
[ pedo, multi, preteen, spank, mast, anal, oral, bond, Ds, enema ]

by Pent


Published: 14-Feb-2013

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Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.


This whole strange account of an orphanage for girls in London, over 200 years ago, came to me from posting a question to alt.sex.spanking about the Oneida Community at Wallingford, in Connecticut, and their 1870's practice of Complex Marriage, where all men were deemed to be married to all the women from age 12 and upwards.

In answer to my question about how the Oneida Community avoided unwanted pregnancies, a Humphry Noyes, descendant of the founder of Oneida Community, scanned and sent a chapter from a book found amongst his effects, on how a London orphange for girls was run in the 1700's so as to cut down on pregnancies - and at the same time raised money to run the orfanage.

The chapter follows, which is written as a series of Notes.


From: "The Nurses' Handbook"
Pub'd by Edw. Harding, June 1, 1786,
98 Pall Mall, London.

Chapter VII
Spanking and Other Treatments for the Bottoms of Orfan Girls,
Conducive to Their Long and Happie Futures.
Henry Browne, Doctor of Medicine,
Principal and Physician
To the Great Orfanage for Girls of London,
Where he has attended for some fortie years.

My work as Principal and Physician at the Great Orfanage for Girls of London began in the year 1742, which for more than fortie years has been the scene of my constant labours towards the present wellbeing and future happiness of the orfan girls.

We have now some three hundred girls in our care, going in age from six week old babes, to children of twelve years, at which time or earlier they leave us for employment in the world.

Before I came to work at the Great Orfanage the girls did leave to be employed in the shoppes and taverns of the City, with seldome any good outcomes for themselves.

On my appointment as Principal and Physician to the Great Orfanage for Girls of London, the Governors did charge me to find ways to reduce the number of unwanted children born in later life to the orfan girls in our charge.

I had also to ensure that the girls leave us with qualities that make them desirable for employment by upright people, and the Governors did demand that I should find the first employer for each girl: one who will take good care of her.

The finances of the Great Orfanage, which depended alway upon private gifts, were fortie years ago in a parlous state. Our Royal Charter from King Charles II did lack any good provisions for monies, so that the buildings had become in sore need of repair, and the health and robust development of the girls were in a sorry plight.

The Governors therefore besought me to find wayes to increase the gifts of monies to the Great Orfanage and to use these to secure better lives for the orfan girls.

In taking up these charges from the Governors, I bethought me of two major wayes to alleviate the conditions of the girls in the Great Orfanage.

The first of these from the treatise of L'Abbe Jacques Boileau: "Historia Flagellantium" (Paris 1700). It bespeaks the pleasures to females of beatings upon their bottoms if that they have early in their lives been introduced to such titillation of their fesses.

The Abbe also wrote of the growing fashion amongst the gentry of England to achieve gratification by beating the bottoms of young girls, or by watching thereof. Both ladies and gentle men in England are of the habit to pay generously for such pleasures.

The second waye is described in L'Art de Jouir of M. La Mettrie (Bruxelles 1738), which tells the lasting desire of a girl for a man's yard to enter into her bottom when that she has been pleasured in a like manner to her bottom as a child, and most of all if done to her as a babe to induce defecation.

The Treatment of Babies' Bottoms

It behoved me then to enlist the aid of certain fine and selfless gentle men from amongst my many acquaintances in London who have the altruistic urge to help those who are helpless and in dire straits.

I was able to prevail on some, who quick found others likewise inclined, to give of their time to carefully and diligently awaken each of our infant girls to the sensual joys of having smooth and slipperie objects slide up into her bottom. They did this with lamb wool wrapped on a thin and rounded stick, well coated with cooking greases from the kitchens. I speak more of this in Note 1

Friendships and Cleanliness of the Orfan Girls

There is little of harm in any tribadic associations that the girls may form amongst themselves while living in the Great Orfanage. They lack the affectionate circle of a family and it is well to encourage them to develop these Sapphic delights in each other so they do not grow up cold and unfeeling to those about them.

In their earliest years the girls do sleep several to a bed and we like them to fall asleep in the embrace of each other, stroking and fondling together.

Each of the girls does void her bowells after that she has broken her fast in the morning. Straightly after this the older girls of age eight and more do each fill a clyster with warm water which is then pumped into her bottom then voided, to give cleanness and sweetness of her lower parts, as desired by those visitors who may punish her bare bottom that day, of which I write more also in Note 1.

We do encourage the older girls to do these things with a clyster cylinder together with a friend, that they may give pleasure to each other.

Such liaisons do help to develop in them natures that are warme and loving, which do lead to their happier lives later. Feelings of love and affection towards men will develop soon enough after that they leave the Orfanage.

Punishments for the Orfan Girls

When a girl did need correction in her early years, her minder did straightly put the girl over her knee and spank upon her bare bottom. A minder did only use her hand to spank with; I did not permit her to use a cane or other instrument to punish.

After that the girl reached the age of eight years, though she could be as young as six, her fault was noted and she did then attend the punishment room at the first opportunity for a more formal chastisement and likely with visitors there to observe her proper repentance.

Only in the punishment room was a cane or other instrument used to discipline a girl, where the person who gave the punishment was not the injured party.

I was able to persuade some few upstanding acquaintances, out of their great charity toward those less fortunate, to sacrifice of their time to chastise these older girls, from twelve down to eight years of age and sometimes younger, by spanking and caning them when that they had misbehaved themselves.

With the noble and enerjetic assistance of these fine persons on each day except the Sabbath we were thus able to keep strict discipline amongst our many young orfan girls albeit with few minders in charge of them.

I set aside a large room in the Orfanage for the punishments. Discipline by the gentry would always be followed by soothing words and caresses from the spanker, so the girl knew the hurt to her was onlie for her own benefit to correct her faults, and done with no thoughts other than concern for her wellbeing.

These charitable works did awakened in the gentle men such personal feelings of compassion for the orfan girls that they did make handsome and frequent gifts of monies to the Orfanage, as did the many who came to observe and marvel at what these altruisitic men, and women too, were doing to help the young objects of their beneficence.

Of the wayes used to punish the girls, more anon in Note 2.

Training for Service in Households

In the years that the girls dwelled in the Great Orfanage they did learn the skills needed to be servants in a large house.

They did carry coals, set and lite the fires that heated the Great Orfanage, sweep and scrub floors, clean kitchen pots, milk the cows and prepared foods readie for cooking, made up beds, and all the chores needed for the many who did dwell in the buildings of the Great Orfanage.

We also taught the girls to read and to write simple things and to count monies with wood copies of the sovereign, shilling, penny, halfpenny and farthing.

For their good health and exercise to help the orfan girls grow up lithe and supple, they daily had time for games such as to throw a ball to each other over a net, and out-door when weather did permit. Onlie those who were sick or in punishment were absent from this daily time of play and youthful exuberance.

Visitors View Punishments and Bespeak a Girl

Thinking to the futures of our young charges after that they leave the Great Orfanage, we made the girl used to frequent and regular spankings upon her bare bottom for breaches of discipline in the Orfanage, or hap just to keep her in the waye of getting frequent spankings. She thus became especially desirable as a servant in one of the great houses of England where it is the practice to punish the servant girls in this manner.

To enable liklie employers to observe and select a girl to their chusing, and also to engender further charitable gifts towards the welfare of our orfan girls, I did have several small rooms builded next to the punishment room, each with an opening to see all that took place so the ladies and gentle men who had an interest in the work of the Great Orfanage could fully observe the chastisement of the girls.

These viewing rooms for visitors were of different sizes and convenience, with seats for some thirty in all.

The punishment room was oft times in use for some eight or ten hours of each week-day with an hour allotted to each of our noble volunteers from amongst the gentry of London to chastise a girl for her faults.

He did then alway shew his deep love and concern for her wellbeing by soothing the hurt to her bottom. He seldom spent the full hour with his miscreant, which did allow time for the visitors to take an interlude between the punishments.

The arrangements for visitors to view the punishments did become crucial for to obtain the gifts of monies needed to run the Great Orfanage so I give some detail here of the wayes it was done.

There were onlie some one hundred and fiftie girls of an age to be sent to the punishment room, and those interested in our great work of charity did soon get to know each one and formed preferences for their viewings.

Any who thought to attend the punishments of our orfan girls could send a servant in advance to fetch the name and age of each girl to be spanked that day, and to know the seating then free.

The servant could bespeak with a gift of monies in advance the times for which they desired for a place to view the discipline meted out to the orfan girls.

An older girl of eight or more who was not being punished on that day did act as servant to the visitors in each chamber. She would offer a dish of hot chocolate or good Twinings tee for refreshment and simple biskets which she fetched from the kitchens.

We did encourage our regular visiting gentry to bring others to share their viewing-room, so we might gain fresh sources of gifts for the poor and destitute girls of the Great Orfanage, and liklie employers to see for themselves that the girls of the orfanage were properly trained to wait upon them and to accept discipline, even of the most severe kind.

We did constantly remind our girls, whether they were being punished while visitors watched, or waiting upon those in the viewing chambers, that their future wellbeing did depend upon them attracting a good and kindly person to take them into their household.

The girls wore no cloathing beneath their skirts while that they waited upon a visitor, to make easie a slap or fondling of her bare body for to test the nature of a girl.

We encourage the girls to linger if that be the wish of the visitor, for talk and for slaps and caresses, and to take all in good part. Some did particular like such gestures of affection from a lady or gentle man and did lay them selves across the lap and e'en raise their skirt to invite slaps and fondling.

The girl then informed us of each person who had shown such liking for her so we may put her with that person in later visits, and we do suggest a proper gift to the coffers of the Great Orfanage for each visitor to make before that they did depart, depending upon the freedom they had enjoyed with their waiting girl, and upon their apparent means.

I found some officers of the Royal Excise Service did have exceptional interest in our work of giving discipline to the orfan girls and they made excellent supervisors for the visitors. A former Dean of St. Paul's also.

They were practiced and able to make amicable agreement over payment of monies, albeit with the most illustrious in the land.

These same Dean and gentle men of the Excise Service were the first to hear any proposal from a visitor to take a girl from the Great Orfanage into their employ, and were able to advise me if that they would make a suitable master or mistress for the girl.

Of the treatment of our orfan girls by their masters and mistresses after that they leave us I speak more anon in Note 3.

We found that the purposes of the Great Orfanage and of the girls in it are best served by acting with great flexibility to satisfy any foibles and peccadilloes of our visitors whose only wish is to benefit the well being of our young charges with donations to our coffers. I give an example in my Note 4.

My Final Examination

Before a girl does leave the Great Orfanage at age twelve or before, she does come to my chambers for an evening that I might examine her to ensure she is able to meet the likelie demands of an employer without injury to herself, of which more anon in Note 5.

The Early Days

It took some years at the start before we gained the monies for to build the viewing rooms for visitors, and before all was working smoothly as described here.

Nor at the start had the orfan girls become endeared in infancy to firm and slipperie things to be slid up into their bottoms to guard them from pregnancies after that they had left the Great Orfanage.

We made shifts in those early days to treat of each older girl so she became enamoured of a firm yard slid up into her bottom and this pleasure for the girls was made plain to visitors in the course of their punishments as added attraction to employ one with such likings.

I give some description of these things in Note 6.

The Etchings

My late friend the artist Wm. Hogarth, Esq. did take a great and personal interest in our work to discipline the girls so to guide them in their wayes.

He did chuse a girl six years of age to figure in a series of sketches to show different punishments, which he then made into etchings that did sell to a wide public with the title: "The Painful Progress of the Idle Scholar".

The Artist donated all profits from the sales of all these etchings to the Great Orfanage, which did redound greatly to his reputation for generosity.

The girl of age six did undergo bindings and whippings, large things most painfully slid into her anus, and melted wax poured on her, each of increasing pain even while, as I did discover some years later, her mother and father did watch her wrythings and agonies, of which more anon in Note 7.

Difficult Girls

The lives of children upon the streets of London have changed little since it was depicted in all its sorry miserie by my late lamented friend Wm. Hogarth, Esq. They are still driven by hunger to have their lovely teeth pulled out, to replenish the gums of the rich whose own teeth have rotted, so the starving child may buy bread with the halfpence she is given.

Many children of the streets do die early from brutal treatment and the diseases given to them by those who do wantonlie misuse them.

These thoughts do oft bring tears to my eyes as I make my night round and see our dear orfan girls blissfully asleep, who came into the world with nothing, and are at the start of full and healthy lives as a result of the time and discipline so generously given to them by gentle folk out of their marvelous charity.

We do keep every girl once admitted to the Great Orfanage, no matter how obstinate and intractable be her nature, because to throw her out onto the streets of London would consign her to an early and painful demise.

The most severe punishments are thus used if needed for a girl of obdurate nature, even binding her with cords to remove from her all voluntary movement or control of her bodily functions for many days together, of which I describe more in Note 8.

Rare Girls

We do sometimes have a rare girl who is truly excited by the harshest punishments that we can inflict upon to her. A select few of our visitors do greatly enjoy to watch while she is thus tortured and do make large gifts to the Great Orfanage for that pleasure.

I recount the pleasurings of one such girl in my Note 9.


The wishes of the Governors of the Great Orfanage have been well satisfied and some have themselves taken girls from us into their houses to work and do their pleasure.

The result of the treatments given by charitable ladies and gentle men for our babes and older girls, after that I had been at the Great Orfanage a few years, was to send orfan girls at age twelve or earlier out to serve in large households, who were well builded, strong and healthy, and well able to do the bidding in all wayes of her master and mistress, to their great satisfaction.

The girls do welcome the practices of discipline that are favoured by the gentry; also our girls do each have such powerful cravings for some thing firm and sliperie to fill her bottom that she will not permit a man to pleasure her any other way. So never does an unwanted child come to one of our girls, to embarrass the household where she works.

This is most conducive to domestic bliss for her employers; Our girls are always in great demand as servants, for they give great satisfaction in the houses where they work, in all possible wayes.

As I have described, all successes of my methods have builded upon the extraordinary generosity and charity of those gentry who gave of their time to spank the nether parts of the young girls and bring them to enjoy firm and slipperie things in their bottoms.

I have laid out here the secrets of my methods and successe at the Great Orfanage of London in full detail because they may be of use to others who have the charge to manage similar charitable houses for young people.

Also I am now so fairly exhausted by the burdens placed on me daily for more than fortie years by these labours that I plan to leave soon to cultivate flowers of another kind in a cottage at No.15 High Street in the village of Barnes-upon-Thames.

I hope many of my young friends from their days at the Orfanage will visit me at my cottage whenever they can spare the time; they will alway be most welcome to dine and find there a bed for the night.

Your Servant,

Henry Browne
Principal and Physician to
the Great Orfanage for Girls,
London, 1785

Babies' Bottoms and Clyster

The key to all our success to send girls out into the world who will avoid to become pregnant is to make each one to so greatly enjoy a firm and well-greased thing to slide up into her rectum that she will greatly prefer the yard of a man in her bottom, to having him in her cunnie.

If she fall it will be on her face and with her skirt raised at the back as though by accident and her bottom already greased by her withal.

To make our girls thus we do treat our babie girls in their first year of life, to produce in each one a strong liking for anal pleasures, as follows:

There are some gentle men who are driven by religious scruple to abase themselves and wash the feet of the poor as a penance. They do this in private to avoid any great show of religiosity. In the same way, there are some who are happy to perform the kind and careful acts that I describe here for the bottom of a babie girl.

Such a gentle man will doff his gold braid and wig in a closet at the Great Orfanage and don a cap and plain linen coat. He does then go to one of several small rooms where he will work on his own, with the babies brought to him by a minder, one at a time.

The room is equipped with all that he will need, including a table to sit at and work on, bowls of warm water and a piss pot for himself, and the nurse does show him all that he is to do until he is happy to work alone.

Regular movements of the bowell are most important to a female babie and never more so than in the first year of life. We assist her in this with a thin smooth and rounded stick of wood, wrapped at one end with the wool of a lamb. The wool is then well covered with soft cooking grease from the kitchens.

The gentle man layes the babie girl face down on a table at which he sits and does separate her nates with the fingers of one hand and use the other to slide in the stick with lamb's wool and grease; he does slide this in exceedingly slow and gentle, turning the stick so it enters easy and pleasant for the babie.

He does let the stick stay in place, and moves it slightly in and out from time to time. His whole object during this must be to give pleasure to the babe, and he should be able to see this pleasure in the demeanour of the babe with her coos and gurgles of delight, even to tumescence of her little cunnie. He always uses much grease on the wool which pleases the babe mightily.

After that the stick is removed the babe will shit easy, and he then will clean everything ready for the next babie.

We try to repeat this treatment daily for each infant, as we indeed do find the greased wool of lamb on a stick does give so very great pleasure to the babe that she will e'en hold her shit until she have again the feel of the slipperie wadge large and comfortable up inside her bottom.

If we miss a day she is even like to become costive and need a dose of olive oil to start her again.

It does also have other effects for the future servant girl that are very happy for her: these treatments soon give her the ability and strong desire to have a smooth and slipperie object slide into her anus and up to fill her rectum, and these cravings do last all her life.

Even before the girl does reach pubertie, her great urge is to have pleasure thus; she will readily achieve orgasm this way, with never any problems that come with pregnancy or the bringing of unwanted infants into the world.

If she wishes to bear a child, it will be a rational decision by her, not a mistake made in the heat of passion.

Nota Bene: Avoid any use of these procedures with a male babie, else he will spend his life aching to have his rectum filled with a stiff object. He will have a most unsatisfied existence, liklie as a catamite. Also, the ladies will lose a stallion!

We do cease these treatments of the babie girl after the age of twelve months; she will keep no memory of it in her mind, but will always retain the propensitie, and this will lie dormant until awakened in later years. She will then think her urges to make love with her lovely bottom were born to her.

The room where the gentle man makes these treatments does have a sand timer and a new babie is brought each half hour by the minder until the man says to stop. I have seen a man stay to treat as many as a dozen babie girls at one sitting.

There is a spy hole for each room so I may see discretely that all is being done right. I have seen many a man so driven by contrition for his deeds in the world that he does lovingly kiss the bottom of the babie.

The penitent will oft also slide his tongue into the anus of the babe to ensure she feel good and proper ecstasy, which is the very essence of the work. It is indeed marvelous to behold such loving atonement by a man, and equally often by a woman.

The men who give this compassionate service to the Orfanage seem alway able to find others of like mind, so we never lack for gentle men who wish to make such self abasement and penance for the very great benefit of the orfan girls.

We sometime do have a woman who wishes to do this work for the good of the orfan babes and she will do it mighty loving and well. Most though are men and they do seem alway to know how to find more to join them at the work.

The Clyster:

About the age of eight, the orfan girl will leave her dormitory room of twenty girls, and move to a separate part of the building to be with others of eight years and older in smaller rooms, to sleep and complete her toilet.

Here we teach her to use a small clyster cylinder pump after that she does shit each day, for the sake of cleanliness for herself and for her companions, and so she will be sweet and lovely for any visitor who may wish to touch her there.

She is taught to use warm water, both for good cleansing and for her own pleasure with the wood nozzle so she does enjoy the doing of it. A minder is in attendance, to teach these older girls to fill the clyster in the washroom, then carry it decently under her apron into the closet.

After, she will bring the clyster back out and the minder does ensure that each girl do wash and clean it properly as well as herself.

A girl who is due in the punishment room which is about once every two weeks does have her bottom purged well in this way and also washes with soap in a hot tub so she is excellent clean both inside and out for the greater pleasure of her punisher.

We do provide each girl with a new snuff box which is excellent to hold cooking grease for her bottom and have it alway on her person so she may not be caught unready at any time after that she has left the Great Orfanage.

We do also place in the closet from time to time some 'dillie dolls like those sold by women in Picadillie; slender ones the thickness of a finger only, coated with a hard and shinie coach varnish.

She quickly learns from the minder and other girls to use these dildolls to pleasure her bottom, and to gain swift dexteritie in the application of grease to her bottom from her snuff box. This usage will ensure when she does join a household to work there that she be alway prepared against an importunate master.

Most of the gentle men who do treat of the bottoms of the infant with such great love and kindness do also make generous and frequent gifts of monies to the Great Orfanage. Between the gifts from these gentle men, and the spankers, and the visitors who do watch the punishments of the orfan girls, and gentry who receive our girls into employment, the Orfanage soon did come to lack of nothing for funds and the girls are happy, well nourished, lively and pleasant.

The arrangements are truly idyllic and most fully satisfying for all.

Spankings in the Punishment Room

Our wayes of spanking in the punishment room are best told from memory as I did watch some of them to happen:

The first I recall is Brenda, some eight years of age. She was built sturdy with some youthfull plumpness and a pleasant nature.

Brenda is brought to the punishment room by a minder, and her spanker awaits: Capt. John Tulk, late retired from His Majesty's Navy. A large man and by reputation a very dragon in any naval action, he is most gentle to our girls withal, though new to helping us charitably with his time.

As with all who are new, Capt. Tulk is assisted by a more experienced friend until he will be able judge for himself the force and duration of spanking that is needed, depending upon the age and maturity of each girl who is presented for punishment. His mentor in this case is Sir Anthony Tukesbury, Bart.

The spanker aims to illicit from a girl so young as Brenda a properly contrite response to her punishment. The force of spanking must be nicely adjusted to engender the tears of a young girl and pleas for mercy, more by appearance of fierce punishment than by real hurt to her lovely and delicate bottom.

Brisk beating may be needed, though, to warm a girl of twelve to bring her to copious weeping, loud pleadings, straining at her ties, wriggling, squerming and the full pageant of spanking -which brings to the ladies and gentlemen, both spanker and observer, the greatest satisfaction of feeling that a punishment has been well delivered, which does draw from them their greatest bounty towards the coffers of the Great Orfanage.

The spankings are to chastise each girl as befits her particular physique and naughtiness. She must never be allowed to feel that the first purpose of her punishment is to cause an employer to hire her, though I suspect some of the older girls do "play to the gallery" so to attract a wealthy observer to employ them, with pretty squeals and wriggles during their spankings.

To return to Brenda and Capt. Tulk:

He sits in a spanking chair with no arm-rests to restrict his work, with Sir Anthony standing on his right hand.

"Come stand before me, Brenda. You may leave us now, ma'am", to the attendant, who starts the one hour sand-timer as she leaves and closes the door behind her.

"The slate here in my hand Brenda does state that you were caught pinching another girl Pamela so hard that the marks were there to see on the next day!

"What do you say to that, Miss Brenda, pray?!" and his gnarled weather-beaten face looked properly fierce.

"She hit me first, Sir!"

"You are making this worse for yourself, Miss (frowning fiercer) You must NEVER tell tales about what another girl has done!

"Even if what you say were true, who will believe you? and you get yourself accused of telling lies to save yourself!

"So now I have to punished you for telling untruths as well as for pinching Pamela!

"Come close to me Brenda . . . and turn your back . . . I am going to lift your skirt . . . there, hold it up. Now your drawers come down . . (sliding them down her legs) and step out of them, please.

"I want you to lie yourself over my knee here . . right over . . there. And I tuck your skirt into the neck of your dress . . .

"I am going to spank you with my hand, Brenda, and it's a very hard hand, Brenda. I have used it to kill people in battles at sea, Brenda.

"So it will hurt, Brenda!"

Capt. Tulk's hand was indeed huge as he laid it against the plump white bottom of the eight year old Brenda. She was now weeping in terror of the ogre who now had her firmly pressed down on the small of her back against his rough sea-going trousers.

The cheeks of her bottom did squeeze together in jerks as she sobbed loudly and her face did show sheer terror.


"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Brenda wriggled her bottom violently in pain.

Capt. Tulk looked inquiringly at Sir Anthony - was it too hard?? Sir Anthony nodded approval . . . all unseen to Brenda.


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!", and Brenda squermed on his lap, weeping.


"Oooooooowwww!!", and Brenda wrythed again in pain, and sobbing.

After Capt. Tulk had smacked Brenda's chubby round bottom a dozen times (making much noise, but not too terribly hard!) it was glowing a faint red and she was weeping copiously, and Sir Anthony signaled to rest . . .

"Brenda, I'll stop spanking now . . . and I will take away some of your pain.

"I do it like this . . by stroking your sore . . sore . . bottom gennnnnnnntly . . gennnnnntly . . there . . that's better?"

And Capt. Tulk slowly fondled and kneaded Brenda's sore red bottom in a way that soon had her to stop wrything around and crying as she began to make sounds more like humming as she squirmed slowly on his lap in pleasure.

Sir Anthony signaled to stop after some ten minutes of soothing massage to Brenda's angelic bottom . . . and Capt. Tulk continued:

"Brenda, that spanking with my hard hand was your punishment for cruelly pinching Pamela so the marks on her were still there next day.

"For telling tales about her and trying to put the blame on her, I am going to spank you with something harder: the back of a hairbrush . . .

"I want to be sure you are lying firm over my knee, and I know it's rough Navy trousers I am wearing, which may chafe hard on your fair skin . . . There, I hold you firm now . . .

"Let me remind you, Brenda: you will NOT tell tales!".

SLAPPPP! . . .

as the hairbrush flattened Brenda's lovely plump little bottom . .

"OOOOOOOH!!! OOOOOOOOOOOH!!" shouted Brenda . . .

"Brenda, you will NOT tell tales!"

SLAPPPP!! . . .

as the back of the hairbrush again flattened Brenda's angelic bottom . . .

"OOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!", yelled Brenda . . .

"Brenda, NEVER tell tales!"


and the back of the hairbrush again gave Brenda's adorable bottom another stinging kiss . . .

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" and Brenda wept floods of tears now.

Capt. Tulk raised an eyebrow to Sir Anthony, who nodded.

"Come Brenda, that is enough to help you remember: NEVER tell tales my dear girl.

"Now you have paid the price, your punishment is ended, and you are forgiven.

"Let me help you to sit up . . . so I can give you a hug . . . and I'll soothe that sore sore bottom of yours".

Brenda now sat on his lap with her bottom sticking out over the edge and he did rub and squeeze his hand gently all around over her soft silky smooth roundness.

Capt. Tulk had his other arm hold Brenda firmly with her face to the breast of his rough serge sea jacket, while he kissed her forehead and murmured to her:

"You are forgiven for all you did wrong, my dear Brenda . . . Everything is all right now . . . Dry your eyes . . . here take my handkerchief . . . see, it has my initials on it . . and you may keep it my dear Brenda. You are nice girl and I am fond of you".

Capt. Tulk continued for a long time to stroke Brenda's painful bottom, and reassure her that all was now well . . . . . . . . .

"Now, time to stand up again, and here are your drawers to put back on again, ready to go.

"All dressed now . . .

"Brenda, please tell me that you forgive me for being the person to cause you so much pain! Can you forgive me, Brenda? Please!"

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir! And thank you for caring enough to punish me, Sir!"

And dear Brenda near stumbled as she bobbed him the curtsey which we teach the girls to give after that they have been spanked.

Capt. Tulk rang on the hand bell and the minder entered to escorted Brenda away to her lessons again.

Sir Anthony, I saw, grasped Capt. Tulk firmly by the hand and clapped him on the back in congratulation for a delicate spanking well and lovingly done.

For the punishment of Brenda, the observers at the spy-holes were those who usually like to visit for the spanking of our younger girls. These observers alway do give generously to see the Great Orfanage maintain such good standards of discipline with unstinted time spent upon the punishments of the girls.

Jessica, the next girl I have in mind, is ten and she usually has a somewhat dull and surly expression on her face: not one of our more attractive girls to hire as a servant and I expected we may have difficulty to find her a good employer. The minder brings her into the punishment room where Lady Frances awaits.

Her ladyship is a forceful woman, though not tall. She has changed her fashionable clothes for the stern work ahead, and has a simple smock with no adornment in her hair nor any jewelry showing, and wore a mask to keep her identity from the visitors at their viewing windows.

"Come here, Jessica. I am Lady Frances. I want you to address me as Ma'am".

"Yes 'm".

"No, not 'm . . . You must learn to say it right; say Ma'am".

"Yes, Ma'am".

"That's better, Jessica . . . Now, your slate says you did not polish the brass and copper cooking pots as you should. It says here that you are often lazy. Jessica, tell me if you think that is true?"

"Yes, Ma'am, I suspose so".

And Jessica hung her head.

"My job is to help you to mend your ways, Jessica. I want you to stand up on that box and bend yourself over the end of the table".

To the minder:

"Fasten Jessica's wrists to the table rings, please . . . Now raise her skirt and tuck it into her collar . . . Remove her under-drawers . . . and take them with you as you leave. Thank you".

As the attendant leaves the room, she turns the sand timer to start it . . .

"Jessica, before the hour is out, I will do my best to make you decide to work hard at all the tasks you are given to do.

"This is for the good of your whole future. A lazy girl can not survive today. No one will want to employ you. You MUST learn: You WILL work hard!

"I will start first with the wood paddle . . . You are to count the strokes: After the first one say: "One, thank you Ma'am", and so on.

"And I will remind you of why you are being beaten . . Do you understand, Jessica?"

"Yes Ma'am, thank you Ma'am".

SLAPPPP went the paddle and flattened Jessica's plump bottom.

"OHHHH! ONE Ma'am, thank you Ma'am".

"You WILL work hard, Jessica!"

SLAPPPP went the paddle again on Jessica's soft warm bottom.

"AAAAAAH!! TWO MA'AM, thank you Ma'am".

"You WILL work hard, Jessica!"

SLAPPPP went the paddle on Jessica's bare bottom as she bent over the table with wrists firmly tied in place, and I saw m'Lady Frances knew well how to spank . . . the blows were not hard and Jessica would be able to take a full hour of punishment at the force used by her spanker on the paddle . . . tho' her pain will mount until she will feel most sore by the end. And at every stroke, m'Lady firmly said:

"You WILL work hard, Jessica!"

At "OOOOOOOOOOW! TWENTY Ma'am, thank you Ma'am", Jessica was weeping copiously, and m'Lady Frances stopped for some five minutes . . .

"Now, Jessica, I am going to tie this blindfold on you, and I am going to use the strap for punishment. You will not know when the strap will hit you . . .

"As you bend over the table there with your bottom bare I want you to imagine that you are polishing the brasses, and for a few minutes you have stopped working hard at it . . . THAT is when the strap will strike you.

"And I want you to start counting again, from ONE. Do you understand, Jessica?"

"Yes, Ma'am, thank you Ma'am". (her voice choking with tears).

The strap whistled through the air and landed on Jessica's scarlet bottom with no warning: CRAKKKK . . .

"AAAAAH! ONE, Ma'am. Thank you Ma'am".

"You WILL work hard, Jessica!"

A long pause, then:

CRAKKKK . . . the strap made a loud noise as it bit into Jessica's bottom again. And by this time Jessica was squerming and wrything against the bonds on her wrists, jerking and kicking her legs back straight out as she howled, then said:

"TWO MA'AM. Thank you Ma'am".

"You WILL work hard, Jessica!"

With all the long terrifying waits for the next blow, Jessica got no more than seven cuts with the strap . . . but they were hard and most painful to her.

M'Lady Frances had kept the pain well within what Jessica's ten year old bottom could endure, though she did buck and jerk at every cut of the strap in a most lively way.

At: "SEVEN MA'AM, thank you ma'am" . . .

"Jessica, you WILL work hard . . . won't you Jessica??"

"YES Ma'am, yes I will Ma'am, yes I will, I will, I will!".

"Very well, Jessica. I will release your wrists and soothe your sore red bottom. I will rub it gently . . ."

Jessica's bottom felt m'Lady's hand most painfully and she winced and twisted her hips from side to side in agony as the fingers pressed and rubbed deep into her scarlet cheeks, while she cried out in pain . . .

"Shush! Shush! 'Tis for your own good! This will disperse the bruises. You will have far less pain tonight, Jessica. Stay still while I take the pain away".

And m'Lady Frances kept probing and kneading Jessica's aching bottom, though Jessica continued to bawl in pain . . .

"Jessica, hush! I will soothe you with my own person!"

A quick flurry of m'Lady's smock put it up on Jessica's back and m'Lady stood close behind Jessica, pressing herself hard against the girl's bare bottom, rocking hard and quick from side to side.

I have no doubt m'Lady was naked under her smock. Jessica was most suddenly startled to feel m'Lady's warm naked body pressing against her bottom, and she straight stopped her noise!

M'Lady did rock herself faster and more intense thus a few minutes longer . . . then her face flushed red and her jerking movement betrayed a sudden climax to her work, after which she drew back and let her smock fall into place.

After some time of heavy breath while m'Lady recovered herself: "I think you are ready now, Jessica my dear, to go back to your work. Let me help you up . . . . and we'll lower your skirt -there!"

"Can you forgive me, Jessica dear, for the punishment I have just given you? It was intended only for your own benefit, you know!"

"Yes Ma'am, thank you Ma'am. It is most good of you to care for me and my future, Ma'am".

We do teach the girls to drop a curtsie when they reply thus to their spanker but dear Jessica was so deeply affected by the feel of being loved when that m'Lady had frigged her bare cunnie against Jesse's naked and sensuous bottom that she did fall to the ground and clasp the knees of m'Lady and lay her head into her crotch and rub it there to the great delight of m'Lady Frances.

"Thank you Ma'am! Thank you Ma'am! Thank you indeed Ma'am!'

"That is very lovely of you, Jessica my dear. I will remember you alway with affection and mayhap we will chance to meet again".

At this moment the attendant came in response to m'Lady's ring to escort Jessica back to her work.

"And Jessica . . ."

"Yes Ma'am?"

"You WILL work hard . . . won't you?"

"Yes Ma'am. Thank you Ma'am!"

and Jessica walked stiffly from the punishment room.

The reader will note that we make no attempt at the Great Orfanage to hide the true nature of a girl from her spanker or those watching who might employ her.

The future mistresses of our orfan girls do find that the demeanour of a girl as she undergoes painful correction is an excellent indication of her personal nature. Whether the girl would be a willing, hardworking and compliant member of the household; Or whether she have a high spirit that needs to be tamed with much strong punishment, which some ladies do greatly prefer; Or somewhat lazy and invite punishment almost daily . . .

M'Lady Frances did come to me and ask that she be allowed to have more dealings with Jessica and punish her on some future occasions as she fancied the girl may be suitable to her needs for a personal servant in her household by the following year when that Jessica will have reached eleven years of age.

And such did indeed come to pass after that M'Lady Frances had spanked Jessica hard for some several times more and frigged her naked cunnie against the girl's warm and punished bottom on every occasion to the great delight of the visitors behind their viewing windows.

M'Lady Frances did take Jessica to her house when aged eleven and likely had to spank her upon her bare bottom almost daily so she will work to earn her keep. The solicitude of the gentry for our orfan girls never ceases to amaze me: some mistresses of large houses are well satisfied with a girl who needs such frequent chastisement, but is otherwise clean and well-mannered.

Jessica did come visit me some years later when that m'Lady was in Town and told me how that things had gone with her. She had a room on the same floor of the house as m'Lady separate from the other servants so she was alway in quick and easy call.

M'Lady kept Jessica employed with sewing and the mending of cloathes and did indeed beat her most days saying it was for laziness and did frig herself each time against the warm and comfortable body of Jessica sometime one way sometime another.

Her meals were brought to her room and m'Lady did make sure she had plenty and did keep what some do call her puppy fat so she stayed cuddlesome to m'Lady.

M'Lord her husband did have much to drink on Jessica's first Christmas there and come to her room. Great was his surprise and pleasure when Jessica gave no resistance to his advances and e'en rolled on the bed and did offer him her plump and comely bottom which she had swift prepared for him with grease from the snuff box we had given her.

Great was his joy as his rampant yard slid slowly into her twelve year old bottom which he told her he did find mighty tight and greatly to his pleasure. She had replied that he did give her a wonderful feeling that did go all through her, and he did like that much.

Jessica when that she came to see me was still enjoying daily spankings from m'Lady and was oft times pleasured by his Lordship who alway did extol the tight grip that her young bottom did take of his rampant yard.

It did seem that the charity of those who had given of their time to spank young Jessica while she was in the Great Orfanage had indeed given this unlikely girl the most excellent opportunities for a full and healthful life.

When that in some few years m'Lady wishes again to have a girl of eleven or twelve as her personal servant she will like visit the Great Orfanage and chuse another, while she let Jessica go, as a virgin still with her maidenhead intact, to the marriage bed of one of the prosperous farmers on their estates with a dowry that did show the thanks of m'Lady and his Lordship for the great pleasures that Jessica had provide for them over the years.

As Jessica did leave me I felt what great reward I had for my work amongst the orfans in my charge and wished it may long continue.

For the third girl I recall, a renowned Member of Parliament awaited in the punishment room, Charles James F--, a generous benefactor of our Orfanage. He had doffed his wig and finery and chose to wear a small grey mask and the white costume of a master cook, all excepting the tall white hat.

As we know, one peculiar cut of this clothing is its lack of covering for the wearer's privy parts which lie open and fully exposed under the white apron of the cook, so to piss without handling.

An attendant brought in the miscreant, Colleen, a lively girl of twelve with a slender frame, milk-white skin and red hair. Her breasts had hardly begun to show, but her lily-white bottom jutted out firmly from her narrow hips, as only a young girl's can. Her green eyes usually laughing and with a twinkle in them, but not now - she knew she was due for severe punishment.

"Colleen, your the slate says you started a water fight last Friday night in your dormitory, using the clyster cylinder that you have for washing in your bottom, and the walls of your dormitory were running with water before you could be stopped.

"What's more, Colleen, Matron received a clyster-full of cold water in her face from you. She says you aimed the clyster cylinder deliberately at her before she could reach you to stop the fight.

"Colleen, tell me first, do you dispute any of these charges?"

"I didn't aim it at Matron, Sir, she moved in the way as I began to squirt at another girl!"

"That's as may be. Tell me Colleen, why did you start a clyster fight?"

"It was fun, Sir, it really was . . ."

Mr. F-- had a fit of coughing to cover his laughter. When he recovered: "Colleen, it is my painful duty to spank you until I'm sure you will remember the pain for many months to come, and curb any temptation in yourself to have "fun" of this kind . . . Do you understand, Colleen?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir".

"Yes. Well, Colleen, you will have to pay now. It is a most grievous fault that you have committed and it is my unpleasant duty to make sure you remember that you are sorry".

"Colleen, I want your upper half on the table and your legs hanging down and tied well apart.

"Thank you, ma'am (to the minder) her wrists first, tied to the rings. Soft leather, is it? Not too tight please -

"Good! Now her skirt up and drawers off . . . and tie her ankles - not too tight but wide apart - to the table legs.

"Thank you. You may leave us now . . ."

The attendant took Colleen's drawers with her, and started the one-hour sand timer then closed the door as she left.

Charles James F--- said:

"This must be a severe punishment and I very much regret I have to do this, my dear Colleen. First I must impress upon you that I hold no personal ill will toward you and to make you mindful of this I will do to you thus . . ."

He took out a fine lawn hand kerchief and touched it briefly with his tongue then pressed that wet part to Colleen's small and pink rosebud which was facing the windows for visitors and clear for all to see between the two milk-white orbs of her lovely bottom.

Mr. F-- did lift the hand kerchief away and did examine it closely.

"Colleen, I am pleased to see that you have cleansed yourself well this morn", and without more ado he kneeled upon the floor behind her and kissed her bottom full and deep.

His head pushed in again and again - he was certainly using his tongue to lick and suck her rosebud and used it to probe into her bottom. Colleen did make gasp and moan as she squirmed her bottom in pleasure of what was done to her as he did linger and give great joy to the girl, (and to himself methought).

At last Mr. F-- did remove his face from between her lovely milk-white cheeks and stand again upon his feet.

"My dear Colleen, I hope you do believe now that I am truly fond of you and will only punish you now for your own good, to help you mend your ways?"

"Aye, indeed I do Sir!", returned Colleen, wondering what to happen next.

"Your bottom is going to swallow this dildoll and I will spank you while it is inside you, which will hurt most harshly.

"The 'Battering Ram' as you call it will put the dildoll inside your bottom for me, and indeed nothing is known that can stop this Battering Ram from forcing an entry to the most tight closed door".

"Oh! Please Sir! It will hurt me most terribly, I'm sure of it! Please, do you have to use it Sir?!"

"You should have thought of that before you squirted water with the clyster in the face of Matron, Colleen!", said Mr. F-- as he took from a peg on the wall the stick with a disk near one end and let it hang by its thin cords from the beams above.

The varnished stick as long as his arm and as thick as his little finger did swing back and fore along its length with one round end tapping against Colleen's rosebud.

"Look-you Colleen, this is the dildoll your bottom is going to swallow!", and he held up the largest one from the table for Colleen and the visitors to see.

The dildoll was about four inch long and an inch across at the thickest part about midway along it. The ends were well rounded, with a hole for the stick in one end, and all well varnished.

Mr. F-- did let Colleen take a close look and her face did show her fear and trepidation plainly for the visitors to see.

"The dildoll slides loosly onto the end of the varnished stick, thus . . . and I make sure your bottom is well greased . . . and the dildoll also.

"I have a ten pound weight on this cord which I run over the pulley down here between your legs and loop onto the disk so the weight does pull the dildoll toward your pretty rosebud, thus".

"Oh! I do feel the Battering Ram pressing to enter, Sir! Can nothing stop it?!"

"Nothing, my dear Colleen! I have a fifty pound weight here should we need it to overcome any reluctance you may have to allow the dildoll to slide into your lovely bottom!"

"Oh! Sir that does sound most painful! Can you please make it easy for me?"

"Indeed I can my dear Colleen. First I add another ten pound weight, thus . . . so the dildoll is pulled even harder toward your rosebud, And second, I do swing the end of the Battering Ram, so".

The end of the stick toward the visitors was weighted to swing like the bob of a pendulum, and this did make that end of the stick swing on its cord from the beam above. It was a cord of several feet and the swing was long and easy.

The dildoll as it pressed against Colleen's rosebud was twisted slowly from side to side by the swinging of the other end and she did squirm her bottom mightily in pleasure at the feel of the well greased dildoll rubbing thus as it pressed against her rosebud.

With this steady movement from side to side against Colleen's sweet rosebud the dildoll, pulled as it was by twenty pounds of weight, did slowly work itself between her lips to part them wide and make the dildoll to enter her bottom as the visitors did gape in awe and Colleen did gasp loud and long as she felt the dildoll slide slowly up all the waye into her bottom.

The disk on the stick had stopped against the cheeks of Colleen's bottom so the stick did penetrate Colleen's bottom but little, and the dildoll was drawn in as her sphyncter closed on the tapered end of the varnished wood dildoll.

Mr. F-- did unloop the cord from the disk and pull the stick from her rosebud to hang it against the wall again.

Colleen's rosebud did close to push the dildoll well up inside her bottom and the visitors could see from her face the very great joy that she did have from this as her rosebud did close over the smooth round end of the varnished wood.

"Colleen, I am going to spank you while you have the large dildoll up inside your bottom and the pain will remind you for evermore that you are never to treat those in authority over you with such gross disrespect as you did treat Matron with the clyster on Friday.

"I want you to count as I apply the paddle to your bottom: One Sir, and so on, no matter how much it does hurt you. Do you understand me, Colleen?"

"Yes Sir! Please don't hurt me too much Sir!"

"Only as much as I have to, Colleen!"

SLAPP! went the first kiss of the paddle.

"Ohhhhhh! . . . . One Sir!".

SLAPP! "Aaaagh! Two Sir!"

SLAPP! "Owwwwwwwww! Three Sir"

And each time Colleen frigged her cunnie against the edge of the table and she did revel in the sensation of the dildoll as it moved sharply inside her bottom at each slap of the paddle and excited her deepest centres of joy.

Mr. F-- was slapping Colleen's bottom with the paddle only hard enough to make the dildoll excite her far up inside her bottom.

Colleen did know to give a display of pain for the visitors with her cries of Ohhhh! Owwwww! Aaaaagh! and the like but she could not disguise what happened to her in the end as she approached her climax of delight from the excitement of the dildoll as it was thrust again and again by the rapid beating of the paddle deep into her bottom and her hips moved rapidly to frig her cunnie against the edge of the table before her whole frame went rigid with her ecstasy then sank in torpid languor, as she lay gasping on the table with her legs gone limp over the side.

"Colleen, I believe I have punished you sufficient now; I will remove the dildoll from in your bottom and try to sooth the bruises to your cheeks".

Mr. F-- did grasp the thin cord that was fastened to the dildoll and gently pulled on the rounded wooden plug until it came slowly out from between the lips of Colleen's rosebud.

Every person amongst the visitors did well understand this to show that Colleen would be well able to serve the master of the house where she was employed as well as his male guests, and that Colleen would greatly enjoy the doing thereof.

Mr. F-- did take grease on his hands and gently stroke them over Colleen's lovely bottom to disperse any bruising and to sooth any hurt to the love channel into her bottom with a well-greased finger lovingly pressed between the pink lips of her sweet rosebud and slid slowly in and out for a considerable time while Colleen did sigh and moan in her pleasure thereat and Mr. Fox's hand did disappear beneath his cook's apron to make his own pleasure there.

At last Mr. F-- did undo the bindings to Colleen's ankles and wrists and help her to stand again as he did lower her skirt to make her decent.

He did ring the hand-bell for the minder as he asked Colleen the usual question after a spanking:

"Colleen, my dear, I most sincerely hope you will forgive me for causing you such great and grievous hurt? I only hope I have helped you to see the wayes that you must behave for the future?"

"I know it was no more hurt to me than I needed for my own good Sir! Prithee bless me as you would your own daughter Sir, if that be I do not ask too much", and Colleen sank to her knees in front of this most eminent member of the House of Commons.

Mr. F-- had already given most copiously of his time as a charity to our orfan girl Colleen but he made no scruple about adding his blessing to the orfan waif before him and she so grateful that there were tears on her cheeks as she left the punishment room with her minder.

These three different spankings do serve to illustrate the manner thereof. Some do truly punish the orfan girl and correct her misbehaviour while others do show the visitors more what manner of pleasures they can expect to enjoy with that orfan girl if that they do take her to their household.

All punishments to girls of eight and upward are given in the punishment room before visitors. Generous gifts are elicited from those who view the spankings and these do support the Great Orfanage and the charitable work of those who do the spankings.

The number of orfan girls that we can support has risen in my time from less than fiftie when I did first come to more than three hundred at the time I do write and their conditions have vastly improved withal.

The punishment room and the work there of the gentry which they do out of their extraordinary charity is the engine which drives the whole marvellous machine which does support and train so many destitute orfan girls so that some twenty each year do grow to leave us for secure employment with good masters and mistresses as servants in some of the finest houses in the Realm.

Without the punishment room and its viewing chambers, with the charitable gentle folk who do spank the girls' bottoms there, nothing of this would have come to pass.

It is to the marvelous charity of these gentle men and women that so many orfan girls do owe their fine start in life.

Orfan Girls After They Do Leave Us

We do keep the orfan girls from the time they come to us which is usually within six weeks after birth until the age of eleven or twelve when we do place them in employment, mostlie as servants in large houses.

The Great Orfanage has gained a considerable reputation for the girls we supply as servants, for we do train them well in the arts of house work, as well as in school-room lessons of the three R's.

By eleven or twelve, they are well ready to be valuable as a servant for the owners of a mansion, who all pay liberally to the Orfanage for their training we have given.

The Orfanage girls do indeed have a wonderful start in life, as all the world is waiting to have a girl who leaves our doors.

Gentle folk who seek one of our girls for their house do tell us first the type of work that they will do, and whether they seek a girl who is docile or sprightly, and we select likely candidates.

They then come to the Orfanage and interview and see the girls being punished, and so make their choice.

Some girls do start as a housemaid or chambermaid; others are used more to look after linens and to sew and use the hot-iron on clothes under supervision of the housekeeper or milady herself.

When a girl leaves the Orfanage to work in a mansion, she has a parting gift from us some articles of toilet for her personal cleanliness: a small clyster cylinder pump, a simple snuff box filled with soft grease to carry at all times in her pocket and a tapered dildoll to open her rosebud ready for her master to use.

Her employers always find her willing, hardworking and compliant for she has no other place in the whole world to go. She gets no payment in money, and she knows a hard spanking or caning on her bare bottom from the master, or the mistress of the house, can be expected for any infractions to their rules.

Her master and mistress often find it politic to have the orfan girl sleep in a room separated from the other servants, so she keeps her privacy. This is good when she is in need of discipline, so her bawling does not disturb the other servants, or when desired by her Master.

The Master of the house often chooses to attend to schooling the orfan girl in her room, so she may become a fit governess for the children he has or may have in the future. I have heard of many a man who felt such charity towards the young orfan girl that he spent much time to tutor her thus, specially when his wife was not home to require his duty and attentions for herself.

On her part, his wife was glad he finds some interest to keep him at home of a night, instead of spending his time in dubious company in town, drinking and gambling and other less savoury diversions. She knows too that the orfan girl is clean and also that the hours with her husband will result in no scandalous pregnancy.

A friend who stays some days at a house will sometimes spend much of his time with the orfan girl to give her lessons in particular things such as Mathematics or Geography.

One girl, Heather, did tell me of a Cambridge visitor who did offer her master that he would teach her the verbs of Latin so she could then teach his children.

This learned visitor did alway take the time to chastise Heather full well when she failed in her lessons which was often and she did spend many days in weeping.

He did have little success to teach Latin to Heather until that he did lie himself naked upon her bed and tell her to sit facing him with his rampant member up inside her bottom.

He did then make her recite as she did raise and lower herself:

Amo, I love
Amas, Thou doest love
Amat, He loves

and so on until they did together reach a climax to their learning and their great pleasure, and this did make her to remember his lessons for evermore.

The next day they did undertake another verb and so on until the end of the month for which he did stay.

The Cambridge don happen did visit oft and she became quite learned in Latin and could discourse freely in that language, and did then teach the children of her master and mistress.

I have since learned that many scholars at our great universities do oft, out of the great goodness of their hearts, use these same wayes to teach young servants in the houses where they stay so they may thus advance to the position of governess.

I never cease to wonder at the marvellous charity of those who give to others who are so much less fortunate than themselves, whether it be monies or learning.

The altruism and compassion of worldly men does oft amaze me.

The Need to be Flexible

But one example will suffice to show the degree to which we are flexible to meet the desires of our patrons.

Lady Cynthia, wife of Sir Thomas B-----, did come to observe our punishments and her eye was specially caught by one orfan girl by the name of Beryl who was aged only ten years at that time.

M'Lady did ask me if the governess of her own children could be permitted to administer punishment to this girl when next she was due for chastisement while that m'Lady did watch from a private viewing chamber.

M'Lady said to me:

"Beryl does look to be a pleasant girl and I would like her to be brought to me after her punishment so I may provide comfort to her, in charity towards this orfan girl".

Being sensible that m'Lady Cynthia might see fit to offer employment to Beryl even at ten years of age I showed her one of the larger viewing rooms with a bed and wash-hand basin in it, and seats by the viewing window. I did suggested a somewhat handsome sum for the privilege that she did ask, to which m'Lady did readily agree.

I assured her that young Beryl was certain once again to need correction and punishment for her wrongdoings in a fort'night and we did arrange that m'Lady would come with the governess in two weeks at ten o'the clock.

At the appointed time m'Lady Cynthia did come with the governess Hilda, and m'Lady did go to be comfortably seated at her viewing window to watch the punishment of Beryl.

The governess Hilda did enter the punishment room and doff her black cape to expose strong arms. She was a Nordic woman about thirty with hair pulled back in a tight plait and excellent suited to govern the children and younger servants in the house of m'Lady Cynthia.

I did stay to watch from my own spy-hole to ensure no mishap, as I did hope m'Lady would ask for more such meetings with Beryl to satisfy herself on her liking for the girl.

A minder did bring the girl Beryl into the punishment room: an attractive girl, tall for her age, pale and slender with fair hair and a sweet face, usually filled with fun but now showing only trepidation at her coming punishments from a strange governess.

It was easy to see how M'Lady Cynthia was drawn to bestow her charity and care to the welfare of such a delightful sylph.

Indeed, it was her very slenderness of frame that accounted for Beryl being still unbespoke, at the age of ten: employers did remark that she appeared too lacking in strength and stamina for a hard day at laundering cloathes, beating of rugs, wood-carrying and other chores in a large house.

Hilda did ask first for Beryl to be tied face down full length on the table top. The minder did bind her wrists, then did reach up under her skirt to pull off her underdrawers, and bound her ankles too.

Beryl lay spreadeagle flat on her stomach. Hilda did raise her skirt to reveal a pale bottom with cheeks that did rise surprisingly firm and round for one with so slender a body.

"Beryl, my name is Mistress Hilda. I have to read the first of your faults during the past week, and I am to give you proper punishment. Do you understand me, Beryl?

"Yes, Hilda" (came in Beryl's low husky voice).

SLAPPP . . . . as Hilda's hand landed hard on Beryl's firm round bottom.

"*Mistress* Hilda, if you please!"

"Yes, Mistress Hilda. I'm sorry Mistress Hilda".

"You have been late for sewing work three times this last week. I wish to hear you say, Beryl, that you have been naughty and that you wish me to punish you for it".

"Yes, Mistress Hilda, I have been very naughty. Please do punish me for it".

"I will give you four spanks with my hand for each time you were late, a total of twelve spanks, Beryl".

SLAPP . . SLAPP . . SLAPP . . . .

and the spanks rained down to redden the angelic curves of Beryl's firm round bottom.

The viewing chambers were raised so observers were looking down to see Beryl as she lay tied spreadeagle on the punishment table and could well see each hard spank of Hilda's hand as it did flatten Beryl's full cheeks to make them bounce and she did squerm in her pain.

At the end, with cheeks scarlet, came in a strangled low voice from Beryl:

"Thank you, Mistress Hilda", as she did wrythe and wriggle on the table in a vain attempt to relieve the great pain in her bottom.

"Your next faults on this list Beryl are six times failing to keep the fire stoked with wood in the refectory hall".

"It was very naughty for me to let the fire die low. Mistress Hilda, please punish me for my naughtiness".

"I am going to beat you twelve times with the wooden paddle Beryl.

"For this punishment, I wish to have you bend over the end of the table with your legs coming down to the floor. Can I trust you to cause no difficulty as you move there, or shall I need to call for sturdy help, Beryl?"

"I will make no difficulty, Mistress Hilda. Thank you, Mistress Hilda".

"I'm glad to hear it, Beryl!",

and Hilda loosened the soft leather bonds on Beryl then did pull her along the table by her ankles until her legs did fall to the floor.

Hilda tied the ten year old Beryl again with the leather thongs in this position with her bent over the end of the table and did pull up her skirt to fully expose her bare bottom.

CRACK . . a blow of the paddle did flatten Beryl's full round bottom. Hilda did wait a time and did then turn the table somewhat, which was able to swivel, to change the view that her audience had of Beryl's bare bottom for the next slap of the paddle.

CRACK . . and the wooden paddle again flattened Beryl's soft round bottom, and again Hilda did move the table and wait . .

The governess Hilda was clearly no novice at the game!

Beryl jerked her body in agony against its soft-leather thongs at every stroke of the paddle which each time did flatten her well rounded bottom and her tears flowed copiously as Beryl did weep in brave silence.

After twelve strokes of the wood paddle it was some minutes before Beryl was able stop her sobs enough to find her voice and say:

"Thank you, Mistress Hilda".

"Your third and last misdemeanour was that of falling asleep in a lesson period - no less than five times in the fort'night! Twice in a writing class, and three times when you should have been doing arithmetic sums.

"I am dismayed, Beryl, at your rude insolence! Good people give of their time and trouble to teach you, and all you do is fall asleep!"

"Mistress Hilda, I am truly sorry. Please punish me severely so I may then be forgiven" - Beryl had learned well the way I wish girls to reply when charged with their faults in the punishment room.

"I hope you will find, Beryl, that my punishment is sufficiently severe so you become properly contrite.

"For your infractions, I will give you twenty hard lashes with the cane on your bare bottom.

"During this punishment, I want you to be standing and naked, completely unclothed, Beryl", and she rang the hand-bell for the attendant.

"Yes, come in. This girl is to be standing and without clothes for her next punishment.

"Pray fasten her wrists to the ends of the spread-bar that hangs from the ceiling . . . and leave her feet free to kick and dance".

Beryl was a sensible girl, though only ten, and made no difficulty as the attendant first pulled her dress up over her head so she stood there stark naked, then bound her wrists up to each end of the wood bar.

The attendant pulled the bar up by the rope at its centre and fastened it to leave Beryl's arms still bent so she would have freedom to jerk and bend her body, to wrythe and squerm with her pain during her ordeal, which the visitors do alway like to see.

"Also, please apply the blindfold.

"The surprise of each lash of the cane may remind this recalcitrant girl to stay awake in future when she should be working diligently.

"Thank you! You may leave us now".

Beryl stood with her wrists held to the bar above her head, her tall slender body erect with her firm round bottom prominent and already a brightly red colour.

Altogether a very lovely sight as she stood ready to make her penance.

A black bandage covered Beryl's eyes, so she would have no way to know when the sharp cut of the cane was about to bury itself in her soft round bottom.

She stood waiting in apprehension . . .

"You will count the strokes of the cane, Beryl. After the first you will say: 'One, thank you Mistress Hilda'.

"If you miss the count of any you will get that stroke again. Do you understand, Beryl?"

"Yes, thank you, Mistress Hilda", and Beryl stood waiting, shaking with fear, her knees atremble.

ZAPPP . . . and the cane bit into Beryl's soft warm bottom.


Beryl did scream and she threw her body forward away from the blow, with only the tethers on her wrists for support.

ZAPPP . . . went the cane again and with her hips thrown forward, her bottom was doubly full and round so the thin cane did bury itself deep in her tender flesh.

"AAAAAAAAH!!! ONE, THANK YOU . . . Mistress Hilda".

"Yes, you didn't count quickly enough on the first one, did you Beryl my dear. That makes one extra - so far".

Beryl had pulled herself upright again and stood wriggling her bottom furiously from side to side to allay the pain.

Hilda held a stick that was attached to the spread bar, and used it to give Beryl a quarter turn on the floor, for the audience to change their view of her naked body, wrists tied up to the spread bar above her and fresh red stripes across her full round bottom.

After Beryl had got back her balance with her feet firmly in her new position:

ZAPPP . . . went the cane as it cut upwards to the underside of her round bottom and Beryl jumped in the air and came down with her feet dancing on the canvas-covered wood floor, screaming and weeping.

"TWO, THANK YOU . . . Mistress Hilda".

Another to the underside of her firmly-rounded bottom and she jumped in the air again with her legs kicking, and at the top of her voice:

"THREE, THANK YOU . . . Mistress Hilda".

Beryl did play-act no longer; this was a caning in earnest. She did shout and weep floods of tears without stop now.

Beryl did jump in the air at each cut of the thin cane across her lovely bottom. Each time Beryl's feet landed on the ground again with a THUMP and her cheeks wobbled like a jelly.

I could see that Hilda was experienced in the spanking of young girls . . . The cuts of the cane were nicely hard enough to give pain to the young and sensitive bottom that was bouncing before her, and Beryl did dance and shout full lustily . . .

The next four swipes caught Beryl on the sides of her lovely round bottom first one cheek then the other, and she had no idea from which direction or when to expect the next stinging swipe to come from, and all the time Hilda did move her a quarter turn after every cut of the cane to her soft round bottom so to change the view for the onlookers.

Nothing then . . . for a long time. Then:

ZAPPP . . sang the cane as it bit into Beryl's full round bottom.

And Hilda went on to mark bright red stripes over the whole area of Beryl's bottom with one stroke after another as the girl did count and yell in pain . . . and thanked Hilda for each cut of the thin cane.

There were some long pauses which let Beryl's sobs to die away while she was turned to show another view to the watchers at their windows.

Then another stinging cut of the cane would surprise her and she did jerk away from it, then did pull against the bar above to make herself upright again and all the time she did sob and dance to ease her great pain.

Hilda clearly liked to see Beryl dance and struck her bottom on its underside in all of its succulent rotundity many more times.

At last, though, Beryl had counted up to twenty stinging cuts with the cane. Her punishments had taken almost an hour as shown by the sand timer which had nearly run out while Beryl hanged by her wrists which were tied to the wood bar above her head, sobbing.

Hilda rang her bell for the Orfanage attendant.

"We will take you now Beryl to my mistress, m'Lady Cynthia who has watched these punishments. She will tell you if you are now forgiven for your misdeeds".

"Thank you Mistress Hilda . . for punishing me . . so painfully".

Beryl got out between sobs.

The attendant entered and lowered the spreader bar to carefully release Beryl's wrists. She pulled Beryl's loose dress over her head to cover her nakedness and supported her with Hilda to prevent a fall as they took Beryl to the chamber where m'Lady Cynthia was waiting.

They removed the dress again from Beryl then laid her face down upon the bed to leave her pale slender frame lying there naked, and racked with sobs with her poor punished bottom red and sore as it stood up from her, full and round.

"My dear Beryl! You bore your punishments most bravely - I was watching.

"It was all for your own good, as you know. But that does not make it hurt the less! Let me see what I can do to soothe your pain".

And m'Lady Cynthia gently applied a cooling lotion with her delicate hands to the silky soft cheeks of Beryl's blazing bottom.

She separated Beryl's legs to better reach down between them murmuring all the time:

"My poor brave girl! I am so proud of the way you bore your punishment. No more falling asleep while you should be working, though. No more failing to tend the fires as they should be. No more arriving late.

"We love you dearly and only punish you for your own good, you know, Beryl".


"Beryl, my dear: I can work better after that you move your head to the right . . . and slide your legs round so they come out over the side of the bed here. Use your elbows to help",

and m'Lady Cynthia gently pulled Beryl's ankles until her legs came out over the side of the bed and lay well apart.

"I am going to try something else to cool your bottom and reduce the pain you have there. Stay still as you are for a moment, on your tummy".

And m'Lady Cynthia went over to the wash-hand basin and poured cold water into it from the jug. She then removed the lace from around the neck of her dress, took a deep breath and bent over to hold her face in the cold water.

I watched her through a peep-hole and m'Lady held her face under the cold water for a full minute so her cheeks became most cold.

She then raised her head from the water, quickly dabbed her face with the towel then swiftly moved to stand between Beryl's legs, and bent over Beryl's hot bottom.

M'Lady Cynthia then lowered her head and pressed her cold face firmly down between Beryl's blazing hot cheeks.

I marvelled at the self-abasement to which charitable love can drive a noble lady!

M'Lady bent there for many minutes, with her face pressed hard down into Beryl's silky-smooth bottom, moving her head and nuzzling in between Beryl's soft rotundities to ensure she spread the coldness across the girl's blazing hot cheeks . . .

M'Lady seemed to revel in her self-abasement with her lips nigh to kissing Beryl's rosebud, finding it no doubt a proper penance for her own sins.

From my spy-hole I saw Beryl's face and her expression slowly transformed before my eyes as m'Lady's cold face pressed into the hot cheeks of her bottom. From a look of agonized and tearful pain her face gradually altered to show a look first of startled wonder then of beatific pleasure as m'Lady's cold face nuzzled down between Beryl's firm round cheeks then kissed Beryl's rosebud and her tongue pressed and probed until it did slide up inside her bottom.

Beryl was ecstatic with pleasure and did moan in her delight and she lifted her bottom to separate her cheeks somewhat so m'Lady was more easy able to reach her tongue to enter Beryl's rosebud and her moans did get exceeding loud as she squermed there in her delight on the bed.

M'Lady did most abjectly atone for her sins in this World, to the very great joy of the orfan Beryl.

M'Lady at last raised her head from the smooth soft cushions of Beryl's warm bottom and said:

"Beryl you have a scent and flavour that is exceeding sweet. Wait and I will repeat my cooling of you, my dear".

And m'Lady Cynthia again held her face in the cold water then quickly dried herself. As she lowered her face to Beryl's bottom once more her hand did slide under to fondle Beryl's little cunnie then she buried her face once more deep between the twin pillows of Beryl's firm round bottom to her very great pleasure and delight as she did raise her bottom again towards m'Lady's tongue and made loud moan.

M'Lady spared herself nothing in her work to cool Beryl's bottom and soothe it's pain. Truly, the charity of noble people never ceases to amaze me.

M'Lady's hand did go under her skirt to assuage her natural agitation there until I saw she had gained her relief and then she did raise her head from Beryl's bottom and turn her longwayes on the bed again and gently rubbed on a lotion to soothe Beryl's tender cheeks and caress her cunnie.

A full thirty minutes she continued thus, thrusting her fingers deep into the cheeks of Beryl's soft and pliable bottom, and down between to meet her other hand which teased her little clitoris to Beryl's ecstatic joy and pleasure until at last m'Lady was satisfied that Beryl did feel less pain.

"My dear, do now turn over onto your side so we can talk a little before you return to your duties.

"Tell me, my dear Beryl, when you do leave the Great Orfanage, would you like to come and work for me? Our mansion is at Richmond, some ten miles from here.

"I have need of a girl who will sew and be useful to me during the day, while my husband goes about his business.

"I am a strict mistress, I must have you know, and any mistake or misbehaviour will be punished under my direction by Hilda, just as she has done today.

"You do not have to give an answer now, Beryl . . . it can wait until I come again in a fort'night with Hilda to see you here again for any punishments next due to you"

"M'Lady! I can answer you now and most joyfully! Indeed I should be most glad to come and work for you!! And, ma'am, Mistress Hilda is most just in her punishments. Thank you, m'Lady -thank you!!!"

And she seized M'Lady's hand to kiss it profusely, her angelic pale face weeping with pleasure and gratitude, and her blue eyes brimming with pleasure and thankfulness.

M'Lady Cynthia dried Beryl's tears from her face with her lace-edged handkerchief, then gave her a fond hug to her bosom and kissed Beryl full on her lips . . .

"From now, I shall come with Hilda who will give any punishments that you must have. Do please try to be good Beryl so you do not have to be punished too much when I come again in two weeks . .

"And goodbye for the present my dear Beryl".

M'Lady left the chamber, knowing full well that the Orfanage would find ample reasons for Beryl to be in need of severe punishments . . . at any time when m'Lady cared to come.

Beryl stayed lying on the bed, weeping with joy . . .

As m'Lady came out of her chamber, I met her and conducted her to my room and we partook of a dish of tee before my fire while we discussed the future of Beryl.

In short, I agreed to accept a generous sum to our Orfanage as an initial payment to secure to m'Lady first call on the services of Beryl when the time came for her to leave the Great Orfanage.

I agreed, too, for m'Lady to bring Hilda again every two weeks at the same time, to administer whatever punishments should be needed. M'Lady would direct Hilda to use various slippers, straps and birch rods in the punishments, so Beryl would thus become fully accustomed to the ways of her own establishment in Richmond.

After some few visits for Hilda to give Beryl the punishments due to her, and each time soothed by m'Lady afterwards in her private closet, Beryl proved herself fully satisfactory to the purposes of M'Lady Cynthia and she duly went into service with m'Lady that summer, shortly before her eleventh birthday.

On the day that Beryl departed, m'Lady Cynthia came from Richmond in her coach with the governess Hilda.

Beryl was ready with her few belongings rolled in a bundle. These included some dresses and other garments she had made for herself, her clyster and other toilet things for daily use, and a few small knick knacks of personal items.

Some of Beryl's friends did join m'Lady and Beryl and Hilda for their afternoon mug of milk, to embrace and wish Beryl well in her new life of work and loving discipline: a most happy custom that I had instituted to mark the departure of each girl who left our care.

Soon after that Beryl had finished her milk she did rise and bend over the back of a chair in the way of our tradition. One of her friends did then lift her skirt and pull down her under-drawers, and each of the ten girls did then give her a resounding SMAKKKKK. . . to Beryl's bare and lovely bottom.

Beryl cried "OHHH!!" at each spank and squermed prettily, until her drawers were at last pulled up and her skirt made decent. All then embraced her in turn and she left with m'Lady and the governess Hilda to the fond farewells and waving of her friends.

The punishment of Beryl by a governess and the unusual closeness between m'Lady Cynthia and Beryl is but one example of the flexible arrangements we have alway been ready to enter into to serve the best interests of our orfan girls.

Should any who are in charge of orfan girls wish to know more of our wayes to bring gifts of monies from charitable persons by spanking of the bottoms of their girls, I shall be happie to visit and show my methods with their own orfan girls.

I may also prevail upon some two or three others who are expert at spanking and other treatments to come with me out of their great charity. They can show the different wayes they do make girls to become truly contrite for their faults, and to cause a copious flow of funds to the orfanage from charitable observers and liklie employers, by the proper spanking of the girls upon their prettie bare bottoms.

My Final Examination of a Girl

I myself do give each girl at the Great Orfanage a most thorough examination in her last year when she be near ready to leave the Great Orfanage at age eleven or twelve.

I do these examinations in my private chambers after that the day's work is done so there will be no interruption. I can then see that she has indeed learned all she should so as to please her future masters in the World, which does include the way she does respond to a spanking.

I do see she does carry a small container of grease at all times to ease the entry to her bottom and is able to apply it quick; and always to fall on the ground or the bed with her bottom upwards and her skirt lifted as if by accident.

I myself teach her any further of the personal arts that she may need, such as making some modest protestation but without any great noise before that she succumbs to a man's ardour.

The girl, be she eleven or twelve, does come to me in the evening freshly clean both inside and out, after a hot tub with some little perfume in the water, which do give her a proper feeling for this special occasion like unto the graduation ceremonies at our universities.

After my spanking I do lay her over my knees and stroke her bottom to ease her pain, in the way she is used to; at the same time I start to fondle her rosebud with a well greased finger.

I look all the time at her eyes to see it does give her pleasure and that I do not proceed too quick. My finger will slowly gain admittance after some minutes of play and I move it slowly in and out until my finger is fully up into her bottom.

After that she has become comfortable with my finger fully into her I do withdraw it and begin to make entrance with my thumb, moving it from side to side. My thumb does need to slide fully in before I will proceed to the next step.

This whole fondling and first entrance of a man into the girl's bottom must be gentle but firm and never be hastened and may take much time, talking softly to her the nonce to allay any nervousness she may have while I do keep the proper authority of a doctor over his young patient.

When that my thumb has entered completely into her bottom, I leave it there and do move it slightly all the time until she is fully at ease with it.

I then remove my thumb from her bottom and have her stand and bend over the side of my table so I can see the entrance to her bottom between her lovely cheeks.

I carefully grease my rampant yard and place its head right central on her nether lips. While I stroke her bottom with my hands and speak all the time softly to her, I do rock on my feet to press for entrance to her bottom, telling her of the medical need for this procedure and beseeking her help to open the way.

Following entry of my thumb, her sphyncter is already prepared sufficient to open so far again without pain to her for the coming hour and it only remains for her to relax herself so she enjoy the pleasure to the full.

With the movements in and out of her bottom by my greased yard, it does slowly penetrate to the full length that she can take, and she will by this time be moaning and purring like unto cream for a cat with the joy of it.

To be more comfortable to us both, we may now move to the bed where she will lie on her stomach and I do again slide my yard up into her lovely round bottom.

I do ensure that she does reach the full ecstasy of orgasm this way by teasing her clitoris also if need be, so she does know the pleasures that do lie in store for her whole future, and I myself do dearly enjoy the tight firm grip of her young rectum as it draws my sperm in a full and satisfying ejaculation, so she does know fully how it will be when that her new master does enter her thus.

It do place a great burden upon me to do thus with some dozen or two of girls of age eleven or twelve who leave the Great Orfanage each year, but I feel it my bounden duty so to do.

Needless to say I do prepare on the previous evenings for each one of the girls that I examine so, with lobster and oyster too; but I find nothing can give more stamina to a man than shrimp, fresh caught and boiled lightly for me that day.

The kitchen is well practiced in preparing me for the exacting work to examine a girl of eleven or twelve who is soon to depart our doors.

The full necessity for this examination becomes clear when one remembers that a girl of eleven or twelve whose anus has been opened so it can take the head of a man's yard, must still have the bore of her rectum expanded at every point along its length so his yard can enter to fill her young rectum.

The rectum of a young girl must needs expand as the man's yard does enter her just as a pig intestine does greatly enlarge as meat is pressed in to make a sausage.

It is this tight elasticitie of her rectum around his yard along its whole length that gives such exceeding great pleasure to a man when that he does penetrate the bottom of a young girl or boy.

For the girl's part, this firm but gentle stretching of her rectum until she be completely filled with the man's huge and rampant yard does give her marvellous pleasure.

One of my young charges after that my yard had entered far into her bottom did look back at me over her shoulder and say:

"Ooooh! Doctor Browne, that does give a gorgeous feeling that goes right though me! It is lovely, Doctor Browne!"

I find each girl seems to be closer to me with a bond that lasts for life after that I have personally examined her in this way so our passions have slowly mounted until we reach ecstatic orgasm together.

I am of course the first man in her life to have such intimate contact with her, which may be a large part of the reason for our later closeness.

If we meet in later years she will oft ask to repeat what we did in my chambers, starting with a sound spanking of her lovely bottom, and then to enter her with gentle love to requite our passions, and I am alway glad to oblige her.

To Stretch a Girl:

When I find in my examination that any girl can not comfortably take my yard to fill her, she will need some dilation with a tapered dille doll and I do use for her the same greased and tapered cow horn as I do use in the attic room to punish the most obdurate of our girls, as I describe in Note 8.

I do take the girl up there and have her hold the wood frame to steady herself as I do grease the cow horn carefully and fill the sheep stomach with warm water. I make the sash weights heavy enough to bring the horn up to press the rounded tip of the horn but gently up into her bottom.

I do make a little of the warm water to flow up into her bottom to ease her opening with its warmth while I do slowly add to the sash weights. Over the course of an hour her opening does open well as the cow horn does slowly slide more and more up into her bottom to the great pleasure to the girl.

I have the horn marked to show how thick the part that has entered her and I do encourage the girl to wriggle her bottom slowly from side to side, and from back to front, so the horn does enter her bottom more quickly and to her greater pleasure, until I see it is far enough into her.

I do then remove the horn and she is able to bend and take my rampant yard easy up into her bottom and does reach orgasm as I do tease her clitoris to her exceeding great joy.

The bottom of the girl may need to be entered thus once or twice more on other days to ensure her opening is more relaxed for all time.

She will then be able to use the tapered dildoll that we give her to prepare herself at any time so to give pleasure to her master and to greatly enjoy the doing of this.

Special Training:

It does happen from time to time that one of our great nobility sends an agent, albeit a gentle man, to observe the behaviour of the older orfan girls in punishment on his behalf. If he see a girl with a playful and enticing manner in the spankings, his lordship himself may grace us with his presence at a window to view the girl as she is spanked.

I have from time to time been charged with the special training of such a girl in the amorous arts, with the promise from the client of a most substantial donation: half a year's expenses of the Great Orfanage was one time given me by a Duke.

This is excellent for the welfare of all the orfans and I mention it so a physician in like position will be ready with a curriculum of training to propose for the chosen orfan girl.

The girl's new master may have too much ardour for lengthy fondling before entry so I do show each such girl how to use grease and a dillie doll shaped like a carrot, thin at one end but quickly enlarging her opening as it does slide in, so she can first excuse herself to "attend to her toilet" when she will use the clyster pump, then prepare the opening to her sweet bottom with this dillie doll so it will be ready to take his yard easie, for her to enjoy and frolic with her master and pleasure him fully.

The effect of a dildoll in the opening of the young girl of eleven or even younger does last for a full hour after she do this to herself. With her master she will begin ready and prepared, with her eyes already dancing and flashing in delight as he does slide his yard full into her bottom.

They will later end with her sweet face flushed and gasping for breath as they arrive together at ecstatic orgasm and she will thus give him untold joy and satisfaction so he will never again desire to visit a whore who would only pretend to such ecstasy.

All these nobles did wish the young orfan girl able to straddle him, so her knees are on each side as he lie on his back, she looking either to his face or his feet as she lower her lovely round bottom on to his stiff yard. Other things too, but this was the most difficult for a girl of eleven or twelve.

I gave practice to each of these chosen girls full many a time so she became well able to maintain her playful and loving manner while giving this pleasure.

I do discreetly inquire of her future master about his size and I give the girl a collar to place over his stiff yard. It is a ring of thick rope with soft leather sewn over it.

This of a size to leave only three inch of his yard to penetrate her bottom. They can thus romp freely while she sits atop his rampant yard with no fear of pain to her. Each girl and I did practice thus.

The Duke's Girl:

Jane, the girl that the Duke did take from our orfanage was well builded with a full round and lovely bottom, a very peach. He would tell the twelve year old Jane that her bottom was soft like the inside of a fresh baked loaf and did taste e'en lovlier as he did then thrust with his tongue deep into her.

For the Duke's extra titillation I did teach Jane to act coy and teasing as she straddled over him after that he had roundly spanked her bottom while tied to the bed post.

I did teach Jane to use words such as: "Oh! 'Tis a mighty engine, your Grace! . . 'Twill split me, I'm sure! . . Let me put plenty grease on't! . . Now let me try . . . Oh, I can not take it! . . Let me try again . . it goes in a bit! La, I must have it out and rest a minute! . . Now let me rock from side to side, it may help. . There, it goes in some more!" . . and much more of the same until his Grace's yard had slid slowly up as far as it could go into Jane's lovely bottom which did grip his manhood exceeding tight.

I gave Jane thinner rings also for his Grace's yard to enter her further as she grew able. But whenever Jane did lay on the bed flat on her face she needed no leather-covered ring, as her round and succulent bottom itself did give the spacing needed to stop his yard from going too far in.

Jane's firm cheeks this way did also make extra pressure and friction on his grace's yard to his great delight she later told me.

The Duke had become a widower and did take in our orfan girl Jane of twelve years soon thereafter, and it straightway became her duty to sleep in his private wing of the castle and assist his sound sleep.

His Grace had tutors and a riding master for Jane like any royal Princess and she became most adept at amusing him with her stories and conversations.

His children grew old waiting for their inheritance; they never did know that Jane was living there nor could understand how his Grace continued to live in full health and vigour for so many long years, until after his death when they read his Last Will and Testament which did make good provision for Jane.

Jane did still have her maidenhead and did marry a Peer of the Realm and gave him heirs. 'Twas then much talked of in the coffee houses, to our great benefit as it did bring many more of Nobles to our viewing windows with their monies.

Whenever a girl did return to see me after that she had left us to work in a household she did tell me what had been expected from her by the master of the house and his friends. It did alway seem that we had made our girls able to enjoy most all of what their masters did want them to do, who had taken exceeding pleasure in their lovely bottoms.

The Wayes at the Start

When I first did come to take charge of the Great Orfanage in the Winter of 1742 there was less than fiftie girls in buildings made for five times that number; no infant had been admitted for the past five year and more; and there was scarce enough of monies to provide for two months of food and other necessaries. The girls mostlie aged eight to twelve, and their minders also, all were in low spirits.

I speedy had a curtain made of sacking to divide the great hall into two parts with holes cut so a visitor seated on one side of the curtain could see all that passed on the other.

No window did let daylight into the great hall on the side for the visitors so it were near dark there and no visitor's face could be distinguished from where the girls were to be punished.

Some thirty simple seats and small tables were placed for the convenience of the visitors so they might see the girls being punished with a cane and in other wayes.

A heavy table from the refectory was brought with bindings of leather to hold the miscreant to it for punishment. Ropes also hung from the beams to hold the hands of a girl high above her head so she might dance to a caning.

I fast enlisted help from amongst my acquaintances in the coffee houses of gentle men who did feel a charitable urge to assist my labors in behalf of so many unfortunate orfan girls.

They agreed to give of their time to punish those orfans that did need it, to be accompanied alway by caresses of soothing forgiveness to show there be no ill will to the sweet girl herself but onlie a desire to correct her wayes.

These good men knew full well that visitors would watch to marvel at their labors, and mayhap also make gifts of monies to feed and cloathe the girls and pay for coals to warm them if they did find the punishments were to their liking and excite their feelings toward the girls.

These friends did understand also that the future of each orfan girl as a servant in a house did depend on shewing she will be happie to suffer punishment and able to do whatever bidden for the pleasure of her master and mistress.

I did ask the gentle men of the coffee houses to spred word to their wives and friends that they might view the discipline applied to the girls of the Great Orfanage and mayhap to see one trained to their likings as a servant girl for their own household when that she grew to twelve years of age or even before.

The word did spred well and some five and twenty visitors did come on the first morning and were seated by ten o'the clock behind the simple curtain with its windows for observation.

The orfan girls to be punished had that morn been pumped with clysters of warm water 'til they did run out clear, then scrubbed in a hot tub to be well cleaned both inside and out and so ready to suit whatever the wishes of their punishers.

For the first girl, Sir David H---- did enter with a linen coat likely from his coachman in place of his street cloathes. He did stand a minute to await the first miscreant and Mary did then enter, a fair-haired blue-eyed girl of eight led by a minder.

Sir David did take the slate from the minder and read aloud:

"Mary you are age eight: You did fall asleep when meant to scrub the floor of the kitchen scullery"

"Mary, is this true?"

"Yes Sir, I did Sir and I am truly sorry Sir. Please don't punish me hard Sir", and she did look dolefull and begin to weep.

"I will punish you no harder than you deserve, Mary.

"Nurse, have Mary to bend over the table then pull up her arms and tie her wrists to the table.

"Spread her ankles wide and tie them also to the legs of the table.

"See that Mary can move but little, then raise her skirt so I have her bottom bare".

When that Mary had been tied with soft leather thongs so her bare bottom did face to the visitors:

"Thank you, nurse, and you may go now. I will ring to call you when that I am done.

"Mary, I am about to used this cane on your bare bottom".

And he did swish the thin switch fiercely in the air above her plump bottom still pink from the hot tub while she did squirm and wriggle so to show her rosebud between her wide-spread legs to all the visitors.

"I want you to count each stroke that I give to your bottom for your punishment Mary and do it loud for all to hear or it will not count as a stroke and I must give you more Mary. Now . . ."

CRACK, and a thin red line did straight show across Mary's nates.

"OhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAhhhhhhhhhhh . . . . One Sir" and young Mary did wriggle mightily and pull hard at her bonds as she did thump her cunnie against the table.

I was behind the curtain and saw indeed Sir David had struck Mary quite gentle but enough for the thin cane to raise a red weal.

Mary knew well even at her tender age of eight what was needed to please the visitors so to get good gifts from them for the Great Orfanage.

But the pain of the cane on her younge bottom was indeed very real to her and Mary did cry out loud and pull on her leather bindings with all her might and hit the table with her cunnie to ease her pain with nothing of pretense in it.

Sir David did wait 'til Mary's sobs and groans did lessen somewhat, then did give her the next cut of the cane across her tender younge bottom which made her to scream and struggle against her leather bindings and made her to bang her cunnie oft against the table to try lessen the pain and she did weep copious tears.

Mary did sob and cry out loud and struggle mightilie and wrythe her cunnie against the table at every cut of the cane across her tender younge bottom, and every time Sir David did wait until her sobs had died low before he gave her bottom another scarlet line across her cheeks, and he did continue thus long and slow until her cheeks was covered with wealds bright red and painful to see, and until she did say:

"Ten Sir", when he did reply:

"Mary, I will stop now. I am sure you have been punished enough that the remembrance will keep you awake whenever you scrub the kitchen floor.

"I will rub your cheeks now so they will show little bruising by the morrow".

Sir David did then take some grease to his hands and turn so the visitors might see his fingers on Mary's bottom as he did most gently rub her two cheeks that was covered with red stripes.

He did caress with his hands slow and soothing over all parts of her nates and down between her legs, and the visitors saw that he did especially stroke with his slipperie fingers on her pink rosebud, at which Mary did most joyously wriggle her bottom and giggle, all tears now long gone.

Those watching must have been put in mind of the seamen's adage:

Finger on at eight,
Then in by ten:
And years of bliss
For Captain and Ben.

It spoke equally for girls as for cabin boys, and all did see that young Mary with her fair hair and blue eyes had the making of a most willing and delightful accomplice to her master's pleasure when she does enter into service.

After that Sir David did ring for the minder, and she released the leather ties on young Mary who did stand and lower her skirt again. Sir David did step toward her and taking her tenderly in his arms did place a kiss on her sweet forehead:

"Dear Mary! I wish you well for the future, with all my heart!"

Young Mary did reply as I had taught her:

"Thank you Sir for caring enough to punish me and make me a better girl Sir", and did curtsie prettilie to Sir David.

And they then departed from the punishment room.

A girl then entered with a board which she hanged on the wall with the word: "INTERVAL"

I had prepared those girls then aged twelve to go amongst the visitors each carrying a pot of hot chocolate and cups on a tray which they prettilie did offer and set the cup down on a small table within easy reach and pour the drink for each visitor, and after all were served did then stay as to wait on their pleasure.

Each girl did place herself close to the visitor of her choice and smile to invite attentions which most did receive right soon.

The girls had all removed their undergarments so when that a visitor did reach under the girl's skirt to pinch and fondle her bottom, they found to their delight that the girl was naked there and she did enjoy to be touched e'en in her most private places, but did alway turn herself so 'twas her rosebud was touched.

A visitor would ask the name of the girl and learn that those present were all aged twelve and to leave the Great Orfanage that year. They were thus free to ask to have any for service in their household if they did so desire.

The sign for INTERVAL was removed and Capt. Pierce, formerly Chirurgien of the Royal Navy, did enter and take the slate from the minder. He was dressed in the plain working smock of his trade with the glistening gold epaulettes of his rank, and did read the slate:

"Liz, you are twelve years of age: You have not yet learned your multiplication tables and make many mistakes in your arithmetic.

"Liz, is this true? How say you, Liz?"

"Please Sir, yes Sir. I find the tables difficult to learn Sir".

"Of course they are difficult to learn Liz. And I see I must help you to try harder Liz!

"Nurse I will use the wheel to help Liz to learn she must try harder at her arithmetic. Remove all her cloathing then bind Liz to the spokes".

Capt. Pierce was speaking of a large carriage wheel with its axle fastened to one of the wood pillars of the great hall so the wheel was clear of the floor and was free to turn. I had found it in our carriage barn and had it cleaned then mounted with the axle fresh-greased to make it turn easy.

Liz was uncloathed then was stood facing the wheel on the small platform affixed to its rim and that jutted out for her to stand upon, with her back to the visitors.

Padded pieces were then pegged in placed on the spokes to be firm on top of her shoulders so to take her weight when she was turned head down, and soft leather bindings were tied both under her arms and around her waist, to hold her body firmly to the wheel.

"Thank you nurse. You may go now: I will ring this bell when I need you again.

"Liz I am going to loosen the binding around your chest somewhat so you do not lack for breath . . .

"Now I turn this wheel slowly . . . so you stand on your head".

Capt. Pierce did grasp the rim and pull the wheel round until Liz was indeed with her head downwards and her weight taken by the padded blocks. He did then peg the wheel so it could move no more.

Capt. Pierce did then take her ankles and spread them well apart and bind them to the wheel.

He ran his hands many times from her ankles and lightly down the insides of her legs until they met at her rosebud which was in plain view to the visitors, as if to see that she was secure and he did gently stroke the inside of her legs thus for many a turn.

"Liz are you comfortable and ready for your punishment?"

"Yes Sir as comfortable as I can be on this wheel!"

"I first want to show you Liz that I have no ill will towards you and I indeed only do what I must to help you mend your ways.

"For you sweet Liz I have only charitable thoughts and no malice. To help you believe me sweet Liz I will kiss you most humbly before I begin to punish".

With that Capt. Pierce did bend forward and did kiss Lizz firm and square on her rosebud as his face did press down between the cheeks of her bottom and nuzzle into to her smooth and sweet nether parts.

Capt. Pierce did stay a mighty long time to show his charitable thoughts for Liz but I did see his purpose as I knew what he did plan next to do and his tongue did thrust and probe with much vigour into her bottom to make a start to the opening of her rosebud.

Liz knew nothing of what was next: She did but revel in what he was doing which was arousing her greatly as she was held upside down on the wheel, and she did weave her bottom slowly from side to side and out from the wheel in her ecstasy moaning loud the nonce while her rosebud did soften to sweetly bid his tongue enter.

Capt. Pierce did at last lift his face from Liz's bottom and mop his lips with his kerchief, and he did then make to fix the dildoll and weights in place.

From the table beside him, Capt. Pierce did select a dildoll with a snub nose and was tapered to its other end, and a full inch across in its widest place; A few inches of stick did come from the tapered end. The gaudemiche was well coated with shiny carriage varnish, and the stick was painted red.

One inch at its widest, it was the largest of the dildolls I had got made: we wished to leave all further enlargement of the girl to her master, so she will leave us well able to take his yard without hurt but still so tight as to grip his manhood mighty hard.

Capt. Pierce did hold the dildoll up as though to examine it: he did thus ensure the visitors saw its size to know her master could use Liz to his will if that he took her to work in his house.

He slid the stick of the dildoll up into the hole in the end of a piece of broom handle which itself slid in the opening on a cross-piece and had a pan on its top end for weights. He did carefully grease Liz's hole with his finger and greased also the dildoll which he then stood on her rosebud ready to enter.

The cross-piece he pegged to the wheel so it would stop and hold the weight pan after that it had fallen no more than two inch from its beginning position and he placed a pound weight in the pan.

Capt. Pierce would increase weights until the dildoll was slid down inside the girl. Nothing that Liz could do would stop the snub nose of the dildoll to force open her rosebud which will then slide inexorably down into her lovely bottom.

Some amongst the visitors did shiver in anticipation of what was to happen to Liz as they did watch, knowing that she herself did guess nothing of this.

"Liz, I am prepared to begin. As I cane your bottom I wish you to count the strokes out loud so all can hear. The dildoll that rests on your rosebud does have weight on top of it and I am going to increase that weight until the dildoll does slide down into your bottom.

"There is nothing you can do to stop the weights from pushing the dildoll down into your bottom and you will feel it force your lips apart and slide slowly down into you after a short time and I will continue to cane you after that the dildoll is inside you as an extra punishment".

"Oh! Sir!! . . . ." wailed Liz and he voice choked in anguish.

"I am starting now . . ."

And Capt. Pierce brought the thin cane down briskly across Liz's bottom to make an angry red line across both her cheeks. Liz cried sharp and loud as she did wriggle her bottom hard and shouted:

"ONE Sir!" and bawled with a flood of tears.

The weight did not fall and Capt. Pierce did place a second pound weight in the pan.

After that Liz's sobs had died somewhat Capt. Pierce did give her bottom a second cut with the thin cane.

Liz did shout and weep as before then managed to say:

"TWO Sir!" and kept her sobbing.

The weight still had not fallen and Capt. Pierce did place a third pound weight in the pan.

Capt. Pierce continued thus until he had placed in the pan one, two . , three . . , four . . . , five . . . . , SIX . . . . . pounds of weights and with his next cut of the cane across Liz's bottom the weights were then enough to make her rosebud relax its tightness enough for the whole weight pan contraption to lurch to one side and the dildoll to start its descent into Liz's bottom and the visitors did all seem to draw in their breaths with a gasp of fear.

The snub nose of the dildoll rammed downwards to open Liz's rosebud and marks on the broom handle did show the slow movement downwards of the weights.

The weight pan did drop for two inch until it struck the cross piece and could fall no further. By then it had pushed the dildoll into Liz far enough for the widest part to be inside her bottom.

Liz's sphyncter did then close on the tapered end of the dildoll and slowly draw the red stick down with it, which the visitors saw from the marks on it as the red stick came out of the hole in the broom handle.

Liz's sphyncter closed on the tapered end of the dildoll to push the shynie varnished wood slowly down into her bottom so far that it was completely swallowed and only the red stick was left showing from her rosebud.

Liz gasped in pleasure and delight in spite of the hurt of the cane to her bottom, as the dildoll was drawn deep down into her bottom.

"I am going to remove the weights that pushed the dildoll into you, Liz, while you keep it tight inside you",

And Capt. Pierce did dismantle the whole weight pan contraption to leave the dildoll in her bottom with its red stick pointing upwards from her hole for all to see.

"Your bottom has completely swallowed our biggest dildoll inside you, Liz. I am going to use the cane on your bottom again, so you feel the pain of it beating on the wood that is now in your bottom!"

"Oh, Sir! Must you be so cruel?!"

"You will remember this punishment all your life Liz, and you will never forget to work on your multiplication tables Liz!

"I am starting to cane you . . . Now!"

Capt. Pierce did strike Liz with the cane again and again, not hard but with the blows aimed to move the dildoll down sharply inside her bottom at each stroke of the cane.

These movements of the wood dildoll inside Liz did excite her very centres of arousal and she responded with loud cries as though in agony but in truth with growing ecstasy from the jolts and movements to the large dildoll that her bottom had swallowed down inside her.

Capt. Pierce did change his caning to light and fast as Liz's excitement did increase until she did at last shout loud and her limbs did shudder, and he did then stop his caning.

Liz did gasp and heave for many a minute, then:

"I am undoing the ties to your ankles Liz, and I am going to turn you right side up, . . . there! Hold your ankles together while I turn the wheel", and he made Liz to stand upright on the little platform again.

"Right side up again, and you still have the gaudemiche in your bottom. I will stroke your cheeks now Liz so they will show less bruises tomorrow".

He did then kneel on the floor and rub her bottom slow and gentle with hands made sliperie with grease and push with his thumbs up inside the cheeks of her bottom so all could see the red stick move much up into her and down again, and her moans of delight were loud for all to hear.

After that Capt. Pierce had given Liz much pleasure with his subtle hands he did lean forward even as he kneeled and kissed her firmly on her two cheeks then raise himself up:

"You are excellent sweet my dear Liz. I will untie you now so you are free to walk".

and Capt. Pierce did untie the bindings around Liz from under her arms and around her waist, and help her to stand again on the floor.

"Here, I will help you to walk to the table Liz and bend you over it . . ." and when she was well bended over he did hold the red stick of the dildoll and move it in and out her bottom some little distance as in fun, smiling, and Liz did gasp and wrythe her cheeks afresh until Capt. Pierce did pull the dildoll all the waye out from her bottom.

He held the large dildoll up for all to see and 'twas clear she could well pleasure a grown man with her bottom and love the doing of it withal.

Capt. Pierce took a cloth and wiped the grease off Liz and told her to dress and rang for the minder. When Liz had dressed and made as to the door he did stop her and clasp her to him by the buttocks saying:

"My dear Liz, do please work hard at your multiplication, for I do not like to hurt you so much!", and kissed her full on her mouth.

"Please Sir. Thank you for your kindness and charity in taking time to punish me Sir!"

And Liz did bob a pretty curtsie to him with a mischievous smile before she did leave with the minder, and Capt. Pierce departed through the other door.

Many a visitor was fondling one of our girls as they did watch the punishment of Liz. I had secured the assistance of a former Dean of St. Paul's who did take close interest and deep concern in our work with the orfan girls. He was well versed in securing gifts from visitors and had moved amongst those who sat and watched the punishments.

I heard him ask for names and addresses so to inform of future punishments and advise on the waye to reserve a seat for a future time. And lastly he did say that the debts of the Great Orfanage must be paid or it will soon close and suggested a gift of some guineas: he did chuse the amount I think depending on the dress of each visitor and did take the coins discretely into a velvet pouch on his belt.

This waye we did take sufficient money in that first morning to pay the next three months of expenses in the running the Great Orfanage.

I did immediate send out for a dozen chicken from the poulterer and to have the vintner deliver me a dozen of Rhennish.

I bade the kitchen to prepare a fine feast for the girls and their minders that evening, with a good plate of roasted chicken legs sent to my chambers for the gentle men who had so charitably assisted in the work of the day with punishment of the girls' bottoms and the securing of handsome gifts from the visitors.

I bade all gentle men who had assisted to join me in my chambers where I did fill their glasses with Rhennish to thank them and to celebrate a turning point in the life of the Great Orfanage.

I left to join the girls and their minders in the refectory where they did revel in their feast of roasted chicken, which the girls could none of them remember to have tasted before.

All pain from the cane was forgot and the girls did have chicken grease on their faces from biting on the succulent meat and exceeding happy smiles withal.

I asked silence and did thank every one for the part they had played in persuading the visitors to give generously to the expenses of the Great Orfanage even at great pain to some of them.

I did tell them that much work remained to be done so visitors will stay interested in the punishments of the girls, and they must show they are able to take all the many kinds of discipline that are common amongst servants in a large house.

Not least of these was to be punished with a dildoll into her bottom which I told them the visitors did like to see - I did not tell the girls then that the dildoll would be the rampant yard of their master and his friends - so to help them get good offers of work from the visitors as servant girls in their households.

"But enough of that for tonight", I said: "Let us enjoy the success we have all achieved today!"

The girls did cheer long and loud in their happiness as I waved farewell and departed to my guests who were enjoying the plate of chicken legs with their wine.

My most urgent work at the start was to make every girl happy with a firm sliperie thing sliding up into her bottom, so she would bear no child after that she had left the Great Orfanage except after careful thought.

In years to come our orfan girls would be made to love this waye of arousal while still as infants, but in the meantime this love to be pleasured thus must needs be taught freshly to each girl already in the Great Orfanage who were of age six and up.

I did have some wood finials made with a shallow spiral groove as they did taper up to a rounded point. They were an inch at the widest and well varnished. When covered in grease and slowly twisted in the hole of a girl the spiral groves did draw the wooden knob up into her bottom.

I did insert one into the bottom of each girl of twelve years of age after that I had greased her hole with my finger. For some time each day she did then sit on a bench at her school work with the finial in her bottom.

The girls did show their pleasure in this by the movements of their bottoms on the hard school benches. They did raise themselves a little then sit down again hard to thrust the finial up into their bottom as they did squirm in their pleasure and indeed little school work was done by the girls who had finials in their bottoms.

One girl did complain of pain as I first slid the knob into her bottom and did cry out with the hurt as I did twist the finial to pull itself up into her tight little rectum.

If one girl of age twelve did feel pain at the first entry of the dildoll into her bottom then even more of the younger girls would likely feel some pain also.

I wished to make the experience wholly pleasurable to each girl and did devise a smooth rounded rod that was smaller than the size of my little finger and did slide up into the bottom of any girl as easy as the wood nozzle of the clyster that was first used to clean her.

The round rod was in four quarters that did come together as a single rod but could be pulled apart to make larger the hole they were in. The four parts were pulled separate by a mechanism of cords and weights like a window sash.

The weights could be added so the pull would increase and the entrance to the girl's bottom was gently widened in this waye, but only as fast as she herself did allow her sphyncter to relax and open.

She lifted herself from the four-in-one rod after some few minutes when her hole was larger, and she could then easy sit on a one inch dildoll, while the next girl did use the bottom hole enlarger.

This way all of the oldest girls were comfortably relaxed and seated with a one-inch-wide finial in their bottoms within an hour and they did much enjoy to sit thus.

None of these dildolls were greater than one inch across so the girls did each keep her tight elastik rectum for the heavenly joy of her future Master.

Within three month, each of the girls of eight and older was able to slowly slide a one inch dildoll up into her bottom without first needing to use the four-in-one rod to open her hole beforehand.

This accomplishment was shown with our daily punishments before the visitors, and each girl who was "punished" in this way did act at first as though it did hurt her much to take a one inch thick dildoll into her bottom.

After some time with the dildoll there in her rectum she did then show she was mighty pleased and did enjoy it being moved in and out of her bottom.

A girl who did show the dildoll seeming to hurt her at first, then later seeming to be greatly pleased by it, did draw the greatest gifts to the Great Orfanage from the visitors.

This first seeming reluctance and pain by the girl, that was followed by exceeding joy, did also make her attractive to be taken as a servant girl from the Great Orfanage into a large household.

As the year progressed to Summer it became urgent to ensure the ten girls then aged twelve were well prepared to leave the Great Orfanage for service in large houses. They had all learned to do the work of a large house from their duties in the Great Orfanage and they had become used to the discipline they would be subject to from their punishments here.

There was one respect only in which I was not yet sure that they would happily survive: If the master of the house did force himself upon a girl mayhap while in his cups and push his yard into her bottom with little time for the girl to prepare herself.

In short: What if her Master did rape the girl in her bottom?

I did give each of these girls therefore a snuff box that she was to keep well charged with grease from the kitchen and in her pocket at all times.

As I did walk the buildings of the Great Orfanage I would tell one of these older girls at any time that I did want her to follow me to a secluded place and did there have her to remove her under garments.

I thereupon did take a dildoll from my pocket and make to slide it up into her bottom. Each girl needed only one painful hurt thus to her bottom and she alway after was exceeding quick to apply grease from her snuff box to her nether opening, even as she followed me to the secluded spot, so the dildoll did slide in easy and she did like it well.

Our girls did quick learn to carry their snuff box of grease at all times and to use it quick on their bottom if pressed to act host to a man's rampant yard.

In this first year the ten girls of age twelve did all find good employers from amongst the charitable visitors who came to view our daily punishments to the orfan girls in our charge and the monies in our coffers did grow apace.

These monies enabled the building of rooms for visitors next to the punishment room as I describe elsewhere. We also could employ more minders and start to admit newborn infants to the Great Orfanage once more, to the great satisfaction of the Governors and myself also.

Etchings of a Series of Punishments

My late friend William Hogarth, Esq. did have great interest in our work with the orfan girls and oft did watch their punishments.

To help bring in monies for the Orfanage he did make sketches of a girl as she was punished in different wayes and did then make etchings of them which he called: "The Painful Progress of the Idle Scholar" and they did sell to a wide public.

The etchings did show the agonies of a girl being chastised ever more severely for mistakes in her school work and were akin to the series by Mr. Hogarth entitled "The Progress of the Rake".

These fearsome pictures became widely used to hang in the school rooms of private houses as a warning to the pupils there of what does happen to girls who are lazy and inattentive to their studies.

Mr. Hogarth did make a present to the Great Orfanage of all profits from the sale of these etchings which amounted to a large sum indeed.

The punishment room in the Great Orfanage provided the setting for the pictures. Mr. Hogarth did make his sketches there on a Sunday so not to halt the regular spankings and the monies that accrued therefrom on the other six days of the week. Snow had fallen and 'twas late that Sunday morning before he did come with his charcoal and sketch paper.

Mr. Hogarth had chosen an attractive girl of six as model for the pictures, out of all the girls then in the Great Orfanage. Her name Melissa and her appearance was truly angelic with her fair hair, rounded figure and clear white skin.

I took no part myself but did stay and watch all. The part of school teacher was played by a Lady Frances; a minder and the janitor did attend for the whole day to serve Mr. Hogarth as needed in the punishment room while he did make his sketches. They did position the girl Melissa and her bindings and move furniture, as he directed.

I found many years later that this minder and janitor were in fact the true mother and father of Melissa. They had been working at the Great Orfanage some six years before when the minder had given birth privily to Melissa and did give her up to the Great Orfanage, one of the last new-born infants to be admitted before the Great Orfanage became so exceeding short of monies.

In this waye the following scenes of increasing painful bondage and punishment for the young girl Melissa of onlie six years were watched in their entirety by her mother and father, and must have given them untold distress as they watched the pain and torture suffered by their dear daughter and not able to help or comfort her in any waye.

Melissa herself had no knowledge of their relation to her.

The scenes depicted in the sketches were as follows:

1. Melissa's First Fault.

The six year old Melissa is sitting in a school room on a wood chair and tied to it by her wrists and ankles.

Melissa's teacher, a severe-looking woman, stands over her with a thin cane in her hand. Melissa skirt is pulled towards her, away from her knees, and her thighs show the painful marks where the cane is beating her legs.

Melissa is weeping and pleading with the teacher to stop, and she can not even wipe away her tears as her hands are tied.

2. Melissa Caned Again.

Melissa is standing bent over the back of the same chair with her wrists and ankles tied to the front and back legs.

Melissa's skirt is pulled up over her back and her undergarments are down around her ankles.

The picture shows Melissa's bare bottom which has many sore stripes from the cane across her two cheeks.

The angry teacher is shown with the cane about to strike again the quivering cheeks of Melissa as she cries out in agony from the cuts she has already had and in terror for those she is next to receive.

3. The Lazy Student.

The blackboard has been removed from its heavy upright easel and Melissa is facing it with her wrists tied above her head. Her legs are spread wide and tied to the easel also.

Her skirt has been pulled up and tucked in at the neck, front and back, and her nether garments have been removed.

The teacher stands with the thin cane and its marks show on Melissa's bottom and the backs of her legs.

Melissa is looking over her shoulder at the teacher with a face that is weeping and twisted in pain.

4. More Severe Punishment

Melissa is now turned with her back to the easel and naked from head to toe. Her wrists and ankles are tied to the easel and she faces towards the artist.

The teacher stands at one side with the cane coming down to cut again and again into the six-year-old Melissa's barely-budding breasts.

Agonizing marks from the cane are across Melissa's chest and across her stomach too.

Melissa's face is contorted in agony as the teacher's eyes do shine and her face gloats at the dreadful pain of her six year old pupil.

5. Tip-Toes

Melissa is naked again and alone as she faces the easel once more but only her wrists are tied to it, not too far above her head this time.

A bradawl used in cabinet making with a handle of well varnished wood, has its small metal blade slid down into the end of a piece of cane.

The other end of the cane stands on the floor under Melissa's bottom while the smoothe round top of the bradawl handle is between the lovely white cheeks of her bottom and pressing up against her rosebud.

Melissa stands as high as she can on her tip toes to stop the greased handle of the bradawl from pushing up into her bottom.

E'en so, the pressure of the smooth round wood handle of the bradawl upwards against Melissa's rosebud is plain from the bend in the cane below her bottom.

The bulge in the four-inch-long handle of the bradawl is plainly visible and is more than an inch across.

The hands of a clock in the background show twelve Noon and the grimace on Melissa's face shows her pain at standing so long on her tip toes.

6. Tip-Toes No More

The hands now show one o'the clock and Melissa's strength must have failed her: She now stands flat on her heels and only the lower end of the four-inch bradawl handle is showing from her bottom: The greased handle has pushed up into her bottom while her mother and father watched, unable to help her, as Melissa's strength failed and she dropped suddenly down with agonizing pain to her bottom, to have her heels on the floor again.

At the moment when strength failed and her heels dropped to the floor, Melissa had screamed in terror as the bulging wood handle rammed its way inexorably into her rosebud, and the varnished handle slid all the way up into her bottom.

The picture shows Melissa's head turned over her shoulder, with agony and fear plain on her face, and the end of the smoothe and sliperie wooden handle slightlie protruding from her bottom, its blade still in the cane which stands on the floor under her bottom.

7. The Cane Again

The hands now show two o'the clock and the teacher has returned. She has removed the length of cane from under Melissa's bottom and the lower end of the bradawl is shown still protruding from her rosebud.

The teacher is punishing Melissa on her bare bottom with her thin cane, while the handle of the bradawl is still up inside her bottom.

The face of the six-year-old Melissa shows acute pain from the caning as it strikes through to the piece of wood inside her bottom.

8. Tip-Toes Again

The hands show three o'the clock and Melissa is again standing on her tip-toes with an even larger varnished wood handle, well greased and pressing up against her rosebud. A length of cane stands as before on the floor under her bottom and it bends with the pressure upward of the wood handle against Melissa's rosebud.

The sketch shows that the wood handle is visibly larger than before and will be much harder for Melissa to take up into her bottom.

Melissa is shown dropping slightly on her heels and the cane bows more to help press the sliperie wood handle up into her bottom in a controlled waye this time, before that her strength does give out with standing on tip-toe.

Melissa has her hips twisted so the well-greased wood handle presses to the side of her rosebud to help to open her bottom and have it enter easier.

From the expression on the six-year-old Melissa's face, she almost does appear to enjoy the work to press the larger wood handle up into her bottom.

9. Flat on Her Heels

The hands show four o'the clock and Melissa is standing flat on her heels again and only the lower end of the large wood handle can be seen.

Her mother and father had been glad to see with this large wood handle that Melissa had managed to press it up into her rosebud at a speed that did suit her, before her strength should give out this time.

To do this she had lowered herself slightly from her highest tip-toe position and moved her bottom from side to side so the sliperie wood handle had pressed on her rosebud in different directions.

After some few minutes of these cautious movements, her rosebud had slowly opened to allow the big wood handle to move in until the very largest part was sitting right in her rosebud and she paused to savour this point of greatest opening to her delicate younge bottom, like a child with a toboggan who has climbed to the top of a snow slope and stops to enjoy the moment before the thrill of the rush down to the bottom.

Melissa's mother saw her wait with an expectant look on her face for a few moments, then she nudged the widest bit of the shiny wood handle past her opening and her rosebud closed to make the huge knob rush up into her bottom and end by slowly nestling a long way up inside her as far into her as it could possibly go and she wriggled her bottom from side to side to enjoy the feel of having it up there all the waye inside her.

Indeed the large wood handle had given far more pleasure than pain to Melissa's angelic six-year-old bottom.

The sketch faithfully showed Melissa's mouth with a half-smile while she bends her knees slightly to push the sliperie wood handle even further up into her lovely bottom.

10. Upside Down

Melissa is still naked but upside down. He shoulders rest on two large piles of books while her head is between them and looking towards the artist. Her ankles are tied to the blackboard easel well apart and firmly enough to stop her from falling.

The end of the large wooden handle is still protruding from Melissa's bottom but her cunnie faces the artist and catches the eye more in this picture.

The teacher has in her hand a riding crop with a tab of soft leather on the end and we can see the marks where it has beaten on the insides of Melissa's thighs and on her stomach and -it must have caused her great agony - against her little cunnie.

The teacher has stopped her beating and stands lecturing Melissa about her bad behaviour while shaking the riding crop at her.

Melissa's face, upside down between the two piles of books, shows a mixture of pain from the beating she has just received and, oddly, a mixture of dread and longing for the next beating that she is to get.

But a beating was not the next punishment for Melissa . . .

11. "You Must Try Harder!"

Melissa is naked, the wood handle of the tool no longer in her bottom, and she is tied face down to a wide school bench with firm bindings around her chest and waist and thighs and ankles so she can not even wriggle. Her arms also are pulled up beyond her head and bound to the bench also.

The bench is held up by books at one end so Melissa's head is lower than her ankles.

The teacher stands near the bench, on the side further from the artist, with an excited look in her eye as she tips a candle to pour melted wax down between the two cheeks of Melissa's bottom.

Melissa is shrieking in agony and tugging with all her strength at her bindings.

I thought it curious at the time that the minder and janitor did hold each other close and wept most copiously as Melissa bawled and struggled, frantic in her agony.

'Twas easy explained in later years when I came to know that they were indeed, Melissa's mother and father, who had to watch the torture of their dear daughter but ten feet away from them and no waye to help her or even to give words of comfort to their darling daughter in her extreme pain and anguish.

The artist's sketch shows the pool of melted wax gathering between the two cheeks of Melissa's bottom, where they meet her thighs.

Melissa is just plump enough that there is no opening between the tops of her thighs for the melted wax to run down between them, though she does tug and jerk to try make an opening there, and the pool of hot melted wax grows deeper - and deeper.

The pool of melted wax on Melissa's tender bottom and legs gives her searing agony, and she yells in fear and pain as she weeps and pleads for her teacher to stop pouring the hot wax from one candle after another down to make the pool deeper between the cheeks of her bottom.

But the teacher's face has a cruel expression and she only repeats over and over: "You must try harder, Melissa!", which is the title of the sketch, as she keeps tipping the melted wax from the candles down between Melissa's cheeks.

The minder and the janitor now had their faces turned away from Melissa and clutched each other while their shoulders did shake in anguish at the pain borne by their darling daughter, but they were unable to help her in any waye.

The artist's sketch shows the pool of melted wax can not get much deeper before it will overflow at the places where Melissa's cheeks meet her thighs, to run over onto the bench that she is tied to.

The moulten pool of wax between the cheeks of Melissa's bottom will continue give her agonizing pain for a long time, before it has cooled and set hard.

Four small drawings at the bottom right of the sketch show how the block of wax will be used, after it has cooled and set solid:

First: The block stands flat side down, with the cusp pointing upwards, at the point where Melissa's two cheeks met her thighs.

Next to that is the same block of wax with its edges cut to make four vertical sides to the wax.

Third: Small boards are held with twine to make a box around the wax mould, and plaster is being poured into it.

Finally: A plaster replica of Melissa's bottom is taken from the mould, about four inch square, just where her two cheeks meet her thighs.

With the snow falling again outside, Mr. Hogarth did not wait for the wax to cool and set solid: he now had the sketches he needed and departed with them to his studio to make them into a series of etchings.

Melissa was still tied to the sloping bench, weeping and crying out from the burning pain of the pool of hot wax where the cheeks of her bottom meet the tops of her thighs.

Lady Frances who had played the cruel teacher, had been left by Mr. Hogarth to remove the block of wax from between Melissa's cheeks when that it had cooled solid.

Most of the wax was still liquid and m'Lady, wishing to cool it faster, sent the minder to bring in a pail of fresh snow, and did place handfuls of it on top of the hot wax.

Melissa's bottom was burning hot from the wax. Her skin just above the hot wax was now freezing cold from the fresh snow and her agony became even greater, and she shouted loud as she did tug and struggle against her bindings.

The snow on her bottom did melt and the minder dried with a cloth while Lady Frances did heap more fresh snow on the hot wax.

Melissa suffered fierce pain from the raging heat of the wax, and next to that on her skin, the freezing cold of the snow.

At last the heat lessened and m'Lady did declare the wax cool enough to lift the block from Melissa's bottom. She pressed with her fingers into Melissa's tender cheeks and then on her painful thighs, until the wax had been separated in all parts from her flesh.

The minder did untie the bindings that held Melissa to the bench at her ankles and thighs so m'Lady was able move Melissa's legs a little apart and the block of wax, moulded to the exact shape of Melissa's bottom and thighs, was free to move.

M'Lady then carefully lifted the warm block of wax free from Melissa's bottom, and stood it flat side down on the floor.

The plasterer did later take it from there and made the first set of paper weights and other things as I had told him.

The minder did press snow down on Melissa's hot flesh newly uncovered, from where the melted wax had been on her bottom.

This change from burning hot to freezing was exceeding painful to Melissa and the girl did howl and struggle e'en more against the bindings that still held her body and wrists to the bench.

The six year old Melissa did at last calm and the minder did untie her bindings and then carry her with the janitor up to her bed, soothing her as they went, with:

"Poor dear Melissa! Did it hurt you dreadfully? Well, you are alright now! We will look after you. I will use some special ointment that will make you feel in Heaven, you will see!", and more of the like.

Melissa could not understand why the minder and the janitor both showed such particular concern for her: she knew nothing of their being her mother and father.

With Melissa back on her bed the minder, her mother, gently applied ointment of laudanum with a finger up inside Melissa's bottom and over the parts where the melted wax and the freezing snow had burned her tender skin. The ointment did flood her body with a rosy pain-relieving cloud as the opium did take its effect.

Melissa had barely time to drink a cup of beef broth, the only food she had tasted that day, before she fell sound asleep and did not awaken again until late on the following morning, sore from her bruises and burns, and was kept in bed by the minder for a long time to be gently rubbed with soothing balm, and she could not sit easy on a bench or chair for near a week after.

Mr. Hogarth did inform me with much annoyance that Melissa had an unmistakable expression of pleasure on her face after that the larger wood handle of a carpentry tool had been slid up into her bottom, and he was not able to understand it.

The etchings were to show severe pain and be called: "The Painful Progress of the Idle Scholar".

As a result Mr. Hogarth did not use the sketches 8 and 9 where the young girl of six did look to enjoy so greatly the thrusting of a mighty large sliperie wood handle up into her bottom.

The six-year-old Melissa was by way of being treated as a hero at the Great Orfanage after that the monies from the etchings began to come in from the sales to the public, which did attest to their wide use to terrify young students into working more diligently at their studies.

Melissa herself remembered well the punishments shown in the etchings. Whenever she looked at them she was filled with a curiously wistful longing that she might have all of the punishments done to her again, and feel again their terrible pain and agony.

These etchings did prompt me to set aside a small room where visitors could be taken after that they had witnessed the punishments of some girls, and see the etchings, and to buy if they so wished.

Plaster replicas of Melissa's bottom were sold also, made as shown in the etching, from the wax impression taken of Melissa's bottom.

Some were sold for use as a paper weight, others to hang as decoration on a wall; yet others were stood so the legs pointed upwards and a hole drilled so to take the end of a quill pen.

To put a quill into the hole was like to insert a thermo meter of the Herr Doktor Fahrenheit into Melissa's bottom.

Other things did come to be added for visitors to buy such as dildolls that had been much used for the girls, after that the varnish had been worn thin by use. Also canes and paddles and straps that had been much used upon the bottoms of the girls and did need to be replaced.

These things that had been worn out by punishments to the girls of the Great Orfanage did all sell for very much more than the monies needed to replace them.

The Great Orfanage will alway thank the late William Hogarth, Esq. for his great imagination in the punishments that he did conceive for the young Melissa and for the considerable monies that the etchings did generate for the Great Orfanage in the early days of my work there.

Treatment of the Difficult Girl

Joan had entered the Great Orfanage as an infant and was eight years of age when I did first take up my duties as Principal and Physician there. She had red hair and an abundance of freckles to her face and was altogether a charming though high strung child.

One day I did pass the open door to a room when I saw Joan inside and she was shouting at one of the minders that she would not scrub the floor. I did stop and the minder said to have no concern as Joan did oft times lose control of herself thus and it would pass after that she had stood in the corner for an hour.

I bethought myself that Joan was but typical of some orfan girls we have who become fierce and lose control of themselves, for some are even the orfans of desperate criminals who have died on the gallows and so have little enough in them to prompt of good behaviour and Joan was one such.

I bethought me that Joan will soon go too far in her disobedience and will need most severe teaching to change her wayes if to stay in the Great Orfanage.

I laid plans for such stern correction to be done in a small attic room which we did not then use. I did have the carpenter fix two posts from floor to ceiling some six feet apart and he did then make me three cross pieces that could be pegged to the posts parallel to the floor at whatever height suited.

I had him also to cut the end from a cow horn and drill and round the end so it made a funnel that would enter easy the rosebud of a young girl.

He mounted this horn on a small post which did slide in a wood channel with a pulley and weight like unto a sash window, and the weight would press the horn upwards against the bottom of a girl who did stand over it.

The pillar stood but loosley on the floor so the girl was free to move from side to side and the tip of the horn would follow in her rosebud be she never so violent in her movements.

I had the kitchen get me the stomach of a sheep with the intestine still attached and this intestine I did pull over the mouth of the horn and fasten with thin twine. The stomach might be filled with warm water and then raised to make the water flow out of the tip of the horn. When the stomach was set lower than the height of the horn it would draw that water back out of the girl.

When next young Joan did loose her temper she did throw a stool at her minder and I was ready to correct her wayes. Joan's hands were bound to make her easy to handle and the girl of eight was led up to the room in the attic which I had prepared.

Joan was stripped naked and turned to face the wood frame. A cross piece was pegged to the posts at a height to suit her outstretched arms, and her arms then bound to the cross piece with soft leather thongs.

The second cross piece was pegged at the height of her waist so she might be held there also if needed.

The third cross piece was pegged six inch above the floor and her ankles bound thereto after that her legs were spread wide.

With grease on my finger I did then press into her rosebud, so to make an entry to her bottom and the sliding pillar with the horn was set under her with the rounded tip of horn to press lightly upward against her rosebud.

The sheep stomach was filled with warm water and a little soap. The sash weight was then increased and I did wait until the horn had, to her great consternation, slid slowly up into Joan's bottom. I did then raise the sheep stomach to make the water enter Joan's bottom.

A little water did leak and the sash weight was increased once more so the horn did press even harder up into Joan's rosebud and the smooth tapered tip of the horn did slide even further up into her bottom.

Methinks that Joan did find this treatment pleasant at the start though a complete surprise to her.

Warm water did continue to flow up into Joan's bottom and the great weight of it did start her to leak again, but we did add to the sash weights even more and stopped the leaking, and water was made to flow up into her bottom until her stomach did bulge and hurt her.

She had near a gallon in her and was sobbing with the pain of it inside her.

After some time we did then lower the sheep stomach and the soapy water did leave her to flow out to a pail.

Without the amount of water in her now to press down, and the horn being slipperie with grease, the heavy sash weights did thrust the horn even more up inside Joan's bottom.

I did mark the horn with chalk where it did enter Joan's rosebud as a matter of curiosity and when all water was out I did remove the horn to see the extent it had opened her bottom.

I saw that even at the age of eight Joan's rosebud had been relaxed well beyond what needed to take with ease the yard of a full grown man such as myself to enter her young bottom.

This enlargement had been slow and gradual over the course of an hour, and it never does cease to amaze me how elastik is the sphyncter of a young person if opened exceeding slow.

We did wash Joan's bowells some times more with warm water and a little salt added but with less quantity of water than in the first washing with soap.

The water did at last run clear out of Joan's bottom.

I did then tie a strip of cloth around Joan's waist to hang against her cunnie and down into a pail so she could piss at any time without concern to us.

Lest there be some further water still in her bottom we did remove the horn from there and stand the varnished wood handle of a bradawl carpentry tool on the sliding pillar to press up against her rosebud with much grease on it.

We did then increase the sash weights until the wood handle did slide slowly up into Joan's bottom which she was powerless to stop e'en if she had wanted which I do not think she did, and it did slide in easy after that the tapered horn had already opened her.

She did smile as the varnished handle did go fully up into her lovely white bottom and the saucy girl did wriggle herself to savour the slipperie feel of the smooth wood handle up inside her there.

A cord looped loosely around Joan's neck did fall down both her front and back to the blade that did come from the handle of the tool and was tied there to ensure it would stay in place, up inside her bottom to stop any leak of water.

I did then tell Joan that we will feed her with warm broth to nourish her in the same way as the water she had just taken into her body so she can stay tied there to the wood frame for several days together and be punished with many severe beatings for her bad behaviour.

I told her indeed we had no cause to release her until we were satisfied she will behave herself for the future. That she was an orfan girl with no mother or father nor family of any kind that she might turn to, and no claim to a single morsel of food in this world but had been fed and cared for these eight years out of the charity of those about her who could just as well turn her out in the street to try if she might steal food from the very dogs to stop herself from starving and sleep with them for warmth.

Joan was now weeping in shame at her behaviour and fear of her future. What caused her and the few other girls like her to loose control of herself, to shout and throw things at her minders, we will never know and nor I think will she. We can only give Joan good cause to know she will suffer long and most painfully if she do it ever again, so she will change her wayes.

As further punishment I did then have a gag fastened in Joan's mouth so she could no longer make a noise except to grunt and squeel and I then did apply a thin cane briskly to her back and bottom while she make a muffled noise like unto a stuck pig.

We did then throw a blanket around Joan lest she catch a cold and I did then have everyone leave the room so Joan was on her own and miserable in her pain and wondering of her future.

After some two hours I did return with a minder and a bowl of clear broth just Luke warm. We did remove the blanket from Joan and I left the gag in place telling her she did not need her mouth to feed with. We did then gently ease the plug from her bottom and fastened the tapered horn in place on the sliding pillar.

The warm broth we did then pour into the sheep stomach and pinched the intestine to stop it from running out at the horn.

The tip of the horn was greased so the sash weights did make it to slide well up into Mary's bottom and we did then raise the sheep stomach so the warm broth flowed up into her.

The minder did press and rub on Joan's stomach to help her in taking the nourishment which she did like well enough and we did then throw the blanket over her again and leave her alone with the broth filling her bowells and her helpless to move.

As I departed I did tell her that she might sleep as she stood there if she wished, as the nourishment would go into her just as well if she was unconscious, and she did understand my grim threat to her.

When we did return Joan was truly in a sorry state as she did by then know full well that she might stay fastened thus to the wood frame for many days and nights and unable to speak or move.

We did let the broth flow from her bowells into a pail and we did again plug her bottom with the same wooden handle of a carpentry tool and tied in place so it might not dislodge.

I did tell Joan:

"Your back and bottom was beaten this morning to help you to repent of your behaviour. It is now the turn of your legs and stomach.

"I will leave the gag in your mouth as we have no wish for you to disturb the whole house with your bawling".

I did then beat Joan's legs at the back then on the front and up onto her stomach with the thin cane which did hurt her much and she did squeel and tug and strain at her bindings in vain efforts to escape the pain. The cords from Joan's neck did hold the handle of the carpentry tool firm up inside her bottom while I did beat her thus so she felt no respite from that punishment.

Joan's eyes did open so wide as I beat her on her stomach that they did look to pop out and her loud grunts and noises into the gag did show the great hurt that my cane did cause to her legs and stomach.

After a sound caning to her legs and stomach thus we did throw the blanket again around Joan and on leaving I did tell her to think well on her future behaviour if that she will be allowed to stay at the Great Orfanage at all.

Joan's muffled sobbing and weeping into the gag that filled her mouth did reflect true contrition for her lack of gratitude in what she had done and apology for her behaviour.

To make sure of a lasting change to her wayes I did determine that she should stay there standing and bound to the wood framework, to sleep standing up as best she could that dark night by herself, so she know she might easily continue her punishment thus for many days together.

I told her:

"Joan, you will stay here bound to the wood spar for this night and for every day and night thereafter until you show yourself truly repentant.

"But before you sleep I want you to walk with me to the end of the passage and back so you do keep the use of your arms and legs even while you are being punished in this way for maybe several days together".

The minder and I did undo her bindings and she did walk exceeding slow and painful while she did lean her weight on us to the end of the passage and back, all with the handle of the carpentry tool held in her bottom by the cords from her neck and the gag tied firm in her mouth.

As Joan did approach the wood frame once again she did seem most remarkably to throw her arms gratefully up onto the cross piece ready to be bound and beaten once more as if she did feel it fitting that she should be punished most severely thus for her ingratitude to the Great Orfanage and her violence to the minder.

I then told Joan in no uncertain terms that she will stay thus bound to the wood frame day and night until I felt sure she will never again lose control of her behaviour and assure me that she will do willingly whatever she was told for the future.

I did remove the gag which did hurt Joan's mouth and threw the wool blanked about her once more to give her some warmth and we left her for the night to feel her pain and to contemplate her wayes for the future, alone and without light.

As I did leave the attic room and take the candle with me I did hear Joan faintly say between her sobs:

"Thank you for your punishment to me Sir!", but I was not to be diverted by my soft heart, and I did leave her then without answering.

It was near eight o'the clock before I could get to Joan again and all the other girls were in their beds. When I entered the attic room with a minder our candle did show Joan sleeping as she stood there bound to the wood framework with legs wide apart and her head fallen forward on the wood beam in front of her with her face flushed and warm, and we did leave her thus for the night with the handle of the carpentry tool yet held firmly up inside her bottom.

I did look in again at midnight and saw that Joan did sleep sound with deep breathing before I did leave her for the night.

I was up betimes in the morning and did take a minder with me to see Joan. She slept still so I did throw the blanket off her and I took a cane to her bottom so she remember alway what will happen again if that she lose control of her behaviour.

Joan awoke greatly startled with the pain but did not at first know where she was and why. As I watched her memory recall all that had happened after she did throw the stool at her minder I could see that she was fully now broken of spirit and deeply penitent, so no more would be accomplished by keeping her here to punish further. But I did not yet tell her that.

As I did beat Joan on her back and bottom she did shout:

"I am sorry! I am most truly sorry, Doctor Browne!".

"So you should be, Joan!",I replied and ordered her gag replaced.

To remind her one last time of her complete loss of all volition and liberty I did have a bowl of warm broth brought. We did remove the wood plug from her bottom and we did use the horn to force the broth up into her bottom and leave her with it in her for an hour as she did stare at the etchings there on the wall: "The Painful Progress of the Idle Scholar", and recall most miserably how she had come to be in her present condition.

After her breakfast of warm broth in her bottom we did again use the horn to wash out Joan's bowells with warm water for three or four times so she would never forget her painful loss of liberty.

With the minder there who had received the stool on her head from Joan I did then tell her that I wished to hear her say that she did truly repent for her disrespect and hurt to her minder and that she would never again think to disobey her. Joan quick knew that I did mean to free her:

"Oh! I do Sir! Truly I am sorry and I will never do any such thing again. Do please forgive me! Please!?"

"Thank you Joan. I do indeed forgive you, this time", replied the minder.

"We will undo your bindings now Joan so you are free to go. Never forget though that if ever you do anything like this again you will be bound here to the wood framework and you will be beaten each day for a month, if you do even survive to live that long.

"We will help you walk to the stairs and down to your bed where you will stay for the rest of the day until evening when you may join the other girls in the refectory for supper".

Joan did of course tell the other girls about being bound naked to a wood frame and so deprived of all movement day and night and a cow horn pushed up into her bottom to fill her with water until she felt she would burst then fed by broth forced up into her bottom while her mouth was gagged and about her many beatings on her legs and stomach and of being left in the attic room for the night bound to the wood frame in the dark, naked and alone and frightened with the wood handle of a carpentry tool held firm up in her bottom, and she did openly weep as she told of her pain and fright in the attic room, helpless and hopeless and beaten often.

This severe punishing did cause Joan to control her temper for as long as she was at the Great Orfanage and, I believe, for the rest of her life.

Only most rarely did we need this same severe punishing for girls when they did let themselves become over-excited and petulant as all the girls did know of the room in the attic and did fear the wood frame and cow horn most greatly.

The most I did ever need to use it was for one strong and ill tempered girl named Margaret of six years who did flout all authority in the Great Orfanage so I did truly think we might have to give her to a passing band of gypsies to take and do with her as they pleased.

Margaret did stay bound to the wood framework for five days, gag in mouth and oft beaten, with feeding in her bowell, and did still remain obdurate and rude withal.

I did at last bring her to truly repent of her misdoings only by the use of oysters harshly clamped to her body.

A pail of fresh-caught oysters in sea water was brought to the attic room and let to stand for an hour. The oysters did then lie in the water with their shells open and I lifted one at a time. The first I did place to close itself and clamp to Margaret's left teat.

I did carefully lift the open oyster from the sea water and press it quick so her left tit was in the opening between the two halves of shell.

I did tap my finger sharp on the oyster shell so it did close fast and firm upon her budding six-year-old breast and stay to grip her most painful hard.

I did pull hard at the shell and there was no removing its hold upon Margaret's delicate flesh.

Margaret did howl with the pain of the rough oyster shell closed and clamped to her tender breast and we did apply the gag to her mouth so to much muffle her noise.

I did also clamp oysters, some with sharp barnacles that did cut into her, on her other breast and even more painful to the labia of her little cunnie also.

We then left Margaret alone, bound to the wood frame in the attic room and the tapered cow horn pressing upward in her bottom with heavy sash weights which made to open her anus wide so the horn did press hard and painful against the bones inside her six year old pelvis.

Margaret was in great agony and did continue long to squerm and wriggle in her pain to pull hard as she might against the leather thongs that did bind her to the wood frame. The noise from under her gag was like unto an animal that did screem in pain and terror, caught by its foot in an iron trap.

I saw by her eyes that she did at last repent for her misdeeds and we did leave her alone with her agony in the attic room, the sharp oyster shells biting into her most tender flesh, to think on't.

We did return to the attic room after an hour to find Margaret near fainting with her pain from the rough oysters which had clamped themselves to her most delicate parts. After that I did remove the gag to her mouth she did babble and implore us to release her from her torture.

With much sobs and weeping Margaret did beg forgiveness for her waywardness and I felt she was truly repentant for her bad behaviour. I did then cut open the hinge of each oyster with a knife to release the bruised and bloody young flesh of her breasts and cunnie from the fierce grip of the savage mollusks.

Margaret was changed completely by this final punishment of the oyster clamps and never again did badly misbehave.

Every time after this punishment of Margaret that a minder did threaten a girl with "The Oyster Clamps" it did almost alway have a great effect and I did rarely have to use such drastic means again to make a girl contrite for her misdoings.

The tapered horn with its sash weights, and the wood frame with its leather bindings to hold a girl firm for many days together, were kept ready for use at any time in the attic room, and the girls did all know that.

With these most severe wayes to punish a girl alway ready and known to all and sometimes used, we were able to change wayes of our most wild miscreants so we were never driven to cast any girl out onto the streets of London after that she had once entered our care at the Great Orfanange.

The Rare Girl Who Likes Punishment

I did require the minders to inform me when a rare girl did not appear to be greatly deterred by a threat to punish her with "The Oyster Clamps", which I do describe in Note 8, so I would know those few special girls who might enjoy such extreme punishment.

When that I did employ this severe and agonizing torture on a girl for her pleasure it was alway in sight of visitors in the punishment room.

I did find that the donations were then alway exceptional great, as the gentry who came to view these special punishments were indeed most strongly moved by the scene of a young girl in agony as her teats and other delicate parts was gripped in excruciating pain when oysters did clamp themselves to pinch and squeeze her most tender places.

Not often did I have this punishment given to a girl for the enjoyment of our visitors in the viewing chambers, for it took the girl some two week after to lose the black bruises and cuts to her young breasts and other places.

There was a man and one woman amongst our gentry who did give so freely of their time to punish the girls of the Great Orfanage out of their very great charity and love for those so much less fortunate than themselves, who did become especially adept in the use of live oysters to clamp themselves most painfully onto the tender flesh of a young girl.

I did instruct them both they were never to clamp an oyster to the girl's labia as I did not want that part of her to be too much comforted and soothed after her punishment, for she may then gain over much liking to have a tongue in her cunnie.

They were free to clamp the oysters on any other parts of the girl as they did punish her.

I did alway select for this punishment one of the rare girls who did seem to care little for threats of punishment with "The Oyster Clamps".

I did myself test the girl first with hard pinches to her tits and bottom with my finger nails to ensure her liking for extreme pain before assigning her to be subjected to the oyster clamps in the punishment room.

One such was Anne, age nine, a nicely rounded girl with a full bottom and breasts that were just beginning to form. I had noticed in the punishment room, since she did start to come the year before at age eight, that her dark eyes did take on a sparkle of excitement as the cane did bite into her bottom even while she did weep and cry out in her pain.

Anne had responded the same when that I did pinch her little teats one day, with eyes that did sparkle in pleasure even while she did shout in pain.

I thus chose Anne to show this punishment to our visitors and she was taken one day to the punishment room where Lord George H---did await her.

"It is written on your slate that you did not clean the dishes well Anne, and would not wash them again when told by a minder.

"Is this true Anne?"

"The minder did say they were not clean, Sir. But they did look clean enough to me!"

"You must do what the minders tell you Anne. You sound obstinate and I must teach you to change your wayes Anne.

"Your punishment will be severe. I want you naked and with your wrists tied to the bar that hangs from the ceiling above you and I am going to have oysters clamp themselves to your most tender parts then beat you with a cane while those mollusks do hold you in their painful grip.

"Do you have any question Anne?"

"Sir I only do beg of you remember my tender age: I am only nine years of age Sir!"

"I will hurt you no more than you deserve Anne and I hope you will come quick to see the error of your wayes!"

The minder did strip Anne of all her clothes and tie her wrists to the wood bar that hung from the pulley above. She then pulled the bar up by its cord, up but not tight, and tied it to a cleat on the wall.

"Thank you. You may go now. I will ring when next I need you.

"Anne, I am first going to take the cane to your insolent bottom to help you understand to obey your minders"

With no further ado Lord George did take a thin cane and lay it briskly across Anne's bottom. He struck upwards with the cane so Anne did dance in the air to lessen the pain, and he did strike the sides of her well rounded cheeks so she did turn herself to show different views to the visitors.

When that her bottom had been well covered with stripes from the thin cane, Lord George did stop and say:

"Anne, I have here a pail of live oysters in sea water. I am going to fasten them to you in wayes that will hurt you greatly and this will help you further to see the error of your wayes".

"Oh! Sir, I have heard of this dreadful punishment. It can kill me I am sure! Please have mercy on me and do it but lightly Sir.

"I am only nine Sir.

"Please Sir!!"

"I will punish you only as much as I have to, Anne!", and Lord George did take the first oyster from the pail and press the open shell to Anne's left breast then tap the shell with his finger.

At this the oyster shell did close hard on Anne's little teat and she did let out yells of pain and surprise, for it was greatly more painful than she ever had imagined.

Lord George did tug at the oyster, which hurt Anne e'en more, and found it well fastened.

After a little time her breast did become slightly numb and her shouting did lessen somewhat. The Lord George did then take a second oyster and fasten it likewise to Anne's right teat and pull at it to make sure it fastened firm.

This did cause her shouts of pain to start afresh and she did wrythe and twist her body and turn herself around in her agony so the viewers did see her from all sides with the oysters gripping hard to her two little breasts and sticking straight out to her front.

Lord George did next take an oyster with open shell and press the opening deep into the left cheek of Anne's plump bottom where it did pinch hard into her tender flesh, and Lord George did pull hard at the shell to ensure it well fastened to her soft cheek.

Her noise was now even greater as the pain did spread through her lower body and she did dance greatly and kick her legs in the air but to no avail: the oyster did grip her tender flesh most firmly and there was no loosening it.

Anne did continue thus for many minutes to tug at her bindings and jerk her body while she did twist herself round but all in vain to ease her great hurt.

After some minutes a little numbness did set in to lessen her agony and she did stop to twist and jerk as at first.

Lord George did then fasten a large oyster covered with barnacles deep into to Ann's other buttock so the shell went down between her well rounded cheeks and blood did come from where the barnacles cut into the tender skin there in the cleft of her bottom.

Young nine-year-old Anne was near hysterical in her pain as she did screem and dance with the great pain to her tender young bottom and I saw she did bring tears to the eyes of some who watched.

But I did see Anne's own eyes were shining through her tears with her great arousal at being punished thus, and many faces did flush with excitement amongst those visitors who were connoisseurs of such pain.

Lord George did lift the fifth oyster and hold Anne's head while he did press the opening of the oyster to Anne's left ear lobe.

This was a surprise to Anne and she did yell with the pain to her ear and shake her head so the oyster did wave around but this did only hurt her the more.

Anne did jerk her head and try to rub the oyster on her arm to free it from her ear, but its grip on her was too firm.

At last her ear did stop to feel its first great pain and her cries sank to sobbing, though with her eyes still shining bright.

Lord George did take another open oyster and hold her head with one hand. Instead of fasten it to Ann's other ear lobe as she did expect he did push one half of the open oyster into Anne's mouth so it did clamp itself shut on Anne's lower lip.

From the screems that Anne did make, the pain of this last oyster as it did clamp itself to her lip was more agonizing that any before and her noise did echo to the very roof of the building.

While she did still howl in pain thus, Lord George did take the thin cane and once more briskly beat her plump bottom while careful not to strike the oysters that were clamped firmly there to her chubby and well rounded buttocks.

Anne must have felt herself in Hell with so many pains to her body at one time and she did dance and twist and jerk herself in all directions to try ease her hurts while Lord George did continue to cane her bottom most sharply.

Onlie her eyes did sparkle to betray an excitement that was beyond pain as she did dance and screem in her agonies from the cane to her bottom and the oysters clamped and pulled exceeding painful on her most sensitive places.

Anne's punishment with the oyster clamps had been well advertised before, so many of our visitors who had this interest were there in attendance and could well read the signs of her ecstasy.

Lord George did cease to beat her with the cane and turned Anne to face the visitors while he slipped his hand down to tease her little clitoris and brought her ecstasies to a climax which did cause her to jerk helpless in spasm until she fell exhausted as the visitors did watch her face frenzied in its excitement, and her weight did then hang by her wrists from the cross bar above her head with no more noise from her than a faint whimper.

Lord George did then ring for the minder and take a knife to cut the hinge of each oyster and so release its grip from Anne's bruised and aching body.

The minder did come with a dish onto which Lord George did place each of the opened oysters after that he had separated the meat and placed it on the half-shell.

When that Lord George had cut the hinges to remove all six oysters from Anne he waved the minder away and she did take the dish to the viewing chambers where the oysters that had given Anne so great torture were offered to be eaten by the visitors who did each in return make a most handsome gift to the Great Orfanage.

Lord George did address himself to Anne who was still tied naked to the cross bar above her head:

"Anne, I hope you do now see the error of your wayes and will say you are sorry for failing to obey the minder, and tell me it will never happen again?"

"Indeed Sir I do! I am most deeply repentant of my behaviour and I promise you it will not happen ever again Sir and I thank you most sincerely for your time and patience in correcting me Sir", and her eyes shining still from her excitement.

"I am most pleased to hear your words Anne.

"Let me now try to show that I have no feelings for you Anne except the same love and affection that I have towards my own nieces".

Lord George did then go and kneel behind Anne to kiss and nuzzle her sore bottom where the oysters had buried their fierce shells deep into her soft and tender cheeks.

After much time spent to sooth Anne's painful bottom thus he did stand before her and bow his head to kiss and soothe with his tongue the places where the oysters had been so cruelly clamped to her breasts.

Then next her ear lobe and last all her mouth, though her lower lip was already swollen and disfiguring her sweet face.

As he gently kissed and sucked the sore places on Anne's young body and face, Lord George did stroke and fondle her sweet cunnie until she did almost croon her pleasure to him, her noise was so loud.

"Sweet Anne, please be sure I do not have to correct you in this way again", and Lord George H--- did give her a parting embrace before he did beckon to the two minders who did help to untie Anne from the cross bar and throw her dress over to cover her nakedness then did between them support Anne to make sure she did not fall after her ordeal, and they did both help her to walk out through the door.

The visitors did show their appreciation of Anne and the ordeal she had suffered by long and loud applause.

The lovely and irrepressible young Anne did turn at the door and bow her thanks to them, though somewhat stiffly, with but a half smile but excited and flashing eyes, which did draw renewed applause and cheers too.

Such rare girls as Anne were most highly prized by some select few of the viewers who did then make most generous gifts after they had watched the agonies of Anne that morn, and bountiful donations also to the Great Orfanage when that they did take such a girl as Anne to work in their house.

Our visitors had seen Anne and other girls enjoy punishment with the Wheel and with the Battering Ram, where the miscreant is beaten with a cane after that her bottom has completely swallowed a large dildoll of smooth varnished wood.

But only Anne of all the girls in the Great Orfanage at that time did relish such severe pain as the punishment with oysters.

The following year when Anne was ten I again arranged a most severe punishment for her, so her liking for great pain should become well known to those of our visitors who might employ her.

A Mr. Jack Feather was expert with the so-called bull whip, made from long thin strips of leather that were braided together and extended some ten feet from the handle to a fine and narrow tip.

He did show me how the whip could be made to lash a wood post with mighty great noise.

He showed me also that if a person did stand by the post but to one side of it, then the whip did wrap round the person, and the tip did strike with a loud SLAP upon the wood post, but the person did feel but little harm from it.

We did devise a scene where Anne would be seen to get a most severe whipping, without any lasting damage to the girl, and it played as follows:

Anne was brought to the punishment room where awaited three men wearing simple leather tunics who did sit one side of a table. They had cropped heads, (as they had removed their wigs), and Anne was brought in by one of the charitable people who give so freely of their time to teach discipline to the orfan girls, a Lady Frances, who stood Anne to face the men across the table.

The Captain:

"Ma'am, be this your daughter, Anne?"

"Aye, that she be", Lady Frances did answer.

"Then go stand ye against the wall there, ma'am and keep silence.

"Anne, we wish to know, and think ye careful: When did you last see your father?"

And all did recognise the waye the Roundheads did oft quiz and trick the children of Royalists little more than a hundred year past, so to easily capture and behead their fathers.

"That I can not say, Sir!", quoth Anne, bravely.

"Jack, pray show Anne how we help younge people to remember".

The man to his left did stand and walked to the middle of the wall that faced the visitors and all did see that he held a bull-whip.

To the other man the Captain did say:

"Tom, prithee take the top from that lectern".

Tom rose from the table and removed the top of the lectern that stood about ten feet from the visitors' viewing windows.

With the top of the lectern removed it did leave a heavy pillar about a foot across and the top at the height of a man's chest.

As Tom returned to his seat behind the table, Jack played his long whip toward the pillar of the lectern. He then took aim and struck the pillar with the whip as though to strike a beast of burden.

The whip did strike the wood pillar and wrap itself around with a mighty CRACK! that did deafen in its loudness.

The Captain:

"Anne, if you can not remember, we will take your blouse off so your top is bare, and strap you to that pillar.

"The whip across your back will help your memory!

"Anne, When did you last see your father?"

"That I can not say, Sir!", quoth Anne again, with a determined quiver in her voice,

"And Mother: say nothing, though they kill me!"

"Brave words, Anne!

"Tom, strap her to the post, then remove her blouse, and tie her hands to the beam above".

Tom rose and seized the nine year old Anne and dragged her to the post, where he used his wide trouser belt round her slender waist and the post to hold her facing it, which placed her chin but two inch above the top of the wood post.

Tom then tore Anne's blouse from her shoulders so it dropped to her waist, and took cord to her wrists so her arms stretched up toward the beam above her head.

Anne's 'mother' Lady Frances did watch with horror on her face, as she saw the fate about to befall her sweet young daughter, Anne.

"Sir, I do beg of you!

"Beat me in place of my innocent young daughter!"

And she flung herself weeping to the floor before the table where sat the Captain.

"Tom, tie the woman to yonder chair!", was all the Captain said, and Tom dragged the mother away and tied her in place, and Anne awaited her torture with the raw-hide bull whip, strapped to the wood post, naked from the waist up.

"Now, I ask you one more time, Anne: When did you last see your father?"

"I can not say, Sir!", said Anne in a high determined voice,

"And Mother, you say nothing either!"

The Captain gave Jack a signal and he did swirl and crack the whip fearsome loud behind Anne's head.

Anne said nothing: but hunched her shoulders in readiness for the stripe that will tear skin from her shoulders, and the visitors could see she set her mouth firm, but with eyes that did sparkle in anticipation.

Another signal from the Captain, and Jack did lay the bull whip full and hard across the frail back of the child, and that whip did make a most deafening CRACK! as it struck the slender frame of the ten year old girl.

Anne's head did jerk back in agony but she gritted her teeth and made no sound. Though unable to stop herself from weeping, those in front of her did see her dark eyes shine bright with her excitement.

Again the Captain signaled, and Jack did again rip the bull whip across Anne's young shoulders with noise like unto a pistol shot. The angry red welt was this time lower than the one before.

Anne's head did again jerk from the torture, but she still made no sound - and her eyes flashed once more with her excitement.

The pillar of the lectern was half way along the row of visitors' windows, so half saw Anne's face, and half saw the stripes on her back.

Seats had been removed for the morning, so visitors were free to walk between the closets and see Anne from different wayes as her agony did mount.

Another signal from the Captain, and Jack laid the whip e'en lower across Anne's rib cage with the same noise of a loud explosive CRACK! from the braided leather as it struck.

This time, Anne could bear to keep silence no longer and did screem out loud but with eyes bright and wide in her joy.

"Anne: When did you last see your father?"

A long pause, then:

"I can not say, Sir! And say you nothing either, Mother!

"Sir! You do this oft to young defenseless girls, Sir?"

"The Devil! Tom, remove the rest of her cloathing!"

The younger man Tom, rose with reluctance and tore the skirt and undergarments from Anne, so she was naked and wore nothing but the leather belt that held her fast to the wood post.

Then he returned to his seat beside the Captain.

Anne's mother turned her face away, as she sat tied to the chair.

"Turn ye your face and see your daughter's punishment for failing in her duty to our Lord Protector, Ma'am. Else I shall have your head tied in position so you *will* see it!", and the Captain signaled again to Jack.

Jack aimed the whip this time so it cut Anne full across her buttocks with another pistol-shot CRACK! and the visitors saw the flesh of her round young fesses flattened with the force of the heavy leather whip.

Anne screemed again in agony and terror, but said nothing, except her eyes did flash bright.

Another signal, and Jack again lashed Anne across her buttocks.

And the same place a third and fourth time which made Anne to shriek in agony each time and wriggle and squerm violently to ease her great pain from the raw red stripes across her back and fesses - and her face which she moved all the time in every direction did show the visitors her frenzied rapture from the whipping that the handsome young Jack was giving her.

The Captain did point downward and Jack aimed the cruel whip this time across Anne's thighs to make a barbarous mark across the backs of her legs.

Again Anne screemed loud and tugged at her bindings, with a choke in her voice. She spoke no word but showed a face flushed and excited.

"Anne: When did you last see your father?"

"No!!", from Anne.

The Captain signaled to strike Anne's back again, and Jack complied with a fierce blow with the heavy leather whip across her young shoulders.

Anne shrieked high and long, then her head fell to one side and her legs buckled under her as she fell unconscious, held up by the cords to her wrists from the beam above.

Anne's mother had fallen sideways in her chair, in a faint.

"The mother will never talk now!

"Damnation to the obstinate child!!

"Come, we can waste no more time here.

"Bring your belt, Tom, and we must go!"

And the three men stamped out angrily.

A girl enters and silently puts out the candles.

The door opens in the half-darkness and a man enters with a candle. The mother must have untied herself: she is gone.

The man sees Anne, laying on the floor and moves quickly to kneel beside her.

"My darling Anne! My brave sweet daughter! Naked and whipped by the beasts! And they got nothing from you, my dear loyal daughter!

"Oh! How they must have hurt you, sweet Anne!

"I heard all from the priest's hole in the wainscot.

"I owe my life to you, darling Anne".

Her father stands and stoops to lift Anne, carrying her from the room, clasped lovingly to his breast.

Whereat the visitors did break into loud applause.

Anne, outside the punishment room, leaped down from her father's arms and dragged him by the hand back into the room, where he followed her lead as she bowed many times to the visitors, and a wide joyous smile upon her face, to e'en louder applause and cheers from the visitors, until at last Anne did lead her father out again from the punishment room.

The visitors did make most generous gifts to the Great Orfanage that day, as it did excite them much to watch Anne and her wild enjoyment of the whip.

Some six months later, when Anne had turned eleven, I bethought to ask would she like to play the same scene again, for I told her it had brought large gifts on monies to the Great Orfanage?

"Aye, 'twas a rare game Sir!

"Would't perhaps be possible to pad the hard pillar somewhat, and the fastenings to my wrists, so they bruise less?"

"I'll think on't Anne and show you when I have made them less hard.

"It was good the waye you did call a halt to the whipping when you willed it, by feigning a faint.

"Do ye so again, Anne, so you say when your whipping is to stop.

"You may try the pillar and the wrist cuffs when that I have had them padded".

I had the pillar covered with a wool blanket, then leather sewn over, smooth so no stitches did shew, and leather also to protect Anne's chin as it jutted over the top of the pillar.

To make this leather cover to fit tight, a narrow batten of wood was slid up one side, under the leather. This did make a ridge in the leather that Anne could pleasure her cunnie against.

Anne saw the final pillar padded with leather over a wool blanket, with the ridge up one side. She did like it and the soft padded fastenings to her wrists, and Anne found it easy to dangle herself from them.

I was able to secure the same people to act the several parts, and I had the notices sent out that we did plan to re-enact in a month: "Anne: When did you last see your father?"

The notices went to those who we did know had a special liking to see severe punishment to a young girl whom it did excite, and invited that they bring friends of like mind.

When the morning came, Anne was greatly excited at the prospect of another fierce use of the bull-whip upon her naked back as she was held helpless, strapped to the wooden pillar.

Lady Frances did again throw herself to the floor and plead with the stern Captain:

"Beat me in place of my sweet and innocent young daughter!",

and was tied to a chair for her trouble.

Jack did use the long bull-whip expertly again and it made even greater noise each time as Anne's shoulders were cruelly beaten and scourged by the heavy whip, 'cause the tip did strike CRACK!! against the padded leather on the wood post.

After Anne had replied to the Captain's question with:

"I can not say, Sir! And say you nothing either, Mother!

"Sir! Do you oft bravely flog defenseless young girls, Sir?"

"The Devil! Tom, take off the rest of her cloathing!

"Anne, you will answer me: When did you last see your father?"

Tom did rip the dress from Anne so she stood naked except for the wide leather belt that held her waist to the post and the straps around her wrists from the beam above.

Jack aimed the whip this time so it cut Anne full across her buttocks with a pistol-shot CRACK! and the visitors did see her round young bottom flatten with the force of the heavy leather whip.

Anne did screem in agony and terror. She threw her body back and her knees came up to grip the post between then.

Her weight did now hang from her wrist fastenings and her cunnie did hit against the ridge in the leather.

The Captain signaled to Jack to speed the whipping of Anne's back and buttocks.

Anne's eyes sparkled in her lust and she did begin to move her hips quick and fast to pleasured herself most wildly against the leather covered post.

She did screem and squerm and wriggle her cunnie against the pillar in a wild and frenzied fandango of delight as the whip did rack and shake her young frame again and again.

Anne's head was thrown back and her eyes did flash as her squerming grew fiercer and her ecstasy did mount while she was struck again and again on her back and bottom by the CRACK!! of the whip to make her shout loud in her pain.

The wide leather belt held Anne while she did bang her cunnie against the pillar many times and quick with each CRACK!! of the leather whip across her back and bottom, and her legs did jerk to help bring her cunnie against the ridge of leather.

There was no more thought to asking Anne when did she last see her father: The visitors were every one deep enthralled by the naked eleven year old girl lost in total ecstasy as she pleasured herself against the leather-covered wood post while the heavy whip descended again and again with the noise of a pistol and bit hard into her slender young back and her succulent round bottom while she did yell in her agony.

All too soon Anne gave a final rapturous screem of abandoned extasy as her body stiffened then collapsed as though dead, to hang by the leather belt around her waist and the ties to her wrists.

Tom undid Anne's wrists and supported her body while he took his belt from around her waist and laid her gently upon the floor, and the three men did leave in high dudgeon, greatly frustrated in their failure to extract from Anne the whereabouts of her father.

The play then continued as before. Ann's father entered the darkened room with a candle and made much endearing words as he lifted his dear and naked daughter to bear her off to her bed.

The visitors burst into the loudest clapping and cheering that we had ever heard in the Great Orfanage. Anne again pulled her father back into the room by his hand, and she had her mother Lady Frances by her other hand, and bowed triumphantly to the visitors.

She bowed low so all could see the angry marks of the whip across her back, and she then turned to show the wealds across her bottom also, then turned and bowed again.

Anne all the time as she bowed and turned herself in front of the visitors, had some smile on her face and bright flashing eyes that left no doubt of her high excitement from the fierce whipping she had just been given.

Overcome finally by her great pain and excitement, Anne fell and would have hit the floor if her 'father' had not caught the naked and beaten girl up to his breast so the visitors did once more see her beaten back and bottom while he did kiss her long and lingering full on her lips then marched out with her in his arms, followed by e'en louder applause and cheering.

The gifts of monies from the visitors were great indeed.

Anne herself did leave the Great Orfanage when she was twelve and go to one of the visitors who had seen her tortured with the oyster clamps, and her most painful scourgings with the bull whip, a single gentle man.

Her new master did take for her also the leather-covered pillar, as a present to remind her oft of her early sensuous pleasures.

Anne did work in his mansion only until she was old enough to be married to him, which then became the talk of the coffee houses.

Sweet Anne and her husband were oft seen together in a box at the Drury Lane theatre for many long years after and with no eyes for any but each other, Anne grown to be tall and slender, and most attractive withal.

Anne wore alway simple jewelry that included a chain hanging from her neck like unto a maiden in an Eastern slave market, except the chain was of solid gold.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s

The longest yard

Methinks there has never before been such attention pead to the bottoms of girls in ward. I come to oft believe that there needs be less time in the punishment room and much, much more bacon grease!


I think it is a good concept, and I love little girl anal stories, but the difference in grammar made it very difficult to enjoy. I'm sorry to say, I did not even read half of it for this reason. I apologize for the negative comment, but that's my opinion.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.