Published: 19-Jul-2012
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I was lying in one of those uncomfortable interstices between guilty wakefulness and confused sleep when I became aware of a stirring to my left. I opened my eyes only a slit and watched as after a few grunts and groans, Amy sat upright, her hands in tight fists rubbing her eyes. She peered around the room for a few moments, and then slipped out of the bed and off towards the bathroom. A few minutes later I heard her pad back in as I feigned deep sleep. The bed jiggled as she climbed back under the duvet, and wriggled closer to me. For a few minutes nothing happened, then I felt a small warm hand creeping onto my chest - I tried not to react at all. The hand cautiously explored the tangle of hair above my sternum, and then move slowly down. She stroked my stomach for a few moments, testing, I think, to see if I was awake, and when I continued to lie motionless, she edged further south again. At last she came into contact with my expanding manhood, and the hand was whipped away quickly in fear at disturbance. I fought to keep my breathing deep and even, and soon the hand was back at its target very gently exploring up and down the shaft, and across the head. I wondered what she made of the steadily increasing size of her new toy!
Movement on my left announced the waking of Nathan, and the hand was quickly withdrawn. The bed lurched a few times as he clambered out, and I heard him trot quickly out of the room to answer his own call of nature. Immediately the hand was back with its toy, languorously stroking it up and down, undoubtedly fascinated by the effect it was having. The residue of my guilty conscience was telling me I should stop her, but it felt so good!
The toilet flushed, and Nathan was back, climbing back into his side of the bed. He wriggled quickly across to wrap himself once more against my side, his hand dropping down until it met his sister's.
"Oh!" he exclaimed aloud, then quickly realising his mistake, he went on in a whisper: "What are you doing?"
"Shhh!" she hissed back. "You'll wake him!"
After a short pause Nathan's hand joined his sister's again, now cautiously exploring and stroking the tortured member. I felt if they went on much longer, there might be another accident, and although I knew Nathan would not have a problem with that, I was not sure yet about Amy. With an exaggerated yawn I pretended to slowly wake, and instantly both hands withdrew. There was a snort of disappointment from my left at her shortened game. I stretched and sat up.
"Why you not wearing your jamas?" demanded Amy.
Nathan sniggered and replied before I could: "He had a bath with me last night, and I wouldn't let him wear anything after!"
"That's not fair!" whinged Amy.
"That's not all!" gloated Nathan, "I...."
I cut in quickly: "Now Nathan - no telling tales!"
He grunted disapproval at his lost victory.
"Come on now, I think its time to get up," I announced.
"No!" they chorused together, and immediately two small naked bodies threw themselves at my chest, and began trying to push me back down.
I could never resist a game! I retaliated by tickling exposed ribs, causing shrieks of laughter, and much kicking of legs. As I tickled one, the other continued trying to hold me down, and I can't say I tried too hard to get up. Quickly the duvet went off the end of the bed, and any semblance of modesty out of the window. As I tickled Amy, Nathan scrambled on top of me, sitting triumphantly astride my chest as he tried to hold my shoulders down. I switched attention to him, and as he bounced and screamed, his sister climbed up behind him. With a guilty rush I realised she was sat on my extended member, and her warm softness felt good. I rolled Nathan off to one side, tickling merciless as he rolled into a ball of resistance. I glanced down to see my bell end sticking out from between Amy's outer lips. I looked up to see her excited and victorious grin leering back at me. I grabbed her ribs and tickled, but held her in position so that her frantic twists and wriggles served to grind her wicked crotch against my innocent weapon. I felt an imminent eruption rushing towards me.
"Careful Sis!" laughed Nathan beside me, "You'll make him squirt!"
I froze guiltily, my plan exposed but my tongue tied with guilt.
"What ya mean 'squirt'?" inquired Amy - relieved from giggling duties by my sudden inactivity.
"If you rub his willy too much he squirts baby making stuff!" Nathan replied knowingly.
She glanced briefly down at the topic of conversation, and then turned her searching eyes on me. "What's he mean?"
I gulped for air and pulled her gently off to one side. Nathan immediately dove in from the other side, continuing the game as he tried to scramble on top of me, but at last I found my breath: "No Nathan - wait!" He tried to tickle me, so I went on: "Please Nathan - wait a moment. I need to answer Amy's question." At last he came to a halt, still propped half across my torso.
I glanced at her - now sat cross legged beside me, her target obscenely exposed to my view. "Tell me!" she demanded quietly, the torture of not knowing plain in her furrowed brow.
I cleared my throat as I considered where to start. "Have they taught you at school about where babies come from?"
She nodded affirmation.
"What did they tell you?"
"When a Mummy and a Daddy love each other, and sleep together, then sometimes a baby starts growing inside the Mummy," she canted - she was clearly repeating the lesson word for word.
"And did they tell you how the baby starts?"
She shook her head - no.
Nathan piped up with "I know! I know!" earning an angry scowl from his sister.
I ignored Nathan and addressed myself quietly to Amy. "Well deep inside every woman there are a whole load of tiny eggs, which one day might turn into babies. But before they can do that they need the special baby making stuff from a man."
Her brow remained furrowed as she tried to make sense of this information. Then: "So if a Mummy swallows baby making stuff..."
"It doesn't work if she swallows it!" interrupted Nathan.
"How does it get inside her then?" pouted Amy.
"Through her Vagina!" triumphed Nathan.
"What's a Vagina?"
"I think you call it your foo," I answered quietly.
Instinctively she glanced down at her gaping gash. "So if I rubbed your baby making stuff there, I'd have a baby?"
I laughed to hide the rush of excitement that concept brought me. "No, that wouldn't work!"
"Why not?"
"Firstly because you are too young to have babies yet," I replied, and she pouted her disappointment, "But also because the man's willy has to go right inside the woman before he squirts his baby making stuff, otherwise it doesn't work."
She frowned in thought again. "But why were you going to squirt baby making stuff? You said you couldn't make babies in me?"
"Well all this stuff about making babies has another side. It also feels really good for both the man and the woman. Remember we talked about the tingly feeling you get sometimes?" She nodded a sheepish grin. "Well imagine that a hundred times more - that's how good it feels trying to make babies, even when you know you wont succeed!"
"Wow! That's Cool!" She smiled. "Can we see you squirt now?"
"I think we had better get up now - we've got a lot to do today."
"No!" they moaned in chorus.
"Maybe we can come back to games like that this evening?"
"Promise?" demanded Nathan.
"If you want to - I promise."
I scrambled out of bed, grabbed my dressing gown, and headed to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast, my head reeling with the conversation we had just had, and the promise for the evening.
So the day got slowly under way. We breakfasted in bed - me clad in just my gown, they both resolutely naked. As we ate I explained to them the plan for the morning - I needed to go to the DIY store to get them some bunk beds, but because my car could not accommodate them as well as the large boxes I expected to purchase, they would have to remain behind. When I explained that I would be getting Mrs Greenberg to mind them, they whinged that they did not need looking after, and whilst I could not argue with their independence, I explained a bit about the law, and also how I would be back to work the next day, and I could not leave them unattended all day, so the morning was a trial run with Mrs Greenberg. They gave in with ill-disguised disgust.
After breakfast I had to plead with them to get dressed - they seemed quite comfortable to remain nude all the time, but it was a constant distraction to me, and would freak out any baby-sitter. Under duress they selected their outfits - Nathan a predictable pair of jeans and a shirt, Amy an old floral dress in pink in yellow. At last they were decent, and I went down stairs to ask Mrs Greenberg for the favour.
I had to knock several times before she heard me, but when at last she came to the door, her concerned look changed quickly to a welcoming smile. After initial pleasantries, I got quickly to the business in hand; "You know you said you would be happy to look after the kids?" I shouted.
"Yes Yes of course!" she shouted back.
"I need to go out this morning for an hour or so - would you mind?"
"I'd love to - they are such well behaved children. Why don't we open up the staircase - then they won't have to go outside if they need anything?"
"The staircase?" I was confused.
"Yes - the old staircase from before we split the house. Its still there - you know the locked door in your hall? That's the top of it. There's a door at the bottom too, but I have the keys somewhere."
It all made perfect sense, so I agreed. Then I had to spend a few minutes in her house - all very tidy and organised, if a bit soulless - helping her locate the keys. We unlocked the lower door, and I made my way up the dusty old flight, and unlocked the top. I found Nathan and Amy sat watching the telly.
"How'd you get in?" demanded Amy.
"Secret stairs!" I announced, and I led them over to show them the new part of their world. "Wait - I think we need to hoover first."
I found the machine, and soon had most of the accumulation of dust and spiders webs cleared away. I led the kids down, and re-introduced them to Mrs Greenberg, who beamed and boomed her welcome to them. They were a little cautious at first, but I knew they could cope, so after a few minutes, I made my excuses and headed out to the car.
Fifteen minutes later and I was at the local DIY warehouse. I remembered from a previous visit that they had a large display of bunk bed set ups, ranging from the simple and cheap, to the extravagantly complicated and expensive. As soon as the attendants realised my inspection of their product was more than cursory, I had an earnest young gentlemen offering me his assistance. His badge announced him as "Shop manager" but he looked barely old enough to be the teaboy!
Soon we had narrowed it down to a choice of two. I had discarded the cheapest, the overly feminine, the overly masculine, and the modernistic. The remaining ones were both wooden, large and came with a vast selection of cupboards, drawers and accessories so that the overall effect was of a child sized castle. I knew they would love either of them - but which to buy? Then he hit me with the killer blow - the slightly more expensive one, and the one I think I preferred, came with a large voucher for other goods purchased within the store at the same visit. Sold!
So then I had to find sufficient other goods to justify my extravagance. Some was easy - new duvets, sheets, pillows and nightclothes from the bedding corner accounted for a lot of it. A pink cuddly rabbit for Amy, and a handsome lion for Nathan took me almost to the limit, but what else? I was about to give up and kiss goodbye to the last few pounds when I spotted an "end of season" clear out of swimwear. A couple of pairs of speedos for Nathan (one red, one black) and a couple of one-piece suits for Amy (Pink and Peach), along with some pool goggles, saw me to my target.
I checked out, and was happy that my "manager" was not averse to manual labour in carting the boxes to the car, and helping me load it all in. It was only just after an hour since I had left the house that I was on my way back.
It was only as I drove carefully home that I finally slowed down enough to start thinking about my new situation. It was the first time in nearly two days that I had been out of their company for more than a few minutes, and the sobriety that came with their absence soon had me questioning the whole set-up. Clearly I was mad to have accepted these two strangers into my house, and in such a short time radically alter my life plan to incorporate them. Obviously it could not continue - sooner or later it was bound to come to a disastrous end. I must detach myself from them, and find them somewhere else to stay as soon as possible. I began to regret my extravagant purchases and promises - but there was no other logical conclusion: I would have to be firm and very grown-up, and put them away from me.
So it was with an unhappy heart and a grim determination to push through the new plan that I arrived back at the house.
As soon as I opened the door, two small whirlwinds launched themselves across the hall, and wrapped themselves frantically around me. Both were gabbling about the things they had been up to since I had left, and by the time I had crouched down and slowed their chat enough to understand even one word in ten, all my grim intentions were miles away. It felt so good to be loved and hugged and wanted! My adult self left the room, and I was back in the child's world.
Slowly I got to understand that on my departure Mrs Greenberg had directed them in a little more housework - they had enjoyed hoovering every inch of my flat, and had even wiped the remaining dust from their "secret" staircase. Then as a treat, Mrs Greenberg had supervised the manufacture of flapjacks, which were still cooking downstairs, and they excitedly longed for me to try there handiwork, and the warm sweet smells creeping up the stairs were certainly mouth watering.
At last they slowed down enough to start the unloading of the car. Mrs Greenberg appeared outside, beaming happily as Nathan and I manipulated the boxes out of the car, and carted them one at a time up the outside stairs. Clearly they had continued to behave to her satisfaction, and I thanked her profusely for her support. It was the natural moment to ask if she could mind them when I returned to work the next day, and she assented with obvious real delight - it was apparent that these two had brought a new and happy dimension to her life as well.
Once all the packages were inside, we took a short break to try out the fresh flapjacks, which were delicious, and take a well earned drink. The next two hours were spent extracting and constructing the bunk beds, assisted by Nathan and directed by Amy. They were truly delighted with the result! They clambered up and down the ladder, bounced on both the mattresses, and loaded their few meagre possessions into the drawers and cupboards. There was no argument even about which bunk was whose - Amy easily acceding that Nathan must have the top bunk as he was bigger. So the pink duvet and rabbit completed the lower bunk, and the blue one with the lion the top.
Lunch was a little late, but well earned, and afterwards I collapsed into the sofa for a few minutes. Immediately I had Amy on my left, and Nathan on my right leaning affectionately against me.
"Thank you for all your help" I breathed gently into their heads.
"It was fun!" replied Amy happily.
"And you were doing it for us really!" added Nathan.
We sat quietly for a little longer, and then the final purchase slipped into my mind. "Oh, I forgot - there was something else I bought for you..."
"Oh Goody!" squeaked Amy, "What is it?"
"Nathan, could you fetch the bag from my room?" I asked, and he jumped up excitedly to comply, returning in seconds with the package. I carefully drew out the costumes I had got for them, and handed them to them.
"Swimming stuff!" they chorused excitedly, "Can we go swimming now?"
"You'd better see if they fit first," I laughed back. They charged off together to their new home, and I could hear them giggling and laughing as they changed. In no time they were back - Nathan clad only in the red speedos, Amy in the pink suit. When I could drag my eyes away from their beautiful slender bodies, I could see that I had picked fairly well - Nathan's trunks were tight enough that his boyhood was clearly outlined, his sister's suit a little looser with a narrow band of freedom at the crotch.
"They're cool" announced Nathan with delight.
"Can we go swimming now?" echoed Amy, "I've never been before!"
I could not resist such an opportunity to introduce them to something so much fun and so new, so I agreed. I told them to get some clothes on for the journey, and went to sort out a bag of towels as well as my own togs. I made sure I gathered their goggles - even though they probably would not understand the need for them yet - and we were ready for the off.
There were two pools within a short drive of my home - one was a large Olympic style pool frequented by serious swimmers, the other had a wave pool with lots of slides and sprays, so the choice was obvious. The kids chatted noisily the whole way there, Nathan in the front jumping up and down with excitement. The car park was very full - last bank holiday before the end of the summer holidays, so I guess that was inevitable. We had to queue for tickets, and when we reached the changing rooms, the noise, the stench of Chlorine, and the milling around of hundreds of excitable children nearly made me claustrophobic. The kids were oblivious, but also unfamiliar with the territory, so they kept close as I sought out a "family" changing cubicle. As soon as we were in, they were stripping off their clothes - they had kept their costumes on underneath. It took me a little longer to change as they hopped around impatiently before me. They sniggered and smirked at my transient nudity until I warned them to behave. At last I had all the discarded clothing parcelled up, and was able to deposit same in a large locker. I found myself being dragged by both hands towards the pool.
As we entered the main hall, the noise was bewildering. Why is it that when more than five children are playing together, at least one of them has to be screaming at the top of their voice? Everything was bright and wet, and small figures seemed to be running in all direction. Directly in front was the main swimming area, which also appeared to be where the wave system operated, and where it was obviously too deep for non-swimmers. To the right was a complex of slides and a flowing river system - again a bit challenging as a starting point for my tyros. To the left looked more promising - shallower pools designed for toddlers, but made more entertaining by numerous showers and waterfalls, and mini-slides. I was dragged to the left.
I can't go into the detail of all we did - they started slow and cautious, wallowing in water barely waist high on them. Quickly they gained confidence, and explored the various showers and waterfalls. Soon, they were dragging me into the deeper water, and begging me to teach them to swim. (By holding each in turn under the belly while I explained about kicking the feet and using the arms, they were soon able to manage a few feet of doggy-paddle.) By the time 30 minutes had gone by, we were able to float around the river loop, one holding each of my arms for security as they screamed with delight.
It was just as we came out of the river that another small figure threw herself into our company - it was Ellie, delighted to find her friend. Peer pressure is a wonderful thing, and quickly Amy detached herself from my arm, and latched onto her friend - heading back towards the waterfalls. I turned round to find Elaine - Ellie's mother - watching with a quiet smile of satisfaction and Phoebe on her hip. We greeted, somehow uncomfortable as two adults in a very childish world. Quickly Phoebe demanded her mother's attention, and with a shrug Elaine waded off in the direction of the shallowest (and warmest) paddling pool.
So for a while it was just Nathan and me. I got him to cling onto my back as we swam into deeper water, and then back into the shallows, his confidence growing all the time. I was intrigued to feel a small hard lump press occasionally into the small of my back - childish sexuality was proving a real surprise to me! Then the wave machine started up and we went deep - him clinging onto me as we swelled up and down - I felt the proper father with his small hot body pressed against my side. As the waves eventually subsided a group of three small boys of Nathan's age approached us.
"Nathan!" squawked the smallest but most confident, a blonde haired beauty, "What you doing here?"
"Andy! Wow!" was all Nathan got out before he launched himself off my hip to join the others.
Suddenly I was alone! I watched him for a bit, splashing with his three friends in the shallows, but I knew he no longer needed my support. I waded over towards the shallow area, and soon located Amy and Ellie, sat together under a water spout, laughing and taking it in turns to splash each other. It seemed I was redundant. I waded ashore, and found a bench where I could keep an eye on both of them.
Within minutes Elaine joined me - a tired and tearful Phoebe attached like a limpet to her side. "I am glad we found you here," she opened quickly, "We will have to go in a minute because Phoebe is too tired, but I have been meaning to give you a call."
"Yes - it is the first time my two have been swimming, so you were lucky to find us." I was apprehensive as to why she had wanted to call me.
"I was going to ask you a big favour?"
"Uh - yes - of course. How can I assist?" What am I letting myself in for?
"Well, next weekend is the last of the summer holidays, as you know, and I really promised Graham - that's my husband - that I would do some decorating before term started...."
"Oh, ah - I am not terribly good at decorating..." How dare she expect me to do her decorating!
"No! Its not that - I wouldn't dream of asking... No its Ellie - I can leave Phoebe with her Nana, but Ellie gets bored and restless very quickly there, and she has been on and on at me... Could she possibly come to you for a while?"
Well that wasn't what I had expected at all - but the idea had immediate appeal. A second pretty little girl around for a few hours seemed very enticing. "Well I can't see why not!" I replied slowly, trying not to sound too keen. "When did you have in mind?"
"Next weekend?"
"Yes I know - but when?"
"Well she desperately wants to have a sleep over with Amy?"
"Oh!" I paused for effect, "Well I guess that would be OK - they do get on very well!
"Oh thank you! Can I bring her over on Friday evening? Pick her up Saturday teatime? Would that be OK?"
"I'm sure that would be fine!"
We chatted a little while longer - I explained where I lived in between her profuse thanks, and I had to promise to phone her if there were any problems. Then Amy and Ellie appeared - just to see what we were up to I think, and Ellie was very frustrated to be dragged off by her mother to the changing rooms.
So Amy and I had a little time swimming together. I showed her how to cling to my back as I swam, and she was delighted with that. Then we bumped into Nathan and his friends, and he demanded another go. To my amazement, Andy then asked if I would give him a go too! Rather cautiously I agreed, and soon I was taking turns across the pool with each of the five - my two, Andy the blonde one, the rather porky Jonathan and the very timid Brian who was taller but much thinner than all the others. It was clear that Andy and Jonathan were much better swimmers than the others, and after checking they were OK with it, I added a submarine section to their trips, with a duck dive to the bottom in the middle. I offered the same to the others, but they were not confident enough to try. Yet again I noticed a small hard lump in my back - this time most noticeably from Andy.
Soon I was exhausted, and I could tell that Amy and Nathan were too, so I made our apologies, and we waded off towards the changing rooms. I made sure we all showered thoroughly to get as much Chlorine as possible off our skin, and then fetched our gear from the locker. It took a few minutes to find a vacant family changing cubicle, and when we did, it was the largest one in the place. I let the others in, and pulled the door to behind us. I handed out the towels, and we stood for a few moments wrapped in the warmth they afforded.
There came a sharp knocking on the door, accompanied by "Nathan! Nathan! Quick - let me in!"
I recognised Andy's voice. "You can't come in - we're changing." I replied reasonably.
"Quickly! Please! Before Jonathan spots us!"
I could never resist a game, and before I could think any further, I had released the bolt, and Andy and Brian had tumbled in to join us. It was just as well the cubicle was large! They had small towels and plastic bags with them, but were still in their costumes.
I closed the door quickly, and Andy beamed his gratitude at me: "Thanks Mr! Jon's a creep!"
I was just considering how to handle the situation, as it seemed wrong for them to change with us, when Andy took control - whipping his trunks off to stand naked in the middle of the space. A gasp and snigger from Amy caused me to turn towards her - there was no doubt where she was staring! By the time I turned back, Nathan's speedos were also on the floor, and Brian was sliding his down - a little more self-consciously than the others, and I could see why as a half-formed stiffy bobbed into view, earning another gasp from Amy.
The three boys set about drying themselves, making no effort to hide their modesty, and indeed seeming to relish bumping into each other, and studying each others form. All this naked flesh was having a predictable, if unfortunate effect on me. I turned to Amy - she raised her arms to be lifted, so I did so and set her down to stand on the bench. Promptly she started wriggling out of the straps of her suit, and in a few seconds was as naked as the others. This was doing me no good! A glance at the boys showed that they had not missed the view, and they were sniggering, and whispering and taking sneaky peeks at Amy.
"Come on!" I managed to rasp out hoarsely, "You'd better get dressed."
"You too!" laughed Andy standing boldly in front of me, his legs slightly apart and his hand elegantly on his hip. Nathan too was watching with a knowing grin on his face - Brian was trying not to stare, and had gone pink, but also was clearly waiting for me.
I could not see I had a choice. I turned my back to the watchers, and cautiously slipped my shorts down. Despite my best efforts, Percy was well swollen, and I was conscious of the glimpses each of the children was getting. I dried myself quickly and reached for my pants to get dressed. There was a definite sense of disappointment as I quickly covered my nakedness.
"Come on now" I managed more confidently, "Get dressed!"
They did - but very slowly. Amy and Nathan realised quickly that they had no underwear to put on, having arrived wearing their togs under their clothing, but neither seemed too bothered. In fact Amy, wearing just her light dress over her nakedness, seemed to revel in flashing the boys occasionally. Andy was almost dressed when he decided his "Bum was not dry enough", so he stripped his jeans and pants off again, and made a big scene of drying his tackle in front of everyone else. I was glad my own was well out of sight!
Eventually we were all decent and ready to go. I unlatched the door, and Andy pushed past me, searching around quickly to make sure Jonathan was not in sight. As soon as he was sure the coast was clear, he and Brian nipped away, and by the time I had gathered all the bags, they were nowhere to be seen.
Nathan and Amy followed me slowly to the car, clearly a bit flattened by the disappearance of their friends, but also tired. Soon we were on the road back to the flat.
It was after 5 by the time we were home. The kids both clambered slowly out of the car, but seemed to have ground to a halt in the drive. Eventually I hoisted Amy onto my hip, and carried her quickly upstairs, conscious of the feel of naked child beneath the thin material of the dress. Nathan followed slowly behind, humping the bag of gear with him. Supper was the urgent need, and I set to preparing food while the kids slumped in front of the TV.
An hour later, we had all eaten, and were once again in front of the box. Their energy levels had picked up a little with the food, but now the idiots lantern was having a soporific effect on all of us. Amy was first to sleep, but Nathan was not far behind.
Clearly my energies had been seriously sapped, as I awoke with a start and a crick in the neck at the start of the nine o'clock news. My sofa-mates were sound asleep, curled into foetal balls on either side of me. Stiffly I extricated myself and stood up, my head spinning unsteadily with the residual drowsiness. Only one thought was in my head - I must get them to bed so they could get a proper rest. I started with Amy - the only garment she still wore was her dress, having kicked off her sandals when she got home. She was entirely limp and unresisting as I manoeuvred it off her, and she collapsed again into a beautiful soft heap. Through bleary eyes, I marvelled for a few seconds at her sweet perfection, and then I gathered her gently into my arms, and took her though to her new bed. I laid her carefully down, and quickly pulled the duvet up to cover her before any other temptation overcame me. She had not stirred in the slightest.
Back for Nathan - it was a considerable greater battle to get his jeans and shirt off him - partly because of all the buttons, and partly because he was not as limp and compliant as his sister - stirring occasionally in his sleep to move the critical limb at the least convenient moment. At last he too was undressed, and he curled instinctively into a ball to keep warm. It was as a tight knit ball that I picked him up and carried him to his bed. Only then did the flaw in my plan occur to me - there was no way I could climb the ladder with him in my arms, nor could I hoist him straight up to that height without fear of dropping him. I stood flummoxed for a few moments, and then with a mental shrug, took him through to my room, and laid him once more in my bed. I knew he would not mind!
I pootered for a while, tidying up what had been left out, getting out my business clothes for the morning, and completing my nightly ablutions. Back in my room, I stripped bare, and slipped cautiously under the duvet with Nathan.
Any hope that he would suddenly awake to continue the games of the previous nights were soon dashed. He was dead to the world, and even a surreptitious foray with my hand across his bare bum elicited no reaction at all. I lay back to review in my mind's cinema the events of the day - so much temptation to think about! I found myself particularly picturing the other boys at the baths: Andy, small but well proportioned with yellow blonde hair, pale skin and blue eyes. And now I thought of it, big sensuous lips, and a disconcerting way of meeting your gaze directly as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. And his boyhood - slightly thicker than Nathan's with a larger head hiding within the foreskin - the whole lot flopping back and forth as he dried himself right in front of me. Then Brian - very skinny and with lugubrious brown eyes set beneath light brown hair, his face dotted with small freckles, replicated with a number of larger birth marks on his chest and stomach. He never seemed to want to meet your gaze - he appeared almost fearful in case others should read his thoughts. His boyhood - longer and thinner than either of the others, with a very long point to the foreskin. And when aroused, still thin and pointing straight out from the body. Yes, I would be happy to know both those two a lot more, but surely their apparent sexual awareness was just a figment of my over-heated imagination? With this dilemma bouncing around my head, I fell asleep.
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