way through an imitation of the wedding march. At the altar they stood nervously while I went through the bits I could remember of the ceremony - principally the "Love, honour and Obey" lines and the required "I do's."
"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" I announced officiously.
They glanced nervously at each other, but at last Nathan stooped to his task, and their lips met - I wished I had a camera! They pulled apart briefly, then met again, this time for longer, and more obviously enjoying the contact.
"Now we have a party!" squealed Amy. And so we did! I moved the coffee table, and found some suitably lively music, and soon we were all "on the dance floor" as they imitated what they had seen of disco dancing, and I contributed a typical bachelor "jiggle". Needless to say, I ran out of energy first, and soon settled in a chair to watch the oddly perverse spectacle of a boy in a girls dress, a girl in a boys suit, and a pink fairy dancing to Abba.
Soon they began to flag, and I put on some slower music. With a little prompting from me, Ellie and Nathan soon got the hang of the slow dance, and they looked so beautiful in a tight clinch, Ellie's redhead pressed tight against Nathan's silky chest. Abruptly I was tugged to the floor by Amy, who wanted to try this for herself, and after a little experiment we found it was best if I knelt and shuffled around as best I could on my knees, with Amy's slender figure pressed hard against me. Even then the top of her head was just below chin height on me, and I nuzzled her hair affectionately.
After a couple more dances, Amy let out a long and languorous yawn. "Can we go to bed now?" she sighed.
"Of course, if that's what you want?" I smiled. She nodded a sleepy yes. "What about you two?"
They smiled shyly at each other before nodding to me. "Are we really married now?" whispered Ellie.
"No, sadly not," I laughed lightly, "But you can go on pretending if you like?" She nodded enthusiastic agreement to that idea. "OK, well after the wedding and the reception party, the newly married couple usually go on honeymoon. Shall we do that bit?"
"What's a honeymoon?" asked Amy.
"Its where they go off on a holiday together. In the old days it used to be the first time they would sleep together."
"Oh Yeah!" announced Nathan. "Lets honeymoon!" and with a laugh he started dragging Ellie towards my bedroom. As soon as she realised what was going on, she relaxed, and holding hands they ran from the room. By the time Amy and I caught up with them, they were already on the bed. "What happens next?" demanded Nathan.
"I know! I know!" squeaked Ellie. "I seen Mummy and Daddy do it before!" She threw her arms around Nathan's neck, pulling his face to hers in a kiss, and then rolling onto her back with Nathan on top. Her black-trousered legs appeared on either side, and then crossed behind his white satin covered bum to pull him to her as tight as she could. As they kissed they broke occasionally for a snigger at their naughtiness. Amy and I sat on the other side of the bed, Amy giggling and clapping her hands and bouncing up and down with glee at the game.
At last they ran out of breath, but they did not break the clinch. With a much more serious face, Nathan breathed: "What happens next?" into Ellie's pink face.
"We have to take our clothes off," she whispered back. They sat up, and Nathan helped Ellie out of the little black jacket, and then unbuttoned the shirt, pealing it back to reveal her flat chest. As he leant forward to pull the shirt off her back, their face came close together, and instinctively they kissed again - more slowly and tenderly now. Ellie's hands reached behind his head and clumsily tugged the zip down to his waist, and then gathered the satin and silk in a bundle, and began to pull it up. They broke their kiss for a few seconds while the dress was shucked off, and then resumed - Nathan now completely naked, Ellie clad only in the little black trousers, and their bony chests pressed against each other.
I was bewitched by the beauty of what I was seeing, and even Amy was sitting quietly now, her mouth hanging open as she watched in awe. It was Ellie's hand that broke away and dropped to her waist, pulling at the unfamiliar catch to her trousers until it came undone. She started trying to pull them down, but in her sitting position she could not get them far. She broke out of the kiss and whispered "Help me?" to Nathan, before falling onto her back. Nathan needed no further invite as he tugged the little-boy trousers down her legs, and dropped them on the floor. He crawled back up beside her - on the opposite side from Amy and me - and as he lay down beside Ellie, his hard little tool rested on top of her thigh, only inches from her mons. It was striking how much yellower he looked against the whiteness of Ellie's fair skin. As he leant in to resume the kiss, her little hand dropped down to hold his shaft and gently stroke it up and down. His whole frame tensed and squirmed with pleasure.
They broke for air, and Ellie turned her head slightly towards me. "Is he going to put it inside me now?" she whispered.
"Only if you want him to?"
She nodded an emphatic yes.
"What about you Nathan - do you want to try?"
"Can I really?" he breathed.
"Looks like you've got the green light!" I laughed.
"But I thought you said..." started Amy beside me.
"Shhh! Not now," I whispered in her ear, "I'll explain later."
She "Hurrumphed" her disapproval, and crossed her arms in an exaggerated sulk, but her eyes, like mine, remained fixed on the action before us.
Nathan bent to the kiss again, and began to slowly roll on top of his victim. Ellie spread her legs wide in anticipation. Soon they were chest to chest again, but that left Nathan's weapon well down range between her thighs. Reluctantly he broke from the kiss, and propping himself up on his arms, began to slide himself forward. A gasp from Nathan and a grunt from Ellie announced contact made. He held still for a few seconds, then backed off and advanced again - this time they both grunted at contact.
"It won't go in!" he hissed at me sideways.
Suppressing the urge to laugh, I crawled round behind him, and peered between his thighs to see what the problem was. He was jammed into the crease to the left of his target, so I reached a hand in and gently re-directed his hot little member. When it was correctly aligned I pushed his bum with the other hand, and it slipped easily into its home. A sigh of satisfaction escaped both their lips. I pushed a little harder, and an inch or so of his stiffy was now hidden in her soft entrance. I eased him back and forwards a few times until he got the hang of it, and took over.
It was soon apparent that their physical dimensions were working against them. The shortness of his member, combined with the thickness of thighs and legs meant that from this position, an inch or so of penetration was all that could be achieved. I knew this would be unsatisfactory, particularly for Ellie who was used to a much bigger sausage to chew on. So I intervened again, stopping Nathan and pulling him back for a moment, I helped Ellie lift her legs right up, and showed her how to hook her knees with her elbows. Now when I guided Nathan back in, the mechanics worked much better - he slipped easily into her wide open fanny until he was buried to the hilt. They both gasped aloud as he bottomed out, and soon he was sliding back and forth on the piston of life. I slipped a hand between their bodies, and quickly found her tiny nubbin. As I began to tease it she grunted and began to drive back at Nathan's thrusts. Finally, I reached the other hand between his thighs to gently stroke his nut-sack between thrusts. The pace quickened and in a few more drives, Nathan's buttocks clenched and he shuddered to a halt. For a few moments they froze like that, and then he collapsed in an exhausted heap, his head on the pillow beside her. Ellie turned slightly to kiss his ear, but he was almost asleep already. After a few moments she unhooked her knees and stretched her legs down either side of Nathan's. She wrapped her arms around his chest and held him tight against herself, closing her eyes in contented satisfaction. I pulled the duvet up to cover them so they did not get cold.
"Wow!" breathed Amy beside me, "Did he put it right inside her?"
"Yes he did. I think they both enjoyed it."
"Will Ellie have a baby now?"
"No - Nathan's too young to squirt, and Ellie is too young to make babies anyway."
"You said I was too young to do it, but Ellie did - how come she can and I can't?"
"Ellie's done it before. It probably hurt quite a bit when she did it first, but now she's used to it - and she really likes it."
There was a pause while she digested this. Then: "Who did she do it with before?"
"Her Dad I think."
Another long pause, then: "Will you do it with me?"
"I don't want to hurt you!"
"But Ellie did it, so I want to do it too!"
"I tell you what, we'll ask Ellie how she did it the first time tomorrow - maybe she knows a way that doesn't hurt too much."
"And then we'll do it - you promise?"
"If there's a way that doesn't hurt you too much, we'll try - I promise."
A smug grin spread across her face - she had got what she wanted at last. She stood on the bed, and wrapped herself round my head, holding me to her chest for several moments. Then she flopped back down: "I'm tired - can we go to bed now?"
"Of course!" I laughed lightly.
"Will you undress me?" She lay on her back and waited, certain in my compliance. I rolled her gently onto her front, and unzipped the pink leotard down to the small of her back. I rolled her over again, and hooking a thumb under each shoulder strap, eased the stretchy material down to her waist. She smiled smugly at me as I stared once again at her sweet flat chest. I leant forward and kissed her lips, and she responded open-mouthed without demur. After a few minutes of illicit tongue-fencing, I pulled back, and then bent again to taste her muddy-mark of a breast, teasing the tiny nipple with the tip of my tongue as she sighed her pleasure. Then the other one - she almost purred, and arched her back slightly to thrust it more firmly at my mouth. With tender kisses I moved further down, rolling the slippery material in advance so that I could dip my tongue into her navel, earning the expected giggle. A kiss on each end of her knobbly pelvis, and then in between to the final narrowing vee of her belly, and at last onto her newly exposed mons venus. As I tickled my tongue in the very top of her cleft, with the other hand I pulled the flimsy garment down to her knees. Without warning, her thighs lurched as she parted her legs to hook the remnants with one toe and drag them down to her ankles. As she settled back down she naturally spread her legs much wider, and as I dipped to resume my tasting, her hands linked across the back of my head, pulling me firmly into her crotch. It was only a few moments later as I lashed her most intimate folds with my tongue that she shuddered to her childish climax.
Gradually her tight grip on my head relaxed, and I was able to pull back. She lay in unashamed abandon, her legs akimbo and her eyes closed in sleep. I carefully slid off the bed, and then lifted her in my arms so that I could lay her beneath the duvet, With one final chaste kiss to her forehead I stood and took stock: three little friends all sated and asleep, while I was a long way short of either! I turned out the light and retreated to the sitting room - the place was a mess, so I put away all the discarded clothes, washed the abandoned glasses, and generally put the place back in order. I made use of the bathroom, relieving, with some difficulty, my loaded bladder, and then brushing my teeth like a good boy. All the time I was aware of the unrequited passion in my loins, and the challenge my crowded bed presented. Part of me argued for a lonely night on the settee to avoid taking my arousal to bed with them, but I think I always knew that could not happen. At last I ran out of things to do, and sidled quietly into the bedroom.
For some time I just stood and watched - three small heads poking out above the duvet, each soundly asleep - Ellie even had a thumb in her mouth. The knowledge that there was not a stitch of clothing between them excited and scared me at the same time. I really should retreat to the settee. Silently I stripped in the gloom, dropping my gear with the tangle of other clothing on the floor. I nearly managed to leave the room but in the end I could not. Climbing very carefully over Amy, I slipped under the duvet between her and Ellie, and tried to relax. There was not much room, and Ellie's knees pressed against my hip, and Amy's bum against my side, just to remind me of their proximity. My arousal and my heart-rate would not settle down, and I found myself imagining all forms of sexual activity with any or all of them. I even consider succumbing to a hand crank - it would be so easy to roll towards either of them and spend my need across their nudity - but the remnants of my conscience would not tolerate such selfishness. At last I think I must have dozed off.
I awoke once more in the middle of the night. I had rolled over unconsciously in my sleep towards Amy, and as I struggled for lucidity I realised that my thoroughly aroused member was wedged firmly in the tight notch where the tops of her thighs met her buttocks. I was moments from release, and for a few seconds I considered letting nature take its course, but again my conscience would not allow me to take advantage of her insensibility, and with a groan I rolled again onto my back. For some time I lay there, my heart pounding once again with barely suppressed desire, until at last sleep overtook me.
Part 7 is written and will be posted next week. Part eight is nearly there, and should be posted the week after. I have draft plans for parts 9 to 15, but they may take a bit longer!
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