Helping Sandi Become a Child Supermodel

[ MM/g, pedo, photo, nc, bond, rape, oral, spank, tort ]

by Phantom


Published: 5-Mar-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Jim Wilson was a thirty-eight year old married man. He was the father to a ten year old girl. Jim was a computer consultant and found himself working many nights and weekends. He had been happily married to Brenda for 12 years. In his spare time he built custom made high end PC's and workstations. His wife Brenda was an attractive young woman at thirty-three. She had gone back to work as a flight attendant shortly after giving birth to their daughter.

Sandi was a young gymnast with a tight and flexible little body, blonde hair and beautiful face. People often told her she could be a model if only somone would help her enter the world of child modeling. Her father tried to turn her into his own little model since she was 6 years old by taking home phots of Sandi modeling around the house in various states of dress and undress but it only made his wife question his true motives. Despite all that, Jim loved taking phots of his little daughter and hoped one day she will pose for a professional photographer.

In January of Sandi's new school year, Jim took a side job building a couple of high end video editing workstations and a server for Bob Reynolds's who was a manager of a newly established modeling agency called the R.O.P.E. Models.

Bob was also a Photographer and like Jim he used to work on all types of jobs until he settled with the modeling agency. In the weeks it took for Jim Wilson to build configure and transfer the data to Bob's new machines the two had become friends.

Both men shared many of the same interest. High end computer's and electronics', fast cars, football, and beautiful women. In the time they worked together Bob had shown Jim some of his different work. Bob called himself a fashion photographer but in reality did all types of photo and film work. Although he rarely did, he had from time to time even taken a family portrait or two as he did for the Wilson's. As Jim saw more of Bob's portfolio he found his friend did everything from portraits for the rich, magazine covers and spreads for fashion rags, to photo shots for the local Sunday ad's. Being in a smaller Midwestern city Bob did a little of everything to pay the bills.

As the months past the men's friendship grew and Bob showed him even more of his work. Jim discovered Bob also shot photos for men's magazines, no not Hustler, or Maxim but more child like modeling that bordered on erotica. He also shot stag party Videos, and custom made videos for private collectors and web sites.

Judging from the amount of material Jim had seen he decided most of Bob's work must be on the adult side of things. He did just enough of his other work to look respectable. Jim feeling comfortable with Bob by now brought some of his Photo's of Sandi to Bob so his friend could enlarge them and print them up. Although the captures from his old camera where not the best Kristen's beauty could still be easily seen.

As Bob began his work on the images he grilled Jim to tell him more about his little daughter. Jim told him she wanted to be a model and how she bugged him for a long time until he gave in and took some "fashion" photographs of her pretending to be a supermodel. Bob then began to question him for more details about the young beauty. He wanted to know more and more. Her age, height, weight, was she still a virgin? As Bob interrogated Jim for information Jim keep slipping up giving Bob more information than he meant to. Under the questioning he let it slip he had wanted to photograph her topless but was too scaredof his wife finding out. As Bob's interest grew Jim began to feel more uneasy talking to his friend about his little girl. After a few hours of questioning Bob had all the answers he wanted for now and he made the prints for Jim and the two men went home.

A week had passed and Jim hadn't heard from Bob. On a Tuesday night the following week Jim pulled into his driveway late as usual. As he got out of his car Bob pulled in behind him. As Bob got out he explained to Jim his laptop had died and he had important stuff on it he needed right away.

Telling his friend he would be glad to help Jim lead him into the house. Upon entering the house the two men where greeted by the beautiful Sandi who came running to her daddy. Introducing his friend as a fashion photographer to his little daughter, Jim led the trio back to his shop. As Sandi filled her dad in on her school activities, Bob listened to her intently as well. When she had finished Bob began talking to Sandi he asked her several questions about herself making polite conversation.

As the two talked while Jim worked on the laptop Bob made it a point to tell the young girl about several of the magazines he had worked for. As he sat and listened Jim thought perhaps Bob was padding his resume just a bit. As the little girl's interest grew in his work Bob retrieved a copy of his portfolio from the laptop bag that he had conveniently brought with him. The two looked thru his photos and he told her how much money the models could make before asking if she had ever thought of modeling, telling her she was perfect for the job.

Sandi blushed under Bob's compliments and insisted she had never thought about. She listened intently as he tried to dazzle her with stories of travel to exotic locations and meeting with celebrities. Jim sat listening having not heard Bob put such an extravagant spin on his job. In fact when the two had talked the only good part of the job Bob had described to him was seeing half naked children and occasionally finding one who would let him get to know her better in an intimate manner.

Bob then turned his efforts to trying to convince Jim to let his little girl give modeling a try. He told him she could make good money and still keep up with her school and other activities. They both thanked him for his kindness but Jim told him it just wasn't for her because she was too young to appear in such photographs.

The next day when Jim met with Bob at his office he told him the laptop hadn't worked in over a year and not to worry about it. He then talked to Jim about Sandi.

"Your telling me you don't want to see your little girl model?" he asked him while holding his chest feigning a heart attack.

"No. But she's my daughter and I'm a married man." Jim told his friend tossing the broken laptop at him.

"So!" Jim shot back.

"So just forget about it. She's only a little girl and I don't think her mother could deal with seeing her 10-year-old daughter pose for a porno magazine." Jim said shaking his head at his friend.

"What if I could guarantee you to be present at the shooting? Brenda would never know. We could make sure Sandi never tells her about it. What would you say?" Bob asked in total seriousness.

Seeing Bob had some plan Jim thought he better put and end to this before it went too far. "Look Bob, I'm sure you think so but she is my daughter and you don't know how it feels. Just forget about it, okay?"

"Well look I know she wants it. I can see it in her eyes. Now it would be a lot easier with your help. I mean come on it's not like you're a saint, you've been taking photos of her for a year. Look you can help me on this and get in on the action or I'll find another child model on my own and you will get nothing." Bob said as he stood looking ready to leave.

The deal although not spoken was clear to Jim. He knew Bob still had copies of the pictures he had taken of Sandi and was apparently willing to turn her into his little supermodel.

"OK, what do you have in mind?" Jim said.

In the next hour our so Bob laid out at least part of his plan to Jim. Leaving out those aspects of it he thought Jim might be too soft stomached to hear. Agreeing to Bob's apparently well thought out plan Jim agreed to do as he said.

For the next four weeks Jim would leave little hints to Sandi about how Bob had been to Italy or France, Hawaii and New York. He would hint Bob has asked about her and told him she could become a famous little child-model and be admired by everyone.

After four weeks of thinking and persuing, both Jim and Sandi agreed to allow Bob to take some photos of her to make her a portfolio. Within a week of that he had lined up several "Gig's" for her. She soon found herself in the Local ad's modeling clothes or standing in front of one product or another. None of the photos where especially provocative she was always full clothed. Bob had never asked her to do anything that could be misconstrued as sexual in nature. In fact the only thing Bob had ever requested of Jim was that she gets a tan.

In her third week of modeling for Bob, Sandi was offered her own modeling web site and her first magazine cover. She was overjoyed to hear the news. Then Bob told both Jim and Sandi what it entailed and they began to have their doubts.

One of the true crime magazines was looking for someone to model as a catholic schoolgirl who had been bound, raped and murdered in upstate New York. The money was good and Bob had shown them several of the magazines recent covers. Of the five covers he showed them all five showed little girls either being bound or attacked on the covers. All the children where fully clothed and none appeared obscene to the innocent youth and her father.

With assurances from Bob and his prodding Jim and his daughter reluctantly agreed to do the shoot. Finally convinced when he told the little girl he would take some shots with her daddy in them with her.

On the day of the shoot Sandi wore an outfit consisting of a white sweater and red plaid skirt. Bob started taking shots of her in standard poses telling her they could add them to her portfolio. Next he had Jim come out dressed as the "killer" a pair of stockings pulled over his face. The two stood in various poses under Bob's direction. He had Bill standing over her Knife in hand, 10-year-old Sandi crutching in fear while he lifted the knife over her head. Then a shot of him holding the knife to her throat as she looked surprised and scared by his assault.

Next they moved on to Jim tying her up and gagging her. He bound his daughter's arms behind her then her legs. He hogtied her and then tied her in other positions she had never imagined. She would have fought or resisted anyone but her daddy who had found himself getting excited touching and tying his own little girl. Next she was tossed on a bed where she found herself tied to the headboard then tied spread eagle to the bed. She was then taken and tied to a pulley from the ceiling and then to a pole from the ceiling finding her flat chest wrapped in circles of rope. Although it was all done with her clothes fully on she couldn't help but feel almost cheap when it was done to her. But the hugs and kisses from Jim made everything better.

It was now July and only two months before her eleventh birthday as she prepared to go back to school. Things couldn't be better for the young beauty. She thought her modeling was great and she was making good pocket money. Although her mother was still reluctant to support her husband's decision to do any modeling, she had up to this point been happy with her job. That was probably because she did not mention the true crime "Gig" to her mother.

In the two months before she turned eleven Sandi had done five more true crime covers, each featuring her as some type of unfortunate child victim. In one shoot she was a little gymnast in the next a schoolgirl in her school uniform who is bound and raped by a teacher, in the next she portrayed an American child who was captured by the enemy in foreign land and brutalized, in yet another a little girl molested by her babysitter.

Although she never found herself taking off her clothes she never liked being tied up and apparently assaulted for the camera, she always felt dirty and cheap at the end of each session until her Daddy would comfort her. At Jim's insistence she even did a few swimwear shots. The first time she wore a one piece but after some smooth talking from Jim and Bob she agreed to a bikini. The first bikini shoot was fine, but for the second she almost refused after seeing how skimpy the bikini was. But then after some smooth talking and a kiss Jim convinced her it would be okay. Little did she know that when she was asked to lie on her stomach on the beach towel that with the thin thong she was wearing and the bikini tied behind her back at the neck the photos looked like she was lying naked on the simulated beach.

As their relationship grew, Bob learned what to say at all times always addressing her concerns before she even voiced them to him.

The week after her eleventh birthday, Sandi was at the R.O.P.E. studio again this time to do another true crime cover for Bob. Placing his hand on her shoulder he led her out to the studio set. Sandi was still in a daze her mind not wanting to accept what had just happened. Entering the studio she saw he had it setup as a bedroom with the child size bed. She was standing there when Bob handed her a hangar with a costume on it. She stood back and looked at the outfit presented to her as Bob began to turn on the lights around the studio. Thinking it looked small even for a cheerleader's outfit she started to walk to the dressing room.

"Oh no. You won't be to using the dressing room anymore you can change right her." Bob told her.

"What that wasn't part of the deal." She began whimpering.

"Oh yes it was and you better stop that crying or you'll find this part of it to be the least of your problems." He warned her.

Reluctantly she undressed as quickly as she could then tried to slip in to skimpy outfit he had provided her while covering herself from his gaze. She stood there in a white wool sweater about three sizes to small and a red and white cheerleader's skirt that didn't quite cover her ass cheeks.

After some initial problems she began to do as directed by Bob. As she began feeling more at ease as she had been in the months previous to now. He had her work the camera for several minutes as he saw her relax for him and the camera then he told her it was time for a wardrobe change handing her another hanger holding her next costume.

This time he had her change into a catholic school girl uniform again obviously to small for her. The shirt was so small she barely got it to button over her chest. Again her ass exposed under the short skirt. She was faster to relax this time and he had her play more to the camera. Happy that she had begun to relax he had her touch up her makeup and again instructed her to seduce the camera as he took her photos. Bob had to admit she was a natural in front of the camera. Even now when she was under such duress she took great shots. He then decided to push her a little farther.

"Okay undress for the camera Sandi. Make it sexy and slow." He instructed. She looked at him her eyes begging him not to make her go thru with it. His stern glare answered her pathetic plea for relief. She slowly began to undress first letting the school shirt fall down. Letting it drop to the bed she began to unbutton the tight fitting skirt she was wearing. As she undid the last button she gave him one last look before letting it fall of her body.

As she stood before him wearing her traning bra and panties, he felt his penis grow hard as she moved her body before him. As he watched her he decided there would be plenty of time for photos later as he felt the tent in his pants rose.

He moved from behind the camera and told her to lose the training bra. Seeing him moving closer to her she stepped back. She felt the back of her legs hit the bed behind her and knew there was no place else to go.

"Now I said." He told her quietly.

Slowly she moved her hands behind her back and undid the wire clasp holding her bra up. As the lacy bra fell from her chest she felt Bob push her back causing her to fall onto the bed. His hands moved quickly to her thin white panties which he swiftly ripped from her hips.

As soon as she was naked he quickly grabbed her arms pulling them behind her back. She felt the rope slide first around one wrist then the other. He pulled the two ropes tight then circled each wrist again. He quickly had her wrist secured behind her back and as she tried to pull her wrist apart she found he had done it quite securely. She let out another grunt when she felt him pull her arms up behind her and felt him tie them to a rope from the ceiling.

She watched as he next dropped a drape from the ceiling it was a painting of a stone wall like you would find in a dungeon, castle or prison. Finding herself tied before the painting Bob moved back to his cameras and began taking photos of the little girl. This time he gave her no direction happy just to see the child hanging there in pain. After several minutes of taking shots like this he moved out from behind his cameras.

He pulled a black hood over his face and pulling a knife from a cabinet drawer approached Sandi as she hung there in pain. As she looked at the knife she thought it looked just like the rubber one her Daddy had used before. As Bob brought the blade of the knife to her skin she discovered it was anything but rubber.

He made a tiny cut in skin on her tummy with the knife and took several more photos of her with the cut showing a tiny trickle of blood. Next he returned to where she hung and cut several tiny cuts on her chest around her nipples as she cried. Next he draped a whip over her shoulder and returned to his cameras. Happy with the results as she hung there naked. She looked like she had been whipped by someone leaving her beaten and wilted.

Next he stuffed panties into her mouth and used her bra to tie and secure the gag in her mouth. Taking the time to get more shots of her like this he then focused the cameras on her and set them to take photos every 20 seconds.

He then approached her and moved behind her dropped his pants and began to take her doggy style.

He was rough and forceful grabbing her breast buds and spanking her little ass as he drove his cock into her. She whimpered and cried into her gag hoping he would stop. His assault finally ended when he again filled her with his hot sperm.

Then to her horror he left her hanging there as he grabbed a camera and began taking close-ups of the liquid now running out of her hairless pussy and down her thighs. Finished photographing her, he went to gather his things. When he was ready to go having shut down the computers lights and cameras and having made a few phone calls he approached her carrying a black trench coat.

It was already 11:30 and he had a big day planned for her tomorrow. Using the knife he cut her free and handed her the coat telling her to put it on. As she reached to pull the gag from her mouth he angrily told her again to put on the coat. Slipping the coat on over her naked little body he grabbed her arm and led her out of the studio and to his car.

On the way to his car she tied the coat shut and pulled the gag from her mouth. They drove in silence until they arrived to her home where he handed her half naked and abused into her father's arms.

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Reminds me of the Sandi from Webeweb. You should spend more time describing the kid getting fucked. Perhaps she should be forced to suck dick and gag on cock for a while first. It's easy to think of all kinds of ways to molest these little models when you see the pictures of them on the web. The story was just not realistic enough, and glossed over the hot child sex action.


What happened to Sandi before she entered the studio?

'The week after her eleventh birthday, Sandi was at the R.O.P.E. studio again this time to do another true crime cover for Bob. Placing his hand on her shoulder he led her out to the studio set. Sandi was still in a daze her mind not wanting to accept what had just happened.'

Sounds like Bob had fun with her before he took her in the studio, why did you leave that out?

The reviewing period for this story has ended.