The Beadle, Part 5

[ Mbgg, ped, slow, rom ]

by Pibeta


Published: 25-Jul-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I came slowly to the surface around 7 as per usual. What was not "Usual" was the sinking feeling that accompanied the realisation that I would have to go to work soon, and leave my new friends behind. For years my work had been my hobby as well as my source of income, but now it seemed only to be a cause for frustration and wasted time. I rolled carefully onto my back, and lay there considering my new environment.

The old me - the logical and legalistic lawyer - was quick to put forward the insanity and danger of my new situation. It was only a matter of time before it all came to a catastrophic end. I could even begin to frame the case for the prosecution.

But the new me - the one that had discovered anew the joy of being loved and wanted - was quick to point out how desperately disappointed Nathan and Amy would be if I turned them away now, and how pointless my life would become again without their joyful company. Surely, the new me argued, you can use your great legal mind to avoid any possibility of a catastrophe?

My thoughts were disturbed by the stomping naked figure of Amy entering the room. Her face was pink from newly aroused slumber, and she scowled at the sight of her brother's shape under the duvet. Without pause or comment, she clambered in beside me. She shuffled quickly across and wrapped herself against my side - her soft hair pressed into my bare shoulder, her left arm draped across my chest, and her left thigh across my lower body, trapping my disturbed member against my lower belly. My left hand came to rest naturally on her hip, and I carelessly began to stroke her small soft buttock.

"Why's Nathan here?" she demanded petulantly.


"Why's Nathan sleeping here and I was in there?" she clarified.

"You both fell asleep, and I had to put you to bed. I couldn't get Nathan into the top bunk, so he had to sleep here" I explained reasonably.

"Oh" she acknowledged, "Did you play games with him last night?"

"No - he hasn't stirred since he fell asleep in front of the telly."

She sniffed - slightly mollified I think. I continued to caress her buttock and thigh. "Ummm - that's nice!" she purred into my ear, and then adjusted her position to bring her private parts more firmly against my hip.

A pig-like snort announced the awakening of Nathan. He sat up quickly, rubbed his eyes with his fists, and then glared around the room, as if seeking whoever was responsible for disturbing him. He hopped out of bed and padded off to the bathroom, returning a few minutes later to the background noise of flushing water. He climbed back into bed, and emulated his sister by wrapping himself against my right side. For once there was no lump in the contact - I think he really was tired out by the swimming.

"'Morning Nathan" I murmured as my right hand instinctively began to fondle his buttocks.

"Morning" he growled back, before using my shoulder to rub his itchy nose against.

We lay peacefully like that for some time as wakefulness gradually established a foothold in our heads. At last, Nathan propped himself up on an elbow and demanded: "What are we going to do today?"

"Well, unfortunately I've got to go to work today."

"Ohhhh!" they whined in unison.

"I'm sorry - I would much rather stay here, but I have to earn some money to look after you with."

"What do we do?" asked Nathan.

"You stay here and look after Mrs Greenberg" I joked.

"She doesn't need looking after - she's grown up" sniggered Amy.

"Yes, but she's very old and very deaf, so she needs young people to make sure she's OK."

They both laughed.

So the day got slowly underway - I got up, washed and dressed, and went to get breakfast. I had to plead with the kids several times before they finally followed suit, and then joined me for breakfast. Finally, just before I left, I took them downstairs and handed them over to Mrs Greenberg.

The day at the office was strange. I did all the usual things - met clients, dictated letters, made phone calls, researched cases - but nothing seemed as important as it had before. If a client couldn't meet for 2 weeks - so be it. If the expected documents had not arrived, well never mind, they'll be here soon enough. All the time I was watching the clock, and counting down the hours until I could leave and return to my "family". I did make time to further my plans for keeping the kids with me - I dug out the file on St Ethelburga's charity. It had been on our books for some years since the owner and principal benefactor had died. I set in progress the necessary instruments to bring it back to life, change its declared purpose, and make myself president. I would have to get a few other names to make up the Board - I would work on some of my colleagues in the office.

At last the time had come when I could legitimately leave. I strode purposefully back to the car, and was on the way - no pretty routes - as quickly as safely possible back to my home. As soon as I pulled into the drive, two small figures came bounding around the house from the back garden, and as I stepped from the car, I was enveloped on both sides by hugs. And chatter! Both were shouting as loud as they could as they tried to beat the other to tell me what they had been up to all day.

"Slow down!" I laughed, "I can't hear you if you both shout at once!"

"We've been gardening!" shouted Nathan.

"And Cooking! added Amy.

"And Cleaning" from Nathan.

"And I did some flowers!" from Amy.

Mrs Greenberg joined us more sedately from the garden, and by her beaming smile of satisfaction, I knew all had gone well. We exchanged a few pleasantries, but the kids were desperately trying to drag me upstairs, so in the end I surrendered. Once inside, they competed with each other to point out all the things they had done - hoovering, dusting and tidying up of course, but also Amy proudly showed me the flowers she had brought in from the garden and arranged in a vase, and Nathan wanted me to admire the newly polished silverware on the mantelpiece. I was somewhat overcome - the place looked spotless, and it seemed to me I had acquired two full time home helps, rather than children!

Warm cooking smells were drifting from the kitchen, and they explained with delight that they had made a meat pie under Mrs Greenberg's direction, and it would be ready soon for supper. I knelt down to their level and gave them a big hug in gratitude - not so much for what they had done, but that they had wanted to do it for me.

They followed me through to my bedroom, and continued to chat noisily as I changed into more comfortable casual wear. As we re-emerged into the sitting room, there was a knock on the door at the top of the secret stairs, and soon we were joined by Mrs Greenberg - still beaming! She explained about the pie, and when it would be ready, and re-affirmed how good the kids had been, and how she would be delighted to mind them any time I needed. I explained they would be back at school next Monday, and she happily agreed to mind them until then. I thanked her profusely for all she had done, and offered to pay her, but she would not even accept a refund on the ingredients for the pie. (She muttered something about money not being important at her age.) When she finally ran out of compliments for the kids, we said our goodbyes, and she made her way unsteadily back downstairs.

The pie was as good as it smelt, and between the three of us we polished it off in good time - washed down with a beer for me, and a couple of cokes for the kids. They chatted happily all through the meal, filling me in on all the excitements of the day, and now the pace of delivery had slowed enough for me to be able to follow it all, and respond appropriately to each tale. It seemed that they enjoyed more than anything being helpful and being respected for their efforts - I suppose we all do really.

As we finished eating, there was a pause in the chatter for a few moments, and then Amy came in with: "Peter, can Ellie come for a sleepover soon?"

"Oh I forgot - I meant to tell you. Ellie's mother asked me if she could while we were at the pool yesterday." Amy's face lit up with expectation. "I told her no!" I teased.

Her face fell so abruptly and I thought she would burst into tears. "Peter!" she wailed, "Pleeeease!"

"I was only teasing!" I laughed, "Of course I said yes - she is coming here on Friday for the night."

"Wheeee!" screamed Amy in delight, and she dashed over to hug my shoulder. Then after a moment she stood back, and gave me a sharp thump on the arm: "That's for teasing me" she pouted theatrically for a moment, before breaking down and laughing with delight again, jumping up and down and clapping her hands.

I looked across at Nathan, who was looking thoughtful. "Am I allowed to have friends over too?" he asked uncertainly.

"Of course!" I replied happily, "But we'd better keep it to one at a time until we see how it works." He looked a little crest-fallen, so I added: "When you get back to school, you can ask a friend round for the next weekend, if you like?" He was still a little disappointed he could not have a friend round straight away, but looked a bit happier, and I could see his mind considering who he would ask. Why did I hope it would be Andy?

After we were done, they helped me clear up and wash up, and finally we all began to slow down. Back in the sitting room, I offered the TV, but they asked to play a game instead, so soon we had the Mahjong out and were happily Punging and Konging away around the coffee table, between ongoing chat about the day, and the forthcoming visit of Ellie.

By eight they were both beginning to fade. "Time for bath and bed I think" I interposed at the end of the next hand.

"Ohhhh!" they both whinged their resistance.

"I tell you what - shall we play the 'going to bed' game?"

"What's that?" demanded Nathan.

"I'll show you." I fetched a pack of cards, and taught them quickly the rudiments of Poker. We played a few hands so they could get the hang of what to keep and what to swap, and as always they quickly got the message.

"Why's it called the 'going to bed' game?" queried Amy.

"Okay - from now on, the person who loses each time has to take off one piece of clothing, and when they have nothing left, they have to get in the bath." I left the table for a moment to set the bath running with a good dose of bubbles, and then returned to the fray.

"Are you playing too?" asked Nathan.

"If you want me to?"

"Cool!" they affirmed together. So the game got underway. It pays not to underestimate the game playing skills of children, because I lost the first two hands, finding myself already down to my underwear and shirt. Next they lost one each, shedding their socks (we had agreed that a pair of socks counted as one item), then Nathan lost two on the trot, shedding first his jeans, and then his shirt, leaving him glad only in a pair of light blue pants. Amy sniggered both at his predicament, and at the inevitable tent in his pants. I lost the next one, so I too was down to just my pants, but I was having a little more success in controlling my manhood. I took a pause to see to the bath, and the game continued.

Amy lost the next two, firstly sliding out of her red shorts without standing up, and then skidding her yellow t shirt over her head to reveal her narrow white chest. She remained sat on the fluffy mat in front of the fireplace, her right heel tucked right up to her foo in a manner only small children can manage. I found myself wondering at how beautiful she looked, clad only in her brief white knickers, almost more beautiful than she would be naked, and yet I still wanted to see that state achieved.

But it was Nathan who lost the next one, and after a recount to makes sure no one was cheating, he slid his pants down, and cast them to one side, leaving no doubt as to the arousal of his boyhood. I lost the next, and suffered the embarrassment of exposing my half formed erection to their sniggering gaze. Nathan lost again, and reluctantly padded out to climb into the bath, leaving Amy and I on the mat. She grinned knowingly at me as I dealt the next hand, but in a few moments she lost, contriving to extricate herself from her knickers still without standing up, but managing to give me a wide open glimpse of her foo as she did so. I found my heart pounding at the sight of her tiny nakedness arranged on the woolly mat.

"Can I make you squirt tonight?" she asked timidly.

The query was almost enough to grant her wish immediately. "We'll see" I managed to growl out hoarsely.

"But you promised!" she whispered shyly.

"I know..." I dealt the cards for the last hand. A few moment later I had to concede defeat.

Immediately, Amy was on her feet, trying to drag me to mine amidst chants of "I won! I won!" As soon as I stood, she started pushing me towards the bathroom, her small hands against my buttocks as she leant into her task. I allowed myself to be moved, and a few seconds later I arrived sheepishly next to the tub. Nathan grinned wickedly at my predicament, and slid down to the tap end to make room, so with no other choice, I stepped into the hot water and lay down. Amy promptly climbed over the side to join us, with a final "I won!" in case anyone had not got the message. They quickly arranged themselves - Nathan between my feet, leaning back with his head between the taps, and his legs hooked over mine, Amy cross-legged and sideways between my knees, me at the best end half lying with my chest just under water, and my legs down either side of the bath. I was grateful once again for the bubbles which hid a very tumescent member. I admired the view - two naked flat-chested torsos standing out of the raft of foam, the nearer one softer and paler than the farther, but both beautiful smooth and gentle on the eye. There wasn't any spare room, so I could feel their skin against mine in numerous places, and when Amy ducked down to get her shoulders wet, everything rubbed delectably.

We relaxed for a while, and chatted - Amy was determined to gloat on her victory in the game, and Nathan was equally set on changing the topic. Soon it came to time to do some washing, and we followed much the same routine as before - hair and then bodies soaped and rubbed all over, with no part left unattended to. I found it all incredibly sensuous, and my bath-partners seemed excited by it too. When it came to my turn to be washed, there really wasn't room for them to do it effectively, and so after a few abortive attempts, I ordered them out so I could do it myself. They wrapped themselves in a towel each, and stood watching me as I did the necessary - I found it embarrassing, but exciting at the same time. The bubbles had long since faded, so there was no disguising the well developed pole, which they watched in fascination.

At last I was done, and I hopped out to join them on the mat. I dried myself quickly, and then set about each of them in turn - they had done little more than wrap themselves in a towel each, so their hair, and armpits and nether regions needed attention. When I finished each of them, I wrapped the towel tightly around their chest, tucking it in behind them, so that it would not fall down. We brushed our teeth, and then like three penguins we waddled out, and I was neither surprised nor disappointed when they both headed straight towards my room.

I had to lift them onto the bed, and they squirmed their way up to the pillows, and sat there expectantly while I perched on the edge. I knew, or hoped I knew, how things might develop, but I did not feel it was my part to initiate proceedings. Somehow letting them take the lead condoned my actions and released my conscience from guilt. "What next?" I asked at last.

Amy shrugged shyly, but Nathan piped up with: "Will you do my back again?"

"No problem!" I laughed, and grabbing him by an ankle, I pulled him into the middle of the bed and rolled him onto his face. I pulled the tucked-in towel open, and unwrapped my present. As always, I found his narrow bony figure, and sweet small bottom took my breath away.

He dropped his arms down his side and murmured "Go on!"

I needed no further encouragement, and brought my hands into service kneading and rubbing his shoulders and back as he purred with pleasure. After a few minutes, I got Amy to fetch the cocoa butter cream, and I spread this liberally into his skin - he squeaked a bit at the first cold contact, but quickly relaxed into the sensuous pleasure of the massage. As I worked down to his buttocks and thighs, he squirmed again, spreading his legs slightly and widening his bum-crack. Now I have never been one for the "anal" scene, but his sweet little sphincter hiding deep between such beautiful rounded spheres had me re-considering my position. For a few seconds I found myself imagining introducing my raging hard-on into that cavity, but then I shook myself clear of such thoughts - I was sure that such an act would be utterly appalling to my little friend. I focused again on pleasuring him with my hands on his skin.

Abruptly he wriggled and twisted to present his front, and I heard Amy gasp as his stiffy bobbed into view. I applied more cream, and began working on his front as he smiled benignly up at me. His firm chest and softer belly were a delight to touch, and his sighs and grunts confirmed he was enjoying every moment of my attention. At last I reached his member, and as I took it into my hand I watched Amy's face - wide mouthed curiosity and surprise. I formed a ring with my thumb and forefinger, and began stroking this up and down his shaft in the time honoured fashion. Involuntarily he arched his back to push his boyhood through the gripping hole. Gradually I increased the rate of stroking, and he closed his eyes and gasped at each pass, his pelvis thrusting occasionally against my hand. I wondered whether a boy his age was capable of an orgasm - I could not remember from my own childhood when I had first reached that nirvana. His bell end was now well clear of the foreskin, and it looked sensitive, so I treated it with care. I found my head getting closer and closer to the action, until at last I could resist no longer - I leant the last few inches and took his cock in my mouth. He gasped aloud and half sat up in surprise, but then fell back as the new sensation of soft warm mouth on his enraged tool overtook him. I had never sucked a penis before, and I could not tell you why I did it now, but I knew from being on the other end of the transaction what felt good, so now I set about making it as good as possible for him, alternating between swirling my tongue around his super sensitive glans, and sucking him deep into the back of my throat. He was grunting and thrusting more and more, and then with a shudder his back arched as hard as he could, and I felt his throbbing end pushing firmly against the back of my throat. I had an answer - he had achieved some form of orgasm, although I am sure there was no ejaculant.

For a few final seconds we held that position, and then just as suddenly he was pulling my head off him - his end had become far too sensitive to tolerate any further contact, and for a moment I feared I had scared him, but then he pulled my head to his chest, and hugged me as hard as he could, and I knew it had been a good experience for him. His chest was heaving with the exertion, and I could hear his heart beating twenty to the dozen. For several minutes we lay like that, and then I pulled gently back, and moved up to kiss his lips. His eyes remained shut with a beatific smile across his lips, and his breathing was gradually easing back to normality. With a start I realised he was asleep! I slipped off the bed, and went round to lift him gently up, pull the duvet out from under him, and set him down again. With a final kiss, I wished him good night, and pulled the duvet up to cover his slender form.

At last I looked to Amy, who was still sat at the back of the bed, propped up against the pillows, hugging her knees to her chest. Her mouth was open, and her eyes wide in amazement at what she had just witnessed.

"You sucked his willy!" she accused.

"Yes" I answered sheepishly, "but I think he enjoyed it, don't you?"

She nodded agreement, and then asked: "Is he OK?"

"Yes - he's fine. He came as close as a nine year old can to squirting, and I think it has exhausted him."

"Do all boys like having their willies sucked?"

"I think so, most of the time - as long as they are not forced into it. Most girls do too" I add sneakily.

Her eyes were wide open again as she assimilated this fact. Then "Do my back now!" she ordered. She untangled herself from the towel, and wriggled into the middle of the bed, laying face down with her arms and legs akimbo like a starfish.

I can resist anything but temptation, so I settled myself beside her, grabbed the cream, and soon was massaging it into her back. As always her soft supple skin was a delight to touch, and with her clear abandon, I allowed myself the thrill of stroking every inch of exposed skin - her tender thighs, all the way down to her dainty feet, her skinny arms along to her tiny hands, her small pert buttocks, and even the narrow cleft between - she made no demure whatever I did. I gave her a quick pat on the bum to let her know I was done, and instantly she wriggled round to present her front, again spreading herself wide to my view. As I started to work the cream into her bony little chest, trying hard not to tickle, I found my eyes inexorably drawn to her wide spread foo. This was the closest look I had got of it, and I found the very narrow slot, with just a thin fold of skin between marking her clitoral hood, utterly enthralling. I teased myself and her by working every other inch of her body before finally homing in on the goal. At last I stroked the front of her pale mons venus, feeling the soft fleshiness covering the hard pubic bone beneath. She groaned a little and pushed against my fingers. I could resist no longer - I stroked a gentle finger along the length of her split and was rewarded by a sigh and a squirm against the invading digit. I repeated the dose, this time sinking further into the cleft, and then teasing out the end of her hood. Was that just sweat down there, or was there a little moistness? I leant forward and kissed her foo, and when she pushed up against my mouth, I let my tongue out to play. She gasped again, and tried to spread her legs still further apart.

I broke off for a moment - I was still sat beside her, and in a far from ideal position to achieve maximum purchase on her jewels. I pulled her round until I was between her legs, and guided her to raise her knees. Now, when I dipped down again to her honeypot, I could easily rake my tongue along her whole slot, and rejoice in her thighs clamped tightly to my ears as she pushed herself forward to meet each invasion. She was quivering at the new found sensations, but by no means pulling away from my ministrations. I came up for air, my face just inches from her foo, and for a moment I wondered if I dare release my own pleasure centre from its constraints within the towel, and introduce it to hers. Immediately I imagined it buried deep into her violated snatch, and I knew I did not dare. I stooped instead to renew my labial assault. Her occasional thrusts and quivers grew steadily more regular.

Abruptly I found my head being pushed away from her, and as I retreated she sat up. "Need a wee!" she announced pink faced, and she scrabbled off the bed and trotted through to the bathroom. She was gone a few minutes, and when she came back, she wore a puzzled look.

"OK?" I enquired.

"Um," she affirmed, "I didn't need one when I got there."

I smiled. "I think it was your tingles instead of a wee!"

She nodded dumbly, and climbed back onto the bed. "You going to take your towel off now?" she enquired.

"Shall we get under the duvet?" I replied.

She nodded, so I stood up, shucked off the towel, and held up the duvet for her to crawl under. I followed, and the thick quilted down dropped to cover us up. I lay down, and immediately she climbed on top of me, resting her chest against mine with a leg on either side, and her head nestled against my chin so that her soft hair tickled my face. Automatically I kissed the top of her head, and she raised her face to gaze into mine. I kissed her forehead, and she continued to stare into my eyes. I kissed her nose, and then her lips, and now her eyes closed. I kissed again, and this time dabbed my tongue between her lips - she opened her mouth willingly, and I was drawn into her mouth. She tasted sweet, and slightly minty from the tooth brushing. She was at the stage when her two front teeth had come out, but her new ones had not made much of an appearance, and so my tongue fitted neatly into the gap, and I gently caressed her gums. I felt her own tongue, tiny and darting back and forth as it explored the intrusion.

She pulled back a little, and gazed at very close range into my eyes. "Was that a real kiss?" she whispered. I nodded, and she went on: "It felt really nice!" She plunged onto my face again, this time pushing her tongue as far as it would go into my mouth as I licked her lower lip with mine. She was no expert, but the sweet innocence of her tiny mouth added a whole new dimension to French kissing.

I brought both my hands in to cup her sweet bottom, kneading her soft flesh, and pulling her tightly against my belly. I was rewarded by a grunt into my mouth, and a sensuous squirm of the hips. I was painfully aware that my raging manhood was just inches below, and the temptation to push her down onto it was very strong. I could imagine her hot tight snatch enveloping my end, and I nearly shot my load at the thought, but managed to bring myself under control.

Once more she pulled out of the kiss. "Can I make you squirt now?" she asked again, with that slightly petulant 'why can't grown ups do what they're asked' tone in her voice.

I could barely find the voice to say "OK".

Immediately she wriggled backwards, and for a second I found I was jammed against the target. With a grunt of discomfort, her hands shot down to push me against my belly as she lifted herself over the obstacle, and then dropped down against me again. Her face was now half way down my chest, but more critically I could feel the warmth of her privates pressed against the side of my shaft. "What do I do now?" she demanded in a loud whisper.

I could not speak. I took her bum in my hands again, and began squeezing and manoeuvring her body against mine.

"Oooooo!" she piped, "That feels nice!" She took control, squirming hard against me, and moving up and down so that her warm slot dragged along the length of my shaft. There was no way I could stand that for long, and with a gasp I felt my testicles clench and the first load squirt between our bodies. "Are you squirting now?" she asked, her pretty face agog with the excitement of the naughty new game. I still could not speak as a second, and a third, and a diminishing fourth load was squeezed out of me. She was still trying to work me for more, and I clenched her bottom in both hands to bring her to a halt. For a few seconds that seemed like an age, we held that position as my ardour died away. Then: "I did it! I did it! I made you squirt!"

As her triumph blossomed, my guilt crashed in around me. How could I possibly let myself violate her innocence so appallingly! Which foul corner of Hell would be reserved for me? Which gaol would I serve my time in? But that last triggered my survival instinct - yes I had done wrong, but if I reacted badly, the chances of gaol were greatly increased. Act calm! Act as if nothing was wrong! But at least I had to reduce the evidence of my iniquity - I reached for a handful of tissues from the box beside the bed, and pushed her gently into a sitting position while I mopped up the mess from both our bodies. I dropped the soiled paper beside the bed - I would deal with that in the morning.

Immediately Amy collapsed on top of me again, and brought her mouth to mine to renew our kiss. She still tasted divine, and her love and affection was so apparent, I could not disappoint her. She pulled back for a moment: "Can we do it again?" she whispered quietly.

"I am sorry Amy," I whispered back, "I can't!"

"Why not?"

I should have explained why it was unthinkable that I should repeat such a grave offence, but instead I gave the direct and biological explanation: "It takes a few hours before a man can squirt again...."

"OK" she acknowledged reasonably, "We can do it tomorrow!" With that she wriggled down a little so she could rest her head once more on my chest, and I am sure was asleep within minutes. Despite the waves of guilt, I was not far behind her - the physical and mental exhaustion taking their toll.


I awoke from a deep dreamless slumber to find I was being shaken vigorously by the left shoulder.

"Peter! Peter!" demanded Nathan, "Wake up! I think your late!"

I struggled to regain a hold on consciousness, aided by the adrenalin triggered by the unexpected disturbance. I glanced to the bedside clock - yes I was very late - it was 8.20 already! I erupted from the bed, leaving the two naked figures behind me as I lurched towards the bathroom. As I washed and shaved my mind caught up with me, and I found I was planning all the things I had to do to get back on time - realistically I needed to be on the road in less than 15 minutes if I was not to be noticeably late. I was surprised to find Nathan had appeared behind me, and even more to see that he was already dressed! That was one big source of delay out of the way.

"Is your sister up?" I asked through the toothpaste.

"Not yet" he replied seriously, "Shall I make her?"

"If you could ask her to, that would be good."

He padded out again, and I followed behind in a few minutes. I found Amy struggling into her clothes in the sitting room, and Nathan in the kitchen - he had the kettle on and was getting the bowls out for cereal - what an angel!

As I dressed in the bedroom, Amy appeared in the doorway, dressed but looking bleary and a bit worried. "Will you be in trouble?" she asked seriously.

"Not if I am quick" I smiled back to reassure her.

So, to my surprise, I was on the road inside my fifteen minute target, and what's more the kids were up, and I had eaten. I had left them finishing their breakfast with strict instructions to report to Mrs Greenberg as soon as they were done - which they had accepted happily. Clearly a day spent with the old lady was not such a chore anymore.

The weather had taken a turn for the worse at last - the sky was grey, and occasional showers accompanied my drive. I found myself considering my panic at being late for work - it was ridiculous really - I was a full partner of the firm, even though the youngest. I had never been late in my life, although both the other partners regularly turned up at ten, or even later. No, I would not be 'in trouble' as Amy had put it, and maybe it was time for me to ease off on my over-dedication to the office. I relaxed my foot on the accelerator, and took my time a bit on the drive to work.

I was proved right - no comment was passed on my arrival at five past nine, and indeed the greeting from Sharon on the desk was cheerful, and somehow more relaxed than usual. I gave her a big smile - I don't know why, it was just lurking there somewhere in my face - and was rewarded by a pretty grin back. All food for thought.

The day progressed much as usual. I have to admit to feeling quite tired with all the events of the previous few days, and on several occasions I had to stifle a yawn. The only notable event was the visit of Mrs Stougham - she had received a letter from her soon-to-be-ex querying the arrangements for his access to their offspring - Andrew and Abigail. He wanted more, and had put together a long argument, doubtless assisted by his brief, explaining the importance of paternal influence in the development of children, and culminating in a request for every other weekend instead of the currently proposed one weekend in four. Shirley was vehemently opposed - in her view he had abdicated all rights to his children by playing away, and in fact she wanted to cut him off from them altogether. I would normally have agreed with her, but a sudden thought flashed through my head: How would I feel if Nathan and Amy were suddenly removed from my life? I was not even their father, and it would break my heart, so how would it feel to him? I found myself talking her round - presenting arguments to her very broad selfish side: how she could use the free weekends to further her own interests; how much easier it might be to find a new partner without the kids always around; how she could use the increased access to lever even more money out of him! By the time she left, she had changed her view completely, and I had dictated a response letter for typing.

When she had gone, I sat and thought for a while. I am sure Andrew and Abigail had been mentioned in the discussions about the divorce before, but to me they had only been collateral to the negotiation. Now they were real people, and important ones at that. My approach to the whole business of divorce was shifting under my feet. I wondered how old they were, so I searched through the paperwork: twins, aged about nine and a half - about the same as Nathan. I found myself imagining what they might be like, and whether I would meet them - oh how much my view on the world was shifting.

Soon the working day was drawing to a close, and once again I was promptly on the road. It drizzled most of the way home, and I was not surprised to find everyone indoors when I got home. As I let myself in, I was once again enveloped in hugs and noise as they fought to tell me about their day. I found Mrs Greenberg standing by the dining room table, which was covered in papers and pencils, beaming her soft-hearted happiness at the greeting I was getting. The words they were shouting began to make sense - they had spent most of the day learning how to draw, and were each desperate to show me their efforts. I expected to be presented with the usual matchstick figures and square houses, but I was wrong. It was clear they both had a lot of natural talent - the proportions and perspectives in a number of their attempts were very good, with Amy tending towards the colourful - though reasonable accurate in her choice of shades, and Nathan being content with the monochrome, but being quite adept with shade and light. I was impressed particularly with a portrait each had tried of Mrs Greenberg - I could recognise her easily and even pick up some sensitivity and emotion. Amy had exaggerated her age somewhat, and depicted her as amiable but quite aloof. Nathan had picked up on her kindness and inner calm in an extraordinary way for one so young - I knew well I could have done no better!

As I admired their work, and congratulated them on their achievements, I realised I could smell cooking again. I looked round to admonish Mrs Greenberg for her uncalled for generosity, but she had slipped away. Just then the pinger went, and Nathan jumped up to dash into the kitchen. I joined him quickly to find him already wrestling a hot casserole out of the oven. I tried to take it off him, but he refused assistance as he slid it carefully onto the kitchen table.

So the evening got off to the usual routine. While we ate I listened to all the tales from the day, and meted out suitable comments as required. When we had done - the casserole was excellent - we all cleared up, and I set the TV on for them while I slipped downstairs: I needed to discuss things with Mrs Greenberg. I knocked loudly on the lower door, and after a few moments she opened it to me.

"Ah!" she greeted me, "I'm glad you're here - I want to talk to you!"

I immediately felt on the defensive - had something been said to jeopardise my position? "Oh - yes - I wanted to talk to you too..."

She gave me no time for parley: "You are not related to those two are you?"

"Uh - no" I stammered. This did not look good.

"I thought not. Why are you looking after them?"

She had given me no time to think up an excuse - I would have to go with something close to the truth. "I... er... they were in my flat last Friday. They had been living rough... I took pity on them..."

She nodded sagely. "They are very endearing. I can understand that. How long do you plan to keep them? You know you will have to hand them over sometime?"

"Uh - I was hoping not to - hand them over I mean. You see I have this charity..."

"What charity is that?"

"Its called St Ethelburgas. Its been in abeyance for a while, but I thought I could use it to care for them..." All my ideas sounded so lame in the broad light of cross examination. I realised for the first time that Mrs Greenberg was not the doddery old dear I thought she was.

"And where does this charity get funds?"

"Oh, well.. at the moment it has very little, but I have been funding their care until I can raise some."

"Is it registered? Who is the Chairman?"

"Yes - it is registered. I am currently chairman."

"Do the Social Services know you have these two? Have they authorised your care of them?"

"Uh - no - not yet." I felt my heart sinking as my world fell apart. She would tell the Social, and they would be taken away from me - and then they may even let slip my illicit behaviour, and I would be destroyed. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

She looked thoughtful - she had a strange habit of closing her eyes and holding her nose while she thought. At last she opened her eyes and looked directly at me: "OK - do you think £100,000 would be enough?"

My head swam. "Pardon?"

"Its all I can do right now - I can get more in a few months, but I think it should be enough to get things properly set up, don't you?"

I lurched from utter despair to wild optimism! She was not looking to shut me down, but make everything right! She had become as beguiled by the little monkeys as I had - and more to the point had the funds to make things work! "Uh - yes - I am sure that would be plenty!" I found myself stuttering out.

We discussed the plans for some time longer - she had a substantial fortune from her late husband, and had been looking for a suitable outlet for it for a while. Looking after Nathan and Amy's future seemed perfect to her, but she was a stickler for the rules, and needed it all to be legitimised. By the time I left, I had agreed that she could be "on the board" for the charity, and she had offered to discuss the charity with her friends at the Bridge club, with a view to getting more benefactors. By the time I left, my concerns about her funding my supper had paled into insignificance.

Upstairs, my head was still spinning with the euphoria of our new situation as I settled into the sofa. Immediately both kids unwound themselves from their own perches, and came to nestle next to me, their eyes never leaving the program on TV. I could tell they were getting tired, and soon it would be bed time, but I wanted a few minutes to think through the implications of Mrs Greenberg's involvement in our little family.

No peace for the wicked! I had no sooner started to relax than the phone rang. I untangled myself from their clutches and went to answer it. It was Elaine - checking to see if all was still OK for Friday, which I assured her it was. She checked over the directions to make sure she could find us OK. A naughty thought occurred to me: "Oh - we might go to the beach on Saturday, if the weather is nice. You might get Ellie to pack her swimming togs?"

"That would be great - she loves the beach! I'll have to get her to promise not to tell Phoebe though..."

"I'm sure she can handle that!" I laughed.

"Oh - by the way - I was going to ask if they have all the clothes they need for term time? It's just I run the clothes bank, so if you need anything, I can probably find it for you."

"That's a kind thought - I will check. Are they in summer or winter uniform at this stage?"

"Its up to you - and them - depending on how warm it is." She went on to explain exactly what each uniform consisted of, in case I was in any doubt. After a few more pleasantries, and her repeated profuse thanks for "putting up with Ellie" we rang off.

Back in the sitting room, their program was just coming to the end, and after a little futile channel hopping, it was clear there was nothing more they wanted to watch. "OK kids" I announced, "I need you to check out your school gear - in case we need anymore."

"Do we have to?" asked Nathan wearily.

"'Fraid so" I laughed, "Unless you want to go to school in your pyjamas? Go on - it wont take long - just change into what you think you should be wearing."

They shambled through to their room, and a few minutes later, Nathan appeared clad in grey trousers and a white shirt topped with a Royal blue jumper. He looked very handsome, although the trousers were a bit short at the ankles. "That looks OK" I announced as I knelt down to his level and inspected him. "Do you have any spares?"

He nodded: "Yes - but the trousers are too tight."

"How about shoes?"


Amy shuffled in in a delightful light blue summer dress, but even she looked embarrassed! It was what schoolboys like to call "Only an inch below 'see' level". "I think its too small!" she announced blushing.

"I think you are right! Do you have a winter skirt?"

She nodded affirmation, and trotted out to try that. In a few minutes she was back wearing a light blue blouse, and with a grey skirt around her waist, but unbuttoned at the side. "It wont do up!" she announced petulantly.

"OK" I laughed "I think we need some new clothes for both of you. Shopping Saturday?"

"Oh yes please!" squeaked Amy - what girl can resist the opportunity to spend money.

Nathan just shrugged, but I could tell he was not averse - just didn't want to seem too 'girly' about clothes.

"Now I think its time you changed for bed."

"Can we sleep with you again?" pleaded Nathan.

"Please?" add Amy.

My treacherous heart leapt at the idea, but there were so many reasons why I felt I should deny them for once: a new-found sense of responsibility brought on by Mrs Greenberg's involvement, combined with my own physical exhaustion were high on the list. "I think it would be a good idea if you both slept in your own bed tonight" I stated as firmly as I could.

"Why?" they whinged in unison.

"Because I am very tired tonight, and I need a proper night's sleep - and so do you."

"But we want to play games again!" pleaded Amy.

"Exactly!" I laughed, "And then we will all be even more tired in the morning! I don't want to be late for work again."

"Were you in trouble" sniggered Nathan.

"Only a little bit" I lied, "Now please go and get changed."

Reluctantly they slunk off to their room. They were back in a few minutes, dressed in their nightwear - Amy in her pretty pink nightie, Nathan in his black and red pyjamas. They looked so cute I could feel my resolve slipping. They trotted through to the bathroom, and I heard the running water as they brushed their teeth. They emerged together, and came to stand by the arm of my chair. "Will you put us to bed?" asked Nathan.

"Of course." I stood and lifted Nathan onto my hip, and carried him through. I could not lift him all the way into his bunk, so I set him on the ladder, and he scrambled happily up. I climbed up to kiss him goodnight, planting a chaste one on his forehead, but he twisted at the last moment so it landed on his lips. Immediately his tongue darted out to pry at my lips, and I could not resist a few seconds of utter pleasure. I pulled back until I could gaze into his eyes. "Goodnight Nathan" I whispered.

"Can we play games in the morning?" he whispered back.

"We'll see," I promised, and then added: "You could play games Amy if you like?"

"Nah!" he grimaced, "Not with Sis."

I smiled and withdrew. Back in the sitting room, Amy was waiting patiently for her lift. I hoisted her up, and bore her quickly through, flipping the duvet back and laying her gently down. She clung to my neck, pulling my face to hers, and once again I indulged in a few seconds ecstasy. At last her grip relaxed and I pulled back. "Goodnight Amy" I whispered.

"Nunnight!" she whispered back and she huddled the duvet round her shoulders and closed her eyes.

I slipped out of the room, turning out the lights as I left. It was way too early for me to retire, so I did a little tidying - not that there was much I could find to do as the kids had done so much over the last few days. I called Elaine, and told her of my findings concerning school clothes, and she readily agreed to bring a bag of alternatives for the children to try. I settled down at last at the table with a sheet of paper, and started making notes about all the things I needed to do to get the charity business legitimised to the satisfaction of the social services.

I awoke with a jolt as my head bumped into the table. I was disorientated for a few seconds, then amused that I had been so tired as to fall asleep at my work - that hadn't happened since I was at University. I gathered my wits, abluted and retired to bed, setting the alarm as a precaution as I did. For a few minutes I lay there ruing my decision to force the kids to their own beds, and considering the options on waking one or other of them up to join me. They appealed equally to me, and that in itself was a revelation, but as I pondered which one to approach, I fell asleep again, and did not stir again until dawn.

Thursday passed in much the same way - an uneventful day at work, a warm welcome home, an enjoyable evening with my family, and a 'good' night - each in our own bed. The kids seemed to accept the need for some peace during the working week, and I was relieved they did not push the case too hard as I was not sure how much temptation I could take.

Friday also got underway in a reasonably routine way. At work I was pleased that the account details for the new bank account I had set up for the charity had come through, and also that old Mr Crook had agreed to join the board - I don't think he really understood why I had asked, but he was sufficiently vain to enjoy having his name on as many headed papers as possible. It would be a while yet before the Charity commission responded, and I felt I needed to complete that process before I notified the Social Services - it would all take time. There was another call from Mrs Stougham - all previous plans for arbitration with her ex were now off as she had discovered that he had been "playing away" with a young male student from Barsetshire University!

The drive home was pleasant - the weather had dried, although it was still cloudy, and the air was warm and still. I met with the usual enthusiastic welcome as soon as I entered the flat, although the chatter was less frenetic. Amy had dressed up for her friend and was wearing her pretty yellow dress that I had bought for her, and had even brushed her teeth and put on her best shoes. Nathan was resolutely in his usual Jeans and shirt - he was going to make no special effort for the visitor.

"When's Ellie coming?" demanded Amy as soon as she could.

"Soon!" I laughed - we had set a time of 6pm, which was only ten minutes away. "Oh, by the way," I added as an afterthought, "No naughty games while Ellie is here. If she tells her Mum I'll be in big trouble!"

Amy nodded an inattentive acknowledgement - she was too agog at the impending arrival of her friend to concentrate. Nathan's agreement was more considered and believable.

I changed quickly into casual wear, watched by a slightly subdued Nathan. He was not looking forward as much as his sister to the next 24 hours - Ellie was not his friend. Amy was meanwhile standing by the window overlooking the drive, hopping from one foot to another in frantic anticipation. "She's here!" she screamed as soon as she saw the car pull into the drive.

I went down to greet Elaine, and help her with the bags - one small pink knapsack for Ellie, and a large black sack of school clothes for Amy and Nathan. We exchanged pleasantries, and I received a number of instructions on the care of Ellie - which amounted to not taking any misbehaviour from her, and making sure she was in bed by eight or soon after. She looked round to say her farewells to her daughter, but she was too late - Amy and Ellie had already trotted upstairs and gone inside. We grinned ruefully at each other, and she left.

So it was as easy as that - I now had another small child in my care, if only for 24 hours.

I carried the bags upstairs, and found Amy and Ellie dashing from one room to another as Ellie was shown round. She stopped by long enough to say "Wow! Your place is Cool!" before dashing off again.

I found Nathan huddled in the sofa, grumpily watching telly, and feeling distinctly "left out". I dropped the bag of clothes on the floor, and joined him on the sofa. Immediately he wriggled over to nestle by my side. "Its not fair" he grumped.

"Next week it will be your turn to have a friend, and it will be Amy who feels left out."

He grimaced the fact that this made it no easier right now. 'Jam tomorrow' is never much good to a nine year old. I began stroking his thigh by way of comfort, and he nestled in even closer, rubbing his cheek against my shoulder. It felt good to have him so close and affectionate. After a few minutes, his hand dropped down to catch mine, and pull it round to his front, Suddenly I found it was in contact with a very pronounced lump in his jeans. I pulled my hand gently away, and whispered: "Not now - Ellie might see!"

"Can we later? When they've gone to bed?" he whispered back.

"Maybe. We'll have to see." Again he grumped his disapproval.

It was time to sort out supper, so I disentangled myself from my lover-boy, and headed for the kitchen. It was no longer a surprise to find that Mrs Greenberg and the kids had beaten me to supper plans - a large pot of Bolognaise sauce was simmering on the stove, and another pot of water was ready for the spaghetti. I set it to boil and went in search of the girls. I found them perched on Amy's bed, where Ellie was being introduced to each of her toys by name. In typically childish fashion, each toy was given a character, and made to perform bows and curtseys to the visitor - all very sweet! Ellie was dressed for a party - a flouncy white one piece dress with lacy bits and occasional blue bows - she could have been going to a wedding! She caught sight of me at the door, and treated me to a wide smile of welcome, revealing the same gap-toothed problem of Amy. Then she re-organised her limbs to get more comfortable cross-legged on the bed, and in so doing gave me a delightful flash of her knickers - white with little blue rabbits. I found myself blushing, and beat a retreat to the kitchen - I must be careful not to give Ellie any cause for alarm that might be reported back to her mother.

Soon supper was ready to serve, and I called everyone to the table to eat. Ellie and Amy insisted on sitting either side of me, leaving Nathan the seat opposite, which was another excuse for a grump. They were all very well behaved - the girls chatting constantly between mouthfuls, Nathan sulking, but inevitably they ended up with sauce all over the faces. As we finished I went through to the kitchen for a cloth to wipe their mouths, but when I came back, and Amy saw what I had, there was a squeak, and she leapt away from the table. Ellie took her cue from her friend, and with a giggle dashed around the other side. Nathan sat still - he really didn't want to play the game, so I headed for him.

"No!" he shrieked, and slipped under the table to make his escape.

Game on! I lurched around the flat in monster mode, making futile grabs at fleeing children whenever I got close enough to a chorus of screams and giggles - even Nathan was having fun. Amy was the first to be caught when she mistimed a leap from the settee - she would have gone face first into the floor, but I was close enough to catch her in mid-air, and while she kicked and screamed, I wiped her face. As I set her down on her feet I said: "Now you're on my side!"

A few minutes later Ellie was caught in an Amy ambush as she dashed out of their bedroom. Amy wrapped her arms around her friend and held her as tight as she could until I could come to her rescue. I held Ellie's head still with one hand, while I dabbed the red sauce off with the other, and soon she was respectable again. It was the first time I had laid a hand on Ellie, and a strange tingle of pleasure rippled up my arms, and I felt myself blushing again. "There you go!" I gasped out hoarsely. "Now you're on our side too!"

With three on the trail of Nathan it would have been too easy, so I stood back and let the girls catch him. It took them several minutes, but eventually they got him with a pincer movement either side of the armchair. He put up a great struggle to get free, but eventually was brought down by Amy wrapping herself around his legs until he lost balance and collapsed onto the hearthrug. They piled on top of him as he lay face down, Ellie sitting on his back and Amy on his legs. I approached with the cloth, but he kept twisting his face away from me.

"You'll have to roll him over!" I laughed. Another battle ensued as the girls fought to achieve this, but they were getting nowhere - he was a good deal stronger than them. I stepped in and began tickling his ribs, causing him to scream with laughter and kick around furiously as the girls continued to sit astride him.

Quickly he was out of breath. "I give in! I give in!" he gasped between screams, so I stopped and he allowed himself to be rolled onto his back. I bent down and deftly wiped his face as he continued to gasp for air.

I expected him to struggle free as soon as I was done, but he just lay there, panting and red in the face, but otherwise making no effort to move. Then I looked down - Ellie was still sat on him, now right on his pelvis, with her flouncy skirt spread in a big circle all around. Somewhere under all that lace her scanty knickers were in very close proximity to the lump in his jeans - now I knew why he was in no hurry to move! I was in no hurry to spoil his fun so I sat back and watched as his blush grew redder, and he gazed at Ellie's face. I don't think she was unaware of the situation either - she was smirking at Nathan, and after a few seconds gave a definite wiggle of her hips, causing Nathan to grunt and arch his back.

It was Amy who brought it to an end - bored with sitting on now inactive knees, she shoved Ellie off, and then pulled her to her feet. Nathan rolled quickly over in a clear attempt to hide his lump, and then clambered to a crouching stand, his back towards the girls. I had to repress the desire to laugh out loud! He grabbed the TV remote, and took refuge in the armchair.

I returned the cloth to the kitchen, and by the time I was back, Nathan was zapping through channels while the girls perched on the sofa, eagerly awaiting something to watch. It was soon apparent that nothing appealed. "What can we do now?" enquired Amy, eager to keep her friend entertained.

"Well, I do need you to try on some of the clothes Ellie's Mum has brought...?"

With a squeak of delight Amy launched onto the bag, and was soon pulling out all the carefully folded items. Anything 'boy' shaped was tossed towards Nathan in a dismissive fashion, and the rest was held up for examination. Some of these were discarded as obviously too small, and a few set carefully to one side for trying. When she was ready, she stood and started wriggling out of her dress, soon standing there in only her knickers. I watched in secret delight, and was pleased to see Ellie was not in the slightest concerned.

As she tried on the first of the summer-pattern dresses, I said to Nathan: "I need you to try on some trousers too?"

He shrugged reluctant acceptance, dropped the remote, and grabbed a handful of greys before heading to the bathroom. Clearly Ellie's presence had undermined his usual ease with nudity!

Amy climbed in and out of clothes at a frenetic rate, aided and admired by Ellie. When she found one she liked, she jumped up and down with glee before stripping off again and laying it carefully to one side. Soon she had two summer dresses, 3 winter skirts and half a dozen blouses that met the grade.

Ellie had taken her position in the armchair - kneeling as children do and sitting on her feet. While Amy changed she stretched and posed in a most attractive way, particularly when she arched her back as far as she could, with her hands clasped round her ankles, so that the whole outline of her body showed tautly through her dress. I hoped I would get to see more of it later.

Meanwhile Nathan crept in and out with a series of different trousers on, some were clearly too short, and others he had to hold up, but we found two pairs that fitted. I noticed Ellie watching him carefully each time he appeared, and soon he was displaying each pair as much to her as to me. I declined to comment - it would only embarrass him. When they were all done, they both got back into their normal clothes, and I sent all three to their room to put them away. I settled down with the last of my beer, and waited for their return.

They took their time, and after about ten minutes, I went through to see what was going on. Amy and Ellie were again sat on the lower bunk, playing with the various soft toys in a cheerful pantomime. Nathan, surprisingly, was perched on the end of the same bed, his arms crossed in his lap and his face a little pink as he watched the girls. For a moment I wondered what had kept his interest, but as I bent down I realised that Ellie's cross-legged position was once again revealing her knickers in Nathan's direction, and whilst he was trying hard not to stare, his eyes kept flicking down to grab a view. Once again I had to suppress the urge to laugh out loud! I crouched down beside him, ostensibly to watch the silly show the girls were putting on, but really to enjoy the same illicit view he was. The attraction was obvious - not only was there a clear view of the narrow gusset of her pants, but as she moved from side to side, a most enticing gap opened up at the edge. In the glo om, I could not be sure of what I saw, but the imagination filled in what was not clear.

Amy broke the show: "Can we play a proper game now?"

"Of course - what would you like to play?"


So with much chatter and excitement, we all retired to the sitting room, and settled round the coffee table. I explained the rules to Ellie, and it was clear she was not as quick a learner as the others, so I agreed to help her. Four handed Mahjong is much the best version of the game, and soon we were well into it - I was sat next to Ellie on the settee so I could see her tiles and guide her on when to call and what to discard. Nathan was on the floor to Ellie's right, and Amy to my left.

To her surprise and delight, Ellie won the first game, causing her to bounce and clap her hands in glee. Thereafter things were fairly evenly matched, although Nathan was not on his usual form - his occasional puppy-dog glances at Ellie giving the reason why. She, on the other hand would have won nothing at all without my assistance - she was inclined to keep the tiles with the prettiest pictures rather than the ones that might help her win.

"OK - this is the last hand" I announced as the time approached 8pm.

There was a chorus of moans round the table. Then: "Can we play the going to bed game?" piped up Amy.

"No" I replied firmly, and gave her a stern look to reinforce the point. That sort of game would certainly get reported back to Ellie's mother, with dire consequences.

Amy's face formed into a silent "Oh" of understanding, and I was relieved that Ellie did not appear to have picked up on the idea.

"OK girls - go and brush your teeth and get changed" I ordered as soon as the hand finished.

"What about Nathan?" demanded Amy.

"He gets to stay up a little later 'cos he's older" I announced, and again quelled Amy's argument with a look. Reluctantly they both shambled off, and after a few moments I could hear the running water in the bathroom. Nathan crawled up beside me, and nestled in as usual.

A couple of minutes later, Ellie appeared before me - still fully dressed and with her knapsack in hand. "Can you undo my buttons?" she asked, and turned her back to me for my compliance. There could be nothing wrong with that, so I undid the three buttons that secured her dress at the back of her neck. "Thanks!" she announced, and promptly started wriggling out of her dress where she stood.

"Don't you want to go and change in your room?" I asked because I knew I should dissuade her.

"Its OK!" she smiled, "Daddy likes me to change in front of him, so I thought you would too!" She was now clad only in her pretty knickers, and before I could think of an answer, she was slipping these down her thighs to reveal her secrets. I felt Nathan tense and then sigh beside me, and I knew exactly what he meant. She had a delightful body - slightly more rounded than Amy, and much paler - smooth and enticing. Her pudenda were larger than Amy's, with a pronounced gap between the lips and a swollen clitoral hood. She spun round and bent over to get her night gear from her bag, giving us both a close up view of her bum - perfectly round and sweet.

"What's Ellie doing?" demanded Amy, trotting into the room.

"Uh - just getting changed"

"Cool!" She disappeared, and was back in a few seconds clutching her nightie. Soon she was as naked as her friend before us, posing with her hand on her hip for our admiration.

Ellie stood up, holding her nightie triumphantly in her hand, and turned to smile innocently at me. I could not help but drink in her beauty - pale, almost snowy white skin, entirely free of blemishes except the sweet little freckles either side of her nose that matched the startling ginger of her ringletted hair. Not that Amy was an eyesore - in fact the close comparison, showing off her slightly more tanned skin and generally tauter body, served to confirm her as heart achingly beautiful too. They could see I enjoyed the view, and they shamelessly continued to pose, almost inviting me to choose between them.

Much as I wanted the show to go on, I knew I must bring it to an early halt. "OK girls, put your nighties on."

They pouted their disapproval, but slipped them over their heads in quick order. Ellie then grabbed a clean pair of knickers from her bag, and pulled those on under her nightie, giving both Nathan and me another show as she did. I must have looked puzzled because she said: "Mummy says I must always wear clean knickers to bed, even when Daddy's home!"

Before I could query the logic in this, Amy butted in with "Carry?" and held her arms out to be lifted. I clambered to my feet and hefted her onto my hip. I took her through and laid her down in her bed as usual. She pulled my head towards her, and I glanced round quickly to make sure Ellie had not followed us in, before stooping to give her a good kissing.

With all the temptation that had been put in my way in the last few hours, I would very much liked to have stayed with her and see where things got to, but I knew that I dare not with Ellie in the house. I pulled back and whispered: "Good night" to her smiling loving face, before slipping from the room. I found Ellie still standing where I had left her, posing in front of an embarrassed Nathan.

As soon as she saw me she pleaded: "Me too?" and lifted her arms in expectation.

I could not see that it would do any harm, so I lifted her in the same way as Amy. She was a little heavier, but not weighty, and she wrapped herself tight against me just as Amy had. I was rather relieved she had donned her pants as they maintained some resemblance of decency to our closeness. I carried her easily through, and laid her next to Amy. As I pulled away she smiled and begged softly: "Can I have a goodnight kiss?"

For a split second I thought I could resist, but it was hopeless. I bent and planted a chaste one on her forehead. I whispered "Goodnight" and pulled away quickly before any further temptations were presented. I slipped quietly from the room, dousing the lights and pulling the door almost to as I left.

Back in the the sitting room I found Nathan still on the settee. He made room for me to sit, and then immediately spread himself across my lap, face down. "Do my back?" he asked.

I started rubbing and scratching his back through the coarse material of his shirt. "I tell you what, why don't you get into your pyjamas - it will be easier."

He climbed off and trotted quickly though to his room. He was back in seconds, clutching his nightwear. "I can't change in there - Ellie might see me!"

"OK - go in my room."

"Are you going to get changed too?"

"If you want me to?" He nodded emphatic affirmation, so I followed him through. I found him already half undressed, and quickly he slipped out of his pants and was naked. He stood and watched as I started to undress, a most distracting experience. "I think you'd better put your PJs on - in case Ellie comes in."

He pouted his disapproval, but skinned adeptly into them, all the time watching my progress. Half a minute later, I too was dressed for bed. "Can't we just stay here?" he pleaded.

"No - I think we had better stay in the sitting room. We don't want Ellie telling tales, do we?"

He nodded and followed me through. Back on the sofa, we resumed where we had left off, and he sighed his gratification as I continued to rub and massage his back. It was strange - his delightful body felt even more wonderful through the soft cotton of his night clothes. I knew I did not need to hold back, so included his thighs and buttocks in my attention resulting in a most satisfying squirm of pleasure from my victim. Once we had exhausted all possibilities, he wriggled onto his back, as had become customary, and smiled expectantly up at me as he waited for me to continue the abuse. I did what was expected of me: continuing to stroke and rub the whole of his soft body bar a few critical inches in the middle. These I 'accidentally' brushed in passing a few times, each time earning a grunt and a squirm of pleasure, but each time I passed quickly on, building up his rapture. His eyes were closed now, and his mouth hung open - his tongue occasionally darting out to moisten his lips. At last I closed in for the end game - grasping his rock hard tool through the material of his PJs, and rubbing it slowly up and down. He gasped and arched his back, and then eased back down, his whole body trembling in anticipation. I steadily increased the pace of my assault, relishing the soft/hard contradiction of his member as his sighs and grunts increased in volume and frequency. I considered releasing the toy from its captivity, but the fear of Ellie walking in prevented me, so I just worked harder and faster at pleasuring my friend. Suddenly he was there - a series of loud grunts and thrusts of the pelvis, followed by a long sigh like a balloon being deflated. I immediately relaxed my grip - I knew from before that it would now be hyper-sensitive, and best left to recover. His body went entirely limp as he melted into my lap.

I knew he was falling into a deep sleep as before, but I could not afford for him to pass out too completely. I gave him a few moments, and then lifted him up as I stood, bearing him quickly through to his room. I set his feet on the ladder, and shook him sufficiently awake to get him to climb the last few steps and collapse onto his mattress. I followed him up far enough to pull the duvet over him and kiss him tenderly goodnight - I think he knew nothing of this as he was already fast asleep.

As I climbed down, I was startled by a small voice from the lower bunk: "Is Nathan alright?" asked Ellie.

A pang of guilt and fear ran through me. "Yes - he's fine. He just fell asleep" I lied as easily as I could. "Now you had better go to sleep too!"

"OK" she agreed readily, and I slipped from the room.

I did all the usual things - tidied up, brushed my teeth and washed. I doused all the lights bar the one in the bathroom, in case of need in the night, and retired to my bed. I thought of reading, but that seemed dull after all the adventures of the day. In the end I put out the light, and lay there on my back in the darkness, idly fondling my disappointed manhood, and imagining what might happen the next night without the distraction of Ellie in the house.

I was dozing lightly when I became aware of the door slowly swinging open, and a small figure padding cautiously into the room. It was a dark night, with no moon and my eyes were not yet adjusted, but by the size I guessed it to be Amy. I thought of sending her away immediately, but the temptation of a few intimate moments with her, and the sure knowledge that Ellie must be asleep by now, kept me silent. Sure enough the figure crept up to the bed, and eased itself carefully under the duvet. The bed rocked a little as she wriggled across towards me, and then I felt a small hand fumbling in my groin. Quickly it found what it was looking for, and I felt a hot small hand grasping my expanding shaft - Amy was wasting no time going for gold tonight. Then a new sensation - a warm wet mouth engulfing my end! Quickly I pulled the duvet off: "Amy what are you doing?" I whispered hoarsely.

The mouth pulled off, and a fruity chuckle emerged. Then: "I'm not Amy!" It was Ellie!

Panic took hold. "Wha... What were you doing?"

"Didn't you like it? My Daddy does."

"But... You shouldn't..."

"Why not?"

"Errr... Nasty things might happen..." She still had hold of my member which was very distracting.

"Oh wow! Were you going to shoot already? You mustn't shoot in my mouth - its the wrong place, and it tastes yuck!"

Somewhere in the back of my brain the realisation that I had just been accused of a tendency to premature ejaculation by a seven year old registered on the comedy scales, but I was still struggling to cope with the present. Before I could stop myself I was asking:"...and where is the right place?"

"In my cunny silly!"

My world lurched again. Was it really possible that this child was suggesting I could put my adulthood inside her? She probably only meant near it - but even that sounded extremely enticing. My animal side was all for progressing as quickly as possible, but my cautious human side wanted to make sure I was not getting all this wrong. I reached down, took her gently by the shoulders and pulled her up towards me. "You should be careful saying things like that" I reasoned quietly, "You might get hurt."

"But you wont hurt me, will you? I really like it when I do it with Daddy, but he's been away for ages!" I could hear the pout in her reply. "Pleeeease can we do it?"

"Does your Mum know about this?"

"No! Daddy says she'd go ape!"

"If we do anything, you mustn't tell anyone either?"

"Course!" she giggled, and immediately starting wriggling her nightie off over her head.

"What are you doing?"

"You can't do it with my clothes on" she stated reasonably, and she cast her nightie to the floor and started pulling at her knicker hem.

"Whoa!" I whispered "If we are going to do this, there's no hurry."

She stopped disrobing. "What do you want to do first?" she demanded impatiently. I pulled her closer to me until her face was in front of mine. I leant forward and placed a kiss on her forehead, She giggled, so I repeated the dose, then dropped one on her nose. The next one was on her lips, which produced a soft sigh of pleasure. I repeated this dose, and this time pulled her lower lip between mine. She tensed for a second and then relaxed as the pleasurable sensations flooded through her. Her lips felt soft and so small in mine. I got bolder, and dabbed my tongue quickly into her mouth. She flinched and pulled back: "What you doing?"

"Haven't you done that before?" I asked - genuinely surprised. She shook her head. "Its called proper kissing - do you want to learn?" She nodded, so I moved in again. This time, when my tongue touched her lips she allowed them to be opened, and I gently pushed it into her mouth - caressing her lips and her gums until I could feel the flickering presence of her own tongue touching mine.

She pulled back suddenly. "Wow!" she breathed "That's cool!" She dove in again, and whilst we explored some more, I lifted her lower half onto my chest and began to massage her buttocks through the light cotton of her knickers. I felt her shiver, so I pulled the duvet back over us both. After a few minutes she came up for air again. "Your buttons are sticking me in the chest" she giggled. I sat her up, and began undoing one - she immediately started work on the others and in a few seconds my hairy chest was exposed. She flopped back down on top of me, rubbing her smooth flat bosom against me as she latched once more onto my mouth. Once again I found my hands fondling her bottom, and after a little I slipped inside her pants to feel her soft skin. She pulled away again: "Do you want me to take them off now?" she whispered.

"OK" I breathed, and she pulled her legs up to one side, and eased her pants off, dropping them nonchalantly on the bed. Quickly she wriggled back round until the length of her naked body was pressed once more against me. Again her mouth latched onto mine - she had really taken to kissing! Once more my hands found her sweet backside, and after a few minutes I started exploring down between her thighs - I wanted to test whether what she had implied was true. As soon as I brushed her vaginal area, she spread her legs far out to either side, and squirmed against my fingers. Tentatively I extended one digit, and began to press for an entrance. Her slot was moist and very hot, but at first I could find no way forward, then she wriggled again and bore down on the finger, and suddenly it slipped into a tight but slippery cavity. "Ooooo!" she exclaimed, pulling her face from mine as she bore down. There could be no doubt - I was not the first to explore that hole, nor was my invasion unwanted. But was it really possible that my manhood would fit in there? She was alternately squeezing my finger and then squirming further down on it to a series of grunts and sighs.

Then: "Are you going to put your thing in now?" she whispered.

"Are you sure you really want me to?" I breathed back.

Her whole head and body joined in the nod of approval "Pleeease!" she begged. I used my other hand to pop the button on my pyjama trousers, freeing my weapon for action. I pulled my finger from inside her, and immediately she slid down. I felt one small hand grab my shaft and guide it towards her goal. As soon as I felt the warmth of her body make contact with my end, I could not help but thrust it forward. "No!" she interjected firmly. "Don't push!" I felt her fingers fiddling around some more, and then a vice-tight warm tunnel begin to envelope me. With gargantuan efforts, I resisted the urge to thrust again. I was rewarded as she gradually increased the pressure - sliding a little further on. Then she pulled back a bit, and then bore down again, and this time it slipped in much more easily. She repeated the procedure several times, and each time I slipped further inside her. I put a hand between her thighs, and found that maybe 2 inches of my shaft remained exposed - so at least 3 inches was inside her. The thought combined with all the impossible sensations brought me nearly over the edge, but I knew she needed more.

Now I eased my hand between our bodies until I could find the front of her sex. It was stretched wide open to accommodate me, and her clitoral hood was prominent. I began to rub this gently with the side of my finger, and she sighed her pleasure. I worked harder at it, marvelling in her soft flesh pressed so tight against my hairy crotch. I explored around until I found her tiny nubbin, and as soon as I stroked it, she gasped and bore harder down on me. Her grunts and sighs became more regular, and now she began pushing and releasing as she pumped rapidly up and down my shaft, slipping maybe a couple of inches up and down. Faster and faster we both worked, until I could hold back no more. With a gasp I let the first load release into her tight vagina, and as if in response she let out a low growl and clamped down hard on me. There was no stopping now, as another few squirts shot inside her and she ground to a shuddering halt. It was done.

We lay still for some moments, both breathing hard so that her whole body rose up and down on my chest. I could feel the familiar waves of fear and guilt welling up inside me, but now I fought them down with what logic I could muster. Whatever the rest of the world might think, she had sought me out for the act of love we had just shared - it could not be abuse - it could not be rape! As if to prove my point, she stirred from her post-coital paralysis and eased herself up my body until she could kiss me again - this time gently and affectionately - and I felt my spent fuel rod slip from her reactor. "Ummmm!" she breathed "That was the best ever! Yours fits much better!"

Somewhere in my mind I registered that she had added the insult of "small" to her previous efforts, but I did not mind. "Are you sure I didn't hurt you?" I murmured.

I felt her soft hair against my face as she shook a firm "no" to that. Then "I'm tired..." she yawned, and dropped her head to my shoulder. I swear she was asleep in seconds. I was not far behind her - physical and mental exhaustion overwhelming me.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


This story just keeps getting better and better, I can't wait for the next,will Nathen get his chance with Ellie and Peter with Amy or will Peter finally go anal with Andy,hurry up with the next episode please.I will soon start my own story about how I became a TV with the help of my 3 sisters Sarah 11,Karen 13 and Wendy 16,also a couple of their boy friends.


Such a beautiful and warm story. I love it.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.