Published: 12-Jul-2012
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I came to the surface again with the sun shining through the curtains. A glance at the bedside clock showed just after 6 AM, and I needed a pee. I rolled carefully out of bed and padded through to the bathroom. A minute or two later, and I was done. I checked in on Amy - she was still peacefully asleep, a naked leg poking out from under the duvet, and her mouth half open. I watched her happily for a few moments, admiring her perfect features, and the soft wetness of her mouth. Then I started imagining kissing those lips, and I shook myself out of the fantasy. I pulled the duvet over her exposed leg so she didn't get cold, and headed back to the bedroom. For a moment I considered getting dressed to avoid rejoining Nathan in bed, but it was Sunday morning, and too early to be up and about. I eased back under the duvet, taking care to avoid shaking the bed as far as possible, and lay on my back to consider the way my life had changed so much in just two days.
Despite my efforts, Nathan began to stir, and after a few grunts, he sat up looking at me blearily. I smiled reassuringly at him, but he was not that awake yet. He mumbled something incomprehensible, and clambered out of bed on the opposite side. He trotted unsteadily around the bed, and out the door, seemingly un-bothered by his nakedness. A few moments later, the toilet flushed, and he padded back into the room, looking only slightly more awake. He climbed back into the bed where he had got out, and I felt his shiver through the springs. Without a word spoken, he wriggled across, and wrapped himself against me - I had only just time to get my hand out of the way before he pressed his tackle against it, as he had the night before. With my arm behind him, I hugged him to me instinctively, my right hand pressing firmly into his back. He snuggled his face against my shoulder like a cat, and sighed his satisfaction. I could tell he had not returned to the land of Nod, and sure enough, after a few minutes he began scratching at my chest through the thin cotton - it felt good. I responded by gently rubbing his back from midway down to just above his buttocks, and I felt him stretch langourously, pushing himself even more firmly against my side. Was that a hardening lump against my hip? If so, it was his problem, not mine.
His fingers continued to explore my chest until they found the gap between buttons, and slipped under my shirt, running teasingly through my doormat. "Hmmm - you've got a nice hairy chest," he murmured. I reciprocated by rubbing his back more firmly - side to side, and down to his bony hip. His hand had reached as far as it could, and now pulled back, and I felt it fiddling with the button.
"I'm not sure you should do that," I whispered hopelessly, but could not bring myself to any more positive action. He did not even pause, and quickly had it undone. Now he reached most of his arm inside my shirt as he explored and scratched and teased my thick chest hair from my neck down to my sternum - it felt really good, and I was aware that my arousal was beginning to uncoil down below. My hand was ignoring all instructions to 'cool it' and was now taking in the tops of his buttocks - firm and pliant - and reaching round to the front of his chest - warm and bony.
His exploration became more rapid, and soon he was fiddling with another button. As it sprang free, his hand took in my upper belly down to my navel, and he giggled wickedly as his forefinger wriggled in the latter. I could not help but reply with my hand reaching down between us, across his soft tummy until I found his navel and copied his action. The lump against my hip was pronounced now, as was my own erection.
Now his hand was back at my buttons, releasing the last two in quick succession, and peeling my shirt back to either side. With mounting passion, he now began rubbing the whole of my front with his hand and his forearm, from my neck down to the waistband of my pants, letting out occasional grunts and sighs of pleasure. My conscience had abandoned me - it felt so incredibly sensuous, and I reached down to squeeze each buttock in turn. His upper knee now rose up across my thighs, trapping my engorged member in its lair. Then he used this to lever himself on top of me, bringing his smooth and hairless chest down on mine, whence he rapidly started rubbing against my mat. His beautiful face was just inches from mine, and his wide blue eyes were watching me anxiously. I could feel his little pecker poking hard into my lower belly, and his thighs squeezing mine between them. Both my hands, without leave from me, were stroking the whole length of his back and taking it in turns to knead his his tense buttocks. Somewhere in the back of my head I knew that I could take very little more of this before I added cream to the mixture down below, but I could not find the will power to do anything about it.
Rescue came in the form of Amy bursting through the door and appearing at my left elbow. "Where's Nathan?" she started, then: "Oh - he's here." Without asking for permission, she quickly scrambled into bed beside me.
Nathan grunted his disappointment, and slid guiltily off the opposite side. He curled into a ball with his back against my side. My arm he pulled around him until my hand rested on his chest, and from the rapid rise and fall of his chest I could tell he was just as puffed as I was. Amy meanwhile was squirming across the bed until she could wrap her self against my other side, her head seeking out my shoulder as before, her soft hair tickling my skin.
As her arm reached across my chest she gasped: "Why're you not wearing a shirt?"
"I am - its just undone, cos I got too hot" I lied, giving Nathan a squeeze to let him know he needed to go along with this.
"You've got a nice hairy chest," she sighed, now running her fingers through it. Without warning she lifted the duvet to take a look, ducking her head beneath the cover. "Oooo! It goes all the way down" I heard in muffled terms. Then her face popped back up and added in a stage whisper: "Why's Nathan not wearing jamas? Did he wet the bed too?"
"I didn't!" growled Nathan, "I'm not a baby!"
"No," I added, "Nathan had a shower last night, and left his jamas on the floor, and they got wet."
"Did he sleep nudey ALL night?" she exclaimed in awe.
"Uh, yes" I admitted - I couldn't think of any other answer, and I felt Nathan tighten his grip on my arm.
"Can I go Nudey too?"
"I don't think that would be a good idea..." I started.
"Oh Pleeease? You let Nathan!"
I struggled for a reason, but my delay was fatal. She sat up with a wicked grin, and shucked her nightie off, tossing it to the floor. Then she lay on her back beneath the covers, wriggling and bouncing for a few seconds before triumphantly producing her knickers, and tossing those out as well, a broad smirk across her face. Immediately she resumed her place against my side, wriggling forward until I could clearly feel the warmth of her crotch against my hip through the thin material of my own nightwear. I suppressed a groan of tortured conscience, but already my renegade hand had dropped down her back and was cupping her tiny buttock in an affectionate squeeze, causing her to giggle naughtily.
"Ooooo!" she sighed, "Thats nice. I got those tingly feelings!"
I heard Nathan snigger quietly on my other side, and I knew what she meant - my own tingle was still on red alert! Then I felt Nathan pulling my right hand southwards - I tried to resist, but he humphed his displeasure, and pushed harder. I surrendered again, and allowed him to guide me to his pleasure centre. Once again I felt his hard little extra digit between my fingers, and as I began gently stroking it up and down I heard him sigh with pleasure.
Then Amy raised her upper leg, dropping her knee across my tortured member. "Oh!" she squeaked, "Your Willy's sticking up like Nathan's was!" Without pause, her hand shot down from my chest to investigate, and I felt her little fingers wrap around my shaft through the cotton of my pants.
That did it. I knew I could survive very few seconds before I created a mess and a disaster. With a supreme effort of will, I sat up and tossed the duvet down. As I stood in the middle of the bed, I looked down on two startled naked children, but I knew I must get out. "I'm going to get breakfast!" I announced, and walked off the bed. I flicked the duvet back over them, and stalked out of the room, doing up my shirt as I went.
Out in the living room, I halted and leaned against the back of the sofa, struggling to bring my breathing under control, and willing my arousal away. My head spun with all that had just happened, and how close I had come to messing up my new found friendship. After a few moments, I discovered that imagining the inevitable appearance in court that would have resulted from my uncontrolled ejaculation had a very calming effect on my enraged manhood, but as it subsided, my heart filled with the chill of impending loneliness, and I hung my head in sorrow.
I was startled to find a small figure had appeared by my right side - Amy - still stark naked, but now wringing her hands tearfully. "Are you cross with me?" she sniffed dolefully.
I crouched down quickly to her level, and hugged her chastely across the shoulders. "No I'm not cross with you," I whispered consolingly, "It's just..."
At that moment Nathan appeared at my other side, also still undressed. "Is it me you're cross with?" he enquired quietly, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"No - I'm not cross with you either!" I put my arm around his shoulder as well.
"Are you cross with yourself again?"
"Yes - I am."
I drew a deep breath - I knew that what I said next would be critical to our future. "Those things I was doing with you just now - I'm not supposed to do."
"Because grown-ups aren't supposed to do those things with children."
"Why not?"
"Because its against the law."
"But why?"
"Because the law is there to protect children - so they don't get hurt by grown-ups."
"But you weren't hurting us - you wouldn't hurt us, would you?"
"No - of course I wouldn't."
"I think the law's silly! Don't you Sis?"
Amy nodded emphatically in my hug, her face still long and sad. Then she shivered, and I realised how chilly the room was, particularly for the under-dressed. "OK," I murmured "We'll talk about it later - but I'm not cross with either of you. Why don't you get back into bed to keep warm, and I'll bring you some breakfast shortly."
"Breakfast in bed?" they chorussed, immediately cheering up, "Really?"
"Yes - if thats what you'd like?" I laughed, amazed again at how quickly their moods could change.
"Goody!" squeaked Amy.
"Yessss!" hissed Nathan, and the two trotted quickly back to the bedroom.
I staggered through to the kitchen, my head even more confused than before. With a few simple questions, Nathan had brought my years of faith in the law into doubt, and without the security of the law, my moral compass spun hopelessly out of control. I forced myself back into the here and now, and started gathering breakfast together - they had selected their favourite cereals at the supermarket the day before, and I added my own weetabix and a mug of strong tea. Five minutes later I had a large tray loaded, which I took through to the bedroom.
"... so you mustn't tell!" I caught the tail end of a sentence from Nathan.
"Mustn't tell what?" I asked - curious.
"Nothing!" he lied badly, and then: "Is that my Coco Pops?"
I set the tray between them, handed him the bowl, and gave Amy her Frosties as I propped myself on the corner of the bed. They tucked in with gusto - these two were never shy of their food. I followed more sedately, alternating mouthfuls of sweet soggy cereal with swigs of tea - I could feel the blood sugar levels rise, and my spinning head come under control. I watched the kids eating and chatting, milk drops forming on their chins as they guzzled, to be wiped nonchalently away on their arms. They were both sat up, naked to the waist, with the duvet covering all below, but somehow the knowledge that they were still naked beneath made them incredibly beautiful. It was a shock to realise just how much I wanted them to stay with me. Still more shocking was the recognition that, no matter how wrong it might be, I wanted to continue the exploration of their naive sexuality, so long as they remained eager to reciprocate.
"Can we have seconds?" Nathan's request disturbed my reverie.
"Of course," and I gathered both their bowls, and slipped through to the kitchen to fetch the needed sustenance.
"Thanks!" they sang in chorus as I handed them their bowls, and they renewed their feasting at a more leisurely pace.
I continued to daydream about a wonderful future together, and then plan how I could reach this goal.
Finished at last, I cleared everything away to the kitchen, and returned to find them both laying back, contented grins on their faces. As I perched again on the corner of the bed, Nathan let out an outrageous belch, causing them both to giggle naughtily. I pretended to scold, but we all knew I was teasing.
But I needed to have an important conversation with them before the day got going, so I broke the mood with: "Can we have a serious chat for a while?"
Both their faces fell, and they looked at me wide eyed and nervous. Nathan nodded a cautious assent.
"Firstly, do you two really want to stay here with me?" I thought I knew the answer, but I was nervous in case I was wrong.
"Yes please!" was Amy's response.
"Can we?" was Nathan's more careful query.
"Well I hope so, if you are sure you want to?" He nodded a firm 'yes'. "OK - well the problem we have at the moment is your mother," they both grimaced. "If she decides to report you missing, then everything will come to a sudden end, and the police and the Social will get involved."
Amy's face was crumpling towards tears, Nathan nodded serious understanding.
"I can't think why she hasn't done something already."
"We told her we were going back to Mrs Grey," Nathan whispered apologetically.
"OK - but sometime soon, she will realise you are not there, and then...."
"She's prob'ly too drunk" grumbled Amy.
"Maybe - but sooner or later, she will have to say something. When are you due back at school?"
They both shrugged their ignorance.
"My guess is it won't be long now," I continued, "and even if she doesn't do anything, the school will have to."
They both looked very worried now. "But what can we do?" asked Nathan.
"Well, with your permission, I'd like to go and talk to her..."
"No!" they exclaimed together.
"It's OK," I hurriedly reassured them, "I won't let her take you back. What I want to do, is get her to agree to me becoming your Guardian - a bit like a step-dad. Then you'll be able to stay with me as long as you want."
They were still unconvinced - there was real fear in Amy's eyes whenever I mentioned her mother, which only strengthened my resolve to sort this out for them. "Will we have to see her?" asked Nathan timidly.
"I hope not - it will depend how it goes," I told him truthfully.
"She'll smack us again!" wailed Amy, tears now rolling freely down her cheeks.
I slid across the bed beside her, and hugged her gently to my side. "Don't worry," I murmured, "I wont let her do that."
She sniffed back the tears as best she could, and buried her head in my side.
"When?" asked Nathan.
"As soon as possible. Today if I can - the longer we leave it, the bigger the risk of her reporting."
He looked really glum, but after a few more moments, he whispered: "OK."
"What about you Amy?"
She shrugged in my hug. "If you think it will work?"
"I can't think of any better idea - can you? And I really don't want to lose you either."
She sniffed loudly, and then sighed "OK".
I gave her a reassuring squeeze, and she snuggled closer. "It would help if I knew more about you - and her. Could you both tell me?"
So for the next half hour, we chatted about their lives before running away. They were un-forthcoming at first, but gradually warmed to their task, revealing some facts and a lot of feelings. Their mother was a drunk, a drug addict and a slut - they used few of those words, but that was the picture painted. When she was sober, which was rare, she was bad-tempered, and unloving. When she was drunk or high, she was often violent and always selfish. Since their father left, she had had a series of boyfriends - mostly also drunks or drug addicts. The children were mostly ignored, or when noticed were expected to do most of the chores in the house. Nathan had been preparing most of the food for Amy and her mother for some time. The only time they had felt safe was at school - they told me the name of a local primary that I recognised as one of the better state run ones in the area. There they enjoyed the friendship of the other children, the respect of their teachers, and the thrill of learning new information. Their father, Jeremy, who they had both loved, had left about a year before after a big row with their mother, and they had not seen him since.
For quite a while they had felt hopeless in their situation at home, and had no idea how to rescue themselves from it, or even that it might be possible. Any attempt to discuss their feelings with their mother had been met with anger and violence. Then a teacher had read a story in Nathan's class where a teenager ran away from abusive parents, and their plan had formed. They spent several days gathering food together, and then made their bid for freedom.
At last they had talked themselves to a halt, and the mood was understandably sombre. I got onto the bed and sat between them, hugging one on each side. "Don't worry - I will make it all better," I promised - still not really sure I could, but even more determined to try. For a while we just sat there, comfortable in the shared warmth and intimacy.
"OK," I announced eventually, "Time to get up! Better put on your old clothes for now."
Reluctantly they each rolled out of the bed, and I was treated to two retreating bare bums as they went to fetch their clothes. I took the opportunity to do a quick switch myself, and by the time they reappeared - Amy still naked, but Nathan with his pants on and an armful of clothes - I was already half dressed. We finished dressing together - it felt wonderfully strange how quickly they had slipped into complete intimacy with me.
It was still only 8 AM, and I knew from my information gathering that there would be little point arriving at their mother's place before 10. I had some work to do - I wanted to draw up some draft documents for Rosie, so that if everything went according to plan, I had something for her to sign. I went to the office, and powered up the computer. Nathan and Amy followed me - I could sense they were tense about the impending meeting, and unsure what to do with themselves - so I led them back into the living area, and set them to watching TV.
Half an hour later, and I had printed what I wanted - I had a stock of pre-printed office stationery, so it all looked very official. I had remembered a Charitable organisation, which had been left in our control at the office after the sudden demise of the chief benefactor and Chairwoman. St Ethelburga's had the declared intention of rescuing Cats from cruelty, which was not the purpose I now had in mind, but I knew it was still a registered charity, and it sounded the part. I created two copies of a letter in the Charities name, and put the kids names in the necessary gaps. I even put together a folder to add to the disguise, and then joined the others in front of the box. As soon as I sat, they re-organised themselves to cuddle up to me, one on either side. Another hour slipped calmly by, with the only interruption being a trip to get a coffee for myself, and a fizzy drink each for the others.
9.30 - the time I had set for our departure - arrived, and I wound them up and out. Soon we were driving across the suburbs towards their mothers house. They were both very subdued, and I could sense their fear. I carefully parked around the corner from the house, and put up the soft top to give them some cover. With instructions not to leave the car, or mess around, I left them there, and walked the few hundred yards to their former home.
I suppose I should have been prepared for the sight of a disreputable and scruffy council house with an unkempt garden full of broken furniture and a few toys, but it was a depressing start. The gate was off its hinges, and as I walked up the short path to the front door, a pile of cold vomit leered at me from amongst the weeds to my left. I felt my anger rise that she should keep such lovely kids in such a fowl place, but with an effort, I pressed that anger down - I needed to be seen as a friend and a helper to this woman. There was no doorbell, and the knocker was seized up, so I rapped hard on the door with my knuckles, and waited.
After a couple of minutes without response, I knocked again, and this time I heard a noise inside - it might have been a cough, or a piece of furniture moving. Another long pause stretched out, and so I knocked a third time. This time there was a definite shout of anger, and a few moments later the door flung open.
I had prepared myself to greet a woman, so I was momentarily thrown off by the vision of a tall young afro-caribbean man glaring at me over the threshold.
"What ya want!" he shouted angrily.
"Is Rosie Day in? I need to speak to her."
"You filth?" he demanded - local slang for police.
"No! Not at all."
"You selling sumthink?"
"No - I just need to speak to her - its very important."
"Wait!" and he shut the door. I took stock - he was very much stronger than I was, and clearly bad-tempered, and hung over. I hoped he would not need to be involved in any conversation.
Several minutes went by before the door opened again, this time revealing a small woman in a tatty brown dressing gown. "Who're you?" she demanded immediately.
"My name is Peter - I'm a lawyer."
Her angry look was replaced by one of puzzlement.
"Its about your kids." I added before she thought of slamming the door again.
"What the little shits been up to now?" she demanded.
I swallowed my anger again. "Nothing - nothing at all," I reassured her. "Can I come in?"
She shrugged indifference, but left the door open as she stepped into the tiny front room to her left. I followed cautiously to find myself in a predictable tip of a room - scruffy furniture bestrewn with rubbish, fag-ends and empty beer cans. She pointed me to the sofa before collapsing in an armchair. I shifted a few cans and perched on the edge of the seat. I studied the unpleasant specimen of human life opposite. She had been pretty once, I supposed, and I could see some similarities in her features to the kids, but low-living had wrecked her face and her body. She could not be much over 30, but her face looked more like 50, and her body slumped like a sack of overweight potatoes. She had not removed her makeup from the night before, so her red lips were smeared and distorted, and her eyes black from escaped mascara. On top of that, she was clearly suffering from a monumental hangover.
"So - what's up?" she enquired laconically.
"Do you know where they are?"
She lowered her eyes suspiciously. "Mrs Grey's - aren't they?"
I shook my head. "No, they never went there." It was anger, not concern that flooded her face. "They were living rough in the woods for a while."
"Fuck!" she exclaimed. "You haven't told the social have you? They'll give me hell for that!." Then more quietly "The little bastards - they really know how to drop me in it."
"No, I haven't told anyone yet. They came to me for help a couple of days ago, and I have looked after them since then."
"I suppose you want paying? I ain't got no money."
"No, that was not..."
"OK, OK - just send 'em home. I'll give 'em what for!"
"No - that was not what I came for either."
She looked suspiciously at me again. "What ya want then?"
"I run a small charitable organisation looking after children in need." There - I had started on the big lie, and I hoped it did not show in my eyes. "We would like to help Nathan and Amy. We can provide them with a safe home, and make sure they are sent to school etc. until they are adults."
Her mouth fell open in surprise. "You mean, you're not sending them back here?"
"Not unless they want to come back." I saw her face cloud. "And I have to say, they have so far expressed great happiness in the place they have been staying, and no wish to come back here."
"What's the catch?"
"There is no catch. Their upkeep is paid for by the charity, and our well trained staff will make sure they get a good upbringing."
I could see the damaged cogs in her brain churning this over, and for a few moments she was silent. She was trying to work out where she lost out in this arrangement, and slowly coming to the conclusion that she didn't. "So, what you come here for?"
"Well, there are two things I need to sort out. Firstly, as you are the registered parent, I need your signature on some papers to give legal guardianship over to the charity." She nodded readily - she would sign anything for an easy life. "Ideally, we would like the signature of their father, Jeremy, as well?"
Her face clouded again. "He's not their father! He was a friend for a while, then he started trying to tell me how to run my life. Bastard!"
"So their father is...?"
"In gaol." Now her face really filled with anger. "I caught the fucker messing with Nathan when he was three. I called the police, and they took him away. Turned out he'd done it before - locked him up..." she broke up in a most unpleasant fit of coughing, which left her gasping for breath.
This was dangerous ground. "OK, I don't think we will need the father's signature in that case."
"What was the other thing?" she wheezed.
"Oh, thats easy - just need to collect their clothes and things, particularly their school gear."
She nodded peremptorily. "Where's these papers then?"
And so it was done. I pulled out the forms I had prepared, and she signed them freely without even reading them. I gave her my business card as a contact in case she needed it. Then we both went upstairs, to the kids' former bedroom - it was the only part of the house that was not in total disarray. The room was very small, with bunk beds down one side. The floor was clear, if not clean. The toys, what few there were, were lined up carefully on shelves. Their clothes were all put away in drawers, neatly if childishly folded. I recognised the organised hand of Nathan. Rosie watched as I piled all that seemed relevant into a couple of black plastic sacks - I left only the bedding, and a few posters on the walls. It seemed sad that their lives to date could be carried away in just two bags.
As I carried the bags downstairs, Rosie surprised me with: "Can I see them?"
"If both you and they want to, yes of course."
"Can I see them now?"
I considered for a moment. "They are not far away - I can see if they want to? But if they so no, you must respect their wishes."
She nodded acceptance, and I left the building. A few moments later I was back at the car. I dropped the bags, and opened the boot to put them in, then I got in the front. The kids were silent, nervously awaiting the verdict. I smiled: "Its OK - she is happy for you sto stay with me!"
"Wheeeeey!" cried Nathan.
"Whoopee!" was Amy's contribution.
"But she would like to see you before we go." Their faces fell in unison. "You don't have to if you don't want to," I added carefully, "But I think it would be good if you did - I will be there to make sure you are OK."
First Nathan, then Amy nodded sombre agreement. We all got out, and I locked the doors before we headed back towards their former home. I was surprised and gratified to feel small hands take mine on either side as we approached the gate. The front door was still open, so from the doorstep I called for Rosie, and she appeared quickly - her eyes immediately locked onto the children.
"So - you don't want to live with me anymore?" Her voice was challenging and aggressive - she was not trying to make them change their minds, just making them feel bad about it.
The kids gripped my hands more firmly, and Nathan slowly shook his head.
She came towards us, and immediately Amy ducked behind me. Rosie crouched down in front of Nathan until she was on the same eye-level as him. For several seconds they stared straight at each other, Nathan boldly holding his mother's intense gaze. "OK" she said calmly, and then put her hand out in an invitation to shake.
He paused uncertainly for a moment, then cautiously presented his own hand, and they shook for a few seconds.
"Don't come running back to me when you get bored with your new game!" she snapped, and he snatched his hand back. She stood, and folded her arms across her chest and addressed herself to me: "Good luck with the ungrateful sods!" She turned, and stormed back into the house, slamming the door behind her.
I was stunned - I had expected at least some regret at letting go of her offspring. For a second I tried to imagine what demons haunted her head to make her so cold and uncaring and selfish. Then I felt two hands tugging me away, and I turned and we walked quickly back to the car.
As we clambered in, Nathan hissed: "See? Now do you get why we had to leave?"
"Yes," I replied quietly, "Yes I do."
I heard a sniff from Amy and I realised her face was wet with silent tears.
We drove in silence back to my place, each of us lost in our own thoughts about what had just occurred. As I unloaded the bags from the boot, Mrs Greenberg, my landlady came round the corner of the house. She did a double take at the sight of my company.
"Hello Peter!" she shouted (Every conversation was a shout with her - she could not even hear herself except at full volume.) "Who are your visitors?"
"Oh - cousins" I lied, "I am looking after them for a little while."
She came closer, and crouched down before them with a wide welcoming smile on her face. "You're a very pretty girl," she boomed at Amy, "What's your name?"
"Amy" simpered the child, preening herself at the unfamiliar compliment.
"And you are a very handsome young man!" she went on, turning to Nathan.
"I'm Nathan!" he answered happily, and to my surprise he put out his hand for a shake.
Mrs Greenberg was equally surprised, but warmly accepted the offer. "What very well brought up children!" she announced. "If you need them looking after at any time, please do ask!"
We exchanged a few more pleasantries, and then I headed inside with the bags. Mrs Greenberg's intrusion had lightened the mood, so the kids cheerfully unpacked their possessions. I freed up a large chest of drawers in the office, and they took one large and one small drawer each. I had decided that their prolonged visit meant I must fix them up some beds of their own, and the office was ear-marked for a re-designation.
I also got them to change out of their old clothes again - Amy was delighted to get her pretty dress on again.
By the time we were done, it was getting on towards lunchtime, and I decided to treat us all to a pub visit. We all piled back into the MG, and I dropped the lid again. It was a cheerful drive in the sunshine through the countryside to a local hostelry I had spotted before - The Little Pig at Porca Minor. We pulled up in the large carpark - already filling with other family vehicles, and headed into the large garden. We were lucky to get one of the last free benches close to the large adventure playground that made this place so popular, and in no time Nathan and Amy were off among a crowd of other kids, climbing and sliding and swinging amid a chorus of joyful shouts and screams.
I found a menu, and interrupted the kids long enough to get their order - predictably burgers and Coke, and placed our order with one of the hassled waitresses. I sat back to wait for the delivery, and took stock of the people at the other tables. There were a fair spread of families around, mostly two parented, but some singles, and some increased by one or more grandparents or friends. The children too ranged from babes in arms, mewling and puking in ther prams, to young teenagers, skulking and scowling in their hoodies. The majority though were in that delightful range between about 5 and 11 - old enough to be reasonable, but still young enough to have fun without pretence. With my new found experience with Nathan and Amy, I watched them more closely than I might before - admiring the pretty girls and handsome lads, deploring the fat and the rude, pitying the ill-favoured.
I was dragged from my daydreams by a nervous "Excuse me?" from the other end of our bench - it was one of those combination affairs with seats down each side of a table, but all constructed as a single item of furniture. I looked up to see a young woman smiling timidly at me. She looked about 25, and had two kids in tow - a toddler in a pushchair, and a girl of about Amy's age, who was stood next to her on one foot, her thumb in her mouth. "Could we use this end of the table? There is no more space?"
"Yes - Yes - of course. There are only three of us, so there is plenty of room."
"Oh, thank you!" She set her bag on the table, and released the struggling toddler from its straight-jacket - a small girl, about three, and already making a beeline for the frame. Her sister quickly caught her up, and guided her carefully into the first hut. The woman perched primly at the opposite corner of the table, and I handed her the menu. "Thank you," she smiled. A few minutes later she managed to catch one of the waitresses, and gave her order.
It is a curiously British trait - the ability to share a table with someone, and still find it difficult to have a conversation! We sat silently for quite a while, trying to avoid being caught glancing at the other. Children, on the other hand, have no such problem. Nathan charged up: "Have our drinks come yet?" he pleaded. Then he caught sight of the woman: "Oh! Hello Mrs Simpson!"
The woman - Mrs Simpson - did a classic double take, glancing rapidly back and forth between me and the boy. "Hello Nathan - what are you doing here?"
At that moment the waitress arrived with our drinks - two Cokes and a beer for me. I handed Nathan his, and he downed half of it in one go, coming up with a brown upper lip, which he licked with relish. "Back in a mo!" he shouted as he ran back to the fray.
She was still trying to sort things out in her head: "I didn't know Nathan had a father!" she said, then realising how stupid that sounded, stammered "I mean - I didn't know... I mean - I didn't think..." she ground to a halt, blushing furiously.
I came to her rescue. "It's OK - I'm not their father. I know the family, and I am helping out by looking after them for a bit. Rosie - their mother - is having a bad time..."
"Oh - I see," she looked relieved. "I teach Nathan." She thought for a few moments, and then went on: "He's a good lad - very bright - but I've never seen him as relaxed or happy before!"
"I know!" I replied, warmly congratulating myself on my beneficence. "Their mother had been having difficulties for a while now. I don't think they have been having an easy time at home."
She nodded understanding, but before she could say anything else, Amy came charging up, tugging Mrs Simpson's elder daughter with her. "Look Peter! Ellie's here! She's in my class at school!"
"Pleased to meet you Ellie," I laughed, and then handed Amy her drink, which she slurped avidly. Then, without prompting, she handed it to Ellie for her to have a drink too. Ellie handed it carefully back to me when she had done, and the two grabbed hands and rushed back to the game.
I turned to find Mrs Simpson smiling happily at me. "I'm Elaine, by the way," she said and reached across to shake my hand. Introductions finally made, we were able to chat as we waited for the food. She was very open and forthcoming - I learnt quickly that she lived not far from the school where she worked, that her husband was a sailor and at sea at the moment, and that she loved her job. I was slightly less open, for obvious reasons, sticking to the 'friend of the family' line, but admitting to being a solicitor and single. We talked a bit about the school - I explained that it was likely that the kids would be with me for a while, and so took the opportunity to pump her for info. School was due to start just a week later, which was vital news, and I was also able to ascertain the hours, the uniform requirements, and the lunch arrangements - all of which helped. Elaine even gave me her phone number in case I had any other queries, and because it seemed expected, I gave her mine.
Our food arrived, and I went to fetch Nathan and Amy - Ellie returning automatically with her friend, even though her food was still to turn up. Nathan and Amy took up positions opposite me, so Ellie sat on the same side as me, scowling with mild jealousy at her friend for having food when she did not. I let Nathan and Amy start - they were ravenous as always - but politely held off starting my own.
"Where's Phoebe?" enquired Elaine, suddenly realising she was one daughter down.
Ellie shrugged ignorance, so Elaine went off in search of her, and I was left alone with Ellie for a bit, and I took the opportunity to study her. She was of a very similar height and weight to Amy, possibly a little fuller in the face and the bottom, but a startling red-head, with the snow-white skin and freckly face that so often accompanies that affliction. Her hair was a mass of ringlets and curls, so she almost had a halo of red about her angelic face. She wore a light blue halter-neck dress, which matched her eyes perfectly - a very pretty little girl, although in a very different way to Amy.
Elaine returned with a struggling Phoebe - just as red-headed as her sister, but rounder, and currently red-faced with anger at being dragged from her play. Fortunately their food arrived at about the same moment, and soon we were all tucking in.
We were almost done when Phoebe suddenly squawked "Wee!"
Elaine stood quickly and took her hand. "Come on Ellie, you'd better come too."
"But I don't need to!" she retorted in that 'How can parents be so stupid' tone that seven year-olds are so good at.
"Well stay here with Peter - and be Good!" We watched as she ambled slowly down the path to the toilets holding Phoebe's hand.
Nathan finished his food: "Can I go back and play?"
"Yes - for a bit" I replied, and he was gone.
Amy was still eating, but Ellie had given up half way through. She now lifted one leg high so that she could turn towards me, to sit astride the bench. Why did I notice the flash of pink knickers as she did this? She stared intently at me for what seemed an age, and I began to feel embarrassed.
"Amy says your nice!" she uttered seriously. "Is she staying with you forever?"
"I hope so," I replied honestly.
"Will I be allowed to stay with her? She says your place is cool!"
"Maybe one day - if your Mum lets you."
"Goodie!" she beamed. Then she reached for the last of her drink, but in trying to get it down from the unfamiliar angle, managed to tip it into her lap. Her squawk of surprise turned quickly into a wail of dismay. Without pausing for thought, I grabbed a handful of paper napkins, and began mopping up the excess. She, with equal abandon, lifted the hem of her dress so I could mop her thighs, and suddenly I was dabbing my hand at soft child-skin just inches from her knickers. I finished as quickly as I could, and I was grateful when she dropped the hem once more. Her upset had faded as quickly as it started, and she now beamed her gratitude at me.
Elaine had just come into sight walking slowly back up the path. When she got back to the table, Ellie announced proudly: "I spilt my drink, but Peter helped me clear up!"
"That was very good of him," Elaine replied, and she gave me a grateful smile.
"Finished!" announced Amy. "Can we go back and play?"
"Fine by me," I replied, and when Elaine gave her assent, the terrible twosome dashed back to the battle.
We chatted for a while longer - Elaine waxing eloquent about how bright and helpful Nathan was in class, and how all the teachers had worked hard to keep him and his sister on board through the obvious difficulties at home. They were all particularly impressed with the way Nathan naturally helped out the younger and less confident in his class - showing them the ropes, taking their side against any bullies and generally being their buddy. She expressed her hope that a more stable base would allow them both to relax and enjoy their school days more - a sentiment with which I could not but agree.
She glanced at her watch. "We had better be going - we are supposed to be at their Nan's for tea." Soon she was gathering her brood together, and heading back towards her car. Amy returned to the table as soon as Ellie left, and Nathan not long after - they were both puffed and the number of playmates was dwindling as the lunchtime rush subsided. We decided it was time to go - I settled the bill, and we headed for the car.
I started the engine, and had a bright memory flashing back to me from my own childhood. "Would you like to help me drive?" I asked Nathan beside me.
He look dumbfounded. "But... I don't know how to?" he stammered.
"You can work the gear stick," I explained, "You just push it into the gear I say when I call out, OK?" I dipped the clutch, and showed him each gear in turn. Then I got him to try out each one in turn, while Amy peered excitedly between the seats. Finally I tried the calling: "First... Second... Third... Fourth... Now down to Second... Third... Now First..." With a few false lines, he began to get the hang of it, and his huge grin told me he really liked this idea.
"OK - now we do it for real!" I reversed out, and then called "First!" He slammed the gear stick forward, threatening to break it off - "Gently!" I admonished "There's no hurry." I eased the clutch, and we began to trundle towards the carpark entrance.
"Wow! I'm driving!" he exalted.
As we pulled out, I called "Second!" and he got it spot on this time. "Third!" I called as we accelerated out of the village, and again he had it right. And so for the drive home, Nathan operated the gears throughout, jumping with delight every time he got it right, and gripping the stick with white knuckles between each move. He had a few mistakes at first with the more complicated manoeuvres - Fourth to Third sometimes got First, causing a great roaring as I let out the clutch. And then when he tried to pre-guess my call before I dipped the clutch, and there was a nasty grinding noise, but mostly he got it right, and his enormous delight made it very worthwhile.
Back at the flat, I explained to them my plan to convert the office into their bedroom, and to my surprise got a pouting disapproval from both of them. "Can't we just keep sleeping with you?" whinged Amy.
"I don't mind you sleeping with me when you want to," I reasoned with them, "But you need to have your own bed for the times you don't want to."
"But I always want to sleep with you!" grumped Nathan.
"Me too!" added Amy.
I was gratified, but knew we still needed to get a room set up for them. I crouched down to their level: "You need to have your own beds in case anyone visits. We need to show them you are not sleeping with me."
"Why?" quizzed Nathan.
"As I said before, the law is against grown-ups sleeping with children. If you have your own beds, we can pretend you are sleeping there, even if you don't."
"Isn't that lying?" asked Amy.
"Not exactly," I explained, "We don't tell them that you are sleeping there, we just don't tell them that you aren't."
Nathan's face split into a wide grin as he worked out the logic, but Amy still looked confused. In any case, they both accepted the need, and we spent the next few hours moving out as much of my office as we could to make room for their beds, which I planned to buy the next day. They made great carriers as we emptied two large bookshelves, and piled the books in the living room. Then I was able to carry the shelves through, and get them to reload them - haphazardly I admit, but at least they were away. A few other bits of furniture found new homes, and in the end, all that was left in the office was the chest of drawers (which was now theirs) and the computer desk and contents (which I reckoned they would soon use as much as I did). Most importantly, we had a large space down one wall that was ideal for a double bunk.
By the time this was all achieved, we were all exhausted. I collapsed onto the sofa, and was immediately joined by my two monkeys, clinging affectionately one on either side. We sat like that for a while, and then I knew it was time to start thinking about supper, so I flicked on the TV, and headed for the kitchen.
An hour or so later, and we had all eaten. The kids had helped me wash up and put away, and we were back in front of the TV - sated and relaxed. When children's TV came to an end, I suggested a game, and soon I was teaching them Mah Jongg, which they picked pretty easily as it is so similar to Rummy. Their delighted cries of "Pung" and "Kong" and "Mah Jongg" echoed around the room as they really got into the game. A couple of hours slipped happily by, and it was my tiredness rather than theirs that alerted me to the lateness of the hour.
"OK," I announced, "Next game is the last one."
They both whinged their disapproval.
"And I think you both need a bath after all your running around."
Fifteen minutes later, and I set them to putting the tiles back in the box while I went and set the bath running - liberally salted with bubble bath. I did a quick tidy up around the place and returned in time to turn the taps off and check the temperature. As I returned to the living room, they were sat together on the sofa, with mischievous grins on their faces.
As soon as they saw me, Amy squeaked "Oh no! Its the big bad bath monster!" and scampered away from me across the room.
I could not refuse the invitation to chase, so doing a suitable impression of Igor, and making appropriate growls and roars, I set off in pursuit. They kept up their end of the bargain, giggling and shrieking as they darted around the flat. Any time I slowed down, they would taunt me to continue the chase, but to keep the game going, I didn't really try too hard. Eventually Amy allowed herself to be caught, and I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her, kicking and screaming, high in the air, before dropping her carefully onto the sofa. With a roar of triumph, and bent down and pretended to take a great bite from her neck. I poked and tickled her ribs until she could hardly breathe with laughter, and I relented.
As she quietened and struggled to regain her breath, I whispered close to her ear "What now?"
She smirked her delight at knowing more about the game than me. "You undress me and put me in the bath!"
Any reservations I may have had about continuing the game in this way were over-ruled by her happy and expectant smile. I growled my way down to her feet, and eased her trainers off, tossing them nonchalently to one side. I caught sight of Nathan watching with delight from a few feet away, so I roared at him, and he squeaked and ran off. I pulled her socks off, making exaggerated reactions to the alleged ponginess of her feet. I returned to her head, and poked her ribs a few more times: "Nice and tender!" I leered to her delighted giggles. The dress fastened at the back, so I tipped her unceremoniously onto her front, and went for the buttons with my teeth. That didn't work too well, so whilst pretend to carry on using my teeth, I brought my hands in, and quickly unfastened the three toggles. I rolled the back of her dress up past her waist, exposing a pair of tense round buttocks hiding in her white knickers, and I found my throat had gone dry - this was far too arousing, but I had to go on. I rolled her back, and she came up grinning expectantly, her hands ready to fend further tickles - that was an invitation to tango, so I poked her couple of times more and she giggled madly as she tried to fend me off. I spotted Nathan had appeared at the end of the sofa by Amy's head, and was watching in gleefully, so I lunged in his direction, and he squealed and disappeared. Now I rolled the front of her dress up, exposing first her thighs, then her white knickers - clenched into wrinkles between her legs - and then her smooth white belly. I could not resist leaning forward and blowing a raspberry in her belly button, earning another squeal of delight. I pulled her up into a sitting position, and dragged the flimsy article off over her head, and dropped it to the floor. Was that a slightly coy, coquettish look as she flopped back down, exposing her flat hard chest to my view? She looked delicious, and before I knew what I was doing, I bent down and kissed and then mouthed one of her non-existent nipples.
"Ooooo!" she breathed, "That feels nice!"
I lifted my head, and while still close to hers, whispered "Do you want me to do the rest?"
She nodded her affirmation. I sat up and drew breath - I was excited beyond belief. I knew what I was about to expose I had seen - at least in passing - a few times before, but the thrill of 'unwrapping a present' took this to a whole new level. With my heart pounding fit to burst, I slipped a finger under the hem of her pants at each hip, and slowly began to draw them down. More belly came into view, dipping down to a slight rise just before the top of a tightly closed slot showed. More slot gradually emerged, dipping down into a tight V between her legs. Oh Wow! Concentrating on my task, I carried on dragging the tiny garment southwards, past thighs and knees and slender calfs, until at last she raised her feet, and it was free. My eyes were still fixed on the forbidden valley in between - two very slender fingers of smooth clean flesh either side of a tight crease between. She was too old for the puffy baby-fat pudenda of the toddler, and much too young for the more complex structure that impending puberty would bring on in a few years - she was just sweet and simple perfection.
Struggling back to reality, I slipped an arm under her knees, and another under her back, and lifted her easily up. I walked slowly through to the bathroom, giddily conscious of the softness of her skin, and the proximity of her nakedness, and then lowered her carefully into the hot water. We both sighed as she disappeared into a cloud of bubbles.
Nathan was hovering near the door as I came out, and as soon as he saw me, he squeaked and made to run off, but he was too slow this time, and I caught him under the arms. I lifted him into the air, raking his ribs with tickling fingers as I did, so that he screamed and thrashed around for his freedom. With a monster roar, I staggered over to the settee, and dropped him on it, pinning him down with a hand on his chest. His happy face watched me intently as I bent down close to his head and whispered: "Same?"
He nodded vigourously, so I set to my task. I growled my way down to his feet, levering off his trainers and tossing them into the pile with Amy's. A few seconds later, and his socks joined the heap. I returned to his head, pretending to sniff my meal along the way, and noticing a distinct bulge had already formed in his jeans. Buttons on his check shirt undid easily - One, Two, Three, Four, and then I could draw the sides back and expose his hard chest, and smooth white belly. Because I could, and I knew it was expected of me, I blew a raspberry in his belly button, just as I had to his sister, and he screamed with delight. Then I held him down with one hand while I poked and tickled his bare skin once more until he became breathless with laughter. I found my face quite close to his, and without thinking why, I leant closer and planted a chaste kiss on his forehead. His giggles subsided to be replaced with a sweet smile of affection.
I still had a job to do, so I pulled him into a sitting position, and eased his shirt down his arms. We had a short hiatus, because his cuff buttons were still done up, but the monster's meal co-operated in getting them undone, and soon the shirt joined the rest of the clothes. He lay back down and watched me closely as I moved towards his waist. I felt a shiver run through my body as I popped the button at his midriff, and then eased the zipper down to reveal red pants beneath. I slipped a hand under the belt line at either hip, and began to ease his trousers down. He was quiet now, but fully compliant in our naughty game, slightly raising his bottom at the appropriate moment to free the jeans. His red pants were all he now wore, and the tent in them was striking. "Yes?" I whispered - I needed to be sure I was only doing what he wanted.
He nodded calmly and seriously.
So I took hold of the hemline of his pants at the front, and pulled them carefully out and over the obstruction. His pecker sprung out, fully at attention, the red head sticking proudly just clear of the foreskin. This was the closest look I had got of it so far - it was maybe 2 1/2 inches long, and about the same thickness as my forefinger. It was straight and symmetrical and smooth, and utterly fascinating. His crotch was entirely hairless of course, and his little ball sack drawn up tightly underneath - only token lumps indicating where his testicles would one day sit. With a sigh, I dragged his pants slowly down his legs, which he raised helpfully to allow the safe removal of his last vestige of modesty. For a few seconds more, I just stared at his immaculate beauty, desperately suppressing the desire to hug and kiss his naked body and clutch him to my own desire.
But I had a job to compete, so I slipped an arm under his knees, and another under his back, and bore him carefully through to the bathroom. Amy sniggered naughtily at his erect boyhood as I lowered him into the bath and stood to recover my wits. I was glad for the trousers I wore as they at least hid by raw arousal, and I knew I should leave the room now, before I was presented with even more temptation, But their closeness and casual intimacy was too intoxicating, so I just stood and watched them, awaiting my next instruction.
It wasn't long in coming. "Can you wash my hair?" begged Amy.
I did not even pretend to resist - I simply fetched the shampoo and returned to kneel by the bath. Amy ducked her head under to wet her hair, and then backed up to me. I tipped enough shampoo into my hands, and began to work it into her hair, soon creating a satisfying foam. Her head felt small and delicate in my hands, and I felt my protective urges swelling further in my heart.
Soon we were done, and she ducked her head under again to rinse off the suds. As she came up, she grinned at me sheepishly and asked: "Will you wash me too?"
"If you want me to?"
She nodded definite affirmation, and turned to present her back to me. I grabbed the soap And built up a lather in my hands before rubbing her briskly all over. Her soft skin was wonderfully slippery under my hands, and I am sure I spent far longer than was justifiable caressing her shoulders and back as I marvelled at the sinuous way her shoulder blades worked beneath her skin. Abruptly she wriggled round to present her front, her crotch mercifully hidden still beneath the dirty water. I could do nothing but continue the service, working the soap into her chest and belly and trying to avoid tickling, all the while aware of her pretty face watching mine intently.
"There," I announced at last, "All done."
"No you haven't!" she retorted firmly as she clambered to her feet, and turned to present her backside to me. She wanted me to do the lower half as well!
"We can see your foo!" gloated Nathan from the other end of the bath. Amy struck a pose, stuck her tongue out at her brother, and waited patiently for me to finish the job.
So I lathered up again, and brought my aching hands against her pert buttocks, massaging and working those sweet mounds of flesh. Down her thighs I continued rubbing and cleaning. As I reached her calves she lifted each in turn out of the water so I could clean right down to her feet. As soon as I had finished, she spun to face me, and now I was at eye level with her most private place as she waited impatiently for me to touch her. I swallowed the dryness in my throat, and began to wash her lower belly, skirting sideways to work down her thighs to her knees, my eyes inevitable fixed on the V in the middle.
"There," I rasped hoarsely, "Done."
"You missed a bit," she breathed, and we all knew which bit she meant.
With an inward groan, I lathered more soap onto my hands, and applied them carefully to her lower belly, and down on to the front of her foo. With a sigh, she spread her legs a little in a clear invitation to continue, and so I slipped one hand between her thighs, and then up until the side of my fore-finger was pressed amidst her outer lips. I could feel her warm vulnerability as I slid it back and forth, rubbing soft soap into her tight vagina, in the interests of hygiene only, you understand. I looked up to see her face - her eyes were closed and her mouth half open, and it was clear she was finding this as enjoyable as I was. But I knew I should not continue, so I withdrew my offending hand to a mew of disappointment from my victim.
"You'd better rinse off," I managed to growl out hoarsely.
She dropped into the water, and quickly submerged her shoulders to clear the soap. In a matter of seconds she stood again: "Dry me?" she pleaded with a smile.
With a hand under each armpit, I lifted her easily onto the bath mat, and grabbing a towel rubbed her down briskly. It was still fascinating to me how readily she allowed me to invade her privacy so intimately. When she was done, I lifted her again, and she wrapped her legs around my waist, so I shifted her to my hip, and slipped an arm under her bottom. I carried her out, and headed for the sofa, but predictably a whinge appeared in my ear: "I want to sleep in your bed again."
I diverted to my room - there seemed little point in arguing - set her carefully onto the bed, and stood to leave.
"No Silly!" she giggled, "You've got to finish the game! You've caught us and cooked us, now you have to eat us!" With that she rolled onto her face with her arms by her waist and looked sideways at me expectantly.
I let out a monstrous growl, and stooped to my task, starting at her feet. I feigned great bites and chews at her ankles, calves and thighs making slurping and yumming noises as she screamed with delight. I could not resist bringing my lips to each buttock in turn as I mouthed a bite, and her tense muscles were a delight to my senses. On up across her back I was bolder, each mouthful being half bite, half kiss. I detoured to work down the length of each arm, finally burying my face in the soft hair covering the back of her neck.
As soon as I pulled back, she rolled onto her back, and I found my face preciously close to hers as she waited for me to continue. I mouthed her forehead, then caught her pretty nose between my lips to a breathless giggle. I could not resist it - my next feigned mouthful was her lips, and I paused sinfully for a few seconds with my mouth covering hers. As I pulled back, I found the giggles had stopped, and her eyes were closed, and her cheeks were red. "Get on with the game" I thought, so I moved south, mouthing her chest, naughtily licking each tiny nipple in turn. Down further, I kissed her belly and then stuck my tongue in her navel. "Yummm!" I growled as she squeaked in surprise. Down further - Did I dare? Yes I did plant a kiss firmly on the front of her mons, before continuing on down. Thighs, knobbly knees, shins, toes each in turn got a mouthed half bite, half kiss.
I stood breathless to my admire my handiwork - she lay naked and smiling up at me. "Scrumptious!" I growled in giant mode.
"Again?" she breathed wistfully.
"I think I'd better rescue your brother first," I replied, "You get into bed, and maybe we can do more in a bit."
She pouted her disapproval, but I knew I had better move on before I went too far, so I padded quickly back to the bathroom.
I found Nathan sitting patiently in the murky water, all the bubbles having faded away. As soon as I entered he asked: "Are you going to have a bath too?"
"Maybe later."
"Why don't you get in with me?"
My heart leapt at the thought as my head said 'no way'. My voice only managed a vaguely negative "Ummmm."
"Go on! Please? It will be cool!" he pleaded.
No man can resist the opportunity to be 'cool' in the eyes of his dependents. Concentrating hard on reducing the inflation down below, I slowly stripped off, carefully keeping my weapon pointed down range. Naked, I sidled up to the edge of the tub, stepped in and settled beneath the water. It was not as warm as I liked it so: "Could you turn on the hot tap?" I asked - he was at the tap end. He happily complied and then wriggled up to my end between my legs. In seconds he was sat with his back against my tackle and one hand on either knee.
"Hmmm - that feels nice!" he purred, and I was not sure if he was referring to the flooding warmth near our feet, or my half formed wish against his back.
Half a minute of flooding hot water later I asked him to turn it off, and he complied, quickly returning to his former position against me. Then he leaned back into me until he was almost lying on my chest. For a few minutes we just lay there and I swear we both enjoyed the closeness equally.
"Will you wash my hair now?" he whispered.
"Of course," was the only reasonable reply.
He allowed himself to slide right down until he could submerge his head to wet his hair - right by my belly. A few seconds later he surfaced, and I dowsed his head in shampoo and began to vigorously lather him up. His head was a little larger than Amy's, and his hair a little coarser, but it still felt wonderful to hold his precious cranium in my hands. When we were done, he slipped down again to rinse off, shaking his head in the water between my thighs and using his hands to comb out the excess soap, so that they cannoned repeatedly into my enflamed member. He sat up and wordlessly handed me the bar of soap, before presenting his back for attention. It is difficult to keep finding words for how wonderful childish soapy skin feels to touch! Smooth and slippery and elastic and electric!
When I was done with his back, he simply lay back against me again, and pulled my hands to his front - clearly I was expected to continue the bathing from here. Now I had soft skin in my hands, and simultaneously pressed against my chest and stomach. And my tortured manhood was trapped between my belly and the small of his back. My hands washed and rubbed his chest and down to his belly, but when I paused there I found his hand pulling one of mine further south. With an inward groan I made contact with his thoroughly aroused penis beneath the water. It was clearly expected of me, so I began to gently masturbate him.
"Ahhhh! That's nice!" he whispered.
So I continued, a little more firmly. I was sure he was way to young to ejaculate, and I was not sure how long this would remain enjoyable to him, or when it might become uncomfortable, so I was very gentle. He squirmed in pleasure against me, letting out occasional grunts and sighs of satisfaction. My own limit was not far away, and I wondered whether I might get away with a shoot off in the water without him realising.
Abruptly he sat up and turned round to face me. "Can I wash you now?" he asked with a broad smile across his face. Before I could even answer, he had grabbed the soap from my hand and began lathering up my doormat. I lay back and enjoyed the sensation of his small hard hands scratching and rubbing my chest - he even made me raise my arms so he could get my armpits, and I had to work hard not to be tickled. Then he worked south, rubbing my slightly less hairy belly, and then suddenly bring both hands onto my rigid cock. "Ooo! Its very big!" he exclaimed.
"Uh - I don't think you should do that," I stammered.
"Why don't you like us touching your willy?" he asked innocently, both hands still wrapped round the subject of conversation.
"Its not that," I struggled to explain, "Sometimes one can like something too much."
"What do you mean?"
"Well," my mind raced for the right words, terminally distracted by the sensation of his hands where they were. In the end I went for the direct approach: "You know when you touch yourself there it feels good?"
He nodded.
"And sometimes, it feels so good you think you might explode?"
He nodded a more emphatic understanding.
"Well when you get a bit older, you will find that you do - sort of - explode, and you squirt stuff out of the end of your willy."
"Oh you mean semen?"
The wind was taken from my sails - I had not allowed for modern sexual education. "Uh - yes!" I stammered.
"Cool! Can I make you squirt now?" With that he started rubbing his hands up and down my shaft, and he very nearly got what he wanted right away!
My head was spinning at this new development, but somehow I knew that if we were going to go this way, I wanted it to be special. I caught his hands in mine and brought his action to a halt. "Whoa - not too fast!" I whispered, "Or we will be all done too soon!" I prized his fingers off, and held him by the elbows so he could not immediately return. I looked him straight in the eye and asked: "You do realise that I would get in a lot of trouble if you ever told anyone?"
"I know that" he replied firmly.
"And you are really sure you want to do this?"
He replied with a wide wicked grin and an emphatic nod.
I pulled him gently towards me until his face was close to mine, then I bent forward and planted a kiss on his nose. He sniggered, and replied with one on mine. I put one on his forehead, and he wriggled closer so he could reciprocate. His chest was now against mine, his legs stretching out between mine. I put my hands on his bottom, and pulled him in close until I could feel his stiffy pushing firmly into my belly. He grinned and squirmed his crotch against me wickedly. His face was now above mine, and he pressed another kiss against my head as I began massaging his bottom. He sighed and squirmed some more. I pulled at his thighs, and he quickly got the message, spreading one leg on either side of mine as I brought mine together beneath him. He naturally slipped down a little, and now his mouth was level with mine. Without prompting, he planted a kiss on my lips - it was heavenly, and I could not help replying in earnest, bringing up one hand to hold his head to mine. When I opened my mouth to introduce my tongue, he grunted in surprise, but after a few seconds relaxed. He allowed me to prize his lips apart, and for the first time, our tongues met. My first ever kiss with a boy, and the pleasure was beyond description! He gained rapidly in confidence, quickly responding to each explorative foray. He tasted so sweet and pure!
I released his head, and we came up for air, but he did not pull away from my face, instead gazing fondly into my eyes from a few inches. "Wow!" his sighed, "That was wicked!" Then he dove in to resume the embrace with increased ardour, his crotch gyrating against my belly in time with his tongue.
My own ardour was close to exploding a few inches beneath his bottom. When next he surfaced, I contrived to slide him south a bit, foregoing his delicious lips to feel his boner pressed against mine. He quickly got the idea, and increased the tempo of his gyrations. I squeezed his bottom into me, and began to steer him into a thrusting motion. He caught on, and began jerking against me, our respective hard-ons now mashed together. I could hold out no longer, and I could feel the first divine charges of ejaculant leaving me.
"Are you squirting?" he demanded, pulling himself upright in time to see the third dose fly onto my chest. "Oh wow! I made you squirt!" he squeaked with delight, wriggling his butt so that his enraged member battled with mine.
But as the final spasms emptied my desire, thundering guilt crashed in on me. What had I done! What place in hell was reserved for a man who had just shot his load in the groin of a 9 year old boy? "I'm sorry!" I moaned, "I shouldn't have done that."
"Why? It was fun!"
"Yes but..." I fought for an explanation that would make sense, but my exhausted mind could not find the words. "It's wrong - It's against the law," was all I could manage.
"The law's silly!" He announced firmly, then added: "Can we do it again?"
Enough logic was seeping into my head to know I had to play down the gravity of my offence if I was to survive. "Not just now," I managed to say. "That's another thing you'll learn - after a squirt it takes a man a while to recover."
"How long?"
"It depends - a couple of hours?" My guilt had settled to a yawning pit of worry in my stomach - this all had to end badly, it was only a matter of time.
"Oh," he sounded disappointed. "Mine's still stiff!" he added cheerfully. With that he rubbed it firmly against my deflating manhood.
"I think we had better get to bed now," I said, carefully sitting up and moving him off me.
"OK," he replied happily. He quickly rinsed himself off in the soiled water, and hopped out. I did the same more slowly, and joined him on the mat. We each dried ourselves, and by the time I was done, he was waiting for me, arms uplifted ready to be carried. Despite my guilty reservations, I could not refuse, and soon he was perched on my hip as I bore him through to the bedroom, his right knee brushing my manhood as I walked.
Amy was tucked up under the duvet, and clearly fast asleep, curled up on her side with her thumb close to her open mouth. I cautiously lowered Nathan onto the opposite side of the bed, and went in search of my PJs.
"Oh, don't wear those," he whinged as I found them, "They're boring!"
I had not the moral fibre left to argue. I crawled naked under the duvet, and Nathan followed quickly behind me, wrapping himself once more against my side, his still stiff member pressed against my hip. I was aware he was still fully alert, and probably needed more attention, but I was spent, and before I knew it I was asleep.
I think I slept the deep slumber of the incorrigibly wicked for a few hours, before waking in surprise at the proximity of two naked bodies, my own nudity, and my mortal guilt. As I recalled what I had done it felt as if my heart was in an elevator in freefall, plunging through my guts and heading inexorably for a disaster on the floor. The rest of the night was broken with unhappy dreams of Higgins arriving to arrest me, and old man Crook prosecuting me at my trial for indecent assault.
There are 4 more parts to this story already written, and another in preparation - let me know through feedback if you want to see them, otherwise I won't bother...
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |